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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gender Bound: Prisons, Trans Lives, and the Politics of Violence

Greene, Joss Taylor January 2021 (has links)
The criminal justice system is a primary driver of racial and gender injustice. While research and policy advocacy tends to center the most typical criminalized subjects— black, and more recently Latino, men— unique insights into the dynamics of race, gender, and punishment emerge when we focus on a more unique group: transgender people of color. Nearly half of black transgender people experience incarceration over the course of their lives. The extreme criminalization of transgender people of color highlights the intersectional nature of carceral violence, and the ways state violence operates alongside social exclusion and structural abandonment. The carceral state produces and maintains social divisions. This dissertation investigates how the penal definition and management of racialized gender boundaries produces vulnerability and constrains life chances for transgender and gender-nonconforming people. I also demonstrate how, in the face of state coercion, criminalized gender-nonconforming people navigate and seek to mitigate vulnerability. The empirical context for this work is the California state prison system and the reentry ecosystem of San Francisco. Drawing on extensive archival research, 20 months of ethnographic observation in transgender prisoner advocacy organizations, and 136 interviews with formerly incarcerated transgender people, advocates, policymakers, and former prison staff, this dissertation shows how racialized gender regulation operates, transforms, and is resisted in penal organizations. This study traces racialized gender regulation over time— from 1941 to 2018— and across the carceral continuum, examining the management and navigation of racialized gender boundaries behind prison walls and in reentry organizations upon transgender people’s release. While transgender prisoner discourse foregrounds issues of identity, I find that neither identity nor accounts of race and gender as stable and transportable structures are sufficient to explain the ways racialized gender boundaries operate at the meso-level of penal organizations. Prison administrators and reentry staff articulate and regulate racialized gender boundaries based on historically-specific organizational imperatives (e.g. to distinguish between reformable and incurable prisoners, or to allocate limited reentry resources). Currently and formerly incarcerated transgender people, in turn, engage with classification pragmatically and pursue safety strategies designed to minimize vulnerability to both interpersonal and state violence. I arrive at these findings through three papers that focus on different dimensions of organizational practice and pragmatic survival strategies. In the first paper, I argue that, rather than emphasizing a categorical conflict between an institutionalized gender binary and gender-nonconformity, we should analyze how the nature of prison gender boundaries arises from the historically evolving nature of racialized punishment and the inherently coercive nature of classification in a total institution. Prison gender boundaries reflect an evolving conflict between the prison’s efforts to label, control, and confine bodies, and prisoners’ capacity to resist. Prison administrators make and manage gender boundary violation based on the evolving penal logics and resources at their disposal; from 1941-2018, administrators successively use strategies of segregation, treatment, risk management, and bureaucratic assimilation. Prisoners, in turn, express or repress non-normative gender identifications based on the consequences of classification in changing penal regimes. In the second paper, I extend research that has explained incarcerated transgender women’s high rates of victimization based on the prison’s rigid institutionalization of the gender binary. Employing an intersectional approach, I demonstrate that trans women of color in men's prisons are vulnerable because their restricted mobility, subjection to guard coercion, and material deprivation facilitates sexual assault. In this context, trans women of color use embodied, social, and economic resources to avoid victimization. Lastly, I examine how racialized gender regulation persists in the reentry organizations transgender people encounter upon release. Examining the gender rules and gendered interactions fostered by reentry housing programs, I show how the repudiation and regulation of black trans women’s womanhood leads to their exclusion from reentry resources and heightened reentry hardship. Together, these three papers work to explain how racialized gender regulation in the penal system generates complex, intersectional inequality, while also illuminating the ways criminalized transgender people of color understand, navigate, and resist these conditions.

Comparative Investigation of Media Bias : How to Spot Media Bias through CDA and CL Text Analysis

Pozzi, Marco January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Nya sexuella kroppar, känslor och rum : - Att navigera sexuella problem under könsbekräftande behandling med testosteron / New Sexual Bodies, Feelings and Spaces : Navigating Sexual Problems during Gender Affirming Treatment with Testosterone

Magnusson, Malte January 2022 (has links)
Den här studien syftar till att undersöka vuxnas erfarenheter av sexuella problem under könsbekräftande behandling med testosteron, samt erfarenheter av samtal om sexuell hälsa inom den könsbekräftande vården. Tidigare forskning har visat att omfattningen av studier på området är bristfälligt. Studien har genomförts med kvalitativ metod och fenomenologisk ansats. Den består av berättelser från sex halvstrukturerade livsvärldsintervjuer som har analyserats med reflexiv tematisk analys. Fyra huvudteman presenteras i resultatanalysen: Nya sexuella kroppar, Nya sexuella känslor, Nya sexuella rum och relationer och Olika vård för lika problem. Resultaten visar att sexuella problem under könsbekräftande behandling är en flytande process där olika individuella, interpersonella och kontextuella faktorer spelar in. Sarah Ahmeds (2006) queera fenomenologi och Jack Halberstams (2005) begrepp queer tid har använts för att identifiera processer av orientering i tid och rum. Resultaten visar även på olika erfarenheter av den könsbekräftande vårdens förmåga att tillgodose behov för sexologiskt stöd samt ett fortsatt behov av forskning och insatser på området. / This study aims to explore adults’ experiences of sexual problems during gender affirming treatment with testosterone, and experiences of conversations about sexual health within gender affirming health care services. Previous research shows that there is a lack of studies on the subject. This study has been conducted with qualitative methods and phenomenological approach. It is constituted by stories from six semi structured interviews which has been analyzed through reflexive thematic analysis. Four themes are presented in the result analysis: New sexual bodies, New sexual feelings, New sexual spaces and relationships and Different care for equal needs. The results show that sexual problems during gender affirming treatment is a fluent process where different individual, interpersonal and contextual factors contribute. Sarah Ahmed’s (2006) queer phenomenology and Jack Halberstam’s (2005) queer time has been used to identify processes of orientation in time and space. The results also show different abilities for gender affirming health care services to meet the needs for support from a sexologist, and a need for future research on the subject.

Transpersoners erfarenheter av diskrimineringpå arbetsmarknaden / Transgender peoples experience with discrimination in the workplace.

Ardeman, Erik January 2021 (has links)
Diskriminering mot transpersoner är ett omfattande problem på arbetsmarknaden. Samtliga forskningsresultat påvisar att transpersoner utsätts för olika diskriminerande handlingar på deras arbetsplatser. Den brist som framträder i den svenska forskningen om arbetsmarknadsdiskriminering är att den inte utforskar hur arbetsplatsens kontext formar diskrimineringen. Studiens syfte blir därför att generera kunskap om hur arbetsplatsen påverkar transpersonernas erfarenheter av diskriminering, samt vilka konsekvenser som genereras kopplat till formen av diskriminering. Den teori som används i studien för att förklara arbetsplatsens betydelse för hur diskrimineringen utformas är Anthony Giddens struktureringsteori. Giddens struktureringsteori är en teori som används för att förklara hur kontexten påverkar utformningen av dess sociala system. Den datainsamlingsmetod som tillämpas för att undersöka studiens syfte är nio semistrukturerade intervjuer och dataanalysmetoden utgår ifrån en modell inspirerad av Grounded Theory. Studiens empiri påvisar att intervjupersonerna har erfarenheter av direkt diskriminering, indirekt diskriminering och trakasserier på sina arbetsplatser. De konsekvenser diskrimineringen medför är framförallt psykiskt lidande, emotionella svårigheter, bristande tillgång till arbetsmarknaden och sämre ekonomi. Slutsatsen härleder diskrimineringen till arbetsplatskontexter karaktäriserade av (1) manligt kodade normer, (2) mindre storlek, (3) mer homogen arbetsgrupp och (4) låg utbildningsnivå hos personalen. En arbetsplatskontext karaktäriserade av dessa fyra koder är således mindre transvänliga. / Discrimination against transgender people is a widespread problem in the labour market. All research results shows that transgender people are exposed to various discriminatory acts in their workplaces. The shortcoming that emerges in Swedish research regarding discrimination in the labour is that it does not explore how the context of the workplace shapes the acts of discrimination. The purpose of this study is therefore to generate knowledge about how the context of the workplace affects the trans people's experiences of discrimination, and what consequences that are generated because of the discrimination. The theory used in this study are Anthony Giddens Theory of structures. Gidden's structuring theory is a theory used to explain the context's influence on the constructions of social systems. The method used to investigate the purpose of this study is nine individual semi-structured interviews and the method for analysis is based on a model inspired by Grounded Theory. The study's empirical evidence shows that transgender people have experiences of direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, and harassment in the workplace. The consequences of being exposed to discrimination are mental and emotional fatigue, as well as financial vulnerability. The conclusion derives the discrimination is constructed the context of the workplace characterized by (1) male-coded norms, (2) smaller size, (3) small diversity and (4) low level of education. A workplace context characterized by these four codes is thus less trans-friendly.

From Byronic to Gothic Blood Sucker: Subversion toward a Non-Gendered Identity

Hoover, Hannah 01 May 2021 (has links)
Analyzing Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights and linking trends of the Byronic hero that have merged into a variety of genres reveal that the hero is a mode of subversive gender expression, which has evolved within the Gothic through feminine desire. Delving into Bram Stoker’s Dracula will provide unique insight into the audience’s desires/expressions of gender. Finding the transition point from the monster vampire of Dracula to Stephanie Meyer’s desirous, sparkling boy-next-door in Twilight will track the trajectory of gender and sexual norms through time. From the foundational adaptation of the Byronic hero in Wuthering Heights to the repressed vampiric desire of Dracula, to queer desire/domestication within Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire, ending with sparkling vampires of Twilight, we can invite the Byronic hero, which already supports rejection of societal expectations, into a genderless space, becoming a champion of desire absent from the constraints of gender and sexuality conformity.

Análisis de la representación de las mujeres transgénero en las películas de ficción peruanas del 2010 al 2020 / Analysis of the representation of transgender women in p eruvian fiction films from 2010 to 2020

Chavez Quispe, Joseph Marcelo 08 August 2021 (has links)
La representación de las mujeres transgénero en el cine peruano de ficción, actualmente, ha adquirido un papel más protagónico del que antes se le daba; sin embargo, aún intenta escapar de estereotipos repetitivos que encasillan a las mujeres trans como delincuentes o víctimas perpetuas. (Mendieta, 2019). La dificultad para sobresalir y alcanzar el éxito, generalmente, lleva a los personajes a recurrir a oficios como la prostitución. (Ormeño, 2019). En el presente trabajo de investigación se realiza un análisis de la representación de las mujeres transgénero en las películas de ficción peruanas del 2010 al 2020. Los filmes en cuestión son: Lóxoro (2012), Mapacho (2019) y Sin vagina me marginan (2017). / The representation of transgender women in fictional peruvian cinema has acquired a more prominent role than it was previously given in industry. However, it still tries to escape from repetitive stereotypes that represent trans women as criminals or perpetual victims. (Mendieta, 2019). The difficulty to stand out and achieve success generally makes the characters to resort to trades such as prostitution. (Ormeño, 2019). The present research is an analysis of the representation of transgender women in Peruvian fiction films from 2010 to 2020 is carried out. The choosen films are Lóxoro (2012), Mapacho (2019) and Sin vagina me marginan (2017). / Trabajo de investigación

Left out: Exclusionary gender discourses in Swedish high school psychology textbooks

Juge, George Emory January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med examensarbetet är att identifiera diskursiva representationer av genus i tre olika läromedel som används i kursen psykologi 1 på gymnasienivå i Sverige. Metod och teori kommer primärt från diskursanalytiska traditioner och har även influerats av vissa feministiska teorier. Ur en systematisk läsning och kodning av text och bilder som finns i materialen visade sig tre teman: pronomen, normer och skillnad/avvikelse. Uppsatsen är en del av ett lärarprogram på avancerad nivå och analysens syfte var att hjälpa mig själv och andra lärare i psykologi, min specialisering, att utveckla normkritisk pedagogik och didaktik för att bidra till en bättre förståelse för utsatta människor hos våra elever. Resultatet var att de två psykologi kursböckerna Psykologi 1+2a (Levander och Levander, 2012) och Mänskligt (Bernerson och Cronlund, 2017) har adresserat normer inklusive normer kring genus och sexuell läggning, men har även cementerat normativa diskurser i dessa områden. Mänskligt har lyckats något bättre i att lyfta och applicera normkritik. Det tredje materialet Bryt! är inte en psykologi kursbok utan en handbok i normkritik som mestadels består av gruppövningar med syftet att främja förståelse för normer och deras konsekvenser. Min rekommendation är att använda Bryt! som komplement till en eller både av de analyserade kursböckerna i klassrummet för att erbjuda våra elever en djupare förståelse för hur normer, i synerhet cis/heteronormen, negativt påverkar psykisk hälsa hos utsatta populationer såsom HBTQIA+ personer. / The aim of this thesis is to identify discursive representations of gender in three different learning materials used in an introductory course to psychology on the high school level in Sweden. Methodology and theory come primarily from discourse analytical traditions and have also been informed by certain feminist theories. A systematic reading and coding of the text and images present in the materials led to the emergence of three themes: pronouns, norms, and difference. The thesis is a part of a degree in pedagogy, and the intended result of the analysis was to aid myself and other teachers of psychology, my specialization, in the development of norm critical pedagogy and didactics which foster a better understanding of marginalized people in our students. The findings were that the two psychology textbooks, Psychology 1 + 2a (Levander and Levander, 2012) and Mänskligt (“Human”) (Bernerson and Cronlund, 2017), have each addressed norms, including norms surrounding gender and sexual orientation, but have also acted to reify normative discourses in these areas. Mänskligt has done a somewhat better job of lifting and applying norm critique. The third material, Bryt! (“Break the Norm!”), is not a psychology textbook but a workbook in norm critique mostly consisting of exercises to be carried out in groups with the intention of facilitating understanding of norms and their consequences. My recommendation is to employ Bryt! as a supplement to the use of one or both of the analyzed textbooks in the classroom in order to offer our students a more thorough understanding of the ways in which norms, particularly the cis/heteronorm, act to negatively affect the mental health of marginalized populations such as members of the LGBTQIA+ population.

Experiences of Black MSM at an HBCU Regarding Stigma and HIV Risk Behavior

Jeter, Natasha Harden 01 January 2016 (has links)
Black men who have sex with men (MSM) on Historically Black College/University (HBCU) campuses face a unique set of challenges. In addition to being disproportionately affected by HIV, Black MSM are impacted by risk behavior, stigma, and environmental policies and practices that adversely influence their experiences. The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of Black MSM at a HBCU and how stigma, culture, social practices and the collegiate environment impact HIV risk-taking behavior. Utilizing the ecological framework and qualitative analysis, the behaviors of 13 Black MSM on a HBCU campus were examined. Personal interviews and risk assessment questionnaires were analyzed utilizing the phenomenological inquiry method. Data were inductively coded and combined into themes using a qualitative data analysis computer software package. The findings revealed that these 13 participants perceived that HIV-related risk behavior is occurring. They also noted a stigma within the current culture and expressed feelings of marginalization and a negative campus climate from students in the sexual majority. Implications for improving social change from this research include opportunities to (a) establish a culture of social responsibility and consciousness related to the integration and socialization of Black MSM; (b) dialogue regarding the campus climate; and (c) address conscious, unconscious, individual, and environmental stigmas experienced by Black MSM attending this HBCU.

Gendering the Body: Exploring the Construction of the Sexually Dimorphic Body

Lewis, Sarah Kaye 01 January 2011 (has links)
Gender is a pervasive and regulating social institution that is operationalized in mainstream Western culture as a natural extension of the ontological difference perceived to exist between the binarily sexed bodies of male and female. Feminist theory has widely established, however, that gender is done - i.e., gender is not a naturally occurring phenomenon, but is an ongoing construction engaged and replicated by individual actors and which, while compulsory, is nevertheless optional. Within this canon is a small number of feminist theorists, notably Judith Lorber, Judith Bulter, and Nancy Tuana, who argue that the constructive manifestations of gender performativity (that is, doing of gender) are not limited to the social sphere. They argue the role of gender in the construction of the material body, asserting that doing gender has a constructive role in physical embodiment: what we do influences, and in fact creates, what our bodies are. This study engages feminist theory on the production of the body through a qualitative exploration of the lived experience of gendered bodily change, as described in the first-hand narratives of trans-identified individuals. I predict that the analysis of the narratives in the sample will show that in comparison to cisgender individuals, trans individuals possess a heightened awareness of the performative nature of gender, and that trans individuals consciously engage performativity in order to conform to the normative expectations associated with the desired gender role. I further predict that trans individuals experience sexually dimorphic bodily change to be a direct result of changes to their gender identity. The interview analysis findings provide mixed support for the first hypothesis, demonstrating that while trans individuals in the sample do demonstrate a heightened awareness of the ways in which gender is performed, the respondents’ insights came largely from their experiences in their compulsorily cisgender, pre-transition lives, rather than their current gender embodiments. The concept of performativity and its perceived implication of artificiality clashed with the respondents’ sense of their gendered actions as an expression of an authentic self, and my analysis thus addresses performativity as a necessarily polemic concept located between the subjectivity of the individual narratives and the theoretical position that gender is done. The findings provide a substantial level of support for the second hypothesis that trans individuals understand experienced bodily change to be a direct result of changes in gender identity. This study’s exploration of trans experiences of lived bodily change contributes a narrative perspective to the ongoing discussion in feminist theory which surrounds the role of gender in the production of the material body.

Gay Bars, Vice, and Reform in Portland, 1948-1965

Smith, Beka 01 July 2002 (has links)
The city of Portland adopted different policies toward gay bars between 1948 and 1965. Portland's conservative mayors, generally uninterested in changing the city or promoting growth, ignored gay bars. Reform mayors instigated campaigns against gay bars to gain public, political, and business support for their broader economic and social goals. They were able to use crackdowns on gay bars as popular components of their reform initiatives because Portland, in comparison to other cities, professed conservatism and morality and had little economic or cultural incentive to tolerate gay bars. Blaming Portland's vice on outsiders, reform mayors argued that their actions protected Portland's traditional reputability, despite the city's long history of tolerating vice and gay bars. This thesis focuses on the reform mayoral administrations of Dorothy McCullough Lee and Terry Schrunk and their policies toward gay bars and vice. Chapter two discusses Lee's attack on all criminality in Portland, and deals briefly with why the previous administration, under Frank Riley, was rejected as corrupt. Terry Schrunk's later reform, centered in suppressing sexual deviance and promoting economic development downtown, is discussed in chapter four. Chapter three describes growing awareness of queer communities, including changing definitions of queerness and perceived threats. These changes in popular beliefs about queerness, although not the direct cause of actions against gay bars in Portland, influenced the types of vice associated with gay bars, arguments used to justify anti-queer actions, and the level of priority placed on suppressing Portland's queer community. This thesis incorporates primary and secondary sources on gay bars, Portland, and queer history. It relies heavily on city council minutes and newspaper articles, but also draws from sources including City Club Bulletins, letters from Schrunk's constituents, interviews, popular psychological works, and comparisons with articles about other cities, such as Miami, San Francisco, and New York.

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