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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Parques urbanos no Brasil - 2000 a 2017 / Dado não fornecido pelo autor.

Francine Mariliz Gramacho Sakata 27 April 2018 (has links)
Nesta tese o parque urbano brasileiro dos primeiros anos do século XXI é apresentado como uma fi gura diferente dos parques dos séculos XIX e XX. As diferenças dizem respeito, principalmente, aos programas de uso e à distribuição pelo espaço urbano. Jardins urbanos que se destinavam à fruição das elites no século XIX e das massas no século XX apresentam-se, entre 2000 e 2015, como fi gura híbrida, relacionada à preservação ambiental e ao lazer mas não necessariamente a ambos. Surgem novos tipos de parque, como os lineares, que tanto se apresentam em forma de conjuntos de pequenos espaços livres articulados por curso d´água, como de projetos de grande envergadura que articulam uma sequência de parques no território urbano. Em algumas capitais brasileiras, como São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Goiânia, Brasília, Campo Grande, Vitória, Recife e Manaus, o número de parques públicos se multiplicou no período. O mesmo processo não foi observado em capitais litorâneas como Rio de Janeiro e Fortaleza, onde a orla segue como um grande parque linear. Todo o conjunto de parques vistos demonstra que houve mudança na percepção do valor do parque urbano pela sociedade brasileira, fato capitalizado pelo poder público e pela iniciativa privada. As novas características e as localizações dos parques em bairros periféricos onde a renda dos moradores é baixa impõem novos desafi os para o projeto e a gestão. / In this thesis the Brazilian urban park of the fi rst years of the 21st century is presented as a different fi gure from the parks of the 19th and 20th centuries. The differences mainly concern uses and distribution in the urban space. Urban gardens for the enjoyment of elites in the nineteenth century and the masses in the twentieth century are, between 2000 and 2015, as a hybrid fi gure, related to environmental preservation and leisure, but not necessarily to both. At that time new types of parks appeared, such as linear ones, which are in the form of sets of small free spaces articulated by watercourse, as well as large-scale projects that articulate a sequence of parks in the urban territory. In some Brazilian capitals, such as Sao Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Goiania, Brasilia, Campo Grande, Vitoria, Recife and Manaus, the number of public parks has multiplied in this period. The same process was not observed in coastal capitals like Rio de Janeiro and Fortaleza, where the border follows as a large linear park. The whole set of parks seen shows that there was a change in the perception of the value of the urban park by Brazilian society, a fact capitalized by the public power and private initiative. The new features and locations of parks - in neighborhoods where residents\' incomes are low - create new challenges for design and management.

Ibirapuera: parque metropolitano(1926-1954) / Ibirapuera: metropolitan park (1926-1954)

Ana Claudia Castilho Barone 24 September 2007 (has links)
O Parque Ibirapuera é o primeiro parque metropolitano da cidade. Foi concebido como um espaço moderno, destinado ao cultivo do lazer e da cultura da população urbana. Projetado para as comemorações do IV Centenário de fundação de São Paulo, sua história envolveu oposições que foram, até o presente momento, silenciadas. A perspectiva deste trabalho desloca o enfoque do eixo comemorativo, para fazer emergirem os conflitos de posição, sobretudo quanto ao programa do parque. Na época de sua implantação, na década de 50, a construção dos pavilhões do Ibirapuera foi amplamente questionada por um grupo de urbanistas, jornalistas e intelectuais que previam para a área um parque exclusivamente verde. No entanto, os conflitos em torno dessa questão não foram discutidos pela ampla bibliografia já produzida a respeito do parque. Tais conflitos indicam que se delineava um campo de disputas entre os grupos sociais que atuavam na decisão de como o parque deveria configurar-se. / Parque Ibirapuera was the first metropolitan park in São Paulo. It was conceived as a modern space, destined to offer leisure and culture to the population. The park was projected to be part of São Paulo´s 4th Centenary celebrations, but its story involves oppositions that have been omitted in further debate. This work displaces the usual focus on the commemorative axle, in order to highlight the conflicts involved in the creation of the park – mainly related to its program. By the time of Ibirapuera´s implantation, in the 50´s, the construction of its pavilions was widely questioned by a group of urban planners, journalists and intellectuals who wanted an exclusively green park for that area. Nevertheless, this debate has never been discussed by the large bibliography already produced about the park, even though those conflicts seems to outpoint a battlefield between the social groups that acted in the decisions of the park´s configuration.

Park Matters: : Studies on Safety and Property Values

Iqbal, Asifa January 2017 (has links)
This study develops a better understanding of the nature of urban parks from a safety perspective in two international contexts. To achieve this aim, the study is divided into two geographical scales (a macro scale and a micro scale) that test a set of quantitative and qualitative research methods. The macro-scale analysis provides an overall view of the effects of parks in the neighbourhood and at the city level. A particular focus is given to the impact of parks on housing prices. Overall, the findings show that parks function as an amenity that contributes to urban quality, which in turn influences property prices in Stockholm. However, this effect depends on a number of factors such as park type, location, and the level of safety and security of the parks. Safety also matters: Parks embedded in area with high-crime rates are less valued than in areas with low-crime rates. The micro-scale of study focuses on parks as a unit of analysis and looks at the environment of parks and how it triggers crime and affects people’s safety. The first analysis is based on whether—and, if so, how—park environments affect safety (crime occurrence) using the principles of crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) as an inventory tool in a park in an area with a high-crime rate in Stockholm, Sweden. Building on the methodology from the first study, the second study investigates the nature of women-only parks (WOPs) in Karachi, Pakistan, by looking at both the environment of the parks and the users’ and non-users’ perceptions of safety. Regardless of context, the findings show that the safety conditions of a park are highly associated with the park’s environment (design and management features). Of importance to park safety are park size in relation to the number of access routes (entrance and exit points), the opportunities for surveillance in relation to the maintenance and the lighting conditions in parks. A clear lesson is that a CPTED-informed park design promotes guardianship and therefore should be encouraged, regardless of whether it is located in Stockholm or Karachi. However, the urban context does matter to park safety conditions and is highly dependent on the local, city-wide, and national contexts in which the park is embedded. / <p>QC 20171114</p>

The multiple and conflicting roles of local government in negotiating parkland acquisition : can the negotiations satisfy the criteria of ethics and the dimensions of interests?

Schlesinger, Gerald 05 1900 (has links)
The practice of providing urban parks as an integral part of community development no longer creates public debate about the function or legal authority of local governments to make such purchases. However, the debate continues on the ethics of local government's parkland acquisition practices. These practices have the capability and motivation to influence the land value of sites they wish to acquire. Local governments are responsible for determining land use, which in turn affects land value. The limited financial means of local government to acquire parks makes influencing land value one way of stretching the scarce resources of the community. The ethics practiced in the negotiations to acquire urban parkland where the land has development potential are unique because: 1. Parkland is a public good and not a market commodity; 2. The potential for other higher land uses exists; and 3. Local government plays a dual role: one of a regulator and approving authority for determining land use and providing community stewardship, and the other as the corporate cost controlling agency seeking to acquire land. These qualities create the strong possibility for ethical conflict to occur in the negotiating process. Building upon the Interest-Based approach to negotiations, this paper uses a set of Prescriptive, Intuitive and Evaluative (P.I.E.) criteria that define ethical conduct, and the dimensions of Fact, Social Consensus and Experience that defines the dimensions of interests, to develop a General Model for Ethical Negotiations (GMEN). Conceptually, the GMEN model is a three-sided pyramid within a sphere of negotiations. Negotiations that adhere to the principles defining the parameters of the pyramid would be considered ethical. Negotiations outside the pyramid are considered unethical. Six parkland acquisition cases are discussed using the GMEN model. In this study, the parameters establishing the criteria for passing ethical judgment are the functions of the political economy, the policy statements of the local government, and the legislation that delegates power and authority to local government. The study finds that ethical conflict is inherent in parkland negotiations where the land has development potential because of the multiple roles and dual character of local government. This conflict is not necessarily illegal since prescriptive criteria are only one means of judging ethics. Nor is the outcome necessarily negative to the vendor, since the public may end up with a less attractive park agreement. However, the parameters that would require parkland acquisition negotiations to be ethical sometimes conflict with some of the multiple roles held by local government. Several recommendations are made that would help to reduce ethical conflict and the imbalance in parkland negotiations. / Applied Science, Faculty of / Community and Regional Planning (SCARP), School of / Graduate

Exploring the potential of Green Infrastructure to enhance urban resilience as part of the 2040 Development Plan La Paz, Bolivia / Undersökning av potentialen för grön infrastruktur för att förbättra stadens motståndskraft som en del av La Paz, Bolivia, 2040 utvecklingsplan

Carlsson, Maritza January 2021 (has links)
Cities continue to grow, and the rapid population growth, and overcrowding are increasing the pressure on local governments to provide basic services (e.g., housing, clean water, sanitation, basic health services, and education) and green space planning. Climate change and the human impact on the environment are putting even more pressure on urban areas and their corresponding government. Green infrastructure is a nature-based solution that uses vegetation to address both the challenge of urban sprawl and threats caused by climate change. Thus, this thesis explores the potential of how the city of La Paz can integrate green infrastructure solutions to respond to the four priority areas (flooding, water scarcity, landslide, and urban heatwaves) of the city-region’s strategic planning outlook, Plan 2040. The Plan 2040 is the first strategic municipal developing plan for land use planning in Bolivia. To carry out this investigation the author undertook several interviews, to find if there are any implications on gender during green infrastructure implementation. The thesis is based on a case study qualitative approach and the research method draws on literature review, desk study and eight interviews. It was concluded that green infrastructure with reforestation and afforestation responds positively to the four priority areas. Additionally, green infrastructure has different configurations to develop a resilient community at several scales from school grounds or a row of trees to open park space or planting rain gardens. Moreover, poorly designed green landscaping can increase the fear of crime. Thus, a greater understanding is needed about which types of green infrastructure measures are effective in increasing urban resilience in La Paz, and how these measures can be better designed, implemented, and maintained without causing the perception of fear of harassment or crime. Finally, it was concluded that Plan 2040 will be strengthened if it was to consider and incorporate the following: 1) non-invasive plant species; 2) financing for implementation; 3) a study that determines the sustainable development areas for urban greening; 4) its maintenance, and care measures; 5) coordination between the functional and operational unit of the municipality (environmentalists, urban planners, and gender specialists); 6) and how green infrastructure planning, design and implementation could be more gender sensitive. / I detta dokument diskuteras argumenten till förmån för urban grön infrastruktur för en plan för anpassning till klimatförändringar för kommunen La Paz, Bolivia. Grön infrastruktur är en naturbaserad lösning som använder vegetation för att skapa ett hållbart samhälle och lösa samhällsutmaningar som utsläppsminskningar, klimatanpassning och förbättrad hälsa. Grön infrastruktur i städer kan definieras som naturlig infrastruktur, såsom gatuträd, gräsmattor, parker, stadsskogar, odlad mark och våtmarker; som förenar grönområden och öppna ytor inom och utanför staden genom att bilda ett grönt stadsnät. Dessa nätverk tillhandahåller ekosystemtjänster som bidrar till att upprätthålla och utveckla den biologiska mångfalden, skapar renare luft och vatten, förebygger översvämningar, reducerar buller, tar hand om dagvatten, stärker grundvattenbildningen, kyler städerna, renar avlopp samt möjliggör rekreations- och kulturvärden.  Därför undersöker denna avhandling potentialen i hur staden La Paz kan integrera gröna infrastrukturlösningar för att svara på fyra huvudhot: översvämningar, vattenresursbrist, jordskred och extrema händelser på grund av höga temperaturer inom den strategiska planeringen av La Paz, plan 2040. Plan 2040 är den första kommunala strategiska utvecklingsplanen för markanvändningsplanering i Bolivia. I enlighet med detta är kapitlet efter introduktionen inriktat på den konceptuella översynen av grön infrastruktur och beskrivningen av några av dess viktigaste egenskaper och de fördelar det medför. Det poängterar också vikten av att bygga mer socialt inkluderande städer och nämner vissa utmaningar och behov för alla människor (män och kvinnor). För att genomföra denna forskning genomförde författaren flera intervjuer för att ta reda på om det finns någon implikation gällande könstillhörighet under genomförandet av grön infrastruktur.  Avhandlingen bygger på ett kvalitativt förhållningssätt och forskningsmetoden bygger på litteraturgenomgång, skrivbordsarbete (eftersom det på grund av pandemin inte var möjligt att besöka La Paz) och åtta intervjuer. Slutsatsen drogs att grön infrastruktur med återbeskogning och beskogning bidrar positivt i bekämpningen av de fyra största hoten. Begreppet grön infrastruktur är nytt på regeringens dagordningar, och även om det inte har någon homogen konceptuell ram, finns det vissa principer som gör grön infrastruktur viktigt att inkludera i stadsutvecklingsplaneringen. Det behövs dock en större förståelse för vilka typer av gröna infrastrukturåtgärder som är effektiva för att öka motståndskraften i La Paz och hur dessa åtgärder bör utformas och genomföras. Slutligen kunde utredningen påvisa att Plan 2040 skulle förbättras om den gröna infrastrukturplanen skulle inkludera följande: 1) icke -invasiva främmande arter av växter i stadsmiljön; 2) en plan för finansiering av genomförande; 3) en studie som fastställer hållbara och gröna utvecklingsområden; 4) en plan för drift- och underhåll; 5) stärkt samordning mellan kommunens funktionella och operativa enheter (miljöaktivister och stadsplanerare); och 6) eventuella konsekvenser av grön infrastruktur för att förebygga brott och fostra positiva sociala interaktioner. / Actualmente las ciudades de Bolivia enfrentan un amplio espectro de desafíos para poder ser efectivamente sustentables. Las ciudades se entienden como sustentables cuando identifican y visibilizan las conexiones y dinámicas rurales-urbanas de forma integral, incluidos los ecosistemas y los sistemas agropecuarios; adoptan métodos eficientes de uso de energía y recursos; mitigan la contaminación de cuerpos de agua, suelo y atmósfera; reconocen las capacidades de regeneración sustentación y las limitaciones de los sistemas naturales en los que se basan; priorizan la conservación y generación de áreas verdes, biodiversas para mejorar la infiltración de agua, reducción de escorrentía, promover evapotranspiración y protección de fuentes de agua; y valoran las funciones de los ecosistemas por el papel que desempeñan en la salud urbana, la protección ambiental, el paisaje y la habitabilidad.  Entre los principales desafíos para la sustentabilidad de las ciudades del país, destacan la reducción de la contaminación del aire, agua, suelo y visual, degradación de lagunas y ríos urbanos, pérdida de calidad y cantidad de agua en acuíferos, el ruido, islas de calor, escasas áreas verdes multifuncionales y conectadas. El crecimiento de las manchas urbanas no planificadas reduce cada vez más a las tierras agropecuarias, expulsándolas cada vez más lejos. Impactando también de forma alarmante a la pérdida de cobertura vegetal, degradación de suelos, ocupación y avasallamiento de bosques, zonas de alto valor ecológico y áreas protegidas aledañas a las ciudades.  El trabajo discute los argumentos a favor de la infraestructura verde urbana para un plan de adaptación al cambio climático para el municipio de La Paz en Bolivia. La infraestructura verde es una solución basada en la naturaleza que utiliza la vegetación para la conservación de la biodiversidad, adaptación al cambio climático, como posible solución a disminución de inundaciones, control de escorrentías y manejo de drenajes, aumento y mejoramiento de espacios verdes.  Por lo tanto, esta tesis investiga el potencial de cómo la ciudad de La Paz puede integrar soluciones de infraestructura verde para responder a cuatro amenazas principales: inundaciones, escasez de recurso hídrico, deslizamiento y eventos extremos por altas temperaturas para la planificación estratégica de La Paz. Para lo cual se revisó el Plan 2040 que es el plan estratégico municipal de ordenamiento territorial de La Paz.  En concordancia con ello, el capítulo después de la introducción se enfoca a la revisión conceptual de la infraestructura verde y descripción de algunas de sus principales características y los beneficios que aporta. También se plantea la importancia de construir ciudades más inclusivas, y menciona algunos desafíos y necesidades de todas las personas (hombres y mujeres).  Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, la autora realizó varias entrevistas, para averiguar si hay alguna implicación sobre el género durante la implementación de la infraestructura verde. La tesis se basa en un enfoque cualitativo y el método de investigación se basa en la revisión de la literatura, trabajo de escritorio (ya que por la pandemia visitar La paz no fue posible) y entrevistas.  Se concluyó que la infraestructura verde con reforestación y forestación responde positivamente a las cuatro amenazas principales. El concepto de infraestructura verde es de reciente aparición en las agendas gubernamentales y aunque no cuenta con un marco conceptual homogéneo, prevalecen algunos principios que lo convierten en un hito para la planeación del desarrollo urbano. Por lo tanto, se necesita una mayor comprensión sobre qué tipos de medidas de infraestructura verde son efectivas para aumentar la resiliencia urbana en La Paz, y cómo estas medidas podrían diseñarse, implementarse y mantenerse sin causar la percepción de miedo al acoso o al crimen en las mujeres. Finalmente, se concluyó que el Plan 2040 se fortalecerá si se considera e incorpora lo siguiente: 1) especies de plantas nativas y/o plantas no invasivas; 2) financiación para la ejecución; 3) un estudio que determine las áreas de desarrollo sostenible para enverdecimiento urbano; 4) su mantenimiento y medidas de cuidado; 5) coordinación entre la unidad funcional y operativa del municipio (ambientalistas, urbanistas y especialistas en género); 6) y cualquier implicación de la infraestructura verde para la equidad de género.

Investigations on Urban Ecosystem Services provided by Urban Parks and Interactions with Dwellers in the center city of Shanghai, China

Zhao, Liang 21 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Under global urbanization backgrounds with physical population migrations and relocations, corresponding consequences in society developments, cultural transformations, technology inventions and interactions between regions and countries, etc. are considered as having a huge impact on normal urban dwellers. For human beings always have intentions towards managements and benefits from natural surroundings, urban dweller demands under the modern challenges and their interactions are necessary to be concerned about. Urban ecosystem is considered as a highly developed civilization, but also with features of resources and energy demands and pollution and distributional exports. As the only natural element in this ecosystem, UGI (urban green infrastructures) is considered as an important human-environment interaction provider with urban ecosystem services (UES) largely focused by academic scholars, urban planners and policy managers. As one of the fastest urbanizing cities in the world, Shanghai is considered as having huge cultural and social developments combined with socioeconomic acceleration. Under the unique background of policy planning and traditional Confucian culture transformation, the impacts to urban dweller demands, whether these newly developed modern demands can be satisfied by UES provided by UGI and how the understandings of these normal dwellers to UGI in Shanghai are necessary for academic researches. By considering the interactions with urban dwellers, six urban parks in the center of Shanghai are chosen as research sites in this study. Combined with factors of urbanization processes and observed patterns of visitor interactions, the indicator of “park age” is concerned with three old parks (older than 25 years old) and three new parks (younger than 25 years old). With methodologies of fieldwork mapping, questionnaires, indicator based evaluation system constructions, etc., the quantitative and qualitative analyses were carried out to habitat diversity, cultural and regulation UES results, and the background reasons caused by political and financial influences are subject to further discussion. The visitors to urban parks of Shanghai are classified into four sorts: “retired dwellers”, “dwellers for children care”, “tourist visitors” and “other visitors”, we found out that related demands and interactions with urban parks have significant differences. After detailed discussions, it could be figured out that the visitors demands play a significant role, and the interactions between visitors and UES in Shanghai are comprehensively influenced by multiple factors of “visiting objectives”, “park cultures (ages, popularities, etc.)” and “personal identities (educations, incomes, etc.)”. Based on this, the detailed differences of policy, finance, Confucian culture, nature understanding, and community society between old and new parks were further discussed. With all aspects of physical, mental, psychological and other demand aspects especially focused on, the typical features in Shanghai are also highly concentrated on dominant activities. For China is suffering from national environmental and urbanization problems but lack in related concerns combined with dweller demands, this research work may make certain efforts on model assessment methodologies constructions and national implementations. Also, with a combined background of top-down policy systems and natural understandings under socioeconomic duress, this research could also make significant efforts in dweller-UES interactions researches in similar cases of other countries and newly developed urban ecosystems in the world.

Den urbana parkens användning och potential för social interaktion : En studie av Stadsträdgården i Gävle

Åberg, Christer, Österberg, Maya January 2016 (has links)
Urbana grönområden blir allt viktigare i det moderna samhället, inte enbart till följd av de hälsofrämjande effekter grönområden visat sig ha, utan även för sociala ändamål. Parker anses därför vara de bäst lämpade platserna för möten mellan människor med olika bakgrund och referensramar och utgör därför en viktig komponent i strävan mot ett minskat främlingskap i världens städer. Urbana parker har historiskt sett gått från att vara en plattform för eliten att visa upp sig till att bli en gemensam mötesplats för alla. Trots att parken framställs som en öppen och välkomnande plats hävdas det att användarna fortfarande utgör en homogen grupp vilket i sin tur omintetgör potentialen att främja social interaktion mellan olika samhällsgrupper. I detta examensarbete har en del av Gävles stadspark, Stadsträdgården, undersökts med avsikt att studera och kartera dess användning, användare och utbud. De metoder som har tillämpats är en enkätstudie samt observationer. Under observationerna har momenten frekvensräkning, mapping, ett kvalitativt experiment och en inventering av parkens befintliga utbud genomförts. I parken återfinns en varierad sammansättning av besökare av varierande ålder, kön och etnicitet. Del av Stadsträdgården är zonindelad utifrån användning och användare och tiden är en avgörande dimension som styr förekomsten av mänskliga möten. Social interaktion sker i mycket liten utsträckning mellan främlingar, och om det äger rum krävs en tredje komponent, exempelvis en händelse eller ett fysiskt objekt som påkallar ett gemensamt intresse. Parken saknar enligt besökarna ett flertal kvaliteter i det befintliga utbudet. I dagsläget är det oklart om någon form av medborgardialog sker vid planering av befintliga parker i Gävle. / Urban green-spaces are considered to be more important today than ever before. Parks arenot only beneficial for their positive effects on human health, but also for their social aspects. Parks are consequently considered to be the most suitable environment for encounters between people with different backgrounds and interests. Urban parks have developed from a place where the city-eliteexpressedtheir power to the public into a common place for all. Even though the parksareconsidered to be an open and welcoming place,users are considered to represent a homogenous group of people, which in turn, eliminates the potential of social interaction between different social groups. In this thesis a part of the urban park, Stadsträdgården, is investigated with the intention to study and map its use, its users and the existing supply. The methods used in this project are a questionnaire and observations. During the observations elements like counting, mapping, a qualitative experiment and an inventory of the park-attributes have been implemented. In the park, a broad composition of visitors consisting of varied age, gender and ethnicity, can be found. The focus area of this case study is divided into zones through the area of use and the users. In parks, time is an important dimension controlling whether different people will meet or not. Social interaction between strangers occurs in a small amount, and when it does, it depends on a third component, an event or a physical object that calls for a common interest. The parklacksnumerous qualities in the existing supply of the parkaccording to the users. However, it is uncertain towhat extent the public influencesthe planning of existing urban parks in Gävle, and thus if their considerations are ever involved in the planning process.

Playing With Jim Crow: African American Private Parks in Early Twentieth Century New Orleans

McQueeney, Kevin G 15 May 2015 (has links)
Public space in New Orleans became increasingly segregated following the 1896 U. S. Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson. This trend applied to sites of recreation, as nearly all public parks in the city became segregated. African Americans turned, instead, to private parks. This work examines four private parks open to African Americans in order to understand the external forces that affected these spaces, leading to their success or closure, and their significance for black city residents. While scholars have argued public space in New Orleans was segregated during Jim Crow, little attention has been paid to African American parks as alternative spaces for black New Orleanians. Whites were able to control the location of the parks and the parks’ reliance on profit to survive resulted in short spans of existence for most. However, this thesis argues that these parks were crucial sites of identity and community formation and of resistance to segregation.

Unzoo: creating conservational conscience - a progressive development scheme for Johannesburg Zoo

Allcock, Bronwyn Anne January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (M.Arch. (Professional))--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, 2016. / Humans and animals have a diverse and complex set of relationships but their inextricable narratives of development leave them interdependent. By understanding the human fascination with other living beings, in conjunction with our responsibility of preserving the planet, the importance of human-animal interaction becomes apparent. Acknowledgment that understanding the role played by animals in society, ancient and modern, goes far beyond biology, introduces ideas of culture, association and imagination as key contributing elements to the forging of meaningful relationships between man and beast. Zoological gardens, as an architectural typology, are a fundamental platform for human-animal interaction and an important link in the chain of conservation. Their development over time illustrates a refl ection of human thought and highlights the typology as a powerful tool in the establishment of an environmental conscience. A redefi nition of the role of the modern zoo causes us to critically analyse the experience of animal spectatorship; learning about animals aids us in learning about ourselves. Understanding the complexities of both people and animals can expose common ground, through which we can educate ourselves and improve our abilities to create a better environment for animals, and in so doing perhaps also for ourselves. This thesis proposes a redevelopment scheme for a portion of Johannesburg Zoo; creating a transition from the traditional colonial zoological garden model to an urban ecological destination, in line with contemporary conservational thought. Through understanding the historical, topographical and functional layering that conglomerates the existing Johannesburg Zoo, the design prioritises a sensory architectural experience: liberating zoo animals from cages and altering the physical and psychological viewpoint of the spectator. / EM2017

PARQUES URBANOS: O CASO DO PARQUE MACAMBIRA ANICUNS EM GOIÂNIA GO. / Urban Parks: The Case of Macambira Anicuns Park in Goiânia - GO.

Barcellos, Bianca Magacho 22 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:49:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bianca Magacho Barcellos.pdf: 17975047 bytes, checksum: 2af9534022dbdc7bde9303b86733c051 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-22 / In Brazil, in the 50s, environmental issues and the concern with sustainable development were swept aside in favor of growth of the country, with harmful reflexes to the environment. The consequences of this practice are easily found in the observation of the situation in many of our rivers and streams. Due to the lack of roads and access roads, they played role of vital importance in the disposal of the goods. The spontaneous urbanization without planning and the waterproofing of the soil, as a result of the paving of the streets and haphazard occupation of the lots have an impact on the environment, by changing the vegetation cover and the components of the hydrological natural cycle. In Goiânia, the environmental problem and sustainability were present since the original project, according to the urban plan conceived by Attílio Corrêa Lima, with inspiration in the Garden-cities of Howard. Known by its parks, afforestation and gardening, was over the decades, committing these characteristics and giving more space to the urban model of a large capital. The 85 rivers of Goiânia are polluted or contaminated, being the Anicuns River the most polluted of all. In response, the Municipal Government of Goiânia promoted the Macambira Anicuns Urban and Environmental Program, with the adoption of policies that target the "protection and recovery of the funds of the valleys, with the planning of the restructuring housing and urban highway network", running integrated actions in the areas of environment, urbanization, housing and road system, covering an area of more than five million square meters in the north, northwest and west of Goiânia. The main objective is to analyze the motion of the Program, presenting the concepts of park and its historical evolution until the emergence of the idea of linear park, cases studies that are based on the final considerations and presentation of the details of the program and its project. / No Brasil dos anos 50, as questões ambientais e a preocupação com o desenvolvimento sustentável foram preteridas em prol do crescimento do país, com reflexos danosos para o meio ambiente. As consequências dessa prática são facilmente constatadas na observação da situação em que se encontram muitos de nossos rios e córregos. Em decorrência da falta de estradas e vias de acesso, desempenharam papel de vital importância no escoamento das mercadorias. A urbanização espontânea e sem planejamento e a impermeabilização do solo, resultante da pavimentação das ruas e ocupação desordenada dos lotes impactam o meio ambiente, alterando a cobertura vegetal e os componentes do ciclo hidrológico natural. Em Goiânia, a problemática ambiental e a sustentabilidade estiveram presentes desde o projeto original, de acordo com o plano urbano idealizado por Attílio Corrêa Lima, com inspiração nítida na Cidade-Jardim de Howard. Conhecida pelos parques, arborização e ajardinamento, foi, ao longo das décadas, comprometendo essas características e dando cada vez mais espaço ao modelo urbanizador das grandes capitais. Os 85 cursos de água de Goiânia estão poluídos ou contaminados, sendo o Ribeirão Anicuns o mais poluído de todos. Em resposta, a Prefeitura Municipal de Goiânia promoveu o Programa Urbano Ambiental Macambira Anicuns, com a adoção de políticas que visassem à proteção e recuperação dos fundos de vale, com o planejamento da reestruturação habitacional e da malha viária urbana , executando ações integradas nas áreas de meio ambiente, urbanização, habitação e sistema viário, abrangendo uma área superior a cinco milhões de metros quadrados nas regiões norte, noroeste e oeste de Goiânia. O objetivo principal é analisar a proposta do Programa Urbano Ambiental Macambira Anicuns, apresentando os conceitos de parque e sua evolução histórica até o surgimento da ideia de parque linear, estudo de casos que fundamentam as considerações finais e apresentação dos detalhes do programa e seu projeto.

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