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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nanogravure et caractérisation structurale et électronique de rubans de graphène cristallins / Nanoetching and structural and electrical characterisation of cristalline graphene nanoribbons

Nunez Eroles, Marc 09 November 2015 (has links)
Les principaux objectifs de cette thèse sont la fabrication et la caractérisation structurale à haute résolution de nanorubans de graphène à bords atomiquement lisses ainsi que leur intégration dans des composants et l'étude du transport électronique. En premier lieu, nous montrons que des nanorubans de graphène cristallins de largeur inférieure à 100 nm et avec des qualités structurales supérieures l'état de l'art peuvent être découpé par un faisceau électronique focalisé d'énergie modérée en présence d'oxygène. Les caractéristiques des rubans obtenus sont également supérieures à l'approche précédente utilisant la vapeur d'eau. Dans un deuxième temps, la structure des nanorubans est caractérisée jusqu'à l'échelle atomique par microscopie électronique en transmission corrigée des aberrations sphériques. Nous montrons que la cristallinité des nanorubans, tant en leur centre que le long des bords de découpe, est préservée. Les performances de notre approche atteignent l'état de l'art et sa reproductibilité permet de fabriquer des rubans longs de plusieurs centaines de nanomètres mais de largeur aussi fine que 16 nm. Ensuite, nous avons transposé la découpe de nanoruban suspendus à une configuration partiellement suspendue sur substrat SiO2/Si permettant de les intégrer dans des composants adaptés aux mesures de transport électronique à basse température et sous champ magnétique. Le transport électronique dans les rubans contactés de 60 x 300 nm présente un gap et des oscillations en balayage de grille arrière qui sont en accord avec un mécanisme de blocage de Coulomb dans un domaine de taille de l'ordre de la taille du ruban. Si ces résultats montrent la persistance de barrières tunnel, ses bords semblent de qualité suffisante pour ne pas induire de confinement supplémentaire. Au-delà des composants mésoscopiques, notre méthode de fabrication des rubans par gravure électronique sous oxygène ouvre des perspectives dans deux domaines en émergence. Elle est compatible avec l'ultravide et parfaitement adaptée au développement d'une technologie atomique à base de graphène. Une caractérisation de la contamination du graphène ainsi qu'une caractérisation électrique de dispositifs de graphène qui a été fait par microscopie à effet tunnel multisonde en ultra vide. Enfin, les rubans de graphène que nous produisons ont les dimensions et qualités structurales requises pour observer un comportement plasmonique du graphène dans le visible et ainsi interagir avec des structures plasmoniques métalliques. Ce couplage a été examiné en étudiant le signal Raman du graphène au voisinage de colloïdes d'or. / The main objectives of this thesis are the fabrication and high-resolution structural characterisation of graphene nanoribbons with atomically smooth edges as well as their device integration and electronic transport study. In first place, we show that crystalline graphene nanoribbons with width under 100 nm and structural properties better than the state of the art can be patterned by a focused electron beam in presence of oxygen. The structural characteristics of the ribbons are also better than the old process using water vapour. Secondly, nanoribbons structure is characterized down to the atomic scale by spherical aberration corrected transmission electron microscopy. We show that the nanoribbons crystallinity, of the centre as well as along the cut edges, is preserved. The performance of our process reaches the state of the art and its reproducibility allows to produce ribbons with length of hundreds of nanometer but as narrow as 16 nm. After that, we have transposed the suspended nanoribbon etching to a partially suspended configuration on a SiO2/Si substrate allowing the integration in devices suitable for electronic transport measurements at low temperature and under magnetic field. The electronic transport in contacted ribbons of 60x300 nm shows a gap and oscillations on backgate scanning measurements that are in agreement with a Coulomb blockade mechanism with dot sizes in the range of the ribbon surface. Even though those results show the persistence of tunnel barriers, the edges quality look good enough to avoid additional confinement. Other than mesoscopic devices, our ribbon fabrication process by electronic beam under oxygen atmosphere opens perspectives in two emergent fields. The process is ultra high vacuum compatible and perfectly adapted to the development of an atomic graphene based technology. A characterisation of contaminants of graphene samples as well as electrical characterisation of graphene devices has been performed in a multiprobe scanning tunnelling microscope in ultra high vacuum. Finally, our graphene nanoribbons have the right dimensions and structural qualities required for the observation of plasmonic behaviour of graphene in visible light and so interact with metallic plasmonic structures. This coupling has been analysed by studying the Raman signal of graphene at the close environment of gold colloids.

Model Studies Of The Hot And Dense Strongly Interacting Matter

Chatterjee, Sandeep 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Ultra-relativisitic heavy ion collisions produce quark gluon plasma-a hot and dense soup of deconfined quarks and gluons akin to the early universe. We study two models in the context of these collisions namely, Polyakov Quark Meson Model (PQM) and Hadron Resonance Gas Model (HRGM).The PQM Model provides us with a simple and intuitive understanding of the QCD equation of state and thermodynamics at non zero temperature and baryon density while the HRGM is the principle model to analyse the hadron yields measured in these experiments across the entire range of beam energies. We study the effect of including the commonly neglected fermionic vacuum fluctuations to the (2+1) flavor PQM model. The conventional PQM model suffers from a rapid phase transition contrary to what is found through lattice simulations. Addition of the vacuum term tames the rapid transition and significantly improves the model’s agreement to lattice data. We further investigate the role of the vacuum term on the phase diagram. The smoothening effect of the vacuum term persists even at non zero . Depending on the value of the mass of the sigma meson, including the vacuum term results in either pushing the critical end point into higher values of the chemical potential or excluding the possibility of a critical end point altogether. We compute the fluctuations(correlations) of conserved charges up to sixth(fourth) order. Comparison is made with lattice data wherever available and overall good qualitative agreement is found, more so for the case of the normalised susceptibilities. The model predictions for the ratio of susceptibilities approach to that of an ideal gas of hadrons as in HRGM at low temperatures while at high temperature the values are close to that of an ideal gas of massless quarks. We examine the stability of HRGMs by extending them to take care of undiscovered resonances through the Hagedorn formula. We find that the influence of unknown resonances on thermodynamics is large but bounded. We model the decays of resonances and investigate the ratios of particle yields in heavy-ion collisions. We find that extending these models do not have much effect on hydrodynamics but the hadron yield ratios show better agreement with experiment. In principle HRGMs are internally consistent up to a temperature higher than the cross over temperature in QCD; but by examining quark number susceptibilities we find that their region of applicability seems to end even below the QCD cross over.

Analys av kondensatorbatteriers tillkopplingsfenomen : Undersökning av de kopplingsfenomen som uppstår vid tillkoppling av kondensatorbatterier och deras påverkan på närliggande komponenter / Analysis of capacitor banks switching phenomena : Investigation of switching phenomena that occurs due to capacitor banks switching and their effects on surrounding components

Ezzeddine, Kassem, Oskarsson, Robert January 2017 (has links)
Många elektriska apparater är i behov av reaktiv effekt för att kunna fungera. Transport av reaktiv effekt tar onödig plats av den tillgängliga kapaciteten i elnätet, därför används kondensatorbatterier nära slutanvändaren för att generera reaktiv effekt. Därmed genereras och förbrukas den reaktiva effekten i en avskild del av nätet. Tillkoppling av kondensatorbatterier ger upphov till transienter som kan skada andra närliggande komponenter. Utifrån det verkliga ställverket Stallbacka i Trollhättan har denna rapport analyserat de transienter som uppstår efter tillkoppling av ett kondensatorbatteri inom mellanspänningsområdet. Analysen har innefattat hur stora transienterna blir efter olika förutsättningar och scenarier. Resultatet visade att transienterna i detta fall aldrig nådde upp till några allvarliga nivåer, och därmed klarade komponenterna sig med god marginal. Huruvida transienterna påverkar elkvaliteten är oklart, då det inte finns några definierade krav. Slutligen skulle ett beräkningsverktyg för förutspådda transienter tas fram. Beräkningsverktyget blev aldrig fullständigt på grund av den ohanterliga lösningen som erhölls. / Many electrical devices need reactive power to operate. Transmission of reactive power occupies a proportion of the available capacity in the power system and therefore capacitor banks are used near to the end user to generate reactive power. Thus, the reactive effect is generated and consumed in a separate part of the power system. Capacitor banks switching causes transients which may damage the surrounding components. Based on the real substation Stallbacka in Trollhättan, this study has analysed capacitor banks switching transients within the medium voltage level. The analysis has covered the size of these transients according to different conditions and scenarios. The result showed that the transients in this case never reached serious levels, thus there was no impact on the components. It is not clear whether the transients affect the power quality because there are no defined limits.  A calculation tool to the predicted transients was supposed to be created in the process. This calculation tool was never completed due to the unmanageable solution that was obtained.

Aplikace moderních technologií pro výrobu prototypové formy / Application of Modern Technologies to Production of Prototype Form

Pospíšil, Josef January 2017 (has links)
This Diploma Thesis deals with modern technologies such as 3D scanning, rapid prototyping and vacuum casting to production of prototype form. It considers advantages and disadvantages of the modern technologies compared to traditional process of manufacturing prototype form and economical contribution using the modern technologies. Part of the thesis considers a choice of suitable manufacturing technology of a particular product.

Gramofonový elektronkový zesilovač / Vacuum tube phono amplifier

Hrubý, Ondřej January 2020 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with a design and simulation of an audio power phono amplifier using vakuum tubes. The frequency response of suggested solution should comply with the norm specified by RIAA. It also describes a vacuum tube basic description and also its advantages for audio applications and principle of usage a magnetodynamic pick-up. Last part contains a design of microprocessor system and power supply.

Příprava metastabilních vrstev železa pro magnetické metamateriály / Metastable iron thin films for magnetic metamaterials

Holobrádek, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
Magnetické nanostruktury mají zajímavé vlastnosti, které umožňují jejich aplikace v základním výzkumu i průmyslu. Jednou z těchto vědeckých disciplín je i magnonika - výzkumný obor, který se zabývá fyzikou spinových vln, které lze použít v nediskrétních výpočtech s nízkými ztrátami energie. Výroba magnetických struktur fokusovaným iontovým svazkem (FIB) je alternativní metoda k běžně používaným litografickým metodám. Materiál použitý v této práci - metastabilní železo - je schopen při ozáření iontovým svazkem podstoupit fázovou transformaci z paramagnetické plošně centrované kubické krystalové struktury na feromagnetickou fázi s prostorově centrovanou kubickou krystalovou strukturou. Jednou z vlastností, která ovlivňuje šíření spinových vlny, je magnetická anizotropie. Tato práce představuje vliv depozičních podmínek v ultra vysokém vakuu během přípravy metastabilní železné vrstvy na magnetickou anizotropii struktur vytvořených pomocí FIB do tohoto filmu. Dále prezentujeme souvislosti mezi parametry FIB, krystalografickými vlastnostmi výsledných struktur a jejich magnetickou anizotropií.

Řídicí jednotka pro robotický vysavač / Control Unit for Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner

Matějů, Jan January 2012 (has links)
This paper is in introduction focused on review of robotic vacuum cleaning and evaluation of available products qualities. However the main focus of this paper is system design of all subsystems, control systems and PCD design of robot electronics. In this paper is also described a method for evaluating approximate distance of robot from the obstacle. There are also described problems of system design of IR proximity sensors. The last part of this work is development of control software for robot and its testing.

Charakterizace autoemisních zdrojů pro elektronovou mikroskopii / Characterisation for the cold field-emission sources intended for electron microscopy

Vašíček, Martin January 2013 (has links)
This work deals with the theoretical foundations of electron emission into vacuum, various types of emissions, focused on the cold-emission and Schottky emission and the principle of quantum tunneling. The next part deals with the technical implementation of electron sources with a detailed study of the methodology of laboratory production of cathodes by electrochemical etching and construction of electron microscopes, using field-emission sources. This work also contains methods for measuring, processing and evaluation of electrical characteristics of emission sources.

Technické ukazatele hodnocení tradičních a alternativních způsobů odkanalizování / Technical indicators for the evaluation of traditional and alternative drainage ways

Kudrnová, Eliška January 2014 (has links)
In the last years, we indicated progress in use of alternative methods for drainage. Thanks the information from abroad we started design vacuum and pressure methods of drainage instead gravity ones. The main content of this script is especially point out deficiencies of nowadays used alternative methods for drainage, which we can defuse. Another important part is also design of suitable technical indicators describing these drainages.

Fyzikálně-chemické aspekty přípravy intermetalik TiAl obsahujících niob / Processing of Nb-containing TiAl intermetallics and its Physical and Chemical Aspects

Barták, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
Prezentovaná práce se zabývá vakuovým indukčním tavením intermetalické slitiny Ti-46Al-7Nb (at. %) v žáruvzdorných kelímcích na bázi Y2O3. Byla provedena série taveb pro teploty přehřátí taveniny 1630, 1680 and 1730 C a při různých dobách výdrže na této teplotě v rozmezí 5 až 30 minut. Ze slitin ztuhlých v tavících kelímcích byly připraveny metalografické výbrusy, které sloužily k hodnocení mikrostruktury a vyhodnocení složení fází. Pro získání těchto dat byly použity metosy elektronové mirkoskopie SEM a EDS. Kvantitativní hodnocení mikrostruktury, zejména obsahu oxidické faze ve slitině, bylo provedeno pomocí software Adaptive Contrast Control (ACC). Analýza obsahu kyslíku ve ztuhlé slitině byla provedena metodou IGF (fúze v inertním plynu). V této práci jsou pochody na rozhraní slitina/oxidický kelímek posuzovány také z termodynamického hlediska a to s použitím aktivit jednotlivých složek v systému. Data prezentovaná v této práci mohou být použita pro nastavení a optimalizaci procesů tavení intermetalik TiAlNb.

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