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Från 300 ord till 30 sekunder : En studie om TikTokifieringen av nyheterAndén, Clara, Kjellander, Ella January 2023 (has links)
TikTok är idag den mest populära nyhetskällan bland barn och ungdomar i Sverige och allt fler nyhetsmedier etablerar sig på plattformen. För att anpassa sig efter TikTok-formatet behöver nyhetsmedierna producera en ny typ av journalistiskt innehåll. Underhållande och engagerande element, förenkling och personifiering är medel som TikTok premierar. Denna studie avser därför att undersöka hur Aftonbladets nyheter på deras sajt och TikTok-konto skiljer sig åt och jämföra hur samma nyheter paketeras på de olika plattformarna. Syftet med studien är att få en djupare förståelse kring vad som reduceras och vad som adderas när en webbartikel TikTokifieras. Frågeställningarna syftar till att svara på om fördjupningen i nyheterna skiljer sig åt och i så fall hur, hur paketeringen av innehållet skiljer sig åt audiovisuellt samt hur innehållet skiljer sig åt retoriskt på respektive plattform. För att svara på frågeställningarna har en metodtriangulering tillämpats bestående av en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av 126 analysenheter varav 12 av dessa kommer att analyseras djupare genom en kompletterande kvalitativ analys. Den kvalitativa metoden består av en multimodal analys med sociosemiotisk inriktning ur ett massmedieretoriskt perspektiv. Studien tar avstamp i teorierna om platformization, infotainment och medielogik. Teorierna om multimodalitet, sociosemiotik samt retorik används som utgångspunkter i operationaliseringen av den kvalitativa multimodala analysen. Resultatet visar att när en nyhet TikTokifieras reduceras fördjupningen till stor del. Dessutom adderas flera semiotiska modaliteter och semiotiska resurser som, till skillnad från webbartiklarna på Aftonbladets sajt, främst appellerar till pathos, alltså känslor. Slutsatserna i denna studie berättar att paketeringen av webbartiklarna skiljer sig åt markant från TikTok-inläggen. Skillnaden kan bero på TikTok-publikens flyktiga nyhetskonsumtion och plattformens algoritmer som gör att innehållet behöver paketeras på ett sätt som leder till att inlägget blir viralt och därmed når sin publik. När en nyhet TikTokifieras adderas därför element som syftar till att väcka känslor och skapa engagemang.
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Att skapa innehåll : En inblick i hur innehållsskapare kommunicerar med sina följare / To Create Content : A glimpse into how content creators communicate with their audienceThuresson, Locklin January 2023 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker och exemplifierar hur innehållsskapare, influencers, kommunicerar med sin publik på plattformar där huvudinnehållet är tidsbegränsade videor med en tidsgräns på några minuter, till exempel TikTok. Huvudfrågan är om, och i så fall hur, innehåll som är sponsrat skiljer sig från innehåll som inte är sponsrat. Genom en narrativ analys och med hjälp av visuell analys diskuteras två innehållsskapares videor, vilka likheter och skillnader som finns mellan det sponsrade och det icke-sponsrade innehållet. Slutsatsen som nås är att det sponsrade och icke-sponsrade materialet kommuniceras på mycket lika sätt, där beteendet runt den sponsrade produkten är den enda konkreta skillnaden.
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Pride & Prejudice and Booktok : A Study of TikTok Users’ Interpretations of Jane Austen’s Most Renowned Literary WorkSamuelsson, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Tall, Dark, and Ideal : #Bookboyfriends in six contemporary romance novelsRamstad, Tessa January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine popular male characters trending on the social media app TikTok under the hashtags “booktok” and “bookboyfriends”, with a focus on understanding the construction of their masculinity and determining the qualities that make them highly appealing to a female audience. This will be done by researching the six most popular male characters on #bookboyfriend. Then by close reading the novels which the characters derive from. This thesis theoretical framework is a mix between romance research, masculinity studies and a female gaze perspective. The thesis draws upon a variety of studies, including but not limited to the works of Raewyn Connell, Laura Mulvey, Janice Radway and Jonathan Allen. The novels researched in this thesis are all heterosexual, written by women and mostly by American authors. These are: Elle Kennedy’s The Deal (2021), Colleen Hoover’s It Ends with Us (2016), Krista & Becca Ritchie’s Addicted to You (2020), Ali Hazelwood’s Love Hypothesis (2021), and Ana Huang’s Twisted Love (2021) and Twisted Lies (2022). To analyze the male characters, I divided the analysis into two main parts: physical depiction and sexual content. The book boyfriends are portrayed in a way that is traditional to the romance genre, they are tall, handsome, and rich. However, now they are more extreme in everything, instead of just being tall they are massive. Furthermore, they are also more violent than their predecessors especially in the sexual content of the novels. This is mixed with the inclusion of sexual consent which now exists in all the novels. Lastly, the book boyfriends are all male heroes typical to the romance genre but work as a scale where some behave more as alpha males and others as soft boys.
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Do You Listen to Girl in Red? A Thematic Analysis of Queer Symbolism on TikTokCurry, Kelsey O. 15 August 2022 (has links)
This thesis investigates how queer women on the social networking site (SNS) TikTok are expressing their cultural identity and building community. Previous research has shown that self-expression and self-presentation are important parts of defining one's identity and building community for queer individuals, and this study analyzes details specifically within the unique platform of TikTok. Its popularity and success as an SNS that utilizes an advanced algorithm justifies its examination and highlights its multifaceted benefits, such as ease of community building and accessibility to diverse content.
In a thematic analysis of 66 TikTok videos using the song "girls" by Girl in Red, and consisting of female-presenting individuals, two themes were revealed and defined: color combinations communicating identity and viral trends as queer confirmation or communication. These themes reveal two ways those in the queer community are embracing small content details to find each other and practice cultural identity expression. Study findings outline the social and technological advancements of online community building, while also illuminating how stigma symbols defined by previous studies are continually employed in the TikTok videos examined in this study. Results also support previous TikTok research suggesting that queer users are developing self-organized practices in response to algorithmic functions. / MACOM / This study examines strategies employed by queer women on TikTok to express their identity and build community with one another. The mobile app, which allows users to post short video clips accompanied by audio, often songs that are popular or coordinated with the message of the video, has become an increasingly important channel of communication for members of various communities. For gender and sexual minorities, self-expression and self-presentation are important parts of defining one's identity and building community. Inspired by the growing popularity online of the Norwegian singer-songwriter Girl in Red, this study analyzes the contents of 66 videos using her song, "girls." The study illustrates how online community building has advanced since early social media, the influence of the innovative TikTok algorithm, and provides context for a popular trend on the app. Results show that queer women recognize and utilize TikTok affordances to their advantage, such as participating in trends or liking specific content to encourage cultural identity connections via the algorithm.
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Att skrolla fram lycka mitt i ångesten : En hermeneutisk studie om hur TikTok-användning relaterar till unga vuxnas upplevda uppmärksamhetsspann under senmodernitetenGhavi, Damon January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur unga vuxnas TikTok-användning relaterar till deras upplevda uppmärksamhetsspann under senmoderniteten. TikTok är ett intressant fenomen vars användning är karaktäristiskt för det nuvarande senmoderna samhället och appens tillväxt, samt popularitet, stiger ständigt. Trots detta, har nästintill inga studier gjorts kring TikToks påverkan på dess användare. Med tanke på appens revolutionerande innehållspresentation är det därför av intresse att i denna studie undersöka hur appens användning relaterar till dess användares upplevda uppmärksamhetsspann. Studien förhåller sig till ett teoretiskt och begreppsligt ramverk utifrån Anthony Giddens förklaring av senmoderniteten och epokens abstrakta system, livsstilsval samt epokens medföljande collageeffekt och Erving Goffmans interaktionistiska begrepp: intrycksstyrning, främre och bakre region, i kombination med Giddens individualiseringsbegrepp för att förklara den nutida individens identitetskonstruktion. Dialogiska intervjuer enligt den hermeneutiska metodansatsen genomfördes med fem intervjupersoner vilkas TikTok-användning översteg sex timmar per vecka. Studiens resultat presenterar en huvudtolkning som centrerar kring att TikTok-användning har en negativ påverkan på unga vuxnas upplevda uppmärksamhetsspann genom tre olika faktorer. Dessa faktorer kan sammanfattas som användarnas maktlöshet i att förändra den individualiserade och enformiga TikTok-algoritmen och flödet, skroll-funktionens beroendeframkallande och svårkontrollerbarhet samt Tiktoks tongivande roll i användarnas verkliga liv.
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Deinfluencing Trend on TikTok : Exploring how sustainable consumption trend on TikTok results in a self feeding loop and losing its sustainable ethosIhalainen, Sonja January 2024 (has links)
Deinfluencing trend started in January 2023 on TikTok, and aims to challenge overconsumption norms. However, deinfluencing has received a variety of definitions as trend and term, which has led to misunderstanding or misuse of the term. This research is examining 28 TikTok videos with the deinfluencing hashtag from January 2023 to March 2024, as well as 34,180 comments left on these videos. The videos have been selected using purposive sampling, and are analyzed using Critical Visual Methodology (Rose, 2023). The comments are analyzed using qualitative text analysis. Due to the unclear definitions, the paradox of sustainable trend on a global capitalist platform as well as algorithmic and influencer imaginaries, the trend has turned into a self feeding deinfluencing-influencing loop, where the trend is losing its sustainability ethos. In conclusion, the influencers and audience are seen to be caught too deeply in this loop, that this research does not see any significant changes towards more sustainable adaptation of the term to be in the future of the trend.
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"Jag tror på TikTok så som min mamma tror på Facebook" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av hur svenska mediestudenter är källkritiska på TikTok / "I believe in TikTok the way my mom believes in Facebook" : A qualitative interview study of how Swedish media students are source critical on TikTok.Gardelius, Elin, Olsson, Alicia January 2024 (has links)
Misinformation and desinformation is a big problem in the social media landscape. It has been recently discovered that a Swedish political party has been spreading hate and desinformation through anonymous social media accounts to gain votes and to act against minorities in Sweden. To combat the issue with desinformation the media users need to have the ability to locate false facts and underlying motives from the source.This study's aims to discover how Swedish media students describe and reason about source criticism on TikTok with a qualitative interview study. The study has three research questions that is how Swedish media students describe the characteristics of TikTok, how they describe their strategies for being source critical on TikTok and how they reason about the connection with their education and their ability to be source critical on social media. The theoretical framework is media literacy and social media literacy that helps to analyze the interviews and to make relevant conclusions of the material. The study discovers that the media students are aware of TikTok´s characteristics and how to deal with them and they show a great ability to be media literate on social media. But they also witness a difficulty to be critical to content on TikTok because of the great exposure of information and the eternal scrolling on for you page.
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The Lifespan of a Trend: The Commodification of Style, Identity in a Social Media-Driven Ultra-Fast Fashion IndustryGuarino, Andrew C. January 2024 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Kristin Peterson / This thesis explores fashion as a means of identity expression within the ever-evolving social media landscape, looking at TikTok in particular as it has arisen in tandem with the evolution of the infamous fast fashion industry into ultra-fast fashion. Eleven participants completed nine surveys over the course of three weeks during which they reported their lasting impressions of fashion content on the app before participating in terminal focus group sessions. Looking at TikTok's influencer ecosystem through the lens of the Frankfurt School's concept of the culture industry, this thesis argues that the capitalist business of influences works in harmony with the ultra-fast fashion industry to promote a consumption pattern characterized by increased purchase frequency and volume of lower quality clothing designed primarily to appeal to the latest trends than to function as clothing. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2024. / Submitted to: Boston College. Morrissey School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Communication. / Discipline: Departmental Honors.
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"Mine hips doth not bear false witness" : En undersökning av historiebruk och porträtteringen av medeltiden på sociala medier via #MedievalTikTok / "Mine hips doth not bear false witness" : A study of the use and portrayal of the middle ages on social media through #MedievalTikTokSvensson, Maja January 2022 (has links)
This essay aim to study the hashtag and trend #MedievalTikTok, popular on the TikTok mobileapplication starting late summer 2020. The trend will get looked at through concepts like use of history (historiebruk). Some of the main ways the trend uses history is for entertainment, socialization and commercialization. Michael Nordberg’s book "Den dynamiska medeltiden" is also central for the text and works as an academical and theoretical basis. Nordbergs workquestions the idea of the ”dark middle ages”, disproving many unfavorable misconceptions about the period. #MedievalTikTok centers on users acting out the middle ages through simple costumes, shakespearean language, TikTok’s in-app editing features and medieval style covers of pop songs. Bardcore, as this genre of music is called, exploded in popularity in early summer2020. Artist Stantough’s cover of Shakira’s ”Hips don’t lie” is particularly significant in relation to the trend. #MedievalTikTok tends to replicate the same ideas that Nordberg questions. For example the prevalence of witch hunts is greatly exaggerated as well as the absolute rigidity of gender roles and class. The middle ages depicted in the trend is also very geographically limited, with Western Europe being the centerpiece. Northern Europe and vikings are for example overlooked. Other signifiers of the trend is a compression of time and mixups with preceding and following eras such as the early modern period. Popculture, limited school hours dedicated to the middle ages and comedic overstatements influence the trends dated portrayal of the medieval period.
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