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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integration and Simulation of a Bitumen Upgrading Facility and an IGCC Process with Carbon Capture

El Gemayel, Gemayel 19 September 2012 (has links)
Hydrocracking and hydrotreating are bitumen upgrading technologies designed to enhance fuel quality by decreasing its density, viscosity, boiling point and heteroatom content via hydrogen addition. The aim of this thesis is to model and simulate an upgrading and integrated gasification combined cycle then to evaluate the feasibility of integrating slurry hydrocracking, trickle-bed hydrotreating and residue gasification using the Aspen HYSYS® simulation software. The close-coupling of the bitumen upgrading facilities with gasification should lead to a hydrogen, steam and power self-sufficient upgrading facility with CO2 capture. Hydrocracker residue is first withdrawn from a 100,000 BPD Athabasca bitumen upgrading facility, characterized via ultimate analysis and then fed to a gasification unit where it produces hydrogen that is partially recycled to the hydrocracker and hydrotreaters and partially burned for power production in a high hydrogen combined cycle unit. The integrated design is simulated for a base case of 90% carbon capture utilizing a monoethanolamine (MEA) solvent, and compared to 65% and no carbon capture scenarios. The hydrogen production of the gasification process is evaluated in terms of hydrocracker residue and auxiliary petroleum coke feeds. The power production is determined for various carbon capture cases and for an optimal hydrocracking operation. Hence, the feasibility of the integration of the upgrading process and the IGCC resides in meeting the hydrogen demand of the upgrading facility while producing enough steam and electricity for a power and energy self-sufficient operation, regardless of the extent of carbon capture.

Heterogeneous 3D Integration and Packaging Technologies for Nano-Electromechanical Systems

Bleiker, Simon J. January 2017 (has links)
Three-dimensional (3D) integration of micro- and nano-electromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS) with integrated circuits (ICs) is an emerging technology that offers great advantages over conventional state-of-the-art microelectronics. MEMS and NEMS are most commonly employed as sensor and actuator components that enable a vast array of functionalities typically not attainable by conventional ICs. 3D integration of NEMS and ICs also contributes to more compact device footprints, improves device performance, and lowers the power consumption. Therefore, 3D integration of NEMS and ICs has been proposed as a promising solution to the end of Moore’s law, i.e. the slowing advancement of complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology.In this Ph.D. thesis, I propose a comprehensive fabrication methodology for heterogeneous 3D integration of NEM devices directly on top of CMOS circuits. In heterogeneous integration, the NEMS and CMOS components are fully or partially fabricated on separate substrates and subsequently merged into one. This enables process flexibility for the NEMS components while maintaining full compatibility with standard CMOS fabrication. The first part of this thesis presents an adhesive wafer bonding method using ultra-thin intermediate bonding layers which is utilized for merging the NEMS components with the CMOS substrate. In the second part, a novel NEM switch concept is introduced and the performance of CMOS-integrated NEM switch circuits for logic and computation applications is discussed. The third part examines two different packaging approaches for integrated MEMS and NEMS devices with either hermetic vacuum cavities or low-cost glass lids for optical applications. Finally, a novel fabrication approach for through silicon vias (TSVs) by magnetic assembly is presented, which is used to establish an electrical connection from the packaged devices to the outside world. / Tredimensionell (3D) integration av mikro- och nano-elektromekaniska system (MEMS/NEMS) med integrerade kretsar (ICs) är en ny teknik som erbjuder stora fördelar jämfört med konventionell mikroelektronik. MEMS och NEMS används oftast som sensorer och aktuatorer då de möjliggör många funktioner som inte kan uppnås med vanliga ICs.3D-integration av NEMS och ICs bidrar även till mindre dimensioner, ökade prestanda och mindre energiförbrukning av elektriska komponenter. Den nuvarande tekniken för complementary metal-oxide-semicondictor (CMOS) närmar sig de fundamentala gränserna vilket drastiskt begränsar utvecklingsmöjligheten för mikroelektronik och medför slutet på Moores lag. Därför har 3D-integration identifierats som en lovande teknik för att kunna driva vidare utvecklingen för framtidens elektriska komponenter.I denna avhandling framläggs en omfattande fabrikationsmetodik för heterogen 3D-integration av NEMS ovanpå CMOS-kretsar. Heterogen integration betyder att både NEMS- och CMOS-komponenter byggs på separata substrat för att sedan förenas på ett enda substrat. Denna teknik tillåter full processfrihet för tillverkning av NEMS-komponenter och garanterar kompatibilitet med standardiserade CMOS-fabrikationsprocesser.I den första delen av avhandlingen beskrivs en metod för att sammanfoga två halvledarskivor med en extremt tunn adhesiv polymer. Denna metod demonstreras för 3D-integration av NEMS- och CMOS-komponenter. Den andra delen introducerar ett nytt koncept för NEM-switchar och dess användning i NEM-switch-baserade mikrodatorchip. Den tredje delen presenterar två olika inkapslingsmetoder för MEMS och NEMS. Den ena metoden fokuserar på hermetisk vakuuminkapsling medan den andra metoden beskriver en lågkostnadsstrategi för inkapsling av optiska komponenter. Slutligen i den fjärde delen presenteras en ny fabrikationsteknik för så kallade ”through silicon vias” (TSVs) baserad på magnetisk självmontering av nickeltråd på mikrometerskala. / <p>20170519</p>

Mécanisme de brisure de symétrie chirale pour trois saveurs de quarks légers et extrapolation de résultats de chromodynamique quantique sur réseau / Mechanism of chiral symmetry breaking for three flavours of light quarks and extrapolations of Lattice QCD results

Toucas, Guillaume 30 October 2012 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à certains aspects concernant les phénomènes hadroniques à basse énergie sous 1 GeV, en dessous de laquelle la symétrie chirale de la Chromodynamique Quantique (QCD) est spontanément brisée. En dessous de cette échelle d'énergie, le spectre de QCD se réduit à un octet de mésons légers pseudo-scalaires (π, K and η). Mais à cause du confinement, QCD sous 1 GeV devient hautement non perturbative – il n'est donc plus possible de décrire à basse énergie la dynamique de ces mésons en termes de gluons et de quarks (ici seuls les quarks légers u, d et s sont concernés). Deux alternatives principales à cet obstacle majeur existent néanmoins: la QCD sur réseau ainsi que les Théories Effectives des Champs. La QCD sur réseau consiste à calculer de manière numériques les diverses observables hadroniques, alors que les théories effectives permettent de nouveau une approche analytique (et perturbative) adaptée à une échelle d'énergie donnée. Dans le cas de QCD à basse énergie, c'est la Théorie Chirale des Perturbations (ChiPT) qui joue le rôle de théorie effective. Cette théorie peut être construite à partir de deux saveurs de quarks légers (u et s) ou trois (u,d, et s). Il est alors possible d'utiliser certains résultats de calculs sur réseau (ainsi que certains résultats expérimentaux) afin d'extraire des valeurs numériques pour les divers paramètres libres que contient la théorie chirale. Il fut néanmoins observé que le développement en séries chirales de quelques observables hadroniques sont numériquement “malades” dans le cadre de la théorie à trois saveurs. En effet, des travaux antérieurs montrent qu'il pourrait exister une possible compétition numérique entre l'Ordre Dominant (LO) et l'Ordre Sous-Dominant (NLO): en place de la hiérarchie usuelle LO>>NLO, l'équivalence LO~NLO prévalerait. La partie principale de la thèse consiste ainsi à la description et l'utilisation d'une version alternative de ChiPT, nommée Théorie Chirale des Perturbations Ressommée (ReChiPT ). Quelques observables hadroniques de basse energie sont calculées puis étudiées dans ce cadre “ressommé”, puis nous procédons à l'ajustement de certaines données de QCD sur réseau obtenues par des simulations à 2+1 quarks dynamiques sur ces observables exprimées en ReChiPT: les constantes de désintégrations et les masses de l'octet (π, K, η), ainsi que les facteurs de forme Kl3. Nous testons ensuite la validité de notre assertion concernant la possible compétition numérique observée dans les séries chirales. Enfin, dans la dernière partie, nous discutons plusieurs aspects analytiques et numériques concernant certaines quantités topologiques liées de manière intrinsèque à la très complexe structure du vide de QCD, dans le cadre de ChiPT (ressommé), et nous confrontons de nouveau cette étude à des données réseau 2+1. / In this thesis, we focus on some aspects concerning hadronic phenomena at low energy, below 1 GeV, under which the spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry takes place. Under this scale, the spectrum of Quantum Chromodynamics reduces to an octet of light pseudo-scalar mesons (π, K and η). But because of the confinement property, QCD under 1 GeV is highly non-perturbative, it is thus not possible to describe at low energy the dynamics of these mesons in terms of gluons and quarks (in that case the three light quarks u,d, and s). Two main alternatives exist to circumvent this major obstacle: Lattice QCD and Effective Field Theories. Lattice QCD is concerned with the numerical computations of various hadronic observables, while Effective Field Theories correspond to analytical frameworks adapted to a particular energy scale. In the case of QCD at low energy, this role is devoted to Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChiPT). This theory can be built either from two quark flavours (u and d), or three (u,d, and s). Using the numerical results from Lattice QCD, it is possible to obtain numerical values for the unknown parameters that ChPT contains. It was however observed that the series expansions of hadronic observables stemming from ChiPT calculations do not “behave well” numerically in the three-flavour case. Indeed, previous works shown that there could exists at the numerical level a competition between the Leading and the Next-to- Leading order (LO and NLO); i.e., instead of the usually expected hierarchy LO>>NLO, one would have LO~NLO. The main part of the thesis work consists in the description and the use of a modified version of ChiPT allowing this numerical competition in the chiral series that was called “Resummed ChiPT”. Within this “Resummed” framework, we proceed to fitting data from 2+1 lattice calculations to hadronic observables computed in ChiPT: decay constants and masses of π, K and η, and Kl3 form factors, and check the consistency of our claim about the numerical competition in ChiPT expansions. In the last part, we discuss topological quantities that are intrinsically tied to the very complex structure of the QCD vacuum, in the (resummed) ChiPT framework and in the light of 2+1 lattice data, in their analytical and numerical aspects.

Hadronic corrections to electroweak observables from twisted mass lattice QCD

Pientka, Grit 16 September 2015 (has links)
Für verschiedene Richtgrößen, die untersucht werden, um Hinweise auf Neue Physik jenseits des Standardmodells der Teilchenphysik zu finden, stellt die Gitter-QCD stellt derzeit den einzigen Ab-initio-Zugang für die Berechnung von nichtperturbativen hadronischen Beiträgen dar. Zu diesen Observablen gehören die anomalen magnetischen Momenten der Leptonen und das Laufen der elektroschwachen Kopplungskonstanten. Wir bestimmen den führenden QCD-Beitrag zum anomalen magnetischen Moment des Myons mit Hilfe einer Gitter-QCD-Rechnung auf Ensemblen, die Nf=2+1+1 dynamische Twisted-Mass-Fermionen berücksichtigen. Durch die Betrachtung aktiver up, down, strange and charm Quarks können erstmalig Gitter-QCD-Daten für die Myonanomalie direkt mit phänomenologischen Resultaten verglichen werden, da letztere bei der derzeitigen Genauigkeit sensitiv auf die ersten beiden Quarkgenerationen sind. Unlängst wurde darauf hingewiesen, dass es auch möglich sein könnte Beiträge Neuer Physik durch verbesserte Messungen der anomalen magnetischen Momente des Elektrons und des Tauons nachzuweisen. Aus diesem Grund berechnen wir auch deren führende QCD-Beiträge, was gleichzeitig eine Überprüfung des Wertes für das Myon liefert. Zusätzlich nutzen wir die gewonnenen Daten, um den führenden hadronischen Beitrag zum Laufen der Feinstrukturkonstante zu berechnen. Darüber hinaus zeigen wir, dass sogar für den schwachen Mischungswinkel der führende QCD-Beitrag mit Hilfe dieser Daten berechnet werden kann. Dadurch identifizieren wir eine neue grundlegende Observable für die Suche nach Neuer Physik, deren hadronische Beiträge mit Hilfe der Gitter-QCD beschafft werden können. Mit den Resultaten dieser Arbeit ist es uns gelungen ungeeignete Herangehensweisen der phänomenologisch notwendigen Flavourseparation auszuschließen und somit direkt die derzeit präziseren phänomenologischen Bestimmungen dieser bedeutsamen physikalischen Größe zu unterstützen. / For several benchmark quantities investigated to detect signs for new physics beyond the standard model of elementary particle physics, lattice QCD currently constitutes the only ab initio approach available at small momentum transfers for the computation of non-perturbative hadronic contributions. Among those observables are the lepton anomalous magnetic moments and the running of the electroweak coupling constants. We compute the leading QCD contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment by performing lattice QCD calculations on ensembles incorporating Nf=2+1+1 dynamical twisted mass fermions. Considering active up, down, strange, and charm quarks, admits for the first time a direct comparison of the lattice data for the muon anomaly with phenomenological results because both the latter as well as the experimentally obtained values are sensitive to the complete first two generations of quarks at the current level of precision. Recently, it has been noted that improved measurements of the electron and tau anomalous magnetic moments might also provide ways of detecting new physics contributions. Therefore, we also compute their leading QCD contributions, which simultaneously serve as cross-checks of the value obtained for the muon. Additionally, we utilise the obtained data to compute the leading hadronic contribution to the running of the fine structure constant, which enters all perturbative QED calculations. Furthermore, we show that even for the weak mixing angle the leading QCD contribution can be computed from this data. In this way, we identify a new prime observable in the search for new physics whose hadronic contributions can be obtained from lattice QCD. With the results obtained in this thesis, we are able to exclude unsuitable phenomenologically necessary flavour separations and thus directly assist the presently more precise phenomenological determinations of this eminent quantity.

Rejeição da medida provisória, conflito entre poderes e vácuo legislativo

Gouveia, Luiz Antonio Sampaio 08 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:30:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luiz Antonio Sampaio Gouveia.pdf: 1334739 bytes, checksum: 6f34861ea6aed5c556b757708bb96754 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-06-08 / The interim measure is an act of the Executive with force of law, by constitutional provision. Since ordinarily this legislative power has no jurisdiction to express and sometimes expresses dysfunctional abuse of the (Brazilian) President when it invades the jurisdiction of the Legislature, it confronts these powers. Within 120 days of its issue, if Congress does not appreciate it converting it into law, or rejects it, it loses its effectiveness with ex tunc effects. The legal relationship consummated under its support will be regulated by decree of the Legislature, issued within 60 days of these events. There will be legislative vacuum in fact, until the legislative decree is issued. Missing this, it will validate to the discipline of the legal relations it raised, causing questions about the constitutionality of this phenomenon. For this research, it was necessary literature on the subject that, in addition to numerous books, was marked by articles and journals, internet files and papers listed in the bibliography list of this work. After defining its juridical nature and studying its historical origins, with forays into the comparative Constitutional Law, claiming its constitutional condition, the clash of Power motivated by it is analyzed. A solution is proposed by concentrated control of constitutionality of the qualification requirements of provisional measures. It is impossible that void in law and claiming the unconstitutionality of co validation of provisional measures due to the lack of legislative decree, it is intended that these relations no longer depend on it and should be resolved by the judiciary / A medida provisória é ato do Executivo com força de lei, por dispositivo constitucional. Como ordinariamente este Poder não tem competência legislativa e por exprimir às vezes abuso disfuncional do Presidente da República quando invade a competência do Legislativo, confronta estes Poderes. Em 120 dias de sua edição, se o Congresso Nacional não a apreciar, convertendo-a em lei ou se a rejeitar, ela perderá eficácia com efeitos ex tunc. As relações jurídicas consumadas sob sua égide regulamentar-se-ão por decreto do Legislativo, editado em até 60 dias desses eventos. Haverá vácuo legislativo de fato, até que o decreto legislativo seja editado. Faltante esse, ela convalidar-se-á para disciplina das relações jurídicas que ensejou, causando indagações sobre a constitucionalidade deste fenômeno. Para esta pesquisa, foi necessário levantamento bibliográfico sobre o tema que, para além de inúmeros livros, pautou-se por artigos e periódicos, arquivos de internet e monografias, constantes na bibliografia do trabalho. Após definir sua natureza jurídica e estudar histórico de suas origens, com incursões pelo Direito Constitucional comparado, afirmando-se sua condição constitucional, analisa-se o confronto de Poder motivado por ela. Propõe-se solução pelo controle concentrado de constitucionalidade dos requisitos de habilitação das medidas provisórias. Conclui-se impossível esse vácuo de direito e afirmando-se a inconstitucionalidade da convalidação das medidas provisórias à falta desse decreto legislativo, pretende-se que estas relações não mais dependam dele, devendo ser solucionadas pelo Poder Judiciário

Negative frequency at the horizon : scattering of light at a refractive index front

Jacquet, Maxime J. January 2017 (has links)
This thesis considers the problem of calculating and observing the mixing of modes of positive and negative frequency in inhomogeneous, dispersive media. Scattering of vacuum modes of the electromagnetic field at a moving interface in the refractive index of a dielectric medium is discussed. Kinematics arguments are used to demonstrate that this interface may, in a regime of linear dispersion, act as the analogue of the event horizon of a black hole to modes of the field. Furthermore, a study of the dispersion of the dielectric shows that five distinct configurations of modes of the inhomogeneous medium at the interface exist as a function of frequency. Thus it is shown that the interface is simultaneously a black- and white-hole horizon-like and horizonless emitter. The role, and importance, of negative-frequency modes of the field in mode conversion at the horizon is established and yields a calculation of the spontaneous photonic flux at the interface. An algorithm to calculate the scattering of vacuum modes at the interface is introduced. Spectra of the photonic flux in the moving and laboratory frame, for all modes and all realisable increase in the refractive index at the interface are computed. As a result of the various mode configurations, the spectra are highly structured in intervals with black-hole, white-hole and no horizon. The spectra are dominated by a negative-frequency mode, which is the partner in any Hawking-type emission. An experiment in which an incoming positive-frequency wave is populated with photons is assembled to observe the transfer of energy to outgoing waves of positive and negative frequency at the horizon. The effect of mode conversion at the interface is clearly shown to be a feature of horizon physics. This is a classical version of the quantum experiment that aims at validating the mechanism of Hawking radiation.

關鍵的七十一天 -二次大戰結束前後的台灣社會與台灣人之動向 / THE KEY 71-days Period -The Taiwan society and Taiwanese Movement around the end of W.W.Ⅱ

阿部賢介, Abe Kensuke Unknown Date (has links)
1945年8月15日二次大戰結束至10月25日台灣「光復」之間,台灣究竟屬於何種狀態?過去戰後初期研究往往直接探討國民政府與台灣人之間的族群對立,以及二二八事件發生之社會因素等課題,並未探討日本戰敗對台灣帶來的涵義及此71日的「真空時期」。因此本論文將以戰爭結束前後至國民政府來台接收前為觀察範圍,探索當時的台灣社會與台灣人之動向。 戰爭結束前,在台灣總督府嚴密統制下,大部分台灣人無法獲知「開羅宣言」之存在,也對戰局趨勢並未持有正確的預見。因此台灣島內的台灣人於戰爭結束前並未有面對日本戰敗,以及台灣歸還中華民國之心理準備,直至1945年8月15日戰爭結束,台灣人依舊與日本的帝國主義政策聯繫著。戰爭結束當天,因為收聽廣播之環境相當有限,透過「玉音放送」獲知戰爭結束及日本戰敗的人並不多,甚至有部分人士將之誤解為天皇激勵繼續作戰之宣傳。   然而透過台灣總督府之公告、媒體報導以及人人口耳相傳,日本戰敗之消息終究得以傳達至台灣島內。戰爭結束後,一方面日本統治最高機關的台灣總督府以及約15-17萬的日本軍仍然留駐台灣,掌控台灣社會;但另一方面,隨著中國來台之消息遍及台灣,日本當局逐漸失去威信,在治安、經濟方面皆出現惡化趨勢。在如此狀況下,台灣知識份子憑藉各自思想與做法,為台灣未來四處奔走。如林獻堂,採取較為慎重態度,一方面與日本當局保持良好關係,一方面致力維持治安。吳新榮則對新時代懷有莫大期待,著手於三青團之組織,積極地展開迎接「祖國」之事宜。然而當時台灣人對中國懷有的「祖國認同」,並非具有現實經驗,也是未經理性思考的觀念。當他們實際與中國接觸時,難免顯露陌生與失望之感。儘管如此,強烈的「祖國認同」仍舊支撐著台灣人擁護中國的熱情。   以辜振甫、許丙為首的所謂「八‧一五獨立事件」,過去大部分研究皆認為其主因為日本軍煽動,少數研究則否定日本軍之參與。本論文使用私人日記、回憶錄、新聞報導等的資料,再次探討此事件之相關人物的言行及背後因素,並認為此事件實為日本軍與台灣人共謀的一場歷史事件。   台灣與日本、中國兩者之間的關係,無論於日治時期或戰爭結束後,皆對台灣命運具有相當深刻之影響。發生於時代轉換之際的「八‧一五獨立事件」,恰好表現其一端。透過本論文,筆者希望再度仔細探討台灣近代史的複雜性,以及對今日台灣境遇之影響。 / Between August 15, 1945-- the official end of World War II-- and October 25-- the date Taiwan underwent “retrocession” into China-- what was the political situation in Taiwan? Past post-war studies often discuss the ethical conflict between the Nationalist Government and native Taiwanese as well as the social reasons surrounding the the 2-28 Incident, but often fail to mention the meaning of Japan’s defeat for Taiwan and the 71-day “vacuum period” following the Japanese surrender. Therefore, the research period of this thesis is set between the end of World War II and the Nationalist Government takeover of Taiwan. It discusses Taiwanese society and the Taiwanese movement of this period. By the war’s end, most Taiwanese neither knew about the “Cairo Declarations,” due to the strict censorship of the Governor-General of Taiwan, nor could they foresee the results of the war. Consequently, most Taiwanese were completely unprepared for Japan’s defeat and Taiwan’s retrocession. Until the war was over on August 15, Taiwanese were completely subject to Japanese imperialist edicts. The day the war was over, because the broadcast system was so limited, few people heard news of Japan’s defeat through the “Jewel Voice Broadcast,” otherwise known as the “Gyokuon-hōsō.” Some people even mistook the broadcast as the emperor’s call to continue fighting. But finally, news of Japan’s defeat spread throughout the island via the Governor-General’s notice, news media reports, and word of mouth. And while the Governor-General and between 150,000 and 170,000 Japanese troops stayed in Taiwan to control Taiwanese society, as news of approaching Chinese troops spread, the Japanese authority gradually lost prestige. Public order and the economy began to deteriorate. Under such circumstances, the Taiwanese elite looked to their own ideas and methods for the future running of Taiwan. For example, Lin Xiantang (林獻堂) conservatively maintained good relations with the Japanese authority on one hand, but on the other hand, devoted himself to protecting social order. Wu Xinrong (吳新榮), eagerly anticipating the coming new era, started to organize the Youth League of the Three People’s Principals, aggressively preparing for the welcome of the “Motherland.” Nevertheless, the “ancestral identity” that Taiwanese felt toward China was, at the time, an idea lacking both experiential and rational bases. Therefore, those Taiwanese coming into contact with Chinese found it hard to avoid feelings of unfamiliarity and disappointment. However that may be, a strong idea of “ancestral identity” continued to prop up Taiwanese support and enthusiasm for China. Regarding the “8-15 Taiwanese Independence Incident,” which Gu Zhenfu (辜振甫) and Xu Bing (許丙) allegedly masterminded, most past studies consider this an intrigue stirred up by Japanese troops, while a smaller number of studies completely deny Japanese involvement. This dissertation uses private diaries, memoirs and news reports to examine the words and deeds of the players, and the background reasons for the incident, finding it to be an historical event in which Japanese troops and the Taiwanese elite conspired together. Whether during the period of Japanese rule or during the post-war period, the relationships between Taiwan and Japan, and Taiwan and China both have significant meanings for Taiwan’s fate. Occurring at the juncture of two political rules, the “8-15 Taiwanese Independence Incident” neatly reveals this point. Through this dissertation, the author hopes to examine in greater detail the complexity of Taiwan’s recent history and the effect this history has had on Taiwan’s current political situation.

Integration and Simulation of a Bitumen Upgrading Facility and an IGCC Process with Carbon Capture

El Gemayel, Gemayel 19 September 2012 (has links)
Hydrocracking and hydrotreating are bitumen upgrading technologies designed to enhance fuel quality by decreasing its density, viscosity, boiling point and heteroatom content via hydrogen addition. The aim of this thesis is to model and simulate an upgrading and integrated gasification combined cycle then to evaluate the feasibility of integrating slurry hydrocracking, trickle-bed hydrotreating and residue gasification using the Aspen HYSYS® simulation software. The close-coupling of the bitumen upgrading facilities with gasification should lead to a hydrogen, steam and power self-sufficient upgrading facility with CO2 capture. Hydrocracker residue is first withdrawn from a 100,000 BPD Athabasca bitumen upgrading facility, characterized via ultimate analysis and then fed to a gasification unit where it produces hydrogen that is partially recycled to the hydrocracker and hydrotreaters and partially burned for power production in a high hydrogen combined cycle unit. The integrated design is simulated for a base case of 90% carbon capture utilizing a monoethanolamine (MEA) solvent, and compared to 65% and no carbon capture scenarios. The hydrogen production of the gasification process is evaluated in terms of hydrocracker residue and auxiliary petroleum coke feeds. The power production is determined for various carbon capture cases and for an optimal hydrocracking operation. Hence, the feasibility of the integration of the upgrading process and the IGCC resides in meeting the hydrogen demand of the upgrading facility while producing enough steam and electricity for a power and energy self-sufficient operation, regardless of the extent of carbon capture.

Separación de aromas en etapas del procesado de zumos de frutas y bebidas

Diban Gómez, Nazely 20 June 2008 (has links)
La presente tesis estudia el desarrollo de tecnologías de separación y recuperación de aromas. Se busca obtener dos clases distintas de productos, concentrados aromáticos y bebidas parcialmente desalcoholizadas. En ambos productos se requiere una alta calidad aromática.Distintos casos de estudio se han seleccionado:i) La separación concentración del 2,4-decadienoato de etilo, aroma impacto de la pera, y ii) la separación-concentración del trans-2-hexen-1-ol, aroma impacto de los arándanos. En ambos casos, se tratan corrientes acuosas de la etapa de concentración de zumos en la indsutria. Para el estudio de la separación /concentración del aroma de pera se aplica adsorción en Carbón Activo Granular y Destilación con Membranas a Vacío, y para el aroma del arándano se selecciona la Pervaporación. Para todos estos casos se analiza el rendimiento del proceso y se desarrolla el modelo matemático obteniéndose sus principales parámetros de transporte.iii) La reducción del contenido de etanol en vino mediante Destilación Osmótica. Se ha desarrollado el modelo matemático que describe el transporte del etanol y los compuestos aromáticos. La validación del modelo y el análisis sensorial se llevaron a cabo mediante vino real. / The thesis document deals with the development of technologies for the separation and recovery of aromatic compounds. Two different kind of products are sought, aroma concentrates from fruit juices and partially de-alcoholised beverages. On both products high aromatic quality is required.Several cases of study have been selected: i) The separation of separation-concentration of ethyl E-2, Z-4-decadienoato, pear impact aroma compound, and ii) separation-concentration of E-2-hexen-1-ol, bilberries impact aroma compound. In both cases, aqueous streams to be treated in the industry would come from the juice concentration stage. The study of the separation and concentration of the pear aroma compound was made by using Adsorption onto Granular Activated Carbon and Vacuum Membrane Distillation, and for the bilberry aroma compound, Pervaporation was selected. For all of these cases of study, the performance analysis and mathematical modeling have been performed and the main transport parameters.iii) The reduction of the alcohol content of wine by Osmotic Distillation. A mathematical model describing both the ethanol and aroma compounds transport was developed. Model validation and sensorial analysis on real wine were made.

Optimización del envasado en atmósfera modificada de la lechuga iceberg

Martínez López, Juan Antonio 24 February 2011 (has links)
El presente trabajo está justificado por la necesidad real constatada por las empresas hortofrutícolas de mejorar la calidad de la lechuga Iceberg en vistas a su exportación a los países de la Unión Europea y, también, con el propósito de conocer el comportamiento fisiológico de esta hortaliza cultivada en la comarca del Campo de Cartagena de la Región de Murcia (España). La mejora de la calidad hace referencia a conseguir mantenerla desde la cosecha hasta el lugar de consumo, ya que la calidad del producto cosechado suele ser bastante buena. Respecto al comportamiento fisiológico, se ha pretendido conocer el potencial de conservación de la lechuga y el efecto del preenfriamiento y uso de las atmósferas modificadas en el mantenimiento de la calidad. También se han estudiado las alteraciones fisiológicas y microbianas que aparecen en las lechugas del Campo de Cartagena y el efecto de la refrigeración y coadyuvantes durante su almacenamiento. Como un complemento necesa rio al estudio de la calidad, se han determinado las características de permeación a los gases metabólicos de los envases plásticos destinados a la conservación de los productos vegetales en atmósferas modificadas y el comportamiento respiratorio de la lechuga con el fin de obtener una estrategia de diseño de envase que permita conocer las exigencias de este producto en relación al tipo de envasado que requiere. Los resultados han puesto de manifiesto que la lechuga Iceberg cultivada en el Campo de Cartagena es muy sensible a las alteraciones fisiológicas de nervaduras rosáceas y mancha canela sin mediación del etileno, que constituyen los principales problemas en su exportación. La solución planteada pasa por sustituir el envase actual, polipropileno macroperforado, por polipropilenos no perforados, biorientados o de tipo estándar, que han permitido reducir de forma drástica la incidencia de estas dos alteraciones y mantener un mejor aspecto visual incluso tras dos semanas de almacenamiento refrigerado. Si embargo, se debe controlar correctamente la temperatura y mantener la cadena de frío, ya que el envasado de la lechuga en estos polímeros no perforados presenta riesgos de incidencia de otras alteraciones fisiológicas como la mancha parda y el daño del cogollo interior. La reducción de las alteraciones en atmósfera modificada se ha atribuido a los niveles favorables de O2 (no menos del 10% y no más del 15%) y de CO2 (entre el 1 y el 4%) y su efecto beneficioso para frenar el metabolismo combinado con la reducción de la temperatura de refrigeración. / This study was accomplished because of horticultural Spanish companies needed to improve Iceberg lettuce quality to be exported towards the European Community countries and, at the same time, to know the physiological behaviour of this vegetable grown in the Campo de Cartagena area of the Murcia Region (Spain). The quality improvement consists of maintaining the lettuce quality from harvest to consumption, since the lettuce quality was usually quite good at harvest. Regarding to physiological behaviour, in this work it was searched both the lettuce shelf life and the effect of cooling and modified atmosphere packaging on maintaining quality. In the same way, the physiological and microbiological disorders which appeared in the lettuces grown in the Campo de Cartagena and the effect of chilling storage and other techniques were studied. In addition to this quality study, lettuce respiration and metabolic gas permeation throughout polymeric packages for using in modifi ed atmosphere packaging were studied. The data obtained permit to know the film requirements and to design an optimum modified atmosphere packaging for Iceberg lettuce. The results demonstrated that Iceberg lettuce grown in Campo de Cartagena is very sensitive to physiological disorders ‘pink rib’ and ‘russet spotting’ this last one without ethylene releasing. These are the main problems when lettuces are exported. Both non-perforated bioriented polypropylene and standard polypropylene were proposed as alternatives to substitute the conventional macroperforated polypropylene. The gas composition reached within packages with these films permitted to reduce drastically the above mentioned disorders and to maintain the overall quality for periods longer than two weeks under chilling. Both temperature and cold chain must be correctly kept so that no risks of either ‘brown stain’ or ‘heart-leaf injury’ can appear due to an inadequate use of non-perforated films. The disorders red uction was attributed to levels of O2 (between 10 to 15%) and CO2 (between 1 and 4%) within the packages and the favourable effects of those atmospheres combined with the use of chilling storage temperatures on restraining lettuce metabolism.

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