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Effects of insect mass outbreaks on the C and N balance in forest ecosystemsGrüning, Maren Marine 31 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Tanino como macromonômero na síntese de polímeros fenólicos visando a preparação de compósitos reforçados com material de origem vegetal / Tannin as substitute of phenols in the formulation of phenolic resins for the processing of composites reinforced with material from renewable sourceBarbosa Junior, Vilmar 23 March 2007 (has links)
No presente trabalho, tanino (macromolécula de origem natural) foi utilizado como substituinte de fenol na formulação de matriz fenólica usada na preparação de compósitos, o que é possível devido à presença de anéis fenólicos sua estrutura. Os compósitos de matriz taninofenólica (50% em massa de tanino) apresentaram propriedades mecânicas superiores aquelas dos compósitos de matriz fenólica, quando reforçados pelo mesmo tipo de fibra, mostrando que a substituição de material obtido em larga escala a partir de fonte fóssil (fenol) é viável e pode ser feita por material obtido de fonte renovável (tanino) sem comprometimento de propriedades. Ainda, avaliou-se para propriedades de compósitos com diferentes tipos de reforços (fibras e cargas) através de caracterizações via análise térmica (TG e DSC), análise dinâmico-mecânica, espectroscopia na região do infravermelho, resistência ao impacto, absorção de água e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Os ensaios de resistência ao impacto indicaram uma melhora de propriedades mecânicas quando da incorporação de fibras vegetais (juta e coco) nos termorrígidos fenólico e taninofenólico, além de mostrar que as fibras de juta reforçam as matrizes taninofenólicas mais eficientemente que as fibras de coco. As cascas da árvore de Acácia Negra, ricas em taninos, também foram utilizadas como agentes de reforço em compósitos na forma de fibras e cargas, obtidos através de desfibramento e pulverização, respectivamente. A utilização destes reforços, em diferentes proporções de massa, em compósitos de matriz taninofenólica (50% de tanino) levou a diferenças nas propriedades do compósito, com destaque para baixa absorção de água. Provavelmente, a presença de taninos no reforço e na matriz levou a intensas interações na interface fibra/matriz, diminuindo o número de vazios que podem alojar moléculas de água. As fibras de coco foram tratadas por ultra-som, a fim de avaliar a influência deste tratamento nas propriedades da fibra e dos compósitos reforçados por elas. As fibras de coco tratadas e não-tratadas foram caracterizadas quanto à composição química, índice de cristalinidade, ensaio de tração e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o ultra-som é um tratamento promissor, pois modifica a morfologia da superfície das fibras sem levar à degradação química, sendo que a separação dos feixes de fibra que ocorre permite melhor interação fibra/matriz na interface, obtendo-se assim compósitos mais resistentes à água. Outros tratamentos utilizados em trabalhos anteriores a este, como mercerização, diminuem absorção de água dos compósitos por ela reforçados, ao custo de parcial degradação das fibras lignocelulósicas. No presente trabalho, materiais preparados a partir de matéria-prima oriunda de fontes renováveis foram processados, o que vem de encontro aos anseios atuais. Os compósitos obtidos têm potencial para aplicações não estruturais, por exemplo, em partes internas de veículos automotivos. / In the present work, tannin (macromolecule obtained from natural source) was used as substitute of phenol in the formulation of phenolic matrix composites, due to the presence of phenolic rings in its structure. The tanninphenolic matrix composites (50% w/w of tannin) presented mechanical properties better than those of phenolic matrix composites showing that substitution of material obtained in large scale from non-renewable source (phenol) can be done by material obtained from natural source (tannin) without compromising the properties of the composite. The tanninphenolic matrix composites reinforced by different reinforcing agents (fibers and particules) were characterized by different techniques: Izod impact strength, thermogravimetry (TG), differential scanning calorymetry (DSC), infrared spectroscopy (IV), dynamic-mechanical analysis (DMA) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The Izod impact strength showed an improvement of mechanical properties due to the incorporation of natural fibres (jute and coir) in the phenolic and tanninphenolic matrices and also the better reinforcement of these matrices by jute fibres, when compared to coir fibres. The barks of Acacia Mimosa (high content of tannin) were also used as reinforcing agents of the tanninphenolic matrices in the forms of fibres and particules. The presence of these reinforcing agents in the matrix led to differences in the properties of the composites, highlighted by its lower water uptake. The presence of tannins in both reinforcing agents and matrix enhanced the fiber/matrix interactions, lowering the voids that increase water uptake. The coir fibres were treated by ultrasound, in order to evaluate the influence of this treatment in the properties of the fibres and, therefore, the composites reinforced with them. Besides chemical composition, all the fibres were characterized by the following techniques: X-ray diffraction, tensile strengh, infrared spectroscopy (IV), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results revealed that the ultrasound is a promising treatment of fibres for the processing of composites, because it modifies the morphology of the surface of fibres without leading them to chemical degradation. The separation of fiber beams allows enhancement of the fiber/matrix interactions, leading to composites with lower water absorption capacity. Other treatments, such as mercerization, for example, improved the impregnation of the fibres by the pre-polymer, leading to composites with better properties, at expenses of partial degradation of lignocellullosic fibres. In the present work, composites were prepared using material obtained from renewable source, according to the purpose of this work. The obtained composites presents potential for non-structural applications, such as, internal panels of cars, for example.
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Determinação das zonas de transição metabólica durante a corrida mediante os limiares de variabilidade da frequência cardíaca / Determination of transition metabolic zones during running using hert rate variability thresholdsNascimento, Eduardo Marcel Fernandes 17 January 2011 (has links)
O propósito do presente estudo foi obter evidências de validade e reprodutibilidade dos limiares de variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) durante a corrida. Dezenove sujeitos homens, saudáveis e praticantes de corrida (30,4 ± 4,1 anos; 175,9 ± 6,4 cm; 74,3 ± 8,5 kg) foram submetidos a um teste progressivo máximo em esteira rolante com velocidade inicial 5 km.h-1 e incrementos de 1 km.h-1 a cada 3 minutos (1% de inclinação constante) até exaustão voluntária. Todos os indivíduos realizaram o reteste em um intervalo de tempo entre 48 horas e uma semana. Foram realizadas as medidas das trocas gasosas, do lactato sanguíneo e da VFC (plotagem de Poincaré). Os limiares aeróbio (LAe) e anaeróbio (LAn) foram determinados pelos limares de lactato, ventilatórios e da VFC. Para a comparação entre os métodos foi uitlizada ANOVA para medidas repetidas, acompanhada de teste de post hoc de Bonferroni. A reprodutibilidade das variáveis analisadas foram verificadas pela plotagem de Bland-Altman e pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI). Os resultados do presente estudo demonstraram que a velocidade correspondente ao segundo e terceiro modelos utilizados para se determinar o LA pela VFC não eram significativamente diferentes (p > 0,05) do primeiro limiar de lactato e ventilatório. Em relação ao LAn, não foram observadas diferenças significativas nas velocidades correspondentes ao LAn detectado pelos diferentes métodos (p > 0,05). Os valores do CCI estavam entre 0,69 a 0,80 (p < 0,001). Conclui-se que o LAe e o LAn podem ser identificados pela análise da VFC, desde que se utilize os procedimentos empregados na presente investigação / The aim of the present study was to obtain evidences of validity and reliability of the thresholds of heart rate variability (HRV). Nineteen male subjects, healthy and runners (30,4 ± 4,1 years; 175,9 ± 6,4 cm; 74,3 ± 8,5 kg) performed a progressive maximal test on a treadmill with initial velocity 5 km.h-1 e increases of 1 km.h-1 every 3 minutes (1% slope) until voluntary exhaustion. All subjects performed the retest at an interval of time between 48 hours and one week. It was measured gas exchange, blood lactate and heart rate variability (Poincaré plot). The aerobic threshold (AT) and anaerobic (AnT) were determined by lactate, ventilatory and heart rate variability. ANOVA for repeated measures and post-hoc test of Bonferroni was used to compare the methods. To analyze the reproducibility of the variables were used the Bland- Altman plots and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). The results of this study show that the velocity at the second and third models employed to determine the AT by HRV were not significantly different (p > 0.05) of the first lactate threshold and ventilatory. Similarly, there were no significant differences in the velocities corresponding to AnT detected by different methods (p> 0.05). The ICC values were between 0.69 to 0.80 (p < 0.001). We conclude that the AT and the AnT can be estimated by HRV analysis, since it utilizes the procedures employed in this study
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Estimativa dos metabolismos anaeróbios no déficit máximo acumulado de oxigênio / Estimating of anaerobic metabolisms for maximal accumulated oxygen deficitBertuzzi, Rômulo Cássio de Moraes 04 April 2008 (has links)
O objetivo desse estudo foi averiguar a possibilidade de se estimar os componentes anaeróbios do déficit máximo acumulado de oxigênio (MAOD) utilizando apenas o consumo de oxigênio (VO2). Adicionalmente, foi proposto um método alternativo que não necessita utilizar a extrapolação do VO2 do exercício submáximo para estimar a demanda de O2 para o exercício supramáximo. Para tanto, dez sujeitos fisicamente ativos foram submetidos aos seguintes testes: a) teste progressivo até a exaustão para determinar a carga correspondente ao consumo de oxigênio (WVO2max); b) seis testes de cargas constantes com intensidades abaixo da WVO2max (40-90% WVO2max); c) um teste a 110% da WVO2max; d) teste anaeróbio de Wingate. A fração do metabolismo anaeróbio alático foi estimada pela fase rápida do excesso do VO2 após o exercício (EPOCRÁPIDO), ao passo que a fração do metabolismo anaeróbio lático foi determinada tanto pela diferença entre MAOD e o EPOCRÁPIDO (MAODLA-1) como pelo acúmulo de lactato no sangue (MAODLA-2). O MAODMOD foi calculado pela somatória do EPOCRÁPIDO com MAODLA-2. Os principais resultados foram: a) as estimativas das contribuições do metabolismo anaeróbio lático não eram estatisticamente diferentes (MAODLA-1 = 2,40 ± 0,66 l; MAODLA-2 = 2,20 ± 0,4 l; p > 0,05); b) similarmente, os resultados do MAOD (3,03 ± 0,62 l) MAODMOD (2,84 ± 0,41) não eram significativamente diferentes (p > 0,05); c) foram detectadas correlações positivas entre MAODMOD, EPOCRÁPIDO, MAODLA-2 e os índices do teste de Wingate; d) os valores percentuais do EPOCRÁPIDO e do MAODLA-1 eram 22 ± 9% e 78 ± 9%, respectivamente. Esses resultados sugerem que os componentes anaeróbios do MAOD podem ser estimados satisfatoriamente utilizando somente o VO2 e que o MAOD pode ser determinado mediante MAODmod / The objective of this study was ascertain the possibility of estimate the anaerobic components of the maximal accumulated oxygen deficit (MAOD) used only oxygen uptake (VO2). In addition, was proposed an alternative method (MAODMOD) to determine the MAOD without using the extrapolation from submaximal VO2 to estimate the O2 demand of supramaximal exercise. Thus, ten subjects physically active performed the following tests: a) a maximal incremental exercise test for the measurement of the power output correspondent to maximal oxygen uptake (WVO2max); b) six submaximal tests with intensities bellow of the WVO2max (40-90% WVO2max); c) a supramaximal test at 110% WVO2max; d) Wingate anaerobic test. The fraction of the anaerobic alactic metabolism was calculated based on the fast component of excess post-exercise oxygen uptake (EPOCRÁPIDO), although the fraction of the anaerobic lactic metabolism was calculated based on both difference between MAOD and EPOCRÁPIDO (MAODLA-1) and changes in net blood lactate accumulation (MAODLA-2). MAODMOD was calculated by the sum of the EPOCRÁPIDO with the MAODLA-2. The main results were: a) non significant difference was found between the anaerobic lactic estimates (MAODLA-1 = 2,40 ± 0,66 l; MAODLA-2 = 2,20 ± 0,4 l; p > 0,05); b) similarly, there was no significant difference (p > 0,05) between MAOD (3,03 ± 0,62 l) and MAODMOD (2,84 ± 0,41); c) positive and significant correlation were detected between MAODMOD, EPOCRÁPIDO, MAODLA-2 and the indices of the Wingate anaerobic test (p < 0,05); d) the mean of the percentage values of the EPOCRÁPIDO and MAODLA-1 were 22 ± 9% e 78 ± 9%, respectively. These data suggest that the anaerobic components of the MAOD can be satisfactorily estimated using only the VO2 and that the MAOD can be determined using the MAODmod
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Efeitos do treinamento físico por natação sobre o sistema cardiovascular e marcadores moleculares de hipertrofia cardíaca em ratas wistar / Swimming training effects on cardiovascular system and hypertrofic cardiac molecular markesrs in wistar femalesHashimoto, Nara Yumi 20 September 2007 (has links)
O treinamento por natação leva a uma sobrecarga de volume no coração, que induz a hipertrofia cardíaca (HC) excêntrica, com aumento da massa e do diâmetro cardíaco. Neste trabalho foram investigadas as adaptações no sistema cardiovascular e na expressão de genes relacionados à HC patológica, na gênese da HC por treinamento de natação. 42 ratas wistar foram divididas em grupos: sedentário controle (SC) treinado protocolo 1 (P1) e treinado protocolo 2 (P2). O treinamento de P1 foi de 1x60min/dia, 5x/semana, por 10 semanas. O de P2 foi igual ao P1 até a 8ª semana. Na 9ª semana 2x/dia e na 10ª semana 3x/dia. Os grupos treinados, em relação ao SC, apresentaram bradicardia de repouso, melhora no desempenho físico do teste máximo e do consumo máximo de oxigênio e HC, sem alterar a pressão arterial média e a expressão dos genes do fator natriurético atrial e da alfa actina esquelética. O grupo P2 apresentou aumento no diâmetro cardíaco e redução da expressão do gene da beta miosina de cadeia pesada. Este último resultado é contrário à literatura para a HC patológica, que mostra o aumento não só da expressão deste gene como a dos outros genes estudados. Os resultados de HC de P2 assemelham-se aos encontrados em estudos recentes com atletas de modalidades de maior componente aeróbio, sendo este um bom modelo para investigação dos mecanismos envolvidos na HC destes atleta / Swimming training leads to a cardiac volume overload that induces excentric cardiac hypertrophy (CH) with an increase in cardiac mass and diameter. Cardiovascular system adaptations and expression of genes relatated with pathological CH were investigated in swimming training CH. We studied 42 wistar females, divided in sedentary control (SC) group, protocol 1 trained group (P1) and protocol 2 trained group (P2). The P1 training program was once a day for 5 times/week for 10 weeks. P2 was the same as P1 until 8th week. In 9th week it was twice a day and in 10th week 3 times a day. Trained groups, in contrast with SC, showed rest bradycardia, improvement in physical performance, maximum oxygen uptake and CH, with no alteration in the medium arterial pressure and in the expression of atrial natriuretic factor and skeletal alpha actin genes. Moreover, P2 showed an increase in cardiac diameter and decrease in the expression of beta myosin heavy chain gene. This expression result is different of patological CH literature wich shows an increase of this gene expression and also in the others genes we had investigated. P2 CH results were similar to those recently found in endurance-type athletes, sugesting this is a good model to investigate mechanisms involved in endurance-type athletes CH
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Protein stability : impact of formulation excipients and manufacturing processes in protein-based pharmaceuticalsDarkwah, Joseph January 2017 (has links)
Presently, over 300 proteins or peptide based therapeutic medicines have been approved by the FDA owing to advances in protein engineering and technology. However, majority of these protein-based medications are unstable or have limited shelf life when in aqueous form. During pre-formulation and manufacturing, various technological processes including mixing, dissolving, filling (through pipes) can produce strong mechanical stresses on proteins. These stresses may cause the protein molecule to unfold, denature or aggregate. To improve stability upon formulation, they may be manufactured as freeze dried cakes that requires reconstitution with a buffer or water prior to administration. Although it has been successful in improving the stability of protein-based formulations, the freeze drying process itself also contributes to protein aggregation. This process introduces other stresses such as freezing, thawing and drying. In addition to these stresses, the agitation processes used during reconstitution may also destabilize the protein’s native structure. Two key processes used in preparation of protein based formulations were studied in this work; mechanical agitation and freeze drying. The aim of this project was to explore the aggregation of proteins that occur due to the various technological processes typical in the production of protein based formulations. The project has two parts that relates to liquid and solid formulations. In the first part, the effect of different methods of mechanical agitations on BSA protein was investigated. In the second part, the focus was on the effect of formulation (i.e. the application of amino acids) on aggregation of protein (BSA) in freeze dried formulations. Arginine and lysine were added individually into protein-based freeze-dried formulation to study their potential of improving the stability of the proteins during manufacturing, storage and reconstitution. In the formulation development, additional excipients were added to prevent moisture uptake due to the hygroscopic properties of the amino acids and to provide lyo- and cryo- protection for the protein molecule during freeze drying. Without further purification, BSA solutions prepared by using sonication, low shear rotor mixer or high shear tube/pipe mixing were studied using dynamic light scattering (DLS). Thioflavin T assay and turbidimetry analysis were used as complementary studies. In protein-based freeze dried formulations, at accelerated storage conditions, the presence of aggregates were studied in samples containing arginine or lysine using ThT assay and turbidimetry analysis. Characterisation of the freeze dried cakes was performed relative to their moisture sorption, cake shrinkage, mechanical properties and morphology using various analytical techniques. iv In the BSA solution studies, particle size analysis indicated two distributions for non-agitated BSA solution that corresponds to the average particle sizes of BSA molecules and their aggregates. Under mechanical stresses (all types), the intensity of distribution centered ≈ 7.8 nm reduces and broadens as the agitation time increases, indicating a reduction in the amount of “free” BSA macromolecules. The second distribution, as a result of increasing agitation time or shear intensity, reveals a significant shift towards larger sizes, or even splits into two particle size populations. These particle size growths reflect the formation of aggregates due to intensive collisions and, as a result, partial unfolding followed by hydrophobic interactions of exposed non-polar amino acids. UV spectra showed that aggregation in both low shear and mechanical vibration agitations were lower compared to the high shear stress. When compared to non-agitated BSA solution, ThT assay recorded ≈15 times higher fluorescence emission from the high shear samples, ≈2 times fluorescence emission from low shear and ≈6 times fluorescence emission from mechanical vibrations. Thus all the three agitation methods showed a good correlation between the results. The second part of this project was performed in three stages. In the initial 2 stages, 2- and 3-excipients component system were investigated to develop an optimal preliminary formulations which will be used in the final protein based 4-components formulations. From the 1st stage (ArgHCl/LysHCl + sugar/polyol), among 4 tested excipients (polyol and sugar), mannitol was observed to have resisted moisture uptake by the highly hygroscopic ArgHCl/LysHCl amino acids. However, mannitol is considered a good cryoprotector but has poor lyoprotection properties. Therefore, in the following stage, a 3rd excipient (in a 3-excipients component system) sucrose or trehalose, was introduced into the formulation. The formulation was made up of 20% ArgHCl (LysHCl), and various ratios of mannitol and sugar were explored. The criteria for selecting the best systems were based on ideal physicochemical properties i.e. moisture uptake, shrinkage, mechanical properties, matrix structure and appearance, and thermal properties. The final stage was the formulation of a 4-components system comprising the three excipients and combinations selected from the stage 2 studies, and the addition of BSA as the model protein. To study aggregation in this system, a freeze dried 4-components excipient/protein system was reconstituted and incubated at accelerated storage conditions over time. Fluorescence spectroscopy and turbidimetry were used to study aggregation of proteins, moisture uptake kinetics with gravimetric balance, and thermal analytical techniques were used to characterise the freeze dried cakes with and without BSA protein. This study represented a systematic analysis of aggregation of proteins in both liquid and solid formulations. Some of the novel aspects of this study include: v 1. The new experimental results obtained for aggregation of proteins in solution subjected to mechanical agitations. The high shear stress created by syringe agitation, simulated the real situation in post manufacturing process during filling through narrow pipes, and has been shown here to strongly affect the aggregation of protein macromolecules. 2. The development of a methodical approach for optimization of multi component (up to 4 excipients) protein based formulations. 3. The unexpected non-linear behavior of the physicochemical properties of the 3-excipients component system as a function of composition. To the best of my knowledge, this novel aspect has not been previously reported in literature. 4. Application of amino acid in protein based formulations has shown the inhibition of aggregation of BSA, with the highest effect observed with ArgHCl. The results of this study coincide with the conclusions published previously for aggregation of proteins in solution.
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Previous issue date: 2011-02-11 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The effects of soil acidity in a no-till system need to be further investigated under drought. The corn performance in response to surface application of lime, as affected by aluminum genotypic tolerance and soil moisture was evaluated in a sandy clay loam Typic Hapludox, in Ponta Grossa, Parana State, Brazil. The study was carried out in a field experiment and in undisturbed soil columns. In a field experiment, the changes in soil chemical attributes at 0-5, 5-10, 10-20, 20-40 and 40-60 cm depths, and the nutrition, export and nutrient uptake, above ground biomass and grain yield of corn in 2008-2009 were evaluated after surface application of lime at rates of 0, 4, 8 and 12 t ha-1 in 2004, in a randomized complete block with three replications. Undisturbed soil columns were removed from plots that received lime rates, and another experiment was carried out on them, testing two hybrids, one aluminum-sensitive and another moderately sensitive to aluminum, and two moisture levels, simulating the presence and absence of water stress. Surface liming ameliorated soil acidity in all depths studied, and improved root environment throughout profile. Corn root growth was influenced by lime application, mainly at 0-10 cm depth. Liming had a positive effect on nutrition, export and nutrient uptake, resulting in a significant increase in corn grain yield. In the undisturbed columns, soil amendment by surface liming benefited root growth, nutrient uptake and dry matter production of corn plants, mainly in a water stress condition. In general, there was no difference in the response of both sensitive hybrid and moderately sensitive hybrid to aluminum toxicity with liming. It is concluded that the corn crop performance is ameliorated by the reduction in soil acidity through surface liming under no-till, but the corn crop development is little influenced by soil acidity when water availability is adequate. However, in a water stress condition, the soil acidity severely compromises the corn crop development under no-till system.
The effects of soil acidity in a no-till system need to be further investigated under drought. The corn performance in response to surface application of lime, as affected by aluminum genotypic tolerance and soil moisture was evaluated in a sandy clay loam Typic Hapludox, in Ponta Grossa, Parana State, Brazil. The study was carried out in a field experiment and in undisturbed soil columns. In a field experiment, the changes in soil chemical attributes at 0-5, 5-10, 10-20, 20-40 and 40-60 cm depths, and the nutrition, export and nutrient uptake, above ground biomass and grain yield of corn in 2008-2009 were evaluated after surface application of lime at rates of 0, 4, 8 and 12 t ha-1 in 2004, in a randomized complete block with three replications. Undisturbed soil columns were removed from plots that received lime rates, and another experiment was carried out on them, testing two hybrids, one aluminum-sensitive and another moderately sensitive to aluminum, and two moisture levels, simulating the presence and absence of water stress. Surface liming ameliorated soil acidity in all depths studied, and improved root environment throughout profile. Corn root growth was influenced by lime application, mainly at 0-10 cm depth. Liming had a positive effect on nutrition, export and nutrient uptake, resulting in a significant increase in corn grain yield. In the undisturbed columns, soil amendment by surface liming benefited root growth, nutrient uptake and dry matter production of corn plants, mainly in a water stress condition. In general, there was no difference in the response of both sensitive hybrid and moderately sensitive hybrid to aluminum toxicity with liming. It is concluded that the corn crop performance is ameliorated by the reduction in soil acidity through surface liming under no-till, but the corn crop development is little influenced by soil acidity when water availability is adequate. However, in a water stress condition, the soil acidity severely compromises the corn crop development under no-till system. / Os efeitos da acidez do solo em sistema plantio direto precisam ser mais investigados em situações de seca. O comportamento da cultura do milho em resposta à aplicação superficial de calcário, considerando a tolerância genotípica ao alumínio e a umidade do solo foi avaliado em um estudo realizado em Latossolo Vermelho distrófico textura média, em Ponta Grossa (PR). O trabalho foi realizado em área experimental no campo e em colunas indeformadas de solo, coletadas na mesma área experimental. No campo, após a aplicação superficial de calcário em 2004, nas doses 0, 4, 8 e 12 t ha-1, em um delineamento de blocos completos ao acaso com 3 repetições, avaliaram-se as alterações nos atributos químicos do solo nas profundidades de 0-5, 5-10, 10-20, 20-40 e 40-60 cm, o crescimento radicular, a nutrição e extração de nutrientes, a massa seca da parte aérea e a produção de grãos de milho, cultivado em 2008-2009. Nas parcelas que receberam as doses de calcário, foram retiradas colunas indeformadas de solo para a realização de outro experimento, o qual envolveu a utilização de dois híbridos, um sensível e outro moderadamente sensível ao alumínio, e dois níveis de umidade do solo, simulando ausência e presença de deficiência hídrica. A calagem superficial corrigiu a acidez do solo em todas as camadas estudadas e proporcionou melhoria no ambiente radicular em todo o perfil. O crescimento radicular do milho foi favorecido pela aplicação de calcário, principalmente na camada de 0-10 cm. A calagem exerceu efeito positivo sobre a nutrição e extração de nutrientes, refletindo em aumento da produção de grãos de milho. Nas colunas indeformadas de solo, a correção do solo pela calagem na superfície beneficiou o crescimento radicular, a extração de nutrientes e a produção de massa seca das plantas de milho, principalmente em situação de deficiência hídrica. Em geral, não houve diferença na resposta à calagem dos híbridos sensível e moderadamente sensível ao alumínio. Concluiu-se que a cultura do milho é beneficiada pela correção da acidez por meio da calagem na superfície em plantio direto, porém a acidez não exerce grande limitação no desenvolvimento da cultura quando há adequada disponibilidade hídrica. Em situação de restrição hídrica, entretanto, a acidez do solo prejudica severamente o desenvolvimento do sistema radicular e a produção da cultura do milho em sistema plantio direto.
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Impacto de 4 semanas de treinamento intervalado de alta intensidade sobre variáveis fisiológicas determinantes da aptidão aeróbia e a estratégia de corrida adotada durante um teste contra-relógio de 5 km / Impact of 4-weeks high intensity interval training program over physiological variables determinants of endurance performance and over pacing strategy adopted during a 5-km time-trial testSilva, Rogerio Carvalho da 09 December 2013 (has links)
Estratégia de corrida é forma pela qual os corredores distribuem a velocidade durante uma competição. Objetivando otimizar a utilização dos recursos energéticos, bem como melhorar o desempenho geral na prova, durante uma corrida de 5 km os atletas comumente adotam uma estratégia caracterizada por um início em alta velocidade, seguido por um trecho intermediário em velocidade inferior, e finalmente os atletas aumentam a velocidade quando se aproximam dos 400 m finais da prova. Sabe-se que o treinamento intervalado de alta intensidade (TIAI) realizado ao longo de 3 a 6 semanas é capaz de promover melhoras significativas nas variáveis fisiológicas determinantes do desempenho aeróbio, tais como VO2max, EC, VP, e OBLA. Uma vez que os atletas monitoram a PSE baseado em sinais internos (fisiológicos) e externos (ambiente), e desta forma alteram a velocidade para evitarem o término prematuro do exercício, acredita-se que melhoras em tais variáveis fisiológicas possam permitir que os corredores modifiquem a estratégia de corrida. Portanto, o principal objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a influência de quatro semanas de TIAI sobre a PSE e também sobre a estratégia de corrida adotada por corredores durante um teste contra-relógio de 5 km (T5). Vinte sujeitos, homens, corredores recreacionais de longa distância foram distribuídos de forma contrabalançada em grupo controle (CON, n = 10; 33,5 ± 6,2 anos) e grupo treinamento intervalado (TINT, n = 10; 32,9 ± 8,6 anos). TINT realizou uma sessão de TIAI duas vezes por semana, enquanto que CON manteve seu programa regular de treinamento. Antes e após o período de intervenção, os corredores realizaram: 1) um teste incremental até exaustão para se obter o início do acúmulo de lactato sanguíneo (OBLA), o consumo máximo de oxigênio (VO2max), e a velocidade pico em esteira (VP); 2) um teste submáximo de carga constante para se medir a economia de corrida (EC); 3) e um teste contra-relógio de 5 km (T5) em pista para se estabelecer a estratégia de corrida. O programa de TIAI produziu uma melhora relevante no VO2max (effect size = 0,219), OBLA (effect size = 0,489), EC (effect size = -0,593), e VP (effect size = 0,622). Não foram detectadas alterações significativas na estratégia de corrida, TT5, VT5 e PSET5 durante o T5, comparando ambas as condições (pré e pós-treinamento) ou entre os grupos (TINT e CON; P > 0,05). Esses achados sugerem que melhoras nas variáveis fisiológicas induzidas por um programa de quatro semanas de TIAI não são acompanhadas por alterações similares na PSE e na estratégia de corrida durante um teste contra-relógio de 5 km / Pacing strategy has been defined as the manner by which the runners distribute their speed during a competition. In order to optimize the use of the energetic resources, as well as improve the general race performance, during a 5-km running race, athletes usually adopt a pacing strategy characterized by a fast start (400 m), followed by a period of slower speed during the middle (400 4600 m), and a significant increase in running speed during the last part of the race (400 m). It is well recognized that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) performed along 3 to 6 weeks is able to promote significant improvements in physiological variables determinants of endurance performance, such as VO2max, RE, PTS, and OBLA. Since athletes monitor their RPE based on the internal (physiological) and external (environment) signals, and change their running speed in order to prevent a premature exercise termination, its believed that improvements in such physiological variables could enable athletes to modify the pacing strategy. Thus, the main purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of 4 weeks of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) and the pacing strategy adopted by runners during a 5-km running time-trial (T5). Twenty male, recreational long-distance runners were randomly assigned into control group (CG, n = 10) or high-intensity interval-training group (HIITG, n = 10). The HIITG performed a high-intensity interval-training session twice per week, while CG maintained its regular training program. Before and after the training period, the runners performed the following tests: 1) an incremental exercise test to exhaustion to measure the onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA), maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), and peak treadmill speed (PTS); 2) a submaximal speed-constant test to measure the running economy (RE); 3) a 5-km running time-trial on an outdoor track to establish pacing strategy. HIIT program produced a relevant improvement on the VO2max (effect size = 0.219), OBLA (effect size = 0.489), RE (effect size = -0.593), and PTS (effect size = 0.622). There were no significant differences on pacing strategy, TT5, ST5 and RPE response during the 5-km running time-trial between both conditions (pre- and post-training) or between groups (HIITG and CG; P > 0.05). These findings suggest that improvements on the physiological variables induced by a 4-week HIIT program are not accompanied by similar modifications on the RPE and running pacing strategy during a 5-km running time-trial
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Efeito do exercício excêntrico sobre as propriedades mecânicas do músculo e índices de aptidão aeróbiaMolina, Renato [UNESP] 13 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
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molina_r_dr_rcla.pdf: 1580344 bytes, checksum: 7e4493046f62a81aaae554c81ae0e39c (MD5) / Exercícios intensos e/ou não habituais, realizados através de contrações excêntricas, ocorrem constantemente em nossas vidas, os quais podem resultar em dores musculares imediatas ou tardias, com um marcado e prolongado efeito sobre nossa capacidade funcional. Desta forma, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o efeito do exercício excêntrico (EE), associado com dano muscular, sobre as propriedades mecânicas do músculo e índices de aptidão aeróbia. Metodologicamente o experimento foi dividido em 1 e 2. No primeiro experimento, doze homens (21,7±2,3 anos) saudáveis, não treinados, foram avaliados, através de três contrações voluntárias máximas (CVM), no pico de torque (PT) isocinético do quadríceps, e correspondente, pico da taxa de desenvolvimento de torque (pico TDT), pico da taxa de desenvolvimento de velocidade (pico TDV) e impulso contrátil (IC) a 60º.s-1 antes e após 24h e 48h de um protocolo de exercícios excêntricos de dez séries de dez repetições máximas. No segundo experimento, vinte homens (24,4±3,5 anos) saudáveis e não treinados foram divididos em dois grupos, de acordo com a cadência realizada no ciclismo (50 rpm e 100 rpm), e avaliados para a cinética de consumo de oxigênio ( O2) e eficiência mecânica bruta (EB) e de trabalho (ET), através de três transições de ciclismo com duração cada uma de 6min a 90% do limiar de lactato precedidas de 4min a 0W, antes e após 24h e 48h do protocolo de EE. Nos dois experimentos os indicadores indiretos de dano muscular de dor muscular tardia (DMT), atividade da creatina quinase (CK) plasmática e pico de torque isocinético concêntrico (PT) foram significantemente alterados 24h e 48h após o protocolo de exercícios excêntricos, em relação aos valores de base. No primeiro experimento o PT (-15,3%, p=0,002), pico TDT (-13,1%,. p=0,03) e IC (-29,3%,. p=0,01) diminuíram significantemente... / Intense and/or unusual exercises, related to eccentric contractions are constant in our lives, resulting in immediate or delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and may have a marked and prolonged effect on our functional capacity. Thus, this study was to analyze the effect of eccentric exercise (EE), associated with muscle damage, on the mechanical properties of muscle and indices of aerobic fitness. Methodologically the experiment was divided into 1 and 2. In the first experiment, twelve (21.7 ± 2.3 years) healthy untrained men subjects were assessed at peak torque (PT) isokinetic quadriceps, and the corresponding peak rate of torque development (peak RTD), peak rate velocity development (peak RVD) and contractile impulse (CI) at 60o. s-1 before and after 24h and 48h isokinetic EE protocol of 10 sets of 10 repetitions. In the second experiment, twenty (24.4 ± 3.5 years) healthy and untrained men were divided into two cycling cadence groups (50 rpm and 100 rpm) and evaluated for the pulmonary oxygen uptake ( O2) kinetics and gross (GE) and work (WE) mechanical efficiency through 3 transitions cycling lasting each of 6 min at 90% lactate threshold preceded by 4min at 0W, before and after 24h and 48h protocol EE. In both experiments, DOMS (DMT), activity of creatine quinase (CK) in plasma and peak isokinetic concentric torque (PT) was significantly altered at 24h and 48h after the eccentric exercise protocol. In the first experiment, the PT (-15.3%, p = 0.002), peak RTD (-13.1%. p = 0.03) and CI (- 29.3%. p = 0.01) decreased significantly to 24h and peak RVD not changed. After 48h, PT (-7.9%, p = 0.002) and CI (-29.2%, p = 0.003) were maintained less values but RTD recovered to baseline values. RTD normalized to PT (% CVM.s-1) measured at 30 ms (24h = 580.5%, p = 0.01 and 48h = 681.3%, p = 0.006) and 100 ms (48h = 623.3 %, p = 0.009) the onset of contraction was higher than the previous... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Auto-assemblages biofonctionnels à base de conjugués polymère-b-peptide / Biofunctional self-assemblies from polymer-b-peptide conjugatesDrappier, Charlotte 22 November 2013 (has links)
La thèse présentée décrit la préparation et l’étude d’auto-assemblages élaborés à partir de conjugués amphiphiles Tat-b-poly(triméthylène carbonate) (Tat-b-PTMC) doués de propriétés d’internalisation cellulaire conférées par le segment peptidique Tat. L’objectif principal de ces travaux était d’établir et de comprendre les liens entre la structure macromoléculaire, les caractéristiques colloïdales et l’activité biologique de ces systèmes. Les efforts de précision moléculaire et de caractérisation fournispour la synthèse des chimères Tat-b-PTMC a permis de corréler finement leurs structures chimiquesaux paramètres physico-chimiques des nanoparticules obtenues. Grâce à une approche expérimentale transverse combinant des études de biologie cellulaire et de biophysique, le mécanisme d’interaction in vitro de ces nanoparticules avec les cellules HeLa a pu être en partie élucidé. Enfin, un camouflage électrostatique pH-sensible a été mis au point pour tenter de moduler leur activité et d’augmenter leur sélectivité vis-à-vis de l’environnement tumoral. / This thesis work deals with preparation and study of cell-penetrating self-assemblies from amphiphilicpolymer-b-peptide Tat-b-poly(trimethylene carbonate) conjugates. Tat-b-PTMC chimeras withtunable hydrophilic fractions were synthesized, thoroughly characterized and self-assembled inaqueous buffer into size-tunable, highly monodisperse core-shell nanoparticles, presenting a full Tatcorona. Their physico-chemical profiles were assessed by complementary imaging (AFM, TEM) andscattering techniques (multiangle DLS, SANS) and correlated with their molecular architectures.Their transduction ability in vitro on HeLa cells and interaction mode with phospholipid membraneswere studied with a view to correlate their physico-chemical profiles with their biological properties.This interdisciplinary approach partially shed light on the interactions at play in the cellular uptakeprocess. With the ultimate goal of improving pharmacological characteristics, we finally endeavoredto develop an ON/OFF PEGylation strategy to harness the cell penetrating power of thosebiomacromolecular self-assembled systems.
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