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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En gemensam fiende? : -En jämförande studie om olika staters syn på terrorism

Rönnlund, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
<p>Even though terrorism has been on the political agenda for several years there is no general accepted definition of the phenomena of terrorism. Several scientist do also apply that terrorism have changed after the 9/11-attacks. The purpose with this thesis was to analyze and compare the image of terrorism represented by the United States, United Kingdom, Sweden and Norway, in an attempt to draw conclusions about similarities and differentials. The material that was used was these four nations individual counter terrorism strategy. This was made by using idea analysis and self constructed dimensions based on earlier science about security, terrorism and international law. A result of this study showed that there is a consensus about terrorism as a high existential threat because of the religious extremism that is related to Al Qaeda and justifies mass murder and have showed attempt to acquire weapons of mass destruction. On this adoption the nations in this study justifies extraordinary actions in cooperation against global terrorism. It is however some differentials about the means to counter this threat. The United States, United Kingdom and Norway describes in their strategy that the threat of Al Qaeda and its allies should be met by military force. United Kingdom describes that the military action is to consider as an exception based on the extraordinary threat that Al Qaeda poses. Sweden on the other hand shows a description of terrorism as a criminal act that should be met by national measures.</p>

Cyber Profiling for Insider Threat Detection

Udoeyop, Akaninyene Walter 01 August 2010 (has links)
Cyber attacks against companies and organizations can result in high impact losses that include damaged credibility, exposed vulnerability, and financial losses. Until the 21st century, insiders were often overlooked as suspects for these attacks. The 2010 CERT Cyber Security Watch Survey attributes 26 percent of cyber crimes to insiders. Numerous real insider attack scenarios suggest that during, or directly before the attack, the insider begins to behave abnormally. We introduce a method to detect abnormal behavior by profiling users. We utilize the k-means and kernel density estimation algorithms to learn a user’s normal behavior and establish normal user profiles based on behavioral data. We then compare user behavior against the normal profiles to identify abnormal patterns of behavior.

Hur hanterar skolor hot och våld? : En fallstudie av ansvarsfördelning och implementering av riktlinjer på skolan

Malmberg, Vilhelmine January 2010 (has links)
How schools handles threat and violence among pupils could have an effect on the surrounding world, since schools reflect society at large. This study attempts to explore how this is handled within two schools, one secondary school and one upper secondary school. How do the schools work with violence and threats amongst pupils? Who is responsible for what? Is this work based on school guidelines? Why/why not? The theoretical starting-points have been Lundquists implementation-based control-model and an organizational point-of-view using theories about open and closed systems, primarily Meyer and Rowans neo-institutionalism. To gain validity, the study has been carried out by way of triangulation, i.e. using different methods. In this study, the methods have been: conversational interviews with school principals, focused group interviews with school staff combined with the vignette method, and a literary study of school guidelines. The analysis of the empirical material has been primarily thematic which was mainly guided by empirics, but a minor analysis of the discourse is also included in the study. The results show that there are many obstacles to overcome in the implementation of school guidelines, which, on the other hand, are not always up-to-date. The major obstacle is a lack of resources, primarily among the teachers, such as time pressure and insufficient education on the subject. This study also implies that there is somewhat of a power imbalance between the school staff and the pupils, as well as the pupils‟ parents. There also seems to be a lack of collaboration with agents outside the schools, primarily the social services and the police, because of strict boundaries. At last, the study provides several issues and different perspectives as a starting point for further research, such as experiences of threats and violence at school among pupils and parents, and their influence, as well as the issue of threats and violence against school staff.

Korrelerar startlereaktion med reaktionstid?

Dalvald, Momo January 2008 (has links)
Bilder av potentiella hot upptäcks snabbt och leder till en snabbare reaktionstid än bilder av icke-potentiella hot. Potentiella hot stjäl också fokus och kognitiva resurser, med en långsammare reaktionstid som följd. Rädsla, som kan mätas genom startlereflexen, leder till antingen ökad handlingsberedskap (snabbare reaktionstid) eller kognitiv distraktion (långsammare reaktionstid). Fem försöksdeltagare fick reagera på en visuell probe som lades ovanpå djurbilder, både potentiella hot och icke-potentiella hot i ett kombinerat reaktionstids- och startleprobeexperiment, där ljudstötar utdelades i hörlurar. Startlereaktion, hjärtfrekvens och reaktionstid mättes, varefter korrelationskoefficienter räknades ut. Resultatet visade på en svag negativ korrelation mellan reaktionstid och startlepotentiering på gruppnivå, men inga signifikanta samband påvisades på individnivå. Resultatet på gruppnivå kan bero på att de individuella resultaten tenderar samlas i kluster och därför skapar ett skensamband. Även en positiv korrelation mellan hjärtfrekvensförändring och startlereaktion påvisades, men ingen korrelation mellan hjärtfrekvens och reaktionstid. / Pictures of fear relevant animals are detected fast and lead to shorter reaction time, compared to pictures of fear irrelevant animals. Fear relevant animals also capture attention and steals focus, which leads to slower reaction time. Fear leads to either preparedness for action (faster reaction time) or cognitive distraction (slower reaction time). In a combined startle probe and reaction time experiment, five participants were requested to react to a visual probe, superimposed on pictures of animals, both relevant and irrelevant to fear. Startle probes were given as noise bursts in headphones. Startle reaction, heart rate and reaction time were measured. A negative correlation between reaction time and startle potentiation was found on group level, whereas no significant correlations were found on the individual level. However, the individual results tend to gather in clusters, which might give a significant result on group level even if there is none.

La ictiofauna epicontinental de la Región de Murcia: distribución, problemática y propuestas para su conservación

Andreu Soler, Asunción 21 November 2008 (has links)
El estado actual de la ictiofauna de las aguas epicontinentales de la Región de Murcia está íntimamente ligado a las características climáticas e hidrológicas de la misma. La escasa disponibilidad del recurso agua hace que la comunidad íctica esté particularmente expuesta a la gestión de dicho recurso. Esta comunidad está compuesta por un total de 15 especies, 5 son autóctonas de la cuenca del Segura (Salmo trutta, Anguilla anguilla, Luciobarbus sclateri, Squalius pyrenaicus y Aphanius iberus) y las 10 restantes son alóctonas (Gobio lozanoi, Pseudochondrostoma polylepis, Cyprinus carpio, Carassius auratus, Micropterus salmoides, Gambusia holbrooki, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Alburnus alburnus, Sander lucioperca y Lepomis gibbosus). Se ha observado una marcada regresión en el área de ocupación de las especies autóctonas. Los vertidos de origen agrícola y los cambios de caudal son los factores de amenaza puntuales de mayor importancia. / The current state of ichthyofauna of epicontinental waters in Murcia region is closely linked to its climatic and hydrological characteristics. The limited availability of water as a resource means that fish are particularly exposed to the management of this resource. This community comprises a total of 15 species, being 5 native to Segura basin (Salmo trutta, Anguilla anguilla, Luciobarbus sclateri, Squalius pyrenaicus and Aphanius Iberus) and being alien the remaining 10 (Gobio lozanoi, Pseudochondrostoma polylepis, Cyprinus carpio, Carassius auratus, Micropterus salmoides, Gambusia holbrooki, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Alburnus alburnus, Sander lucioperca and Lepomis gibbosus). There has been a marked decline in the occupancy of the native species. Discharges of agricultural origin and changes of flow are the factors of threat of greater importance

Patterns of Support of Ethnic Violent Groups by Co-Ethnic Groups

Gumustekin, Deniz 01 August 2012 (has links)
Most studies examine how homeland policies influence the host state and what role the homeland plays for diaspora. In this paper, I will examine the reasons and conditions for why ethnic groups do or do not support violent ethnic groups. This study tests how external threats impact the level of support within the same ethnic groups. I will examine the causal relationship between external pressure and non-cooperation through a structured, comparative study of Kurdish ethnic groups.

Kina : ett hot mot USA?

Sandin, Stefan January 2006 (has links)
Kina, ett expansivt land i centrala Asien, har genomgått stora förändringar sedan Andravärldskriget. Har den förändringen skapat en uppfattning i USA att Kina kan ses som ett hot?Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur den officiella hotbilden av Kina skildrats i USAunder åren 1991-2006. Detta med fokus på att se på vilka förändringar som eventuellt skettunder den perioden. Problemformuleringen lyder: Vilka likheter och olikheter kanidentifieras genom att jämföra hur den officiella hotbilden av Kina har skildrats under detre olika presidentadministrationerna åren 1991-2006. Resultatet visar en relativ samsynunder hela den täckta perioden. Endast vid ett fåtal tillfällen uttrycks en uppfattad hotbild. Detsom är det genomgående temat i officiella uttalanden under perioden är behovet av samarbete.Ett samarbete som leder till öppenhet och samverkan inom alla sektorer. En öppenhet som i sintur bidrar till att skapa stabilitet och även till att USA inte uppfattar Kina som ett hot. / China, a country in Asia, that have gone through great expansion and change since the end ofWW2. Has that change created a picture in USA of China as a threat against USA? The purposeof this thesis is to examine how official statements have mentioned the China threat from 1991-2006. Focusing on changes, if any, during that period. To answer the question: What is similarand what differ about the pictured threat from China, during the three differentpresidencies, 1991-2006.The examination shows a relative coherent picture during the whole period. Just in someoccasion there is an imagined threat from China. Most of the time, in the official statements, theneed for co-operation is highlighted. Co-operation leading to transparency that will help tocreate stability and also creates an environment helping USA not to think of China as a threat. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 04-06

An Investigation of Role Salience and Linkages to Work-Family Conflict

Greer, Tomika Wilson 2011 May 1900 (has links)
This dissertation contains reports of three separate studies in which the connections between work role salience, family role salience, stereotype threat, and work-family conflict were explored. In the first study, findings from a systematic review of the role salience literature were reported. Following a search of four Human Resource Development (HRD) journals, the PsycINFO database, and the Academic Search Complete database, 69 articles and papers were identified for inclusion in the literature review. The literature mostly pertained to career development, with a notable emphasis on life-span, life-space theory. Though, very little of the research in the sample of literature pertained specifically to how individuals negotiate their lives as they occupy multiple life roles. In the second study, meta-analytic techniques were used to identify the nature of the relationships between work role salience, family role salience, and work-family conflict. Hypothesized relationships were based on conservation of resources theory. Data were collected from fourteen papers and articles to test the hypothesized relationships. Work role salience was positively related to work-family conflict (ρ = 0.151; p < 0.01) and family role salience was negatively related to work interference with family (ρ = -0.049; p ≤ 0.05). Family role salience appeared to support healthy involvement in both the work and family roles while work family salience appeared to deplete the necessary resources to balance work and family roles satisfactorily. The third study was an introduction of stereotype threat as a potential moderator of the role salience and work-family conflict relationships. Data were collected from 727 individuals who responded to an online survey. MANOVA was used to conclude that White and Black/African-American participants differed in their responses to the work-family conflict and stereotype threat scales. Regression analyses were used to assess the moderating effects of stereotype threat. Stereotype threat moderated the relationships between parental role salience and family interference with work. Future research efforts should include further examination of the similarities and differences in how the variables interact across racial boundaries and the mechanism(s) by which the stereotype threat affects role salience and work-family conflict relationships.

Cyber Profiling for Insider Threat Detection

Udoeyop, Akaninyene Walter 01 August 2010 (has links)
Cyber attacks against companies and organizations can result in high impact losses that include damaged credibility, exposed vulnerability, and financial losses. Until the 21st century, insiders were often overlooked as suspects for these attacks. The 2010 CERT Cyber Security Watch Survey attributes 26 percent of cyber crimes to insiders. Numerous real insider attack scenarios suggest that during, or directly before the attack, the insider begins to behave abnormally. We introduce a method to detect abnormal behavior by profiling users. We utilize the k-means and kernel density estimation algorithms to learn a user’s normal behavior and establish normal user profiles based on behavioral data. We then compare user behavior against the normal profiles to identify abnormal patterns of behavior.

A Focus Group Study of Baby Boomers' Processing and Interpretations of Fear Appeals in Health Care Reform Political Advertising

Calandro, Allyson Dawn 01 January 2011 (has links)
This qualitative research study describes the processing and interpretations of "Baby Boomers" in response to fear appeals from two health care reform political advertisements. Research suggests that scholars continue to disagree on the audience's interpretations of fear appeals, based on studies comparing different levels of fear, emotions, and interpretations by specific members of the population. However, little is known about how "Baby Boomers" interpret fear used in health care reform advertising. The method included six focus groups. Thematic analysis revealed five key themes: "Baby Boomers'" processing produced a range of emotions, they demand more facts, the fear expressed was fear of the unknown and fear of change, how do they know who they can trust and what they can believe, and the shared experience of an "us in comparison to them" mentality. Future research should expand upon these themes across a more diverse group of participants, to compare and contrast findings across different generations, or in combination with other methods.

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