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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sverigedemokraternas ökade inflytande i kommunvalen 2010, 2014 & 2018 : En kvantitativ studie av hur kommunpolitiken utmanas av interna och externa faktorer i relation till politiskt väljarbeteende och Sverigedemokraternas lokala valframgångar / The Sweden Democrats' increased influence in the municipal elections 2010, 2014 & 2018 : A quantative study of the local politcs being challenged by internal and external factors in relation to political behavior and Sweden Democrats' local election success

Brambeck, Fredrika January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to investigate the internal and external supply in relation to citizens’ demand for radical populist parties. To explore how the Sweden Democrats between 2010 and 2018 has developed its party organisation and how this has changed over time. The essay is based on the theory of Cas Mudde which claims demand and supply as a reason and understanding for the increasing growth of radical right parties in Western democracies. The theory divides Sweden Democrats into three different aspects; demand, internal and external supply which explain the stability and increased support for the party. Socio-economic factors such as unemployment, education and level of immigration are significant explanation factors for radical right parties to establish on long term. However, the essay concludes that the internal aspects of the party organisation, in relation to lack of trust for the traditional parties and low party identification, are crucial explanations. The importance of these factors have gradually increased during the years 2010-2018, while the level of significance for socioeconomic factors have decreased.

All PR är god PR? : En studie kring rapporteringen av Sverigedemokraterna i lokalpress

Persson, Dennis January 2009 (has links)
Research question: What role does media play in that xenophobic political parties becomes successful or not? Cohan explains it as:“The press may not be successful much of the time in telling people what to think, but it is stunningly successful in telling its readers what to think about.”    According to this, researchers argue that media creates a supply factor by merely bring attention to certain phenomenon. To this background, it is reasonable to suspect that media, merely bringing attention to the Sweden Democrats, has brought visibility anf attention to the party that could be essential for the Sweden Democrats success. research question for this study is: How does the local media-coverage of the Sweden Democrats have a role in the party’s success, in a municipality where the party is successful compared to a municipality where the political support is weaker?  Purpose: The purpose of this study is, before the elections for the municipal council in 1998, 2002 and 2006, systematically review the local press media-coverage of the Sweden Democrats in Karlskrona, a municipality where the Sweden Democrats are successful and Växjö, a municipality where the party is not as much successful.   Method: To fulfill my purpose of this study, I studied all articles concerning the Sweden Democrats before a few months before the elections of 1998, 2002 and 2006 in Smålandsposten and Blekinge Läns Tidning. The articles were then reviewed systematically and then later categorized through certain categories. This contributed to what had been written about the Sweden Democrats. Conclusions: The hypothesis that media, unaware, has created a foundation for the success of the Sweden Democrats has been confirmed to some extent in this study. The media coverage the Sweden Democrats was not as frequent as it was when the party began to have political success. Local media’s focus in their articles about the Sweden Democrats differs from a strong municipality for the Sweden Democrats to a municipality with weaker support..    This study has also shown that in municipalities that have weak support for the Sweden Democrats tend to stigmatize the party more than in a municipality that is strong for the Sweden Democrats. However as this study has shown is that stigmatization of the Sweden Democrats has not slown down their success. Quite the opposite, it has gained their success

All PR är god PR? : En studie kring rapporteringen av Sverigedemokraterna i lokalpress

Persson, Dennis January 2009 (has links)
<h1><strong> </strong></h1><p> </p><p>Research question: What role does media play in that xenophobic political parties becomes successful or not? Cohan explains it as:“The press may not be successful much of the time in telling people what to think, but it is stunningly successful in telling its readers what to think about.”    According to this, researchers argue that media creates a supply factor by merely bring attention to certain phenomenon. To this background, it is reasonable to suspect that media, merely bringing attention to the Sweden Democrats, has brought visibility anf attention to the party that could be essential for the Sweden Democrats success. research question for this study is: How does the local media-coverage of the Sweden Democrats have a role in the party’s success, in a municipality where the party is successful compared to a municipality where the political support is weaker? </p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong> The purpose of this study is, before the elections for the municipal council in 1998, 2002 and 2006, systematically review the local press media-coverage of the Sweden Democrats in Karlskrona, a municipality where the Sweden Democrats are successful and Växjö, a municipality where the party is not as much successful. </p><p> <strong>Method:</strong> To fulfill my purpose of this study, I studied all articles concerning the Sweden Democrats before a few months before the elections of 1998, 2002 and 2006 in Smålandsposten and Blekinge Läns Tidning. The articles were then reviewed systematically and then later categorized through certain categories. This contributed to what had been written about the Sweden Democrats.</p><p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> The hypothesis that media, unaware, has created a foundation for the success of the Sweden Democrats has been confirmed to some extent in this study. The media coverage the Sweden Democrats was not as frequent as it was when the party began to have political success. Local media’s focus in their articles about the Sweden Democrats differs from a strong municipality for the Sweden Democrats to a municipality with weaker support..    This study has also shown that in municipalities that have weak support for the Sweden Democrats tend to stigmatize<strong> </strong>the party more than in a municipality that is strong for the Sweden Democrats. However as this study has shown is that stigmatization of the Sweden Democrats has not slown down their success. Quite the opposite, it has gained their success</p><h1><p> </p></h1>

Oljeprisförändring och dess inverkan på flygbranschen

Ibrahim, Akil, Nazem-Z, Mohammad January 2006 (has links)
<p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Bakgrund</p><p>Råoljor utgör den råvarumässiga grunden för cirka 40 % av den kommersiella energi- marknaden i världen. Därför oljemarknaden har en betydande ekonomisk och politisk roll i världen och betraktas priset på råolja idag som en viktig faktor för utveckling av världsekonomin.</p><p>På senare tid har alla oroligheter i Mellanöstern, bland annat kriget i Irak och problematiken kring Irans kärnkraftverksamheter samt en ovanligt aktiv inledning på orkansäsongen i sydöstra Förenta staterna under 2005 drivit upp ett redan högt råoljepris.</p><p>Enligt insatta aktörer på marknaden är flygbranschen en av de beroende branscherna till oljesektorn. Den är beroende av oljeproduktion, oljepris och oljetillgänglighet. Det påstås att oljeprishöjningen kan leda till högre kostnadsposter och följaktligen negativ inverkan på flygbolagens resultat. En ansenlig del av flygbranschens kostnader utgörs av bränslekostnader och dessa uppgår för närvarande till mellan 10 och 25% för de flesta flygbolag. Det gör att varje prisförändring i oljebranschen kan påverka flygbranschens lönsamhet.</p><p>Att se till vilken grad dessa påståenden motsvarar det verkliga förhållandet när det gäller oljepriset och dess påverkan på flygbolagen, kommer att undersökas i denna uppsats.</p><p>Syfte</p><p>Syftet är att undersöka och analysera hur prisförändringar i oljebranschen påverkar Scandinavian Airlines SAS och Ryanairs resultat.</p><p>Metod</p><p>Undersökningen kommer att göras i form av en fallstudie och omfattar ovannämnda två flygbolag å ena sidan och oljepriset å den andra. Undersökningen genomförs med olika metoder såsom analys av texter och intervjuer.</p><p>Resultat</p><p>Enligt undersökningen är korrelationen mellan oljesektorn och flygbranschen negativ när det gäller bolagens bränslekostnader, men inte beträffande bolagens resultat. Det vill säga: när oljepriset stiger, påverkas flygbolagen SAS och Ryanair i form av ökade bränslekostnads- poster. Men genom effektivisering, det slutliga resultatet för både bolagen är positivt.</p> / <p>Background</p><p>Crude oil constitutes 40% of basic raw material of commercial energy market in the world. Therefore the oil market has a meaningful economical and political role in the world. This makes the price on the oil market to become an important factor for the development of the world's economy.</p><p>Lately the political instability in the Middle East, especially the war in Iraq, the complexes of the problems in Iran's nuclear weapon program and the unusual active beginning of the hurricane season in the south-eastern areas of the United States of America in 2005 has driven up already high prices of the raw oil to even higher levels.</p><p>According to market analysers the flight industry is one of those industries that depend on the oil section. It is addicted to the oil production, prices of oil and oil availability. According to some people the increase of oil prices can bring up high expense and therefore a negative influences on the results of the flight companies. One considerable expense of the flight industries is fuel expenditure. At the moment the cost for fuel expenditure for many flight companies is between 10 and 25%. These create any price exchange of oil industry to affect the profitability of the flight industry.</p><p>The statement that have been mentioned above and how those are connected to the reality when it comes to oil prices and its effectiveness on the flight companies will be the basic of this study.</p><p>Purpose</p><p>The purpose of this study is to study and analyse price exchanges in the raw oil industry affects Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) and Ryanair's results.</p><p>Method</p><p>This study will conduct with a case study and will include the two above named flight companies. The study will be carrying out with different methods as analyse of text and interviews.</p><p>Results</p><p>The result of these study saws that the relation between the oil section and flight industry is negative when it comes to flight companies fuel cost, but the result does not saw any negative result on flight companies results. This means that any increase of oil prices will affect SAS and Ryanair fuel expenditures but the final result for these two flight companies through efficiency is positive.</p>

Oljeprisförändring och dess inverkan på flygbranschen

Ibrahim, Akil, Nazem-Z, Mohammad January 2006 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund Råoljor utgör den råvarumässiga grunden för cirka 40 % av den kommersiella energi- marknaden i världen. Därför oljemarknaden har en betydande ekonomisk och politisk roll i världen och betraktas priset på råolja idag som en viktig faktor för utveckling av världsekonomin. På senare tid har alla oroligheter i Mellanöstern, bland annat kriget i Irak och problematiken kring Irans kärnkraftverksamheter samt en ovanligt aktiv inledning på orkansäsongen i sydöstra Förenta staterna under 2005 drivit upp ett redan högt råoljepris. Enligt insatta aktörer på marknaden är flygbranschen en av de beroende branscherna till oljesektorn. Den är beroende av oljeproduktion, oljepris och oljetillgänglighet. Det påstås att oljeprishöjningen kan leda till högre kostnadsposter och följaktligen negativ inverkan på flygbolagens resultat. En ansenlig del av flygbranschens kostnader utgörs av bränslekostnader och dessa uppgår för närvarande till mellan 10 och 25% för de flesta flygbolag. Det gör att varje prisförändring i oljebranschen kan påverka flygbranschens lönsamhet. Att se till vilken grad dessa påståenden motsvarar det verkliga förhållandet när det gäller oljepriset och dess påverkan på flygbolagen, kommer att undersökas i denna uppsats. Syfte Syftet är att undersöka och analysera hur prisförändringar i oljebranschen påverkar Scandinavian Airlines SAS och Ryanairs resultat. Metod Undersökningen kommer att göras i form av en fallstudie och omfattar ovannämnda två flygbolag å ena sidan och oljepriset å den andra. Undersökningen genomförs med olika metoder såsom analys av texter och intervjuer. Resultat Enligt undersökningen är korrelationen mellan oljesektorn och flygbranschen negativ när det gäller bolagens bränslekostnader, men inte beträffande bolagens resultat. Det vill säga: när oljepriset stiger, påverkas flygbolagen SAS och Ryanair i form av ökade bränslekostnads- poster. Men genom effektivisering, det slutliga resultatet för både bolagen är positivt. / Background Crude oil constitutes 40% of basic raw material of commercial energy market in the world. Therefore the oil market has a meaningful economical and political role in the world. This makes the price on the oil market to become an important factor for the development of the world's economy. Lately the political instability in the Middle East, especially the war in Iraq, the complexes of the problems in Iran's nuclear weapon program and the unusual active beginning of the hurricane season in the south-eastern areas of the United States of America in 2005 has driven up already high prices of the raw oil to even higher levels. According to market analysers the flight industry is one of those industries that depend on the oil section. It is addicted to the oil production, prices of oil and oil availability. According to some people the increase of oil prices can bring up high expense and therefore a negative influences on the results of the flight companies. One considerable expense of the flight industries is fuel expenditure. At the moment the cost for fuel expenditure for many flight companies is between 10 and 25%. These create any price exchange of oil industry to affect the profitability of the flight industry. The statement that have been mentioned above and how those are connected to the reality when it comes to oil prices and its effectiveness on the flight companies will be the basic of this study. Purpose The purpose of this study is to study and analyse price exchanges in the raw oil industry affects Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) and Ryanair's results. Method This study will conduct with a case study and will include the two above named flight companies. The study will be carrying out with different methods as analyse of text and interviews. Results The result of these study saws that the relation between the oil section and flight industry is negative when it comes to flight companies fuel cost, but the result does not saw any negative result on flight companies results. This means that any increase of oil prices will affect SAS and Ryanair fuel expenditures but the final result for these two flight companies through efficiency is positive.

Träning, skratt och vin eller träning från morgon till kväll? : En studie om träningsturismens utveckling och framtid

Gomér, Klara, Jansson, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Sports tourism is a newly faceted sector within tourism that is swiftly gaining popularity in Sweden. Today, a majority of the population know someone who has taken part in a fitness- holiday; thereby giving credence to its increased development. This study aims to analyze what the concept of sports tourism means to companies and customers, but also how this growing trend has affected the smaller companies in the Swedish tourism industry over the last five years. Both companies and customers postulate that fitness-holidays will continue to increase in demand as it gains traction. This essay aims to not only analyze the sorts of developments the customers are requesting, but also to see if their demands coincide with the developments that companies are looking to produce. A qualitative method has been applied to answer the questions posed in this essay; two interviews were conducted with smaller companies that sell fitness-holidays on the Swedish market. To examine the customers’ perspectives on the future developments; three additional group interviews were conducted with nine participants. The main theories that have been used for the analysis are the Service Supply Chain-model by Lisa Ellram, Wendy Tate and Corey Billington (2004), as well as the Tourism Industry Supply Chain by Xinyan Zhang, Haiyan Song and George Q. Huang (2009). The discussion on the concept of sports tourism is primarily based on a model created by Tom Robinson and Sean Gammon (2004). The results of the study reveal that it is difficult to extrapolate one general definition for the concept of sports-tourism; the definition varies in conjunction with the company and the customers’ experience. The developments in this sector has increased sales for the smaller companies who view their products to be unique offerings on the Swedish market; therefore, they feel they are not that affected by the other companies. The developments that consumers are requesting correspond quite well with the developments the companies are working to implement; both sides concur that flexibility and sustainability are the biggest challenges for the future.

Kunskaper från nordiska hyresbostadsmarknader : Att utveckla hyresbostadsmarknaden i Sverige

Oké, Arvid, Davidsson, Robin January 2023 (has links)
This essay primarily focuses on the rental housing market in Sweden. The problem addressed is the housing shortage and the underlying factors contributing to the housing shortage we are facing. We consider research on this issue to be necessary for society. The essay takes into account the regulations and systems on which the market is built. We attempt to address the general issues in Sweden's rental housing market to answer our research question. We use Norway, Denmark, and Finland as reference points to understand how housing policies can be structured differently. This provides us with a good understanding of multiple systems and helps us reach a rational conclusion. The study employs a deductive approach with qualitative interviews to gain a thorough understanding of the subject, furthermore, building on interviews with knowledgeable respondents.The main aspects we focus on are the utility value system and land and planning processes. We consider these as central components of an inefficient system and part of the explanation for the housing shortage.

Utbud av tillgänglighetsanpassade aktiviteter i Jämtlands län : - En studie om hur turism- och aktivitetsföretag arbetar med inkludering av personer med fysisk funktionsnedsättning

Persson, Irma, Olofsson, Jessica January 2020 (has links)
Att utöva turism- och fritidsaktiviteter är en väsentlig del i många människors liv, men för personer med funktionsnedsättningar (PmF) är genomförandet av sådana aktiviteter långt från lika självklara. Frågan om aktivt deltagande och inkludering av PmF i samhällets alla delar lyfts allt mer och kraven på tillgänglighet ökar. Därav syftar denna studie till att undersöka på vilka sätt turism- och aktivitetsföretag i Jämtlands län arbetar med att anpassa sina aktiviteter för att kunna inkludera individer med fysisk funktionsnedsättning. För att uppnå syftet var en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer studiens huvudsakliga metodologiska verktyg för insamling av empiriska data. Resultatet tyder på att majoriteten av verksamheterna inte erbjuder aktiviteter som är specifikt anpassade för PmF men att en del av utbudet går att kan anpassa om efterfrågan skulle uppstå. Marknadens efterfrågan styr verksamhetens utbud av aktiviteter och en bristande efterfrågan från PmF på tillgängliga aktiviteter har identifierats. Studiens slutsats beskriver att den bristande efterfrågan från PmF ligger till grund för det bristande utbudet av tillgängliga aktiviteter samt att verksamheterna anger resurser såsom kunskap och ekonomiska faktorer som utmanade vid utvecklingen av tillgänglighetsanpassade aktiviteter. / Tourism and leisure activities are an essential part of many people's lives, but for people with disabilities (PwD), their involvement can be highly conditional. The issue of active participation and the inclusion of PwD in all parts of society is increasingly being raised and the need for accessibility is growing. This study aims to investigate how tourism and activity companies in Jämtland County works to adapt and customize their activities to include individuals with physical disabilities. The study had a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews as the key focus for collecting empirical data. The result indicates that the majority of businesses do not currently offer activities that are specifically tailored to PwD, but for most of the companies these activities can be adjusted if there is a demand for it. Market demand controls the companies’ range of activities and a lack of demand from PwD for accessible activities has been identified. The conclusion describes that the absence of demand from PwD is the reason for the lack of accessible activities  and that the companies specify resources such as knowledge and financial factors as challenging for the development of accessible activities. / <p>2020-06-08</p>

Modeling the impact of variable renewable energy sources penetration on supply-demand balance : Analysis of France from 2021 to 2025

DE LEON, RAFAEL January 2021 (has links)
France is planning a strong development of solar photovoltaics (PV) and wind power in the medium term disrupting the power system. This Master Thesis analyzes the impacts of variable renewable energy production on the supply-demand balance from 2021 to 2025 in France. The model used relies on a dynamic programming method. The analysis is based on the assessment of indicators such as price signals, margins, loss of load duration (LOLD), expected energy not served (EENS) and nuclear drop stop that characterize the supply-demand balance and the security of supply of the electricity system. Wind power and PV are two very different technologies. Their load factor is very sizeable as it characterize their seasonality, variability and predictability and has an impact on all medium-term indicators. Wind power and PV have low marginal costs and their production is seasonal and in anti-phase. With new installed capacity, their added production in the supply-demand balance will substitute first the imports from the interconnections until saturation and then nuclear and thermal power plant production. Prices decrease with the same seasonality as the production and need to be considered when establishing the nuclear planning for the years to come. In addition a re-optimization of hydro power is observed. In terms of security of supply, wind power is more efficient than PV when assessing the reduction of LOLD but both are far from the performance of combined cycle gas turbines (CCGT). Lastly, the lack of nuclear production opportunities increases considerably more with PV due to a very localised production during the day which coincides in summer with periods of low consumption. Wind power and PV are two distinct technologies and should not be put in the same category when assessing their impact on the power system. / Frankrike planerar en stark utveckling av solceller (PV) och vindkraft på medellång sikt för att störa kraftsystemet. Detta examensarbete analyserar effekterna av varierande produktion av förnybar energi på balans mellan utbud och efterfrågan från 2021 till 2025 i Frankrike. Modellen som används bygger på en dynamisk programmeringsmetod. Analysen baseras på bedömningen av indikatorer som prissignaler, marginaler, förlust av lasttid (LOLD), förväntad energi som inte serveras (EENS) och kärnkraftsfallstopp som kännetecknar efterfrågan och utbudssäkerheten för el systemet. Vindkraft och solceller är två mycket olika tekniker. Deras belastningsfaktor är mycket stor eftersom den kännetecknar deras säsongsvariation, variation och förutsägbarhet och påverkar alla medellångsiktiga indikatorer. Vindkraft och solceller har låga marginalkostnader och deras produktion är säsongsbetonad och i fas. Med ny installerad kapacitet kommer deras extra produktion i utbuds- och efterfrågan att ersätta importen från sammankopplingarna till mättnad och sedan produktion av kärnkraft och värmekraftverk. Priserna sjunker med samma säsong som produktionen och måste beaktas när kärnkraftsplaneringen fastställs för de kommande åren. Dessutom observeras en återoptimering av vattenkraften. När det gäller försörjningstrygghet är vindkraft effektivare än solceller vid bedömning av minskningen av LOLD men båda är långt ifrån prestanda för kombinerade cykelturbiner (CCGT). Slutligen ökar avsaknaden av kärnkraftsproduktionsmöjligheter betydligt mer med solceller på grund av en mycket lokal produktion under dagen som sammanfaller på sommaren med perioder med låg konsumtion. Vindkraft och solceller är två olika tekniker och bör inte placeras i samma kategori när man bedömer deras inverkan på kraftsystemet.

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