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Exploring Generational Differences in Text Messaging Usage and HabitsLong, Daniel Wayne 01 January 2018 (has links)
Members of society today embrace multiple communication media for various purposes and intents. Text messaging has been identified as the medium of choice for continual relationship maintenance and text messaging from mobile devices overshadows all other media forms for the support of social connections. Text messaging is changing everything from how operators market their plans to how advertisers and service providers reach consumers. But just as technology usage of social media and internet access are different across generational boundaries, text messaging usage and habits may also be different for various generational groups. The majority of peer-reviewed research regarding text messaging usage habits has focused on adolescent and young adult users with less attention on text messaging usage habits by older adults; there is a scarcity of peer-reviewed research examining cross-generation text messaging habits and texting usage patterns. The primary goal of this study was to assess the similarities and differences in text messaging usage habits, purposes, and support of social connections differentiated by five of the commonly designated generational groups in America; the Post-War Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z. A mixed methods study provided data on the text messaging usage habits of members of the generational groups using a pool of adult college students, members of the researcher’s LinkedIn network, and data from a survey service to determine to what extent differences and similarities exist between users’ text messaging usage habits within each generational group. Results indicated generational group membership has a significant effect on a participant’s messaging volume (UV), text messaging partner choices (TMPC), and text messaging social habits (SH), regardless of gender, education level, or employment status. The older the generational group, the more likely they are to prefer talking over texting and to have issues with the device interface. The Post-War Silent generation texts their spouses the least of any group, while Generation X texts their spouses the most, and all generational groups with the exception of Generation Z would limit texting while driving. Generational characteristics seem to have some influence over texting behaviors. Contributions to the existing body of knowledge in the human computer interaction field include an investigation of factors that contribute to each generational group’s willingness to embrace or reject the text messaging medium, and an investigation into the into how each generation views and exploits the texting medium.
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EXPLORING ELDERLY PATIENTS´ BEHAVIOR & NEEDS INSIDE DIGITAL HEALTHCARE PLATFORMS / Undersökning av äldre patienters beteende och behov i digitala vårdplattformarHardebro, Veronica, Edblad, Rebecka January 2021 (has links)
Den ökande och snabba utvecklingen av informations- och kommunikationsteknik har skapat ett nytt ekosystem inom hälso- och sjukvårdssektorn bestående av digitala plattformar. Detta har gjort det möjligt för patienter att söka och ta emot vård på nya sätt som tidigare inte var möjligt. Att digitalisera patientresan har visat sig vara effektivt och underlättar självständigt boende och enkel åtkomst för uppföljningskonsultationer för de som lider av kroniska sjukdomar. Trots detta är många människor, särskilt äldre, underrepresenterade i användningen av digitala vårdplattformar. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka äldre patienters beteende inom digitala vårdplattformar för att tillgodose behoven hos den större befolkningen och minimera den digitala klyftan. För att uppnå syftet formulerades följande forskningsfrågor: Vilka är skillnaderna i användningsbeteende mellan äldre och yngre primärvårdspatienter på digitala vårdplattformar? Vilka är de viktigaste förebyggande faktorerna som påverkar äldres användningsbeteende? Denna studie följde en mixad forskningsdesign. Vi använde SPSS för att utföra one-way ANOVA följt av ett Games-Howell post hoc-test för varje variabel som möjligtvis kunde förklara en skillnad i användningsbeteende mellan yngre och äldre primärvårdspatienter. För att svara på vår andra forskningsfråga genomförde vi 17 intervjuer med respondenter i åldern 60+ som tidigare använt en digital vårdplattform. Våra resultat visar att det finns en signifikant skillnad i användningsbeteende mellan äldre och yngre primärvårdspatienter. Den äldre generationen spenderar mer tid under anamnes, onboarding och i väntekö, där de i åldern 75+ sticker ut mest på alla uppmätta variabler. Den äldre generationen tenderade också att betygsätta tjänsten något lägre, uppskatta deras hälsa högre och bli tilldelad färre antal sjukvårdsexperter i processen jämfört med den yngre generationen. De viktigaste förebyggande faktorerna som påverkar äldres användningsbeteende är den upplevda användbarheten, upplevda användarvänligheten, deras digitala mognad, förtroende, och attityd till digital vård. Denna studie bidrar till den glesa litteraturen inom digitala vårdplattformar och äldres beteende efter adoption av informations- och kommunikationsteknik. Vi tillhandahöll ny kunskap om äldres användning av digitala vårdplattformar i jämförelse till den yngre generationen och lade till en förklaring angående vilka faktorer som påverkar användningsbeteendet hos den äldre generationen. Dessutom stärker vi nuvarande teori genom att betona vikten av att undersöka de påverkande faktorerna snarare än kronologisk ålder. Våra praktiska bidrag riktar sig till både plattformsägare och vårdpersonal med syftet att ge vägledning i hur dessa två aktörer ska agera för att öka användningen bland den äldre generationen, där utformning av plattformen och information är särskilt viktigt att ta hänsyn till. / The rise and rapid development of information communication technologies have created a new ecosystem in the healthcare sector consisting of digital platforms. This has enabled patients to access, seek, and receive care in new ways which was not previously possible. Digitizing the patient journey is proven to be effective while facilitating independent living and easy access for follow-up consultations for those who live in rural areas and are suffering from chronic diseases. Yet, many people, especially elderly, are underrepresented in the usage of digital healthcare platforms. The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate elderly patients’ behavior inside the digital healthcare platforms to accommodate the needs of the greater population and minimize the digital divide. To achieve the purpose, the following research questions were formulated: What are the differences in usage behavior between elderly and younger primary care patients in digital healthcare platforms? Which are the key antecedent factors that influence the usage behavior of the elderly? This study followed a mixed method research design. We used SPSS to perform a one-way ANOVA followed by a Games-Howell post hoc test for each variable that possibly could explain a difference in usage behavior between younger and elderly primary care patients. To answer our second research question, we held 17 interviews with respondents in the age of 60+ that previously had used a digital healthcare platform. Our findings reveal that there is a significant difference in usage behavior between elderly and younger primary care patients. The elderly generation spend more time during anamnesis, onboarding, and in waiting lines, where those in the age 75+ stand out the most on all measured variables. The elderly generation also tended to rate the service slightly lower, estimate their health higher and get assigned to fewer healthcare professionals in comparison to the younger generation. The key antecedent factors that influence the usage behavior of elderly is the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, their digital maturity, trust, and attitudes towards digital healthcare. This study contributes to the sparsely literature within digital healthcare platforms and elderly’s behavior after adoption of ICTs. We provided new knowledge regarding elderly’s usage of digital healthcare platforms in contrast to the younger generation and added an explanation of factors that influence the usage behavior. In addition, we strengthen current theory by highlighting the importance of examining influencing factors rather than chronological age. Our practical contributions address both platform owners and healthcare professionals and aims to give direction in how these two actors should act to increase usage among the elderly generation, where design of the platform and information are especially essential to take into consideration.
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探討即時通訊之使用動機、使用行為與滿足之關係古明泓 Unknown Date (has links)
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國民小學學生網路使用行為與網路閱讀素養之關係 / The Relationships between Internet Usage Behavior and Internet Reading Literacy of Elementary School Students張爰珏, Chang, Yuan Chueh Unknown Date (has links)
研究工具採用「網路使用行為問卷」、「網路閱讀素養問卷」,並以t 檢定、Pearson積差相關、迴歸分析等方法進行研究資料分析,最後以結構方程式模型建立網路使用行為與網路閱讀素養模型,研究結果如下:
最後,根據研究結果提出各項建議,以供教學實務上及未來參考。 / This research aims to reveal the relationship between internet usage behavior and internet reading literacy of elementary school students.
This study used a questionnaire survey method to collect data. The subjects were collected from the elementary school students in 2011 by the stratified random sampling. The total valid samples were 1182. The research instruments used in this study included "Internet Usage Behavior Questionnaire", and "Internet Reading literacy Questionnaire ". Meanwhile, the collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistic, the t-test and Pearson correlation and regression analysis. Lastly, data were analyzed with Internet Usage Behavior and Internet Reading Literacy by structural equation modeling. The main findings were as follows:
1.There existed gender differences on information browsing and search activities and online game.
2.There existed no gender differences on internet reading literacy.
3.There existed grade differences on information browsing and search activities, community activities, and no grade differences on online game.
4.There existed grade differences on internet reading literacy with girls performed better than boys.
5.Structural equation modeling (SEM) showed that information browsing and search activities and online game activities had a remarkable influence on the internet reading literacy of elementary school students.
6.The study had found that information browsing and search activities have a positive effect upon internet reading literacy, and online game have a negative effect upon internet reading literacy. Community activities had no influence on the internet reading literacy.
Finally, according to the findings, implications and suggestions for teaching and future researches were discussed and proposed.
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電子郵件使用對知識工作者時間控制感之影響:以三階段混合方法探討 / The impact of e-mail usage on knowledge workers’ perceived control of time: a three phases mixed methods approach林勝為, Lin, Sheng Wei Unknown Date (has links)
第三階段實地實驗共涵蓋280位受測者,其中實驗組有175位,控制組有105位。ANCOVA分析之結果顯示,相較於控制組,實驗組之受測者經過教育訓練後展現較高的電子郵件自我效能及較佳的電子郵件時間控制感,但是受測者於訓練後並未投入更多心力於電子郵件時間管理行為。此外,接受此電子郵件訓練課程一個月後,平均每一位受訓者節省約17%之電子郵件使用時間。 / At the high widespread rate of the Internet era, the time spent on the Internet among knowledge workers has gradually increased. Because of this trend, these people have spent an alarming proportion of their work time on message communications tools, such as emails. Problems arising from e-mail management make users helpless particularly when they have to deal with information overload. Problems caused by inefficient e-mail use would directly/ indirectly affect the time resource, inevitably increasing time pressure to the workers. Therefore, it is essential for knowledge workers to understand how to use e-mail efficiently to heighten their productivity.
This study adopted Creswell’s three-phases mixed methods to investigate our research issues. First, this study investigates the e-mail usage behavior of knowledge workers through an in-depth literature review and a focus group discussion. Then, a sample survey method, along with a social cognitive theory and a goal setting theory, was adopted to investigate how personality affects perceived control of time in the context of e-mail handling. The third phase includes a quasi-experimental field study carried out in an organizational setting to examine the effects of an e-mail management training program on e-mail self-efficacy, e-mail-specific time management behavior, and time control over e-mail use.
The important findings in phase one include : 1) people are ruled by e-mail, but they think otherwise; 2) in daily usage, many weaknesses of e-mail are turned into strengths; 3) an information system background does not necessarily lead to sophistication in using e-mail tools; 4) e-mail is regarded as a print medium rather than an interactive medium; 5) e-mail to a large extent replaces face-to-face communication in the workplace; 6) e-mail users use the carbon copy and forwarding features habitually and not out of necessity; 7) users do not usually handle work-related and personal e-mail messages separately; and 8) users seek opportunities to learn about e-mail functionality out of convenience, but these are not attained with ease. A contrast between these findings and conventional wisdom concludes this study. In addition, we also conclude efficient e-mail usage approaches in this phase and develop the questionnaire for the next stage.
Based on data collected from 251 knowledge workers in second phase, the results show that personality predicts perceived control of time in e-mail handling and work through both e-mail-specific time management behavior and e-mail self-efficacy. In addition, higher e-mail self-efficacy leads to improved e-mail-specific time management behavior.
The field experiment in third phase includes 280 subjects, with 175 subjects in the experimental group, and 105 subjects in the control group, the ANCOVA results show that, after the training, the subjects exhibited greater e-mail self-efficacy and better time control over e-mail use but not paid more attention to e-mail-specific time management behavior According to the study reported here, this employee training program leads to a perceived time saving of about 17%.
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