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Analysis of impact of process complexity on unbalanced work in assembly process and methods to reduce it : Project undertaken in Electrolux AB Mariestad, under guidance of SWEREA IVF ABLokhande, Kushal, Gopalakrishnan, Maheshwaran January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Omkonstruktion av komponenter i en desinfektionsdiskmaskin med syfte att reducera monteringstidenEriksson, Hampus, Chen, Fang January 2015 (has links)
Fokus i detta arbete ligger i att konstruera om vissa delar av produkten för lättare och snabbare montering. Huvudproblemen som upptäcks i detta arbete handlar om skymd sikten vid monteringen samt bristande utrymme för installation av komponenter. Arbetet börjar med att formulera undersökningsproblemet och sedan presenteras olika vetenskapliga metoder, relevanta teorier samt genomförandet av arbetet. Nulägesbeskrivning, nulägesanalys samt förbättringsförslag till problemen utförs i genomförandet. På grund av att ingen egen tillverkning sker på företaget har författarna valt att utföra beräkningar istället för att verifiera att lösningarna till problem håller. Resultatet i detta arbete blir att antalet delar och skruvar har minskats samt att sikten och tillgängligheten vid insättning av komponenter har förbättrats, vilket kommer att minska monteringstiden till en viss del.
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Augmented Reality Method for Supporting Time Studies in Manual Assembly ProcessesDomenech, Sofía January 2022 (has links)
In the 21st century, the so-called fourth Industrial Revolution, productivity at work is becoming increasingly important. Companies are looking to invest in the technological pillars of Industry 4.0 in order to advance and improve their results. To this end, they are striving for greater process efficiency. Labour productivity is an essential measure for any company, as it is linked to economic growth and development. Higher worker productivity means better-used resources, more efficiently performed tasks and greater competitiveness, as well as an increase in strengths and a reduction in weaknesses. We know that one of the most common types of work measurement is the time study through which it is determined how much time a skilled worker spends under set conditions to complete a task. This study is carried out by a qualified professional who observes the employee using a time measurement device. At the same time, the quality of the work can be evaluated. The Swedish company, Xylem, famous for using water power, wanted to automate the time study in one of its assembly processes, in particular, the assembly of a water pumphead. The purpose of this idea was to reduce the number of sources required, to have a system to track the employee's hands and to identify the start and end points of the task. With all of this in mind, the possibility of using Augmented Reality was considered. With that goal in mind, a program was created that included hand tracking with coloured spheres to facilitate the assembly process. It also includes QR code scanning to help locate the work area correctly. In addition, it has cube-shaped sensors that help measure time and correctly provide process instructions that are implemented to assist workers. When the job is finished, the program automatically displays a time log and indicates the speed of the work performed. All of this helps to improve productivity and safety at work,making a significant contribution to business sustainability. / <p>Utbytesstudent Universidad de Málaga, Spanien</p>
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No description available.
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Produktionseffektivisering med hjälp av flödessimulering och förbättringsarbete / Production efficiency through simulation and improvement workAndersson, Daniel, Andersson, David January 2018 (has links)
AB Furhoffs Rostfria is a company with its base in Skövde. They are specialists in the manufacturing of stainless-steel parts, such as plumbing products, floor wells and sinks. In addition to manufacturing their own products, the company also has a subcontract to manufacture other companies’ products. The department where this bachelor thesis will be conducted has a subcontract to manufacturing radar cones and treats only the production of the most frequent manufactured radar cones. The department consists of seven manufacturing steps and three additional steps for one of the details. The purpose of the bachelor thesis is to create a simulation model that shows how potential improvement proposals would meet the expected increase of the order intake of the radar cones by streamlining the current production flow. In order to achieve this, a simulation model has been created in which the improvement proposals have been implemented. The improvement proposals that have been tested are based on the data that has been collected through production engineering methods. The frame of references describes the theory that constitutes the foundation for the chosen methods. In addition, areas within discrete event simulation, lean production and improvement work have been studied from other works in the literature review. These areas can in some way relate to the work and conclusions of this project. The empirical study was conducted by using observations according to genchi genbutsu, conversations and interviews with operators, spaghetti diagrams of the operators and the product flow as well as time studies according to the continuous method. These methods have formed the basis for both the creation of the simulation model, where the current situation is reflected, and for the development of the future state simulation model. The future state simulation model shows the implementation of the improvement proposals that increases efficiency and production volume throughout the system. The empirical study resulted in a visual overview of the production flow, standard times, the identification of waste as well as improvement proposals. When all the improvement proposals were implemented, the hourly production was increased by 26.6% and the lead time was reduced by 21.1%. With these improvements, the company can increase their production and profit significantly. / AB Furhoffs Rostfria är ett bolag som är baserade i Skövde. De är specialister inom tillverkning av produkter i rostfritt stål, såsom rörprodukter, golvbrunnar och diskbänkar. Förutom tillverkning av egna produkter har företaget en legotillverkning för att tillverka andra företags produkter. Avdelningen där detta examensarbete har genomförts är en legoproduktion av radarkonor och examensarbetet har endast behandlat produktionen av de mest producerad radarkonorna. Processen består av sju tillverkningssteg och tre ytterligare steg för en av detaljerna. Syftet med examensarbetet är att skapa en simuleringsmodell som visar hur potentiella förbättringsförslag kan möta den förväntade orderökningen av radarkonorna genom att effektivisera det nuvarande produktionsflödet. För att uppnå detta har en simuleringsmodell skapats där förbättringsförslagen har implementerats. De förbättringsförslag som har utarbetats bygger på data som har samlats in genom produktionstekniska metoder. Den teoretiska referensramen beskriver den teori som utgör grunden för de valda metoderna. Dessutom har områden inom diskret händelsesimulering, lean produktion och förbättringsarbete studerats från andra arbeten i litteraturstudien. Dessa områden kan på något sätt relatera till arbetet och slutsatserna i detta projekt. Den empiriska studien genomfördes genom att använda observationer enligt genchi genbutsu, konversationer och intervjuer med operatörer, spagettidiagram av operatörerna och produktflödet samt tidsstudier enligt den kontinuerliga metoden. Dessa metoder har utgjort grunden för både skapandet av simuleringsmodellen, där den nuvarande situationen återspeglas, och utvecklingen av den framtida simuleringsmodellen. Den framtida simuleringsmodellen visar implementeringen av förbättringsförslagen som ökar effektiviteten och produktionsvolymen i hela systemet. Den empiriska studien resulterade i en visuell översikt över produktionsflödet, standardtider, identifiering av slöseri samt förbättringsförslag. När samtliga förbättringsförslag implementerades i simuleringsmodellen ökade genomströmningen av produkter per timma med 26,6% och ledtiden reducerades med 21,1%. Med dessa förbättringar kan företaget öka sin produktion och vinst avsevärt.
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Analysis of material flow and simulation-based optimization of transportation system : The combination of simulation and Lean to evaluate and design a transportation systemVuoluterä, Fredrik, Carlén, Oliver January 2018 (has links)
The thesis has been performed in cooperation with a Swedish manufacturing company. The manufacturing site of the company is currently implementing a new machine layout in one of its workshops. The new layout will increase the product flow to another workshop on the site. The goal of the thesis was to evaluate the current transportation system and suggest viable alternatives for the future product flow. By means of discrete event simulation these alternative solutions would be modelled and subsequently optimized to determine if their performance is satisfactory. An approximated investment cost of the solutions would also be estimated. By performing a literature review and creating a frame of reference, a set of relevant methodologies were selected to provide a foundation to the project. Following these methodologies, the current state of transportation was identified and mapped using Value Stream Mapping. Necessary data from the current flow was identified and collected from the company computer systems. This data was deemed partly inaccurate and further verification was needed. To this end, a combination of Genchi Genbutsu, assistance from onsite engineers and a time study was used to verify the unreliable data points. The data sets from the time study and the company data which was deemed valid were represented by statistical distributions to provide input for the simulation models. Two possible solutions were picked for evaluation, an automated guided vehicle system and a tow train system. With the help of onsite personnel, a Kaizen Event was performed in which new possible routing for the future flow was evaluated. A set of simulation models portraying the automated guided vehicle system and the tow train system were developed with the aid of simulation software. The results from these models showed a low utilization of both systems. A new set of models were developed, which included all the product flows between the workshops. The new flows were modelled as generic pallets with the arrival distribution based on historical production data. This set of models were then subject for optimization with regard to the work in process and lead time of the system. The results from the optimization indicates the possibility to reduce the overall work in process by reducing certain buffer sizes while still maintaining the required throughput. These solutions were not deemed to be ready for implementation due to the low utilization of the transportation systems. The authors instead recommend expanding the scope of the system and including other product flows to reach a high utilization.
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Relationen mellan kalkyleringsmetoder, Lean och produktionsflöden av kundanpassad karaktär : Hur kostnadsprecisionen i förkalkyleringen i denna typ av produktion kan ökas samt vilken kalkyleringsmetod som passar bästAbrahamsson, Emilie January 2015 (has links)
Då tillverkningsindustrin går mot en högre grad av kundanpassning och implementering av Lean, samtidigt som föråldrade traditionella kalkyleringsmetoder fortfarande används i moderna industriföretag, är det intressant att utreda relationerna mellan produktionsflöden av kundanpassad karaktär, Lean samt olika kalkyleringsmetoder. Syftet är att öka kostnadsprecisionen i förkalkylen för ett produktionsflöde av kundanpassad och Lean karaktär och beskriva en generaliserbar arbetsprocess för detta. Syftet är även att ta fram generella rekommendationer för val av kalkyleringsmetod genom att utifrån denna produktions karaktär genomföra en jämförande analys av kalkyleringsmetoder (traditionella kalkylmetoder, ABC och kalkylering enligt Lean). Genom en litteraturstudie samt en fallstudie av ett produktionsflöde med många varianter och inslag av Lean har båda syftena uppfyllts. Fallstudien har utförts genom intervjuer och observationer. Problem och positiva faktorer som enligt litteratur karaktäriserar produktion av kundanpassade produkter har även återfunnits på fallföretaget. Det sambandet har kunnat användas för att stödja analysen av relationerna. Relationerna mellan kalkyleringsmetoder, Lean samt produktionsflöden av kundanpassad karaktär har analyserats genom att jämföra litteratur och resultat från fallstudien. Det framkom att Value Stream Costing (VSC) är den mest lämpliga kalkyleringsmetoden för produktionsflöden med kundanpassade produkter som uppnått en hög mognadsgrad av Lean. Förkalkyleringen på fallföretaget är beroende av tillförlitliga operationstider, vilket tagits fram på fallföretaget samtidigt som en generell arbetsprocess utarbetats. Operationstiderna togs i detta fall fram genom videoupptagning av produktionsmomenten samt efterföljande analys i mjukvaran AviX. Genom att följa den generella arbetsprocessen som utarbetats erhålls både ett bra underlag till förkalkylering samt ständiga förbättringar i produktionsflödet. Eftersom forskning visar att Lean bör implementeras i hela organisationen om full fördel med Lean ska uppnås, kan VSC vara en utmärkt kalkyleringsmetod för att komma ifrån föråldrade, traditionella kalkyleringsmetoder samtidigt som denna kalkyleringsmetod förenklar kalkylering i produktion av kundanpassad karaktär. / Since the manufacturing industry is heading for a higher level of customization and implementation of Lean, at the same time as outmoded traditional costing methods is still used in modern industrial organizations, it is interesting to explore the relations between production flows of customized character, Lean and different costing methods. The purpose of this thesis is to increase the cost precision in the preliminary calculation for a product flow of customer adapted and Lean character, and to describe a generalizable work process for this. The purpose is also to develop general recommendations regarding the choice of costing methods by, on a basis of the character of this production, a comparative analysis of costing methods (traditional costing methods, ABC and Lean accounting/VSC). Through a literature study and a case study of a production flow with a high level of variety and influence from Lean, both of the purposes has been fulfilled. The case study has been accomplished through interviews and observations. Problems and positive elements that according to literature characterize the production of customized products have also been found in the case company. That connection has been used to support the analysis of the relations. The relations between costing methods, Lean and production flows of customized character has been analyzed through a comparison between findings in literature and results from the case study. It has been found that Value Stream Costing (VSC) is the most appropriate costing method for production flows of customized products that has reached a high maturity level of Lean. The preliminary costing is dependent on reliable operation times which have been produced on the case study company, while a general work process has been developed. The operation times were in this case identified through video recordings of the production moments and a following analysis in the software AviX. By following the general work process that has been developed, useful material for preliminary costing and continuous improvements in the production flow will be obtained. Since research is showing that Lean should be implemented in the whole organization if full advantages of Lean shall be obtained, VSC is found to be an ideal costing method to replace outmoded, traditional costing methods at the same time as this costing method simplifies costing in production flows of customized character.
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Les disponibilités de temps dans la construction des normes temporelles de travailMartinez-Garcia, Esteban 04 May 2007 (has links)
Les transformations contemporaines du temps de travail, saisies à travers la codification statistique, la formulation juridique ou des enquêtes empiriques (cadres de la banque, infirmières hospitalières, ouvriers du nettoyage), sont analysées en mobilisant le concept de disponibilités de temps. La coordination de l'activité dans la sphère professionnelle et dans ses relations avec la vie privée repose désormais davantage sur des formes de disponibilité temporelle que sur des cadres temporels formels. Cependant, que la catégorie du temps soit validée comme instrument de mesure du travail ou que le travail échappe à la prescription temporelle, le temps reste une condition de travail à partir de laquelle se marquent les différenciations sociale et sexuelle du salariat. / Doctorat en sciences sociales, Orientation sciences du travail / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Stavebně technologický projekt pro Mezinárodní centrum klinického výzkumu Fakultní nemocnice u sv. Anny v Brně / Construction technology project of the International Clinical Research Center of St. Anne's University Hospital BrnoKozla, Dávid January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis solves the construction technology project of the International Clinical Research Center of the St. Anne’s University Hospital, Brno (ICRC), namely the first stage of the construction of the buildings "B1" and "C1". It tries to design an ideal technological process of construction with respect of local conditions. Technologically it focuses mainly on the issue of special foundation, namely protection of excavation pit with secant pile wall and pile foundation. There are processed technological regulations, time and financial plans, construction budget, control and test plan, plan of heavy equipment and safety or environmental requirements. Everything is supplemented by attachments and drawing documentation.
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