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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The creation of the United Nations Organization as a factor in Soviet foreign policy, 1943-46

Dolff, David J 11 1900 (has links)
The thesis explores in depth the negotiations to create the United Nations Organization through which Stalin sought to enhance the USSRs power and prestige via traditional, military-oriented means. Although the Kremlin was relatively successful at maximizing Soviet power within the structure of the UNO, its inflexibility on issues such as Poland, Latin American membership, and other issues antagonized its wartime allies, the USA and Britain. This developing fracture seriously undermined cooperation among the victorious great powers both within the new organization and more broadly. As a result, the process of founding the UNO proved to be both a significant cause and reflection of the degeneration of the wartime Grand Alliance into the Cold War. / History

Kolorimetr pro medicínské aplikace s NFC připojením / Colorimeter for Medical Applications with NFC Connections

Šobich, Adam January 2018 (has links)
This Master’s thesis deals with assembling of a colorimeter using NFC technology. The theoretical part introduces the principles of colorimetric measurement, calibration curve, and important physical quantities. Further, the principle of NFC technology, its architecture, and division of NFC devices are described. The goal of the practical part is to propose a structural design and software solution of a colorimeter. Particular emphasis is placed on the selection of the RGB sensor that is being tested and its results are being analyzed. The construction of electrical circuit and microprocessor control are being solved. The manuscript deals with the implementation of an application for the Android operating system, which serves as the user interface of the colorimeter. Obtaining data from the sensor and storing it in a memory of the NFC tag is provided by the Arduino platform. Issues that were encountered during the work are analyzed in the discussion.

L'évolution du rôle d'une organisation transcontinentale fondée sur la solidarité religieuse : l'OCI / The Evolution of the Role of a transcontinental Organization founded on the Religious Solidarity : the OIC

Anouti-Azizé, Suzanne 27 January 2017 (has links)
L’Organisation de la Coopération Islamique (OCI) créée en 1969 suite à l’incendie de la mosquée Al-Aqsa, représente la voix du monde musulman. C’est la deuxième organisation intergouvernementale après l’ONU regroupant cinquante-sept Etats membres aux quatre coins du monde.Un Programme d’Action Décennal (PAD) a été adopté lors du 3ème Sommet islamique extraordinaire réuni en 2005. Le PAD vise une nouvelle vision pour le monde musulman : « la solidarité dans l’action ».Cette thèse étudie l’évolution du rôle de l’OCI pour relever les défis politiques, économiques, sociaux et culturels qui surgissent sur la scène internationale et affectent la communauté musulmane. Elle met l’accent sur les points réalisés du PAD et les entraves de l’OCI à établir l’unité de l’Oummah islamique. / The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has been established in 1969, following the fire of the Al-Aqsa mosque. This organization represents the voice of the Islamic world and it is considered according to its membership, the second intergovernmental organization after the UNO. OIC includes fifty seven member states coming from all over the World.A Ten-year Program of Action (TYPOA) has been adopted in 2005 during the third extraordinary Islamic Summit, aiming at establishing a new vision for the Islamic World called: « Solidarity into action ».This thesis discusses the evolution of the role of the OIC relating international challenges of political, economic, social and cultural nature that the Islamic communities have to face. The thesis points out the matters that have been achieved through the TYPOA and the obstacles that the OIC faced regarding the necessity to unify the Islamic Ummah.

State-Building und Demokratiesierungsprozess im Kosovo 2000-2012

Ismajli, Dashnim 02 July 2014 (has links)
2. Die Fortschritte der internationalen Gemeinschaft in Richtung des Ziels, durch externes Eingreifen in den Staatsaufbau des Kosovos Demokratie und Marktwirtschaft zu erwir-ken, sind trotz aller Teilerfolge geringer als erhofft. Auch zwölf Jahre nach der Interventi-on der NATO und der Errichtung der UN-Übergangsverwaltungsmission (UNMIK) bleiben drängende Probleme weiterhin ungelöst. Die fehlende politische Orientierung der UNMIK bzw. ihr widersprüchliches Mandat stellte sich als zentrales Hindernis des State-Building-Prozesses heraus, wobei die Klärung der Statusfrage lange offenblieb und sich das Prolongieren einer Entscheidung über die Statusfrage äußerst negativ auf den gesamten Prozess des State-Buildings auswirkte. Prominente Erklärungsmuster für die Rückschläge und Verzögerungen im State-Building-Prozess werden in den folgenden Ein-flussfaktoren gesehen: nationalistische politische Eliten, unfähige Staatsgewalt, passive Politik der externen bzw. internen Akteure, korrupte Personen, unprofessionelle politische und wirtschaftliche Eliten, den Staat schwächende parallele Machtstrukturen, Schatten-wirtschaftliche Praktiken ökonomischer Reproduktion.

宇野浩二の文体的特徴に関する計量的研究 : 文体変化を中心に / ウノ コウジ ノ ブンタイテキ トクチョウ ニカンスル ケイリョウテキ ケンキュウ : ブンタイ ヘンカ オ チュウシン ニ

劉 雪琴, Xueqin Liu 22 March 2019 (has links)
宇野浩二は精神病や挫折による執筆の空白期間を経るたびに異なる文体を編み出すと言われる作家である。本研究は、作品からデータを抽出し、計量的分析手法を用いて、宇野浩二の文体変化に関する諸問題を解明することを目的とする。文芸評論を踏まえ、病気後の文体変化、文体変化の時期、戦後の文体変化、同時代作家との比較の四つの問題を取り上げ、客観的なデータの分析結果に基づき、宇野浩二の文体特徴、文体変化の時期および戦後作品の独特性を明らかにした。 / Kouji Uno is a well-known Japanese littérateur, whose creative activity was interrupted twice because of a mental illness and frustrations. It was reported that his writing style had changed when he resumed writing. The study aims to investigated the differences of Kouji Uno's writing style in his different stages by using quantitative analysis. We demonstrated Uno's stylistic changes after the mental illness, the exact time of these changes, and the characteristics of works published after the War based on the literary criticism and statistical results. In addition, we clarified the uniqueness of his postwar works through a comparative analysis with contemporary writers. / 博士(文化情報学) / Doctor of Culture and Information Science / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

IL PROBLEMA DELL'UNITA' IN PARMENIDE: STORIA DELLA CRITICA E ANALISI DEL TESTO / The problem of unity in Parmenides: a history of critical and textual analysis

SEREGNI, MARCO 12 April 2019 (has links)
Da sempre si è ritenuto che Parmenide affermasse l'unità dell'Essere. Nel corso del '900 si è però iniziato a dubitare di tale attributo. Nella prima parte della tesi ho analizzato le varie interpretazioni critiche che sono state date a tal proposito e ho cercato di mostrare come, col tempo, si sia sempre più abbandonata l'idea di un monismo assoluto per abbracciare l'idea di un'unità che fosse in rapporto con i molti. Questa revisione si è spesso accompagnata ad una rivalutazione della fisica Parmenidea esposta nella seconda parte del Poema. In particolar modo mi sono concentrato sulle letture di metà '900 (Verdenius, Calogero, Untersteiner), predicazioni (Kahn, Mourelatos, Curd) e fisiche più recenti (Ruggiu, Casertano, Cerri, Palmer). Nella seconda parte della tesi ho invece analizzato i frammenti in cui i vari storici della filosofia hanno intravisto la possibilità di argomentazioni pro o contro determinate concezioni di monismo. Mi sono dedicato quindi all'analisi critica del frammento 4 e del frammento 8 (versi 4, 5-6, 12-13, 22-25, 36-37, 38, 53-54). In questa analisi ho cercato di portare elementi a sostegno della teoria da me sostenuta per cui Parmenide affermerebbe l'uni-molteplicità, cioè che il soggetto parmenideo è il Cosmo, la Realtà intera, il Tutto che ingloba dentro di sé il molteplice sensibile. La tesi si chiude con un'appendice dedicata ai riferimenti platonici sul tema dell'unità in Parmenide. / It has always been believed that Parmenides affirmed the unity of Being. During the 20th century, however, some scholars began to doubt this attribute. In the first part of the thesis I analyzed the various critical interpretations that have been given in this regard and I tried to show how, over time, the idea of ​​an absolute monism was increasingly abandoned to embrace the idea of ​​a unity that was in relationship with the many. This revision was often accompanied by a re-evaluation of the Parmenidea physics exposed in the second part of the Poem. In particular, I focused on the mid-1900s readings (Verdenius, Calogero, Untersteiner), predicational interpretations (Kahn, Mourelatos, Curd) and more recent physics readings (Ruggiu, Casertano, Cerri, Palmer). In the second part of the thesis I have analyzed the fragments in which the various historians of philosophy have seen the possibility of arguments for or against certain conceptions of monism. Then I made a critical analysis of the fragments 4 and 8 (verses 4, 5-6, 12-13, 22-25, 36-37, 38, 53-54). In this analysis I have tried to bring elements to support the theory supported by me for which Parmenides would affirm the uni-totality, i.e. that the Parmenides poem's subject is the Cosmos, the whole Reality, the Whole that incorporates the sensitive manifold. The thesis terminates with an appendix dedicated to the Platonic references on the theme of unity in Parmenides.


Solorio, Rigoberto 01 March 2015 (has links)
In general, server rooms have restricted access requiring that staff possess access codes, keys, etc. Normally, only administrators are provided access to protect the physical hardware and the data stored in the servers. Servers also have firewalls to restrict outsiders from accessing them via the Internet. Servers also cost a lot of money. For this reason, server rooms also need to be protected against overheating. This will prolong the lifecycle of the units and can prevent data loss from hardware failure. The California State University San Bernardino (CSUSB), Specifically the College of Arts and Letters server room has faced power failures that affected the Air Conditioning Unit (AC) and as a result the room became overheated for a long time, causing hardware failure to server units. This is why this project is important for the College and needs to be implemented as soon as possible. The administrator’s old method of controlling server room temperature was by manually adjusting the temperature box inside of the server room. Now it can be controlled and monitored using remote access. The purpose of A Web-Based Temperature Monitoring System for the College of Arts and Letters proposed in this project is to allow users to monitor the server room temperature through a website by using any computer or mobile device that has Internet access. Also, this system notifies users when the room attains a critical temperature by sending an email/text to the server room administrator. A Web-Based Temperature Monitoring System for the College of Arts and Letters project is for the exclusive use of the College of Arts & Letters (CAL) server room. The administrator is the only person that can grant access to others by creating a proper account. For this project three prototypes will be implemented, first to measure the current server room temperature, the second to show the temperature history of the room, and third to use the built-in search system to locate times that given temperatures were attained.

Die Frage der Rückkehr palästinensischer Flüchtlinge : unter Berücksichtigung der Lösungsansätze der Vereinten Nationen /

Miller, Tina. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Techn. Univ., Diss.--Dresden, 2006. / Literaturverz. S. 463 - 478. CD-ROM enth. ausführliches Inhaltsverz., Anh. 1: UN-Resolutionen, Anh. 2: Dokumente zum Friedensprozess.

Die Beziehung zwischen der UNESCO und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika mit besonderer Beachtung der multilateralen Bildungsfinanzierung

Reif, Falko 09 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die Geschichte der Beziehungen zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten und der UNESCO ist seit Gründung der UN-Sonderorganisation von Spannungen geprägt. Diese kulminierten im Austritt der USA aus der UNESCO mit Wirkung vom 31.12.1984. Im Gegensatz zur rechtlichen Dimension des Austritts war die politische Dimension höchst kontrovers. Es zeigte sich, dass ein generelles Unbehagen zu internationalen Organisationen generell und den Vereinten Nationen im Besonderen die Hauptrolle beim Austritt spielte. Die UNESCO spielt auf dem Gebiet der multilateralen Bildungsfinanzierung – neben anderen Organisationen – eine nicht zu unterschätzende Rolle. Neben anderen Problemen auf diesen Gebiet mit denen die UNESCO noch heute zu kämpfen hat, hatte daher der Austritt der Vereinigten Staaten negative Auswirkungen auf den Haushalt der UNESCO und somit auch den Teil der Bildungsfinanzierung.

Snow depth measurements and predictions : Reducing environmental impact for artificial grass pitches at snowfall

Forsblom, Findlay, Ulvatne, Lars Petter January 2020 (has links)
Rubber granulates, used at artificial grass pitches, pose a threat to the environment when leaking into the nature. As the granulates leak to the environment through rain water and snow clearances, they can be transported by rivers and later on end up in the marine life. Therefore, reducing the snow clearances to its minimum is of importance. If the snow clearance problem is minimized or even eliminated, this will have a positive impact on the surrounding nature. The object of this project is to propose a method for deciding when to remove snow and automate the information dispersing upon clearing or closing a pitch. This includes finding low powered sensors to measure snow depth, find a machine learning model to predict upcoming snow levels and create an application with a clear and easy-to-use interface to present weather information and disperse information to the responsible persons. Controlled experiments is used to find the models and sensors that are suitable to solve this problem. The sensors are tested on a single snow quality, where ultrasonic and infrared sensors are found suitable. However, fabricated tests for newly fallen snow questioned the possibility of measuring snow depth using the ultrasonic sensor in the general case. Random Forest is presented as the machine learning model that predicts future snow levels with the highest accuracy. From a survey, indications is found that the web application fulfills the intended functionalities, with some improvements suggested.

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