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Africanidades e educação: ancestralidade, identidade e oralidade no pensamento de Kabengele Munanga / Africanities and Education: Ancestrality, Identity and Orality on Kabengele Munanga´s Thought 2009.Julvan Moreira de Oliveira 12 March 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a contribuição do pensamento de Kabengele Munanga para o ideário pedagógico brasileiro, tendo como base epistemológica a arquetipologia do imaginário de Gilbert Durand e sua heurística mitodológica, a qual engloba a mitocrítica e a mitanálise. A pesquisa indicou que o mitema, fio condutor presente em toda obra de Munanga, é o ser, ou seja, é a questão da identidade e o processo de interação dialógica entre o eu e o outro, compreendido como uma relação de responsabilidade, de compromisso interacional e de complementaridade. Essa identidade é marcada pela cor da pele, pela cultura e/ou pela produção cultural do negro, por sua contribuição histórica na sociedade brasileira e na construção da economia do país, bem como pela recuperação de sua história africana, de sua visão do mundo, de sua religião. Somente na relação dialogal da palavra, da oralidade, pode-se reconhecer o eu da pessoa humana como ser existente em sua dimensão interpessoal, já que, ao expressar-se por meio da palavra, a pessoa sai de si, não para perder-se no tu, mas para se re-encontrar, plenificado na mesma palavra. Esta abertura constitui a direção e a orientação no processo de realização da pessoa. Por meio do conhecimento de sua ancestralidade, o a pessoa humana vê-se frente ao problema das representações. Ao decifrar o mundo, o ser humano coloca-se diante de enigmas que são símbolos do mistério. Nessa medida, toda a obra de Munanga está atravessada por um genial imperativo: a recuperação da situação do homem primordial. Dessa perspectiva, a educação centra-se na necessidade de o homem retornar periodicamente ao arquétipo, aos estados puros, aos princípios, tendo como mediadores os símbolos, as imagens, as narrativas de sua ancestralidade. Por conseguinte, a educação é vista como mediadora do universo, não apenas na dimensão intelectual, mas também e objetivamente, na relação de responsabilidade recíproca, capaz de salvaguardar, não apenas as individualidades enquanto sustentáculos da relação, mas também a realização da própria realidade vital como relação. A obra de Munanga abre um caminho muito interessante e pertinente, sobretudo pelo seu caráter complementário, hermesiano, ou seja, de mediação entre o plano explicativo e o compreensivo, processo este que se expressa no desenvolvimento de sua obra, o que permite entender a contribuição das africanidades para a cultura brasileira, tal como vem sendo abordada por vários pesquisadores, africanidades estas que têm em Munanga um de seus principais porta-vozes, com inúmeras contribuições relevantes para a educação brasileira. / This thesis analyzes the contribution of Kabengele Munanga to pedagogical ideas produced in Brazil, having, as epistemologic basis, the archetypology of Gilbert Durand´s imaginary and his mythodologic heuristic, myth-critic and myth-analysis. My research shows that the mytheme - a guiding principle which is present in all of Munanga´s work - is a notion of being, in which self identity emerges from a dialogic interaction between the self and the other and is informed by an emphasis on responsibility, interactional commitment, and complementarity. Such identity formation is marked by skin color and the cultural production of black people. It is also marked by the historical and economic contribution of black people to Brazilian society. Likewise, identity is marked also by the restoration of African history, cosmology, and religion. In fact, only within the dialogical relation of word and orality, can one recognize the self of a human being as aware that her existence is measured by interpersonal interaction. Indeed, when expressing through the word, a human being comes out of her/himself not to become another self (he/she), but to find her/himself in fullness through the effecti of sama word. Such an opening represents the direction and orientation of the process of realization of a being. Through the acquisition of knowledge about oness ancestrality, a person sees her or himself facing the problem of representations. When deciphering the world, one places her or himself through enigmas, which are symbols of mystery. Munanga´s work is informed by a commitment to the resurgence of a primordial ancestral being. According to this perspective, education focuses on the necessity of periodically returning, to the archetype, to a purer state of existence, and to principles mediated by the symbols, the images, and the narratives of her/his ancestrality. Therefore, education is seen as the mediator of this world, not only in an intellectual sense, but also in a social and subjective sense in which interaction among individuals and their environment are central. Munanga´s work opens important and strategic venues, particularly with respect to it emphasis on the Hermesian complementary character of mediation between the level of rationality and the level of understanding. That process expresses itself in the foundations of Munanga´s scholarship, and therefore allows for an understanding of the role of African cosmology to Brazilian culture. According to approaches proposed by several researchers, those Africanities have in Munanga one of their main spokesperson, who has brought countless relevant contributions to Brazilian education.
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O campo do geógrafo: colonização e agricultura na obra de Orlando Valverde (1917-1964) / Geographer´s area: colonization and agriculture in the Orlando Valverde´s work (1917-1964)Sergio Adas 05 March 2007 (has links)
Com o intuito de contribuir para os estudos sobre a história do pensamento geográfico no Brasil, este trabalho apresenta a análise da produção científica de Orlando Valverde (1917-2006), primeiro geógrafo contratado pelo CNG (Conselho Nacional de Geografia) em 1937, no Rio de Janeiro. Particularmente dedicado à análise de seus escritos elaborados entre 1942 a 1964, busca compreendê-los baseando-se em quatro eixos bibliográficos complementares e essenciais, ou seja, sócio-político, institucional (CNG/IBGE) e intelectual e, quando demonstrou-se salutar para depreender o posicionamento político-ideológico do autor, metodológico. Entre os resultados obtidos, defende-se que o discurso geográfico valverdiano apresenta influências significativas das políticas lideradas por Getúlio Vargas durante o Estado Novo (1937-1945) relativas aos temários colonização, povoamento e agricultura. Ademais, tanto no que tange à eleição de temas quanto na forma de tratamento, demonstra-se como a produção científica do geógrafo manteve estreitas relações com o pensamento nacional-desenvolvimentista gestado mais pronunciadamente a partir do segundo governo de Getúlio Vargas (1951-1954) e como nela encontram-se certas reservas políticas do geógrafo com relação ao tratamento dedicado à questão agrária durante o governo de Juscelino Kubitschek (1956-1961). A compreensão desses aspectos foi efetuada partindo-se dos próprios escritos do autor e, por intermédio das evidências neles coletadas, a pesquisa as comparou e interpretou mediante os elementos de conjuntura circundantes à sua produção. / In order to contribute to geographical thought in Brazil the aim of this work is to assess the scientific production of Orlando Valverde, the first geographer hired by CNG (National Council of Geography) on 1937, in Rio de Janeiro. Particularly dedicated to the analyzes of his paper\'s written from 1942 to 1964, this assessesments takes four forms: social-politics, institutional, intelectual and methodological (on the bases of author?s politic-ideologic position). We realized that Valverde geographic discourse represents significative influence of Getúlio Vargas politics on the New State regarding colonization, settlement and agriculture. Furthermore, not only the election of subjects but also the way of treatment shows that the geograper\'s scientific production was closely tied to national developmental thoughts mainly after Getúlio Vargas second government (1951-1954). The geographer presents also some political critics regarding to the agrarian issue Juscelino Kubitschek\'s (1956-1961) government (1956-1961). The comparative and interpretative analysis was done considering the context of the geographer production.
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Ekonomické názory v dílech Petra Chelčického / Economic thoughts in works of Petr ChelčickýSýkora, Michal January 2007 (has links)
This study refers to Czech fifteenth century thinker Petr Chelčický, which is considered to be one of thinkers from times of Hussite revolution. However his thoughts refer to Hussite movement and come out from their main ideas, his original convictions stand quite along hussite mainstream. The study also points to whole Hussite movement and Hussite revolution in Bohemia in fifteenth century, as to period before as well. Also study refers to strange life of Petr Chelčický and evolution of his thoughts through Hussite revolution. The aim of the study is to find out any economic thoughts in main works of Petr Chelčický.
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TURNOVER IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROFESSIONALS IN THAILANDSakchaicharoenkul, Rattanachai 28 January 2010 (has links)
This study examined information technology professionals' perception of employee organizational commitment (OC) and its relationships to turnover across various industries in Thailand. Perceived job alternatives and thoughts of quitting were included to examine their influence on turnover intention both directly as independent variables and indirectly as mediators.
Hypotheses tested were 1) the direct relationship between organizational commitment and turnover intention among IT personnel from various Thai companies, 2) the relationship between thoughts of quitting and turnover intention, 3) the relationship between perceived job alternatives and turnover intention, 4) the indirect relationship between organizational commitment and turnover intention through mediator - thoughts of quitting and 5) the indirect relationship between organizational commitment and turnover intention, as mediated by perceived job alternatives.
The survey questionnaire used instruments that were already translated into Thai from previous research (Wongrattanapassorn, 2000). The original items in English were included with each item in the Thai language to provide respondents with additional information on the meaning of constructs. In addition to demographic items, the survey questionnaire contained four measures, one for each of the four variables: organization commitment (Allen & Meyer, 1990), thoughts of quitting (Peters, Jakofsky & Salter, 1981), perceived job alternatives (Peters, et al., 1981), and turnover intention (Hom, Griffeth & Sellaro, 1984).
An accompanying letter with the hyperlink to the questionnaire page was sent via e-mail to 300 IT professionals who were randomly selected from the subscribers of Computerworld Thailand magazine and also those who attended IT seminars organized by Computerworld Thailand. Two hundred and eight responses returned, providing an acceptable response rate of 69.3 percent. Correlation and regression were used to test hypotheses.
Results revealed that there was no direct relationship between overall organizational commitment and turnover intention. However, there was a negative direct relationship between continuance commitment and turnover intention. There was also no correlation between thoughts of quitting and turnover intention. There was a positive relationship between perceived job alternatives and turnover intention. For the mediating effect between organizational commitment and turnover intention, the results revealed that thoughts of quitting did not mediate the relationship as well as perceived job alternatives.
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Barnmorskor som lämnat förlossningsvården / Midwives thoughts and experiences after leaving childbirth careÖstman, Fanny, Gustafsson, Sofie January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Graviditet och förlossning är en naturlig process i vilken barnmorskan är den primära vårdgivaren. Forskning visar att blivande föräldrar gynnas av att få stöd av en barnmorska under barnafödandet men förlossningsklinikerna i Sverige är underbemannade. Barnmorskor lämnar och det beror troligtvis på den rådande arbetsmiljön. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka barnmorskors tankar och upplevelser kring varför de lämnat sitt yrke som barnmorska inom förlossningsvården. Ett ytterligare syfte var att undersöka vilka faktorer som skulle kunna medverka till att de återvänder till förlossningsvården. Metod: Studien hade en kvalitativ ansats. Nio informanter intervjuades utifrån en semistrukturerad intervjuguide. Informanterna var alla barnmorskor som alla arbetat inom förlossningsvården men som sedermera lämnat. Data analyserades utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Två teman tydliggjordes: ” Barnmorskors negativa tankar och upplevelser av förlossningsvården” och ”Om barnmorskor själva fick diktera sina villkor”. Arbetsklimatet, låg bemanning, stress och förändringar i barnmorskans yrkesroll bidrog till att barnmorskor lämnar. Barnmorskor saknar valmöjligheter, exempelvis caseload-midwifery och flexibla scheman med chans till adekvat återhämtning. Barnmorskor saknar också utvecklingsmöjligheter inom kompetensområdet. Slutsats: Barnmorskorna har upplevt att förlossningsvården förändrats – medikaliserats och hur låg bemanning, ett tufft arbetsklimat samt organisatoriska problem föranlett utbrändhet och sjukskrivningar. Barnmorskorna önskar mer flexibla scheman och större möjligheter till utveckling inom kompetensområdet. Barnmorskorna önskar också, både för sig själva och för de födande kvinnorna, barnmorskeledda kliniker, caseload-modell och statligt finansierade hemförlossningar för att öka valfriheten. / Background: Pregnancy and childbirth is a natural process in which the midwife is the primary care provider. Research show that prospective parents benefit from being supported by a midwife during childbirth. However, the birth clinics in Sweden are understaffed. Midwives leave and this is probably due the prevailing working environment. Aim: The aim of the study was to examine midwives' thoughts and experiences regarding reasons why they left their profession as a midwife in childbirth care. Another aim was to investigate which factors could help them return to childbirth care. Methods: The study had a qualitative approach in which nine informants were interviewed based on a semi-structured interview guide. The informants were all midwives who all worked in childbirth care but who subsequently left. Data was analysed by a qualitative content analysis. Results: Two themes were made clear: "Midwives negative thoughts and experiences of work at the maternity ward" and "If midwives themselves had to dictate their conditions". The working climate, low staffing, stress and changes in the midwife's professional role contribute to midwives leaving. Midwives lack options, such as caseload-midwifery and flexible schedules with the chance to recover properly. Midwives also lack development opportunities in their own field of work. Conclusions: The midwives have experienced that childbirth care has changed and how low staffing, a tough working climate and organisational problems caused burnout and sick leave. Midwives want more flexible schedules and greater opportunities for development in the field of competence. The midwives also want, both for themselves and for the women they care for, midwife-led clinics, caseload midwifery and state-funded home delivery to increase freedom of choice.
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Patienters tankar inför hemgång från en strokeenhet : en intervjustudie / Patients' thoughts before being discharged from a stroke unit : an interview studyNiva, Birgitta January 2016 (has links)
Stroke är en somatisk sjukdom som innebär stora förändringar i den drabbades livsvärld. Många behöver en omfattande rehabilitering på en strokeenhet där multidisciplinära team arbetar gemensamt för att patienten ska bli så självständig som möjligt innan utskrivning. Sjuksköterskan har det övergripande ansvaret för omvårdnaden, varför goda kunskaper om stroke och hur den kan påverka patientens livsvärld är av stor vikt. Att insjukna i en stroke kan leda till psykiska, sociala och fysiska förändringar. Detta kan leda till funktionsnedsättningar varav vissa är synliga och andra är dolda varför omgivningen inte alltid uppfattar dessa. Syftet med studien var att beskriva patienters tankar inför hemgång från en strokeenhet. Metoden som valdes var en intervjustudie med kvalitativ induktiv ansats. Sammanlagt intervjuades sex patienter som vårdades på en strokeenhet. Intervjuerna analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet av insamlad data visade fyra olika teman: tankar om framtid, tankar om funktionsnedsättningar, tankar om tacksamhet och tankar om behovet av ett nytt förhållningssätt. Ytterligare fynd var patienternas positiva upplevelse till möjligheten att ha fått samtala med sjuksköterska inför sin hemgång. Oron för att drabbas av en stroke igen var något som patienterna hade funderingar och tankar om, även funderingar på hur det skulle fungera hemma efter utskrivning. Tankar om deras funktionsnedsättningar gav en känsla av förlust då dessa begränsade dem i livet. Trots allt hade de en känsla av hopp att återfå sina tidigare funktioner. Patienterna uttryckte en tacksamhet att de överlevt en stroke. Vidare framkom det att patienterna kommit till insikt om sina begränsningar under vårdtiden och var i behov av ett nytt förhållningssätt för att komma vidare efter en stroke. Slutsatsen av denna studie tyder på att mer tid behöver avsättas av vårdpersonal på strokeenheter för samtal med patienterna om funderingar och tankar kring hemgång i syfte att underlätta det framtida livet. Eftersom en stroke manifesteras på olika sätt hos olika individer ska omvårdnaden om den strokedrabbade i grunden vara individanpassad. Samtidigt tyder denna studies resultat på att de mer målinriktade omvårdnadsåtgärderna kan behöva kompletteras med mer generella åtgärder i form av erbjudande av samtal inför hemgång av en sjuksköterska. / Stroke is a somatic disorder involving major changes in the affected persons’ life-world. Many persons need extensive rehabilitation at a strokeunit where multidisciplinary teams work together aiming the patient to be as independent as possible before being discharge from hospital. The registered nurse has the overall responsibility for nursing, which leads to an increased need for knowledge about stroke and how it may affect the patient's life-world. Being hit by a stroke can lead to psychological, social and physical changes, it can also lead to both visible and hidden disabilities the surroundings do not perceive. The aim of the study was to describe the patient's thoughts before discharge from a strokeunit. The method chosen was a qualitative interview study with inductive approach. A total of six patients on a strokeunit were interviewed. The interviews were analyzed by a qualitative content analysis. Four themes emerged from the interviews which are presented. These include: thoughts about the future, thoughts about disabilities, thoughts of gratitude and thoughts about the need for a new approach. Another finding was that the patient´s positive experience has the possibility to meet with the registered nurse before their discharge. The fear of suffering a stroke again was something that patients had concerns and thoughts about, even thoughts on how that would work at home after discharge. Thoughts about their disabilities gave a sense of loss when these limited them in life. In spite of this they had a sense of hope to regain their former functions. Patients expressed gratitude that they survived the stroke. Another finding was that the patients came to realize their limitations during the hospital stay and were in need of a new approach in order to move forward after the stroke. The conclusion of this study was that more time needs to be allocated by health professionals to talk with patients about their concerns and thoughts before discharge, in order to facilitate their future life. Stroke is manifested in different ways in different individuals; therefore the basis should be that the care for the stroke survivors should be personalized. Result of this study suggest that the more targeted nursing interventions may need to be complemented by more general measures such as possibility to meet a registered nurse before being discharge.
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Heart Rate Variability, Cancer-Related Intrusive Thoughts, and Fatigue during Breast Cancer SurvivorshipHughes, Spenser 18 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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View of Self Scale: Psychometric Properties of a Measure of Negative Self-Referential Thoughts in DepressionLehmann, Jennifer K., Lehmann 28 January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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“We are not Minorities, we have been Minoritized”: Exploring sexual violence and suicidal thoughts and behaviors among Ohio youth with oppressed identities using the 2019 Youth Risk Behavior SurveyBauder, Christina Rose 30 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Drama in a retirement homeBici, Herolinda January 2013 (has links)
Denna uppsats handlar om dramapedagogik med personer inom äldreomsorgen. Syftet med arbetet är att ta reda på vilka känslor som upplevs och ges uttryck för när personer inom äldreomsorgen får arbeta med drama. Frågeställningarna har varit följande: Vilka känslor konkretiseras i mötet med drama? Hur kan drama uppmuntra deltagarna att våga uttrycka sina känslor? Hur påverkar deltagarna varandra när de arbetar med olika dramaövningar? Vilka upplevelser och tankar tar deltagarna med sig efter fem dramaträffar? / This paper is about drama with people in the elderly care. The purpose of this study is to see what feelings/emotions these persons experience and express when they encounter drama. The research questions are the following: What emotions are made concrete when encountering drama? How can drama encourage the participants to be able to express their feelings? How do the participants affect one another when working with different drama tasks? What experiences and thoughts do the participants take with them after five drama events.
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