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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Historical Consciousness, Historical Media, and History Education / Historiemedvetande, historiska medier och historieundervisning

Thorp, Robert January 2014 (has links)
This thesis by publication contains an introductory summary chapter and three papers. The first paper presents a study of how the concept of historical consciousness has been defined, applied, and justified in Swedish history didactical research. It finds that there is consensus regarding the definition of what a historical consciousness is, but that there is variation in how the concept is applied. It is suggested that this variation makes historical con­sciousness a complex and vague concept.      The second paper uses the results presented in the first paper as a point of departure and from thence argues for a broadened understanding of the concept of historical consciousness that incorporates its definition, applica­tion, development, and significance. The study includes research about his­torical consciousness primarily from Sweden, the UK, the USA and Canada. The paper presents a typology of historical consciousness and argues that level of contextualisation is what distinguishes different types of historical consciousnesses and that an ability to contextualise is also what makes his­torical consciousness an important concept for identity constitution and morality.      The third paper proposes a methodological framework of historical con­sciousness based on the theory of historical consciosusness presented in the second paper. It presents arguments for why the framework of historical consciousness proposed can be useful for the analysis of historical media and it discusses how aspects of the framework can be applied in analysis. It then presents a textbook analysis that has been performed according to the stipulated framework and discusses its results regarding how textbooks can be used to analyse historical consciousness and its development. / Forskarskolan Historiska Medier (ForHiM)

Historia skriven i sten? : Bruket av Kensingtonstenen som historiekultur i svenska och amerikanska utställningsrum / History Written in Stone? : Uses of the Kensington Rune Stone as Historical Culture in Swedish and American Exhibitions

Hjorthén, Adam January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to analyze how and why Scandinavian-American history has been used in exhibitions in both Scandinavia and the United States after the end of the Great Migration. More specifically, the thesis deals with the Swedish and American exhibitions of the controversial Kensington Rune Stone, discovered in Minnesota in 1898. Despite the fact that its authenticity has been disputed by academic expertise, it has been displayed by many prominent actors. The Rune Stone is one of many purportedly pre-Columbian artifacts found in the United States. Moreover, it is an identity marker, harboring many kinds of identity constructions. The thesis therefore focuses on the meanings that the Rune Stone has been charged with since its discovery, as historical culture and in specific exhibits, on how it has been displayed, and on why it has been exhibited at  national museums in both Sweden and the United States.  The principal source materials are five exhibitions of the Kensington Rune Stone. Through an analysis of previous research about the Rune Stone, four dimensions in the historical culture surrounding the Stone have been isolated, which are used as theoretical tools in the analysis. Hence, the previous research is viewed as secondary source materials. Structured into two phases, the analysis highlights both the making of the exhibits and the public display settings. The study shows why the actors considered the Rune Stone important, which dimensions of the historical culture that were activated, and how the actors narrated the history to the public.  This master thesis argues that the Scandinavian-American use of history consists of several dimensions and should be comprehended within a transnational context. The exhibitions of the Kensington Rune Stone differ significantly from each other. From a Swedish point of view, the uses of the Rune Stone in America, as part of a “Viking discourse”, may be regarded as both vulgar and incorrect. However, this study shows that all exhibitions have had common implications. The uses of history take place within national and regional contexts and discourses, but the historical culture is hybridized and entangled across national borders. Consequently, the pre-Columbian historical culture has accompanied the Rune Stone when it moved between cultural contexts.

Spelfilm som historieförmedlare i undervisning : Hur spelfilm kan bidra till att utveckla elevers historiska tänkande / Using Film to mediate History in Teaching : How Film can Contribute to Developing students' Historical Thinking

Jonsson, Erica January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to see how historical films in history education can contribute to developing students' critical thinking about sources, historical consciousness, and various aspects of the uses of history. I showed a sequence of the film 1917 which is about the First World War, to a class of high school students who then worked on an assignment connected to the film and the purpose of the study. The material consists of 13 student responses to the assignment which contains three different questions where each question is designed to develop the theoretical approaches of source criticism, historical consciousness, and uses of history. The method is a content analysis with mainly a qualitative approach but also a quantitative approach with one coding scheme to each theoretical approach. The result of the study shows how the students’ reasons and discuss source criticism, historical consciousness, and uses of history towards the film sequence to develop their learning.

Medeltider : samtida mobiliseringsprocesser kring det förflutnas värden / The Middle-Ages : Contemporary mobilization processes around values of the past

Gruber, Göran January 2010 (has links)
Den här studien använder en bred förståelse av begreppet medeltider för att visa hur värden och handlingsnormer skapas och omförhandlas i samtida historiebruk. Den bidrar till analysen och diskussionen kring minnespolitikens centrala spänningsförhållanden där representativa demokratiska och nationella mål ställs mot direkt demokratiska och mångkulturella tankemönster. I två fallstudier som följer medeltidsbruket i Östergötland synliggörs hur spänningen påverkar och hanteras i praktiken. Den ena fallstudien följer tätt på en konflikt mellan bevarande av människoskelett från en medeltida avrättningsplats i Vadstena och näringslivsutveckling i form av en fabriksutbyggnad. Den andra utgår från orten Skänninge och tecknar en bredare bild av hur det medeltida förflutna och dess materiella spår i landskapet används i regional och lokal utvecklingspolitik. De empiriska studierna följer aktörer i olika situationer och hur dessa binds upp kring varierande problemformuleringar. Fokus ligger på hur dessa processer går till, vilka resurser som utnyttjas men också på retorik och handling. Analysen resulterar i tre övergripande mobiliseringsprocesser vilka kopplas till begrepp som bevarande, upplevelse och lokal politik. Genom dessa synliggörs hur bruket av medeltider följer parallella värdesystem och logiker vilket när de interagerar skapar konfliktfyllda situationer. Avhandlingen visar hur de traditionella institutionernas strukturer utgör en barriär vilken motverkar en samverkan mellan de många aktörsgrupperna, det breda bruket av det förflutna som den nationella politiska retoriken efterfrågar. / This study apply to a broad understanding of the term Middle-Ages as an analytical concept to show how values and norms of actions are established and negotiated through contemporary uses of history. It contributes to the analysis and discussion of central tensions in memory policy between, on one hand, the representative democratic system, and on the other hand, a direct democracy based on the idea of everyone's ability and right to participate in the use of the history. In two case studies, that maps the use of the Middle-Ages in the county of Östergötland, this study shows how this tension effects and is handled by Stakeholders in every day praxis. One case focus on a conflict between, on one hand, ancient remains of human skeletons from a medieval gallows hill, and on the other hand, private business development due to the construction of a new factory in the town of Vadstena. The other case analyses a broader use of the Middle-Ages as resources in regional and local development policies in the town of Skänninge. The study analysis varied situations where Stakeholders are mobilized around different problems. It focus on how these processes are carried out and which recourses that are used, both rhetorical and through actions. The study shows how values of the past is created, produced and negotiated in contemporary processes of mobilization which are related to terms such as Preservation, Experience and Local policies. It also shows how traditional institutional structures creates barriers that prevent fruitful cooperation between the Stakeholders, and the broader use of the past that the national policies are asking for.

Skilda världar : Samtida föreställningar om kulturarvsplatser / Separate worlds : Contemporary notions of cultural heritage

Andersson, Joakim January 2008 (has links)
Kulturarvsplatser kan betraktas på olika sätt av olika människor. Samtidigt finns kol-lektiva föreställningar om hur en kulturarvsplats bör förstås. Mellan dessa utgångs-punkter sker förhandlingar om kulturarvsplatsens betydelse och värde. Syftet med studien är att förstå hur en plats, institutionellt utpekad som kulturarv, används och iscensätts genom mångsidiga och korsande praktiker, både via media och på plats. Två fall undersöks som har olika inriktningar men båda inom svensk kulturmiljö-vård: kulturreservatet komministerbostället Råshult i sydvästra Kronoberg i Småland som är botanikern Carl von Linnés födelseplats och den publika uppdragsarkeologiska verksamheten i Slättbygdsprojektet i västra Östergötland. Frågorna berör vilka arenor medieringen sker, dess tematik/innehåll, iscensättningen av kulturarvet samt hur besö-karna uppfattar sitt besök av platsen och de strategiska aktörernas visioner för platsen. Metodiskt följs en tänkt besökares väg till kulturarvsplatsen och faktiska besökare vid platsen. Både i slättbygdens undersökningsrum och vid Linnés Råshult synliggörs den kollektiva föreställningarna som huvudsakligen en vetenskaplig studieplats och en skattkammare för särskilt värdefulla ting. Besökarna lyfter dock fram de sociala aspekterna av besöket. Besökarens tolkning existerar och konkurrerar med andra bilder av platserna. Det saknas dock arenor som synliggör och sätter dessa i förbindelse med de strategiska aktörerna, trots mycket offentligt tal om demokratisering av kulturarvs-processerna under senare år. Olika materials bilder har på så sätt lagts jämte varandra för att synliggöra dynamik, förhandling, konkurrens och bristande dialog kring en plats. / Cultural heritage sites can be looked at differently by different people. These sites also carry collective understandings of how they should be understood. Between these two outsets there are negotiations of the sites’ meaning and value. The aim of this thesis is to understand how a place, institutionally pointed out as cultural heritage, is used and staged through diverse and intersecting practices, both through media and on the heri-tage site. Two differently oriented cases are researched within Swedish cultural heritage preservation: one the birthplace of Carolus Linnaeus, the botanist, which is a cultural reservation located at Råshult in the south of Sweden, and the other a commissioned archaeological project called Slättbygdsprojektet in Östergötland in mid Sweden. The questions concern on what arenas the mediation happens, its theme/content, the staging of the cultural heritage, as well as the visitors’ experiences and the strategic actors’ visions of the site. Methodically I follow both a fictive visitor’s way to the heritage site and actual visitors on site. Both in Slättbygdsprojektet and at Linnés Råshult the collective understandings of the sites are mainly viewed as a place for scientific study and a treasure chamber for especially valuable objects. The visitors especially highlight the social aspects of their visit. The visitors’ interpretation exists and competes with other images. However, there are no arenas that can make them visible, to put them in relation with the strategic actors, despite much public speech in recent years about democratizing cultural heri-tage processes. Images of different researched materials of the site have been juxta-posed to make visible the dynamic, negotiations, competition and lack of dialogue about cultural heritage sites.

Skilda världar : Samtida föreställningar om kulturarvsplatser / Separate worlds : Contemporary notions of cultural heritage

Andersson, Joakim January 2008 (has links)
Kulturarvsplatser kan betraktas på olika sätt av olika människor. Samtidigt finns kol-lektiva föreställningar om hur en kulturarvsplats bör förstås. Mellan dessa utgångs-punkter sker förhandlingar om kulturarvsplatsens betydelse och värde. Syftet med studien är att förstå hur en plats, institutionellt utpekad som kulturarv, används och iscensätts genom mångsidiga och korsande praktiker, både via media och på plats. Två fall undersöks som har olika inriktningar men båda inom svensk kulturmiljö-vård: kulturreservatet komministerbostället Råshult i sydvästra Kronoberg i Småland som är botanikern Carl von Linnés födelseplats och den publika uppdragsarkeologiska verksamheten i Slättbygdsprojektet i västra Östergötland. Frågorna berör vilka arenor medieringen sker, dess tematik/innehåll, iscensättningen av kulturarvet samt hur besö-karna uppfattar sitt besök av platsen och de strategiska aktörernas visioner för platsen. Metodiskt följs en tänkt besökares väg till kulturarvsplatsen och faktiska besökare vid platsen. Både i slättbygdens undersökningsrum och vid Linnés Råshult synliggörs den kollektiva föreställningarna som huvudsakligen en vetenskaplig studieplats och en skattkammare för särskilt värdefulla ting. Besökarna lyfter dock fram de sociala aspekterna av besöket. Besökarens tolkning existerar och konkurrerar med andra bilder av platserna. Det saknas dock arenor som synliggör och sätter dessa i förbindelse med de strategiska aktörerna, trots mycket offentligt tal om demokratisering av kulturarvs-processerna under senare år. Olika materials bilder har på så sätt lagts jämte varandra för att synliggöra dynamik, förhandling, konkurrens och bristande dialog kring en plats. / Cultural heritage sites can be looked at differently by different people. These sites also carry collective understandings of how they should be understood. Between these two outsets there are negotiations of the sites’ meaning and value. The aim of this thesis is to understand how a place, institutionally pointed out as cultural heritage, is used and staged through diverse and intersecting practices, both through media and on the heri-tage site. Two differently oriented cases are researched within Swedish cultural heritage preservation: one the birthplace of Carolus Linnaeus, the botanist, which is a cultural reservation located at Råshult in the south of Sweden, and the other a commissioned archaeological project called Slättbygdsprojektet in Östergötland in mid Sweden. The questions concern on what arenas the mediation happens, its theme/content, the staging of the cultural heritage, as well as the visitors’ experiences and the strategic actors’ visions of the site. Methodically I follow both a fictive visitor’s way to the heritage site and actual visitors on site. Both in Slättbygdsprojektet and at Linnés Råshult the collective understandings of the sites are mainly viewed as a place for scientific study and a treasure chamber for especially valuable objects. The visitors especially highlight the social aspects of their visit. The visitors’ interpretation exists and competes with other images. However, there are no arenas that can make them visible, to put them in relation with the strategic actors, despite much public speech in recent years about democratizing cultural heri-tage processes. Images of different researched materials of the site have been juxta-posed to make visible the dynamic, negotiations, competition and lack of dialogue about cultural heritage sites.

Lika som bär men vissa med nationen mer kär : En jämförelse av kursplaner i historia för studieförberedande gymnasieutbildningar i Finland, Norge och Sverige

Malmberg, Oline January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study is to compare the subject syllabuses for history education in uppersecondary school of Finland, Norway and Sweden. Three syllabuses from Norway, two from Finland and one from Sweden for courses that are compulsory for higher education preparatory programmes in the three countries have been analysed and compared. Qualitative content analysis has been used to find similarities and differences for what the countries find important with and in the history subject. A deductive analysis has been used for the part of the syllabus where the aim and the goals are written. An inductive analysis has been used for the part of the course content. By using a deductive content analysis with a coding scheme based on common historical didactic terms, the result of this study shows that every country finds that historical consciousness, narration, historical empathy, historical method and the uses of history are important parts of the history subject and education. However, the countries differ when it comes to if they see these parts as the aim or as a goal with the subject or the education. The inductive content analysis shows that all countries find sources and work with sources, uses of history, time periods, global historical events and processes and development of state and societies as important parts of the education. A difference between the countries is that Finland and Norway have more specific national history content in the syllabuses than Sweden has. Therewith does this result show that both Norway and Sweden find it important to problematize the time periods and to have different historical questions, aspects and explanations in the content of history education.

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