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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mer djur i socialt arbete? : socionomers röster / More Animals in Social Work? : Social Workers' Voices

Torgersen, Lorraine January 2015 (has links)
This study focuses on the use of animals in social work from the perspective of social workers. The purpose of this study is to examine social workers’ experiences of animal assisted social work and how social workers view the integration of animals in various fields of social work. The research is based on a qualitative method and four semi-structured interviews were conducted with social workers. The theories incorporated in the study are Attachment Theory and Sense of Coherence (SOC). The following results are presented: Social workers are considered to have a more comprehensive understanding of clients compared to their associates who do not hold a degree in Social Work. The Social Work Programme prepares you for work in various roles in numerous work places and the social workers claim to sympathise with the many aspects which affect clients. Some of the positive aspects of incorporating animals in social work include opportunities to experience the outdoors and exercise when spending time with the animals but also the additional satisfaction of being able to offer clients these benefits. The social workers are aware of potential safety risks in handling and associating with the animals and these safety risks appear to have a negative impact on animal assisted social work. According to the social workers, animal allergies can be minimized and should not be the focal point. SOC and its three components – Comprehensibility, Manageability and Meaningfulness have been applied to the social workers experiences of animal assisted social work and their experiences shared indicate that animals can hold properties of an attachment figure. Animals have a calming effect on clients, and assist in the connection between social worker and client.

The Effects Of An Attachment-oriented- Psychoeducational-group-training On Improving The Preoccupied Attachment Styles Of University Students

Celik, Sule 01 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of an Attachment-Oriented-Psychoeducational-Group-Training on the preoccupied/insecure attachment style of university students. This study consists of two phases. In the first phase of the study, Relationship Scales Questionnaire (RSQ), Relationship Questionnaire (RQ), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSS), and an Information Form were given to the 755 third year METU students. The differences among the attachment styles (RSQ and RQ) of the participants by gender and self-esteem levels (RSS) were explored by using a 2 (gender) x 2 (high-low self-esteem) factorial MANOVA. Results showed significant self-esteem differences in fearful, preoccupied and secure subscale scores in RQ and RSQ and gender differences in fearful, preoccupied and secure subscale scores of RSQ and RQ. These results indicated that students who had lower self-esteem scored significantly higher in fearful and preoccupied subscales of RSQ while students who had higher self-esteem had statistically significant higher mean scores in secure attachment subscales. No significant differences were found between the insecure/avoidant subscale scores of the high and low self-esteem group students. Results showed that females scored significiantly higher in fearful attachment style of RQ and RSQ. Male students scored significiantly higher in both preoccupied subscales of RQ and RSQ and in secure attachment subscale of RSQ. In the second phase, the Attachment-Oriented-Psychoeducational-Group-Training was implemented to the experimental group of 11 volunteered preoccupied subjects. The control group consisted of 8 preoccupied students. The control group subjects did not receive any training. Both experimental and control groups were given Relationship Scales Questionnaire and Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale at pre-test, post-test and follow up. Non-parametric statistical analyses of Wilcoxon test and Mann-Whitney U test were employed to the RSQ and RSS scores of the subjects to assess the effect of the Attachment-Oriented-Psychoeducational-Group-Training. The results showed that experimental group subjects&amp / #8217 / secure attachment subscale scores have increased from pre-test to posttest but not pre-test to follow up or posttest to follow up tests of both RSQ and RSS. A significant difference was found between pre and follow up tests scores of RSS for control group.


[pt] A relação médico-paciente consiste numa díade que é hierarquicamente assimétrica. Uma parte cuida e a outra recebe cuidado, análogo ao que ocorre nas relações de apego. O médico teria o papel de figura de apego, possibilitando ativar o seu sistema de cuidado. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar como o sistema de cuidado está inserido na relação médico-paciente, analisando o estilo de apego do médico, além de relacioná-lo à capacidade de cuidado que o médico tem com seu paciente. Foram entrevistados onze hematologistas do Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo com experiência no SUS utilizando um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturado e foi aplicado o instrumento de autorrelato EVA (Escala de Vinculação do Adulto). Após análise de conteúdo das entrevistas e análise por clusters do EVA, os médicos entrevistados apresentaram apego seguro, com aspectos defensivos evitativos e amedrontados. Quatro categorias também foram estabelecidas: experiências pessoais com medicina e/ou hematologia; especificidade da hematologia; como lidar com as questões sobre perdas; e cuidado com o outro. Conclui-se que o presente trabalho prioriza o lado do médico nesta relação, e a importância do atendimento às suas necessidades psicológicas e relacionais. Com isso, intervenções podem ser propostas à equipe de saúde, de forma a cuidar de maneira consistente destes profissionais e aprimorar sua relação com o paciente e seus familiares. / [en] The doctor-patient relationship consists of a hierarchically asymmetrical dyad. One side cares and the other receives care, analogous to the attachment relationship. The doctor would have the attachment figure s role, being able to activate his or her caregiving system. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the care system is inserted in the doctor-patient relationship, analyzing the attachment style of the physician in addition to relating it to the care ability that the doctor has with his/her patient. Eleven hematologists from Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo with experience in SUS were interviewed using a semi-structured interview script and the self-report instrument AAS-R (Adult Attachment Scale-Revised) was applied. After content analysis of the interview and a cluster analysis of the AAS-R, all the doctors presented secure attachment, with avoidant-dismissing and avoidant-fearful defensive aspects. Four categories were also analyzed: personal experiences with medicine and/or hematology; hematology s specificity; how to deal with loss; and caring towards other. We concluded that the present it is important to prioritize the doctor s stance in the relationship, and to attend their psychological and relational needs. In that manner, interventions in the healthcare team can be proposed, providing the proper care to the healthcare professional, and, hence, improve their relationship with patients and their family members.

Being raised by a domestic worker: A postmodern study

Van der Merwe, Jana 12 January 2010 (has links)
This study focuses on exploring the relationship between domestic workers and the children they help to raise from the child’s perspective, using attachment theory (Bowlby, 1988) and psychoanalytic theory (referring specifically to Klein (1952) and Fairbairn (1952/2006) as some theoretical bases). Also, the concepts of the social unconscious (Weinberg, 2007) and social ghosts (Gergen, 2000) are used to provide a link to the relationship having social implications and functions in the South African context. All theories were used in an anti-essentialistic, reflexive and heuristic way, without reification or objectification of the various terms and concepts within the theories. Also, the paradigmatic point of departure for this research is postmodernism (Apignanesi, Sadar, Curry&Garrat, 2003), focusing on the contextual and socially constructed view of knowledge production. From this point of departure, the methodology is qualitative and the research design autoethnographic (Bochner, 1997; Ellis 1998; 2000; Muncey, 2005; Holman Jones, 2005). My own story is presented where I have used various data sources such as my own memories, a letter (Babbie&Mouton, 2008), and photographs which were analysed according to the principles of visual narrative analysis found in Riessman (2008) primarily. Further data was collected through the use of two radio talk shows, where participants were invited to share their stories with regard to being raised by a domestic worker. This data was analysed using thematic narrative analysis (Riessman, 2008), in which the narratives (kept as whole as possible) were analysed, each case in turn, using themes from the narratives themselves and deductive psychoanalytic themes. Some of the themes elicited were possession (where charges felt in possession of their domestic worker), absence (in relation to the child’s biological mother experienced both by domestic workers biological children and the domestic workers charges), loss (especially in relation to a caregiver), the male caregiver (a paternal figure to his charges), the politicisation of the relationship (the relationship between domestic worker and charge as product of a political system), reconciliation and action (a call for empathy and change), and an intertwining of cultures (where black and white, male and female, rich and poor exist inextricably linked with one another as a product of segregation). I have also maintained a consistent critical and reflexive stance throughout. In conclusion I have presented the contribution of this work to social science and society. Similarly, some limitations of this study are presented, as well as directions for further research. Copyright / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Psychology / unrestricted

Samhällets utvalda föräldrar - En kvalitativ studie gällande det lämpliga familjehemmet

Welin, Anna January 2018 (has links)
SAMHÄLLETS UTVALDA FÖRÄLDRAREN KVALITATIV STUDIE GÄLLANDE DET LÄMPLIGA FAMILJEHEMMET ANNA WELINWelin, A. Samhällets utvalda föräldrar. En kvalitativ studie gällande det lämpliga familjehemmet. Examensarbete i Socialt arbete, 30 högskolepoäng. Malmö universitet: Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle, Institutionen för Socialt arbete, 2018.Abstrakt: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vad som uppfattas vara ett lämpligt familjehem utifrån de känslomässiga behov familjehemsvården ska fylla för de placerade barnen. Kvalitativa intervjuer har gjorts med tio personer som har lång arbetslivserfarenhet inom svensk familjehemsvård. Resultatet visar att det lämpliga familjehemmet har en egen trygg anknytning och ett känslomässigt överskott som gör att barnen kan tryggas. Det lämpliga familjehemmet upplever tillvaron begriplig, hanterbar och meningsfull och kan förmedla känslan till de placerade barnen. När samhället väljer familjehem till barn, väljs också förebilder. Familjehemsvård är inte automatiskt god vård för barn – den förutsätter lämpliga familjehem. Annars riskeras barnens hälsa och förmåga att hantera tillvaron, såväl under barndomen som i vuxenlivet.Resultatet visar också att barnen som familjehemsplaceras ofta har omfattande känslomässiga behov. Det är vanligt att barnen har psykiatriska diagnoser och beteendestörningar. De placerade barnens mående har försämrats över tid. Samtidigt råder stor brist på lämpliga familjehem. På kort tid har antalet barn i familjehemsvård fördubblats, bl a till följd av de ensamkommande barnen som kommit till Sverige. När kommunerna inte själva klarat av att hitta lämpliga familjehem har privata företag anlitats. Familjehemsutredningarna ser väldigt olika ut. Ett familjehem som bedömts olämpligt av en kommun - kan bedömas lämpligt av en annan. De ”godkända” familjehemmen kan därmed ha mycket olika kvalitet, vilket påverkar vården av barnen som placeras.Det råder stort missnöje gällande hur familjehemsvården är organiserad. Större samordning gällande rekryteringsinsatser efterlyses, liksom bättre villkor för familjehemmen och socialsekreterarna. Andra förbättringar som önskas är ökad kontroll av de privata företagens verksamhet samt ökad forskning inom familjehemsvården, inte minst gällande hur familjehemmens lämplighet bör utredas. Nyckelord: Anknytningsteorin, barn i dygnsvård, existentialismen, familjehem, familjehemsvård, föräldraförmåga, känsla av sammanhang / SOCIETY´S SELECTED PARENTS A QUALITATIVE STUDY RELATING TO THE SUITABLE FOSTER HOME ANNA WELINWelin, A. Society´s selected parents. A qualitative study relating to the suitable foster home. Degree project in social work, 30 p. Malmö University: Faculty of health and society, Department of Social work, 2018.Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to investigate what is considered to be a suitable foster home based on the emotional needs that the foster care needs to fill for the placed children. Qualitative interviews have been conducted with ten people who have long working experience in Swedish foster care. The result shows that the suitable foster home have their own safe connection and an emotional surplus that allows children to be safeguarded. They experience existence comprehensible, manageable and meaningful and can convey the feelings to the placed children. When society chooses foster homes for children, role models are also chosen. Foster care is not automatically good care for children - it requires suitable foster homes. Otherwise, the children's health and ability to handle life, both during childhood and in adulthood, are at risk.The result also shows that children in foster homes often have extensive emotional needs. It is common for the children to have psychiatric diagnoses and behavioral disorders. The psychological mood of the children has deteriorated over time. Simultaneously, there is a great lack of suitable foster homes. In a short period of time, the number of children in foster care has doubled, partly as a consequence of single-parent children who came to Sweden. When the municipalities have not managed to find suitable foster homes, private companies have been hired. The investigations regarding the suitability of the foster homes look very different. A foster home that is assessed directly inappropriate by a municipality can be appropriately assessed by another. The "approved" foster homes can therefore have a very different quality, which affects the care of the children placed in foster homes.There is great dissatisfaction regarding how foster care services are organized. Greater coordination regarding recruitment efforts is sought, as well as better conditions for foster homes and social security officers. Other improvements that are desired include increased control of the private companies' operations and increased research in foster care, not least regarding the way in which the foster home suitability is to be investigated.Keywords: attachment theory, children in day care, existentialism, foster care, foster home, parenting, sense of context

Skrämmande föräldrar och skärrade barn - En scopingstudie om barns våldsutsatthet och socialt arbete

Brynja, Bjarnadóttir January 2020 (has links)
Detta examensarbete undersöker den senaste forskningen kring barn som lever i våldsutsatt i hemmet och hur våldet påverkar deras hälsa och utveckling, samt forskning kring de insatser som utförs i det sociala arbetet med våldsutsatta barn och deras familjer. Examensarbetet har utgångspunkt i anknytningsteori. Litteraturen som behandlas är kamratgranskad och publicerad från 2015-2020 och metoden för beskrivning och kartläggning av litteraturen är scoping.Att vara utsatt för våld i hemmet kan ha mycket svåra konsekvenser för barns psykiska hälsa och kan även påverka barnets känslomässiga, sociala och kognitiva utveckling. Påföljderna kan följa barnet in i vuxenåldern med omfattande konsekvenser för individens relationer och föräldraskap. Stor del av forskningen lägger vikt vid tidiga insatser för våldsutsatta barn. Dock kan interventioner eller behandlingar senare i livet även vara av stor hjälp för dessa barn och deras familjer. / This study aims to map and summarize the latest research findings in regards to children who live in violent homes and how it affects their health and development, as well as the different types of interventions and therapy that is available for these children and their families within the field of social work. This study’s theoretical point of view, as well as the research citet, is attachment theory. The method used is scoping of the selected litteratur, with the criteria being peer reviewed research and date of publication from 2015-2020.Being a victim of domestic violence and/or child abuse can have detrimental consequences for a child’s mental and emotional health and can have an impact on the child’s emotional, social and cognitive development, with the negative consequences sometimes following the child into adulthood, affecting both romantic relationship and the individuals parentingskills and capabilities. Most of the research citet finds that early intervention is crucial, even though interventions and therapy later in life can also be of great help for these children and their families.

Allians på distans? – Psykoterapeutens upplevelse av videosamtal / Digital therapeutic alliance? – The psychotherapist´s experience of videotherapy

Alp, Patricia January 2022 (has links)
This study intends to examine the psychotherapist`s experience of videotherapy and therapeutic relation and alliance in videotherapy. Earlier studies show that videotherapy is a positive contribution to healthcare systems and increases accessibility for patients, but there are technical issues and limitations in non-verbal communication. The therapeutic alliance between patient and therapist is not negatively affected. The experience of the patient tends to be more positive than the experience of the therapist. This study´s approach is qualitative and inductive. Data are obtained from interviews with five licensed psychotherapists. The study shows that videotherapy is a good flexible alternative, but therapist attitude towards it, varies. A good therapeutic relation and alliance is possible and depends on both patient and therapist factors, though the quality is deepened in face-to-face sessions. The psychotherapists describe that some therapeutic interventions need to be modified and amplified, due to the unique settings.

Alleviating Risks of Parental Incarceration through Mentorship

Murrey, Sonia 01 January 2015 (has links)
The focus of the present study was on the lack of positive socialization of children affected by parental incarceration. Researchers have indicated the need to broaden the examination of the effects of parental incarceration on children. Mentorship has demonstrated a positive influence for youth who display at-risk behaviors. However, there is little research regarding the effectiveness of mentorship programs for youth who have experienced the negative effects of parental incarceration. The purpose of this transcendental phenomenological study was to describe the experiences of youth who have completed an individualized mentorship program following parental imprisonment. Flyers were distributed to case managers and program managers of mentorship programs in New Castle County in order to recruit participants ages 18 -24 years who had a parent incarcerated and who had completed a mentorship program. Through individual interviews, 5 participants provided a retrospective account of antisocial behaviors exhibited as the result of parental incarceration, isolation, physical and emotional abuse faced in their youth, and the ways in which mentorship impacted their lives. Interview data were coded based on words that expressed emotion (emotion coding), words that expressed action (action coding), and words that described circumstances (circumstantial coding). This study revealed that, for these 5 participants, mentorship did have a positive impact. Findings further suggested that mentoring be recognized as a more focal strategy to assist youth, researchers, and practitioners in (a) identifying triggers that may lead to adverse responses to parental incarceration and (b) helping youth improve their overall quality of life when exposed to such circumstances.

Implications of Maternal Perpetrated Interparent Violence for the Behavior of Female Adolescents: A Phenomenological Study

Hinds, Georgette Merlena Percy 01 January 2015 (has links)
Interparent violence (IPV) is a global family issue. Witnessing IPV confuses children and adolescents about the parental relationship. Adolescent females often perceived fathers as strong and depend on them for safety, security, and support. It is unclear how witnessing maternal perpetrated IPV (MPIPV) affects adolescent females' socialization and development, the perception they have of their fathers, and the meaning they ascribe to father abuse. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to contribute to the literature, provide an understanding of MPIPV implications for adolescent females' social development, and bring more awareness to the lived experiences of witnessing MPIPV. Social learning, feminist, and attachment theories were useful as the conceptual framework and in understanding the lived experience of adolescent girls who witness their mothers abusing their fathers. Five young adult females chosen through purposeful sampling from the southwest region of Florida responded to semi-structured open-ended questions. Interpretive phenomenology was the analytic framework to sort, code, and analyze the data. Findings revealed these females' experiences of anger and emotional stress, their concurrent juggling of coping and stress, their closeness to both parents, and their forgiveness to them despite inimical events between them. Recommendations were that human services professionals who worked with this population develop education and training programs to support both parents and adolescent females in an effort to reduce the effects of MPIPV. This training could result in a positive social change over time as negative perceptions, thoughts, and behaviors of adolescent girls change and increased awareness about the implications of MPIPV in the home occurs

Feasibility of Canine Support in Pediatric Dentistry

Vincent, Aviva 23 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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