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Dílo audiovizuální a díla a výkony audiovizuálně užité / Audio-visual work and audio-visually used works and performancesVelflová, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
Audio-visual work and audio-visually used works and performances Abstract The aim of the diploma thesis on Audio-visual work and audio-visually used works and performances is to provide an overview of key concepts of the Czech audiovisual legislation. The thesis mainly focuses on private-law aspects of copyright, but it also touches upon the subject of public regulation in the field of public support of audio-visual sector, regulation of advertising and media, or liability for administrative and criminal offences committed by infringement of the relevant intellectual property rights. Emphasis is placed on the intellectual property related to the creation of audio-visual work as a subject matter of copyright protection and on the entities and individuals that participate in the creation and production of audio-visual work. The first part of the thesis covers basic copyright concepts of the Czech legal system and sources of law relevant to the audio-visual sector, and it briefly mentions the legal instrument of collective rights management in the Czech Republic. The second part of the thesis covers the main topic of this work. Its first chapter defines the concept of author's work and examines the concept of audio-visual works and their classification, while also mentioning the concept of multimedia works and...
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Polyfunkční dům v Českých Budějovicích / Mixed-use buildingHonner, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The aim of my master´s thesis is a design of mixed-use building. The new building is designed to be a permanent resident with offices and café. The objech has one basement and three above floor. In the basement is amenities of house, office premises and café. All the above floor are designed for housing. The object is on sloping terrain on the selected pieces of land in north-west part of city Ceske Budejovice. Structural system is from permanent formwork. The house is roofed with warm flat floor. Drawing part processed in a computer program Archicad.
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Reverse Logistics Management in Construction : A multiple case study examining the effect of organisational sizeGustafsson, Jonatan, Bengtsson, Linnea January 2020 (has links)
Background: Increasing awareness for the environmental impact, governments and higher authorities has in the past years issued regulations for waste creation and management, creating a need for new practices and policies on how used material is handled. Reversed logistics could simply be described as the process of ensuring value creation spanning over the entire life cycle. The importance to understand and clarify what differences and limitations the adaptation of reverse logistics in the construction industry present, depending on organisation size. Purpose and research questions: The purpose with this research is to compare how SMEs and large organisations in the construction industry adapt reverse logistics practices. In order to fulfil the purpose two research questions are designed. The first question process what the major differences are between SMEs and large organisations regarding the willingness to adapt reverse logistics. The second question process what the major differences are between SMEs and large organisations regarding the ability to adapt reverse logistics. Method: This research used a qualitative approach. A literature review was conducted to construct a theoretical framework. Ten interviews are conducted with SMEs and large organisation within the construction industry as well an intermediary from a demolition organisation. The interviews are conducted in a semi-structural manner. The interviews are coded in order to define themes and construct a framework. Conclusion: The willingness to adapt reverse logistics depend on the responsibilities the companies have. The larger organisations are willing in order to fulfil larger environmental goals and regulations in the industry whereas SMEs want to ease daily operations and do good to the adjacent community. The ability to adapt reverse logistics are affected by the resources and regulations. SMEs have difficulties in adapting reverse logistics fully because of limited resources relating to handling and storing the to-be-reused material. The larger organisations have the resources but a longer implementation route and with larger projects need the clients demand to adapt reverse logistics on project scale.
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Proyecto FashionRent / Project FashionRentDíaz Torres, Rodrigo Francisco Ulises, Lopez Torres, Christy Elizabeth, Najar Chuquipiondo, Liz Stephany, Terrones Rojas, Gerser Isaias, Urzúa Ibarra, Tomás Osvaldo 25 February 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto tiene como finalidad el desarrollo e implementación de un modelo de negocio escalable capaz de competir en el mercado peruano mediante las diversas estrategias basadas en las relaciones y alianzas con socios claves y el aprovechamiento de los medios digitales como un puente entre la empresa y el mercado objetivo. Se trata de una comunidad enfocada en el alquiler de prendas mediante una plataforma digital, el cual está segmentada para mujeres de 13 a 24 años con un NSE B y C, y que residan en Lima Metropolitana. La propuesta brindada es la facilidad de alquilar prendas exclusivas de marcas y modelos variados a precios bajos de una manera rápida y segura desde la comodidad de sus hogares. Los canales utilizados son mediante página web y redes sociales como Facebook e Instagram, seleccionadas específicamente para la adaptación de las estrategias hacia las usuarias, ya que son las más utilizadas y las más accesibles. Para el análisis de viabilidad de propuesta se realizaron entrevistas tanto para expertos en el sector de la moda como a las posibles usuarias que contaban con una experiencia de compra por internet y en préstamos de ropa para cualquier ocasión. Asimismo, se realizaron validaciones de las ofertas de alquileres de prendas y las interacciones con las plataformas digitales presentadas por Fashion Rent. Se concluyó que existe demanda insatisfecha por parte de las usuarias, ya que, actualmente, los precios de los vestidos en el mercado limeño son elevados comparado con el poder adquisitivo que disponen y las veces que lo usarían. También, se observó durante las entrevistas que varias de ellas estaban interesadas en poner en alquiler sus prendas en desuso para generarse un ingreso extra y de esa manera convertirse en parte de nuestras socias claves. Por ello, se recibió una potencial acogida a nuestra propuesta innovadora de alquiler de vestidos a un precio accesible y con disponibilidad de tallas y modelos variados de acuerdo con las tendencias de cada temporada, además de brindarles la posibilidad de recibir una asesoría de modas completamente gratuita y personalizada para cada tipo y necesidad del cliente. / The intent of this project is to develop and implement the idea of a scalable business model which will be capable of competing in the Peruvian market through several strategies based on relationships and alliances with key partners and also, the use of digital media as a bridge between the company and the target market. This is about a community aimed on the rental of garments through a digital platform, which is segmented for women aged 13 to 24 with a socio-economic level of B and C, and for people who reside in Metropolitan Lima. The proposal offered of this project is the easiness of renting exclusive garments of differents brands and models at low prices, and also a quickly and safely service from the comfort of their homes. This will be through the website and social media such as Facebook and Instagram, which are specifically selected for the adaptation of the strategies towards the target market, since they are the most used (Facebook and Instagram) and the most accessible. For the feasibility analysis of the proposal of this project, there were interviews carried out both for experts in the fashion sector and also for potential users who had shopped online before and in clothing loans for any occasion, in the same way. Validations of the garment rental offers were made as well as the interactions with the digital platforms presented by Fashion Rent. To concluded, there is an unsatisfied demand from the users, because until this moment, the prices of dresses in Lima market are still high compared to the purchasing power they have and the times they would use it. Furthermore, it was observed during the interviews that several of them were interested in renting their disused garments to generate extra income and by this way become part of our key partners. Consequently, we received a potential welcome to our innovative proposal project of rental of dresses at reasonable price and with also availability of differents sizes and models according to the trends of each season, aside of having the possibility of providing a completely free fashion advice and customized for each type and need of the client. / Trabajo de investigación
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Secondary Life of Automotive Lithium Ion Batteries: An Aging and Economic AnalysisWarner, Nicholas A. 06 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Effects of Different Fuels on Combustion Boiler Processes : The analysis of alternative fuel mixturesStauber Alfredsson, Malin January 2018 (has links)
The objective of this study is to investigate the eect of dierent fuels on two uidized bed boiler systemsat the energy company Soderenergi's site in Igelsta, called IKV and IGV P3. Today, recovered wastewood (RWW) is the major fuel share fed into the boilers. However, with an insecure fuel supply in thefuture, other fuel types must be considered. Based on knowledge from previous fuel usage in the boilers,an evaluation of how other potential fuel mixtures may eect the operation is conducted. The additionalfuels considered in the fuel blends are; stem wood chips, cutter shavings, solid recycled fuel (SRF) andrubber.With elemental analysis of the fuels and established key numbers, the previous fuel mixtures are evaluated.The indications by the guiding parameters are compared with experienced problems and the formercondition of the boilers, and the risk limits for the key numbers are adjusted to a suitable level. Thepotential mixtures are evaluated with the key numbers and the updated limits. In addition to the keynumbers, the heavy metal concentration, the heating value, the moisture content and the ash content ofthe fuel blends are included in the evaluation. The considered damages in the boilers caused by the fuelblends are corrosion, sintering and fouling.The damage level from the current fuel usage for IKV and IGV P3 is fairly low. The results from theanalyzed fuel mixtures show an increased damage risk in the boilers. Additionally, adjustments of theboiler systems are required by some of the analyzed fuel mixtures. In general, the corrosion risk andthe heavy metal content will increase in comparison with today's fuel. The fouling and slagging are aswell expected to increase for the assessed fuel mixtures. Moreover, the result illustrates an increased ashgeneration, which demands a reconstruction of the ash cooling system for IKV. Furthermore, the increaseof LHV in the assessed fuel mixtures to IGV P3, is likely to require an increased capacity of the ue gasrecirculation pump.In the analysis of the potential fuel mixtures it is found that the corrosion risk expressed by the keynumbers is reduced with a higher share of rubber. The heavy metal content is, however, increased,leading to e.g. an enhanced risk for formation of eutectic salts, which as well are corrosive. On thecontrary, the fuel mixtures with a high risk expressed by the key numbers, have the lowest concentrationsof heavy metals. Due to the results are con icting, a balance between the risk indicated by the keynumbers and the heavy metal concentration must be considered in the evaluation. The fuel mixturesconsidered causing least damage to IKV are a mixture of 42% RWW, 48% wood fuel and 15% SRF, and amixture of 70% wood fuel, 20% SRF and 10% rubber. The fuel mixtures considered causing least damageto IGV P3 are a mixture of 85% RWW and 15% rubber and a mixture of 70% RWW and 30% SRF. / Syftet med studien var att undersoka branslets paverkan pa tva uidbaddpannor, IKV och IGV P3, hos energiforetaget Soderenergi. Idag ar det huvudsakliga branslet i dessa pannor returtra (RT). Med en standigtrorlig branslemarknad kravs kunskap av alternativa branslen. Baserat pa tidigare bransleanvandning,har paverkan fran potentiella bransleblandningar pa pannan undersokts. Utover returtra ar stamveds is,span, papper-plast-tra (SRF) och gummi med i de analyserade blandningarna.Med elementaranalyser pa branslen och etablerade nyckeltal utvarderades de tidigare anvanda branslena.Indikationen fran nyckeltalen ar jamford med upplevda problem och risknivaerna for nyckeltalen arandrade till passande nivaer. De framtida bransleblandningarna analyserades med hjalp av nyckeltalenoch de uppdaterade risknivaerna. Utover nyckeltalen analyserades tungmetallhalten, varmevardet, fukthaltenoch askhalten i bransleblandningarna. De pannskador orsakade av bransleblandningarna somundersokts ar korrosion, sintring och paslag.Det nuvarande branslet till IKV och IGV P3 ger en relativt lag skadeniva. Resultaten fran de analyseradebransleblandningarna visar att skaderisken i pannorna kommer att oka och forandringar av pannan kankomma att kravas. Generellt kommer korrosionsrisken och tungmetallinnehallet att oka i jamforelse meddagens bransle. Okat paslag och slaggning ar ocksa forvantat. Vidare visar resultatet att askproduktionenkommer att oka, vilket gor att IKVs kylsystem for bottenaskan kommer behovas byggas ut. LHV for deanalyserade bransleblandningarna for IGV P3 okar, vilket innebar att kapaciteten for returgas aktarnatroligen maste okas.I jamforelsen av de olika bransleblandningarna visas att korrosionsrisken, forutspadd av nyckeltalen,minskar med en hogre andel gummi. Daremot okar tungmetallinnehallet, vilket leder till en okad riskfor bildning av eutektiska salter, vilka ocksa ar korrosiva. Bransleblandningarna med en indikerad hogrisk av nyckeltalen, har tvartemot den lagsta koncentrationen av tungmetaller. Eftersom resultatenar motsagande, kravs en avvagning mellan riskerna indikerade av nyckeltalen och tungmetallshalten.De bransleblandningar som ar ansedda att vara minst skadliga for IKV ar en blandning av 42% RT,48% tradbransle och 15% SRF, och en blandning av 70% tradbransle, 20% SRF och 10% gummi. Debransleblandning som ar ansedda att vara minst skadliga for IGV P3 ar en blandning av 85% RT och15% gummi, och en blandning av 70% RT och 30% SRF.
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Minska skrotning av provartiklar / Reduce scrapping of test itemsJansson, Andreas, Sundström, Jenny January 2018 (has links)
Målet med detta projekt var att minska skrotning av provartiklar på Scania genom att ta fram ett förslag på flöde för vidare distribuering. Även att ta fram villkor för vilka artiklar som är aktuella för vidareförsäljning, kvantifiera mängden artiklar som kan säljas vidare och utvärdera ekonomin. Detta med hänsyn till att endast undersöka avdelningen RT (Truck Chassis Development) på Scania. Projektet startade på initiativ av Scania CV AB då de såg potential för vidareförsäljning i artiklar som i dagsläget skrotades efter en provmontering. Projektet utfördes i fyra olika steg under 10 veckor och arbetet planerades med hjälp av ett GANT‐schema. I nulägesbeskrivningen utfördes ett antal möten och besök på olika inblandade avdelningar på Scania. På så sätt skaffades en överblicksbild över hur problemet såg ut, hur processen runt om kring var uppbyggt och hur information för att lösa problemet skulle tas fram. En undersökning av hur flödet ser ut innan skrotning utfördes och presenteras i form av tre faser kallade beställnings‐, provnings‐ och skrotningsfasen. Genomförande, resultat och analys består av rubriker hämtade från planeringsstadiet i PDCA‐hjulet. Dessa är identifiering av problemet, analys av problemet och presentation av ett lösningsförslag. Även en utvärdering av ekonomin presenteras där ekonomiska beräkningar på det möjliga försäljningsvärdet från ASB (begagnat försäljning) som skrotades under 2017, antagna implementeringskostnader och förväntade intäkter vid försäljning hos ASB utfördes. Dessa utifrån egna antaganden och CW2:s (reservdelslager) försäljningsstatistik år 2017. Resultatet presenteras i form av lösningsförslaget som är ett visuellt flöde mellan MPAP (Prototype Assembly) i By 220 och ASB i Hovsjö. Villkor för vilka artiklar som är aktuella för vidareförsäljning har tagits fram i form av komplettering av Scanias befintliga skortoningsbedömning. Kvantifieringen av mängden serieartiklar blev 1 113 stycken och utgjordes av 310 stycken unika serienummer. Utifrån utvärderingen av ekonomin blev resultatet att flödet skulle kunna ge en besparing på ca 1 Mkr under år 2017. En slutsats av projektet är att en implementering av lösningsförslaget skulle bidra till besparingar och även minska på skrotningen av provartiklar. / The aim of this project was to reduce scrapping of test items at Scania by proposing a flow for further distribution. Also, present terms for which items are relevant for further distribution, quantification of the amount of items that may be sold and evaluate the economy. This with consideration of only evaluate the RT (Truck Chassis Development) department at Scania. This project started on the initiative of Scania CV AB because they saw potential for a further distribution of items which currently are scrapped after a test assembly. The project was carried out in four different steps during 10 weeks and the work was planned with a GANT‐schedule. In the description of the current situation a number of interviews was conducted on different departments at Scania. Through the interviews an understanding of the problem, how the process looks like and how information to solve the problem was gathered. An evaluation of how the flow before scrapping was carried out and is presented by three phases called ordering, testing and scrapping phase. The implementation, result and analysis chapter contains headlines gathered from the planning phase in the PDCA‐wheel. These headlines are identification of the problem, analysing the problem and a presentation of a solution. An evaluation of the economy is also presented showing the possible financial calculations of the total scrapped sales value in 2017 from ASB (second‐hand market), assumed implementation costs and the expected income from sales at ASB. This based on own assumptions and CW2’s (spare parts storage) sales statistics in 2017. The results are presented by the suggested solution which is presented as a visual flow between MPAP (Prototype Assembly) in By 220 and ASB in Hovsjö. The terms of which items are relevant for further distribution has been established by adding terms to the scrapping evaluation at Scania. The quantification of the amount of items was 1 113 pieces and the detected amount of different serial numbers was 310. Based on the evaluation of the economy the result was calculated to a saved amount of about 1 MSEK in year 2017. The conclusion of the project is that an implementation of the suggested solution would contribute savings and reduce the scrapping of test items.
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Vägen från vision till verklighet : Aktörers arbete för en socialt hållbar stadsutveckling i Kista kontorsområde / From Vision to Reality : Actors Involvement in Socially Sustainable Urban Development in Kista Business DistrictAndersson, Vendela, Billberg, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
Kista kontorsområde är ett etablerat Tech-arbetsplatsområde i norra Stockholm som upplevde sin storhetstid under 90-talet. Idag ser fastighetsägarna anledning att undersöka hur området kan utvecklas för att möta förändrade behov. Det finns flera aktörer som vill vara med i en socialt hållbar utveckling av stadsdelen. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vilka visionerna för Kistas kontorsområde är, hur de större aktörerna arbetar för att förverkliga visionen samt hur förändringar för att främja social hållbarhet bidrar till att uppnå visionen. De metoder som används för att undersöka detta är intervjuer och dokumentstudier. Processerna bakom visionsframtagandet och stadsutvecklingen analyseras med hjälp av Janes Jacobs och Jan Gehls teorier kring stadsutveckling, teorier inom social hållbarhet och framtidsstudier. Den socialt hållbara stadsutvecklingen i Kista kontorsområde analyseras utifrån fem nyckelteman inom social hållbarhet: identitet, kontext, tillgänglighet, inkludering, och variation. Resultatet visar att det finns ett samarbete mellan de privata fastighetsaktörerna i syfte att skapa och kommunicera en gemensam vision för området, samt att samla och effektivisera resursanvändningen i stadsutvecklingen. Kommunen pekas ut som en viktig samarbetsaktör av de privata aktörerna i detta arbete. Aktörernas gemensamma vision av Kista är en levande och attraktiv stadsdel med blandstadskaraktär, men det saknas en konkretisering av hur denna vision skall uppnås. / Kista business district is an established tech-cluster in northern Stockholm which experienced its peak during the 90’s. Today, the real estate owners see a need to explore how the area can be developed to meet a change in needs. There are many actors who want to be part of a socially sustainable urban development of the area. The aim of the essay is to examine which visions exists for Kista business district, what challenges there are to achieve these, how the prominent real estate actors and Stockholm municipality act in order to pursue the vision, and what socially sustainable urban development in Kista business district is. The methods that have been used to research this are interviews and a document analysis. The processes behind the production of the vision and the urban development are analysed with the theoretical frameworks of urban development by Jane Jacobs and Jan Gehl, and theories within social sustainability and futures studies. The socially sustainable development of Kista business district is analysed through five key themes within social sustainability: identity, context, accessibility, inclusion, and variation. The result shows that there is a collaboration between the private real estate actors with the aim to create and communicate a united vision for the area, as well as to concentrate and make the use of resources more efficient within the urban development. In this collaboration, the municipality has been distinguished as an important actor by the real estate actors. A liveable and attractive district with mixed-use characteristics, is the shared vision of Kista business district by the actors. However, how this vision is to be accomplished has not been concretised.
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Shifting cultures of recycled style : a history of second-hand clothing markets in MontrealDiggins, Kimberly A. January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Healthy Communities: Designing, Planning and ImplementingSmith, Andrea Lynn 05 June 2008 (has links)
It is easy to overlook the individual features that constitute a community, including types and mix of land use, lot sizes, building type, size and height, setbacks, street and sidewalk widths, parking requirements, and infrastructure, all of which are controlled and regulated by land use development codes, more commonly referred to as zoning. Zoning is the primary means communities employ to control and guide land use and development decisions affecting the physical form of these places. However, zoning is a rigid, legal framework that separates uses and prescribes standards without describing or even considering what development will or should look like.
Disenchantment with conventional zoning methods combined with innovative new approaches that address current and emerging issues are now readily available to learn from and adapt. A number of these approaches focus on design and form rather than use alone. The intentions of code reform focus on the creation of better public space, pedestrian friendly streets and communities, mixing uses and reducing parking requirements, all of which can lead to increased physical activity and healthy communities. / Master of Landscape Architecture
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