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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A perman?ncia na universidade analisada sob a perspectiva bioecol?gica : integra??o entre teorias, vari?veis e percep??es estudantis

Schmitt, Rafael Eduardo 14 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-05-23T18:04:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_RAFAEL_EDUARDO_SCHMITT_COMPLETO.pdf: 2703033 bytes, checksum: 68a9f18b26f09256581d17ab51af9ad4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-23T18:04:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_RAFAEL_EDUARDO_SCHMITT_COMPLETO.pdf: 2703033 bytes, checksum: 68a9f18b26f09256581d17ab51af9ad4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-14 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The thesis focuses on the subject of student retention on Higher Education, from an integrated look, oriented by the Bioecological Theory of Human Development, from Urie Bronfenbrenner. The research is characterized by a naturalistic-constructivist study, exploratory and of qualitative approach, which primary objective sought to integrate different theoretical perspectives, variables and perceptions of students associated with the persistence at the university. The methodological path involved the realization of a metatheoretical study that analyzed six explanatory models of student persistence/retention, having as object the identification of common elements between them. It was also conducted a systematic literature review in the national and Latin American literature, identifying variables associated with dropout and persistence. And, as a way to signify the results on the students? view, a case study was carried through 24 academics? perceptions, of different courses and with different profiles, of a private institution, situated in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre/RS. The analysis process was based on the bioecological perspective, as well as on the Content Analysis? technical, from Laurence Bardin. The results were organized in four blocks, according to the specific objectives. On the first block, 33 convergent aspects, associated to the student persistence, are evidenced. They are presented on the models designed by Vincent Tinto, John Bean, Alexander Astin, Ernest Pascarella and Alberto Cabrera and collaborators. The theories demonstrated, between them, a high potential of integration, so that the association between sociological and psychological perspectives proved to be favorable in a way of opening the view over the theoretical field. To the second objective, by the light of Latin American contemporary production on the subject, 102 variables related to students? dropout/persistence on higher education, were found. Both results were categorized from the constructs person - process - context - time, which proved to be coherent and with high integrative capability. On the third objective, related to the case study, the students emphasized that the certainty about course and profession?s choices, are fundamental aspects to the student persistence. They also emphasized the familiar support, as well as internal features like will, dedication, and commitment, engagement and motivation as main aspects to academic success. Students also realize the influence of different social and environmental levels, so that the student persistence can be affected by several multi-contextual forces, according to the immediate and distant environment in which they are inserted, directly and indirectly. Among the influences perceived in the institutional context, the interviewees underline the important role of teachers as key actors capable of promoting support and encouragement at the institutional level. The overall results also resulted in the development of an integrative diagram, built under the bioecological perspective, as a way to synthesize the results and contribute to the scientific field. Thus, through the development of the methodology, it was possible to build the following thesis: The Bioecological Theory of Human Development has the potential to advance on the understanding of the student?s persistence phenomenon in higher education, being its main virtue the ability to integrate different theoretical approaches, and its main strength, the ability to show multiple environmental influences, as well as the role of time as change and development inductor, necessary for academic and personal progress of students. / A tese focaliza o tema da perman?ncia estudantil na Educa??o Superior a partir de um olhar integrativo, orientado pela Teoria Bioecol?gica do Desenvolvimento Humano, de Urie Bronfenbrenner. A pesquisa caracterizou-se com um estudo natural?stico-construtivista, de abordagem qualitativa e car?ter explorat?rio, cujo objetivo prim?rio buscou integrar diferentes perspectivas te?ricas, vari?veis e percep??es dos estudantes associadas ao fen?meno da perman?ncia na universidade. A condu??o metodol?gica envolveu a realiza??o de um estudo metate?rico que analisou seis modelos explicativos sobre persist?ncia/reten??o estudantil, tendo como objeto a identifica??o de elementos comuns entre os mesmos. Tamb?m foi conduzida uma revis?o bibliogr?fica sistem?tica na literatura nacional e latino-americana, com foco na identifica??o de vari?veis associadas ? evas?o e perman?ncia. E, como forma de significar os resultados na vis?o dos estudantes, foi realizado um estudo de caso a partir das percep??es de 24 acad?micos, de diferentes cursos e perfis, de uma institui??o privada, localizada na regi?o metropolitana de Porto Alegre/RS. O processo de an?lise esteve pautado na perspectiva bioecol?gica, bem como, na t?cnica de An?lise de conte?do, de Laurence Bardin. Os resultados foram organizados em quatro blocos, de acordo com os objetivos espec?ficos. No primeiro, s?o evidenciados 33 aspectos convergentes associados ? perman?ncia estudantil, presentes nos modelos delineados por Vincent Tinto, John Bean, Alexander Astin, Ernest Pascarella e Alberto Cabrera e colaboradores. As teorias demonstraram, entre si, um consider?vel potencial para integra??o, de forma que a associa??o entre perspectivas sociol?gicas e psicol?gicas se mostrou favor?vel no sentido de ampliar a vis?o sobre o campo te?rico. Para o segundo objetivo foram encontradas 102 vari?veis relacionadas com a evas?o/perman?ncia estudantil na educa??o superior, a partir da produ??o latino-americana contempor?nea sobre o tema. Ambos resultados, foram categorizados a partir dos construtos pessoa ? processo ? contexto ? tempo, os quais se mostraram coerentes e com elevada capacidade integrativa. No terceiro objetivo, relacionado ao estudo de casos, os estudantes participantes destacam a certeza da escolha pelo curso e pela profiss?o como aspectos fundamentais para a perman?ncia estudantil. Ressaltam o apoio familiar, bem como, as caracter?sticas internas como a vontade, a dedica??o, o empenho, o envolvimento e a motiva??o como aspectos primordiais para o sucesso acad?mico. Os estudantes tamb?m percebem as influ?ncias de distintos n?veis socioambientais, de forma que a perman?ncia estudantil pode ser afetada por diversas for?as multi-contextuais, de acordo com os ambientes imediatos e distantes nos quais est?o inseridos direta e indiretamente. Entre as influ?ncias percebidas no contexto institucional, os entrevistados destacam o importante papel dos docentes como principais atores capazes de promover suporte, apoio e incentivo no ?mbito institucional. O conjunto dos resultados possibilitou, ainda, a elabora??o de um diagrama integrativo, constru?do sob a ?tica bioecol?gica, como meio de sintetizar os resultados e contribuir para o campo cient?fico, a partir da explora??o te?rica realizada. Dessa forma, a partir da condu??o metodol?gica, foi poss?vel construir a seguinte tese: A Teoria Bioecol?gica do Desenvolvimento Humano apresenta potencial para avan?ar na compreens?o do fen?meno da perman?ncia estudantil na educa??o superior, sendo sua principal virtude a capacidade de integrar diferentes abordagens te?ricas e, suas principais for?as, a possibilidade de evidenciar as m?ltiplas influ?ncias socioambientais, bem como, o papel do tempo como indutor de mudan?a e desenvolvimento, necess?rios para o progresso acad?mico e pessoal dos estudantes.

Educa??o ambiental e curr?culo : um olhar sobre a forma??o inicial de professores de Ci?ncias e Biologia

Schmitt, Lilian Alves 25 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-05-25T14:03:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_LILIAN_ALVES_SCHMITT_COMPLETO.pdf: 1392051 bytes, checksum: 73062317cd32870b6d232dab2902fe68 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-25T14:03:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_LILIAN_ALVES_SCHMITT_COMPLETO.pdf: 1392051 bytes, checksum: 73062317cd32870b6d232dab2902fe68 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-25 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / The aim of this research is to analyze the initial training of Science and Biology teachers and how it relates to the theme of Environmental Education, from the perspective of curricular elements of the Biology Education Degree at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, with the theoretical approach of the Critical Theory of the Curriculum. To this end, the methodological strategy included document analysis of the Course?s Pedagogical Project, including summaries and plans from all classes which are part of the course, focus groups with undergraduate students, interviews with teachers from two classes and participant observation in the Conservation Biology class. Using this methodological strategy, which includes mixed instruments (interviews, field diaries, data from focus groups, document analysis and literature review), we observed that the Biology Education Degree includes curricular experiences in Environmental Education. These experiences take place both in specific activities of the core curriculum, mainly in the Conservation Biology class, and in other formative spaces ensured by the course, such as the Institutional Grant Program for Teaching Initiation (Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Inicia??o ? Doc?ncia - PIBID), understood as a powerful space regarding Environmental Education because of its connection to schools and the practice ensured by the teaching experience. Although teachers and students recognize these spaces as formative in regards to Environmental Education, they acknowledge the need to broaden the discussion on the topic, shifting the discussion from commonplace (involving traditional topics as "garbage" and "recycling") and including social and environmental discussions related to the political context of the city of Porto Alegre. Although these issues are present in these curricular spaces, a critical approach to Environmental Education appears to be marginalized. The presence of a conservative and conservationist bias in practices and concepts is present. The initial training for politically engaged teachers in environmental issues of their contexts cannot be limited to the transmission of technical information on biological subjects. Training of educators sensitive to the environmental agenda undergoes a curriculum that is also sensitive to this issue and the university, as a sustainable educating space, needs to increase its efforts in this task. / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a forma??o inicial de professores de Ci?ncias e Biologia no que se refere ao tema da Educa??o Ambiental, a partir dos elementos curriculares do curso de Licenciatura em Ci?ncias Biol?gicas da Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul, tendo como enfoque te?rico as Teorias Cr?ticas do Curr?culo. Para tal, enquanto estrat?gia metodol?gica foram realizadas a an?lise documental do Projeto Pedag?gico do Curso, incluindo ementas e planos de todas as disciplinas que o comp?em, grupos focais com alunos da licenciatura, entrevistas com professores de duas disciplinas e observa??o participante na disciplina de Biologia da Conserva??o. Partindo dessa estrat?gia metodol?gica, que incluiu instrumentos mistos (entrevistas, di?rios de campo, dados dos grupos focais, an?lise documental e pesquisa bibliogr?fica), foi poss?vel perceber que o curso de Licenciatura em Ci?ncias Biol?gicas conta com experi?ncias curriculares em Educa??o Ambiental. Essas experi?ncias ocorrem tanto no n?cleo disciplinar, em atividades pontuais principalmente na disciplina de Biologia da Conserva??o, quanto em outros espa?os formativos garantidos pelo curso, como ? o caso do Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Inicia??o ? Doc?ncia (PIBID), entendido como espa?o potente no que se refere ? Educa??o Ambiental em virtude de sua interface com a escola e da pr?tica garantida pela experi?ncia em doc?ncia. Embora professores e alunos reconhe?am esses espa?os como formadores no que se refere ? Educa??o Ambiental, h? ainda o reconhecimento da necessidade de amplia??o da discuss?o sobre o tema, no sentido de migrar as pr?ticas de um lugar-comum (que envolvem temas tradicionais como ?lixo? e ?reciclagem?) e incluir outras discuss?es ambientais tamb?m relacionadas ao contexto sociopol?tico da cidade de Porto Alegre. Embora haja a presen?a do tema nesses espa?os curriculares, parece ainda marginalizada a abordagem sobre a Educa??o Ambiental desde um sentido cr?tico. ? presente um vi?s conservador e conservacionista nas pr?ticas e concep??es adotadas. A forma??o inicial de professores engajados politicamente nas quest?es ambientais de seus contextos n?o pode se restringir a transmiss?o de informa??es t?cnicas sobre conte?dos biol?gicos. A forma??o de educadores sens?veis e capacitados para desenvolver a pauta ambiental passa por um curr?culo tamb?m sens?vel a este tema. A universidade, pensada enquanto espa?o educador sustent?vel, precisa ampliar esfor?os nesta tarefa.

Estresse no ambiente acad?mico: revis?o sistem?tica e estudo transversal com estudantes universit?rios / Stress in the academic environment: a systematic review and cross-sectional study with university students

LAMEU, Joelma do Nascimento 30 April 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2018-04-10T18:17:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2014 - Joelma do Nascimento Lameu.pdf: 1118788 bytes, checksum: 02de13264abdef9c08c24d530eed9dc2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-10T18:17:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2014 - Joelma do Nascimento Lameu.pdf: 1118788 bytes, checksum: 02de13264abdef9c08c24d530eed9dc2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-04-30 / The enrollment in college requires a number of adjustments which favors the experience of stress symptoms. Many students go through the experience of living alone, with friends or even strangers. Some must change their city, state or country, experiencing cultural differences and the absence of family. Also, they must understand the education system, dealing with different professors dealing with different pressures and doubts about the course. So, it is necessary to learn to deal with the academic routine. In this sense, the stress at high levels, may compromise the physical and psychological health of the student, interfering with the proper conduct of their academic life. The objective of this study was to systematically review the literature on the prevalence of stress among college students and to evaluate the prevalence of stress among the students of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro through the Stress Symptoms Inventory by Lipp (ISSL), linking it to sociodemographic variables obtained with a structured questionnaire. The results are presented through two articles included in this dissertation. In the first article, it was found by a systematic review that the international literature shows a prevalence of 36.30% to 95.70% of stress in college students. It was observed that there is little consistency between surveys, sometimes using different instruments, sometimes evaluating very diverse samples, making it difficult to compare studies. In the second article, using a cross-sectional survey design, there were 635 students respondents of both sexes, in a representative sample stratified by course, with about 8% of the studied universe, where it was identified a 50% prevalence of stress. The sample is characterized by having mostly unmarried students (90.20%) with a mean age of 22 years (SD = 3.96), and 96.50% have no children. There was also a predominance of females (63.50%). Most students do not have any paid work (59.30%), whether coming from work of scientific initiation scholarships or stipends. A large proportion live in public or private residences for students. Only 29.76% of the students reside with family. Additionally to the prevalence of stress, the stress phase and predominant symptomatology were also identified. The resistance phase and psychological symptoms were more prevalent (41.20% and 32.60% respectively), as well as higher prevalence of stress in females (56.20%), among students with less contact with family (59.70%) and who were living in private households (52.30%). It is also important to notice that 59.20% of students have felt the need for psychological care, which was directly related to the severity of the stress phase. It is important to conduct more studies, ample and adequate methodological rigor, preferably through longitudinal designs, which accompany the students along the academic career and to bring more robust results that confirm some of these data found / O ingresso no n?vel superior de ensino exige uma s?rie de adapta??es do estudante que favorece a experimenta??o de sintomas de estresse. Muitos alunos vivenciam a experi?ncia de morar sozinhos, com amigos ou pessoas desconhecidas. Alguns mudam de cidade, estado ou pa?s, enfrentando diferen?as culturais e a aus?ncia da fam?lia. Al?m disso, ? preciso compreender o sistema de ensino, lidar com professores diferentes, com press?es diversas, com as d?vidas sobre o curso, ou seja, ? necess?rio aprender a lidar com a rotina acad?mica. Neste sentido, o estresse em n?veis elevados, pode comprometer a sa?de f?sica e psicol?gica do aluno, interferindo no bom andamento da sua vida acad?mica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma revis?o sistem?tica da literatura sobre preval?ncia de estresse entre os estudantes universit?rios e avaliar a preval?ncia de stress, atrav?s do Invent?rio de Sintomas de Stress para Adultos de Lipp (ISSL), nos estudantes da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, relacionando-a com vari?veis sociodemogr?ficas obtidas atrav?s de um question?rio estruturado. Os resultados s?o apresentados atrav?s de dois artigos inseridos nesta disserta??o. No primeiro artigo, verificou-se, atrav?s de uma revis?o sistem?tica, que a literatura internacional apresenta uma preval?ncia de 36,3% a 95,7% de estresse nos estudantes universit?rios. Observou-se que h? pouca homogeneidade entre as pesquisas, ora utilizando-se de instrumentos diferentes, ora avaliando amostras muito diversificadas, o que dificulta a compara??o entre os estudos. J? no segundo artigo, utilizando-se um desenho de pesquisa transversal, foram inquiridos 635 estudantes de ambos os sexos, numa amostragem representativa por curso, com cerca de 8% do universo estudado, onde foi identificada uma preval?ncia de 50% de stress. A amostra ? caracterizada por ter em sua maior parte estudantes solteiros (90,20%), com idade m?dia de 22 anos (DP=3,96), sendo que 96,50% n?o t?m filhos. Verificou-se tamb?m o predom?nio de sexo feminino (63,50%). A maioria dos estudantes n?o possui quaisquer atividades remuneradas (59,30%), sejam elas advindas do trabalho, de bolsas de inicia??o cient?fica ou ajuda de custo. Uma grande parcela mora em rep?blicas e alojamentos estudantis. Apenas 29,76% dos estudantes residem com a fam?lia. Al?m da preval?ncia de estresse, foram tamb?m identificadas as fases e a sintomatologia mais presente. A fase de resist?ncia e a sintomatologia psicol?gica foram mais predominantes (41,20% e 32,60% respectivamente), assim como houve maior preval?ncia de stress no sexo feminino (56,20%), entre alunos com menor contato com a fam?lia (59,70%) e que residiam em resid?ncias privadas (52,30%). ? importante destacar tamb?m que 59,20% dos alunos j? sentiram necessidade de atendimento psicol?gico, o que estava diretamente relacionado ? gravidade da fase de stress. ? importante que se realize mais estudos, amplos e com rigor metodol?gico adequado, preferencialmente atrav?s de desenhos longitudinais, que acompanhem os estudantes ao longo da trajet?ria acad?mica e que tragam resultados mais robustos que confirmem alguns destes dados encontrados.

Viol?ncia e trauma: sua rela??o com a sa?de de estudantes universit?rios / Violence and trauma: its relation to the health of college students

SILVA, Luciana Nunes da 22 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2018-05-08T21:13:43Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - Luciana Nunes da Silva.pdf: 1729472 bytes, checksum: f6132110140bdc1b2a09a75934a844e2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-08T21:13:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - Luciana Nunes da Silva.pdf: 1729472 bytes, checksum: f6132110140bdc1b2a09a75934a844e2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-22 / Violence is a multifaceted phenomenon of global magnitude, which affects society as a whole. Because it is multi-causal phenomenon, violence, causes numerous outcomes, including the impact on health of those who experience it. This work addresses very familiar concepts to the whole society that, in the last two decades, has assumed a place of protagonism. Since 2002 the World Health Organization has considered the issue of violence as a public health discussion because it is a world-wide phenomenon and the number of victims it reaches. This research aims to address the phenomenon of violence, their significant terms and relate them to health problems, in this case Common Mental Disorder. To this end, we interviewed 271 college students with active registration in 37 graduating courses of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro: Serop?dica campus. Participants were volunteers who answered questions related to sociodemographic data by the Questionnaire of General Data, created by the authors and were also asked about the experience of trauma and violence, through the Trauma History Questionnaire ? THQ. General health was also assessed with the General Health Questionnaire - GHQ 12. The outcomes of research are presented through two articles. In the first article, it appears that most students interviewed (94.3%) report been submitted to any potential traumatic situation during life-time and (62.8%) admitted having experienced up to five different situations of potentially traumatic events. Among the possible manifestations of traumatic experiences, it highlights those more frequently reported on THQ: the first "receiving news of life risk of someone close" (63%), the second and third situation most frequently mentioned refer to violence where the urban experience "suffer assault or attempted" is (49.6%) and slightly less than half of the students are those reporting have something forcibly taken (37.6%). The second article presents a student sample comprised of 62.7% female and 37.3% male with an average age of about 22 years (mean = 21.9, SD = 3.1). Most were single (93%) without employment (59%) and only (24%) declaring to live with the family. About half of respondents reported visiting family only on weekends or once a month and (56%) feel the need of psychological care. The prevalence of Common Mental Disorder obtained in this study was 56.1 % and women were twice as likely to develop TMC symptoms, corroborating with the literature. It is worth mentioning the importance of conducting future studies in order to confirm our findings and also more longitudinal studies that may follow the students trajectory through graduating school contributing to the improvement and expansion of mental health services in high education institutes. / A viol?ncia ? um fen?meno multifacetado, de magnitude mundial, que atinge a sociedade como um todo. Por se tratar de fen?meno multicausal, a viol?ncia, provoca in?meros desdobramentos, inclusive impactando a sa?de daqueles que a vivenciam. Este trabalho aborda conceitos bem familiares a toda sociedade que, nas duas ?ltimas d?cadas vem assumindo um lugar de destaque e protagonismo. Desde 2002 a Organiza??o Mundial de Sa?de passou a considerar a viol?ncia tema de discuss?o de sa?de p?blica, por se tratar de um fen?meno de alcance mundial, e pelo n?mero de v?timas que alcan?a. A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo abordar o fen?meno da viol?ncia, suas principais modalidades e relacion?-las com problemas de sa?de, neste caso, o Transtorno Mental Comum. Para tanto, foram entrevistados 271 estudantes universit?rios, com matr?cula ativa em 37 cursos presenciais da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro no campus de Serop?dica. Os participantes foram submetidos de forma facultativa a responderem quest?es relacionadas a dados sociodemogr?ficos, por meio do Question?rio de Dados Gerais, estruturado pelos pr?prios autores, assim como foram arguidos sobre viv?ncia de trauma e viol?ncia, atrav?s do Question?rio de Hist?ria de Trauma - THQ e quest?es de sa?de geral, utilizando o Question?rio de Sa?de Geral ? QSG 12. Os resultados obtidos pela investiga??o s?o apresentados por interm?dio de dois artigos. No primeiro artigo, verifica-se que a maioria dos alunos entrevistados (94,3%) relata j? ter passado por alguma situa??o potencialmente traum?tica na vida e (62,8%) admite ter vivenciado at? 5 situa??es diferentes de eventos possivelmente traum?ticos. Dentre as poss?veis manifesta??es de viv?ncias traum?ticas, destacam-se aquelas que foram apresentadas com maior frequ?ncia peloTHQ: Primeira ?receber not?cia de risco de vida de algu?m pr?ximo? (63%), a segunda e terceira situa??o mais frequentemente mencionadas se referem ? viol?ncia urbana onde a experi?ncia de ?sofrer assalto ou tentativa? representa (49,6%) e com um pouco menos da metade dos alunos pesquisados est?o aqueles imputados a ter algo tirado ? for?a (37,6%). O segundo artigo apresenta amostra de estudantes composta por 62,7% do sexo feminino e 37,3% do sexo masculino, com idade m?dia aproximada de 22 anos (M?dia = 21,9; DP= 3,1). A maioria solteira (93%), sem atividade remunerada (59%) e apenas (24%) declaram morar com a fam?lia. Aproximadamente a metade dos alunos entrevistados relatou visitar a fam?lia apenas aos finais de semana ou mensalmente e (56%) declaram sentir necessidade de atendimento psicol?gico. A preval?ncia de Transtorno Mental Comum obtida nesta investiga??o foi de 56,1%, sendo que as mulheres apresentaram duas vezes mais chance de desenvolverem sintomas de TMC, corroborando com a literatura consultada. Vale ressaltar a import?ncia de realizar estudos futuros, a fim de confirmar e obter resultados mais precisos, al?m de estudos longitudinais que acompanhe a trajet?ria destes alunos, colaborando para a melhoria e amplia??o dos servi?os de sa?de mental prestados nas institui??es de ensino superior.

Percep??o de estresse em alunos ingressantes alojados da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Campus Serop?dica / Perception of stress in incoming students housed at Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, Campus Serop?dica

Araujo, Maria do Socorro Souza de 31 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2018-08-21T12:40:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Maria do Socorro Souza de Ara?jo.pdf: 1309508 bytes, checksum: 7b46fb6c27bca449493b6671726df9bc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T12:40:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Maria do Socorro Souza de Ara?jo.pdf: 1309508 bytes, checksum: 7b46fb6c27bca449493b6671726df9bc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-31 / The beginning of university life is a personal growth and professional choice. At this time, young people are more susceptible to the impact of changes and daily break with the family. The family and social detachment can contribute to emotional imbalance, since it is a very peculiar moment in the individual life, usually synchronized with the changes and adaptations proper to the transition from adolescence to adulthood life, which can lead to stress, as well as the quality of the student assistance. This study aimed to investigate the stress perception in incoming students. This research was based on a qualitative and exploratory approach with the participation of 54 incoming students housed at Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, ranging from 18 to 25 years old. The questionnaires were analyzed and categorized according to content analysis. The results were 46.21% (f=61) for happiness/positive emotions and 43.94% (f=58) for satisfaction/ achievement in relation to university admission. Negative emotions were 9.85% (f=13) of responses during the first period, and negative emotions were 36.54% (f=38), with anxiety being the largest response. As for the changes in feelings during the first period of the University, 24.14% (f=35) answered they have changed, while 12.41% (f=18) answered no changes. 51.64% (f=110) of the responses were attributed to good interpersonal relationships in student house, but coexistence was difficult for 45.83% (f=66). 62.96% (f=68) pointed out the convenience of student house. In contrast, 46.49% (f=53) highlighted the lack of infrastructure. In conclusion, student assistance influences the academic performance, as well as infrastructural conditions, the later of great importance. Institutional measures are needed to ensure adequate student housing in order to prevent stress. It is suggested further study on stress perception of housed student in other academic periods / O in?cio da vida universit?ria representa uma oportunidade de crescimento pessoal, principalmente pela escolha da profiss?o do estudante. ? a ?poca em que os jovens s?o mais suscet?veis ao impacto das mudan?as e do afastamento di?rio da fam?lia. O distanciamento do contato familiar e social pode contribuir para um desequil?brio emocional, j? que se trata de um momento bastante peculiar na vida do indiv?duo, geralmente sincronizado com as mudan?as e adapta??es pr?prias da transi??o da adolesc?ncia para a vida adulta, podendo acarretar estresse, bem como a qualidade da assist?ncia estudantil. Este estudo teve como objetivo geral investigar a percep??o do estresse em alunos ingressantes alojados na Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, o qual foi baseado em uma abordagem qualitativa e explorat?ria com a participa??o de 54 estudantes, com faixa et?ria de 18 a 25 anos. Os question?rios foram analisados e categorizados de acordo com a an?lise de conte?do. Os resultados encontrados foram 46,21% (f=61) para felicidade/emo??es positivas e 43,94% (f=58) para satisfa??o/realiza??o com rela??o ao ingresso na universidade. As emo??es negativas foram 9,85% (f=13) das respostas, durante o primeiro per?odo, sendo a ansiedade a resposta mais frequente, com 36,54% (f= 38). Quanto ?s mudan?as de sentimentos durante o primeiro per?odo da Universidade, 24,14% (f=35) responderam que mudaram, enquanto 12,41% (f=18) responderam que n?o houve mudan?as. Foram encontradas 51,64% (f=110) das respostas atribu?das ?s boas rela??es interpessoais no alojamento, mas a conviv?ncia foi dif?cil para 45,83% (f=66). Em 62,96 % (f=68) foram assinaladas a comodidade de morar no alojamento, em contraste, 46,49% (f=53) ressaltaram a falta de infraestrutura. Conclui-se que a assist?ncia estudantil influencia no desempenho acad?mico do estudante, assim como as condi??es estruturais, estas de grande import?ncia. Tornam-se necess?rias medidas institucionais que garantam condi??es adequadas dessas moradias, a fim de prevenir o estresse. Sugerem-se estudos sobre a percep??o de estresse dos estudantes alojados em outros per?odos

La conscience internationale dans la presse ??tudiante au Qu??bec (1945-1969) : le cas du journal le Carabin de l'Universit?? Laval

Gagnon, Fran??ois January 2014 (has links)
?? travers ce m??moire, nous avons tent?? de r??pondre ?? la question suivante : comment ??volue et se module la conscience internationale dans la presse ??tudiante au Qu??bec de 1945 ?? 1969 en ??tudiant le cas du journal ??tudiant Le Carabin de l???Universit?? Laval. Pour r??pondre ?? notre interrogation, nous avons articul?? notre argumentaire en trois parties. Trois chapitres qui d??montrent ?? la fois l?????volution et la modulation de cette conscience internationale per??ue ?? travers l???analyse du journal ??tudiant. Dans un premier temps, nous verrons comment les ??tudiants qu??b??cois, ?? la suite de la Deuxi??me Guerre mondiale, mettent sur pied des organisations s???inspirant des structures mises en place par les dirigeants de l?????poque (ONU, Plan Marshall, Plan Colombo). Ensuite, dans le deuxi??me chapitre, la conscience internationale se tourne vers les pays en processus d???autod??termination. Sans d??laisser totalement les principes mis sur pied dans les ann??es d???apr??s-guerre, les pages du journal Le Carabin d??montrent un int??r??t pour les d??colonisations. Intimement li??s au contexte qu??b??cois de la R??volution tranquille, les ??tudiants voudront, tout en manifestant l???envie d???une plus grande autonomie, venir en aide aux pays qui tentent de se lib??rer du joug imp??rialiste. Le mouvement ??tudiant se radicalise. Enfin, dans le dernier chapitre, nous verrons l???apog??e de la conscience internationale. L???int??r??t des ??tudiants se tourne d??sormais vers le syndicalisme de l???UGEQ qui porte une attention particuli??re ?? l???actualit?? internationale. Les ??tats-Unis et la guerre du Vietnam seront au c??ur des d??bats et manifestations et Le Carabin en fera abondamment mention. Le m??moire se conclut sur la chute momentan??e de cet int??r??t pour l???international, ?? la fin des ann??es 1960, une r??alit?? dont nous tenterons de comprendre les raisons.

Personalizing knowledge portals principles, requirements, methods

Oberbichler, Eva January 2006 (has links)
Zugl.: Rostock, Univ., Masterarb.

The Gnowsis semantic desktop approach to personal information management weaving the personal semantic web

Sauermann, Leo January 2009 (has links)
Zugl.: Kaiserslautern, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2009

An?lise da utiliza??o de indicadores de desempenho pelo minist?rio da educa??o para o financiamento dos hospitais universit?rios federais no per?odo de 2004 a 2008

Dantas, Claudio Bezerra 09 August 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Claudio Dantas (claudiobezerradantas@gmail.com) on 2016-10-16T18:29:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2011_ClaudioBezerraDantas.pdf: 387978 bytes, checksum: 1e4b9a50e11c63462b5ec6ae8e2428ad (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by clediane guedes (clediane@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-03-06T12:47:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2011_ClaudioBezerraDantas.pdf: 387978 bytes, checksum: 1e4b9a50e11c63462b5ec6ae8e2428ad (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-06T12:47:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2011_ClaudioBezerraDantas.pdf: 387978 bytes, checksum: 1e4b9a50e11c63462b5ec6ae8e2428ad (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-09 / O Minist?rio da Educa??o mant?m um Programa Interministerial de Refor?o ? Manuten??o dos Hospitais Universit?rios Federais, para financiamento complementar das atividades assistenciais e acad?micas realizadas nestes hospitais. Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar se o financiamento das a??es dos HU ?s, atrav?s de recursos do Programa Interministerial de Refor?o ? Manuten??o dos Hospitais Universit?rios Federais, no per?odo de 2004 a 2008, pode ser explicado pelos seus desempenhos operacional, financeiro e acad?mico. A pesquisa ? classificada como descritiva ? quanto aos objetivos, bibliogr?fica e documental ? quanto aos procedimentos, e quantitativa ? quanto ? abordagem do problema. A amostra contempla 22 dos 45 hospitais universit?rios. A pesquisa utilizou-se do banco de dados do Sistema Integrado de Monitoramento, Execu??o e Controle do Minist?rio da Educa??o, compreendendo o per?odo de 2004 a 2008. Todas as vari?veis observadas neste estudo s?o utilizadas como indicadores para avaliar os Hospitais Universit?rios em seus desempenhos operacional, financeiro e acad?mico. A an?lise estat?stica foi realizada atrav?s de Dados em Painel ? que combina caracter?sticas de dados em corte transversal com s?ries temporais ? utilizando-se os modelos Pooled, Efeitos Fixos e Efeitos Aleat?rios. Foi constatado que apenas duas ? das sete ? vari?veis estudadas ajudam a explicar a varia??o no financiamento dos hospitais pelo Programa Interministerial. S?o elas: 1) densidade de alunos de gradua??o e 2) produ??o acad?mica. Desta forma, n?o ? poss?vel rejeitar por completo a hip?tese de que o financiamento das a??es dos HU ?s, atrav?s de recursos do Programa Interministerial de Refor?o ? Manuten??o dos Hospitais Universit?rios Federais, no per?odo de 2004 a 2008, pode ser explicado atrav?s de seus desempenhos operacional, financeiro e acad?mico. / The Ministry of Education in Brazil maintains the Inter-ministry Program for Reinforcement and Maintenance of Federal UniversityHospitals for additional funding?s in Health and Welfare activities developed in thesehospitals. The aim of study is to analyze whether operating performance, financial and academic of these University hospitals are considered as parameters which allowsdetermining the financing of hospital actions in the mentioned program. This research is defined as descriptive research ? with regard to objectives, a bibliographic and documental ? considering the procedures, and quantitative research ? in view of approaching research problem. The sample of this study is based in 22 from 45 university hospitals. The research has used the Database from Integrated System of Monitoring, Executing and Controlling from Ministry of Education, over the time 2004 until 2008. All variables observed in this study are used as an indicator for analyzes of operating, financing and academic performance in each university hospital. The statistical analysis have performed by Panel Data? which combines characteristics of each data into a cross section with time series ? using the statistics model of Pooled, Fixed Effects and Random Effects.We have found that only two of seven variable analyzed may explains the variation in financing of theses hospital by Inter-ministry program. In this sense we have considered: 1) density of graduate students and 2) academic production. Thus, the results confirm partially the hypotheses,that the financing of these University hospitals are realized considering the operating, funding and academic performance.

A extens?o universit?ria e o ensino em sa?de na Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri: uma an?lise dos projetos de extens?o

Bonif?cio, Juliana Rodrigues 13 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2017-06-27T17:35:03Z No. of bitstreams: 2 juliana_rodrigues_bonifacio.pdf: 1190696 bytes, checksum: 04cc2b1d3226842f39c06c5fdc01fad7 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2017-06-28T12:05:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 juliana_rodrigues_bonifacio.pdf: 1190696 bytes, checksum: 04cc2b1d3226842f39c06c5fdc01fad7 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-28T12:05:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 juliana_rodrigues_bonifacio.pdf: 1190696 bytes, checksum: 04cc2b1d3226842f39c06c5fdc01fad7 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017 / Este estudo apresenta algumas reflex?es sobre as pr?ticas da extens?o universit?ria na forma??o em sa?de na Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM). Busca-se analisar e compreender a partir dos princ?pios norteadores do Sistema ?nico de Sa?de, como os projetos de extens?o em sa?de na UFVJM s?o elaborados, ou seja, se os mesmos contemplam tais princ?pios doutrin?rios e como nestes projetos a extens?o universit?ria, igualmente a rela??o, a intera??o entre universidade e comunidade ? definida e descrita. Com abordagem qualitativa, car?ter descritivo e explorat?rio, o estudo comporta: 1. pesquisa bibliogr?fica, levantamento de teses e disserta??es sobre a tem?tica; 2.pesquisa documental, levantamento dos projetos de extens?o em desenvolvimento e registrados na Pr?-Reitoria de Extens?o da UFVJM, no per?odo de 2012 a 2015 (recorte temporal estabelecido devido ? implementa??o da Pol?tica Nacional de Extens?o Universit?ria em maio de 2012; sele??o, leitura preliminar, delimita??o das categorias de an?lise por meio da defini??o dos eixos tem?ticos norteadores da discuss?o, an?lise e discuss?o final. Organiza-se em 4 se??es: a primeira se??o descreve a organiza??o do SUS no contexto da Reforma Sanit?ria Brasileira. A segunda se??o compreende o contexto hist?rico da extens?o universit?ria no Brasil e, em particular, na UFVJM. Na terceira se??o, evidencia-se a concep??o de extens?o universit?ria presente nos projetos, os fatores que impulsionaram a origem dos mesmos e a rela??o das a??es descritas nos projetos com os princ?pios norteadores do SUS. Por fim, a quarta se??o identifica, a partir da an?lise das categorias elencadas, se nos projetos de extens?o ocorre a indissociabilidade entre ensino, pesquisa e extens?o. O estudo demonstrou que nos projetos de extens?o analisados, prevalece a concep??o de extens?o universit?ria como via de m?o dupla. No que se refere ? presen?a dos princ?pios do SUS nas a??es descritas, observa-se limita??es quanto ao princ?pio da integralidade. Quanto ? articula??o ensino, pesquisa e extens?o, identifica-se que a associa??o com o ensino restringe-se ?s tem?ticas trabalhadas nas unidades curriculares, a respeito da rela??o com a pesquisa reconhece-se a import?ncia das a??es extensionistas para a compreens?o, an?lise e estudo de poss?veis interven??es para o enfrentamento dos problemas/demandas apresentados na comunidade. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-gradua??o em Ensino em Sa?de, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017. / This study presents some reflections on the practices of the extension project for the health program at the Federal University of Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys (UFVJM). Drawing from the guiding principles of the Public Health Service (Sistema ?nico de Sa?de - SUS), this study aims to analyze and understand how extension projects in health are carried out at UFVJM. Do these projects consider the established principles, and how connection and interaction between university and community are defined? This descriptive and exploratory study with a qualitative approach includes: 1. An initial bibliographical review, theses and dissertations on the subject; 2. documentary research, survey of extension projects under development and registered at UFVJM Extension Office from 2012 to 2015 (the period of time established due to the implementation of National Extension Policy in May 2012); document selection, preliminary reading, delimitation of categories of analysis through definition of thematic axes towards discussion, analysis and final discussion. This work is organized in four sections: the first section describes SUS organization in the context of Brazilian Sanitary Reform. The second one includes the historical context of university extension in Brazil, in particular, at UFVJM. The third section highlights the conception of university extension in projects, as well as, the factors that drove their origin, and the connection between actions described in projects with guiding principles of SUS. Finally, analysis of the listed categories in the fourth sections identifies whether teaching, research and extension are indissociable in extension projects. The study has shown for the extension projects analyzed that the university extension concept prevails as a two-way street. Regarding the existence of SUS principles in the actions described, limitations in terms of absoluteness can be observed. Regarding the articulation of teaching, research and extension, the association with education can be defined as restricted to the themes studied in the curricular units. In connection with research, the importance of extensionist actions is evident to understand, analyze and study possible interventions to face community demands.

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