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Elektrochemische Untersuchungen an Elektroden aus ÜbergangsmetalloxidbronzenGabel, Juliane 09 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Übergangsmetalloxidbronzen (TMOB) – Verbindungen mit der allgemeinen chemischen Summenformel AxByOz (A = Element der Gruppen 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, NH4+ oder Kombination; B = Übergangsmetall) – sind seit längerem als Material für ionensensitive Festkörperelektroden bekannt. Sie reagieren als Elektroden in elektrochemischen Messungen auf Ionen in wässrigen Elektrolyten in höchst unterschiedlicher Weise. Bis heute gibt es dazu nur wenige systematische vergleichende Untersuchungen, die von der Präparation der Bronzen, der Charakterisierung ihrer Eigenschaften bis zur Untersuchung ihrer Elektrodeneigenschaften reichen. Gegenstand der Arbeit war deshalb die Synthese von in der Literatur beschriebenen TMOB auf der Basis von Wolfram und Molybdän, die Bestimmung ihrer Kristallstruktur und die Untersuchung ihrer chemischen und physikalischen Eigenschaften. Aus den synthetisierten Verbindungen waren anhand einer elektrochemischen Vorcharakterisierung einige auszuwählen, um diese systematisch als Elektroden zu untersuchen. Insbesondere HxMoO3, Ba0,12WO3 und Li0,4Mo0,95W0,05O3 zeichneten sich durch gegenüber den anderen Oxidbronzen abweichende potentiometrische Charakteristika aus. Hinsichtlich der Einsetzbarkeit dieser Materialien für potentiometrische Elektroden wurden diese Verbin¬dungen noch nicht untersucht. Daher wurden diese Verbindungen eingehender erforscht. Die bezüglich ihrer potentiometrischen Eigen¬schaften bereits ausreichend untersuchte Verbindung Na0,9Mo6O17 diente dem Vergleich und wurde deshalb den selben Tests ausgesetzt. Dazu waren im Einzelnen potentiometrische Messungen in Abhängigkeit von der Konzentration der Alkaliionen und der Wasserstoffionen sowie von der Konzentration verschiedener Redoxspezies in wässrigen Medien durchzuführen. Unklar war bisher wie sich die Wechselwirkungen der gelösten Ionen mit den Molybdän- und Wolframionen im Festkörper vollziehen und warum die Elektroden Sensitivitäten für verschiedene Ionen aufweisen, die sich nicht aus der chemischen Zusammensetzung oder mit der Kristallstruktur der jeweiligen Oxidbronze erklären lassen. Zur Aufhellung dieses Problems waren unter anderem XPS-Untersuchungen an verschiedenen Oxidbronzen durchzuführen, aus denen man auf den Oxidationszustand des Wolframs und Molybdäns im Festkörper schließen kann.
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Development and characterization of functional composite materials for advanced energy conversion technologiesFan, Liangdong January 2013 (has links)
The solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is a potential high efficient electrochemical device for vehicles, auxiliary power units and large-scale stationary power plants combined heat and power application. The main challenges of this technology for market acceptance are associated with cost and lifetime due to the high temperature (700-1000 oC) operation and complex cell structure, i.e. the conventional membrane electrode assemblies. Therefore, it has become a top R&D goal to develop SOFCs for lower temperatures, preferably below 600 oC. To address those above problems, within the framework of this thesis, two kinds of innovative approaches are adopted. One is developing functional composite materials with desirable electrical properties at the reduced temperature, which results of the research on ceria-based composite based low temperature ceramic fuel cell (LTCFC). The other one is discovering novel energy conversion technology - Single-component/ electrolyte-free fuel cell (EFFC), in which the electrolyte layer of conventional SOFC is physically removed while this device still exhibits the fuel cell function. Thus, the focus of this thesis is then put on the characterization of materials physical and electrochemical properties for those advanced energy conversion applications. The major scientific content and contribution to this challenging field are divided into four aspects except the Introduction, Experiments and Conclusions parts. They are: Continuous developments and optimizations of advanced electrolyte materials, ceria-carbonate composite, for LTCFC. An electrolysis study has been carried out on ceria-carbonate composite based LTCFC with cheap Ni-based electrodes. Both oxygen ion and proton conductance in electrolysis mode are observed. High current outputs have been achieved at the given electrolysis voltage below 600 oC. This study also provides alternative manner for high efficient hydrogen production. Compatible and high active electrode development for ceria-carbonate composite electrolyte based LTCFC. A symmetrical fuel cell configuration is intentionally employed. The electro-catalytic activities of novel symmetrical transition metal oxide composite electrode toward hydrogen oxidation reaction and oxygen reduction reaction have been experimentally investigated. In addition, the origin of high activity of transition metal oxide composite electrode is studied, which is believed to relate to the hydration effect of the composite oxide. A novel all-nanocomposite fuel cell (ANFC) concept proposal and feasibility demonstration. The ANFC is successfully constructed by Ni/Fe-SDC anode, SDC-carbonate electrolyte and lithiated NiO/ZnO cathode at an extremely low in-situ sintering temperature, 600 oC. The ANFC manifests excellent fuel cell performance (over 550 mWcm-2 at 600 oC) and a good short-term operation as well as thermo-cycling stability. All results demonstrated its feasibility and potential for energy conversion. Fundamental study results on breakthrough research Single-Component/Electrolyte-Free Fuel Cell (EFFC) based on above nanocomposite materials (ion and semi-conductive composite) research activities. This is also the key innovation point of this thesis. Compared with classic three-layer fuel cells, EFFC with an electrolyte layer shows a much simpler but more efficient way for energy conversion. The physical-electrical properties of composite, the effects of cell configuration and parameters on cell performance, materials composition and cell fabrication process optimization, micro electrochemical reaction process and possible working principle were systematically investigated and discussed. Besides, the EFFC, joining solar cell and fuel cell working principle, is suggested to provide a research platform for integrating multi-energy-related device and technology application, such as fuel cell, electrolysis, solar cell and micro-reactor etc. This thesis provides a new methodology for materials and system innovation for the fuel cell community, which is expected to accelerate the wide implementation of this high efficient and green fuel cell technology and open new horizons for other related research fields. / <p>QC 20131122</p>
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Synthesis Of Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn Sulfides By Solid-gas Reactions, Investigation Of Structural And Conducting PropertiesGenisel, Mustafa Fatih 01 November 2003 (has links) (PDF)
In this study some of the first row transition metal oxides were transformed to metal sulfides by new solid gas reaction system.
Transition metal sulfides have wide application area in industry and technology. Several techniques are known for the production of metal sulfides. Such as reactions between metal or metal oxide with H2S, precipitation in several liquid medium, reaction between metal and sulfur in closed vessel, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique. These techniques will have some disadvantages / for example, reactants are rarely available or expensive materials, their production systems are complicated and hard to set up these systems, products contain oxygen or hydrogen or corresponding metal sulfate as impurities.
In our new sulfidizing system the reactants are metal oxides, carbon and SO2. These materials can be found easily. Especially, SO2 usage in this system is a big advantage of giving possibility of usage the hazardous waste product of SO2 in industry.
The sulfidizing gas mixture was obtained by passing SO2 over activated carbon at 750 OC in a vertical tubular furnace. The obtained gas contains, mainly, CS2, CO and COS. The sulfidizing reactions took place in the horizontal tubular furnace at 450OC-1250 OC. The duration of the reaction, (three hours), and flow rate (60ml/min) of the SO2 gas were kept constant. The products were examined by X-ray powder diffraction and Raman scattering spectroscopy.
All examined metal oxides were transformed to metal sulfides by sulfidizing gas mixture successfully. Ti3S5 was obtained from TiO2. Cr2S3 was obtained from Cr2O3. MnS (Alabandite) was obtained from MnO2. FeS and Fe1-xS (Pyrrhotite) were obtained from Fe2O3. Co9S8 (Cobaltpentlandite) and CoS (Jaipurite) were obtained from Co3O4. NiS was obtained from NiO. Cu7.2S, Cu1.6S (Calcocite-Q), Cu1.81S, Cu7S4 (Anilite) Cu9S5 (Digenite), Cu8S5 (Geerite) were obtained from CuO, ZnS was obtained from ZnO.
The electrical conductivity character of each product obtained by sulfidizing reaction was analyzed in the temperature range of 77 K-300 K. Titanium sulfide, cobalt sulfide and nickel sulfide showed metallic conductivity, cupper sulfide and iron sulfide showed semiconductor behavior in this temperature range.
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Synthesis and characterization of catalysts for the total oxidation of chlorinated volatile organic compoundsEl Assal, Z. (Zouhair) 30 November 2018 (has links)
The harmful emissions of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs) originate only from man-made sources. CVOCs are used in a variety of applications from pharmaceuticals production to decaffeination of coffee. Currently, CVOC emissions are limited by strict legislation. For these reasons, efficient CVOC abatement technologies are required. Catalytic oxidation is very promising option for this purpose, since catalysts can be tailored to each case to maximize the efficiency and minimize the formation of unwanted products, such as dioxins or Cl2.
The goal of this thesis was to study the role of the physico-chemical properties of catalysts in dichloromethane (DCM) oxidation. To reach the aim, several catalytic materials were prepared and characterized, and their performance was tested in total oxidation of DCM. The catalytic materials used were powders of four single metal oxides (γ-Al2O3, TiO2, CeO2, MgO), three mixed oxides (Al2O3-xSiO2) washcoated on a cordierite monolith and four active phases (Pt, Cu, V, Mn).
At first, support properties were studied. It was found that the DCM conversion and HCl production are dependent on support acidity when the studied single oxides are considered. The best DCM conversions and HCl yields were observed with the support having the highest total acidity (γ-Al2O3). Further, the quality of the by-products formed was dependent on the type of the acid sites present on the support surface. Secondly, the impregnation of the active compound was observed to improve the selectivity of the material. From the tested active phases, Pt presented the best performance, but also V2O5 and CuO showed almost equal performances. Especially CuO supported on γ-Al2O3, that had less formation of by-products and is less toxic than V-containing oxides, seems to be a promising alternative to Pt. Concerning stability, no deactivation was observed after 55h of testing of Pt/Al2O3. Furthermore, in the used reaction conditions, the formation of CuCl2 is not thermodynamically favoured. Finally, the good characteristics of the powder form catalysts were successfully transferred to the monolith. The performance of the Pt/90Al2O3-10SiO2 catalyst in DCM oxidation was improved when the channel density was increased due to an increase in geometric surface area and mechanical integrity factor, and a decrease in open fraction area and thermal integrity factor. / Tiivistelmä
Haitallisten kloorattujen orgaanisten yhdisteiden (CVOC) päästöt ovat ihmisten aiheuttamia. CVOC-yhdisteitä käytetään mm. liuottimina lääkeaineiden valmistuksessa ja kofeiinin poistossa. Nykyisin CVOC-päästöjä rajoitetaan tiukalla lainsäädännöllä. Näistä syistä tehokas CVOC-yhdisteiden käsittelymenetelmä on tarpeen. Katalyyttinen hapetus on hyvä vaihtoehto tähän tarkoitukseen, koska katalyytit voidaan räätälöidä niin, että puhdistuksen tehokkuus saadaan maksimoitua samalla kun ei-haluttujen tuotteiden, kuten dioksiinit ja kloorikaasu, muodostuminen voidaan minimoida.
Tämän väitöskirjatyön tavoitteena oli selvittää katalyyttien fysikaalis-kemiallisten ominaisuuksien yhteyksiä dikloorimetaanin (DCM) hapetukseen. Tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi valmistettiin useita katalyyttejä, jotka karakterisoitiin ja testattiin DCM:n kokonaishapetuksessa. Työssä tutkittiin neljää jauhemaista metallioksidia (γ-Al2O3, TiO2, CeO2 ja MgO), kolmea metallioksidiseosta (Al2O3-xSiO2), jotka pinnoitettiin kordieriittimonoliitille, sekä neljää aktiivista ainetta: Pt, Cu, V and Mn.
Aluksi työssä keskityttiin tukiaineiden ominaisuuksiin. Työn tulokset osoittivat, että DCM:n konversio ja HCl:n tuotanto ovat riippuvaisia tukiaineen happamuudesta. Paras tulos saavutettiin alumiinioksidilla, jolla oli korkein kokonaishappamuus. Lisäksi havaittiin, että sivutuotteiden laatu riippuu tukiaineen pinnalla olevien happopaikkojen tyypistä. Aktiivisen aineen impregnointi tukiaineeseen paransi materiaalin selektiivisyyttä. Tutkituista aineista Pt osoittautui parhaimmaksi, mutta myös V2O5 ja CuO olivat lähes yhtä hyviä. Erityisesti CuO-katalyytti, joka tuotti vähemmän sivutuotteita ja joka on materiaalina vähemmän haitallinen kuin V2O5, osoittautui lupaavaksi jalometallikatalyyttien korvaajaksi. Materiaalien stabiilisuuteen liittyen Pt/Al2O3-katalyytin toiminnassa ei havaittu muutoksia 55 tunnin testauksen jälkeen. Lisäksi CuCl2:n muodostuminen ei mallinnuksen mukaan ole termodynaamisesti todennäköistä tutkituissa reaktio-olosuhteissa. Jauhemaisen katalyytin hyvät ominaisuudet pystyttiin pinnoituksessa siirtämään monoliittirakenteiseen katalyyttiin. Pt/90Al2O3-10SiO2 -katalyytin aktiivisuus DCM:n hapetuksessa tehostui, kun monoliitin aukkoluku kasvoi aiheutuen suuremmasta geometrisestä pinta-alasta ja mekaanisesta eheystekijästä sekä pienemmästä avoimen pinnan osuudesta ja termisestä eheystekijästä.
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Novel lithium-ion host materials for electrode applicationsLyness, Christopher January 2011 (has links)
Two novel lithium host materials were investigated using structural and electrochemical analysis; the cathode material Li₂CoSiO₄ and the LiMO₂ class of anodes (where M is a transition metal ion). Li₂CoSiO₄ materials were produced utilising a combination of solid state and hydrothermal synthesis conditions. Three Li₂CoSiO₄ polymorphs were synthesised; β[subscript(I)], β[subscript(II)] and γ₀. The Li₂CoSiO₄ polymorphs formed structures based around a distorted Li₃PO₄ structure. The β[subscript(II)] material was indexed to a Pmn2₁ space group, the β[subscript(I)] polymorph to Pbn2₁ and the γ₀ material was indexed to the P2₁/n space group. A varying degree of cation mixing between lithium and cobalt sites was observed across the polymorphs. The β[subscript(II)] polymorph produced 210mAh/g of capacity on first charge, with a first discharge capacity of 67mAh/g. It was found that the β[subscript(I)] material converted to the β[subscript(II)] polymorph during first charge. The γ₀ polymorph showed almost negligible electrochemical performance. Capacity retention of all polymorphs was poor, diminishing significantly by the tenth cycle. The effect of mechanical milling and carbon coating upon β[subscript(II)], β[subscript(I)] and γ₀ materials was also investigated. Various Li[subscript(1+x)]V[subscript(1-x)]O₂ materials (where 0≤X≤0.2) were produced through solid state synthesis. LiVO₂ was found to convert to Li₂VO₂ on discharge, this process was found to be strongly dependent on the amount of excess lithium in the system. The Li₁.₀₈V₀.₉₂O₂ material had the highest first discharge capacity at 310mAh/g. It was found that the initial discharge consisted of several distinct electrochemical processes, connected by a complicated relationship, with significant irreversible capacity on first discharge. Several other LiMO₂ systems were investigated for their ability to convert to layered Li₂MO₂ structures on low voltage discharge. While LiCoO₂ failed to convert to a Li₂CoO₂ structure, LiMn₀.₅Ni₀.₅O₂ underwent an addition type reaction to form Li₂Mn₀.₅Ni₀.₅O₂. A previously unknown Li₂Ni[subscript(X)]Co[subscript(1-X)]O₂ structure was observed, identified during the discharge of LiNi₀.₃₃Co₀.₆₆O₂.
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Investigation of Transition Metal Oxides towards Development of Functional Materials for Visible Light Absorption/Emission and Reversible Redox Lithium Deinsertion/InsertionTamilarasan, S January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Materials chemistry basically deals with rational design and synthesis of new solids exhibiting various functional properties. A sound knowledge of crystal structures and chemical bonding is needed to understand the properties of materials. Space group, cell parameters and atomic positions provide a basic crystallographic description of the structure. Crystal structure could be described in a detailed way in terms of close packing of anions and occupancy of cations in different coordination sites. The coordination polyhedra and their interconnectivity bring out the interrelationships between different structures and the properties exhibited.
Transition metals (TMs) are d-block elements which occupy groups 3-12 in Periodic Table. IUPAC defines a TM as ‘an element whose atoms have partially filled d-shell, or which can give rise to cations with an incomplete d-shell’. The partially filled d-shell in TMs plays an important role in various chemical and physical properties of TMs. Although TM cations can form compounds with different anions, most of the TM containing compounds are metal oxides due to the large free energies for formation of oxides. Binary TM oxides adopt different kinds of structures among which rock salt (e.g. NiO), rutile (e.g. TiO2), and corundum (e.g. Cr2O3) are most common. Ternary TM oxides are also known to form in variety of structures with the perovskite (e.g. BaTiO3), and the spinel (e.g. MgFe2O4) structures being well known.
TM oxides exhibit a broad range of electronic and magnetic properties. TM oxides, at one end, display metallic behavior (e.g. ReO3, RuO2, LaNiO3) due to the delocalized electrons and at other end, show insulating behavior (e.g. NiO) due to the localized electrons. In between, TM oxides have semiconducting properties involving either the hopping of carriers (e.g. partially reduced TiO2, Nb2O5, WO3 and so on) or the electron excitation from the valence band to the conduction band (e.g. SnO2). TM oxides are known to have diverse magnetic properties:
diamagnetic (e.g. TiO2, ZrO2), paramagnetic (e.g. VO2, NbO2), ferromagnetic (e.g. CrO2, La0.67Ca0.33MnO3), ferrimagnetic (e.g. Fe3O4, MnFe2O4) and antiferromagnetic (e.g. NiO, LaCrO3). TM oxides with partially filled 3d-shell are expected to be ‘metallic’ according to Bloch-Wilson theory, but in practice they are Mott insulators (localized 3d electrons) because of correlation energy (U) involved in the transfer of d-electrons between adjacent sites. Certain TM oxides also show insulator-metal (I-M) transitions induced by change of temperature, pressure or composition. For example, VO2 and Ba2IrO4 are known for their temperature and pressure induced I-M transitions, respectively. La1-xSrxCoO3 becomes metal at a particular Sr concentration being one of the examples for composition-dependent I-M transition.
TM oxides are usually synthesized by conventional ceramic method in which stoichiometric mixture of starting materials is reacted at elevated temperatures. Multiple prolonged heating with intermittent grindings in ceramic method generally results in thermodynamically controlled products. The metastable phases which are of interest may not be obtained by ceramic method. Chimie douce/soft chemistry methods are generally adopted to stabilize the metastable phases. The guiding principle behind the chimie douce is to have kinetic control (rather than thermodynamic control) to realize metastable phases. Accordingly, metastable derivatives are obtained by choosing appropriate precursors, or adopting sol-gel and molten flux or ion exchange/intercalation methods.
The present thesis is devoted to an investigation of transition metal oxides towards development of functional materials exhibiting visible light absorption/emission and lithium insertion/extraction for cathode materials in lithium ion battery. TM oxides find application as photovoltaic materials, luminescent emission materials, photocatalysts, light absorption/pigment materials and so on, based on their optical properties. Ferroelectric TM oxides with perovskite structure [Green coloured (KNbO3)1-x (BaNi1/2Nb1/2O3-δ)x] are studied currently as photovoltaic materials which show high open circuit voltage (Voc = 3.5 V) despite very low short circuit current (Vsc = 40 nA cm-2). TM oxides are also known to
exhibit photoluminescent emission which could be due to the doping activator ions (e.g. MnII doped Zn2GeO4) or TM oxide (e.g. CaWO4) itself being self-activator. While the green and red emissions are common for TM oxides, blue emission is rare (e.g. Ar+ irradiated SrTiO3 is a blue emitter). Coloured TM oxides with band gap in visible region are employed as photocatalysts for solar water splitting (e.g. yellow BiVO4, yellow Ag3PO4, yellow TaON, red Fe2O3) and photo-oxidation of organic pollutants (e.g. TiO2-xNx and CaCu3Ti4O12). The coloured TM oxides also find application as pigments from early times, for example, Egyptian blue (CaCuSi4O10), Han blue (BaCuSi4O10), Han purple (BaCuSi2O6), Malachite green (Cu2CO3(OH)2), Ochre red (Fe2O3) and many others. A list of pigments based on TM oxides is given in Table 1. Pigment materials are applied as colouring materials in inks, dyes, paints, plastics, ceramics glazers, enamels and textiles.
Table 1. List of TM oxide based pigments and their colours
Pigment colour Compound
White Titanium dioxide (TiO2)
Black Iron oxide black (Fe3O4)
Red Iron oxide red (Fe2O3), Ca1-xLaxTaO2-xN1+x
Orange Iron oxide orange (Fe2O3)
Yellow Yellow ochre [FeO(OH)·H2O]
Green Malachite green [Cu2CO3(OH)2], Viridian
(Cr2O3. 2H2O), Y2BaCuO5
Blue Egyptian blue (CaCuSi4O10),Cobalt aluminate
(CoAl2O4), YIn1-xMnxO3
Purple Han purple (BaCuSi2O6)
Violet Cobalt phosphate [Co3(PO4)2]
Colours of the TM oxides arise from visible light absorption due to the ligand field d-d electronic transitions. Though d-d transitions are parity forbidden, the selection rules get relaxed due to different reasons such as symmetry reduction (due to distortion) and vibronic couplings. The colour of the TM oxides is influenced mainly by two factors (i) oxidation state of TM ion present and (ii) ligand field around the TM ion produced by anion geometry.
In order to develop new pigment oxides, our strategy was to choose colourless metal oxides having unusual (five coordinated geometry) or irregular/distorted (distorted octahedral/tetrahedral) coordination geometries around metal ion and produce coloured oxides by substituting 3d-TM ions at the metal ion site. We made a detailed study on the origin of the colour and pigment quality of the resulting coloured oxides.
In the present thesis, which has two parts, the first part (Part 1) discusses the development of 3d-TM ion substituted coloured oxides with potential for pigment applications.
Chapter 1.1 describes the purple inorganic pigment, YGa1-xMnxO3 (0 < x ≤ 0.10), based on the hexagonal YGaO3. The metastable series of oxides were prepared by a sol-gel technique where the dried gels, obtained from aqueous solutions of metal nitrates-citric acid mixtures, were calcined for a short duration in preheated furnace around 850°C/10 mins. The purple colour of the oxides arises from the specific trigonal bipyramidal ligand field around MnIII that obtains in the YGaO3 host. Other hexagonal RGaO3 hosts for R = Lu, Tm and Ho substituted with MnIII also produce similar purple coloured materials.
In Chapter 1.2, we present a study on substitution of 3d-TM ions in LiMgBO3 host [where Mg(II) has a trigonal bipyramidal (TBP) oxygen coordination)]. We find that single-phase materials are formed for LiMg1-xCo(II)xBO3 (0 < x ≤ 1.0), LiMg1-xNi(II)xBO3 (0 < x ≤ 0.1), LiMg1-xCu(II)xBO3 (0 < x ≤ 0.1) and also Li1-xMg1-xFe(III)xBO3 (0 < x ≤ 0.1) of which the Co(II) and Ni(II) derivatives are strongly coloured, purple-blue and beige-red
respectively, thus identifying TBP CoO5 and NiO5 as the new chromophores for these colours.
Chapter 1.3 describes the synthesis, crystal structures and optical absorption spectra/colours of 3d-TM substituted α-LiZnBO3 derivatives: α-LiZn1-xMIIxBO3 [MII = CoII (0 < x < 0.50), NiII (0 < x ≤ 0.05) and CuII (0 < x 0.10)] and α-Li1+xZn1-2xMIIIxBO3 [MIII = MnIII (0 < x ≤ 0.10) and FeIII (0 < x 0.25)]. The crystal structure of the host α-LiZnBO3, which is both disordered and distorted with respect to Li and Zn occupancies and coordination geometries, is largely retained in the derivatives, giving rise to unique colours [blue for CoII, magenta for NiII and violet for CuII], that could be of significance for the development of new, inexpensive and environmentally-benevolent pigment materials, especially for the blue colour. Accordingly, the work indentifies distorted tetrahedral MO4 (M = Co, Ni, Cu) (together with a long M-O bond that gives a trigonal bipyramidal geometry) structural units as the new chromophores for the blue, magenta and violet colours respectively, in the α-LiZnBO3 host.
In Chapter 1.4, we describe the synthesis, crystal structures and optical absorption spectra of 3d-TM substituted spiroffite derivatives, Zn2-xMxTe3O8 (MII = Co, Ni, Cu; 0 < x ≤ 1.0). The oxides are readily synthesized by solid state reaction of stoichiometric mixtures of the constituent binaries at 620°C/12h. Rietveld refinement of the crystal structures from powder XRD data shows that the Zn/MO6 octahedra are strongly distorted, as in the parent Zn2Te3O8 structure, consisting of five relatively short Zn/MII – O bonds (1.898 – 2.236 Å) and one longer Zn/MII– O bond (2.356 – 2.519 Å). We have interpreted the unique colors and the optical absorption/diffuse reflectance spectra of Zn2-xMxTe3O8 in the visible, in terms of the observed/irregular coordination geometry of the
Zn/MII – O chromophores. We could not however prepare the fully-substituted M2Te3O8 (MII = Co, Ni, Cu) by the direct solid state reaction method. Density Functional Theory (DFT) modeling of the electronic structure of both the parent and the transition metal substituted derivatives provides new insights into the bonding and the role of transition metals toward the origin of color in these materials. We believe that transition metal substituted spiroffites Zn2-xMxTe3O8 reported here suggest new directions for the development of colored inorganic materials/pigments featuring irregular/distorted oxygen coordination polyhedra around transition metal ions.
Red coloured materials are rare in nature. Li2MnO3 is a unique oxide with an unusual red colour imparted by MnIV ions. Chapter 1.5 describes a detailed experimental investigation of Li2MnO3 together with other related MnIV oxides that probes the red colour of Li2MnO3 as well as its photoluminescence. Optical absorption spectra reveal a strong band gap absorption with a sharp edge at ~ 610 nm and a transparent region between ~ 610 and ~ 650 nm that causes the red colour of Li2MnO3 samples. Octahedral MnIV ligand field transitions, corresponding to both MnIV at ideal sites and MnIV displaced to Li sites in the rock salt based layered structure of Li2MnO3, are observed in the excitation spectra of Li2MnO3 samples. Optical excitation at the ligand field transition energies produces tunable emission in the red-yellow-green region, rendering Li2MnO3 a unique MnIV oxide. The honeycomb ordered [LiMn6] units in the structure likely causes both the absorption and photoluminescence properties of Li2MnO3.
Lithium containing TM oxides with rock salt related structure are being investigated extensively for application as next generation cathode materials for Lithium ion batteries (LIBs). Recent research is focused on lithium-rich layered oxides (LLOs) which are solid solutions between Li2MO3 (where M = Ti, Mn and Ru) and LiMO2 (where M = Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni). LLOs have excess lithium in the TM layer in addition to lithium in lithium layer of rock salt derived structure. LLOs have gained attention because of their higher discharge capacity in the range of ~ 250 mAhg-1. While most of the LLOs investigated so far contain 3d-TM ions (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni), recently there has been an interest in the study of the role of ruthenium in addition to 3d-TM ions. We have investigated ruthenium containing LLOs with a view to probe (i) the role of ruthenium and (ii) the concentration of excess lithium in the TM layers in producing higher discharge capacities. The results are discussed in the Part 2 of the thesis.Li5NiMnRuO8(Li[Li0.25Ni0.25Mn0.25Ru0.25]O2) form in the Li2RuO3 crystal
structure. Electrochemical studies indicate that the Co-containing oxides exhibit a higher initial discharge capacity (for e.g. ~ 180 mAhg-1 for Li4CoRuO6) as well as a higher reversible discharge capacity (~130 mAhg-1 for Li4CoRuO6) compared to the corresponding Ni-analogs. Participation of oxide ions (higher oxidation state of Ru) in the redox process could explain the higher discharge capacity during the first cycle. Reduced capacity (capacity fade) during the subsequent cycles could arise from the oxygen evolution due to the redox process (2O2- → 2O- → O2), which is not reversible. The present work shows that ruthenium incorporation in rock salt layered oxides along with Co/Ni appears to give a beneficial effect in producing a higher discharge capacity. In addition, the compounds crystallizing with the R-3m structure (related to LiCoO2) appear to give a better reversible capacity than the compounds crystallizing in the C2/c structures (Li2TiO3 and Li2RuO3).
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Strain-dependent magnetism and electrical conductivity of La(1-x)SrxSoO3 filmsZeneli, Orkidia 11 July 2011 (has links)
In this work, the effects of epitaxial strain and film thickness on the lattice structure, microstructure, magnetization and electrical conduction of La1-xSrxCoO3 (LSCO) (x = 0.18 and 0.30) thin films have been studied using thickness-dependent film series on several types of single-crystalline substrates. Alternatively, the direct effect of strain has been probed using a piezoelectric substrate. La0.7Sr0.3CoO3 is a ferromagnetic metal, whereas La0.82Sr0.18CoO3 is at the phase boundary between the ferromagnetic metal and an insulating spin glass phase. Epitaxial biaxial strain in La1-xSrxCoO3 (x = 0.18-0.3) films is known to reduce the ferromagnetic double exchange interactions. It has further been suggested for the control of the crystal field splitting of the Co ions which may be utilized to manipulate the spin state.
The LSCO (x = 0.18 and 0.30) films have been grown by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) on substrates of LaAlO3, SrTiO3, (PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3)0.72(PbTiO3)0.28 (PMN-PT) and (LaAlO3)0.3(Sr2TaAlO6)0.7 (LSAT), which provide different strain states and, in the case of PMN-PT, a reversibly controllable strain. Thickness-dependent series of La0.82Sr0.18CoO3 on SrTiO3 and LaAlO3 as well as of La0.7Sr0.3CoO3 on LSAT have been studied. The lattice parameters of the epitaxially grown films were determined from X-ray diffraction measurements (Bragg-Brentano method and reciprocal space mapping). Large tensile strains of 2% can be achieved in thicker films of up to 100 nm. On the other hand, the films under larger tensile strain have cracks and reveal ordered superstructures in HRTEM images which are tentatively attributed to ordered oxygen vacancies. The Curie temperature and the magnetic moment of the x = 0.18 films increases towards larger film thickness in qualitative agreement with the joined effects of strain relaxation and finite thickness on magnetic ordering. In order to separate the direct strain effect from the thickness effect, the Curie temperature, the magnetic moment and the (rather large) coercivity of the films have been investigated in two electrically controlled strain states for a film on PMN-PT. Non-cracked, sufficiently thick x = 0.18 films show metallic behaviour with large magnetoresistance. The crack-free x = 0.3 films on LSAT undergo an insulator-to-metal transition with increasing thickness and also show large magnetoresistance, both consistent with a percolative transport behaviour. The spin state of the Co ions appears to remain unchanged in the investigated doping range.
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Effects of Transition Metal Oxide and Mixed-Network Formers on Structure and Properties of Borosilicate GlassesLu, Xiaonan 12 1900 (has links)
First, the effect of transition metal oxide (e.g., V2O5, Co2O3, etc.) on the physical properties (e.g., density, glass transition temperature (Tg), optical properties and mechanical properties) and chemical durability of a simplified borosilicate nuclear waste glass was investigated. Adding V2O5 in borosilicate nuclear waste glasses decreases the Tg, while increasing the fracture toughness and chemical durability, which benefit the future formulation of nuclear waste glasses. Second, structural study of ZrO2/SiO2 substitution in silicate/borosilicate glasses was systematically conducted by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and the quantitative structure-property relationships (QSPR) analysis to correlate structural features with measured properties. Third, for bioactive glass formulation, mixed-network former effect of B2O3 and SiO2 on the structure, as well as the physical properties and bioactivity were studied by both experiments and MD simulation. B2O3/SiO2 substitution of 45S5 and 55S5 bioactive glasses increases the glass network connectivity, correlating well with the reduction of bioactivity tested in vitro. Lastly, the effect of optical dopants on the optimum analytical performance on atom probe tomography (APT) analysis of borosilicate glasses was explored. It was found that optical doping could be an effective way to improve data quality for APT analysis with a green laser assisted system, while laser spot size is found to be critical for optimum performance. The combined experimental and simulation approach adopted in this dissertation led to a deeper understanding of complex borosilicate glass structures and structural origins of various properties.
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Strain-dependent magnetism and electrical conductivity of La(1-x)SrxSoO3 filmsZeneli, Orkidia 22 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In this work, the effects of epitaxial strain and film thickness on the lattice structure, microstructure, magnetization and electrical conduction of La1-xSrxCoO3 (LSCO) (x = 0.18 and 0.30) thin films have been studied using thickness-dependent film series on several types of single-crystalline substrates. Alternatively, the direct effect of strain has been probed using a piezoelectric substrate. La0.7Sr0.3CoO3 is a ferromagnetic metal, whereas La0.82Sr0.18CoO3 is at the phase boundary between the ferromagnetic metal and an insulating spin glass phase. Epitaxial biaxial strain in La1-xSrxCoO3 (x = 0.18-0.3) films is known to reduce the ferromagnetic double exchange interactions. It has further been suggested for the control of the crystal field splitting of the Co ions which may be utilized to manipulate the spin state.
The LSCO (x = 0.18 and 0.30) films have been grown by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) on substrates of LaAlO3, SrTiO3, (PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3)0.72(PbTiO3)0.28 (PMN-PT) and (LaAlO3)0.3(Sr2TaAlO6)0.7 (LSAT), which provide different strain states and, in the case of PMN-PT, a reversibly controllable strain. Thickness-dependent series of La0.82Sr0.18CoO3 on SrTiO3 and LaAlO3 as well as of La0.7Sr0.3CoO3 on LSAT have been studied. The lattice parameters of the epitaxially grown films were determined from X-ray diffraction measurements (Bragg-Brentano method and reciprocal space mapping). Large tensile strains of 2% can be achieved in thicker films of up to 100 nm. On the other hand, the films under larger tensile strain have cracks and reveal ordered superstructures in HRTEM images which are tentatively attributed to ordered oxygen vacancies. The Curie temperature and the magnetic moment of the x = 0.18 films increases towards larger film thickness in qualitative agreement with the joined effects of strain relaxation and finite thickness on magnetic ordering. In order to separate the direct strain effect from the thickness effect, the Curie temperature, the magnetic moment and the (rather large) coercivity of the films have been investigated in two electrically controlled strain states for a film on PMN-PT. Non-cracked, sufficiently thick x = 0.18 films show metallic behaviour with large magnetoresistance. The crack-free x = 0.3 films on LSAT undergo an insulator-to-metal transition with increasing thickness and also show large magnetoresistance, both consistent with a percolative transport behaviour. The spin state of the Co ions appears to remain unchanged in the investigated doping range.
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Croissance épitaxiale, structure atomique et couplage d'échange de bicouches ultra-minces d'oxydes sur métaux / Epitaxial growth, atomic structure and exchange coupling of ultra-thin bilayers of oxides on metalsLamirand, Anne 16 October 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur la détermination de la structure atomique, électronique et magnétique de couches ultraminces ferromagnétique et antiferromagnétique pour une meilleure compréhension du mécanisme de couplage d'échange qui peut avoir lieu à leur interface. Le couplage d'échange, effet de l'interaction entre les deux matériaux, se manifeste par un décalage du cycle d'hystérésis et une augmentation de la coercivité en-dessous de la température de blocage. Nous avons porté notre attention sur les systèmes de CoO/FePt sur Pt(001), CoO/Fe et CoO/Fe3O4 sur Ag(001) et combiné des techniques expérimentales principalement utilisant le rayonnement synchrotron pour les caractériser. Dans un premier temps, nous avons optimisé l'élaboration de ces systèmes dans un environnement d'ultra-haut vide (UHV) par la recherche de surfaces adaptées, le contrôle fin des conditions de croissance et le suivi de la structure par diffraction de surface des rayons X in situ. Leur structure cristalline a ensuite été caractérisée avec précision. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons étudié leurs structure et propriétés magnétiques ex situ via le dichroïsme magnétique circulaire et linéaire des rayons X et l'effet Kerr magnéto-optique. La relation entre le couplage d'échange et la structure de l'interface est discutée tout au long de ce manuscrit. / This thesis deals with the determination of atomic, electronic and magnetic structure of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic ultrathin layers to better understand the mechanism of the exchange coupling which could takes place at their interface. Exchange coupling, expression of the interaction between the two materials, manifests itself by a shift of hysteresis loop and an increase in coercivity below the blocking temperature. We have paid attention to the systems of CoO/FePt on Pt(001), CoO/Fe and CoO/Fe3O4 on Ag(001). We combined experimental techniques mainly using synchrotron light to characterize them. As a first step, we optimized in a ultra-high vacuum (UHV) environment the elaboration of the systems looking for an appropriate surface, the high control of growth conditions and the supervision of the structure by in situ X-ray surface diffraction. The crystalline structure was precisely then detailed. As a second step, we studied the magnetic structure and properties ex situ by X-ray magnetic circular and linear dichroïsm and magneto-optic Kerr effect. The relation between exchange coupling and interface structure is discussed all along the manuscript.
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