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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Differentiation of a Nation : The Swedish Nation Brand Management

Kinnwall, Adam January 2017 (has links)
This paper aims to highlight how the recent developments in international relations has created a environment with increased competition between countries for attention and assets and how these changes has promoted the increased use of public diplomacy  to reach out to new actors. The study will focus on the public diplomacy sub-discipline of nation branding.  The paper will analyze reputation management in international relations through the lens of corporate branding. This approach will help bridge the gap between marketing and international relations and expand the analytical toolkit for public diplomacy. While many studies have focused on branding campaigns this study will focus on the brand management to see whether it is capable of creating distinction and relevance for a nation brand or national reputation.     The paper aims to give an descriptive analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats the Swedish reputation management faces in order to assess how the management can improve but also provide an analytical framework for researchers interested in studying reputation management. The paper will employ a qualitative method consisting of text analysis and interviews to connect the theoretical models with business practice to then present the results using a SWOT-analysis. The data gathered from the Swedish Institute serves to provide empirical data on the business conduct in relation to brand management and several indexes will be used to assess the Swedish brand. Results show that the Swedish nation brand management have adopted a wide range of methods to strengthen the distinctiveness and relevance for the Swedish brand and that the weaknesses are mostly connected to communication failures. The brand management has also good opportunities to further project a strong image of Sweden and the threats towards it are only marginal. The brand management should continue its current work while developing new methods and solutions to overcome the communication problems towards certain target groups. While the study have made contributions to understand how reputation management could be analyzed through corporate brand management, further research should look into whether a nation brand or reputation has been used as a power asset that is capable of actually acquiring global assets.

MDR’s Impact on Standards Usages and the Relevance for In-house Production of Medical Devices / MDRs påverkan på användning av standarder och deras relevans för egentillverkning av medicintekniska produkter

Söderberg, Alexander, Soumare, Birante January 2022 (has links)
The current regulation for Medical Devices (MDR) entered into force on 26 May 2021, which has entailed major changes to relevant legislation for in-house production of medical devices in healthcare. The relevance for updating existing, or the development of new standards is currently not well documented and determined and the aim of this report is to make recommendations for how the development of standards may be improved and how departments of medical technology (DMT) in practice apply standards at in-house production of medical devices. The sub-areas that are dealt with in in-house production are reprocessing of single use devices, 3D printing and medical technology software. How standards are used to support departments of medical technology in manufacturing in these areas is described and analyzed in this report. Information for the study was collected through semi-structural interviews with several DMTs and relevant authorities. The information was analyzed, discussed, and compared with previous research. The use of standards varied between DMTs, but all interviewees used standards to some extent. The study concluded that there was an interest from DMTs and a potential need to update existing standards and the production of new standards to meet DMT’s needs. / Nuvarande förordning för medicintekniska produkter (MDR) trädde i kraft den 26 maj 2021, vilket har inneburit stora förändringar på relevant lagstiftning för egentillverkning av medicintekniska produkter inom sjukvården. Relevansen för uppdatering av existerande, alternativt utveckling av nya standarder är i nuläget ej väl dokumenterat och klarlagt och målet med denna rapport är att komma med rekommendationer för hur utveckling av standarder kan förbättras samt hur medicintekniska avdelningar (MTA) i praktiken applicerar sig av standarder vid egentillverkning av medicintekniska produkter. De delområden som behandlas inom egentillverkning är reprocessing av engångsartiklar, 3D-printing och medicinteknisk mjukvara. Hur standarder används som stöd av MTA vid tillverkning inom dessa områden beskrivs och analyseras i denna rapport. Information för studien insamlades genom semi-strukturella intervjuer med flera MT-avdelningar och relevanta myndigheter.Informationen analyserades, diskuterades och jämfördes med tidigare forskning. Användandet av standarder varierade mellan MTA, men alla intervjuade använde standarder i någon utsträckning. Det framkom i studien både ett intresse för uppdatering av existerande standarder och framställning av nya standarder för att bemöta MTAs behov.

Exploring Swedish Values : A Comparative Study of Perspectives among International and Swedish Students in Sweden / Svenska värderingar ur internationella och svenska studenters perspektiv : En jämförande studie av perspektiv bland internationella och svenska studenter i Sverige

Johansson, Elise January 2023 (has links)
This thesis examines Swedish values from the perspectives of international and Swedish students residing in Sweden, with the collaboration of the Swedish Institute—a public agency focused on enhancing Sweden’s global image and attractiveness to researchers, students, and talents. The research explores the field of nation branding, public diplomacy, and soft power. The study aims to analyze the interpretation and understanding of Swedish values among individuals with international backgrounds and compare it to the perspective of local students. Drawing upon the framework of Joseph Nye’s concepts of public diplomacy and soft power, the paper emphasizes the importance of understanding how international students perceive Swedish values and how these perceptions are influenced by their experiences. The research questions address the values associated with Sweden before and after students’ arrival, the valence attributed to these values, and the opinions and perceptions of international students regarding the values promoted through studyinsweden.se channels, particularly the concept of "The Swedish Way." A qualitative study employing thematic analysis was conducted, including two focus groups and a survey. Five main themes emerged from the analysis: (1) The Democratic way of Sweden, (2) The Image of Swedes, (3) Conflicting values in Swedish society, (4) Differences in values across regions and over time, and (5) The Idealization of Sweden. Notably, values strongly associated with Sweden were connected to democracy, including Equality, Freedom, Socialism, Individualism, and Collectivism. Other values perceived as Swedish encompassed sustainability, Jante Law, Lagom, calmness, diplomacy, conflict-avoidance, friendship, understanding, politeness, tolerance, and open-mindedness. The findings reveal that international students often hold an idealized view of Sweden, leading to a shift in their perspective upon arrival. Swedish students, on the other hand, note changes in Swedish values over time, with increased perceptions of bigotry and racism and decreased emphasis on inclusivity and openness. While participants generally held positive perspectives on Swedish values, there were also indications of negative perceptions, such as bigotry and racism. Participants expressed some agreement with the values promoted by the Swedish Institute but also pointed out instances where the promotion did not align with the reality of Sweden. This research contributes to understanding how international students perceive Swedish values both before and after their arrival, filling a gap in international students’ perceptions of Sweden. The findings highlight the importance of balancing the promotion of Sweden’s attractive aspects with a realistic portrayal, utilizing milder expressions and focusing on factual evidence of sustainability and equality. By actively examining and addressing perceptions, Sweden can enhance its nation branding efforts and attract a diverse pool of talented individuals. / Den här uppsatsen undersöker svenska värderingar ur perspektivet hos internationella och svenska studenter som vistas i Sverige, i samarbete med det Svenska Institutet - en offentlig myndighet inriktad på att förbättra Sveriges globala bild och attraktivitet för forskare, studenter och talanger. Forskningen utforskar området nation branding, offentlig diplomati, och mjuk makt. Studien syftar till att analysera tolkningen och förståelsen av svenska värderingar hos studenter med internationella bakgrunder och jämföra detta med perspektivet hos lokala studenter. Med utgångspunkt i Joseph Nyes ramverk för public diplomacy och soft power betonar avhandlingen vikten av att förstå hur internationella studenter uppfattar svenska värderingar och hur dessa uppfattningar påverkas av deras erfarenheter. Forskningsfrågorna behandlar de värderingar som associeras med Sverige före och efter studenternas ankomst, valensen som tillskrivs dessa värderingar, samt internationella studenters åsikter och uppfattningar om värderingarna som främjas genom studyinsweden.se kanalerna, med fokus på konceptet "The Swedish Way". En kvalitativ studie med tematisk analys genomfördes, inklusive två fokusgrupper och en enkätundersökning. Fem huvudteman framkom genom analysen: (1) Den Svenska Demokratiska Vägen, (2) Bilden av svenskar, (3) Värderingskonflikter i det svenska samhället, (4) Skillnader i värderingar mellan olika regioner och över tid, samt (5) Idealiseringen av Sverige. De värderingar som var starkt förknippade med Sverige var kopplat till demokrati, till exempel, Jämlikhet, Frihet, Socialism, Individualism och Kollektivism. Andra värderingar som uppfattades som svenska var hållbarhet, Jantelagen, Lagom, lugn, diplomati, undvikande av konflikter, vänskap, förståelse, artighet, tolerans och öppenhet. Resultaten visar att många internationella studenter har en idealiserad syn på Sverige, vilket leder till en förändring i deras perspektiv vid ankomsten. Svenska studenter noterar däremot förändringar i svenska värderingar över tid, med ökad uppfattning om fördomar och rasism samt minskad betoning på inkludering och öppenhet. Även om deltagarna generellt hade positiva perspektiv på svenska värderingar fanns det även indikationer på negativa uppfattningar som fördomar och rasism. Deltagarna uttryckte viss samstämmighet med de värderingar som främjas av det Svenska Institutet men påpekade också situationer där främjandet inte överensstämde med verkligheten i Sverige. Denna forskning bidrar till förståelsen av hur internationella studenter uppfattar svenska värderingar både före och efter deras ankomst och fyller en kunskapslucka kring internationella studenters syn på Sverige. Resultaten understryker vikten av att balansera främjandet av Sveriges attraktiva sidor med en realistisk framställning, genom att använda mildare uttryck och fokusera på konkreta bevis för hållbarhet och jämlikhet. Genom att aktivt undersöka uppfattningarna kan Sverige förbättra sina ansträngningar inom nation branding och locka till sig en mångfald av talangfulla individer.

The Medical Device Regulation : What Impact Will the New Regulation Have on the Medical Device Industry and How Will Companies Use Standards to Meet the New Requirements / Förordningen om medicintekniska produkter : Vilken inverkan kommer förordningen ha på den medicintekniska industrin och hur kommer företag att använda standarder för att uppfylla de nya kraven

Thunborg, Emelie, Österberg, Emma January 2021 (has links)
The New Medical Device Regulations (MDR) will become affective on 26 May, 2021. The new regulation entails higher requirements for companies that develop medical devices, but also for all parties involved in the medical device industry. The strengthened requirements mean that it will be more difficult to meet all the criteria for placing medical devices on the market. This thesis has been carried out on behalf of the Swedish Institute for Standards (SIS) and examines companies' transition to MDR and how companies can get support from SIS, but also by other organizations and authorities. A qualitative literature study and document study has been carried out to ponder interview questions, which have then been answered by companies, authorities and organizations who are in one way or another affected by the transition to MDR. Part of the work was also to find out how the companies, depending on size, differ from each other to comply with the new regulation. The results showed that the transition to MDR differs significantly between all the interviewed parties, but that everyone agrees that standardization is important. / Den nya förordningen om medicintekniska produkter (MDR) kommer att träda i kraft den 26 maj, 2021. Den nya förordningen innebär högre krav på företag som utvecklar medicintekniska produkter, men även på alla inblandade parter i den medicintekniska industrin. De stärkta kraven innebär att det kommer vara svårare att uppfylla alla kriterier för att kunna placera medicintekniska produkter på marknaden. Detta examensarbete har utförts på uppdrag av Svenska Institutet för Standarder (SIS) och undersöker företagens övergång till MDR och hur företag kan få stöd, bland annat av SIS, men också av andra organisationer och myndigheter. Det har genomförts en kvalitativ litteraturstudie och dokumentstudie för att formulera intervjufrågor som sedan har besvarats av företag, myndigheter och organisationer som på ett eller annat sätt blir påverkade vid övergången till MDR. En del av arbetet var även att ta reda på hur företagen, beroende på storlek, skiljer sig mellan varandra vad gälleratt uppfylla det nya regelverket. Resultatet visade att övergången till MDR skiljer sig markant mellan alla de intervjuade parterna, men att alla är eniga om att standardisering är viktigt.

TIDENS MOTSTÅND : En komparativ studie av två skulpturer av Ellen Roosval / THE RESISTANCE OF TIME : - A comparative study of two Sculptures by Ellen Roosval

Bergström Linder, Carin January 2022 (has links)
This essay is a comparative study of two sculptures with the same motive and title, The Dance, by Ellen Roosval: a freestanding sculpture created in 1925 and a relief sculpture from 1933. The essay has two objectives: to analyse these works of art and to highlight the artist Ellen Roosval as an example of a female artist in the early 20th century. Roosval’s reworking of the free-standing sculpture into a relief generates multiple transformations. The research questions in the current study are: how the reception of the works relates to the viewer; how typology, site and material affect the design and expression; and how the two sculptures relate to the interwar period aesthetics, dance and the motive. In the analysis of both works aspects of their meaning in relation to the beholder’s experience have been crucial. The applied method of analysis originates from Wolfgang Kemp as developed by Jessica Sjöholm Skrubbe, with particular emphasis on the beholder’s movements, the meaning of the term site-specific and the impact of the base. The study begins with a general background on the situation for female sculptors in the early 20th century, the artist Ellen Roosval, and dance. The dance section also introduces the dance company The Swedish Ballet (1920-25) that the two versions of The Dance were a tribute to. Then follows a contextualized analysis of the works focusing on the formal elements, the different sites, bases and the beholder’s movements. Next follows an analysis of typologies, materials and stylistic expressions as well as the shaping of the human body, nudity and movements. Roosval’s The Dance 1933 is compared both to the relief The Dance by Antoine Bourdelle from 1912 and to the Swedish Ballet performances. The analysis concludes with a discussion of how the site relates to the choice of materials and how aesthetics and dance relate to the period 1920s. The results demonstrate aspects of various transformations in relation to the beholders experience. The final discussion concludes on Roosval’s norm-breaking achievements, which inspired the title of this essay: The Resistance of Time.

Erratic Patterns : Unravelling the Cultural Transfers of Library Classifiers / Oberäkneliga mönster : Att avtäcka de kulturella överföringarna av biblioteksklassificerare

Lindkvist, Keeley January 2023 (has links)
This thesis investigates the oft-overlooked influence of the classifier's input during the assignment of library classifications and draws upon cultural transfer theory to shed light on the underlying principles that guide the process. Classifiers' personal knowledge, experience, and beliefs, have a critical role in determining the 'aboutness' of a work and its subsequent classification. To explore this theory, this research employs a dual-methods approach, using qualitative analysis of past literature contrasted with a data set formed through a real-world reclassification project at The Swedish Institute in Rome (ISVRoma) using the Library of Congress Classification scheme (LCC), with classifications in the catalogue of the American Academy in Rome (AARome) used for comparison. The resultant data provides a basis for examining the classifier's cultural input and the manifestation of cultural transfer theory in library classification. The findings of this thesis reveal the dynamic nature of classification, which is not a mere static or administrative task, but rather an evolving process deeply embedded in the societal and cultural context. Classifiers are found to act as interpreters, translators, and shapers of knowledge, bringing a profoundly human element to knowledge organisation and retrieval. The classifiers' craft, therefore, extends beyond the implementation of a systemic and controlled vocabulary and involves an active contribution of their knowledge and experience. This contributes to the overall flexibility and adaptability of the classification system. The thesis also underscores the necessity of reassessing our understanding of library classification systems, especially in light of AI's increasing role in this field.

Delaktighet som pedagogik : Föreställd ras och publikpositioner i den svenska folktypsutställningen. / Participation as Pedagogy : Imagined Race and the Exhibit of Swedish Peoples-Types.

Eriksson, Britas Benjamin January 2013 (has links)
Participation as Pedagogy – Imagined Race and the Exhibit of Swedish Peoples-Types. This essay will analyse and give a deeper picture of the ”The Exhibit of Swedish People-Types” by focusing on the pedagogical ideals that formed the exhibit as an participatory media. The exhibit was led by the famous race-biologist Herman Lundborg and toured Sweden in 1919 displaying the racial constitution of the Swedish population using material gathered by the public itself. The exhibit has been described as an important tool in popularising eugenics in Swedish society during the early 20th century with the ambition of gaining funds to create the first race-biological institute and to influence policy-making. Nevertheless there has not been a single study which has focused solely on the exhibit and how the pedagogical ideals that permeated it affected the relation between the public and the media itself nor the political implications of this relation. I will show that the interactive participation enacted through the exhibit both defined a hierarchical relation between public and race-biological expertise, as well as it articulated a new “imagined community”, i.e., an “imagined race”. This participatory relation was not only key in creating the exhibit but also had implications on how the public should position itself and act in relation to society at large regarding eugenic matters. This gives me an opportunity to deepen our historical knowledge of the eugenics-movement and main-line racebiological networks in early 20 h century Swedish society. This essay also contribute to the history of participatory media and the popularisation of science.

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