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互惠經濟與市場經濟的交易模式--以交易關係及訊息成本的角度觀之 / Reciprocal Economy and Market Economy--Views of Transaction Relationship and Information Cost江彥生, Chiang, Yen-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
由人類學家所定義的互惠經濟之交易行為與我們所認知的市場交易相較之下有幾個特殊之處,如,強調交易雙方的關係、主觀的價值判斷等,近來經濟學家也嘗試以各種不同的角度(如:訊息經濟學、賽局理論、實驗經濟學、制度經濟學)來探討此一耐人尋味的交易行為, Kranton 的文章就是其中的一個代表。
Kranton 認為互惠經濟與市場經濟制度的差異僅是一些人們的心理偏好如:對財貨多樣性的偏好、對未來消費偏好上的程度大小之選擇問題,另外制度本身有一種「自我延續」的機能,任一種制度越被人們所青睞也就更確認其普行於社會的地位。他認為制度與制度之間存在著一種「競爭」的關係,社會最終只能容許一種制度存留,而結果取決於上述的偏好因素以及某制度開始時的起始值大小。
惟我們認為 Kranton 的模型有許多不完美之處,根據他的缺失,我們有了以下的補充及發揮。首先,從交易關係來瞭解交易行為,可以將兩種制度「互相競爭」的單一思考角度擴充到有「互補」可能性的思考空間。我們認為一項交易的完成不僅是客觀上財貨的交換,其他相關的事項如交易雙方藉由交易互動來達成訊息探測的目的及交易雙方的關係因為一連串的交易所發生的變化等都是值得我們注意的。我們會看見兩種不同的制度(互惠經濟與市場經濟)在同樣一項交易上運作乃是因為這兩種制度所詮釋的功能及範圍有所不同,彼此相互輔助而不一定有衝突發生。
最後我們認為「訊息」是互惠經濟能步入「市場經濟」的一個重要關鍵。一個人面對市場經濟多樣化的選擇時必須擁有充分的訊息作為選擇的依據,惟市場本身能衍生出另一種「訊息市場」來。在訊息提供上不僅要考慮到訊息的「廣度」也要考慮到「深度」,互惠經濟所形成的人際網路能透過「瞭解」的機制來傳遞及過濾「適當」的訊息,但是人際網路一樣會有「遞移成本」及「維護成本」的問題,另外訊息在消費上的不具敵對性會減低訊息市場上供給者的提供誘因,我們將以上的所有考慮因素具體化為一個簡單的模型,並試圖找出在訊息上提供上,互惠經濟與市場經濟之間的「分水嶺」。 / Reciprocal economy , compared to the familiar market economy,is characterized byseveral features such as gift giving,social structure patterns,subjective valuesRecently,economists try to explain such ambigious behavior by means of game theory, experimental methods,and institutional views.Kranton's paper is oneexample. From Kranton's point of view,reciprocal economy differs with market economyonly in poople's preferences such as preferences for diversity of goods,preferences for future consumption. In addition,institution itself has mechanisms of self-sustaining which guarantees its pervasion. That reciprocal economy is competitive with market economy means that only one institution can survivewhich is dependent on social preferences and institution's initial value. Not satisfied with Kranton's model, we try another way to handle the probleminto three parts.
First,in views of transaction relationships,we may say that each institution'ssurvival is dependent on the other's persistence.
Second, "money", "laws", and "transaction knowledge" are all important factors influncing the transition from reciprocal economy to market economy.Third,"information completeness "is a key factor of the market economy and the provision of information is another choice problem between reciprocal economy and market economy.
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臺灣地區上市公司資本結構影響因素之研究 / The Determinants of Capital Structure in Taiwanese Open Company朱國光, Chu, Kuo Kuang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究資料乃取自教育部EPS資料庫與臺灣經濟新報社資料庫,樣本期間為民國78年到82年,共120家上市公司。研究方法主要採用變異成份模型(Variance Component Model)與誤差成份模型(Error Component Model)來研究上市公司資本結構的影響因素。並作共線性檢定、自我相關檢定及異質性檢定,若有異質變異數之現象產生,則以White [1980]之方法加以修正。
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臺灣企業在中國大陸經濟發展中之角色與定位-三邊統治理論之應用 / The role of Taiwaness Enterprises in the Econoical development of Mainland China - A Trilateral Theory Perspective蘇明瑞, Su, Ming Jui Unknown Date (has links)
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工業用電腦主機板的快速客製化服務之研究-以研華科技為例 / To Study The Fast Customization Service of Industrial PC Maker - A Case Study for Advantech Co., Ltd廖漢雄, Barry Liaw Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對工業電腦產業,探索其創新產品服務:快速客製化(半客製化)服務的兩大產品服務模組化系統SOM(System On Module)及接單設計服務DTOS(Design To Order Service)-客製底板CSB的客製化服務之間的關聯影響,及對快速客製化(半客製化)服務的影響及關聯性。本研究以個案訪談法,以研華科技為研究對象;加上部份的問卷調查,為主要的研究方法。
因此本研究建議:廠商應該致力於推動模組化系統SOM的產業標準化,運用延遲理論於接單設計DTOS及接單生產BTO服務,及運用交易成本理論於最佳資源統治形式來提高客製底板CSB快速客製化服務的績效。 / This research focused on studying the new business model for Fast Customization Service which is the combination of Fast Design Customization Service and Mass Customization Service.
The research result shows that Fast Customization Service is significantly influenced by “Modularity” and “Design Postponement” .
The Author suggests that the IPC makers should endeavor for promoting the industrial standardization of SOM (System On Module) , implementing Postponement theory into DTOS (Design To Order Service) and BTO (Build To Order) , and implementing Transaction-Cost Theory into the best Governance Structure .
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應用整合行銷模式於跨業資源整合平台之建置-以新視紀整合行銷集團為例 / The application of integrated marketing communications in cross-disciplinary integrated platform–new vision integrated marketing communication co., ltd. as a case study翁銘隆, Weng, Ming Lung Unknown Date (has links)
研究結論發現,導入整合行銷傳播模式的「有藝氏創意商品整合平台」有效降低整體現在文化創意產業鏈開發商品過程中發生的交易成本,除提高創意商品化的可能性之外,亦加快商品從研發到上市的速度,而消費者則是整體產業鏈交易成本降低的最大受益者。 / The integrated marketing industry in Taiwan faces a low gross-profit challenge because the limited market share and its growth is highly relevant to the worldwide economy. Providing a creative service becomes a trend for the industry to respond those tough situations. Although the Taiwan government has been putting a lot of resources into the cultural and creative industry and President Ma Ying-Jeou announced that the year of Taiwan centenary (2011) is “Taiwan Design Year,” most of Taiwanese design companies could not cross through a marketing chasm successfully. Most creative products could not been accepted by mass consumers. Thus, this research seeks to explore the application of integrated marketing communications in cross-disciplinary and then analysis the feasibility of changing creative product developing processes with the integrated marketing communications model.
This research uses the transaction cost theory and takes New Vision Integrated Marketing Communications Group and its subsidiary company, Unique Art Integrated Platform of Creative Products, as case study to evaluate the efficiency in creative product developing processes.
This research concludes that “Unique Art Integrated Platform of Creative Products” which applied the integrated marketing communications model into the cultural and creative industry in Taiwan, indeed increased the possibility of developing creative products, decreased transaction costs in developing creative products, and shortened the whole developing process, from searching for a design to launching a product. Most importantly, consumers are beneficiaries, spend less money to buy creative products, because of this new business model.
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貿易公司新商業模型研究:以傢俱行業為例 / A new business model for trading companies in furniture industry丁經武 Unknown Date (has links)
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我國高階政務及事務官員調動的模式:以行政院為例,1988~2010 / Transfer modes of high-ranking administrative and executive officers in Taiwan government as seen in the Executive Yuan from 1988 to 2010陳鴻章, Chen, Hung Chang Unknown Date (has links)
最後,透過相關資料的分析,我們也發現了,在一次、二次政黨輪替,於西元兩千年到兩千零八年,相繼的發生,以及相應出現範圍廣泛、人數繁多,全面性高階行政官員清洗,也使台灣社會,在短期間之內,必須付出可觀的政治交易成本。這樣的情況,也使得台灣民眾的民主信念,是有所動搖,同時這也對於台灣的民主政治發展,是一個不容被忽視的隱憂。 / This reasearch offers an analysis of the long-standing discourse on transferal patterns of government officials in Taiwan, with the focus on the much-debated “general theory” vs. “special theory” approach. We will look at the systemic and organizational factors that influence the appointment, replacement, and transferal of both administrative and executive officers in the higher echelons of government. Specifically, this paper examines the time period from 1988 to 2010, employing a systematic agent framework in combination with related theoretical parameters to explore the concrete situation in the Executive Yuan and its 32 ministries, commissions, and other agencies under three consecutive administrations (i.e. presidents Lee Teng-hui, Chen Shui-bian, and Ma Ying-jeou).
In the first four chapters, we will outline background and motive of this paper, give an overview of past research on this topic, scrutinize relevant theoretical approaches, and illustrate research problems and models. In the fifth chapter, we explore and analyze the period from the early to the mid-1990s, a time that saw repeated amendments and additions to the constitution that gave the president increasingly greater powers of appointment and removal of cabinet members. These powers have become one of the most important political tools the president wields, allowing the nation’s leader to exert highly effective and immediate control over the Executive Yuan, in particular over its highest-ranking officials.
In the sixth chapter, we will cover the entire period from the late 1980s to the 2010. During this time, three presidents were successively at the helm (Lee from 1988-2000, Chen from 2000-2008, Ma since 2008), and we will scrutinize the different appointment and transferal modes applied during their terms, in particular as regards their use as a tool of political control. In addition, we will further discuss the first three hypotheses initially proposed in chapter four, and show if and how they are borne out by the data and facts assembled in this research. Chapter seven contains a comprehensive analysis of the entire set of data to facilitate our discussion of hypotheses four to eleven as first proposed in chapter four, and to determine whether or not these are supported by the empirical data. At the same time, we look at the quarterly figures from Executive Yuan ministries and commissions to create a multiple regression model of the cross-section data, which will help us to analyze which specific factors influence the substitution and transferal of high-ranking officials.
After a thorough analysis of the empirical data, we will find that of the two theories usually applied to the problem of systemic and political control over the higher echelons of the executive, i.e. the general and the special theory mentioned above, the general theory is in fact better supported by the relevant set of data. As for which particular systemic and organizational factors may influence the replacement or substitution of high-ranking administrative and executive cabinet members, the crucial parameters affecting this question are the larger political climate that the president faces, as well as the type and political weight of the concerned ministries and commissions. At times when administrative stability and quality are the paramount considerations, the president will necessarily deemphasize his control over the executive and refrain from making too many personnel changes, while in times of political crisis, or when there is growing concern over the competence and suitability of his entrusted agents (i.e. leading members of the Executive Yuan’s subdivisions) and thus more tolerance for change, one will almost always see large-scale cabinet reshuffles as the president attempts to flush out unfit or unwanted elements.
Finally, an analysis of the overall data also shows that the two transitions of power Taiwan has seen in 2000 and 2008 respectively were—as a matter of course—accompanied by extensive personnel changes as numerous high-ranking government officials were removed from office to make place for new faces. These far-reaching waves of “political purging” and complete reorganization of the cabinet within short periods of time have come at a considerable political cost for Taiwan’s society as a whole. This has somewhat shaken the population’s faith in democracy as a political system, and here lies a significant potential concern for the future development of Taiwan’s democracy.
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日系液晶顯示器關鍵材料廠商在台灣市場之策略行銷分析: 以4C架構分析 / Strategic marketing 4C analysis of Japanese LCD key component’s materials manufacturers in the Taiwan market松岡志保, Matsuoka Shiho Unknown Date (has links)
TFT-LCD(薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器)是台灣全力發展的重點產業。TFT-LCD 產業特徵是專業分工產業,LCD產業價值鏈可分成上游材料廠商、中游面板廠商、下游應用廠商。主要的上游零件及材料包括玻璃基板(glass substrate)、彩色濾光片(color filter)、偏光板/膜(polarizer)、背光模組(backlight module)、驅動IC(Driver IC)、配向膜(alignment layer)。
LCD面板生產所需要的這些原材料占面板生產總成本的70%以上。對面板製造商來說,透過整合減少成本成為一個重要的議題。許多面板的關鍵零組件是設計導入(design in)的產品,對於面板設計,需要配合製造商的要求和規格。所以面板廠商和關鍵零組件廠商之間的快速溝通和反應是非常重要。
3.製造商之知名度的高低會影響到中間商的選擇權力。 / TFT-LCD (thin film transistor liquid crystal display) is one of the key industries in Taiwan. TFT-LCD industry is characterized as a specialization industry. The LCD industry value chain can be divided into upstream materials manufacturers, the midstream panel manufacturers, and downstream application vendors. Upstream material parts include glass substrate, color filter, polarizer film, backlight module, the driver IC, and alignment layer.
These essential components needed in LCD panel production account for more than 70% of the total cost in panel production. Therefore an important issue for panel makers is to reduce costs through integration. As many of the key components of the panel is the “design in product”, which need to be designed according to manufacturer's requirements and specifications, rapid communication and response between panel manufacturers and key components manufacturers is very important.
Some materials are imported from abroad; Japanese companies have 90% market share in the alignment film market. Although the proportion of the cost structure of the LCD panel is not high, but the alignment layer is the key material to determine the quality of liquid crystal display panel. Two main alignment film makers are Nissan Chemical and JSR. They both are Japanese chemical companies. JSR devotes into Taiwanese market in 2005, and established JSRmicro. Nissan Chemical started its business in Taiwan at 2010, by establishing Taiwan Nissan Chemical. Nissan Chemical is the pioneer in liquid crystal alignment film and once had approximately 80 percent of market share 10 years ago, but it has declined to 50% as of now. Nissan Chemical transact through Japanese Sogo Shosha in Taiwai. JSR transact through Taiwanese intermediaries (Wahlee distributor) in Taiwan.
In this study, Japanese liquid crystal alignment layer manufacturer Taiwan Nissan Chemical were professionally interviewed, then explored between Taiwan Nissan Chemical and the panel manufacturers’ industry chain. This study will also apply strategic marketing 4C framework for analysis, then conduct an in-depth investigation on how Taiwan Nissan Chemical reduces transaction costs for Taiwan LCD panel manufacturers, illustrate the company's competitive advantage through the transaction costs analysis, including buyer utility cost, information searching cost, moral hazard cost, and asset specificity cost, and lastly compare with the competitor’s transaction cost.
The purposes of this research are:
1. The 4C relationship between Nissan Chemical and the client
2. The relationship between Nissan chemical and the distributors
3. The 4C comparison between Nissan Chemical and the competitor (JSR)
The results of study show that:
1. A choice of intermediaries, the number of intermediaries, the number of product that intermediaries offer, and the services intermediaries provide will affect the transaction costs of Nissan Chemical for panel makers.
2. The product range provided by the suppliers within the same industry would affect the transaction costs of panel makers and intermediaries,
3. The well-known level of the manufacturer will affect the power of choice for intermediaries.
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Extern granskning av medicinska bilder, framtidens lösning? / External analysis of medical images, an prospective solution?Skibicki, Dominik, Pejhman, Pourmand January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Uses and Nonuses of Patented InventionsJung, Taehyun 19 December 2009 (has links)
Innovation comprises the processes of invention and commercialization. While the importance of innovation, especially commercialization, has been widely recognized, existing studies have largely overlooked the commercialization process. By examining the determinants of uses and nonuses of patented inventions from firms at the levels of technology, organization, and project/invention, this study attempts to help fill a critical gap in the literature. In doing so, it enriches theoretical understandings of innovation and, in particular, builds on the evolutionary explanation of technology development, the Teecian framework on profiting from innovation, Transaction Cost Economics (TCE), the Knowledge-Based View (KBV), and open innovation and innovation network perspectives. It also reveals an empirical reality of commercial use and strategic nonuse of patents. The study is based on a novel dataset constructed from multiple sources: inventor surveys, the United States Patent and Trademark Office online database, and COMPUSTAT, among others. After examining the factors affecting overall propensity to commercialize patented inventions, this study explores the factors that affect the organizational paths of commercialization. The empirical estimation indicates that technological uncertainty and a strong internal position of complementary assets raise the propensity for internal commercialization. The study argues that openness of innovation processes and network relationships should affect the choice of commercialization paths. Consistent with the hypotheses, empirical estimations show that external industrial knowledge increases the propensity of internal commercialization. The study also indicates that collaboration has diverging effects on the choice of commercialization paths. While collaboration with firms in vertical relationships tends to favor internal commercialization, collaboration with firms in horizontal relationships tends to favor external commercialization (licensing, start-up). Finally, the study reports findings on the strategic use of patents and then tests hypotheses about the factors driving strategic nonuse. It concludes that a significant portion of U.S. patents are indeed filed for strategic reasons. It also finds that characteristics of technology and firms are significantly associated with different strategies. In particular, firms are more likely to use a patent for strategic defensive purposes when they have larger amounts of assets. The study concludes with discussing managerial and policy implications.
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