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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entre o gênero e a norma: uma análise dialógico-discursiva da tradução inglesa do best-seller de aconselhamento O vendedor de sonhos, de Augusto Cury / Between norms and genre: a dialogical discursive analysis of the English translation of O Vendedor de Sonhos, best-selling counseling book by Augusto Cury.

Vidal, Aline Gomes 12 March 2018 (has links)
Em meu trabalho busquei pensar a tradução literária não no sentido convencional, isto é, no que diz respeito à literatura canônica, mas sim no contexto da literatura de aconselhamento (muitas vezes tratada como autoajuda), utilizando como corpus a tradução para o inglês do livro O Vendedor de Sonhos, de Augusto Cury (2008). Para isso, mobilizo o conceito bakhtiniano de gênero discursivo, articulando-o com o conceito de normas de Gideon Toury (2012). A noção de gênero do discurso ajuda a entender os livros de aconselhamento dentro de seus contextos de produção, recepção e circulação, em oposição a concepções menos dinâmicas como as de gênero textual e tipo textual em geral mais focadas na observação da materialidade linguística dos textos. Nesse sentido, podemos dizer que a ideia de gênero discursivo aponta para a(s) função(ões) do texto. No corpus, a identificação, a descrição e a compreensão das normas revelaram aspectos do funcionamento do gênero discursivo de aconselhamento na tradução, mostrando as especificidades do contexto de chegada na mobilização desse gênero. / My research aims at thinking literary translation not in its conventional sense (that is, with regard to canonical literature), but rather in the context of counseling literature (often referred to as self-help), analyzing the English translation of the book The Dreamseller, by Augusto Cury (2008). To this end, I employ the Bakhtinian concept of speech genre in relation to Gideon Tourys (2012) concept of norms. The concept of speech genre helps to understand counseling books within its contexts of production, reception and circulation, as opposed to less dynamic conceptions such as those of textual genre and textual type - more focused on the observation of the linguistic materiality of texts. In this sense, we can say that the idea of speech genre points to the function(s) of the text in the target system. The identification, description and understanding of translational norms revealed operational aspects of the speech genre of counseling in the corpus, showing the specifics of the target context in mobilizing this genre.

Entre o gênero e a norma: uma análise dialógico-discursiva da tradução inglesa do best-seller de aconselhamento O vendedor de sonhos, de Augusto Cury / Between norms and genre: a dialogical discursive analysis of the English translation of O Vendedor de Sonhos, best-selling counseling book by Augusto Cury.

Aline Gomes Vidal 12 March 2018 (has links)
Em meu trabalho busquei pensar a tradução literária não no sentido convencional, isto é, no que diz respeito à literatura canônica, mas sim no contexto da literatura de aconselhamento (muitas vezes tratada como autoajuda), utilizando como corpus a tradução para o inglês do livro O Vendedor de Sonhos, de Augusto Cury (2008). Para isso, mobilizo o conceito bakhtiniano de gênero discursivo, articulando-o com o conceito de normas de Gideon Toury (2012). A noção de gênero do discurso ajuda a entender os livros de aconselhamento dentro de seus contextos de produção, recepção e circulação, em oposição a concepções menos dinâmicas como as de gênero textual e tipo textual em geral mais focadas na observação da materialidade linguística dos textos. Nesse sentido, podemos dizer que a ideia de gênero discursivo aponta para a(s) função(ões) do texto. No corpus, a identificação, a descrição e a compreensão das normas revelaram aspectos do funcionamento do gênero discursivo de aconselhamento na tradução, mostrando as especificidades do contexto de chegada na mobilização desse gênero. / My research aims at thinking literary translation not in its conventional sense (that is, with regard to canonical literature), but rather in the context of counseling literature (often referred to as self-help), analyzing the English translation of the book The Dreamseller, by Augusto Cury (2008). To this end, I employ the Bakhtinian concept of speech genre in relation to Gideon Tourys (2012) concept of norms. The concept of speech genre helps to understand counseling books within its contexts of production, reception and circulation, as opposed to less dynamic conceptions such as those of textual genre and textual type - more focused on the observation of the linguistic materiality of texts. In this sense, we can say that the idea of speech genre points to the function(s) of the text in the target system. The identification, description and understanding of translational norms revealed operational aspects of the speech genre of counseling in the corpus, showing the specifics of the target context in mobilizing this genre.

The roles of signed language interpreters in post-secondary education settings in South Africa

Swift, Odette Belinda 02 1900 (has links)
Signed language interpreting in South Africa has not received much academic attention, despite the profession having undergone major transformation since the advent of democracy. This study aims to create a better understanding of signed language interpreters’ behaviour in one specific setting in South Africa – post-secondary education. During the researcher’s own practice as an educational interpreter at a post-secondary institution, she experienced role conflict and found little information available to assist her in making professional decisions on which direction to take. This provided the impetus to embark on this research. The study begins by outlining the field of liaison interpreting and educational interpreting, and examining the existing literature regarding the interpreter’s role and norms in interpreting. It then goes on to examine authentic interpreted texts, filmed in actual lectures in post-secondary settings. These texts are analysed with reference to interpreter shifts and deviations from the source text, with particular focus on interpreter-generated utterances (additions), borrowing (fingerspelling), omissions (both errors and conscious choice) and various types of collaboration between the interpreter and primary participants. These shifts are examined in more detail to explore whether they indicate any change in the interpreter’s role. Further, interpreters’ own views about their practice, elicited from individual interviews, enable the reader to understand how the interpreters view the role(s) that they fulfil. The research will provide information for interpreter trainers about the roles assumed by SASL interpreters in higher education and provide a platform from which to scaffold future educational interpreter research and training. / Linguistics / M.A. (Linguistics)

Perifera kulturer i kontakt? : Indirekt översättning av hebreisk skönlitteratur till svenska / Peripheral Cultures in Contact? : Indirect translation of Hebrew Literature into Swedish

Adler, Aleksandra January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med den här produktorienterade studien är att undersöka vilka översättningsnormer som är aktuella för indirekt översättning av hebreisk skönlitteratur till svenska. I studien genomförs en kontrastiv undersökning av kulturspecifika element (ECR) med utgångspunkt i Tourys (1995/2012) coupled pairs kompletterad med Pedersens (2011) typologi. Materialet består av 3 x 136 coupled pairs excerperade från en novellsamling skriven av den israeliska högprestigeförfattaren Amos Oz och översatt till svenska genom engelska. Båda översättningarna utfördes av högprestigeöversättare. Resultatet antyder att indirekt översättning av skönlitteratur ansluter sig till adekvansnormen i enlighet med hypotesen om högprestigeöversättare (Lindqvist 2002). Hypotesen om acceptansinriktning beträffande indirekt översättning falsifierades i studien. / The following product–oriented study deals with translational norms operating in indirect translation of Hebrew literature into Swedish. The research was conducted as a contrastive study of Extra–linguistic Cultural References (ECR) based on Toury’s (1995/2012) coupled pairs and supplemented with Pedersen’s typology (2011). The material consisted of 3 x 136 coupled pairs excerpted from a collection of short stories written by an Israeli high–prestige writer Amos Oz and translated into Swedish through English. Both translations were carried out by high–prestige translators. The results suggest that indirect literary translation follows the adequacy norm in accordance with the hypothesis on high–prestige translation (Lindqvist 2002). The hypothesis on acceptancy norms operating in indirect translation is rejected.

Det tredje språket : Tolkspråk och normalisering i teckenspråkstolkning / The third language : interpretese and normalisation in Sign Language Interpreting

Hassel Borowski, Frida January 2016 (has links)
Den här studien behandlar fenomenet tolkspråk – tanken om att tolkat språk skiljer sig från icke-tolkat språk. Översättningsvetenskapen och dess motsvarighet översättarspråk har utgjort en stor inspirationskälla till arbetet, då forskningen kommit längre där. Ett forskningsområde behandlar så kallade översättningsuniversalier – universella regler eller lagar för hur översatt språk ser ut. En av dessa lagar kallas för normalisering. I studien undersöks om normalisering är applicerbart även på teckenspråkstolkning, med utgångspunkt i påståendet att normalisering kan vara synligt i översatt text som en överrepresentation av typiska målspråksdrag. För att undersöka detta har två jämförbara korpusar använts, dels Svensk teckenspråkskorpus (SSLC) med icke-tolkade teckenspråkstexter, dels Korpus för simultantolkade teckenspråkstexter (KST) med tolkade teckenspråkstexter. Det typiska, teckenspråkiga drag som valts för undersökningen är det tecken som glosas KOPPLA. Förekomsten av tecknet i de båda korpusarna har undersökts för att kunna upptäcka en eventuell överrepresentation i KST. Resultaten visar att KOPPLA mycket riktigt är överrepresenterat i KST, men att det är svårt att generalisera på grund av flera begränsande faktorer. / This essay is concerned with the subject of interpretese – the idea that interpreted language differs from non-interpreted language. Within translation studies, the corresponding term is translationese, and this essay draws upon much of the research in this field, as it is more developed. One particular area of research into translationese revolves around so called translation universals, or universal features of translation. They could be described as rules or laws that define translated language. One of those universals is called normalisation. This essay seeks to answer if normalisation also exists in Sign Language interpreting, with reference to exaggeration of typical target language patterns. Two comparable corpora were used, Swedish Sign Language Corpus (SSLC) with non-interpreted Sign Language texts, and Korpus för simultantolkade teckenspråkstexter (KST) with interpreted Sign Language texts. The typical target language pattern that was chosen for the investigation is the Swedish sign KOPPLA. Instances of the sign were investigated in both corpora, to spot any exaggeration in KST. The results show that KOPPLA is in fact overrepresented in KST, but that one should be careful to generalize, as several limiting factors were at play.

The roles of signed language interpreters in post-secondary education settings in South Africa

Swift, Odette Belinda 02 1900 (has links)
Signed language interpreting in South Africa has not received much academic attention, despite the profession having undergone major transformation since the advent of democracy. This study aims to create a better understanding of signed language interpreters’ behaviour in one specific setting in South Africa – post-secondary education. During the researcher’s own practice as an educational interpreter at a post-secondary institution, she experienced role conflict and found little information available to assist her in making professional decisions on which direction to take. This provided the impetus to embark on this research. The study begins by outlining the field of liaison interpreting and educational interpreting, and examining the existing literature regarding the interpreter’s role and norms in interpreting. It then goes on to examine authentic interpreted texts, filmed in actual lectures in post-secondary settings. These texts are analysed with reference to interpreter shifts and deviations from the source text, with particular focus on interpreter-generated utterances (additions), borrowing (fingerspelling), omissions (both errors and conscious choice) and various types of collaboration between the interpreter and primary participants. These shifts are examined in more detail to explore whether they indicate any change in the interpreter’s role. Further, interpreters’ own views about their practice, elicited from individual interviews, enable the reader to understand how the interpreters view the role(s) that they fulfil. The research will provide information for interpreter trainers about the roles assumed by SASL interpreters in higher education and provide a platform from which to scaffold future educational interpreter research and training. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / M.A. (Linguistics)

Att översätta slang : En jämförelse av översättningen av slanguttryck i John Greens Paper Towns till svenska och nederländska. / Translating slang : A comparison of the translation of slang expressions in John Greens Paper Towns into Dutch and Swedish

Rosenqvist, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Studien undersöker hur de engelska slanguttrycken och talspråksmarkörerna i ungdomsromanen Paper Towns av John Green översatts till nederländska och svenska. En analys av slanguttrycken och talspråksmarkörerna i romanens första kapitel, utifrån Lambert & van Gorps modell (1985), visar vilka översättningsstrategier som översättarna valt och vilka översättningsnormer dessa är ett uttryck för. Resultatet visar att översättningarnas preliminära data pekar mot en adekvansinriktad översättningsstrategi. På mikronivå visar resultatet en mer acceptansinriktad översättningsstrategi vid översättning av slang och talspråksmarkörer, med en något större källspråksinriktning i den nederländska översättningen. / The study investigates how slang and spoken language markers in English in the Young Adult novel Paper Towns by John Green have been translated into Dutch and Swedish. An analyse of the expressions found in the first chapter of the novel, based on the method created by Lambert and van Gorp (1985), shows the translation strategies and the underlying translational norms. The results of the analysis of the preliminary data of the translations points towards adequate translation strategies. At a micro level, the results indicate more acceptable translation strategies regarding the translation of slang and spoken language markers, with slightly more source-orientation in the Dutch translation.

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