Spelling suggestions: "subject:"john green"" "subject:"john creen""
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Stereotypa förklädnader? : En tematisk läsning av John Greens The Fault in Our StarsWiberg, Madelene January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Att föreställa sig andra komplext : En litterär studie i hur John Greens Pappersstäder kan kopplas till värdegrunsarbetet / Imagining others complexly : A literary study in how John Green's Paper Towns can be used when working with the school valuesLuthardt, Lara-Theresa January 2023 (has links)
Att föreställa sig andra som komplexa kan vara svårt men det är viktigt i värdegrundsarbetet i grundskolans svenskämne. En text som Pappersstäder (2008) kan vara behjälplig i ett sådant arbete eftersom författaren John Green tog sig an uppgiften att skriva den med detta tema i åtanke. Det är därför syftet i detta examensarbete att utforska hur John Greens Pappersstäder kan användas i värdegrundsarbetet i grundskolans svenskämne. Detta görs genom att beskriva värdegrundsarbetet, hur det kan kopplas till litteratur och hur litteratursamtal kan göras i undervisningen. Med hjälp av socialpsykologiska teorier som beskriver hur identiteter skapas i samspel med andra människor, med hjälp av signifikanta och generaliserade andra och hur de roller som kan antas kan upplevas som masker beskrivs Margo och Quentin som huvudkaraktärer. Margo föraktar den mask hon bär inför andra och därigenom även sig själv. Quentin är så fokuserad på Margo att han tappar bort sig själv. Med hjälp av narratologiska teorier som beskriver hur en berättare ordnar en berättelse och hur tid kan hanteras i ordningen beskrivs Quentins resa i att förstå Margo som en människa lika komplex men helt annorlunda från honom själv. Genom att föreställa sig andra komplext kan fientlighet motarbetas, detta kopplar Pappersstäder till värdegrundsarbetet. Genom att läsa texten och arbeta med den tillsammans kan eleverna öva sig i att se andra som komplexa människor.
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”The whole world loves a fighter” – En studie av ungdomsböckers framställning av maskuliniteterBergman, Sofia January 2020 (has links)
Uppsatsen analyserar tre skönlitterära böcker vilka är populära hos ungdomar; Ondskan av Jan Guillou, Kampen om Järntronen av George R.R. Martin och John Greens Förr eller senare exploderar jag. Syftet med studien är att uppmärksamma hur manlighet och maskuliniteter framställs och porträtteras för att kunna uppmärksamma hur verkens idealmän konstrueras. Uppsatsens teoretiska ramverk består främst av Raewyn Connells begrepp hegemonisk maskulinitet med särskilt fokus på makt och våldskapital, med vissa komplement av Yvonne Hirdmans terminologier genuskontrakt och könsmaktsordningar. Resultatet visar att de tre romanerna kan placeras på en skala gällande hegemonisk maskulinitet. Makt och våldskapital fyller olika funktion och framstår som viktigast i Ondskan, följt av Kampen om Järntronen och till sist Förr eller senare exploderar jag. Ser vi till en relationell skala är ordningen omvänd.
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The Impact of BookTube on Book Publishing: A Study of John Green's Looking for AlaskaMitchell, Amanda 01 May 2021 (has links)
Around 2010, a group of online content creators, commonly referred to as "Youtubers" or "BookTubers," began to emerge on YouTube.com. This community's content revolves around many topics under the realm of literature including book discussions, reviews, genre discussions, and many more. While the group started off small, it has grown significantly over the past decade; some of the most prominent creators have several hundred thousand subscribers. In the ten years since its emergence, the creators and content have transformed, where many in the beginning made video discussions just for fun, and now many of them have grown their channel into a financially successful career and have formed partnerships with publishing companies.
Specifically within the BookTube community, young adult author John Green has revolutionized the platform and seen unprecedented amount of success. His novels along with their film and TV adaptations have inspired thousands of Booktube reviews and discussions, and John and his brother Hank Green have gained a massive following on YouTube.
This essay examines BookTube as a collaborative community, a marketing platform, and a space for reception theory analysis by examining readers' discussions of John Green's Looking for Alaska. BookTube and other online communities are becoming increasingly important in people's lives, and analyzing these platforms is essential to understanding future generations.
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Bringing John Green to Schools: Incorporating Young Adult Literature in a Secondary English Language Arts ClassroomAdams, Emily 01 January 2014 (has links)
As educators and administrators continue to struggle with the low literacy proficiency rates in this country, a new genre of literature is making its way into the classroom. Young Adult Literature, such as the works of John Green, are becoming a more familiar sight inside the classroom. However, some parents, educators, and members of the school districts are not happy with this new trend. In the last year, alone, young adult books have been challenged hundreds of times in hopes of getting them removed from the classroom and library. I believe that these books need to stay in the schools, though. Through this thesis, I explore the possibility of Young Adult Literature having more of a presence in the secondary English Language Arts classroom in order to increase motivation, engagement, social awareness, and literacy rates. In this research project, only 13% of 11th and 12th grade English Language Arts students reported enjoying the reading they were currently assigned, despite their statement that they enjoy reading, in general. These books do not lead to motivated and engaged readers. By incorporating Young Adult Literature into the standard curriculum of an English Language Arts classroom, teachers can enhance motivation, engagement, and productivity. Students can continue to learn the same literary concepts and techniques, in addition to being exposed to current social problems. When Young Adult Literature is brought into a classroom, an environment is created in which students can learn what they think, why they think it, and how to respect the differing opinions of others.
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Förr eller senare exploderar jag : – Från bok till film, en adaptionsstudieJohansson, Linn January 2018 (has links)
Uppsatsen analyserar John Greens bok Förr eller senare exploderar jag (2013), som är översatt av Ylva Stålmarck och Josh Boones film med samma titel (2014). Syftet med analysen är att ta reda på hur ett svårt ämne, i detta fall cancer, skildras i boken respektive filmen. Genom att undersöka hur de båda verken behandlar frågan om sjukdomen cancer är ett vidare syfte att se om dessa två verk är användbara i ett skolsammanhang i årskurs 4–6. Uppsatsen är en adaptionsstudie och visar att filmatiseringen efterliknar boken i mycket hög grad och att endast ett fåtal händelser och karaktärer är bortplockade eller omgjorda. Det budskap som bok och film förmedlar är även det ett samma budskap. Även om filmen i en högre grad än boken fokuserar på kärlekshistorien och har tonat ner bokens drastiska uttryck. Slutligen visar analysen att boken är mer riktad mot en äldre målgrupp än barn i åldrarna 10–12 år. Filmen däremot skulle kunna fungera att inkludera i undervisningen, åtminstone i årskurs 6.
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The Gaps in Our Stars : The Fault in Our Stars and Reader-response Theory in the Swedish EFL ClassroomBackman, Mira January 2023 (has links)
This essay analyses John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars (2012) with a theoretical approach of reader-response theory to show how the potential interpretations of the gaps in the novel make it a relevant choice of literary work for EFL education. The essay also examines whether the concept of gaps can be used as a tool in literary analysis. The concept of gaps stem from Wolfgang Iser’s ideas on the individual reader, which in turn is one of the perspectives, together with Stanley Fish’s interpretative communities, from which the gaps found in The Fault in Our Stars are analysed. The results are connected to a list of criteria, created by applying the criteria of English syllabuses for upper secondary school by the Swedish National Agency for Education to a revised version of Janice Bland’s list of what constitutes a good literary work for the classroom. The result is that The Fault in Our Stars covers difficult and relatable topics and emotions, which enables productive discussions that challenge students’ world views and help develop their interpretative skills. The findings also show that the novel bears literary complexity, with its prevalent use of metaphors and similes, as well as clear intertextuality with typically canonical works. The analysis also shows how the concept of gaps are an effective tool for interpretation in literary analysis. In conclusion, The Fault in Our Stars is a suitable and comprehensive choice of YA literature in the upper secondary school EFL classroom.
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Att översätta slang : En jämförelse av översättningen av slanguttryck i John Greens Paper Towns till svenska och nederländska. / Translating slang : A comparison of the translation of slang expressions in John Greens Paper Towns into Dutch and SwedishRosenqvist, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Studien undersöker hur de engelska slanguttrycken och talspråksmarkörerna i ungdomsromanen Paper Towns av John Green översatts till nederländska och svenska. En analys av slanguttrycken och talspråksmarkörerna i romanens första kapitel, utifrån Lambert & van Gorps modell (1985), visar vilka översättningsstrategier som översättarna valt och vilka översättningsnormer dessa är ett uttryck för. Resultatet visar att översättningarnas preliminära data pekar mot en adekvansinriktad översättningsstrategi. På mikronivå visar resultatet en mer acceptansinriktad översättningsstrategi vid översättning av slang och talspråksmarkörer, med en något större källspråksinriktning i den nederländska översättningen. / The study investigates how slang and spoken language markers in English in the Young Adult novel Paper Towns by John Green have been translated into Dutch and Swedish. An analyse of the expressions found in the first chapter of the novel, based on the method created by Lambert and van Gorp (1985), shows the translation strategies and the underlying translational norms. The results of the analysis of the preliminary data of the translations points towards adequate translation strategies. At a micro level, the results indicate more acceptable translation strategies regarding the translation of slang and spoken language markers, with slightly more source-orientation in the Dutch translation.
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The Body as a Grenade : Illness Metaphors, The Suffering of Others and Conservativism in Contemporary Sick-FlicksGregory, Christian January 2023 (has links)
Film has since its inception been a potent storytelling tool, and the concept of illnesses and death havebeen a critical element in the stories mankind has told through cinema since the beginning. While theearly years of film saw few titles which directly named or featured diseases such as cancer, the 1980’sand 1990’s saw a vast increase in illness narratives being produced. By the beginning of the newmillennium, a new subgenre of film was beginning to emerge, specifically targeted at youngaudiences: Sick-Flicks.The purpose of this thesis is to examine the Sick-Flick subgenre, and scrutinize the films which the author has identified according to how they handle a variety of factors. These include the portrayal ofmale and female sufferers in accordance with the feminist theoretical observation of masculinity beingrepresented as active, while femininity is typically passive in nature. Beyond this, the essay alsoattempts to add to Susan Sontag’s essay Illness as Metaphor, exploring how the portrayal of illnessmay have shifted since the essay’s publication in 1978. Finally, this thesis also concerns itself with thereoccurring narrative trend of featuring talented adolescents as terminally ill sufferers and how thismay tie into neoliberalism and belief in the meritocracy.This thesis concludes that while there has been a shift in the metaphorical portrayal of diseases,especially as it pertains to cancer, which Susan Sontag concludes unsuitable for romanticization,overall, many of the criticisms and potentially problematic commonalities which both Sick-Flicks andtheir literary counterpart Sick-Lit have featured through the years remain. There is a remaining focuson heteronormative and racially homogenous victims, and innate talents and intelligence are present,arguably in order to make the eventual loss of the ill characters more tangibly tragic. The authorconcludes that while it is debatable whether or not filmmakers should feel any responsibility to portrayillnesses accurately, they should at least likely strive to reflect the current reality as far as survivalrates are concerned.
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The Young & The Dying : The Continued Romanticization of Terminally Ill Adolescents in Contemporary American CinemaGregory, Christian January 2020 (has links)
This essay examines how the past decade’s wave of young adult films portraying termi-nal illnesses compare and contrast with similar works from both film as well as literary works commonly referred to as “sick-lit”. By viewing three prominent films released be-tween 2014 and 2019 and applying both literature dealing with sick-lit as well as texts fo-cused on how cinema tends to portray serious illnesses such as cancer, I attempt to dis-cern whether significant change in the way which contemporary film handles severe ill-nesses has occurred.What this study reveals is that while certain narrative traits have been altered and various problematic elements addressed, film still vastly prefers portraying illnesses such as can-cer and cystic fibrosis as bleak, death sentences. The “sick-flicks” of modern-day cinema have also failed to address critique of the sub-genre as being both heteronormative and racially homogenous in nature.However, compared to films depicting terminal illnesses in teenagers from the 2000’s the recent wave of films in general dedicate more time to spotlighting their diseases. No longer relegating them to emotional revelations toward the end of the film.Overall, the findings are that most criticisms of cinema’s portrayal of terminal illnesses remain, yet progress has also been achieved in certain respects. Filmmakers more inter-ested in utilizing illnesses as a way to examine coming-of-age topics than the full experi-ence of terminal illness, notwithstanding.
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