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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Developing Standardized Work in Casting Department : Case Study of Luvata Sweden AB Finspång

Kurilova, Jelena January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is one part of a lean project initiated by Luvata Sweden AB in Finspang casting department. The primary goal of that project is to increase the production efficiency, reduce costs and improve the quality of the copper coil. The aim of this thesis is to develop standardized work in casting department at Luvata Sweden AB Finspang. The research is based on lean thinking and organized in three steps. FIRST STEP: This step implies value stream mapping (VSM) of the current manufacturing process. VSM technique is applied in order to create an overview of the entirety production flow in a casting department, to visualize non-value added activities and to identify process wastes. SECOND STEP: By using lean tools as: Waste Management, SMED and Visual Management, thesis work intends to clean the production process. 7 Wastes or seven forms of Muda were studied at Luvata Finspang. The source of 5 wastes were identified and reduced/eliminated. SMED (single minute exchange of dies) analysis was carried out for a changeover during a casting montage in order to reduce the changeover time and streamline the montage process. Spaghetti diagram was applied particularly to inspect the best location for all montage materials, equipments and tools in a casting floor. Ensuring the efficient implementation of Waste Management and SMED practices Visual Management technique was used. This mean expresses the information about production process, its real-time status and results in a way that could be understood by operators in a shop floor. It is important to clean a production process before the standardized work can be developed, since the purpose of standardized work is to represent the best practice: method and sequence for each process. THIRD STEP: The last thesis step focuses on developing standardized work sheets as a steering tool for operators to follow the best practice while executing their tasks in each work center (melting, casting, rolling) and during the casting montage. The standardized work sheets are designed to show the approved way to perform the specific procedures and are expected to motivate operators to perform theirs job in the common way. That would consequently reduce high variation in operators performance. It would probably take several years before any reasonable improvements could be observed. However the developed standardized work sheets are already placed in the shop floor and successfully used by operators this is my small contribution to a big improvement project!

A Lean Approach to Inventory and Production Improvements within the Plastic Industry

Eskehed, Anna, Krusebrant, Emma January 2011 (has links)
In today’smanufacturing climate there is an increased focus on the use of the principles that form the foundation for the Lean manufacturing philosophy to create efficient and effective companies. Within Lean there is a great focus on identifying and eliminating waste. One of the seven wastes that Lean thinking strives to eliminate is the keeping of unnecessary inventory. The purpose ofthis study is to discover areas of improvement in a production flow and to give suggestions on these through finding and eliminating waste in the production environment. The production flow has been mapped using value stream mapping and has been analyzed accordingly. The specific production flow that has been mapped is located to a plant in the southern parts of Sweden and is operating within the plastic industry. At this plant, a specific product family has been mapped from raw material to shipment. In parallel with the empirical work literature studies have been conducted. The literature studies have sought to create a theoretical support for the result of the study. The current state at the factory has been mapped to create an understanding for the authors and the reader but also to give the study credibility with the company.  At the company observations and interviews have been conducted, mainly within two areas; the extrusion and the conversion into sheets. In addition to this thorough observations and calculations of inventory levels have been made, mainly in the semi-finished goods inventory. As the current state has been mapped thoroughly an analysis of the value stream has been conducted. Two areas have been focused upon in the analysis; the semi-finished goods inventory and the sheeting process. The observations and the analysis have shown disorganization in the inventory which causes materialto be forgotten and obsolete. In the sheeting process the analysis has shown that the lack of work instructions leads to variations in the cycle time and to variations in the mode of work. The inconsistency in the way work is conducted makes it difficult to obtain a common standard on quality. The analysis has resulted in an action plan which will lead to improvements in the production flow. In connection to this a future state map has been developed illustrating the desired state. The points of action are focused on the semi-finished goods inventory and the sheeting process. The major changes are the implementation of a FIFO-lane to increase the structure in the inventory and the development of work instructions for the sheeting process. The method used has been discussed and also the results obtained in the study and the compliance of the results with the purpose and thesis questions have been discussed. The study has also lead to suggestions for further studies that the company should investigate.

Standardisering av arbetsplats med hjälp av 5S / Standardization of the Workplace through 5S

Mooshtak, Mariam, Taheri, Nihat January 2016 (has links)
Elektroskandia Sverige AB är Sveriges ledande el-teknikgrossist som säljer och marknadsför system och elmaterial. Verksamhetens centrallager är placerat i Örebro där detta examensarbete utfördes i deras returavdelning.  Paket och andra föremål är placerade överallt på arbetsplatsen och detta har orsakat att arbetsytan inte används effektivt. Förväxlingar av paket förekommer och de inlånade operatörerna har svårigheter med att veta vilka rutiner de ska arbeta efter. För att undersöka detta problem valde författarna i denna undersökning att granska situationen i nuläget. Med hjälp av vetenskapliga artiklar, litteraturstudier och intervju med ett liknande företag, som har behandlat ett likadant problem, kunde ett flertal förbättringsförslag tas fram. Dessa förbättringsförslag har tagits fram med hjälp av 5S-metoden, som är en metod att skapa en välorganiserad och funktionell arbetsplats. Metoden 5S är oftast det första konkreta steget som används till att påbörja Lean och kommer vara starten för Elektroskandias fortsatta resa inom detta område.  Förbättringsförslaget är ett underlag för Elektroskandia om hur 5S-metoden ska implementeras på returavdelningen och vad som är viktigt att tänka på före utförandet. Målet med denna implementering på returavdelningen är att öka effektiviteten och spara tid. För att returavdelningens process ska bli ännu effektivare samt skapa en bättre arbetsmiljö på arbetsplatsen behöver verksamheten som fortsatt arbete reducera omställningstiden vid hantering av returpapper och åtgärda brister inom ergonomi. / Elektroskandia Sweden AB is Sweden's leading electrical engineering wholesaler that sells and markets systems and electrical materials. Operation's central warehouse is located in Orebro where the thesis was performed on their return department. Today return department is lacking orderliness, and there is no standardized work routine. This has resulted in that each of the operators working in his own way. Packages and other objects are placed everywhere on the workplace and this leads to a smaller workspace, confusion of packets and difficulties for new operators. To treat the problem, the current situation was investigated and analyzed. Then with the help of scientific articles, literature reviews and interviews with a similar company that has dealt with such a problem could a number of suggestions for improvement developed. These proposed improvements have been developed using the 5S method, which is a method for creating a well-organized and functional workplace. The method is usually the first concrete step that is used to start with Lean and will be the start of Elektroskandia's continuing journey within it. Improvement proposal provides the basis for Elektroskandia how 5S method should be implemented on the return department, and what is important to think about before beginning with the implementation. The goal with this implementation is to increase efficiency and save time. To return the department's process to become more efficient and create a better working environment in the workplace so be business as continued efforts to reduce the changeover time in the handling of waste paper and lack of ergonomics. As further work to develop the return department process to be more efficient and create a better working environment Elektroskandia needs to reduce the changeover time in the handling of return paper and also work with ergonomics in the workplace.

Propuesta de optimización del flujo de preparación y entrega de vehículos livianos para los concesionarios de una empresa automotriz basado en la Metodología Lean / Proposal to optimize the flow of preparation and delivery of light vehicles for dealers of an automotive company based on the Lean Methodology

Mercado Sevilla, Angel Luciano, Vargas Agreda, Hervin Vadir 14 July 2020 (has links)
El siguiente proyecto de tesis se encuentra conformado por 4 capítulos. En el primer capítulo, se presenta el marco teórico investigado de fuentes con journals indexadas y respaldadas por autores especialistas con los temas de procesos, restricciones y herramientas Lean. En el segundo capítulo, se analiza el diagnóstico actual del caso de estudio del sector automotriz, mapeando sus procesos, analizando el Árbol de Problemas y evaluando sus causas raíz de la problemática principal. En el tercer capítulo, se muestra la propuesta de solución con respecto al diagnóstico que se realizó y al marco teórico investigado. Se aplicarán herramientas Lean, como el Value Stream Mapping, Operator Balance Chart (OBC), donde se calcularán los tiempos de ciclos, el takt time y serán evaluados con todas las áreas de trabajo, para así poder obtener un trabajo estandarizado. Por último, en el capítulo 4, se realizará una simulación para validar la propuesta y se mostrarán las conclusiones y recomendaciones, a partir de la propuesta de solución. / The following thesis project is made up of 4 chapters. In the first chapter, the researched theoretical framework of sources with indexed journals and supported by specialist authors with the topics of processes, restrictions and Lean tools is presented. In the second chapter, the current diagnosis of the case study of the automotive sector is analyzed, mapping its processes, analyzing the Problem Tree and evaluating its root causes of the main problem. In the third chapter, the proposed solution is shown with respect to the diagnosis that was made and the theoretical framework investigated. Lean tools will be applied, such as the Value Stream Mapping, Operator Balance Chart (OBC), where the cycle times will be calculated, the takt time and will be evaluated with all the work areas, in order to obtain a standardized work. Finally, in Chapter 4, a simulation will be carried out to validate the proposal and the conclusions and recommendations will be shown, based on the proposed solution. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Identifying factors that cause inventory build-ups and how to solve it

Eriksson, Anders, Music, Anes January 2019 (has links)
Companies have put much focus on production systems to generate and maintain competitiveness which has contributed in less focus to logistics. The material flow is the process after the main processes and has therefore been regarded as “unimportant”. If the material flow fails, there can be consequences such as inventory-build ups or undersupply of material. Lean thinking is one strategy that may be applied to analyze and identify wastes, but the identification of problems has been harder to detect, while the ability to solve them has not improved at the same rate. Following two research questions has been asked to identify how companies should proceed to improve their inventory management but also what factors contribute to the inventory build-ups.  ·        What may cause excess inventory in manufacturing companies? <ul type="disc">How can a manufacturing company reduce WIP´s? The research method is based on a qualitative approach with an interpretivist research methodology to help answer the questions. A case study was done at a manufacturing company to help answer the research questions. The data has been collected by observations trough section B1 and unstructured interviews with both management and operators. The collected data was later compared to the literature according to the inductive reasoning to be able to make suggestions for improvements. The DMAIC tool has been a central point of this research regarding the mapping of the current state and suggestion of a future state. The case study was conducted at Company X AB in the middle of Sweden which is a company that manufactures components and complete solutions. The focus on production has resulted in less focus on the internal logistics. With the low focus on the internal logistics, inventory build-ups have occurred. The results point to the OEE being a contributing factor to the inventory build-up. The availability of both machines was low and therefore caused the OEE to be low. The low availability was caused by long changeovers, staff shortages, and emergency reparations. The conclusions are that Company X must make improvements so that the factors of the low availability decrease in frequency and severity to reduce the work-in-process (WIP). The improvements should be approached with different lean-tools such as SMED, KANBAN, FIFO and 5S.

Processeffektivisering av kantpressar / Streamlining of a press brake operation

Loodin-Ek, Hanna, Schalin, Rebecka January 2018 (has links)
Studien undersöker processen i plåthallen vid kantpressarna på Systemair Sverige AB i kommunen Skinnskatteberg. Systemair Sverige AB är ett företag som tillverkar luftridåer, ventilationssystem och luftaggregat och är ledande på marknaden inom sitt område. Systemair Sverige AB anser att processen sker ineffektivt vid kantpress vilket ger oönskade och långa ställtider. Målbilden för studien var då att hitta relationer mellan artiklar som går igenom kantpressarnas flöde och därefter dela in verktygen för att få ner ställtiderna. Tillvägagångsättet är av analyserande karaktär och följer en PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) struktur där ett antal frågor formulerades i början och som diskuteras i rapportens gång. Studien inleds med en grundlig nulägesanalys där verktyg inom Lean identifierades för att bemöta och hantera det uttalade problemet. Exempel på verktyg som användes är flödeskarta, produktionsflöde och produktfamiljer. Metoderna anpassades utefter studien och resulterade i en verktygsindelning. Utifrån verktygsindelningen har en procentuell indelning kunnat göras vilket ger upphov till nya flöden och som presenteras i rapporten. Projektgruppen har berört artiklar som behandlats av standardverktyg inom Prägling och Luftbock samt verktyg inom dessa områden utöver standard. För att få ner ställtiden så har en SMED-analys (Single-digit Minute Exchange of Die) utförts varav det har plockats ut en tidsstudie. Den längsta uppmätta ställtiden var på 43 minuter vilket projektgruppen tror går att reducera till 16 minuter genom verktygsindelningen. Då detta inte var i enlighet med SMED, där målet är att ställtiden ska vara under 10 minuter, så gavs indikationer på att fler faktorer spelade in varav en Ishikawa (rotorsaksanalys) upprättades. För att nå detta SMED-mål så gavs fortsatta rekommendationer varav ett är standardiserat arbetssätt. Slutligen presenterades tre förslag gällande effektiviseringen av kantpress, alla inom verktygsindelningen, och de frågeställningarna besvarades i slutsatsen. / The report studies the process by the press brakes at Systemair Sweden AB in the county of Skinnskatteberg. Systemair Sweden AB is a company that produce air curtains, residential ventilation, air conditioning devices and is leading within its own market of products. Systemair Sweden AB consider the press brake process to be inefficient which result in unwanted and long set up time. The intention of the report was to find the relations between products that are being processed in the press brake and thereafter sort each individual product stream by similarities in the equipment being used to reduce the set-up time. The approach of the report is of analyzing character and has a PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) framework where a few questions are enunciated in the beginning of the report and discussed throughout the report. The report initiates in a thorough status analysis where tools within the theory of Lean is identified and used to handle the mentioned problem. Examples of tools being used is a production map, production flow and production families. The methods are adapted for this problem and report which resulted in a classification in equipment. A percental division was established by the classification which sourced new defined production flows and are presented in the report. The project group has focused on products produced with standard equipment in the two most used press types and a few products being processed by other equipment. To reduce the press brakes long set-up times a SMED analysis (Single-digit Minute Exchange of Die) has been implemented and a clock study. The longest set-up time in this study was in 43 minutes which the project group think can be reduced till 16 minutes by classifying equipment. According to SMED, a set-up time under 10 minutes is achievable, which is not the case here which indicated that there are more factors having to be in consideration. Therefore an Ishikawa (analysis of causes) was made in order to acknowledge these factors and recommendations was given to continue the work whereof one recommendation was standardized work methods. In the final of the report three suggestions are presented to streamline the press-brake process, all formed through classification of equipment, and lastly the questions from the beginning are answered.

Implementação da manufatura enxuta em uma empresa do setor automotivo, aplicando de forma integrada suas principais ferramentas / Implementation of lean manufacturing in an automotive industry, appling of the integration your principal tools lean

Santos Neto, Fausto Ferreira dos 24 February 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo Correa Lima / Dissertação (mestrado profissional) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-10T02:07:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SantosNeto_FaustoFerreirados_M.pdf: 2574451 bytes, checksum: e24cbfc7b809b1748a11da92aa5cca33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Atualmente, numa economia globalizada, a sobrevivência das Empresas depende de suas habilidades e flexibilidades de inovar e efetuar melhorias continuas. Como resultado, as Empresas vem buscando incessantemente novas ferramentas de gerenciamento, que as direcionem para uma maior competitividade através da qualidade e produtividade. Este trabalho sugere um método para implementação de um Sistema de Manufatura Enxuta, numa empresa automobilística instalada no Brasil, que permita níveis mundiais de performance. Neste trabalho é feita uma revisão bibliográfica que engloba uma abordagem histórica do assunto e uma apresentação dos conceitos nos quais a Manufatura Enxuta está estruturado, além de ser apresentado um caso prático de implementação e abordagem gerencial, relatando seus estágios e os resultados obtidos. O que foi extremamente relevante é que esta implementação alcançou excelentes resultados, que foram obtidos sem investimentos em pessoal ou maquinários, mas apenas na no estudo e na implementação das ferramentas de manufatura enxuta Por fim, é feita uma análise relacionada a essa abordagem / Abstract: Nowadays, in the global economy, organizations survival depends on their capacity and flexibility to do continuous improvements, which take them to harder competitively through quality and productivity This work suggest a method for implementation, a Lean Manufacturing System, in an automobilist company installed in Brazil, that allow the company to reach a best industrial performance. This job is a bibliographic revision that inc1udes historic assumptions and presentation of concepts regarding lean manufacturing structure besides practice presentation and manager approach relating phases and results achieved. What was extremely relevant is that this implementation reached excellent results, which were obtained without investments in personal or machine, but only in the study or relocation of lay out and implementation of lean manufacturing tools. And the end it' s done related analyses of total approach / Mestrado / Planejamento e Gestão Estrategica da Manufatura / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica

Analys av produktflöde : En fallstudie av en nyckelprocess på ett tillverkande industriföretag

Nyström, Natalie, Croce, Sebastian January 2021 (has links)
Tillverkande företag kan stöta på hinder inom produktionsflödet. Dessa kan bero på kommunikationsbrister, problem med produktionsplaneringen eller någon annan typ av ledning, samt problem som uppstår på grund av varierande kapacitet i olika operationer inom företagets flöde. Syftet med detta arbete är därför att undersöka och identifiera organisatoriska utmaningar som kan finnas i ett tillverkande företags produktionsflöde. Målet med studien är att metodiskt och strukturerat belysa problem och dra upp dem till ytan. För att ta reda på de organisatoriska utmaningarna undersöktes produktionsflödet genom en specifik process på ett fallföretag, en härdningsprocess. Tillvägagångssättet för undersökningen som genomförts är en litteraturgenomgång som introducerar begreppet Lean Production, samt förstudier i form av åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer. Svaren från intervjuerna utgjorde grunden för en workshop som genomfördes med totalt 14 deltagare från företaget. Resultatet från undersökningen gjorde det tydligt att det finns förbättringspotential med avseende på många olika faktorer inom flödet. I dagsläget saknas en tydlig kommunikation om behov mellan olika processer före och efter härdning. Det resulterar i ett ojämnt flöde av produkter och behov av en tydligare planering i produktionsflödet. Resultatet av undersökningen utgör grunden till en föreslagen arbetsmetod på fallföretaget med syfte att minska eller eliminera de identifierade utmaningarna. Slutsatsen av studien blir således att de olika metoderna och modellerna inom Lean Production med fördel kan assistera fallföretaget i att hantera aktuella utmaningar samt synliggöra eventuella nya utmaningar. För att säkerställa att den framtagna arbetsmetoden fungerar på andra tillverkande företag krävs dock ytterligare forskning på fler företag. / Obstacles within production flows at manufacturing companies can occur. These obstacles may occur due to lack of communication, problems with the production planning department or some other leading function within the company, alternatively due to varying capacity of different operations in the production flow.  Because of these problems, the purpose of this thesis is to investigate and identify possible organizational challenges within the production flow of a manufacturing company. The objective with this analysis is to enlighten problems in a methodical and structured way. In order to identify the organizational challenges, the production flow through a specific process at a case company is being analyzed, a curing process. A literature review introducing Lean Production, as well as eight semi-structured interviews, was the beginning of the methodology. To answer the purpose of the thesis, a workshop with 14 participants from the company was held, and the interview answers formed the base for the workshop.  Results of the study shows that the production flow has a few areas that are in need of some improvements. Today, the company is lacking a clear communication of needs between some processes before and after the curing process. The results of this is an uneven product flow and the need for clearer, short term planning within the production flow. Results of the study will be implemented in the working method at the case company, with the purpose to reduce or eliminate the identified challenges.  Outcomes of this thesis are methods and models within Lean Production that could assist the case company in addressing existing challenges as well as identifying future challenges. In order to ensure that the suggested method is applicable by other manufacturing companies, further research of more companies is needed.

Reducción del número de devoluciones en empresas del sector gráfico mediante la aplicación de herramientas del Pensamiento Esbelto / Reduction in the number of returns in companies in the Printing Sector through the Application of Lean Manufacturing Tools

Conde Muñasqui, Jennifer Lizzet, Gonzalez Vasquez, Denis Alexander 13 November 2020 (has links)
La empresa en estudio perteneciente al sector de industria gráfica presentó un elevado número de devoluciones en el 2016 a comparación de otros años. El número de devoluciones fue de 67, donde cada una representa un lote de producción que fluctúa entre los 1000 a 10000 productos. Estas devoluciones generaron un gasto de 581,960 soles, el cual representa el 12.2% de las utilidades de ese año. Este problema está relacionado con la falta de capacitación, la elevada rotación de empleados, el retraso de mantenimiento preventivo, la falta de procedimiento y el desorden en las áreas de trabajo. El objetivo del trabajo fue reducir el elevado número de devoluciones con la aplicación de herramientas de la metodología Lean Manufacturing. La validación del proyecto fue mediante la implementación de un piloto en el área de acabado donde se implementaron las 5S, el TPM y el trabajo estandarizado, herramientas de la metodología mencionada. Los resultados obtenidos de la implementación del piloto, realizada entre los meses de enero a abril del 2018, fueron favorables para el proyecto. Las devoluciones se redujeron en un 28% y los gastos por devoluciones en un 47%, en comparación con los datos de enero a abril del 2016 y 2017. / The company under study belonging to the graphic industry sector presented a high number of returns in 2016 compared to other years. The number of returns was 67, each representing a production batch ranging from 1,000 to 10,000 products. These refunds generated an expense of 581,960 soles, which represents 12.2% of the profits for that year. This problem is related to lack of training, high employee turnover, delayed preventive maintenance, lack of procedures and disorder in work areas. The objective of the work was to reduce the high number of returns with the application of tools of the Lean Manufacturing methodology. The validation of the project was through the implementation of a pilot in the finishing area where the 5S, the TPM and the standardized work, tools of the aforementioned methodology, were implemented. The results obtained from the pilot implementation, carried out between January and April 2018, were favorable for the project. Returns were reduced by 28% and return expenses by 47%, compared to data from January to April 2016 and 2017. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Implementering av Näranalys : En arbetsmetod för att finna grundorsaker till avvikelser i produktion. / Implementation of a Näranalys : A working method to find root causes of deviations in production.

Frennås, Emma, Olofsson Carlbom, Markus January 2017 (has links)
Examensarbetet syftar till att uppmärksamma kvalitetsavvikelser i produktionen på ett internationellt företag som säljer kundanpassade transportlösningar inom logistik och lagerhantering. Med hjälp av en arbetsmetod, kallad Näranalys, ska tillvägagångssättet att hantera en kvalitetsavvikelse förbättras. Anledningen till implementeringen är att komma underfund med grundorsakerna till avvikelser samt att bearbeta dessa för att reducera risken för återkomst. Fel och brister som uppkommer i alla verksamheter kan definieras som kvalitetsbristkostnader och kan, enligt Sörqvist, bestå av uppemot 30 % av ett företags totala omsättning och är därför väsentligt att minimera (2001).Utifrån organisationsfilosofin Lean Management med dess verktyg och metoder har ett antal aspekter framstått som väsentliga för att en implementering av en arbetsmetod ska bli lyckad. Att reflektera över hur filosofins standardisering kan komma att bidra till psykosociala påfrestningar kan en mer hållbar och prefererande arbetsgång tas fram utifrån olika branscher och förutsättningar. En avgörande faktor ur studiens utfall är medvetenheten kring den framtagna arbetsmetoden. Det är därav viktigt att ett förtydligande sker gällande att arbetsmetoden inte skapades för övervakning mot enskilda individer, utan för att förbättra arbetssättet och skapa förutsättningar för operatörer att göra rätt från första början.Nyckelord: Lean, / This thesis aims to pay attention to quality deviations in the production of an international company that export customized transport logistics and inventory management. With the help of a working method, called Näranalys, should approaches to manage a quality deviation be improved. The reason to the implementation is to figure out the root causes of deviations and to process them in order to reduce the risk of recurrence. Faults and defects arising in all activities can be defined as the quality deficiency cost and may, according to Sörqvist, consist of up to 30% of a total turnover and is therefore essential to minimize (2001).Based on the organization philosophy Lean Management, a number of aspects have been identified as essential for the implementation of a working method to succeed. Reflecting on how the philosophy of standardization can contribute to psychosocial stresses is an important part of the studie. A crucial factor in the outcome of the study is the awareness of the working method. It is therefore important to clarify that the working method was not created for monitoring individuals, but to improve the way in which work is done and to create the conditions for operators to have the right circumstances to make a good job from the start.

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