Spelling suggestions: "subject:"theory off min"" "subject:"theory oof min""
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"Tend the light" : En autistisk läsning av Jeanette Wintersons LighthousekeepingThörnvall Ryberg, Sanna January 2017 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att visa hur litteratur kan läsas och skrivas autistiskt. Att läsa en text innebär att vi avkodar och tolkar diskursen med hjälp av våra personliga referensramar. Med hjälp av olika litteraturteoretikers begrepp belyser denna uppsats att det finns skillnader i avkodningen baserat på kognitiva färdigheter och här främst svårigheter påverkade av autismspektrumsstörningar. Genom en kvalitativ textanalys av Jeanette Wintersons verk Lighthousekeeping visar uppsatsen hur dessa autistiska perspektiv kan upptäckas och även användas i språket. Julia Kristevas begreppsdefinition gällande semiotisk tolkning är en stöttepelare i analysen vilket även Victor Sklovskijs begrepp främmandegöring och Roman Jakobsons teorier kring litterär afasi är. Analysens slutsats är att det autistiska kan nyttjas för att berika tolkningsvariationerna och estetiskt förändra språket från prosaiskt till mer poetiskt. De autistiska språkgreppen som kan utläsas i Jeanette Wintersons roman Lighthousekeeping gör att språket utmanar läsarens automatiska avkodning och agerar därmed förfrämligande.
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Théorie de l'esprit et connaissances sociales dans la maladie d'Alzheimer et la démence sémantique / Theory of mind and social knowledge in Alzheimer disease and semantic dementiaDuclos, Harmony 06 December 2017 (has links)
La cognition sociale fait référence à un ensemble de processus cognitifs fonctionnant en interaction permettant de se comporter de manière adaptée dans le monde social. La théorie de l’esprit (TDE) est considérée comme étant l’élément central de la cognition sociale, mais les liens entre les processus sont encore mal connus. Les capacités de TDE se manifestent au quotidien au travers des relations interpersonnelles, mais l’effet du contexte sur la TDE demeure encore mal connu. L’objectif principal de ce travail de thèse consistait à étudier conjointement la TDE et les connaissances sociales ainsi que les liens existant entre ces deux dimensions. Nous résultats mettent en évidence que les capacités à attribuer des états mentaux sont modulées par le contexte et plus précisément par l’intégrité des connaissances sociales dans la maladie d’Alzheimer et dans la démence sémantique. Les troubles des patients pourraient avoir une origine différente, en lien avec l’atteinte cérébrale. La cognition sociale pourrait ainsi être un élément utile dans le cadre du diagnostic différentiel des maladies neurodégénératives. / Social cognition refers to a set of processes working interactively that allows to behave appropriately in the social world. Theory of mind (TOM) is considered to be the central element of social cognition, but the links between its different processes are still poorly understood. TOM’s abilities are used daily through interpersonal relationships, but the effect of the context on TOM remains poorly explored. The main aim of this thesis was to study both TOM and social knowledge, as well as the links between them. Our results highlight how the ability to attribute mental states is modulated by the context and more specifically by the integrity of social knowledge in Alzheimer's disease and semantic dementia. Patients’ disorders may have a different origin depending on their brain lesions. Therefore, social cognition could be a useful element in the differential diagnosis for neurodegenerative diseases.
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"Mettersi nei panni degli altri": dalle misure alle applicazioni / "PUTTING YOURSELF IN OTHER PEOPLE'S SHOES": FROM MEASURES TO APPLICATIONSRINALDI, TERESA 04 November 2020 (has links)
Questa tesi approfondisce, da un punto di vista teorico e applicativo, l’analisi della capacità di “mettersi nei panni degli altri”definita come un costrutto life-span, si sviluppa dalla prima infanzia ma non smette di evolversi fino all’età adulta. La sua traiettoria evolutiva è legata al contesto, alle interazioni, alle esperienze e allo sviluppo cognitivo ed emotivo degli individui.
Dalla letteratura emerge come tale capacità sia spesso oggetto di sovrapposizioni concettuali con altri costrutti della psicologia dello sviluppo come la “Teoria della Mente" (Premack & Woodruff, 1978; Wimmer & Perner, 1985), detta anche "mindreading" (Baron-Cohen, Jolliffe, Mortimore & Robertson, 1997); il "perspective-taking" (Carpendale & Lewis, 2006; Moll & Meltzoff, 2011; Sullivan, Bennett, Carpenter & Lewis, 2008); la "funzione riflessiva" (Fonagy & Target, 1997); e la "mentalizzazione" (Fonagy, Bateman & Luyten, 2012). Grazie all’approfondimento di tali costrutti, si arriva a comprendere essi siano spesso declinati con il concetto di mentalizzazione, che viene analizzato nella sua evoluzione storica e in relazione ad altri costrutti come il legame di attaccamento (Bowlby, 1969) e la mind-mindedness (Meins, 2002). L’analisi del costrutto prosegue con la presentazione di tre lavori di ricerca che lo esplorano, da un punto di vista teorico (i primi due) e applicativo (il terzo), dalla sua massima evoluzione nell’età adulta fino al suo manifestarsi e potenziarsi in età evolutiva.
La prima ricerca si concentra sulla validazione italiana di una scala che misura l'affettività mentalizzata, un costrutto che integra nel processo di regolazione delle emozioni la mentalizzazione in età adulta. La seconda verifica come la capacità di "mettersi nei panni degli altri", consolidata in preadolescenza, si manifesta all'interno dei legami di attaccamento tra bambini e insegnanti e infine, il terzo lavoro studia se tale capacità possa essere migliorata nel contesto scolastico e avere un impatto sui costrutti relazionali e sociali legati al processo decisionale in campo economico, come l'equità, l'altruismo e la donazione. / This thesis explores, from a theoretical and applicative perspective, the ability to "put oneself in the shoes of others", defined as a life-span construct, which develops from early childhood but does not stop evolving until adulthood. Its developmental trajectory is linked to the context, interactions, experiences and cognitive and emotional development of individuals.
The literature shows how this capacity is often the subject of conceptual overlaps with other constructs of developmental psychology such as the "Theory of Mind" (Premack & Woodruff, 1978; Wimmer & Perner, 1985), also known as "mindreading" (Baron-Cohen, Jolliffe, Mortimore & Robertson, 1997); perspective-taking (Carpendale & Lewis, 2006; Moll & Meltzoff, 2011; Sullivan, Bennett, Carpenter & Lewis, 2008); the "reflective function" (Fonagy & Target, 1997); and "mentalisation" (Fonagy, Bateman & Luyten, 2012). Thanks to the in-depth study of these constructs, we come to understand that they are often declined with the concept of mentalisation, which is analysed in its historical evolution and in relation to other constructs such as the attachment bond (Bowlby, 1969) and mind-mindedness (Meins, 2002). The analysis of the construct continues with the presentation of three research works that explore it, from a theoretical point of view (the first two) and from an applicative point of view (the third), from its maximum evolution in adulthood to its manifestation and enhancement in developmental age.
The first research focuses on the Italian validation of a scale measuring mentalized affectivity, a construct that integrates mentalization in adulthood into the process of emotion regulation. The second examines how the ability to "put oneself in the shoes of others", which is consolidated in preadolescence, manifests itself within the attachment bonds between children and teachers and finally, the third work studies whether this ability can be improved in the school context and have an impact on relational and social constructs linked to economic decision-making, such as fairness, altruism and donation.
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Teorie mysli u uživatelů kochleárního implantátu předškolního věku / Theory of mind in preschool cochlear implant usersCajthamlová, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with theory of mind in preschool cochlear implant users. The theoretical part introduces topics: hearing impairment in childhood, cochlear implantation, theory of mind in preschool children and development of preschool children. All these topics are processed with regard to the issue of children using cochlear implant (or implants). In addition to general information, the thesis focuses mainly on the results of current foreign researches concentrating on children using cochlear implants. The empirical part summarizes the research of theory of mind in Czech preschool cochlear implant users. Thirty-one children in total participated in this research, eleven cochlear implant users, and twenty intact children in the control group. Theory of mind has been tested by similar desires task, dissimilar desires task, Smarties task, and Sally-Ann task. In addition, a short questionnaire was distributed to the parents of cochlear implant users. In order to assess competences in the Czech language, the cochlear implant users were given Vocabulary test from test battery of Seidlová-Málková and Smolík (2014). On the basis of the results of this research, it can be concluded that theory of mind is delayed in Czech preschool cochlear implant users in contrast to their hearing peers. These results...
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Entering a community of minds Zur Bedeutung des kulturellen Kontexts für die Entwicklung der Theory of Mind in Deutschland, Costa Rica und Kamerun: eine kulturvergleichende Längsschnittstudie ... / Entering a community of minds On the significance of the cultural context for Theory of Mind development in Germany, Costa Rica and Cameroon: A cross-cultural longitudinal study ...Kießling, Florian 23 January 2008 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Entwicklung der Theory of Mind (ToM) im Rahmen einer kurzlängsschnittlichen Untersuchung im Alter von vier und viereinhalb Jahren in drei verschiedenen kulturellen Kontexten untersucht, in Deutschland, Costa Rica und Kamerun. Vor dem Hintergrund einer sich verdichtenden Befundlage, die auf die Bedeutung der sozialen Umwelt für die Entwicklung der ToM hinweist, wie auch erster kulturvergleichender Untersuchungen, in denen sich zum Teil erhebliche Unterschiede im Entwicklungstempo zeigen, lag der Fokus der vorliegenden Arbeit auf der Analyse kindlicher Entwicklungskontexte für die Entwicklung der ToM. Neben dem Alter und sprachlichem Entwicklungsstand wurden verschiedene familiäre Variablen (z.B. Haushaltszusammensetzung) erfasst, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Analyse von Mutter-Kind Gesprächen und hier auf der Bedeutung mütterlicher mentalistischer (z.B. Gedanken, Gefühle, Bedürfnisse) und nicht-mentalistischer Bezüge (z.B. Kausalitäten, Wiederholungen) lag. Von diesen wurde angenommen, dass sie einen förderlichen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung des anhand einer Testbatterie erfassten Verständnisses falscher Sichtweisen nehmen. Während die familiären Kontextvariablen keine konsistenten Zusammenhänge mit dem Verständnis falscher Sichtweisen zeigten, trug zum ersten Messzeitpunkt in allen drei Gruppen das Alter des Kindes signifikant zur Varianzaufklärung dieser Fähigkeit bei. In der costa ricanischen Stichprobe erwies sich darüber hinaus der Sprachentwicklungsstand tendenziell und der aus Sprachentwicklungstand und mentalistischer Sprache der Mutter gebildete Interaktionsterm als weiterer signifikanter Prädiktor. Zum zweiten Messzeitpunkt erwies sich in allen Gruppen der frühere sprachliche Entwicklungsstand des Kindes als signifikanter Prädiktor für die sechs Monate später erfasste ToM Testleistung des Kindes. Die Ergebnisse und weiterführende Fragen werden abschliessend diskutiert.
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En känsla av sammanhang för ökad existentiell hälsa : En kvalitativ studie om en kommuns förutsättningar att skapa en meningsfull livsmiljö för sina medborgarePröjtz-Ålund, Linda January 2023 (has links)
Denna studies syfte är att genom semistrukturerade intervjuer samt deltagarobservationer undersöka vad Nyköpings kommun gör för att främja sina invånares existentiella hälsa utifrån WHO:s definition av vad som är betydelsefullt för en hållbar livsmiljö. Den existentiella hälsodimensionens betydelse är något som oftare uppmärksammas i internationella vetenskapliga studier och då främst genom tre aspekter; fysisk, psykisk och social hälsa. Denna studie vill se hur (1) fysiskt välbefinnande kan nås genom att Nyköpings kommun erbjuder vandringsleder, det (2) psykiska välbefinnandet kan erbjudas av biblioteket i form av litteratur och sagostunder samt det (3) sociala välbefinnandet då Nyköpings kommun bygger sociala broar och låter invånarna mötas i en nyöppnad mötesplats och därigenom känna en känsla av sammanhang, KASAM. Det är svårt att med säkerhet fastställa vilka faktorer som föranleder ökad existentiell hälsa. I denna studie används teorier som undersöker huruvida det finns ett samband mellan människans existentiella hälsa och möjligheten att se sig som en del av ett kretslopp. Genom att se sig själv som en del av alltet samt att korrespondera med agenter och fiktiva personer kan människan underlätta utvecklandet av sociala kontakter. Slutsatsen är att tro, i form av förtröstan, tillit, begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet kan ses som den djupa kärnan i en människa vilket är det grundläggande historieskapande fundament som involverar både det medvetna och det omedvetna i en människas motivation, något som ger grundläggande värderingar och därigenom skapar mening och riktning. Melder (2011), Thurfjell (2020) och Antonovsky (1991) beskriver hur deras informanter vittnar om att sociala kontakter samt kontakten med stillheten i skogen leder till ökad existentiell mening. Som avgränsning ämnar studien inte lyfta det arbete som Region Sörmland gör inom forskningsområdet medicin och psykisk ohälsa utan fokus i denna studie är att se vad Nyköpings kommun gör för att främja den existentiella hälsan och stärka den hos sina medborgare.
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The Development of Theory of Mind and Social Competence in Young Pakistani ChildrenSireer, Nafeesa January 2017 (has links)
Theory of mind (ToM) refers to a cognitive ability that enables one to attribute mental states (such as desires, emotions, beliefs) to self and others. In recent years researchers have identified cultural variations in the onset of ToM understanding in collectivist and individualist cultures. However, the findings of cross-cultural studies regarding these variations are inconsistent. The major aim of this innovative research was to investigate differences in the acquisition of ToM in children from a collectivist culture (Pakistan) and an individualist culture (UK). The second aim of the study was to assess the specific association between ToM and social competence in a culturally diverse sample. An additional aim of the study was to investigate the universality of various correlates of ToM such as executive functioning (EF), parenting styles, and maternal mental state talk. The findings of the studies demonstrated a significant delay in the acquisition of ToM in Pakistani children, when compared with Western children from individualist societies. These findings were corroborated by the results of novel cross-cultural study that compared the performance of White British, British Pakistani, and Pakistani children on a ToM scale. White British children outperformed both Pakistani and British Pakistani children on measures of ToM, EF, and social competence. The current findings also provide support for the association of mental state understanding with EF, social competence, parenting styles, and maternal mental state talk. These findings have important implications for the role of general (collectivist vs. individualist cultures) as well as specific cultural practices (such as parenting and education) in the acquisition of mental state understanding.
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Exploring the Correlation Between Theory of Mind and Drive for ThinnessHudak, Sarah 01 May 2014 (has links)
Research suggests that, similar to individuals with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, people with Anorexia Nervosa demonstrate an inability to utilize Theory of Mind concepts. Theory of Mind allows healthy control populations to attribute mental states to others by accurately predicting and understanding the behavior of others. This study's intent was to further explore the relationship between eating disorders and Theory of Mind. Using an online survey management system (Qualtrics), 210 female students from a large metropolitan southeastern university completed the Drive for Thinness subscale of the Eating Disorder Inventory and the Reading the Mind in the Eyes task. It was predicted that higher Drive for Thinness would be associated with a diminished capacity for Theory of Mind concepts. Using a bivariate correlation, the findings were not found to be statistically significant in support of the hypothesis, but provide strong implications for future research.
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Investigating the Neural and Behavioral Association of Spatial, Cognitive, and Affective Perspective TakingBrucato, Maria, 0000-0002-7272-2622 January 2022 (has links)
Perspective taking (PT) is the ability to imagine perspectives that differ from our own. Understanding what others believe (cognitive PT) and feel (affective PT) allows us to better navigate social situations, and understanding what others see (spatial PT) allows us to better navigate spatial environments. Deficits in spatial, cognitive, and affective PT are apparent in several DSM–5 categorized clinical populations including autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and major depressive disorder (MDD). Further, differences in the severity of PT impairments may be related to general mechanisms that support this ability rather than diagnostic categories. However, the general cognitive mechanisms that support PT and whether spatial, cognitive, and affective PT share behavioral co-variance and rely on common neural mechanisms is not yet understood. There are at least two theoretical accounts regarding the association of spatial, cognitive, and affective PT. Common mechanisms accounts propose that the three types of PT are associated because all rely on manipulation of frame-of-reference representations coordinated by dorsal and ventral attentional networks. Alternative proposals suggest that attentional mechanisms support spatial PT, but cognitive and affective PT are supported by a distinct module for mental state reasoning. In this dissertation, I begin by summarizing prior evidence from studies which examined the developmental emergence of PT abilities, behavioral co-variance of PT in neurotypical and clinically diagnosed adults, and neuroimaging studies of PT. Review of the literature indicates mixed findings with support for both common and distinct mechanisms accounts. Thus, the present work probes the association of spatial, cognitive, and affective PT across two experiments.
In Experiment 1, a systematic activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis of spatial, cognitive, and affective PT and attention switching was conducted. Results indicated no single neural region that was commonly associated with all three types of PT, but several overlapping regions among cognitive and affective PT, and separately among spatial PT and attention switching. In Experiment 2, two behavioral tasks and one self-report measure each of spatial, cognitive, and affective PT, a behavioral measure of attention and general reasoning ability were administered to large sample of young adults. Performance on spatial PT tasks did not significantly covary with cognitive PT, attention, nor two of the three affective PT measures in neurotypical adults. In sum, neural and behavioral experiments provided substantial support for distinct mechanisms accounts and only limited support for common mechanisms accounts of PT in neurotypical adults. / Psychology
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Assessing the listener-oriented account of predictability-based phonetic reductionTurnbull, Rory 28 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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