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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ett eget rum? : Kvinnors organisering möter etablerad politik

Rönnblom, Malin January 2002 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to analyse the relationship between women’s organising and established politics in three Swedish municipalities, and by way of this analysis study the construction of gender power orders. In the analysis, special emphasis is put on women’s agency. By posing questions to activists and local politicians concerning their opinions about women’s organising, the positions of women in established politics, and the concept of gender-equality, the ambition is to illuminate constructions of local gender power orders. The analysis is mainly based on interviews with activists, local politicians, and local administrators in the municipalities of Berg, Kiruna, and Robertsfors. Theoretically, the dissertation is influenced mainly by feminist theory of gender power relations and women’s agency, for example the work of Maud Eduards, and the theories about power and resistance developed by Michel Foucault. Carol Bacchi’s “What’s the problem?” approach is used when analysing the opinions of activists and politicians regarding the issue of gender-equality. In this approach, the way of constructing problems is the key, not “the problem” as such. The point is to constantly question phenomena that are defined as natural or self-evident, or, in other words, to deconstruct dominating discourses. When the interviews with the politicians were analysed with the ambition of discerning a dominant discourse of gender power, five limiting principles became visible; essential (in biological terms) differences between women and men, figures and complementarity, reduction, voluntariness, and co-operation. The principle of differences appears to be central, and all the principles place questions of gender-equality on the labour market. The “gap” between activists and politicians regarding the way in which gender is constructed is put forward as the main reason why women’s organising meets resistance from the sphere of local, established politics. This gap is also the central ingredient in the construction of the three local gender power orders, even if there are also other differences between the three. Key words: Women’s organising, women’s movement, gender-equality, rural areas, local politics, gender and politics, feminist theory

SPRÅKET, FOLKET OCH MAKTEN ÖVER STADEN : En uppsats om lokalpolitisk representation och territoriell stigmatisering i en medelstor svensk stad

Sjödahl, Elin, Taxén, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att beskriva hur den geografiska politiska representationen ser ut i en medelstor svensk stad, samt hur stadsdelarna i staden beskrivs i kommunpolitiska texter, i vårt fall i form av oppositionens interpellationer och motioner. I denna uppsats utförde vi en undersökning av Västerås olika stadsdelars representation i kommunfullmäktige genom att granska var samtliga politiker i kommunfullmäktige är folkbokförda år 2022. Vi studerar även vilken socioekonomisk status politikernas bostadsområden har, samt vilken politik stadens politiker bedriver gällande stadens olika socioekonomiska områdestyper. Genom textanalys av oppositionens interpellationer och motioner, lagda under åren 2019–2021, kunde vi se att socioekonomiskt starka bostadsområden i Västerås är politiskt överrepresenterande medan andra är underrepresenterade i kommunfullmäktige. Utöver detta såg vi att majoriteten av stadens politiker bor i samma områdestyp, medan de socioekonomiskt utsatta områdena till stor del saknar representation eftersom endast ett fåtal politiker bor där. Vi fann också att de socioekonomiskt svagare områdena stigmatiseras i högre utsträckning än de områden som hade goda socioekonomiska förutsättningar.

Kampanjstrategier i den lokala kontexten : En intervjustudie av kommunala valrörelser

Nilsson, Simon January 2022 (has links)
The local level of politics in Sweden has been described as strong in relation to similar levels internationally aswell as to other political and administrative levels in the national system. Despite this, the research has regularlyoverlooked important aspects of local politics throughout several decades. The purpose of this study is to begin toaddress the lack of research by studying electoral campaigns in the Swedish municipal election. Representativesfrom two local party organizations have been interviewed in order to identify campaign tools and strategies thatare prevalent in what is deemed two very successful campaigns. The two campaigns are compared and differencesbetween local parties and parties connected to the national level of politics are considered. To some extent thefindings of this study match those of previous research on the national level of politics. However, some of thefindings suggest the possibility of achieving greats results in local elections using low-cost campaign methods. Inorder to find stronger evidence for causality between a particular campaign activity and election results furtherresearch of more numerous cases is necessary.

Att prata i politik : En diskurspsykologisk undersökning av positionering i kommunfullmäktige

Forss, Henrik, Asteberg, David January 2015 (has links)
Lokal politik har en viktig roll i samhället och dess faktakonstruktion kan ha en påverkan på individen. Lokalpolitikern konstruerar i sina anföranden beskrivningar av verkligheten som görs trovärdiga genom retoriskt arbete. Arbetet använder en diskurspsykologisk metod för att undersöka kommunpolitikers anförande i debatten rörande kommunens styrdokument, Inriktning, verksamhet och ekonomi (förkortat IVE) för åren 2015 till 2018. Studien kommer fram till att problem och lösningar görs till fakta genom användandet av offensiv och defensiv retorik. I konstruerandet av problemet finns också ett konstruerande av en politisk motståndare som föranlett problemet. Producerandet görs trovärdigt genom retoriska resurser som främst är av offensiv karaktär. I konstruerandet av lösningar positionerar kommunpolitiker sig nära lösningen och som kapabla och ansvarsfulla aktörer. I producerandet nyttjas retoriska resurser som främst är av defensiv karaktär. / Local government has an important role in society and their facts construction can have an impact on the individual citizen. In their speeches, local politicians construct descriptions of reality that are made credible by their rhetorical work. This study utilizes a discourse psychological method to investigate municipal politicians’ speech in the debate on the municipal policy regarding Orientation, Services and Economics (abbreviated IVE) for the years of 2015 throughout 2018. The study concludes that problems and solutions become facts through utilization of offensive and defensive rhetorical techniques. In the construction of the problem there is also a construction of the political opponent that has prompted the problem. The production is made credible through rhetorical resources of primarily offensive characteristics. In constructing the solution the municipal politicians position themselves close to the solution and as capable and responsible actors. In the production they use rhetorical resources that are mainly in defensive form.

Sysselsättning –en förutsättning för integration? : En studie om lokal integrationspolitik och etableringenav utrikes födda på den svenska arbetsmarknaden.

Mattson, Oliver January 2018 (has links)
The employment rate differences between those who are foreign born and those whoare born in Sweden are as high as 15,3 percent in average, which is the largestdifference amongst the member states. There are also big variations amongst the 290Swedish municipalities, with differences ranging from 10,7 percent in Gällivarekommun and 49,3 percent in Ovanåker kommun.The purpose of this study is to contribute to previous studies on the integration ofimmigrants on the Swedish labour market, by exploring the explanations for thesevariations. The main focus of this study is to explore how the integration policies ofthe local municipalities affect immigrant's successes on the Swedish labour marketand their opportunities for employment.Within the limits of a statistical study and through multivariate regressionanalysis, I explore a number of potential factors that could affect the employmentrates of foreign born citizens. The empirical findings are ambiguous, with only partialsupport for two out of three hypotheses, and no support for the third, this studyshows little promise for the purpose of local integration policies for the integration ofimmigrants on the Swedish labour market. / <p>2018-06-07.</p>

Den lokala ideologin : - En analys av Falupartiets ideologi. / : The local ideology.

Elefelt, Alexander January 2018 (has links)
Falupartiet anser sig själva att inte styras av någon av de klassiska ideologierna, de anser då att de styrs av något annat som har att göra med vad som är det bästa för Falu kommun, men vad betyder det och vad innebär det ideologiskt? Det bör innebära att Falupartiet är styrda av en lokal ideologi? Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera fram Falupartiets lokala ideologi för att skapa en större förståelse för den. Uppsatsens frågeställningar vill besvara vilka av de klassiska ideologierna som styr de nationella partierna som även styr Falupartiet, även om Falupartiet förnekar sig styrda av dem. Frågeställningarna vill även undersöka om det kan finnas spår av lokalpopulistiska drag i att endast påstå sig styras av lokala intressen. Detta kommer att göras med en kvalitativ diskursanalytisk metod och med hjälp av teorier om ideologisk analys där ideologin delas upp i huvudpunkter för att analyseras separat. Analysen kommer att göras endast på Falupartiets textmaterial från deras hemsida. Analysresultaten visar att Falupartiets ideologi innehåller en stor blandning av flera olika ideologier vilket samtidigt kan ses som populistiskt. Falupartiet har ingen extrem ideologi men deras ideologiska kärna bör ses som högerkonservativ, med vissa populistiska drag. / The local Falun party is claiming not to be steered by any of the classical ideologies that the national parties have, they claim that they are steered by something else that has to do with what is the best for Falun community, but what does that mean and what kind of ideology is that about? It must be some kind of local ideology? The purpose of this paper is to analyse the Falunparty’s ideology to create a bigger understanding about it. It will do that thru the method of discourse analysis and with help of theories about ideological analysis where you separate the ideology into different headlines. And this analyse will only be done on the Faluparty’s text material from their website. The questionnaire’s in this paper wants to answer to what kind of ideology the local ideology is made of by comparing it to the national classical ideologies that the party is claiming not to be steered by. This paper is also questioning if this local ideology has populistic undertones. The results show that the Faluparty has a mix of all kinds of ideologies, which in itself can be seen as populistic. They do not have any extreme ideology, but their primary ideological nature is slightly right-wing conservative, thus with a populistic behaviour.

Medeltider : samtida mobiliseringsprocesser kring det förflutnas värden / The Middle-Ages : Contemporary mobilization processes around values of the past

Gruber, Göran January 2010 (has links)
Den här studien använder en bred förståelse av begreppet medeltider för att visa hur värden och handlingsnormer skapas och omförhandlas i samtida historiebruk. Den bidrar till analysen och diskussionen kring minnespolitikens centrala spänningsförhållanden där representativa demokratiska och nationella mål ställs mot direkt demokratiska och mångkulturella tankemönster. I två fallstudier som följer medeltidsbruket i Östergötland synliggörs hur spänningen påverkar och hanteras i praktiken. Den ena fallstudien följer tätt på en konflikt mellan bevarande av människoskelett från en medeltida avrättningsplats i Vadstena och näringslivsutveckling i form av en fabriksutbyggnad. Den andra utgår från orten Skänninge och tecknar en bredare bild av hur det medeltida förflutna och dess materiella spår i landskapet används i regional och lokal utvecklingspolitik. De empiriska studierna följer aktörer i olika situationer och hur dessa binds upp kring varierande problemformuleringar. Fokus ligger på hur dessa processer går till, vilka resurser som utnyttjas men också på retorik och handling. Analysen resulterar i tre övergripande mobiliseringsprocesser vilka kopplas till begrepp som bevarande, upplevelse och lokal politik. Genom dessa synliggörs hur bruket av medeltider följer parallella värdesystem och logiker vilket när de interagerar skapar konfliktfyllda situationer. Avhandlingen visar hur de traditionella institutionernas strukturer utgör en barriär vilken motverkar en samverkan mellan de många aktörsgrupperna, det breda bruket av det förflutna som den nationella politiska retoriken efterfrågar. / This study apply to a broad understanding of the term Middle-Ages as an analytical concept to show how values and norms of actions are established and negotiated through contemporary uses of history. It contributes to the analysis and discussion of central tensions in memory policy between, on one hand, the representative democratic system, and on the other hand, a direct democracy based on the idea of everyone's ability and right to participate in the use of the history. In two case studies, that maps the use of the Middle-Ages in the county of Östergötland, this study shows how this tension effects and is handled by Stakeholders in every day praxis. One case focus on a conflict between, on one hand, ancient remains of human skeletons from a medieval gallows hill, and on the other hand, private business development due to the construction of a new factory in the town of Vadstena. The other case analyses a broader use of the Middle-Ages as resources in regional and local development policies in the town of Skänninge. The study analysis varied situations where Stakeholders are mobilized around different problems. It focus on how these processes are carried out and which recourses that are used, both rhetorical and through actions. The study shows how values of the past is created, produced and negotiated in contemporary processes of mobilization which are related to terms such as Preservation, Experience and Local policies. It also shows how traditional institutional structures creates barriers that prevent fruitful cooperation between the Stakeholders, and the broader use of the past that the national policies are asking for.

FÖRESTÄLLNINGAR OCH INTRESSEN : En fallstudie utifrån Advocacy Coalition Framework av en lokal policyprocess om expropriation

Blomqvist, Fredrik January 2016 (has links)
This paper examines the viability of the Advocacy Coalition Framework(ACF) by applying it in a single case study. The aim is to advance the framework’s theoretical understanding of the policy process and its usefulness for analyzing local policy contexts. The case addressed is a long-spun policy conflict regarding the use of compulsory acquisition of real estate by a Swedish municipality for the sake of local business development. Analyzed data consisted of the municipality diary on the issue, correspondence between actors, public statements, official and internal documents and interviews with actors and non-actors. The ACF is a good starting point for understanding this local policy process, largely because of the great flexibility of its concepts. However, its basic assumptions on beliefs cannot fully explain observed events. Relating to this, the paper has five main findings. First, although beliefs play an important role in forming policy action, so does interests. Second, a conjunction of beliefs and self-interest is an important condition for some actors’ actions. Third, coalition formation is not dependent on similarity of beliefs but on similarity of policy objectives. Fourth, policy objectives are resultant of beliefs for some actors, of self-interest for others and for yet others the result of both. Therefore, actors in coalition act to achieve the same policy objectives but not necessarily for the same reasons. Fifth, one non-actor refrained from policy action in spite of strong policy core beliefs due to the policy process not being a zero sum game for this non-actor. This paper supports recent studies proposing the incorporation of interests into the ACF. For further development of the ACF the paper suggests further research to answer two generic questions: What is the relationship betweeninterests and beliefs? Are potential actors more likely to take policy action inzero sum game policy processes? For the ACF to cope with certain conditionsin local contexts the paper suggest further research into the question: Is the level of abstraction of policy issues key in understanding the involvement of legal and natural persons and their basis for policy action?

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