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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Product development sourcing strategies over technology life cycle in high-tech industry

Shahmarichatghieh, M. (Marzieh) 21 April 2017 (has links)
Abstract The main objective of this study is to observe product development sourcing strategies over technology life-cycle stages, including assessing evaluation conditions and strategy formulating models. This dissertation approaches product development sourcing from the perspectives of 1) main concepts of product development and technology life-cycles, 2) mapping product development activities over technology life-cycles, 3) mapping product development sourcing over technology life-cycles, and 4) a decision making flowchart. The individual findings are further synthesised and a three dimensional view to analyse the strategic positioning of technology, product and market development as a core context of the organisation is presented. This as it is proposed that the product development sourcing strategies should be analysed and decided according to strategic positioning of the technologies, products and markets and based on the related life-cycle phases. Different product development sourcing strategies can increase the competitiveness of the company by effectively managing critical knowledge of the technology and product development resources. The dissertation is qualitative and inductive in nature and is based on both, reviewing the literature and interviewing experienced industrial managers. The empirical material is based on semi-structured interviews with R&D managers and meetings with R&D directors. The study was realised by investigating historical data on product development activities and sourcing strategies of one of the high-tech industry leaders over four technology generations. The technology evolution of all the generations are considered and the collected data is analysed to understand if there are any significant relationships with the literature based findings. The analysis consists of five individual publications and related synthesis in this compilation. The principal results of this study is a product development sourcing framework (PDSF) proposing how product development sourcing strategies could be managed according to technology maturity levels by considering the specific needs and motivations of each prevailing situation. This necessitates the understanding of the characteristics of different technology life-cycle stages, and evaluating product development activities. This study points out how different models can be utilised to support the evaluation. As a result, various factors can be used to support the product development sourcing decisions for each specific situation, whereas strategy formulating theories are also beneficial as a support for these decisions. The main implications include providing a structure, PDSF, to support managers in their decisions on product development activities and sourcing strategies. The created PDSF is an amalgam of seven technology life-cycles that enable cross-functional investigations over each technology with market penetration situation, manufacturing capabilities, product development factors, and sourcing capability factors of all technology products. Aside providing support for selecting suitable product development sourcing strategies, this study may also ease the considerations over killing unproductive projects and unprofitable product lines. / Tiivistelmä Tämä tutkimus tarkastelee tuotekehityksen hankintastrategioita teknologioiden, tuotteiden ja markkinasegmenttien eri elinkaarivaiheissa. Väitöskirja lähestyy tuotekehityksen hankintaa seuraavista näkökulmista: 1) tuotekehityksen ja teknologioiden elinkaarien pääkonseptit, 2) tuotekehitystoiminnat teknologianelinkaarien vaiheissa, 3) tuotekehityksen hankinnat teknologianelinkaaren vaiheissa, ja 4) päätöksenteon vuokaavio. Yksittäiset löydökset on edelleen syntetisoitu ja kolmiulotteinen näkemys teknologioiden, tuotteiden ja markkinoiden kehittymiseen on esitetty keskeisenä kontekstina organisaatioille. Väitöstutkimus esittää että tuotekehityksen hankintastrategiat pitäisi analysoida ja päättää perustuen teknologioiden, tuotteiden ja markkinoiden strategiseen positioon elinkaarivaiheissa. Erilaiset tuotekehityksen hankintastrategiat voivat parantaa yritysten kilpailukykyä teknologioihin ja tuotekehitysresursseihin liittyvän kriittisen tiedon tehokkaan johtamisen ansiosta. Väitöskirja on luonteeltaan laadullista tutkimusta hyödyntäen induktiivista päättelylogiikkaa perustuen sekä aiemman kirjallisuuden tarkasteluun, että empiirisesti puolistrukturoituihin haastatteluihin kokeneiden tuotekehityspäälliköiden ja -johtajien kanssa. Tutkimus toteutettiin tarkastelemalla neljään eri teknologiasukupolveen liittyviä tuotekehityksen ja hankintastrategioiden historiatietoa ja aineistoa yhdessä johtavassa korkeanteknologian yrityksessä. Tarkasteltujen teknologiasukupolvien teknologiaevoluutiota on pohdittu ja kerättyä dataa on analysoitu mahdollisten merkittävien yhteyksien tunnistamiseksi ja ymmärtämiseksi suhteessa aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin ja kirjallisuuteen. Suoritettu analyysi sisältää viisi erillistä osajulkaisua ja tässä kokoomaosassa esitetyn synteesin. Tämän tutkimuksen keskeinen tulos on kehitetty tuotekehityksen hankintaviitekehys (PDSF) joka esittää tuotekehityksen hankintastrategioiden muodostamisen ja valitsemisen perustuen teknologioiden, tuotteiden ja markkinoiden kypsyysasteisiin, elinkaarivaiheisiin. Tämä edellyttää eri teknologiaelinkaarivaiheiden erityispiirteiden ymmärtämistä ja tuotekehitysaktiviteettien strategista arviointia. Tutkittuja strategisia tekijöitä voidaan hyödyntää tukemaan tuotekehityksen hankintamallin valitsemista ja päätöksiä. Tutkimuksen keskeiset implikaatiot sisältävät struktuurin luomisen, tuotekehityksen hankintaviitekehyksen (PDSF) muodossa tukemaan tuotekehitysjohtajia heidän päätöksenteossaan liittyen tuotekehityksen hankintastrategioihin. Luotu tuotekehityksen hankintaviitekehys mahdollistaa poikkiorganisaatiollisen tarkastelun tuotekehityksen strategisista hallintamalleista huomioiden teknologioiden, tuotteiden ja markkinasegmenttien elinkaaret ja niiden vaikutukset strategiseen päätöksen tekoon. Lisäksi, tämä tutkimus voi myös osaltaan helpottaa tuottamattomien tuotteiden ja tuotelinjojen lakkauttamiseen liittyvää analyysia ja päätöksentekoa.

Le rôle des sociétés de capital-investissement dans la formation d'alliances stratégiques / The role of Private Equity-firms in the formation of strategic alliances

Burkhardt, Kirsten 27 February 2014 (has links)
Ce travail analyse le rôle des sociétés de capital-investissement dans la formation d’alliances stratégiques sur le marché français du capital-investissement. Après nous être fait une idée de l’importance du phénomène à l’aide des informations nouvelles que nous avons générées par notre propre enquête, nous apportons une explication au phénomène observé. L’analyse théorique se fait sous l’angle de la création de valeur actionnariale, en recourant conjointement aux théories contractuelles et cognitives. Les théories sociologiques des réseaux viennent compléter les principaux arguments de ces deux cadres théoriques. Le modèle explicatif qui en découle est ensuite mis à l’épreuve empirique à l’aide d’une étude multi-méthodes à visée infirmationniste, combinant une analyse économétrique et une étude de cas multiples. Nos résultats permettent de conclure que les sociétés françaises de capital-investissement jouent un rôle tant intentionnel que non intentionnel dans la formation d’alliances stratégiques pour leurs participations. Ces rôles mettent en avant une intervention tant passive qu’active des sociétés françaises de capital-investissement. Bien que l’argumentation cognitive trouve, dans son ensemble, plus de support que l’argumentation contractuelle, l’analyse fait ressortir l’intérêt de recourir à une utilisation conjointe des théories contractuelles et cognitives qui se révèlent complémentaires. / This research analyses the role of Private Equity firms in the formation of strategic alliances within the field of the French Private Equity market. We start to provide evidence of its importance from new survey information, before offering an explanation of the organizational phenomenon. The study addresses the questions of how and why Private Equity firms act as relational intermediaries to help their portfolio companies form alliances. Both questions are investigated in the light of the Private Equity firms’ contribution to the value creation process that comes with alliance formation. Answers are provided by means of three jointly used theoretical frameworks: (1) mainstream theories (transaction cost theory and the positive theory of agency); (2) the knowledge based view; and 3) social network theories to complement the resulting from jointly use of the previous two theories. The theoretical construct is then tested empirically by means of a multi-method study with explanatory design, based on the pattern of joint evidence from both statistical tests and a multiple case study. Results show that French Private Equity firms do play a role in alliance formation. This role can be intentional as well as non-intentional. Furthermore, although arguments from the knowledge-based perspective finds more support in explaining this behavior than from the mainstream theories, our study highlights the benefits of the joint use of these theories and the complementary nature of them to better explaining the phenomenon as a whole.

The role of governance structures, ownership models and organising models in mitigating corporate governance problems of state-owned enterprises

Adebayo, Adeyemi 01 1900 (has links)
Many of the countries all over the world, with different experiences, own state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Even though these enterprises are useful socioeconomic policy instruments, evidence from most of these countries shows that these enterprises do not fulfil their mandates, especially when wholly owned, and in developing and corrupt countries. As a result, owning SOEs has become a trend rather than a means to an end. Several models, from privatisation, then back to renationalisation, have been attempted in mitigating the numerous problems of these enterprises. These models did not mitigate the problems of SOEs as they were, in summary, mere models backed by powerful advocates and favoured by the turn of socio-political and economic cycles at that time. However, irrespective of the numerous problems of SOEs, these enterprises can still be useful socioeconomic policy instruments now, as in the past. Using multiphase exploratory mixed methods, this thesis explores ways of mitigating the problems of SOEs by developing a best practice structural corporate governance model that takes into account various aspects of corporate governance of SOEs. In this context, the empirical part of this study was conducted in three phases. The first phase analyses the contents of relevant enterprises’ documents. The second phase analyses survey responses from purposively selected expert respondents from sample SOEs. The third phase analyses interviews from purposively selected expert participants from sample SOEs. Thus, this thesis determined the problems of SOEs, detailed the problem implications, identified contingent areas of the models considered vis a vis problems explored, extended the role of government, developed a conceptual framework, established useful models for organising and owning SOEs as a way of mitigating the identified problems, analysed the thesis statement and thesis propositions and developed a structural corporate governance model for SOEs. The study found that the holding company model, both wholly and partly owned, appears to be better in mitigating corporate governance problems of SOEs, compared with the traditional wholly and partly owned models, with the partly owned model of the holding company model a better model compared with the other models. Thus, this thesis harnesses the stages detailed above into contributing to the field of scholarly knowledge by harnessing the stages described into developing a structural corporate governance model that takes into account relevant aspects of corporate governance of SOEs and related enterprises. Following this, this thesis proposes that, in addition to emulating the developed model, establishing a supervisory board that constitutes representatives from public and private role players, as well as other external assurance providers and regulatory inspectors is key in mitigating problems of SOEs, especially in developing countries. This thesis contributes to the field of scholarly knowledge by synthesising disjointed literature on public entrepreneurship, developing and demonstrating a theoretical comparative sampling method, extending the role of government, theoretically developing a conceptual framework, dimensional theory, as well as developing a structural corporate governance model. / Business Management / D. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)

Essays in empirical finance

Farouh, Magnim 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse comporte trois chapitres dans lesquels j'étudie les coûts de transaction des actions, les anomalies en finance et les activités du système bancaire parallèle. Dans le premier chapitre (co-écrit avec René Garcia), une nouvelle façon d'estimer les coûts de transaction des actions est proposée. Les coûts de transaction ont diminué au fil du temps, mais ils peuvent augmenter considérablement lorsque la liquidité de financement se raréfi e, lorsque les craintes des investisseurs augmentent ou lorsqu'il y a d'autres frictions qui empêchent l'arbitrage. Nous estimons dans ce chapitre les écarts entre les cours acheteur et vendeur des actions de milliers d'entreprises à une fréquence journalière et présentons ces mouvements importants pour plusieurs de ces épisodes au cours des 30 dernières années. Le coût de transaction des trois quarts des actions est fortement impacté par la liquidité de fi nancement et augmente en moyenne de 24%. Alors que les actions des petites entreprises et celles des entreprises à forte volatilité ont des coûts de transaction plus élevés, l'augmentation relative des coûts de transaction en temps de crise est plus prononcée pour les actions des grandes entreprises et celles des entreprises à faible volatilité. L'écart entre les coûts de transaction respectifs de ces groupes de qualité élevée et qualité faible augmente également lorsque les conditions financières se détériorent, ce qui prouve le phénomène de fuite vers la qualité. Nous avons construit des portefeuilles basés sur des anomalies et avons estimé leurs "alphas" ajustés pour les coûts de rééquilibrage sur la base de nos estimations des coûts de transaction pour montrer que toutes les stratégies sont soit non rentables soit perdent de l'argent, à l'exception de deux anomalies: le "prix de l'action" et la "dynamique du secteur industriel". Dans le deuxième chapitre, j'étudie comment la popularité des anomalies dans les revues scienti ques spécialisées en finance peut influer sur le rendement des stratégies basées sur ces anomalies. J'utilise le ton du résumé de la publication dans laquelle une anomalie est discutée et le facteur d'impact de la revue dans laquelle cette publication a paru pour prévoir le rendement des stratégies basées sur ces anomalies sur la période après publication. La principale conclusion est la suivante: lorsqu'une anomalie est discutée dans une publication dont le résumé a un ton positif, et qui apparaît dans une revue avec un facteur d'impact supérieur à 3 (Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies), cette anomalie est plus susceptible d'attirer les investisseurs qui vont baser leurs stratégies sur cette anomalie et corriger ainsi la mauvaise évaluation des actions. Le troisième chapitre (co-écrit avec Vasia Panousi) propose une mesure de l'activité bancaire parallèle des entreprises opérant dans le secteur financier aux États-Unis. À cette fi n, nous utilisons l'analyse de données textuelles en extrayant des informations des rapports annuels et trimestriels des entreprises. On constate que l'activité bancaire parallèle était plus élevée pour les "Institutions de dépôt", les "Institutions qui ne prennent pas de dépôt" et le secteur "Immobilier" avant 2008. Mais après 2008, l'activité bancaire parallèle a considérablement baissé pour toutes les fi rmes opérant dans le secteur financier sauf les "Institutions non dépositaires". Notre indice du système bancaire parallèle satisfait certains faits économiques concernant le système bancaire parallèle, en particulier le fait que les politiques monétaires restrictives contribuent à l'expansion du système bancaire parallèle. Nous montrons également avec notre indice que, lorsque l'activité bancaire parallèle des 100 plus grandes banques augmente, les taux de délinquance sur les prêts accordés par ces banques augmentent également. L'inverse est observé avec l'indice bancaire traditionnel: une augmentation de l'activité bancaire traditionnelle des 100 plus grandes banques diminue le taux de délinquance. / This thesis has three chapters in which I study transaction costs, anomalies and shadow banking activities. In the first chapter (co-authored with René Garcia) a novel way of estimating transaction costs is proposed. Transaction costs have declined over time but they can increase considerably when funding liquidity becomes scarce, investors' fears spike or other frictions limit arbitrage. We estimate bid-ask spreads of thousands of firms at a daily frequency and put forward these large movements for several of these episodes in the last 30 years. The transaction cost of three-quarters of the firms is significantly impacted by funding liquidity and increases on average by 24%. While small firms and high volatility firms have larger transaction costs, the relative increase in transaction costs in crisis times is more pronounced in large firms and low-volatility firms. The gap between the respective transaction costs of these high- and low-quality groups also increases when financial conditions deteriorate, which provides evidence of flight to quality. We build anomaly-based long-short portfolios and estimate their alphas adjusted for rebalancing costs based on our security-level transaction cost estimates to show that all strategies are either unprofitable or lose money, except for price per share and industry momentum. In the second chapter I study how the popularity of anomalies in peer-reviewed finance journals can influence the returns on these anomalies. I use the tone of the abstract of the publication in which an anomaly is discussed and the impact factor of the journal in which this publication appears to forecast the post-publication return of strategies based on the anomaly. The main finding is the following: when an anomaly is discussed in a positive tone publication that appears in a journal with an impact factor higher than 3 (Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies), this anomaly is more likely to attract investors that are going to arbitrage away the mispricing. The third chapter (co-authored with Vasia Panousi) proposes a measure of the shadow banking activity of firms operating in the financial industry in the United States. For this purpose we use textual data analysis by extracting information from annual and quarterly reports of firms. We find that the shadow banking activity was higher for the “Depository Institutions", “Non depository Institutions" and the “Real estate" before 2008. But after 2008, the shadow banking activity dropped considerably for all the financial companies except for the “Non depository Institutions". Our shadow banking index satisfies some economic facts about the shadow banking, especially the fact that contractionary monetary policies contribute to expand shadow banking. We also show with our index that, when the shadow banking activity of the 100 biggest banks increases, the delinquency rates on the loans that these banks give also increases. The opposite is observed with the traditional banking index: an increase of the traditional banking activity of the 100 biggest banks decreases the delinquency rate.

Úskalí implementačního systému strukturální politiky Evropské unie v České republice v programovém období 2007-2013 / Difficulties of the EU - Cohesion Policy Implementation Systém in the Czech Republic in the Programming period 2007-2013

Capanda, Filip January 2009 (has links)
The thesis Difficulties of the EU - Cohesion Policy Implementation System in the Czech Republic in the Programming period 2007-2013 deals with application of the theories of the European integration on two case studies. In the first part of the thesis the general history of the EU - structural policy is described. The second part is dedicated to the history of the structural policy in the Czech Republic. The third part is concerned with the theoretical definition of the topic and leads to a definition of the hypothesis and the research method. The main theoretical approach for the case studies is the multi-level governance theory, which describes multi-level sharing of authority among different types of actors. None of those actors has a power to define final version of the given policy. The case studies, which in detail examine the development and the efficiency of the implementation system of structural policy in Czech Republic, prove that this environment can cause the coordination dilemma connected with overuse of the free-riding tactics and high transaction costs. The combination of those elements leads to highly rigid system of implementation.

Understanding Information Technology Investment Decision-Making in the Context of Hotel Global Distribution Systems: a Multiple-Case Study

Connolly, Daniel J. 02 December 1999 (has links)
This study investigates what three large, multinational hospitality companies do in practice when evaluating and making IT investment decisions. This study was launched in an attempt to 1) learn more about how multinational hospitality companies evaluate, prioritize, and select IT investments in the context of hotel GDS; 2) call attention to an important and costly topic in hopes of improving current practices; and 3) fill a noticeable literary void so that future researchers on IT and hotel GDS would have a foundation and starting point. The perennial question of any business is "How does an organization add value?" Value can be defined from many different perspectives and may result from tangible and intangible factors. Principal stakeholders include shareholders (investors), customers, and employees. Shareholders typically measure value in terms of economic return on their investment based upon some level of perceived risk. For customers, value is assessed in terms of a price-value relationship; that is, how much they received in terms of product and services for the price they paid. For employees, value is measured by salary and by the intrinsic rewards of the job. Yet, one of the most elusive questions with respect to information technology is "How can value be measured?" Hospitality executives are being pressured daily to invest more in information technology (IT) - especially in the area of hotel global distribution systems (GDS), which have become the cornerstone of a hotel firm's IT infrastructure and portfolio. There are a number of sweeping changes on the horizon impacting hotel GDSs and requiring the development of a well-crafted strategy for global distribution systems. These broad changes include bypass theories to remove airline GDSs and travel agents, the introduction of new and emerging player, and innovative approaches to pricing and promotion. Many of these developments offer promise to hoteliers, but they also threaten their control over their customer relationships and their inventory and add to the complexity and cost of distribution. Selecting the appropriate distribution channels is paramount to success and important if hotel firms are to grow top-line revenue and control overhead; yet the number of choices facing hotel executives is overwhelming. They are also at a loss for measuring value derived from IT. One of the greatest issues plaguing the advancement of technology in the hospitality industry is the difficulty in calculating return on investment. Until recently, most technology investment decisions have been considered using a support or utility mentality that stems from a manufacturing paradigm. Under such thinking, business cases could be built around an application or technology's ability to reduce costs or create labor savings. However, management's attitudes towards technology have been shifting in recent years. The more technologically savvy hospitality companies are looking to IT to build strategic and competitive advantages. These types of investments yield results over time, and seldom in the short-run. This is problematic among owners and investors who demand more immediate results. Moreover, it is difficult to quantify and calculate the tangible benefits of technology when it is used for strategic purposes. Today's financial models are inadequate for estimating the financial benefits for most of the technology projects under consideration today. While the hospitality industry has disciplined models and sufficient history to determine the financial gains or success of opening a new property in a given city, it lacks the same rigorous models and historical data for technology, especially since each technology project is unique. Although this problem is not specific to the hospitality industry, it is particularly problematic since the industry tends to be technologically conservative and unwilling to adopt new technology applications based on the promises of its long-term merits if it cannot quantify the results and calculate a defined payback period. When uncertainty surrounds the investment, when the timing of the cash flows is unpredictable, and when the investment is perceived as risky, owners and investors will most likely channel their investment capital to projects with more certain returns and minimal risk. Thus, under this thinking, technology will always take a back seat to other organizational priorities and initiatives. Efforts must be made to change this thinking and to develop financial models that can accurately predict and capture the financial benefits derived from technology. Given the present predicament and difficulties surrounding the current tools, techniques, and measures, executives are faced with an important choice. They can 1) continue to use the present methods despite their shortcomings, 2) dispense with ROI, cost-benefit, and discounted cash flow analyses altogether for IT projects, or 3) develop new methods, tools, and measures that can accommodate the complexities of IT and quantify the intangibles. This study is a call to action in favor of the latter because the measures determine not only which projects will be accepted but also how their success will be evaluated. Having a rigid evaluation process forces executives to identify a project's potential contribution and align the project's objectives with the firm's strategic goals and objectives. Using the co-alignment principle as its theoretical underpinning, this study employs a multiple-case design to investigate the resource allocation processes used with respect to information technology and global distribution systems. It looks at how three leading, multinational hospitality firms address IT project/investment evaluation and decision-making, the measures they use, and the frustrations they encounter. These frustrations include problems that arise from a hotel firm's fragmented ownership as well as from hotel executives' inability to measure the results of IT through definitive cause-and-effect relationships. The results of the study provide affirmation of the co-alignment principle and document linkages and co-alignment between strategy and IT. Clearly, decisions involving IT and hotel GDSs require multivariate measures, multidimensional perspectives, and multidisciplinary involvement. However, research from the marketing discipline is noticeably absent in this area. This study concludes that because IT plays an important enabling role for marketing initiatives and is redefining the supply chain of a hotel firm, marketing researchers can no longer stand on the sidelines. This study also identifies three important constructs, or classes of variables (context, process, and project), the variables comprising each, and their influences on the evaluation and decision-making processes. These findings add to the understanding of IT evaluation, measurement, and decision-making in the context of hotel GDS. This study clarifies the intangible aspects in hopes that useful measures can be developed in subsequent research to quantify and evaluate these costs and benefits. Finally, this study provides a series of prescriptions or recommendations gleaned from the three companies that were the focus of this study in hopes that they will lead to the development of best practices in the hospitality industry. / Ph. D.

矽智財(SIP)交易之發展與制度規劃研究—以台灣IP Mall為例

施傑峰, Shih,Jey-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
隨著半導體製程技術的快速演進,以及電子產品往系統單晶片(SoC)趨勢發展,晶片設計生產力與製程技術間的落差日益擴大。設計重複使用(design reuse)逐漸成為縮短兩者差距之重要方法;若能靈活應用公司內部的設計重複使用或大量引用外來矽智財(SIP)完成晶片設計,將有效加速產品設計時程、縮短上市時間、節省設計成本並降低風險。 然而受限於資源、研發能力及SoC設計流程整合之複雜性,各公司無法自行開發所有需要的SIP,使得採用外部SIP並將其整合至設計專案中成為必要手段,並導致近幾年商品化SIP的交易市場開始蓬勃發展;但其中所牽涉之商業模式、授權方式與相關技術標準等議題卻相當複雜。 SIP交易之一大障礙來自於缺乏交易過程中所有必須的基礎建設與相關服務。為解決此問題,目前已出現一些中介機構,提供SIP供應商、SoC設計者必要的法律契約、IP保護、交易媒合及結清等服務,使其在交易流通與應用上能更加便利。我國亦於2003年開始推動國家矽導計畫,希望透過其IP Mall子計畫,建立完善的SIP匯集交易與推廣服務機制。 本研究從交易成本和統治結構觀點分析SIP的交易市場發展與衍生問題,並由交易流程中找出典型的商業模式與授權實務,繼而深入探討推廣SIP重複使用與促進交易流通之中介機構,為因應交易常見的問題與挑戰,在規劃交易運作制度、法律與整體交易體系之實際做法;就其擔任提供SIP交易相關活動支援的角色,提出實務上的制度規劃建議。 研究對象為台灣國家矽導計畫中所建立的IP Mall,分別是由創意電子和智原科技兩家公司擔負基礎建設工作,並選擇國外VCX及SIPAC兩家機構做為對照。透過次級文獻蒐集、專家訪談等方法得到主要發現如下: 1.極高的交易成本導致SIP交易困難。 2.SIP交易需配合以三邊統治為基礎之中介機構方能有效執行。 3.藉由建立SIP交易的機制及標準,將可大幅降低「交易成本以及資訊不對稱」所造成雙方損失。 4.兩家IP Mall在功能服務說明、SIP匯集、品質驗證、履約保證與風險管理之制度規劃有待加強。 5.台灣IP Mall的執行做法可朝Turnkey導向之營運模式發展。 6.台灣IP Mall的規劃及運作缺乏整體規劃、使用誘因和成效評估。 關鍵字:交易成本、統治結構、設計重複使用、矽智財、系統單晶片、矽導計畫、智財匯集服務(矽智財匯集平台/矽智財交易中心) / The rapid advance of semiconductor fabrication technologies and the trend towards system-on-chip (SoC) based electronic devices development has caused the worsening gap between silicon capacity and design productivity. “Design reuse” becomes a key strategy for SoC design gap improvement. Combining a selection of reusable silicon IP (SIP) and new designs significantly shortens the time required to create complex SoC products and reduces costs & risks. However, due to constrained resources, the lack of experience with technologies and the complexity in SoC design flow integration, companies do need to source SIPs from outside suppliers instead of developing all kinds of functionalities internally. In recent years there has been a rapid development in the commercial SIP market. Nevertheless, the issues involved in the business model, licensing practices, and related technical standards are also quite complicated. A key barrier to trading SIP may be the lack of all necessary infrastructure and related services within the transaction flow. To overcome this, there are emerging intermediary organizations to facilitate SIP transactions and applications by providing necessary legal contracting, IP protection, trading matching, settlement and service for SIP providers and SoC Integrators. Taiwan also launched National Si-Soft Project from 2003 with an attempt to establish an appropriate SIP trading, promotion and service mechanism under its IP Mall sub-project. From the view of transaction costs and governance structure, this study analyzes the development and derivative problems of SIP trading market and generalizes common business models and licensing practices during the SIP transaction process. Moreover, according to the general problems and challenges from SIP trading, the study thoroughly discusses practices of intermediaries in the planning of transaction operating mechanism, legal matters and overall trading environment. Finally, this study offers some suggestions in practical system planning based on the role of providing SIP trading support. The study takes Taiwan’s IP Malls as subjects, which were implemented by Global Unichip Corporation and Faraday Corporation respectively. We also choose overseas organizations like VCX from Scotland and SIPAC from Korea as a comparison. Based on the literature review and individual interview, we found the following facts: 1.Huge transaction costs result in SIP trading difficulties. 2.Intermediary organizations based on trilateral governance are essential to implementing SIP trading effectively. 3.Through the establishment of SIP trading systems and standards, the loss of both Buyers and Sellers results from transaction costs and information asymmetric can be reduced significantly. 4.Both Taiwan’s IP Malls need to enhance their system planning in the service & function introduction, SIP collection, SIP quality assurance, verification, guaranty of contract and risk management. 5.Taiwan’s IP Malls could take the turnkey-oriented business model based on their original design. 6.The planning and operation of Taiwan’s IP Malls lacks a holistic view, attractions for usage and performance evaluations. Key words: transaction cost, governance structure, design reuse, SIP (Silicon Intellectual Property), SoC (System-on-Chip), Si-Soft project, IP Mall

中小企業如何在與國際大廠的競爭下,進入新市場之策略---以A公司切入大陸風電複合材料行業為例 / The new market entry strategy for a small / medium enterprise to compete with international enterprises --- example: A company penetrates into (composites solution for) China Wind Energy Industry

林雍堯, Yung Yao Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是以中國大陸從2005 年到2010年的風力發電之複合材料葉片產業為背景,討論A公司如何從其原來所屬的防腐蝕複合材料行業,跨入一個完全不同應用的風力葉片複合材料行業。於產業進入過程中,有三家迥然不同規模、屬性、企業文化的企業,於過去數年在大陸市場的競爭為研究範疇。 而在這一市場中依其資本來源,可概分為外資、國企與民企三大類,而因著資本來源不同導致其管理團隊與決策模式,有著極大的差異,因此對交易過程的四種成本亦有相當大的認知與評價差異。而這三家競爭廠商於面對不同客戶屬性時,如何依據其個別公司的不同市場地位、公司資源與技術能量,而採行的市場競爭策略。 A公司於競爭初期,利用其既有的品牌知名度、人脈與通路,以降低C2為第一要務,而後利用C2在地優勢與國際原料大廠建立策略聯盟,產生C1的競爭優勢。進一步利用C1優勢降低客戶C3,隨著個案的增加,增強與上游供應鏈的談判力量,再回頭去強化C1的競爭優勢,以本研究所處的市場,所有的競爭最後都還是回到C1的競爭。並對未來的發展提出如何增強各個成本構面的建議,與提升公司淨利的建議。 / The background of this study is based on the wind blade industry of wind turbine from year 2005 till year 2010 in mainland China. We try to analysis how the company A crosses into an entire new industry – wind blade composites from their original anti-corrosion application. And the scope of this study based on these three enterprises with complete different scales, categories and cultures how to compete in mainland China wind blade composites industry in the past 5 years. We may distinguish those customers into three types based on their different capital compose: foreign enterprise, state own company and private company. Due to the different capital compose, it cause quite obvious difference between the business philosophy of the management team and decision model. It also caused huge difference in recognition and evaluation of four kinds of transaction cost. Those three major suppliers how to take different compete strategies when they are facing different customer attributes based on their own corporate market position, company resources and technology. At the very beginning stage, company A leverages its original brand name, connections and channels in composites industry to lower its C2 as first priority. And then company A tries to build the strategic alliances with those global material suppliers to create the compettive advantage of C1. The further step is to reduce customers’ C3 through its C1 advantage. The more customers company A gets, the more bargain power she has with her supplier chain and then she could strengthen her own C1 competitive strength. The most fundamental competition is always backing to C1 competition in wind blade composite section of wind energy industry in China.

研發取得策略的績效意涵:理論與證據 / Performance Implications of R&D Sourcing Strategy: Theory and Evidence

陳玉麟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討研發取得策略,情境因子,研發人力資本,與公司績效之間的關聯性。藉由理論模型的推導與實務訪談研發中心主管來發展假說,進而以混合資料模型(pooled data models)與橫斷面資料模型來進行實證分析。主要結果為:當公司的研發多樣化程度較高,專利權數目較少,公司較可能採取內外部研發並進策略(R&D hybrid strategy),而非完全內部研發策略(make strategy)。最重要地,過度/低度的外部研發取得(under-/over-external R&D sourcing)對於公司績效有負/正向影響。相較於會計績效,此效果對市場績效的影響尤其顯著。同時,研發取得策略對於公司績效的影響,取決於公司的研發人力資本。相較於採取完全內部研發策略的公司,為了吸收外來的異質技術,採取內外部研發並進策略的公司較可能聘任不同研發種類的研發人員;而如此的研發取得策略與研發人力資本契合將進而改善會計與市場績效。本研究的發現與交易成本理論與supermodular理論一致。如同預期,相較於橫斷面資料模型,本研究的實證分析在混合資料模型較為顯著。 / The association between performance and R&D sourcing strategy in relation to contextual variables and R&D human capital is determined by the analytical model coupled with field interviews with directors or managers in R&D centers. Capitalizing on a unique database of the 2001-2003 Taiwan Industry R&D Investment Survey containing more detailed information available on the R&D activities to verify this association, the researcher tests the empirical results by cross-sectional and pooled data models. The findings are that an innovating firm will prefer to implement the R&D hybrid strategy when the higher degrees of R&D diversity and fewer counts of patents are exhibited. Perhaps most importantly, this study shows compelling evidence that over-/under-external R&D sourcing affects negatively/positively a firm’s performance. This effect is more significant in the market-based performance (Tobin’s q and average two-year Tobin’s q) than accounting-based performance (ROS and ROA). Moreover, the associations between R&D sourcing strategy and a firm’s performance are contingent on the use of R&D human capital. Innovative firms with the R&D hybrid/make strategy are more/less prone to employee diverse types of R&D experts to absorb the coming external knowledge, and such alignment between R&D sourcing strategy and R&D human capital thus improves both accounting- and market-based performance. The results are consistent with both transaction cost paradigms that discriminating alignment of transactions with strategy leads to more efficient outcomes, and the supermodularity model that a firm’s performance is a function of coherent alignment between strategy and structural elements of an organization. As predicted, these effects are noticeable and more pronounced in the pooled data model than in the cross-sectional design.

Financial systems: essays on the cultural determinants and the relevance for economic development / Systèmes financiers: essais sur les déterminants culturels et l'importance pour le développement économique

Gheeraert, Laurent 17 December 2009 (has links)
The thesis analyzes macro-economic determinants and roles of financial sector development.<p> The literature argues that the size and efficiency of both banking systems and financial markets - the two major components of a financial system - matter for economic development. In the same vein, the quality of financial institutions and regulations are instrumental in the construction of a strong financial system.<p> We study several aspects of financial sector development in relation to three recent phenomena, namely, the rise of Islamic banking and finance, the increasing interest for emerging stock markets, and the growing remittance flows.<p> This thesis is made up of three essays.<p> The first essay extends the literature on the determinants of financial sector development, from the angle of culture. We show that, on average, Islamic finance favors the development of the banking sector in Muslim countries. We provide evidence that several countries have indeed been successful in launching a new, Shariah-compliant, banking system, while not harming the existing, conventional, banking sector. Our empirical analysis uses a newly-constructed original database on the size and performance of Islamic deposit banks globally over the period 2000 to 2005.<p> The second essay focuses on stock markets, in particular, the less-studied emerging equity markets. We confirm traditional literature findings on unconditional stock returns, over a panel of 53 Major and Frontier markets. Mainly, volatility is high, big surprises happen, and return correlations with the rest of the world are low but have been rising over the last decades. In spite of large differences in market size and liquidity, Frontier market returns are qualitatively similar to Major markets', except correlations, which are lower in Frontier markets. At current correlation levels, the latter continue to bring substantial diversification benefits to international investors.<p> The last essay examines the relationship between remittances and economic growth. It confirms that remittances are important for developing countries as they stimulate domestic investment. It then demonstrates, theoretically and empirically, that improving the access to bank deposit accounts is crucial to channel remittances to more productive uses. This is even more true when the access to international borrowing is costly.<p> The 2008-2009 financial crisis has propelled the improvement of financial systems to the top of policymakers' agendas. Our work contributes to a better understanding of the importance of finance in economic outcomes. It also brings a novel perspective on the determinants of financial systems./<p> Notre thèse a pour objet l'étude des déterminants et des rôles macro-économiques des secteurs financiers dans le monde.<p> Selon la littérature scientifique, la taille et l'efficacité des systèmes bancaires et des marchés financiers - les deux composantes principales d'un système financier - sont importantes pour le développement économique. Il apparaît également que la qualité des institutions et des régulations financières contribuent à la création d'un système financier fort.<p> Au travers de trois essais, nous examinons plusieurs aspects du développement du secteur financier, qui sont en relation avec trois phénomènes récents; à savoir: la croissance de la finance islamique, l'intérêt grandissant pour les marchés boursiers émergents, et l'augmentation des flux de transferts de fonds des migrants.<p> Dans le premier essai, nous nous intéressons aux facteurs culturels comme déterminants des secteurs financiers et, en particulier, au rôle de la religion musulmane. Nous montrons que, en moyenne, la finance islamique favorise le développement du secteur bancaire dans les pays musulmans. Plusieurs pays ont en effet réussi à développer un nouveau secteur bancaire compatible avec la Shariah, sans porter ombrage au secteur bancaire non islamique avec lequel il co-existe. Notre analyse empirique est fondée sur une base de données nouvelle et originale. Celle-ci a pour intérêt de fournir des indicateurs de taille et de performance des banques islamiques de dépôt dans le monde, pour la période 2000-2005.<p> Dans le deuxième essai, nous explorons les rendements inconditionnels obtenus sur les marchés boursiers, en particulier les marchés émergents d'actions. Notre analyse d'un large panel de 53 marchés émergents "Majeurs" et "Frontières" confirme les résultats traditionnellement observés dans la littérature. Ainsi, pour l'essentiel, les deux types de marchés sont volatils et émaillés d'événements extrêmes. De plus, les rendements des marchés émergents sont faiblements corrélés avec ceux du reste du monde, même si ces corrélations ont augmenté au cours des derniers décennies. Malgré d'importantes différences en terme de taille et de liquidité, les rendements sur marchés "Frontières" sont qualitativement similaires à ceux des marchés "Majeurs", à l'exception des corrélations. Ces dernières sont en effet actuellement plus faibles dans les marchés "Frontières", qui continuent dès lors à offrir d'importants bénéfices de diversification aux investisseurs internationaux.<p> Dans le dernier essai, nous examinons la relation entre les transferts d'argent des migrants et la croissance économique. Nous confirmons l'idée que les transferts de fonds des migrants sont importants pour les pays en voie de développement. Mais surtout, nous démontrons, de manière théorique et empirique, qu'il est crucial de faciliter dans ces pays l'accès aux comptes de dépôt bancaires, afin de transformer une plus grande part des transferts des migrants en investissements productifs. Ceci est d'autant plus vrai quand l'accès aux autres sources de capitaux internationaux est coûteux.<p> En conclusion, la crise financière de 2008-2009 a fait de l'amélioration des systèmes financiers la priorité de nombreuses politiques économiques. Dans cette perspective, notre travail apporte une contribution à une compréhension plus fine de l'importance de la finance pour l'économie, ainsi qu'une vision novatrice des déterminants des systèmes financiers. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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