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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Comparative Evaluation of Usability for the iPhone and iPad / A Comparative Evaluation of Usability for the iPhone and iPad

Azam, Muhammad, Ahmad, Luqman January 2011 (has links)
Many everyday systems and products seem to be designed with little regard to usability. This leads to the frustration, wasted time and errors. So the usability of the product is important for its survival in the market. In many previous studies the usability evaluation of the iPhone and iPad carried out individually and very little work has been done on the comparative usability evaluation. However, there was not any study conducted on the comparative usability evaluation and measuring the performance of the iPhone versus iPad in a controlled environment. In this research work, the authors performed the comparative usability evaluation and measured the performances of the iPhone and iPad on the selected applications by considering the young users as well as the elderly users. Another objective of this study is to identify the usability issues in performances of the iPhone and iPad. A survey and experiment techniques were used to achieve the dened objectives. The survey questionnaire consisted of 42 statements that presented the different usability aspects. The objectives of the survey study were to validate the identified issues from the literature study, identify new issues and measure the signicant difference in user opinions for the iPhone and iPad. However, the experiment studies helped to measure the performance significances between the devices against the three user groups (novice user, experienced user, elderly user) and among the groups over the devices. Further, objective was to measure the satisfaction level of the participated users against the iPhone and iPad. The experiment was performed in a controlled environment. Total six tasks (two tasks per application) were dened and each participant performed the same task on both devices. Generally the authors found that the participants performed better on the iPad with lower error rates as compare to the iPhone. / The aim of this study was to evaluate and measure the comparative usability performances of the iPhone an iPad. The preliminary focus of the study was to nd the usability issues regarding both the devices. Several dierent methods have been used in the study when investigating the answers of predened research questions. The study in this thesis was a literature review, a survey study and an empirical usability testing experiment. In the literature review, the authors studied the dierent usability issues such as inconsistency in applications, applications crashes and accidental errors.The detail list of the issues also presented in Table 2. However, the survey responses validated such issues and highlighted some additional issues such as low battery time, Blue-tooth connectivity problems, wireless connectivity problem, week signal strength and missing help. Two participants commented on the missing of a swyping feature. According to them if the iPhone and iPad had such feature then their typing performance should be improved. A survey study was conducted to evaluate and measure the significance in the four main parts of the devices i.e. system, touch screen, keypad and applications. Each part contained the multiple related statements that explored the different usability aspects. The detail and results of each statement are given in Table 4. After the statistical analysis, the authors did not nd a signicant dierence between the statements regarding the iPhone and iPad apart from in four statements. In the two statements (i.e. nding a new application in the Apple store and replacing the contents location on the interface) the users agreed that the iPad performance was better than the iPhone. However, in the other two statements (i.e. use of system in the sun light and zooming gestures) they preferred the iPhone rather than the iPad. Its means 90.47% users addressed the same issues in the iPhone and iPad. There is no dierence in their preferences regarding the iPhone and iPad. 4.76% users preferred the iPhone and 4.46% users preferred the iPad in above mentioned conditions. The empirical usability testing experiment focused on studying the usability performances of the iPhone and iPad considering three target groups. The performances comparisons were conducted by comparing the dierent participants groups and both devices. In total 60 users participated in the empirical usability performance testing study. The selection of the participants was based on their earlier experience with mobile phones usage. The detail of the participant are given in Figure 13. The comparisons results of the participant groups are shown in Table 7, the devices in Table 8 and the errors on both devices in Table 9 provided the signicance in the performances. The novice users versus experienced users comparison results across the iPhone (all six tasks) and the iPad (rst ve tasks) presented that the experienced users performed faster than the novice users with lower error rate. The results of the novice users versus elderly user comparison presented that the novice user using the iPhone ( first four tasks) and using the iPad (facebook login, location close view, new note and Evernote logout) performed faster than the elderly users with lower error rate. Similarly the results in the last comparison of the experienced users versus elderly users shown that the experienced users performed all the six tasks faster than the elderly users with lower error rate. Based on such nding the authors can conclude that the experienced users performances were better than the other two groups on both devices. The authors can also conclude that if someone is using the iPhone he/she could easily use the iPad. In the devices comparison results, the performances of the iPad across the novice users (in tasks facebook login, send a message, location close view, new note Evernote logout), the experienced users (in tasks facebook login, send a message, location close view and new note) and the elderly users (st ve tasks) were better than the iPhone with lower error rate. Base on such ndings of the empirical usability testing, the authors conclude that in the controlled environment the performance of the iPad was better than the iPhone. Three participant groups performed each task faster on the iPad than the iPhone apart from in one task. The task named location identication the iPhone and iPad performed the same across the novice user and experienced user but across the elderly user, the iPad performed better than the iPhone. Table 10 presents the results of the satisfaction level of the participants in a control environment for both devices. The satisfaction level acquired through the post test questionnaire during the experiment. The results of the novice users and the experienced users presented that their satisfaction levels were higher for the iPad than the iPhone. The experienced users results shown that their satisfaction levels were same for the iPhone as well as for the iPad. However, with the keypads performances they looked more satisfied on the iPad than the iPhone. / Near Chungi number 1 Chitterpari Mirpur Azad Kashmir Pakistan.

Förskolan och digitala medier : En undersökning om hur interaktiva barnböcker och pekskärmsenheter kan användas i förskolemiljö. / Preschool and Digital Medias : A study on how interactive child books and touchscreen devices can be used in a preschool setting.

Bylund, Erik January 2011 (has links)
Denna rapport har undersökt hur interaktivitet, genom interaktiva barnböcker på mobila enheter med pekskärm, kan påverka engagemanget för läsande hos barn i tre till fem års ålder. Detta har gjorts genom att en interaktiv barnbok skapades och deltagande observationer sedan utfördes vid sex tillfällen på tre förskolor där barnen fick testa den utvecklade produkten. De deltagande observationerna kompletterades sedan med åsikter om digitalt lärande från förskollärare på respektive förskola genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet från undersökningen visar på en tendens till att engagemanget hos barnen kan ökas genom att införa interaktivitet i barnböcker genom att leverera dessa på mobila enheter med pekskärm. Undersökningen är dock gjord i för liten skala samt att produkten och undersökningen innehåller för många brister för att kunna ställa upp en faktisk teori. Istället ställs en hypotes upp som skulle behöva testas vidare under längre tid och i en mer rigorös undersökning. / This paper has researched how interactivity, through interactive children’s books on mobile devices with touch screen, can affect the involvement in reading for children in the ages three to five years old. This has been done by creating an interactive children’s book and then conducting participative observations over six occasions at three different preschools where the children got to test the developed product. The observations were then supplemented with opinions on digital learning from preschool teachers from each of the schools through the use of semi-structured interviews. The result from this research shows a tendency that the involvement of the kids can be increased by introducing interactivity to children’s books by the use of mobile devices with touch screen. However the research is at too small a scale and both the product and the research contain too many flaws for an actual theory to be constructed. Instead a hypothesis is constructed that would need to be evaluated during a longer period of time and through more rigorous research.

Systém pro řízení stínicí a vytápěcí techniky v budově / The System for Controlled Heating and Roller Blinds in the Building

Brudný, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
The object of this project was to develop a device, which would by use to coordinate or control device wireless. The system divided to several independent devices, which assure high comfort for the user. The basic unit contains of touch panel which allow the user to control the system. The second unit is used for communication the system with GSM net. The third unit is used to coordinate the system from a PC. This unit makes possible data collection and their evaluation. This unit can as well control and coordinate any devises in the system. Part and parcel of this system are units which are used to drive the end consumers. The hole system is powered from a instead powers supply which is managed from a microprocessor. These devices make it possible, to the system to work without line voltage. The system is designed modular, so in the future it is possible to expand the system of others peripherals.

Realizace digitálního osciloskopu / Realization of digital oscilloscope

Kulig, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
This work is focused to digital handheld oscilloscope. Input circuits are solved by analog devices. DSP (Texas Instruments company) will be used for fast processing of signals from output A/D convertors. LCD display with touch screen is used for interaction with user. The result will be fully functional device. It would measure voltage waveforms within the scope from tens mV to tens V with transmission bandwith from direct-current signal up to tens of MHz

Grafická knihovna pro dotykový LCD / Graphics Library for Touchscreen LCD

Klubal, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
This work deals with description of graphic library for a touch screen educational kit with a microcontroller from Freescale. Part of this library is a driver that accelerates gradient rendering and supports reading from video RAM. The library allows inserting images with transparency and their upscaling. Multiple fonts are also supported. Fonts can be upscaled and their weight can be set.

Adaption of User Interfaces for the Elderly on Mobile Touch Screen Devices / Anpassning av användargränssnitt för äldre på mobila pekskärmsenheter

Baza, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this work was to find what User Interface adjustments are most suitable for elderly users from the age of 60. The adjustments looked upon in this research were regarding three areas: navigation, progress bar and element design. Each area consisted of two characteristics that were compared against each other. Navigation had a slide-out sidebar and top navigation bar as characteristics. While the progress bar and element design had the characteristics of with and without a progress bar as well as icons and detailed images respectively. The research method was to put these characteristics in two prototypes. Then five elderly tested these prototypes as if they were two different prototypes of an application rather than a test of a specific User Interface design. The data were analysed through three aspects for each of the areas: effectiveness (number of errors), efficiency (time efficient) and user satisfaction. The conclusion of the analysis was that the top navigation bar and progress bar were the better User Interface adoptions. While regarding the element design there was not an as clear answer. What was significant was what the image or icon represents is clear, though the elderly user seems to prefer images / Syftet med detta arbete var att hitta de användargränssnittsjusteringar som är lämpligast för äldre användare från 60 års ålder. De inkluderade justeringarna i denna forskning var dessa tre områden: navigering, förloppsindikator och elementdesign. Varje område bestod av två egenskaper som jämfördes jämt emot varandra. Navigation hade ett utdragbar sidofält och övre navigeringsfält som egenskaper. Medan förloppsindikatorn och elementdesignen hade egenskaperna med och utan förloppsindikator respektive ikoner och detaljerade bilder. Forskningsmetoden var att sätta dessa egenskaper i två olika prototyper. Dessa testades sedan av fem äldre som att de vore applikationsprototyper snarare än ett test av ett specifik användargränssnitt. Data analyserades utifrån tre aspekter för var och ett av områdena: effektivitet (antal användningsfel) och verkan (tids effektivitet) och tillfredsställelse. Analysen kom fram till att det översta navigeringsfältet och förloppsfältet var de bättre anpassningarna. Gällande elementdesignen var svaret inte lika klart. Det betydelsefulla där var att det bilden eller ikonen representerar är tydligt för användaren, däremot verkar de äldre användarna föredra bilder över ikoner.

What makes the flow - Understanding the immateriality of screen-based interactions

Tikkanen, Marjo January 2016 (has links)
Building upon previous research done on interactivity attributes describing the aesthetic quality of interactions, this paper aims to explore the sense of ow in screen-based interactions, narrowing down to the finer details that make the personality of the interactive experience. The goal is to provide a deeper knowledge on the concrete, expressive qualities of screen based interaction, being “the immaterial material” moulded in the design process. The relevant information for practicing designers is the awareness of what emotions certain interactions elicit and how interactions can be used to convey brand personality.The process conducted followed a research through design methodology, as the aim was to explore the defined design space rather than answer a specific problem. Two major user studies provided insights and refocus in the process along the way to the final result: a set of guidelines and a prototype embodying them. The guidelines provide some details on designing flow experiences on a mobile screen, and are to serve as inspiration and reference to future work and design practice. The prototype, called ‘The Embodiment’ serves as an illustration of the guidelines, as mere words are not able to fully describe the dynamic quality.

Utilisation de la tablette digitale pour réduire les difficultés dans l'apprentissage de la lecture / Using touch-screen tablet to reduce learning-to-read difficulties

Navarro, Marion 19 October 2017 (has links)
L'objectif principal de ce travail de thèse est de discuter de la place de la tablette tactile dans un dispositif d'enseignement adapté et ciblé auprès d'enfants détectés à risque de difficultés ultérieures en lecture. Pour répondre à cet objectif et après avoir étayé notre propos avec les résultats de la littérature scientifique, deux axes sont présentés. Un axe expérimental, composé de trois études, nous a permis de mesurer l’impact d’un entrainement spécifique intensif et individuel, via la tablette tactile, sur les performances en identification de mots écrits d’élèves de GSM et de CP faibles (pré)lecteurs. Plus précisément, les résultats du suivi longitudinal des élèves susmentionnés à court et moyen termes semblent aller en faveur d’une amélioration de la conscience phonologique et du traitement grapho-syllabique. Le second axe s’attachait à mettre en lumière l’importance des critères ergonomiques de développement de deux applications ludo-éducatives. Les résultats des évaluations subjectives permettent d’identifier les points nécessitant un travail supplémentaire, ces points pouvant entraver le traitement d’informations cruciales pour l’apprentissage de la lecture. / The main objective of this thesis work is to discuss the place of the touch-screen tablet in an adapted and targeted teaching system with children detected at risk of subsequent difficulties in reading. To meet this objective, we have presented two main axes, based on the results of the scientific literature. An experimental axis, made up of three studies, allowed us to measure the impact of a specific intensive and individual training, via the touch-screen tablet, on the performances in written words identification of poor (pre)readers in Kindergarten and First Grade. More precisely, the results of the longitudinal follow-up of the aforementioned students seem to be in favor of an improvement of the phonological awareness and the grapho-syllabic treatment. The second axis aims to highlight the importance of ergonomic criteria for the development of two edutainment apps. The results of the subjective evaluations identify points that requiring additional work, which may hinder the processing of crucial information for the learning of reading.

Parental Perspective: Toddlers with Clefts Using Touch Screen Technology

Vineyard, Cortney, Coup, Alexandra, Hazelett, Chelsey, Janes, Rachel, Louw, Brenda 20 November 2014 (has links)
This investigation assessed the parental perspectives of parents of toddlers with cleft lip and palate and their use of touchscreen technology. Findings will highlight parental perspectives on touchscreen technology in early intervention with their toddler.

Human-Computer Interaction in a Smart House

Bao, Leiming, Sun, Chunyan January 2012 (has links)
The quality attribute concerning usability is generally of significant importance to systems. The area of Human Computer Interaction, HCI, especially handles several usability aspects. This degree project emphasizes HCI in a context of, so called, Smart House. The report is divided into three main sections: theory, application, and measurement results. In the theory section we will present about the context of HCI and the content of HCI, such as HCI model and goals of HCI design. In the application section we discuss the use of mobile phones as a device to remotely control devices of smart houses, and present a system developed to support such services. In order to make the system more attractive, we decided to design it for two categories of operations, menu operation and direct-touch operation mode. Finally, we have used questionnaires for reasons of measuring user satisfaction. Through investigation and analysis of the result of this, we come to the conclusion that system usability is good.

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