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L'apport de théories métacognitives à l'étude de l'autorégulation chez les conducteurs agés / Contribution of metacognitive theories to the study of self-regulation in elderly driversMotak, Ladislav 05 December 2011 (has links)
L’intérêt considérable est dédié à l’autorégulation chez les conducteurs âgés. Notre première étude compare l’autorégulation des conducteurs âgés à celle des jeunes. Nous supposons trouver des corrélations positives entre les évitements auto-déclarés des situations de conduite difficiles et le niveau auto-déclaré de déclins cognitifs chez les conducteurs âgés, non pas chez les jeunes. Or, le fait d’opérationnaliser l’autorégulation par ce biais ne permet ni d’examiner le niveau d’autorégulation comportemental, ni les facteurs susceptibles de conditionner un tel comportement. Deux études sont alors conçues de sorte à définir le modèle de l’apprentissage autorégulé le plus adapté pour l’examen des capacités d’autorégulation (étude 2), et à identifier les éléments susceptibles de modifier une autorégulation comportementale (étude 3). Dans l’étude 2, nous testons dans une expérience sur simulateur de conduite deux modèles métacognitifs, dont celui s’avérant plus compréhensif est maintenu comme paradigme expérimental pour la troisième étude. Cette dernière compare les patterns d’autorégulation de deux groupes de conducteurs âgés, dont un soumis à la menace du stéréotype. Les résultats indiquent que les conducteurs âgés basent leurs comportements d’autorégulation sur leurs propres expériences de la difficulté, et que le fait de vouloir les instruire à l’aide d’indices extrinsèques semblables à ceux du stéréotype, puisse mener plus à une réduction de leur capacités qu’à leur supposée amélioration. / An increasing interest is actually devoted to the self-regulation in elderly drivers. Our first study compares the elderly drivers’ self-regulation to that of younger drivers. We suppose to observe in elderly drivers (but not in the younger ones) positive correlations between the self-declared avoidance of difficult driving situations and the self-declared decline of cognitive functioning. However, such an operationalization of self-regulation does not allow the study of neither the real behavioral self-regulation nor the factors conditioning such a behavior. Another two studies are then conceived in order to define both the self-regulated learning model that fits the best to the study of drivers’ self-regulatory patterns (study 2) and the factors that trigger such a behavioral self-regulation (study 3). In the second, driving-simulator study, we oppose the predictions of two metacognitive models, and this model that is better suited is withheld as the experimental paradigm for the third study. This latter compare the self-regulatory patterns of two groups of elderly drivers: one that is under stereotype threat and one that is not. Our results indicate that, first, elderly drivers presumably base their self-regulatory behavior on their sheer experience of the difficulty and, second, the efforts to enhance their self-regulation by extrinsic cues (such as those similar to the stereotype used in our third study) in fact hinder their self-regulatory abilities rather than enhance them.
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Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av hot och våld på akutmottagningar : En kvalitativ intervjustudieFredenholm, Sofie, Persson, Karin January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund; Hot och våld förekommer dagligen inom verksamheter där vårdpersonal har nära kontakt med människor. Akutmottagningar tillhör en av de mest utsatta vårdmiljöer för hot och våld mot sjuksköterskor. Livsvärldsteori och viktimologi användes som teoretiska referensramar för att få en uppfattning om hur sjuksköterskor som arbetar på akutmottagning upplever samt påverkas av hot och våld från patienter. Få studier granskar sjuksköterskors egna upplevelser av hot och våld. Syfte; Att belysa hur sjuksköterskor på akutmottagningar upplever hot och våld. Metod; En kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer av 12 yrkesverksamma sjuksköterskor, nio kvinnor och tre män med minst ett års erfarenhet av att arbeta på akutmottagning i Sveriges södra sjukvårdsregion (Skåne, Blekinge, södra Halland och Småland). Resultat; Resultatet presenteras i fem kategorier; definitionen av hot och våld, utsatthet, riskfaktorer, genus samt åtgärder vid hot och våld. Riskfaktorer som ansågs ligga till grund för sjuksköterskors utsatthet var b.la. bristande utbildning och bemanning, otillräckliga säkerhetsåtgärder, ensamarbete samt patientens psykiska eller fysiska tillstånd. Slutsats; Sjuksköterskor på akutmottagningar upplever hot och våld som ett obehag eller rädsla, vilket ger en negativ påverkan i omvårdnadsarbetet och på det psykiska välmåendet. Känslan att ej kunna skydda sig vid hotfulla och våldsamma situationer ger en känsla av maktlöshet både på och utanför arbetsplatsen. För att förbättra arbetsmiljön behövs omfattande internutbildningar i hantering av hot och våld. / Background: Threats and violence are common daily occurrences in any setting where a health care professional comes into contact with people, be it patients or their associates. Emergency departments (EDs) belong to one of the most exposed health care environments in terms of threats and violence against nurses. Lifeworld theory and victimology were used as theoretical frames of reference in order to establish a perception of how nurses working in EDs are exposed to, and affected by threats and violence. Only a handful of published studies examine nurses’ own experiences of threats and violence. Purpose: Was to examine how nurses working within EDs are affected by threats and violence. Method: A qualitative study was conducted based on an analysis of 12 semi-structured interviews with nurses, nine women and three men working in EDs at the time of the interview. For inclusion in the study the nurse needed at least one year experience working in an ED situated in the southern healthcare region of Sweden (including the counties of Skåne, Blekinge, southern Halland and Småland). Results: The results of the study are presented in five main categories: Definition of threats and violence, Exposure, Risk factors, Genus, and Measures taken when faced with threats and violence. Risk factors that may be the origin of their exposure to these experiences are, among others, lack of education and staffing, insufficient safety precautions, working alone and the patient’s physical and/or mental condition. Conclusion: ED nurses experience threats and violence as uncomfortable and fear-eliciting. This has a negative impact on their mental well-being as well as their overall work performance. The sensation of not being able to protect oneself in threatening and violent situations gives a sense of hopelessness and lack of control, both inside and outside of the workplace. To improve the working environment, extensive internal educational efforts are needed to educate ED nurses to cope with threats and violence.
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An Approach to Effectively Identify Insider Attacks within an OrganizationDoss, Gary 01 January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to identify the factors that influence organizational insiders to violate information security policies. There are numerous accounts of successful malicious activities conducted by employees and internal users of organizations. Researchers and organizations have begun looking at methods to reduce or mitigate the insider threat problem. Few proposed methods and models to identify, deter, and prevent the insider threat are based on empirical data. Additionally, few studies have focused on the targets or goals of the insider with organizational control as a foundation. From a target perspective, an organization might be able to control the outcome of a malicious insider threat attack.
This research applied a criminology lens as an organization policy violation is, or resembles, a criminal activity. This research uses the Routine Activities Theory (RAT) as a guide to develop a theoretical model. The adoption of RAT was for its focus on the target and the protective controls, while still taking into account the motivated offender. The study identified the components of the model concerning insider threats, espionage, and illicit behavior related to information systems through literature. This led to the development of 10 hypotheses regarding the relationships of key factors that influence malicious insider activity. Data was collected using a scenario-based survey, which allowed for impartial responses from a third-person perspective. This technique has become popular in the field of criminology, as the effects of social desirability, acceptance, or repudiation will not be a concern. A pilot test verified the survey's ability to collect the appropriate data. The research employed Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) techniques to analyze and evaluate the data. SEM and CFA techniques identified the fit of the model and the factors that influence information security policy violations. The result of the analysis provided criteria to accept the hypotheses and to identify key factors that influence insider Information System policy violations. This research identified the relationships and the level of influence between each factor.
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Effets d’une situation de comparaison sociale dans les différences liées au sexe en rotation mentale : Une étude avec des jumeaux dizygotes. / Effets of a comparison situation in mental rotation sex differences : A dizygo-tictwinstudy.Maltese, François 19 September 2013 (has links)
Le test de rotation mentale (TRM) est robuste pour faire émerger une grande différence de sexe en faveur des hommes. Il existe un stéréotype, communément admis, de moins bonnes performances des femmes en aptitude spatiale. Deux théories explicatives cohabitent. La première, biologique, est liée à une masculinisation du cerveau des garçons sous l'action des androgènes durant la vie fœtale. Dans cette hypothèse, et en raison d'un transfert d'hormones supposé durant la vie intra-utérine, les femmes qui ont un cojumeau doivent avoir des performances meilleures que celles ayant une cojumelle (Vuoksimaa et al., 2010). L'autre hypothèse, que nous défendons, suppose que les différences de sexe au TRM peuvent être socialement construites ou activées par des éléments du Contexte évaluatif et ceci quel que soient les compétences des personnes. Nous avons, pour la première fois dans une étude gémellaire, confronté ces deux hypothèses. Des paires de jumeaux jeunes adultes dizygotes de même sexe (DZMS), 23 paires d'hommes et 34 paires de femmes, et de sexe différent (DZSD), 62 paires, ont passé un TRM informatisé dans deux conditions expérimentales où l'exactitude des réponses et les temps de réponse sont enregistrés. Dans une condition, les consignes du test rendent la situation de comparaison au cojumeau possible (CSP) : « vous et votre jumeau ferez le même test aujourd'hui », dans l'autre condition (CSI) la comparaison est rendue improbable : « vous et votre jumeau ferez des tâches différentes ». Nos résultats n'accréditent pas la théorie biologique et sont en faveur d'une explication en termes d'interférence du stéréotype. / The mental rotation test (MRT) is the most robust test revealing that men outperform women. Two major causes have been proposed for explaining the origin of this difference. The first focused on brain masculinization under the action of androgen during the fetal development. Vuoksimaa et al., (2010) showed that dizygotic opposite-sex female have greater performances than dizygotic same-sex female. For the second hypothesis, sex difference is mainly due to social regulation factors and stereotype threat interaction. We test here this second hypothesis. In a twin design we tested, for the first time, these two causal explanations. Same-sex dizygotic young adult pairs (23 pairs of males and 34 pairs of females), and opposite-sex dizygotic pairs (62 pairs) took a computerized MRT in two experimental co-action conditions. In the first condition, the experimental situation make the co-twin comparison possible (CSP): “you and your co-twin do the same test today”, and in the other experimental condition called, improbable comparison situation (CSI), they are told that: “you and your co-twin do different test today”. Accuracy and responses time where analyzed. Our results do not support the biological model but, in contrary, support the social regulation and stereotype threat model.
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Konstrukce hrozby ve zpravodajství na příkladu Ruska / Construction of treat in newscast: example of RussiaElblová, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
Thesis is focused on construction of threat in newcast. The purpose of the quantitative content analysis is the construction of threat in Czech printed news in case of Russian federation. Thesis is based on presumption that with help of selective processes by journalists that implies usage of certain frames and granting of space for certain actors and themes, media are able to construct a threat that may not be even real. Czech news may be influencing our way of thinking towards Russia. The content of thesis is divided to four main parts. The first theoretical chapter links three crucial research areas: news, securitization theory and the concept of media framing. Next chapter describes bilateral relationship between Czech Republic and Russia that provides context for analysis outcomes. Methodological part is concentrated on selective processes, which are being held in news about Russia. It has been operated with four variables: actor, theme, news frames (conflict, attribution of responsibility, human interest, morality and economic) and securitization frame. Concerning securitization frame, the elements of diagnosis, prognosis or motivation to actively deal with a problem has been researched. Description of results and their graphical projection is integrated to the last chapter. The most...
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[pt] Sismos são considerados um dos desastres naturais mais catastróficos devido ao seu imenso potencial destrutivo, à extensão dos seus efeitos e pela sua súbita e inesperada ocorrência, podendo desencadear sérias consequencias como deslizamentos de encostas, liquefação de solos, corrida de detritos, etc. O estudo da estimativa da ameaça sísmica é de grande importância na engenharia geotécnica, principalmente em obras especiais como barragens, dos pontos de vista sócio econômico, ambiental e de segurança. Análises sísmicas destas geoestruturas mesmo em zonas de baixa sismicidade, como no Brasil, devem ser consideradas como consequência natural de uma boa prática de projeto, pois tais instalações precisam manter-se seguras e em funcionamento durante a sua vida útil, visando à segurança e bem estar da população em geral. A motivação principal da presente dissertação é reunir informações e apresentar métodos de estudo de ameaça sísmica e da resposta dinâmica de obras de terra. Um sistema de contenção de rejeitos de bauxita localizado na Jamaica, em zona de alta atividade sísmica, é analisado procurando-se estabelecer as características fundamentais do terremoto de projeto a partir de uma análise probabilística de ameaça sísmica regional. A estabilidade dos taludes do dique de contenção, bem como os deslocamentos permanentes provocados pelo sismo, são estimados por metodologias simples (método de estabilidade pseudo-estático, método de Newmark) e soluções mais complexas baseadas no método dos elementos finitos. / [en] Earthquakes are considered one of the most catastrophic natural disasters due to its immense destructive potential, the extent of its effects and its sudden and unexpected occurrence, which can trigger serious consequences such as landslides, soil liquefaction, debris flow, etc. The study of seismic hazard is of great importance in geotechnical engineering, especially in cases involving special structures such as earth dams, under the socio-economic, environmental and security points of view. Seismic analysis of such special structures, even in areas of low seismicity as in Brazil, should be considered as a natural consequence of good design practice, since these facilities do need to remain safe and operational during their entire lifetime. The main motivation of this dissertation is to gather information and to present and discuss methods for the estimate of the seismic hazard and evaluation of the dynamic response of earth works. A tailings dam system located in Jamaica, within an area of high seismic activity, is analyzed in this dissertation, with the objective to establish the fundamental characteristics of the earthquake design from a probabilistic analysis of the regional seismic hazard. The slope stability of the dike and the permanent displacements caused by the earthquake are estimated by simple methods (pseudo-static stability method, Newmark method) and more complex solutions based on the finite element method.
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Stigmatisation relative au poids, menace du stéréotype et comportement alimentaire des personnes en surcharge pondérale / Weight stigma, stereotype threat and eating behaviours of overweight peopleBrelet, Lisa 05 October 2018 (has links)
La problématique de l’excès de poids représente un enjeu de santé publique. En effet, l’obésité, et, en premier lieu, le surpoids, concerneraient (à eux deux) 45% de la population française. Au-delà de facteurs génétiques, hormonaux et socio-économiques, les habitudes de vie des personnes (i.e., alimentation, dépenses énergétiques, etc.) sont souvent mentionnées pour expliquer l’origine d’un telle pathologie. Or, si ces premiers facteurs trouvent un appui scientifique, les habitudes de vie sont, quant à elle, peu documentées et relèveraient davantage du mythe. Néanmoins, les travaux menés en psychologie sociale ont démontré que, parfois, le mythe peut devenir réalité… En effet, les recherches réalisées sur le phénomène de menace du stéréotype ont permis de montrer que les stéréotypes négatifs dont certains groupes sociaux sont la cible peuvent nuire à leurs comportements dans un sens conforme à ces stéréotypes. Plus précisément, par peur de confirmer un stéréotype négatif à l’égard de leur groupe social, des membres peuvent être paradoxalement conduit à émettre des comportements consistants avec ce stéréotype, dans un contexte où ce dernier est saillant et applicable. Le présent travail visait, par conséquent, à mettre en exergue l’impact de la stigmatisation relative au poids sur les conduites alimentaires des personnes en surcharge pondérale vivant en France. Pour ce faire, 633 personnes en surpoids/obèses et 1278 normopondérés ont participé aux six expérimentations (et cinq pré-tests) présentées dans cette thèse. Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes assurés de l’existence d’une stigmatisation relative au poids en France, et nous nous sommes attachés à étudier son contenu. Dans un second temps, nous nous sommes intéressés au ressenti des personnes obèses face à cette stigmatisation, en terme de vécu, fréquence, stratégies de coping mises en œuvre pour y faire face, bien-être psychologique et comportements de santé (e.g., alimentation, activité physique, etc.). In fine, à travers le phénomène de menace du stéréotype, nous avons examiné les effets de cette stigmatisation relative au poids sur les intentions/comportements alimentaires d’une population normopondérée et en excès de poids. Les résultats de ces études ont, tout d’abord, permis de montrer qu’il existait bien une stigmatisation relative au poids en France. Cette stigmatisation attribuait notamment de mauvaises habitudes alimentaires et un manque d’activités physiques aux individus en excès de poids. Ensuite, nous avons démontré que le vécu de stigmatisation relative au poids de personnes obèses et leurs stratégies de coping adoptées pour y faire face corrélaient avec un faible bien-être psychologique, un fort niveau d’impulsivité et des comportements alimentaires inadaptés. Pour finir, nous avons mis en évidence que, dans certaines situations, cette stigmatisation relative au poids, via le phénomène de menace du stéréotype, conduisait des personnes en surpoids à consommer davantage d’aliments caloriques. Ces résultats sont discutés au regard de la littérature portant sur la menace du stéréotype, notamment auprès des personnes en surpoids. Des pistes de recherches et d’interventions, pour diminuer les effets délétères de la stigmatisation relative au poids et ceux du phénomène de menace du stéréotype qui en résulte, sont également proposées. / Excessive weight is a public health issue. In fact, obesity and overweight affect around 45% of the French population.Beyond genetics, hormonal and social economics factors, lifestyle (i.e., feeding, physical exercise, etc.) is often cited as a possible cause of the disease. However, if these initial factors find scientific supports, way of life, however, is hardly substantiated and would rather reflect a myth. Nevertheless, social psychology has demonstrated that the myth can sometimes become reality… Indeed, research on the stereotype threat phenomenon shows that members of social groups can be harmed by negative stereotypes. More precisely, even if they fear it, individuals can adopt behaviours consistent with these activated and applicable stereotypes. Therefore, the present work aimed to highlight the impact of weight stigma on the French overweight people’s eating behaviours. To this end, 633 overweight/obese people and 1278 normal-weight people took part in the six experiments (and five pre-tests) presented in this thesis. Firstly, we ensured that the French weight stigma exists and we explored its content. Secondly, we took an interest in obese people’s feelings and how they were dealing with the weight stigma in terms of real-life experiences, frequency, coping strategies, psychological well-being and healthy behaviours (e.g., feeding, physical activity, etc.). Thirdly, through the stereotype threat phenomenon, we examined the effects of this weight stigma on the eating intentions/behaviours for normal-weight and overweight people. First, the results showed the existence of weight stigma in France. Poor eating habits and physical inactivity are attributed mostly to overweight people. Then, we demonstrated that obese people’s weight stigma experiences and their coping strategies correlated with a low psychological well-being, a high level of impulsiveness and inappropriate eating behaviours. Finally, according to stereotype threat, we provided experimental evidence that weight stigma can lead overweight people to consume more high-calorie food in certain circumstances. These results will be discussed with regard to the stereotype threat literature, and particularly studies related to overweight people. Suggestions for further research and possible interventions to reduce or eliminate the harmful effects of stereotype threat resulting of weigh stigma will also be proposed
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Klimatmöten enligt Dagens Nyheter : En kritisk diskursanalys av Dagens Nyheters rapportering från tre av FN:s klimatmöten. / Climate summits according To Dagens Nyheter : A critical discourse analysis of Dagens Nyheter's news reporting on three of the UN:s climate summits.Wesslund, Jakob January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how the climate summits arranged by the UN in Kyoto 1997, Copenhagen 2009 and Paris 2015 was portrayed by the Swedish daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter. The purpose was also to examine how the problem of climate change was portrayed in the paper in conjunction with the above mentioned climate summits. This was done by using the method critical discourse analysis. A total of 39 articles published in Dagens Nyheter during the time of the different summits was thoroughly analyzed using the method. The results show that Climate change is consequently described as an important issue and a problem that could result in large consequences for the entire planet if the different negotiating parts at the summits could not reach an agreement. The negotiations are described as tough, with countries having big difficulties reaching an agreement. In articles from all three summits the negotiating parts will, or unwillingness, to cooperate and taking responsibility for the situation is described as a key factor in order for the summits to achieve success. However, the media discourse in Dagens Nyheter regarding what taking responsibllity actually means has changed between the different conferences. In the Kyoto-articles being a responsible actor for preventing climate change were described to act according to the line of action already established by the United Nations. However the articles from the meetings held in Copenhagen and Paris described responsibility as something that can only be performed within the political frameworks realm of possibllity.The results also show that solutions to the problem of climate change are described exclusively as something that needs to be done within a liberal economic framework. Economic growth is described as something necessary for countries to develop and humanity’s adjustments to climate change must therefore be done without disrupting the current economic balance too severely.
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Analýza vybraných případů kyberkriminality ve finanční sféře / Analysis of specific cases of cybercrimes in the financial sectorSkřivánková, Klára January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of currently most frequent cyber attacks apperaring in the financial sector, that do not aim to fraud financial institutions, but particularly target their clients, average Internet users. The highest attention is deserved to fraud emails -- as known as phishing. The other types of internet frauds and scams, such as Nigerian email scams or the Zeus virus, are not omitted. In the document is presented textual and pictorial guide, which contents a list of warning signs, that helps common Internet user identify and reveal email fraud. The multicriterial analysis evaluates the level of education and awareness, that selected financial institutions provide to their clients using the official web sites. In the last chapter are suggested recommendations and advices leading to increase availability, clearness and quality of information regarding internet frauds and financial threats.
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Ameaça em O Ateneu, de Raul Pompéia: um enfoque da gramática sistêmico-funcional / The threat in O Ateneu, by Raul Pompéia a standpoint of the systemic functional grammaticVallezi, Nanci de Souza 20 January 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-01-20 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The objective of this research is to evaluate the language of threat in the O Ateneu,
by Raul Pompéia , from the standpoint of the Systemic Functional Grammar and its
ramifications, covering Linguistics Criticism and Appraisal . The title focuses on the
power relationship of Aristarco, representing the school, concerning the new student
Sérgio. As I started studying some theoretical-methodology proposals of Systemic
Functional Grammar, arose the curiosity to examine in the title which I already had
examined from the literature point of view in my Coursework lexico-grammatical
choices made by the author to emphasize the threat that involves the environment of
the O Ateneu. The threat, socially defined as having strong ideological links with
assessments of violence and control by the threatening, have, until recently, received
little attention in academic circles. The theory states that, while there are violent ways
of command linked to high levels of threat, mitigation and implicit forms are disguised
or masked completely, creating an incomplete understanding of the genre. The
critical analysis, relies on Systemic Functional Grammar, focusing on the system of
Transitivity and Appraisal. The research aims to answer the questions: (a) which
lexical- grammatical choices are made at the O Ateneu, to express a threat? (b) How
can the Transitivity contribute to this expression? (c) How can the Appraisal
contribute to this expression? The results show that the threat in O Ateneu, in
general, happens implicitly, it means by attitude tokens, and they are perceptible to
the reader due to its fit, which gives coherence to the text, and by performing the
prosody throughout the narrative. In this process, Pompéia resorts to irony, that,
according to critical discourse analysis, encourages readers to become aware and
evaluate what would otherwise be accepted without question / O objetivo desta pesquisa é examinar a linguagem da ameaça, na obra O Ateneu,
de Raul Pompéia, sob o enfoque da Gramática Sistêmico-Funcional e suas
ramificações, que abrangem a Linguística Crítica e a Avaliatividade. A obra enfoca a
relação de poder de Aristarco, representando a escola, em relação ao aluno novato,
Sérgio. Ao entrar em contato com algumas propostas teórico-metodológicas da
Gramática Sistêmico-Funcional, surgiu-me a curiosidade de examinar na obra - que
já analisara do ponto de vista da literatura no meu trabalho de Conclusão de Curso -
as escolhas léxico-gramaticais feitas pelo autor para imprimir o cunho da ameaça
que envolve o ambiente de O Ateneu. A ameaça, sociamente definida como tendo
fortes elos ideológicos com avaliações de violência e controle por parte do
ameaçador, têm, até recentemente, recebido pouca atenção nos meios acadêmicos.
A teoria afirma que, enquanto se têm ligado formas violentas de comando a altos
níveis de ameaça, as formas mitigadoras e implícitas são disfarçadas ou
completamente mascaradas, criando uma compreensão incompleta do gênero. A
análise de cunho crítico, apoia-se na Gramática Sistêmico-Funcional, enfocando o
sistema da Transitividade e da Avaliatividade. A pesquisa visa a responder às
perguntas: (a) Que escolhas léxico-gramaticais são feitas em O Ateneu, para
expressar uma ameaça? (b) De que modo pode a Transitividade contribuir nessa
expressão? (c) De que modo pode a Avaliatividade contribuir nessa expressão? Os
resultados mostram que a ameaça em O Ateneu acontece, em geral, de maneira
implícita, ou seja, por tokens de Atitude, e são perceptíveis ao leitor devido ao seu
enquadre, que atribui coerência ao texto, e por meio da realização prosódica
construída ao longo da narrativa. Nesse processo, Pompéia recorre à ironia, que,
segundo a análise do discurso crítica, encoraja os leitores a se conscientizarem e
avaliarem o que seria, de outro modo, aceito sem questionamento
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