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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Organização do ensino do conteúdo esporte a partir do sistema de complexos : um estudo de caso com base no PIBID/UFAL

Araújo, Luís Henrique Silva de 17 April 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This paper studied the organization of the teaching of sports content, with a view to the need for basic education students understanding it from a critical perspective. Part of the understanding that education in the capital´s landmarks is used as an effective means for restoration of capitalist hegemony, which implies the lowering of education for the lower classes, which most often seen in school the unique opportunity to access such knowledge. Consequently, there have taken students of basic education to a unilateral development, opposing the development of a degree of approximation to unilateral training. Therefore, we ask: how to organize the teaching of sports content in Physical Education - specifically athletics - based on complex system so that it can be grasped in its entirety and thus contribute towards developing a degree of approximation to unilateral training? Therefore, the objective is to analyze the possibility of complex system guide the appropriation of sport content in physical education classes in order to contribute to enhance aspects of human formation of the students. As for the results, there is the difficulty to organize sport education based on complex system, since the incompatibility that exists between the complex system and the educational culture of capitalist school prevents the broad development of this proposal. But despite the difficulties imposed by the objective conditions, it is considered that got it progress with regard to the degree of students´ understanding of the entire sport phenomenon, which confirms the hypothesis of the study, consolidating therefore the complex system as a chance to guide the deal with sports knowledge in order to contribute to a degree of approximation to unilateral training of students. / Este estudo tem como objeto a organização do ensino do conteúdo esporte, tendo em vista a necessidade dos alunos da educação básica apreendê-lo em uma perspectiva crítica. Parte da compreensão de que a educação nos marcos do capital é utilizada enquanto meio eficaz para recomposição da hegemonia capitalista, o que implica no rebaixamento do ensino destinado às camadas populares, que na maioria das vezes vê na escola a única oportunidade de acessar tais conhecimentos. Em consequência, têm-se levado os estudantes da educação básica a uma formação unilateral, em detrimento ao desenvolvimento de um grau de aproximação à formação onilateral. Diante disso, questiona-se: como organizar o ensino do conteúdo esporte nas aulas de Educação Física mais especificamente o atletismo com base no sistema de complexos a fim de que o mesmo possa ser apreendido em sua totalidade e, consequentemente, contribua na direção do desenvolvimento de um grau de aproximação à formação onilateral? Para tanto, o objetivo é analisar a possibilidade do sistema de complexos orientar a apropriação do conteúdo esporte nas aulas de educação física no sentido de contribuir para ampliar os aspectos da formação humana dos alunos. O estudo, de natureza quantitativa/qualitativa, foi realizado à luz do método materialista histórico-dialético, a partir da observação livre das aulas de educação física em uma turma de sétimo ano de uma escola pública do município de Arapiraca, Alagoas. Quanto aos resultados encontrados, destaca-se a dificuldade para organizar o ensino do esporte com base no sistema de complexos, posto que a incompatibilidade que existe entre o sistema de complexos e a cultura pedagógica da escola capitalista impede o amplo desenvolvimento desta proposta. Mas, apesar das dificuldades impostas pelas condições objetivas, considera-se que obtive-se um avanço no que se refere ao grau de compreensão dos alunos sobre a totalidade do fenômeno esportivo, o que confirma a hipótese do estudo, consolidando-se, portanto, o sistema de complexos enquanto uma possibilidade para orientar o trato com o conhecimento esporte na perspectiva de contribuir para um grau de aproximação à formação onilateral dos alunos.

Pouvoir de décision unilatérale de l'administration et democratie administrative / Unilateral decision-making power of the administration and administrative democracy

Testard, Christophe 29 November 2016 (has links)
Le pouvoir de décision unilatérale de l’administration entretient avec la démocratie administrative des rapports ambivalents. Appréhendée comme l’ensemble des règles qui tendent à la participation des administrés à l’élaboration des décisions administratives, la démocratie administrative est de prime abord contradictoire avec la dimension de contrainte et de commandement que l’unilatéralité manifeste. Faisant figure d’oxymore, elle s’est pourtant imposée à un pouvoir dont la légitimité semblait remise en cause. Le principe d’une participation des administrés irrigue désormais, à travers des procédés multiples et utilisant les nouvelles technologies, la relation entre le « public » et l’administration : la démocratie administrative a saisi le pouvoir de décision unilatérale.Pourtant, loin de remettre en cause ce pouvoir, la démocratie administrative vient en réalité le conforter. En se limitant à une ouverture du processus d’élaboration de certaines décisions administratives, le droit actuel de la participation des administrés n’atteint pas les caractères mêmes de l’unilatéralité. Les participants n’accèdent que très exceptionnellement au rang de coauteurs et leur influence sur le contenu de la décision est limitée. La sollicitation du public s’avère être un instrument de légitimation du volontarisme de la puissance publique. Avec le renfort du juge administratif, la participation des administrés demeure un simple moment procédural. La démocratie administrative se révèle être en définitive une notion malléable, dont l’administration tire profit dans l’exercice de son pouvoir de décision unilatérale. / The unilateral decision-making power of the administration maintains an ambivalent relationship with the administrative democracy. Understood as the set of rules which tend to the governed participation in the development of administrative decisions, administrative democracy is prima facie contradictory to the dimensions of constraint and command that are part of unilaterality. Standing as an oxymoron, it has yet imposed on a power which legitimacy seemed compromised. The principle of participation of the governed irrigates now, across multiple processes and through the use of new technologies, the relationship between the "public" and the administration: the administrative democracy has seized the power of unilateral decision.Yet far from questioning this power, the administrative democracy has actually strengthened it. Limiting itself to opening up the process of drafting of certain administrative decisions, the current right of participation of the governed does not reach the characters of unilateralism. Participants only access exceptionally to the rank of co-authors and their influence on the content of the decision remains limited. Public solicitation proves to be a legitimizing instrument of the voluntarism of the public authority. With the reinforcement of the administrative judge, citizen’s participation remains a simple procedural time. The administrative democracy ultimately proves to be a malleable concept, of which the administration benefits in exercising its power of unilateral decision.

La modification du contrat administratif en droit colombien / The modification of the public contract under colombian law

Guecha Lopez, Carlos Alfonso 22 October 2015 (has links)
Bien que la modification du contrat administratif soit par principe libre, elle ne peut s’exercer que dans le cadre de certaines limites. En France, les règles de publicité et mise en concurrence imposent des conditions de fond, de forme et de procédure qui déterminent la légalité de l’instrument modificatif. L’interdiction d’un objet nouveau, les restrictions au bouleversement de l’économie du contrat, la fixation des seuils par le juge, etc. révèlent un contrôle rigoureux des modifications. En Colombie, par contre, il semble que la liberté des parties est beaucoup plus étendue. Un seuil général de cinquante pour cent du montant initial, la possibilité des parties de bouleverser l’économie du contrat et même la modification fondamentale de l’objet, font partie d’un système juridique qui tend à supprimer toutes les restrictions à la volonté des parties à l’égard de la modification. S’il est même de l’essence du contrat administratif d’admettre des modifications aux conditions fixées initialement, un sujet d’une grande importance sera celui de la nature de la modification en droit colombien pour dévoiler tous les défis de sa mise en oeuvre. / Although the modification of the public contract is in principle free, it can only take place under certain limitations. In France, the rules of advertising and competition impose substantive conditions of form and procedure to determine the legality of the modifying instrument. The prohibition of agreeing to a new object, restrictions on altering the economic balance, setting financial thresholds, etc., reveal a rigorous control for any modifications. In Colombia, however, it appears that the freedom of the parties is much broader. A general threshold of fifty percent of the initial price, the possibility of altering the economics of the contract and even the fundamental modification of the object, are part of a legal system that tends to abolish all restrictions to the will of the parties regarding modification. Although it is of the essence of contract modifications to disclose the conditions initially established, a major theme is that of the nature of the change in Colombian law to reveal all the challenges of its implementation.

Stratégie de raffinement automatique de maillage et méthodes multi-grilles locales pour le contact : application à l'interaction mécanique pastille-gaine / Automatic mesh refinement and local multigrid methods for contact problems : application to the pellet-cladding mechanical interaction

Liu, Hao 28 September 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’étude de l’Interaction mécanique Pastille-Gaine (IPG) se produisant dans les crayons combustibles des réacteurs à eau pressurisée. Ce mémoire porte sur le développement de méthodes de raffinement de maillage permettant de simuler plus précisément le phénomène d’IPG tout en conservant des temps de calcul et un espace mémoire acceptables pour des études industrielles. Une stratégie de raffinement automatique basée sur la combinaison de la méthode multi-grilles Local Defect Correction (LDC) et l’estimateur d’erreur a posteriori de type Zienkiewicz et Zhu est proposée. Cette stratégie s’appuie sur l’erreur fournie par l’estimateur pour détecter les zones à raffiner constituant alors les sous-grilles locales de la méthode LDC. Plusieurs critères d’arrêt sont étudiés afin de permettre de stopper le raffinement quand la solution est suffisamment précise ou lorsque le raffinement n’apporte plus d’amélioration à la solution globale.Les résultats numériques obtenus sur des cas tests 2D élastiques avec discontinuité de chargement permettent d’apprécier l’efficacité de la stratégie proposée.Le raffinement automatique de maillage dans le cas de problèmes de contact unilatéral est ensuite abordé. La stratégie proposée dans ce travail s’étend aisément au raffinement multi-corps à condition d’appliquer l’estimateur d’erreur sur chacun des corps séparément. Un post-traitement est cependant souvent nécessaire pour garantir la conformité des zones de raffinement vis-à-vis des frontières de contact. Une variété de tests numériques de contact entre solides élastiques confirme l’efficacité et la généricité de la stratégie proposée. / This Ph.D. work takes place within the framework of studies on Pellet-Cladding mechanical Interaction (PCI) which occurs in the fuel rods of pressurized water reactor. This manuscript focuses on automatic mesh refinement to simulate more accurately this phenomena while maintaining acceptable computational time and memory space for industrial calculations. An automatic mesh refinement strategy based on the combination of the Local Defect Correction multigrid method (LDC) with the Zienkiewicz and Zhu a posteriori error estimator is proposed. The estimated error is used to detect the zones to be refined, where the local subgrids of the LDC method are generated. Several stopping criteria are studied to end the refinement process when the solution is accurate enough or when the refinement does not improve the global solution accuracy anymore.Numerical results for elastic 2D test cases with pressure discontinuity shows the efficiency of the proposed strategy.The automatic mesh refinement in case of unilateral contact problems is then considered. The strategy previously introduced can be easily adapted to the multibody refinement by estimating solution error on each body separately. Post-processing is often necessary to ensure the conformity of the refined areas regarding the contact boundaries. A variety of numerical experiments with elastic contact (with or without friction, with or without an initial gap) confirms the efficiency and adaptability of the proposed strategy.

The unilateral determination of price in contracts of sale governed by the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008

Du Plessis, Hanri Magdalena 20 July 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the application of the common law rule prohibiting unilateral price determination in contracts of sale governed by the Consumer Protection Act. The unilateral determination of price has been a controversial issue for an extended period of time. This controversy is traced back to Roman law where different translations and interpretations are given to the texts dealing with the unilateral determination of price in a contract of sale. The majority of the Roman-Dutch writers preferred the view that regarded a contract granting a discretion to one of the parties to determine the price as void. Subsequently, this view was incorporated into South African law. During the 1990s the Supreme Court of Appeal questioned whether the rule should still form part of South African law. An overview of the case law indicates that the courts have been prepared to allow contractual price discretions provided such discretions refer to an objective external standard or reasonableness. There are also indications that the courts would imply that the discretion should be exercised reasonably, except in the case of clearly unfettered discretions. Recently, the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 ("the CPA") has made substantial amendments to the law of sale in respect of contracts governed by the CPA. The dissertation investigates the influence of the CPA on the rule governing unilateral price determinations in such sales. It also investigates the consumer's fundamental rights to disclosure of information and fair, just and reasonable terms and conditions. Legal uncertainties and issues arising from the provisions of the CPA are identified. Finally, a comparative study with English law is undertaken which provides a comparative basis from which possible solutions are extracted and proposals made to address the uncertainties and issues emanating from the CPA. Copyright / Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Mercantile Law / unrestricted

Zavěšená půdorysně zakřivená lávka pro pěší / Plan curved cable stayed pedestrian bridge

Müller, Radek January 2017 (has links)
In my thesis, I created a study of plan curved cable stayed pedestrian bridge. As the main construction material is used prestressed concrete. Suspenders and railing are made from steel. The footbridge has a length of 130,00 meters and a width of 3,70 meters. The plan shape of the structure is composed of two oposite arches. Bridge deck is made of box girder. The bridge deck is single-side suspended on two concrete pylons with a height of 39,00 m. Pylons are supported by suspender.

Vaikų, turinčių įgimtą vienpusį visišką lūpos, alveolinės ataugos ir gomurio nesuaugimą, viršutinio žandikaulio raidos ypatumai (nuo gimimo iki 5-erių metų amžiaus) / The development of maxilla in children with congenital unilateral complete cleft lip, alveolus and palate ( from birth till 5 years of age)

Linkevičienė, Laura 23 June 2010 (has links)
Disertacijos tema: Vaikų, turinčių įgimtą vienpusį visišką lūpos, alveolinės ataugos ir gomurio nesuaugimą, viršutinio žandikaulio raidos ypatumai (nuo gimimo iki 5-erių metų amžiaus Raktinių žodžių grupės: įgimtas vienpusis visiškas lūpos, alveolinės ataugos ir gomurio nesuaugimas, viršutinio žandikaulio raida nuo gimimo iki 5-erių metų amžiaus, nesuaugimo sunkis, lūpos plastinė operacija, gomurio plastinė operacija, viršutinio žandikaulio modeliai, sąkandis. Disertacijos objektai: pacientų, turinčių įgimtą vienpusį visišką lūpos, alveolinės ataugos ir gomurio nesuaugimą viršutinio žandikaulio modeliai. Tyrimai: Darbe ištirti Vilniaus universiteto ligoninės Žalgirio klinikoje (VULŽK) 2000-2009 metais gydyti 48 pacientai, turintys įgimtą vienpusį visišką lūpos, alveolinės ataugos ir gomurio nesuaugimą. Tirtiems pacientams lūpos plastinė operacija buvo atlikta 3 mėnesių amžiaus, gomurio plastinė operacija 18 mėnesių amžiaus. Tyrimui naudoti tų pačių pacientų 3 bei 18 mėnesių amžiaus viršutinio žandikaulio modeliai ir 5-erių metų amžiaus viršutinio ir apatinio žandikaulių modeliai. Tyrime įvertinta linijinių ir kampinių žandikaulio matmenų pokyčiai ir nustatytas nesuaugimo sunkumo ryšys su viršutinio žandikaulio matmenimis ir 5-erių metų pacientų sakandžiu. Disertacijos išvadose konstatuojama kaip keičiasi viršutinio žandikaulio matmenys ir forma po lūpos ir gomurio plastinių operacijų. Pateikti turinčių įgimtą vienpusį visišką lūpos, alveolinės ataugos ir gomurio nesuaugimą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Subject of dissertation: The development of maxilla in children with congenital unilateral complete cleft lip, alveolus and palate ( from birth till 5 years of age) Key words groups: congenital unilateral total cleft lip, alveolus and palate, development of maxilla from birth till 5 years of age, cleft severity, lip surgery, palate surgery, maxillary dental casts, occlusion. Objects of dissertation: maxillary dental cast of patients with congenital unilateral complete cleft lip, alveolus and palate Research: The study examined 48 patients with congenital unilateral total cleft lip, alveolus and palate treated at the Žalgiris Clinic of Vilnius University Hospital in the period of 2000-2009. In examined patients lip surgery was performed at 3 months and palate surgery at 18 months of age. The study employed maxillary dental casts at 3 and 18 months of age and upper jaw and lower jaw dental casts at 5 years of age in the same patients. In our research we evaluated changes of maxillary linear and angular measurements and relationship between cleft severity and maxillary linear and angular measurements and occlusion at 5 years. Conclusions: During the study, changes in maxillary measurements in patients with congenital unilateral complete cleft lip, alveolus and palate after lip and palate surgery were analysed. Statistically reliable differences in measurements of maxillary measurements of five-year-old patients with congenital unilateral complete cleft lip, alveolus and palate... [to full text]

The development of maxilla in children with congenital unilateral complete cleft lip, alveolus and palate ( from birth till 5 years of age) / Vaikų, turinčių įgimtą vienpusį visišką lūpos, alveolinės ataugos ir gomurio nesuaugimą, viršutinio žandikaulio raidos ypatumai (nuo gimimo iki 5-erių metų amžiaus

Linkevičienė, Laura 23 June 2010 (has links)
Subject of dissertation: The development of maxilla in children with congenital unilateral complete cleft lip, alveolus and palate ( from birth till 5 years of age) Key words groups: congenital unilateral total cleft lip, alveolus and palate, development of maxilla from birth till 5 years of age, cleft severity, lip surgery, palate surgery, maxillary dental casts, occlusion. Objects of dissertation: maxillary dental cast of patients with congenital unilateral complete cleft lip, alveolus and palate Research: The study examined 48 patients with congenital unilateral total cleft lip, alveolus and palate treated at the Žalgiris Clinic of Vilnius University Hospital in the period of 2000-2009. In examined patients lip surgery was performed at 3 months and palate surgery at 18 months of age. The study employed maxillary dental casts at 3 and 18 months of age and upper jaw and lower jaw dental casts at 5 years of age in the same patients. In our research we evaluated changes of maxillary linear and angular measurements and relationship between cleft severity and maxillary linear and angular measurements and occlusion at 5 years. Conclusions: During the study, changes in maxillary measurements in patients with congenital unilateral complete cleft lip, alveolus and palate after lip and palate surgery were analysed. Statistically reliable differences in measurements of maxillary measurements of five-year-old patients with congenital unilateral complete cleft lip, alveolus and... [to full text] / Disertacijos tema: Vaikų, turinčių įgimtą vienpusį visišką lūpos, alveolinės ataugos ir gomurio nesuaugimą, viršutinio žandikaulio raidos ypatumai (nuo gimimo iki 5-erių metų amžiaus Raktinių žodžių grupės: įgimtas vienpusis visiškas lūpos, alveolinės ataugos ir gomurio nesuaugimas, viršutinio žandikaulio raida nuo gimimo iki 5-erių metų amžiaus, nesuaugimo sunkis, lūpos plastinė operacija, gomurio plastinė operacija, viršutinio žandikaulio modeliai, sąkandis. Disertacijos objektai: pacientų, turinčių įgimtą vienpusį visišką lūpos, alveolinės ataugos ir gomurio nesuaugimą viršutinio žandikaulio modeliai. Tyrimai: Darbe ištirti Vilniaus universiteto ligoninės Žalgirio klinikoje (VULŽK) 2000-2009 metais gydyti 48 pacientai, turintys įgimtą vienpusį visišką lūpos, alveolinės ataugos ir gomurio nesuaugimą. Tirtiems pacientams lūpos plastinė operacija buvo atlikta 3 mėnesių amžiaus, gomurio plastinė operacija 18 mėnesių amžiaus. Tyrimui naudoti tų pačių pacientų 3 bei 18 mėnesių amžiaus viršutinio žandikaulio modeliai ir 5-erių metų amžiaus viršutinio ir apatinio žandikaulių modeliai. Tyrime įvertinta linijinių ir kampinių žandikaulio matmenų pokyčiai ir nustatytas nesuaugimo sunkumo ryšys su viršutinio žandikaulio matmenimis ir 5-erių metų pacientų sakandžiu. Disertacijos išvadose konstatuojama kaip keičiasi viršutinio žandikaulio matmenys ir forma po lūpos ir gomurio plastinių operacijų. Pateikti turinčių įgimtą vienpusį visišką lūpos, alveolinės ataugos ir gomurio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Nouveau droit de l'aménagement : contribution à l'étude des rapports entre acte unilatéral et contrat / New Planning Law : contribution to the study of relations between unilateral act and contract

Chambord, Olivier 06 December 2012 (has links)
La nouveauté du droit de l’aménagement résulte du renouveau de son objet et de ses enjeux. L’élargissement des finalités d’urbanisme et les restrictions budgétaires des collectivités locales ont rendu nécessaire l’établissement d’un partenariat avec le secteur privé en matière d’aménagement. La logique induite de la réalisation d’une action ou opération d’aménagement s’est dès lors diffusée au sein de l’urbanisme réglementaire et relègue au second plan son origine policière. La mise de la règle au service du projet d’aménagement et la négociation du financement privé des équipements publics par la conclusion d’un projet urbain partenarial rendent floue la frontière des catégories de l’acte unilatéral et du contrat. Une gouvernance horizontale des rapports entre l’administration compétente et les pétitionnaires tend ainsi à se substituer à une logique de commandement. Toutefois, le régime juridique des concessions d’aménagement est actuellement déterminé, sous l’influence du droit communautaire, par ses procédures de dévolution liées à l’existence d’un risque économique à la charge du concessionnaire. Or, cet état du droit est inadapté à la pratique de l’aménagement d’initiative publique. Le risque est inhérent à l’activité économique d’aménagement et ne peut donc constituer un critère d’identification des « concessions publiques » et des « marchés publics » d’aménagement. La complexité et la flexibilité de l’objet d’aménagement nécessitent une appréhension globale que n’autorise pas l’encadrement jurisprudentiel des modifications des contrats de la commande publique. Cependant, l’assimilation de l’objet de la concession à un service d’intérêt économique général permettrait d’élaborer un régime juridique adéquat. Son enjeu économique et sa procédure de dévolution dépendraient étroitement des obligations de service public mises à la charge de l’aménageur. La dimension économique du traité permettrait d’élaborer un régime juridique d’exécution contractuelle fondé sur les risques d’aménagement. / Because of the renewal of its object and purposes, public planning law has been under some changes. Both the enlargement of town-planning public order’s purposes and the constrictions of local municipalities budgets have rendered compelling the development of partnerships with the private sector. The very logic of planning’s action or operation subsequently infused town-planning law and contributed to the relegation of its regulatory origin. The boundary between unilateral act and contract is getting blurred both by a public norm serving planning project and the negotiation of private funding for public amenities by the conclusion of an urban partnership project. The hierarchical logic pertaining to the relationship between the administrative body and its petitioners progressively shifted as horizontal governance. However, the legal regime of public planning concessions – under the influence of E.U. law – is currently organized by awarding proceedings triggered by the existence of an economical risk. Yet this regime does not suit publicly initiated planning activities. The risk is inherent in every economical planning activity, and, as a consequence, cannot thus discriminate between “planning public concessions” and “planning public contracts”. Both complexity and flexibility of planning projects advocate for a compulsory global understanding that is not permitted by a jurisprudential regulation of the changes in the public procurement agreement. Nevertheless, the legal assimilation of the object of a concession to a service of general economic interest would permit the elaboration of a more suitable legal regime. Its economical purpose and awarding proceeding would strictly rely on the developer’s public service requirements. The economical dimension of the treaty would permit the elaboration of a legal regime of contractual performance based on the risks of planning.

Hodnocení posturální stability sportovců / Evaluation of postural stability of athletes - a literature review

Vlasáková, Kristýna January 2017 (has links)
Title: Evaluation of postural stability of athletes - a literature review Objectives: Thesis will address retrieval processing rating Dynamic Postural Stability of athletes . Compares analysis or results of research or investigations of different laborers working with this theme. It also mentions tests and machines used in clinical practice. It also investigates in what sports was postural stability tested and how or with what results. The most advanced, currently the most recognized dynamic posturography with impartial value is EquiTest device from NeuroCom. Therefore, the practical part focuses primarily on the results of examination of this device and make statistics about that. Methods: The diploma thesis has descriptive and analytical character. It is elaborate as a literary review . Results: The study includes 142 studies, of which only 11 concern the assessment of postural stability of athletes. Sports disciplines include tennis, football, baseball, tai-chi, taekwondo, gymnastics, basketball, softball. Entire EquiTest testing battery (which contains 7 test in total - Sensory Organization Test, Motor Coordination and Control Test, Adaptation Test, Unilateral Stance Test, Limits Of Stability Test, Rhytmics Weight Shift, Weight Bearing Squat) is almost never used in assessments although it's a...

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