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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Determinants of the Applications to the Institutional Care in Turkey: Darulaceze Example

Esendemir, Serif 05 1900 (has links)
Although institutional care has started to be outmoded in the developed countries with development of different models of care, it still has a considerable place in the developing countries such as Turkey. This is because, changes in the demographic structure, extended family, and urban development of Turkey has brought about several aging problems leading older adults to end up in institutions. Loneliness was one of the significant reasons given in the Social Inquiry Survey of Applicants of Darulaceze Old-Age Institution and the basis for a micro level analysis in this study. Therefore, the main objective of the study was to determine the predictors of loneliness, including age, the state of living alone, functional independence, education, and gender. Analysis of the results indicated that these predictors have significant effects on the loneliness predominantly defined by social factors rather than medical factors. In addition, the meso and macro level analyses were employed to control the micro level analysis and see a general picture of institutional care. Thus, an academic example of diagnosing the main reasons behind the institutional care was presented to understand the context of aging in Turkey.

Le rôle du fleuve dans le processus de l'urbanisation : étude des villes fluviales en Chine / The role of the river in the process of urbanization : study of river cities in China

Lin, Chuan Hua 05 May 2011 (has links)
Pour le processus de transformation du rapport ville/fleuve, trois moments variants sont définis par les chercheurs français : celui de la ville commerciale, celui de la ville industrielle et celui de la ville en mutation vers le postindustriel (ou la ville tertiaire). Cependant, les villes fluviales chinoise ont les particularités dans la trace de l'évolution : il n'existait pas au début d'orientation vers le commerce à l'époque dite "du commerce", ni de révolution industrielle à l'époque de l'industrie ; il ne s'agit que d'un emprunt formel au modèle occidental de développement des fonctions tertiaires à l'époque dite "de la tertiarisation".Notre recherche est élaborée autour deux hypothèses principales : premièrement, le rapport ville/fleuve chinois sont passées par les trois états qui caractérisent l'évolution historique des villes occidentales, mais la dynamique de leur urbanisation est née et s'est adaptée au cadre particulier chinois ; deuxièmement, avec l'introduction des modèles étrangers, les villes fluviales chinoises opèrent une interprétation originale pour l'adapter à leurs propres contextes économiques et sociaux. L'emprunt des méthodes externes est mis au service des logiques internes. Nous voulons analyser en plus les enjeux des acteurs dans ces trois moments en Chine. Il existe deux caractéristiques communes dites le pragmatisme et le dirigisme : d'une part la dictature du pragmatisme, (le fleuve est toujours considéré comme un « outil pratique ») ; d'autre part l'effet déterminant des acteurs, dont les plus importants sont l'Etat et la direction des communes, qui ont déterminé en très grande partie le sillon de l'évolution des fonctions et des formes du fleuve. Notre thèse a trois parties principales en répondant aux trois phases de l'évolution du rapport ville/fleuve : l'époque de concession, entre 1840 et 1949, l'époque de reconstruction de la Chine, entre 1949 et 1978, et l'époque de l'”Ouverture”, de 1978 à aujourd'hui. Quatre villes sont choisies comme terrain de recherche après une étude initiale: Shanghaï, Canton, Wuhan et Tianjin. A la lumière de ces études, la diversité des enjeux liés à la thématique de l'usage du fleuve au cours de l'urbanisation est mise en évidence. La compréhension du mécanisme d'interaction entre les modèles étrangers et les logiques internes nous permettent d'établir une théorisation de la relation entre les grandes villes et leur fleuve, et plus particulièrement sur le rôle du fleuve dans le processus de l'urbanisation en Chine / For the transformation process of the report city / river, three periods are defined by French researchers: that of the commercial city, that of the industrial city and that of the city in the post-industrial transformation (or city of tertiary sector). However, the chinese river cities have the specifics in the trace of evolution : there exist no trade orientation in the beginning of the time called "trade period", or the industrial revolution at the time of industry; it use the Western model as major reference for development of service functions at the time called "the service sector". Our research is built around two main hypotheses: first, the report city / river in China passed through the three states that characterize the historical development of western cities, but the dynamics of urbanization was born and has adapted to its specific context; secondly, with the introduction of foreign models, the Chinese river towns operate an original interpretation to suit their own economic and social contexts, the reference of external methods in the service of internal logic. In addition, we want to analyze the main issues and actors in these three stages in China. There are two common characteristics called pragmatism and dirigisme: first the dictatorship of pragmatism (the river is still considered a "useful tool") and secondly determining the effect of the actors. The most important are the state and direction of city, who have largely determined the path of evolution of functions and forms of river. Our thesis has three main parts addressing the three phases of the evolution of the city / river: the concession period, between 1840 and 1949, the era of reconstruction of China, between 1949 and 1978, and then the period of the Opening from 1978 to today. Four cities are chosen for field of research after an initial study: Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan and Tianjin. In light of these studies, the diversity of issues related to the theme of the use of the river during urbanization is highlighted. Understanding the mechanism of interaction between foreign models and the internal logic allows us to establish a theoretical relationship between cities and their river, especially on the river's role in the process of urbanization in China

Dynamiques urbaines, mobilités et transports dans le Sud-ouest algérien (wilayas d'Adrar et de Bechar) / Urban dynamics, mobilities and transport in the Algerian Southwest (wilayas of Adrar and Bechar)

Yousfi, Badr-Eddine 27 June 2012 (has links)
Entre une perspective régionale de l’aménagement du territoire et une vision géopolitique de la région « Sahel, Maghreb », l’Etat algérien s’est engagé depuis la deuxième décennie de son indépendance non seulement à développer les transports dans les zones sahariennes mais aussi à mettre en place les équipements nécessaires pour le développement économique et social de ces zones, en desservant presque la totalité des centres urbains. Dans le Sud-ouest, cette dynamique a remodelé profondément l’espace relationnel dans la Saoura, le Gourara et le Touat. Structuré autrefois par les routes du commerce caravanier transsaharien, cet espace se désenclave, se voit attribuer de nouvelles fonctions et s’urbanise. Une nouvelle réorganisation de l’espace se met en place à l’échelle urbaine, rurale et régionale dans laquelle la ville se recompose et constitue le moteur d’insertion de ces territoires dans l’espace national. Soutenu par un nouveau réseau de transport routier, la dynamique urbaine dans le Sud-ouest algérien a concouru à dynamiser la mobilité intra-saharienne, redéfinissant ainsi de nouvelles relations spatiales entre la ville et son arrière pays mais aussi entre le Sud et le Nord. L’avènement d’une nouvelle composante humaine dans les centres urbains a entrainé des changements des rapports sociaux dans la société locale et le développement de nouveaux pratiques et comportements de consommation. La question de mobilité s’inscrit essentiellement autour de certaines logiques connues : politique, économique, sociale et culturelle, mais elle est surtout le produit de stratégies inconnues, de pratiques et d’enjeux / Between a regional perspective of the territorial (spatial) planning and a geopolitical vision of the region " Sahel, the Maghreb ", the Algerian State made a commitment since the second decade of its independence not only to develop transport in the Saharan zones but also to set up the necessary equipments for the economical and social development of these zones, by serving almost the totality of the urban areas. In the Southwest, this dynamics remodelled profoundly the relational space in Saoura, Gourara and Touat.Structured formerly by the roads of the trans-Saharan caravan business, this space opens up, attributes new functions and becomes urbanized. A new reorganization of the space is set up in the urban, rural and regional scale in which the city recomposes and constitutes the insertion engine of these territories in the national space. Supported by a new road transport network, the urban dynamics in the Algerian Southwest contributed to revitalize the intra-Saharan mobility, and so it is redefining not only new spatial relations between the city and its back country but also between the South and the North. The succession of a new human component in urban areas has entrained the changes of the social reports in the local company and the development of new practices and consumer behaviors. The question of mobility centers essentially around certain known logics: Political, economic, social and cultural, but it is especially the product of unknown strategies, practices and stakes

Urbanisation et dynamique des transports "informels" et des mobilités dans les villes secondaires sénégalaises : les cas de Touba, Thiès et Saint Louis / Urbanization and dynamics of informal transports and mobilities in secondary cities in Senegal : cases of Touba, Thiès and Saint Louis

Faye, Djib 12 February 2013 (has links)
La croissance explosive de la population sénégalaise a permis d’atteindre 13 millions d’habitants en 2009 contre 2 millions en 1950. La moitié de cette population, constituée largement de jeunes, vivent dans les zones urbaines comme Touba, Thiès et Saint Louis. Cet essor démographique a conduit à l’extension spatiale et la création de nouvelles centralités dans les villes sénégalaises. Il en résulte des paysages urbains et des fonctions très contrastés. Ce décalage fonctionnel et géographique a créé des besoins de mobilités très fortes.Dans les zones urbaines non planifiés et/ou éloignées des centres, les mobilités de proximité se développent par le biais de la marche à pieds et des transports hippomobiles. Alors que les déplacements menant vers les centres pour des motivations de travail, de commerce, d’études ou d’accès aux services divers se font essentiellement via les transports collectifs motorisés.De toute évidence, les relations entre transport et urbanisme sont ambivalentes. Si l’urbanisation précède le réseau de transport dans les quartiers périphériques, ailleurs, ils jouent un rôle majeur dans la structuration des espaces urbains notamment dans les centres historiques et le long des grands axes routiers.Pourtant, les transports informels opèrent en marge des règles pour satisfaire les besoins de mobilité des usagers à faible revenu. Ce qui rend ainsi éminent le rôle des pouvoirs publics dans la régulation des transports. / Senegal’s population grew in excess of 13 million people in 2009 from 2 million in 1950. The urban population growth led to the spatial extension and centralities of the cities. Half of the population, largely young, lives in urban areas like Touba, Thiès and Saint Louis. That gave a very contrasting urban landscapes and diverse urban functions. This shift has created very strong functional and geographical mobility needs. In urban unplanned areas and / or remote from centers, local mobility grew through walk and horse-drawn transport. Movements leading to the centers for reasons of work, commerce, education or access to various services abound via motorized transport.Clearly, the relationship between transport and urban planning are ambivalent. If urban development precedes the transport network in the suburbs, elsewhere, it plays a major role in the structuring of urban areas, especially in the historic centers and along major highways.Yet this informal transport is operating outside the rules, it meets the mobility needs of many low-income users. Thus, it is making prominent the role of the government to regulate the transports sector.

Les nouvelles dynamiques urbaines dans la vallée du fleuve Sénégal : l'exemple des communes de Richard Toll, Ndioum et Ourossogui

Badiane, Mamadou Lamine 17 September 2012 (has links)
Au Sénégal, l'urbanisation de la vallée est l'une des évolutions les plus marquantes intervenues au cours des deux dernières décennies. A partir des années 1990, l'érection de plus d'une dizaine de bourgades en centres urbains a considérablement modifié la trame urbaine de la vallée qui était jadis constituée d'anciennes escales fluviales (Saint Louis, Dagana, Podor et Matam). En effet, l'originalité de l'urbanisation de la vallée du fleuve Sénégal se caractérise par l'émergence des villes du jeeri et par le déclin des villes du waalo, anciennes escales fluviales. Le long de la RN2 s'échelonnent des villes relativement récentes aux caractéristiques variables. Le réseau de transport national et la position géographique ont fait de Richard Toll, Ndioum et Ourossogui des centres urbains émergents sur la rive gauche du fleuve Sénégal. La naissance des centres urbains et l'émergence d'un réseau urbain hiérarchisé et diversifié se sont déroulées dans un contexte de décentralisation. Les réformes administratives et territoriales entrent dans le cadre d'un rééquilibrage du réseau urbain national et semblent être l'expression d'une nouvelle politique de développement essentiellement basée sur la décentralisation et le développement local. / In Senegal, the urbanization of the valley is one of the most significant developments occurred during the last two decades. From the 1990s, the erection of more than a dozen towns in urban centers has dramatically changed the urban landscape of the valley that was once made of old river calls (St. Louis, Dagana, Podor and Matam). Indeed, the originality of the urbanization of River Senegal valley is characterized by the emergence of the jeeri cities and the decay of those of de waalo which were old river ports of call. Along the RN2, are spread out relatively new cities with variable characteristics. The national transportation system and geographical position have transformed Richard Toll, Ndioum and Ourossogui into emerging urban centers on the left bank of River Senegal. The rise of urban centers and the emergence of a hierarchical and diverse urban network have taken place in the context of decentralization. The administrative and territorial reforms are part of a national urban network rebalancing and also appear to be the expression of a new development policy mainly based on decentralization and local development.

Segmentation model for strategic decision-making to increase customer value : A study of absentee proprietors in the Swedishforest industry as a result of urbanization

Abdulkarim, Zahra, Malmstedt, Annelie January 2017 (has links)
Urbanization is a major factor causing unsupported perceptions within the traditional vision offorest management. Urbanization has led to a reconstruction on forest owners’ economicdependency on the forestry. This contributes in emigration from rural areas to bigger cities.To understand how distant forest owners, manage their forest they need to be segmentedaccording to specific criteria. The purpose of the study is to create a segmentation model thatis theoretically anchored and empirically verified, to increase the customer value and maptheir different needs. Through the purpose a research question was developed: How can asegmentation model for absentee proprietors within the forest industry be developed toincrease the customer value? A segmentation model provides comprehensive knowledge andinsights about forest owners’ different needs. The empirical data, collected through surveys,was presented individually and some connections could be found. Through these connectionsproperty area and distance were chosen as factors that are appropriate for segmentation. Basedon the segmentation factors a correlation analysis was made to create four demographicsegmentations. The visitors: small area, small distance. Conservationists: small area, largedistance. Investors: large area, small distance. Specifiers: large area, large distance. Theconclusion shows that a segmentation model over absentee proprietors is necessary for thestrategic management in forest companies, when it comes to decisions regarding sales criteria,communication and recommended approaches.

On the enhancement or counteraction of the responses to local-scale accumulated land-use changes on the short time-scale

Mölders, Nicole 18 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Simulations assuming open-pit mines and different cessation landscapes of open-pit mines with urbanization were performed with a non-hydrostatic meteorological model. The possible enhancement or counteracting of the atmospheric responses to these simultaneously occurring (= accumulated) land-use changes are examined applying a formula drived from the principle of superposition. Although accumulated land-use changes substantially affect the local water and energy fluxes and significantly influence cloud and precipitation microphysics, they do not necessarily provide more significant changes in these quantities than the change of different land-use types to only one land-use type (=single land-use changes). Where the atmospheric responses to accumulated land-use changes are enhanced or inhibited, depends on the thermal, dynamical and hydrologic characteristics of the undergoing accumulated land-use changes as well as on the land-use adjacent to the land-use conversion. In regions dominated by drier surfaces (e.g., agriculture), no enhancement or counteraction according to the principle of superposition could be detected in this study. / Simulationen mit einer Tagebaulandschaft sowie verschiedenen Tagebaufolgelandschaften inklusive Urbanisierung wurden mit einem nicht-hydrostatischen meteorologischen Modell durchgeführt. Eine mögliche Verstärkung oder Abschwächung der atmosphärischen Reaktion auf gleichzeitig auftretende (akkumulierte) Landnutzungsänderungen wird mittels einer auf dem Prinzip der Superposition erstellten Formel untersucht. Obgleich die akkumulierten Landnutzungsänderungen die lokalen Energie- und Wasserflüsse merklich sowie die Wolken und Niederschlagsmikrophysik signifikant beeinflussen, führen sie nicht notwendigerweise zu stärkeren Änderungen dieser Größen als einfache Landnutzungsänderungen. Wo sich akkumulierte Landnutzungsänderungen in ihrer Wirkung auf die Atmosphäre verstärken oder abschwächen, hängt davon ab, wie stark sich die dynamischen, hydrologischen und energetischen Eigenschaften der veränderten Landnutzung von der vorherigen und denen der Umgebung unterscheiden. In Regionen, die durch trockene Flächen charakterisiert sind (z.B. Ackerland), konnte in dieser Studie kein Verstärken oder Abschwächen im Sinne einer Abweichung vom Prinzip der Superposition festgestellt werden.

The impact of urbanization on the basic services delivery by the municipalities in Gauteng Province

07 October 2014 (has links)
M.Com. (Development Economics) / According to section 152 (1) of the Republic of South African Constitution Act (No. 108 of 1996), the municipalities are required by law to provide basic services in a sustainable manner to their respective communities. However, the municipalities have been facing challenges in carrying out their mandate successfully. One of the major obstacles in this regard has been the increasing rate of urbanisation due to various factors. Service delivery protests by the respective communities continue to be on the rise as well due to insufficient access to the basic services provided by the municipalities. The main aim of this paper was to explore the impact of urbanisation on the delivery of basic services by the municipalities in Gauteng Province. In this study, the four basic services categories namely, access to water, electricity, sewerage and sanitation as well as solid waste management formed an integral part of the weighted service delivery index and thus the dependent variable. Urbanisation, capital expenditure and operating expenditure were the explanatory variables. The research has demonstrated that urbanisation does have an impact on the level of basic service delivery. Even though the government mobilises resources towards the delivery of basic services, these resources are insufficient to cater for the needs of the population as a whole.

Urbanisation et politiques urbaines : analyse comparative du cas de l’Iran et de la France / Urbanization and urban politics : comparative analysis for Iran and France

Sasan, Seyed Salahaldin 18 April 2014 (has links)
Les villes sont le lieu d’installation privilégié des instances étatiques, des décideurs économiques et des entités scientifiques. Aucun gouvernement ne peut donc engendrer davantage de croissance économique, sans élaborer judicieusement au préalable des plans précis concernant le système urbain. Cependant dans les pays en voie de développement les gouvernements ne regardent que les aspects strictement économiques des villes et ils en oublient leurs autres responsabilités sociales et politiques face à la croissance urbaine.Ce travail s’inscrit dans une approche interdisciplinaire combinant l’économie spatiale et la macroéconomie. L’économie spatiale est l’analyse des comportements des individus économiques dans l’espace. Dans cette thèse, nous mettons en évidence la liaison entre géographie et économie.Dans le travail présent, après avoir présenté le phénomène de l’urbanisation et le système urbain, nous avons examiné la loi de Zipf, loi de Gibrat et le coefficient spatial de Gini pour le cas de l’Iran et de la France. Ensuite nous avons estimé le modèle de la croissance urbaine pour les deux pays, selon les travaux de Henderson. / Cities are the host of people as well as government officials, decision-makers, economic and academic elite institutions. Therefore, it is not possible to having any plan without understanding of urban systems can be made. Regardless of the importance of this matter, governments of developing countries often neglect their responsibilities and duties with regards to the city. This work is a combination of Spatial Economic and macroeconomics. Spatial Economic has been defined as identifying and analyzing the performance of the people in a same geographic location.In this paper, first step is introducing the phenomenon of urbanization and urban systems and then, next aim is estimating the Zipf and Gibrat’s laws and Spatial GINI Coefficient for the case of Iran and France. The urban growth model for Iran and France is measured based on the Henderson theories.In this paper, after introducing the phenomenon of urbanization and urban systems, we estimated the Zipf's and Gibrat lows and Spatial GINI' Coefficient for the case of Iran and France. By using the Henderson theories we measured the urban growth model for Iran and France

Leis de escala aplicadas para os municípios brasileiros. / Scaling laws applied to brazilian municipalities.

Daniel, Marcelo Nakano 14 February 2019 (has links)
Leis de escala aplicadas a cidades ja foram identificadas para diversos contextos ao redor do mundo e sua validade defendida por diversos autores. A invariância em escala e as relações de crescimento superlinear, linear e sublinear foram observadas considerando-se a relac~ao entre diversos indicadores (sociais, econômicos, infraestrutura) e o tamanho das cidades. Nesta pesquisa foi avaliada a aplicação das leis de escala para as cidades brasileiras em relação a 14 indicadores dos Censos do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) que se alinham com indicadores da Norma ISO 37120:2017. As leis de escala foram avaliadas para esses indicadores em relac~ao ao tamanho populacional das cidades brasileiras por meio do levantamento e processamento dos dados disponíveis. Não foi possível confirmar a generalidade da aplicação dessas leis, sendo apontadas as suas limitações. / Scaling laws applied to cities have already been identied for diverse contexts around the world and their validity defended by several authors. The scale invariance and the superlinear, linear and sublinear growth behaviors were observed considering the relationship between several indicators (social, economic, infrastructure) and the size of the cities. This research evaluated the applicability of the scaling laws for Brazilian cities relative to 14 indicators from Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) Censuses that are aligned with indicators proposed by ISO 37120: 2017 norm. The scaling laws were evaluated for these indicators in relation to the population size of Brazilian cities through the collection and processing of available data. It was not possible to conrm the generality of the application of these laws, and their limitations were pointed out.

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