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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Påverkar maskulinitet ett lands transportutsläpp? : – En studie om sambandet mellan maskulinitet och transportutsläpp / Does masculinity affect a country's transport emissions? : - A case study on the relationship between masculinity and transport emissions

Johansson, Tobias, Zaric, Filip January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to compare whether there is any connection between a country's masculinity and the country's transport emissions per capita. Furthermore, theories about Hofstede's masculinity index have been discussed as well as what attributes that characterize a country. Masculine countries tend to prioritize career and material rewards while feminine countries appreciate leisure and social contexts. Does a country's masculinity level affect attitudes to climate and emissions? This essay is written with a quantitative method and a deductive approach with elements of a qualitative method. The theoretical frame of reference has been used as the basis and together with the secondary data collected, a correlation analysis has been made to test the relationship between masculinity and transport emissions per capita. According to our analysis, it has been found that between the countries that the study has analyzed, there is a significant correlation between a country's masculinity level and transport emissions per capita. Since the study has shown that countries with a low masculinity index tend to have less transport emissions per capita, facts about the countries and a netnography have been used to explain the correlation that has arisen.

Hantering av schaktmassor : Transportkostnader och klimatpåverkan / Handling of shaft masses : Transport costs and the climate impact of intermediate storage compared to disposal

Lundblad, Isabelle, Pettersson, Elin January 2020 (has links)
Olskroken planskildhet är ett stort anläggningsprojekt i Göteborgs stad där det för närvarande byggs nya järnvägsspår och broar av Peab Anläggning AB. Vid detta projekt hanteras schaktmassor vilka antingen bortforslas till upphandlad mottagare eller mellanlagras för att sedan återanvändas inom projektet. Då Länsstyrelsen och Göteborgs stad ställer krav gällande viktbegränsningar vid mellanlagring innebär detta att återanvändbara massor erfordrar bortforsling. Studien syftar till att beräkna vad mellanlagring och bortforsling som masshanteringsmetoder har för direkta kostnader med avseende på transporter för respektive metod samt vad de genererar för utsläpp av koldioxid, kväveoxid, kolmonoxid, totala kolvätensamt partiklar. Beräkningarna avser transportering av 15 ton på sträckorna 5, 15, 30 och 50 kilometer vid bortforsling samt 300 meter och 1 kilometer vid mellanlagring. Treaxlig lastbil används som transportmedel vid bortforsling och vid mellanlagring används både lastbil och hjullastare. Vid beräkning av transportkostnader har tidsåtgång multiplicerats med timpris för transportfordon och sedan dividerats med massavikten för att ta fram vad transporter genererar för kostnad per ton vid specifika sträckor. Utifrån lastbilars provningsförfarande och hjullastares miljödeklarationer, samt antagande av genomonsnittlig bränsleförbrukning och egenskaper hos drivmedel som antagits vara Mk 1 diesel, beräknades emissioner för specifika sträckor. Beräkningar på procentuella skillnader för vad respektive metod genererar för kostnader och utsläpp klargjorde att mellanlagring nästan uteslutande är den mest lönsamma masshanteringsmetoden inom anläggningsprojekt. Vid två utfall i beräkningarna visade sig mellanlagringen avge högre emissioner av kväveoxid, men alternativ som kan leda till att mellanlagring är mest lönsamt i alla aspekter har beräknats. Även alternativ som kan bidra till minskade koldioxidutsläpp har beräknats. / Project Olskroken is a major construction project in Gothenburg, where new railroad tracks and bridges are currently being built by Peab Construction AB. The project handles excavated masses which are being disposed to procured recipient or placed in intermediate storage to consequently be reused in the project. The Country Administration and the city of Gothenburg have requirements regarding weight restrictions at intermediate storage, which implies that reusable masses occasionally are required for disposal. The study aims to calculate the costs for intermediate storage and disposal considering transportation for each method in the study and for the emissions of carbon dioxide, nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and particles. The calculations refer to the transport of 15 ton of masses on the distances 5, 15, 30 and 50 kilometers for disposal and 300 meters and 1 kilometer for intermediate storage. A truck is being used for transports to disposal and a wheel loader and a truck are being used for transports of masses to an intermediate storage location. Transportation costs for each method, is calculated by the time consumed, multiplied by the transport vehicle hourly rate and then divided by the mass weight, in order to define the specific cost for each distance. Based on the environmental declarations for the testing procedures for trucks’ and wheelloaders’ together with assumptions for the average fuel consumption and characteristics for fuel that has been assumed to be Mk 1 diesel, the emissions were calculated on specific distances. Calculations of the percentage differences for what costs and emissions each method generates defined that intermediate storage almost solely is the most profitable massmanagement method within construction projects. In only two of the calculated cases, the intermediate storage emitted higher emissions of nitrogen oxides than the disposed masses. Although alternative calculations confirm that intermediate storage possibly can be the most profitable method in every case. Furthermore there has been made alternative calculations in purpose to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide.

Emission Calculation Model for Vehicle Routing Planning : Estimation of emissions from heavy transports and optimization with carbon dioxide equivalents for a route planning software

Hartikka, Alice, Nordenhög, Simon January 2021 (has links)
The transport sector is a major cause of emissions both in Sweden and globally. This master thesis aims to develop a model for estimating emissions from heavy transport on a specific route. The emissions can be used in a route planning software and help the driver choose a route that contributes to reduced emissions. The methodology was to investigate attributes, like vehicle-related attributes and topography, and their impact on transport emissions. The carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide emissions were converted into carbon dioxide equivalents, which were incorporated as one cost together with a precalculated driving time as a second cost in a multi objective function used for route planning. Different tests were conducted to investigate the accuracy and the usability of the model. First, a validation test was performed, where the optimized routes were analyzed. The test showed that the model was more likely to choose a shorter route in general. The fuel consumption values largely met expectations towards generic values and measurements, that were gathered from research. A second test of the model made use of the driving time combined with the emissions in a multi objective function. In this test, a weighting coefficient was varied and analyzed to understand the possibility to find a value of the coefficient for the best trade-off. The result showed that the model generates different solutions for different coefficients and that it is possible to find a suitable trade-off between the driving time and emissions. Therefore, this study shows that there is a possibility to combine emission with other objectives such as driving time for route optimization. Finally, a sensitivity analysis was performed, where attribute factors and assumptions were varied to see how sensitive they were and, in turn, how much a change would impact the calculated emissions. The result from the sensitivity analysis showed that the changes in topography-attributes had less impact than changes on vehicle-related attributes. In conclusion, this thesis has built a foundation for route planning, based on the environmental aspect, for heavy transports.

Växthusgasutsläpp i Ericssons försörjningskedja : Kan regionalisering av leverantörer reducera klimatpåverkan? / Greenhouse gas emissions in Ericsson's supply chain : Can regionalization of suppliers reduce the carbon footprint?

Gustafsson, Klara, Hamner, Gabriella January 2020 (has links)
Several categories of emissions are presented in Ericsson ́s sustainability report, among them emissions from product transportation is the largest one within Ericsson ́s own business. However, it is only a part of the transportation flow that is included in the report. The sustainability report covers transportations from distribution centers to customer sites, but now Ericsson will expand the range to cover a larger part of the supply chain, from first tier suppliers, through production, to customer sites. The change would provide Ericsson with better visibility and control over the supply chain and therefore enable the possibility to find new solutions the reduce greenhouse gas emissions. One strategy to reduce product transportation greenhouse gas emissions is regionalization, which Ericsson is already implementing for the production sites. Moving forward they also want to evaluate the possibility to regionalize the external suppliers. Therefore, the aim of the study is to evaluate the effects of a regionalized supply on product transportation from first tier supplier to customer sites, with focus on greenhouse gas emissions. Transportation data including weight, distance and transport mode was collected. Calculations was then done on an aggregated level and did not get into details regarding vehicle utilization or fuel usage. Data collected was inadequate in some part of the supply chain and the gaps were filled with assumptions based on initial interviews. The current emissions for the part of the supply chain that goes from suppliers to distribution hubs was calculated to 30 000 ton CO2e, but with regard to sensibility analysis the true value of emissions is higher. Further, the total current emissions were calculated by adding the new calculatedpart with Ericsson’s reported numbers, which gave the total emissions in the flow to be 169 000 ton CO2e. After the benchmark was established the effect of a regionalized supply was examined. Ericsson has divided the world into three supply regions, the America region, the Europe, Middle east and Africa region and Asia and Pacific Ocean region. The same regions were used to regionalize the suppliers. The suppliers that were located in a different region than the receiving plant were moved to a location that were deemed appropriate by interviews. In the America region the suppliers were placed in Mexico, in the Europe region the suppliers were placed in Romania and in the Asia region the suppliers were placed in China. With the regionalization of the suppliers the total emissions were reduced by 4 % regarding the baseline. Another conclusion from the regionalization was that the supply chain became less emission efficient because the transportation work by truck increased and decreased for boat. The results contain many uncertainties mostly because the regionalization is happening in the part of the supply chain that is mainly based on assumptions to begin with. Based on interviews regionalized suppliers would entail increased costs and loads of initial work, but shorter lead times. The interviewees also said that it is the mechanical components that is appropriate to regionalize since they are heavy, cheap and easy to produce compared to the electronical components. The electronical components were not deemed possible to regionalize. In summery Ericsson can expect reduced greenhouse gas emissions if they regionalize their 1st suppliers, but the size of the reduction needs further examination. Especially better data is needed to establish the benchmark, something that Ericsson will continue working on. / Följande arbete berör Ericssons växthusgasutsläpp från produkttransporter. I Ericssons hållbarhetsredovisning presenteras i dagsläget olika kategorier av utsläpp. Av de utsläppen som sker inom Ericssons verksamhet är produkttransporterna den största kategorin, trots att endast en del av flödet ingår i de presenterade siffrorna. Ericsson redovisar utsläppen för transporter från en distributionshub ut till kundsite, men vill nu utöka omfånget till att gå från förstaledsleverantörer, via produktion, ut till kundsite. Förändringen ämnar ge Ericsson bättre visibilitet och kontroll över försörjningskedjan för att därigenom kunna hitta lösningar för att minska växthusgasutsläppen. En strategi för att minska växthusgasutsläpp från produkttransporterna som Ericsson undersöker är regionalisering, något som redan genomförts för produktionen. Framöver vill Ericsson även utvärdera möjligheten av att regionalisera leverantörerna. Därför är syftet med studien att utvärdera effekterna av regionaliserad försörjning i Ericssons produkttransportflöde från förstaledsleverantörer till kundsiter, med fokus på växthusgasutsläpp. För att genomföra studien samlades transportdata med information kring vikt, sträcka och transportmedel in. Beräkningarna genomfördes på en aggregerad nivå och gick inte in på en djupare nivå såsom fyllnadsgrader eller bränsle som använts. Data var bristfällig på en del ställen i flödet och där fylldes luckorna på med antaganden baserade på intervjuer. Nuvarande utsläpp från flödet som går mellan leverantörer och distributionshubbar beräknas 2019 vara 30000 ton CO2e, men med hänsyn till känslighetsanalyser uppskattas det verkliga utsläppet vara högre. Det framtagna utsläppet slogs samman med de utsläppen Ericsson redan redovisar och de totala utsläppen för flödet blev därför 169 000 ton CO2e. Efter att ett utgångsläge fastställts undersöktes påverkan av en regionalisering av de externa förstaledsleverantörerna. Ericsson har delat in världen i tre regioner, dessa är Amerikaregionen, regionen för Europa, Mellanöstern och Afrika samt regionen för Asien och Stillahavet. Samma regioner används för regionaliseringen av leverantörer. De leverantörer som låg i en annan region än deras mottagare förflyttades till ett land som utifrån intervjuer ansågs lämpligt. För Amerikaregionen placerades leverantörerna i Mexiko, för Europaregionen placerades de i Rumänien och Asienregionen i Kina. Resultatet av regionaliseringen blev att utsläppen minskade med 4 % sett till det totala utgångsläget. Det visade sig även att utsläppseffektiviteten blev lägre eftersom mängden transportarbete för vägtransporter ökade och sjötransporterna minskade. Resultaten från scenariot med regionaliserade leverantörer har dock mycket osäkerhet i sig vilket främst grundar sig i att förändringarna sker i den delen av flödet där minst tillgång till data fanns att tillgå. Utifrån intervjuer framkom det även att regionalisera leverantörerna förmodligen skulle medföra ökade kostnader och initialt arbete, men kortare ledtider. Det framkom även att det främst var för mekanikkomponenter som regionalisering är ett alternativ då de är relativt tunga, billiga och enkla att tillverka i jämförelse med elektronikkomponenter. Elektronikkomponenterna ansågs inte vara lämpliga att regionalisera. Sammanfattningsvis kan Ericsson förvänta sig en minskning av växthusgasutsläpp vid en regionalisering av leverantörer, men storleken på minskningen behöver undersökas vidare. Framförallt behövs bättre data kring nuläget i början av flödet, vilket är något som Ericsson kommer att jobba vidare med.

Adapting to the CSRD and Reporting of Scope 3 Emissions: Strategies for Newly Affected Companies : A Study of the Challenes and Potential Solutions for Companies Newly Affected by the CSRD / Anpassning till CSRD och rapportering av Scope 3-utsläpp: Strategier för Nyligen Berörda Företag

Munthe Nilsson, Alexandra, Nilsson, Karin January 2023 (has links)
As part of the EU’s sustainable strategy in reducing emissions and combating climate change the EU introduced the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) in 2022. This directive requires the reporting of sustainability information from a significantly wider group of companies. The CSRD imposes higher demands on reporting and especially within a company’s Scope 3 transportation emissions. The study aims to identify and understand the challenges newly affected companies face in collecting and reporting scope 3 transportation emissions to comply with the CSRD. The study also intends to shed light on the resource and capability gaps that newly affected companies encounter and propose strategies and solutions to address these challenges. The study draws from institutional theory combined with are source-based view of a company to propose a hypothesis that companies face resource and capability gaps due to institutional pressure. The research methodology employed was exploratory multi-method qualitative research. The findings identified how companies, needing to adapt to the CSRD, perceived a regulatory institutional pressure in the form of new and higher requirements and demands now placed on them. In addition the exploration resulted in identification of external challenges, affecting companies ability to comply with the new legalization. Furthermore, internal and supplier challenges were discovered as factors within companies that affect their compliance. These highlighted the presence of resource and capability gaps within companies. In order to close these gaps, the study proposes several strategies and solutions together with a roadmap to address these challenges, ultimately guiding companies towards managing institutional pressures and enhancing their sustainable competitive advantage. Solutions regarding management and strategy as well as tangible operations were identified. These solutions and strategies include developing a sustainability culture within the organization, engaging with stakeholders through collaboration and communication efforts, and implementing technology solutions for data collection and analysis. The study can potentially be utilized by companies to navigate useful solutions when trying to comply with the CSRD. Additionally, the study contributes to guiding companies towards a future position of managing institutional pressure while enhancing their sustainable competitive advantage. Companies are encouraged to shift and transform their viewpoint of complying with the institutional pressure of CSRD from a compliance-focused approach towards a corporate social responsibility-driven sustainable approach with long-term value development. The study thus contributes with a new perspective by highlighting how complying with sustainability reporting can become a tool for advancing corporate responsibility and contributing to a more sustainable development and responsible business landscape.

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