Spelling suggestions: "subject:"victimization""
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Dévoiler une agression sexuelle : les expériences des étudiant(e)s de l'Université d'OttawaMercier, Marielle Lucie 13 July 2022 (has links)
Peu de recherches se sont intéressées aux questions du dévoilement d'une agression sexuelle. Employant quelques concepts de la théorie de la sociologie pragmatique, cette thèse de maîtrise fait l'étude des expériences personnelles des étudiant(e)s à l'égard du dévoilement d'une agression sexuelle. Il s'agit d'une recherche qualitative reposant sur les témoignages de onze étudiant(e)s de l'Université d'Ottawa qui ont vécu une agression sexuelle durant leurs études postsecondaires, et qui ont été amené(e)s à dévoiler leur expérience à une personne ou à un service d'aide. En analysant les résultats de recherche, il en ressort que les participant(e)s ont progressé dans leur appréhension de l'agression, tout comme dans leurs logiques de dévoilement, ainsi que dans les types de dévoilement (spontané, justifié par des motifs personnels, et justifié par des motifs altruistes) - trois notions qui sont introduites. Les résultats mettent également en lumière un aspect peu connu : les réactions qui peuvent ou non faciliter un dévoilement. Cette recherche permet d'apporter un nouveau savoir sur la dynamique des décisions qui mènent un/une étudiant(e) à dévoiler sa situation d'agression sexuelle, tout en ouvrant un large espace de nouveaux questionnements.
(Abstract) There is little research focused on the disclosure of a sexual assault. Employing some concepts from the pragmatic sociology theory, this master's thesis examines the personal experiences of students with respect to the disclosure of a sexual assault. This qualitative research is based on the testimonies of eleven students from the University of Ottawa who have experienced a sexual assault during their post-secondary education, and who have been led to disclose their situation to a person or a help service. In analyzing the results of this study, it emerges that the participants have progressed in their apprehension of the assault, as well as in their logics and types of disclosure (spontaneous, justified by personal motives, and justified by altruistic motives) - three notions that are introduced. The findings also shed light on a little-known aspect: the reactions that may or may not facilitate a disclosure. This research provides new knowledge on the dynamics of the decisions that leads a student to reveal his or her situation of sexual assault, while opening up a vast space for further questions.
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Victimisation par les pairs à l'école et dépression à l'adolescence : une étude franco-québécoiseBeaulieu, Julie 13 April 2018 (has links)
La victimisation vécue en milieu scolaire engendre des conséquences négatives sur le cheminement scolaire, la vie sociale et surtout, sur la santé psychologique des jeunes. Les objectifs principaux de cette recherche réalisée en France et au Québec sont : (a) d’évaluer la prévalence, la fréquence et la nature de la victimisation par les pairs; (b) d’évaluer la prévalence et l’intensité de la dépression chez les adolescents; et (c) de déterminer l’importance de la relation entre la victimisation par les pairs et la dépression chez les adolescents. L’échantillon est composé de 356 élèves (12-15 ans) de collèges français et de 360 élèves (13-15 ans) d’écoles secondaires québécoises. Les participants ont rempli l’Inventaire de dépression de Beck ainsi que les échelles Victimisation de gravité mineure et Victimisation de gravité majeure du Questionnaire sur l’environnement socioéducatif. L’analyse des données montre que la victimisation par les pairs et la dépression sont présentes à divers degrés chez les adolescents français et québécois et varient selon l’âge et le sexe des élèves. De plus, des analyses corrélationnelles indiquent que les élèves victimes de violence de la part de pairs à l’école présentent des niveaux plus élevés de dépression que les élèves non victimes. Cette relation diffère selon le sexe et l’âge des élèves, le contexte culturel et le type de victimisation subi. De façon générale, la victimisation de type verbal s’est avérée la plus fortement liée à la dépression chez les adolescents. Ces résultats soulignent ainsi l’importance de prêter attention à la violence manifestée entre élèves, particulièrement aux actes de victimisation de gravité mineure. / Peer victimization in school has important negative impact on the mental health and the academic achievement of many adolescents. The main objectives of this doctoral research project are to: (a) evaluate the prevalence, frequency and type of peer victimization among adolescents, (b) assess the prevalence and severity of depression among secondary school students and (c) determine the importance of the relationship between victimization and depression. Participants were 356 college students (age 12-15) from France and 360 secondary school students (age 13-15) from Quebec. They completed the Beck Depression Inventory and two victimization scales from the Questionnaire sur l'environnement socioéducatif. Results show that both peer victimization and depression are important realities in the life of French and Quebec students and that victims of peer violence are more depressed than non-victims. Gender, age and type of victimization affect this relationship. Verbal victimization appears to be more related to depression among adolescents. Results support the importance of timely and preventive interventions regarding violence in school and peer victimization in particular.
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The Double Standard towards Men's and Women's Violent Behaviour : En kvantitativ experimentell studie angående människors attityder till våldsbrott i förhållande till kön / Dubbelmoralen gentemot Män och Kvinnors Våldsamma Beteende : En kvantitativ experimentell studie angående människors attityder till våldsbrott i förhållande till könKnapasjö, Martina, Klindt, Jenny January 2015 (has links)
The present study tested the prediction that male offenders are judged more harsly than female offenders for involving in a violent crime. Three-hundred and fifty-four adult students (163 men, 190 women, 1 unspecified gender) evaluated a hypothetical crimescenario describing a violent conflict between two parties, as part of a 2 (Informants Gender: Male/Female) x 3 (Offender Gender Triad: Male/Female/Neutral) x 3 (Victim Gender Triad: Male/Female/Neutral) between-subjects design. In situations involving male offenders, compared to female offenders, the informants judged the male offenders more harshly which exposed a double standard, as we expected. Informants also believed that it was more likely that a male offender was a recidivist.
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Význam viktimologie pro prevenci kriminality / Significance of Victimology for the Prevention of CrimeMacurová, Eliška January 2018 (has links)
Thesis title: Significance of Victimology for the Prevention of Crime The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the significance of victimology for the prevention of crime and to provide a summary of the basic victimological recommendations victims should remember in case they get into threatening situations. The thesis consist of seven chapters including an introduction and a conclusion. The introduction describes the concept of the thesis and defines objectives, which the thesis should aim at. The following chapter is dedicated to victimology that comprises a scientific study focused on victims of crime: its short development, as well as its basic terms which are crucial for handling the issue. Attention is also paid to the definition of a victim and aggrieved person in Czech law and offers comparsion of those concepts. The basic typologies of the victims are also mentioned. The third chapter provides a comprehensive interpretation of the prevention of crime, first defined in general. The second section of this chapter focuses on the different types of prevention and their interaction and context. The fourth chapter deals in more detail with victimological prevention, which is crucial for the purposes of my research. After an initial explanation of the term, is given an overview of the different...
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L'expérience de la victimisation chez les femmes délinquantes vivant avec une déficience intellectuelleLussier, Alexandrine 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Freedom from Liability : A study of rebel financing through natural resources and its impact on sexual violence against civiliansWieselgren, Herman January 2018 (has links)
The scholarly field on rebel use of sexual violence in armed conflict is divided. While some scholars argue that it principally occurs as a conscious strategy, a weapon of war, others argue that it is primarily a consequence of asymmetrical gender power relations. In this paper it is argued that access to and use of natural resources as means of finance enable rebel actors to commit sexual violence against civilians. As they extract resources from external sources, their accountability to civilians decreases and the use of sexual violence is made more economically viable. To test this, a quantitative analysis of around one hundred rebel actor conflict-episodes was conducted. The results suggest a positive correlation between natural resource financing and sexual violence.
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Pratiques de bullying et adhésions normatives dans quelques classes d’école et de collège en Italie / School Bullying and Compliance with Norms and Values in some Primary and Secondary Italian School ClassesMancuso, Charlotte 19 March 2010 (has links)
L’étude du harcèlement systématique entre pairs à l’école (school bullying) est-il éclairé par l’approfondissement de la relation aux normes qu’entretiennent les jeunes acteurs ? Quels sont les éléments clé aidant l’identification et la compréhension du phénomène ?A partir d’une redéfinition du bullying insistant sur les apports croisés de chaque protagoniste sur la scène des dynamiques indésirables, le travail propose une étude située du problème. Chaque acte et chaque initiative de type bullying sont ainsi analysés dans le cadre de la situation spécifique qu’ils dessinent et dont ils relèvent à la fois. Pour cela, l’attention est portée sur les attributions de sens et sur la perception réciproque d’adhésions normatives mises en avant par les élèves concernés. Quatre classes scolaires italiennes sont analysées dans leurs dynamiques relationnelles et conflictuelles ; du point de vue de leur organisation, de l’ordre et de la discipline ; en termes d’investissements axiologiques opérés par les jeunes et leur entourage et encouragés par les enseignants. / School bullying: does the study of peer harassment in schools delve deeper into the relationships of young people with rules and values? What are the key factors that can help to better identify and understand the phenomenon ? The work starts from a re-definition of school bullying based on the cross contribution of each character acting in the educational scene where the undesirable dynamics take place to propose a local analysis of the problem. Each school bullying initiative is analysed in the context of the specific situation that it create and from which it raises. Attention is also brought to the attribution of meanings as well as to the reciprocal perception of the compliance with the rules by students. Four Italian classrooms are examined taking into account the dynamics of their relationships and conflicts; their organization, rules and discipline; the axiological investments made by young people and promoted by their teachers.
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Problematika obětí sexuálních deliktů a jejich ochrana prostředky trestního práva / The issue of victims of sexual offences and their protection through criminal lawKubištová, Adéla January 2021 (has links)
The issue of victims of sexual offences and their protection through criminal law Abstract The theme of this diploma thesis refers to the issue of victims of sexual offences and their protection through criminal law. This thesis aims to theoretically analyse this issue, describe the specifics of the victimisation process, and focus on protecting victims of sexual offences through criminal law. The author also asks in the introduction why these victims are victimised by so many. It also evaluates the legislation in selected areas and suggests possible changes in the legislation. The thesis itself is divided into six chapters, each of which deals with different aspects of this theme. The first chapter deals with the current legislation on selected crimes of rape, sexual abuse and sexual coercion. The author also discusses the degree of their latency, which is relatively high in crimes against human dignity in the sexual field. The second chapter defines the various concepts related to the issue of victims of sexual offences. These are terms such as victim, particularly vulnerable victim or false victim. Furthermore, the so-called victimity and victimogenic situation and factors are defined here. The conclusion of this chapter is devoted to the description of the relationship between the perpetrator of a...
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Practice Guidelines for Designing and Implementing Victim Empowerment Programmes from the Perspectives of Service Providers and Consumers of ServicesShabangu, Athalia Phindile 02 1900 (has links)
Crime is a complex social problem which has a diverse range of socioeconomic and legal consequences. Its effects upon victims are equally wide-ranging. In the cases of both violent and non-violent crimes, the effects and consequences for victims can assume any of a great many different forms. Dinisman and Moroz (2017) confirm that the effects can be deleterious in respects such as the physical health, emotional well-being, financial security, and prospects for employment or higher education. In addition, the intensity of the effects upon victims is influenced by many different factors. Evidence suggests that the nature of crimes which are committed and their seriousness do not in themselves account solely for differences in the severity of the effects which victims experience (Dinisman & Moroz, 2017). In the past, many organisations, including government departments, have been concerned mainly with rendering services to victims of child abuse and domestic violence, often at the expense of victims of serious crimes such as murder, rape, car hijacking, armed robbery and assault.
A qualitative study was conducted, in order to obtain an understanding from both providers of victim empowerment services and victims of violent crimes of the services which are provided to victims. A significant amount of data was collected in the form of suggestions from both groups of participants for improving the effectiveness of existing VE services and diversifying them to make the rendering of services a more holistic endeavour than it is at present. The study was conducted in the provinces of Mpumalanga, Gauteng, the Western Cape, and the Northern Cape and the data was collected from semi-structured face-to face interviews and focus group discussions.
The findings revealed that there were no standardised guidelines for rendering VE services to victims of different categories of crimes and the suggestions of the participants underscored the need for the development of appropriate referral protocols as a component of the guidelines for practice which were to be developed from the findings of the study. Some of the victims who participated in the study maintained that although some of their basic needs were being met in the shelters in which they were housed, in some instances counselling and therapeutic services were not available. Victims who were accommodated in shelters with their children expressed concerns with respect to a lack of educational programmes and facilities for the children. Many also expressed the belief that programmes which enabled them to develop skills to become financially self-sufficient upon leaving shelters were crucial to both their rehabilitation and empowerment.
From the findings of this study, it was evident that guidelines for practice needed to be developed in accordance with the types of crimes which are committed against victims. From a careful analysis of the suggestions and recommendations of the participants, the researcher developed guidelines for practice for designing and implementing victim empowerment programmes in accordance with the objectives of providers of VE services and the needs of victims. The guidelines take the form of information pertaining to relevant programmes and services, appropriate referral protocols, and monitoring and evaluation framework templates to enable providers of VE services to assess their performance in relation to whether their services fulfil their mandates and whether the victims to whom they are rendered consider them to be sufficiently effective and appropriate. The guidelines are also intended to reduce inappropriate variations in the rendering of VE services and to stipulate standardised practices. The guidelines were circulated to members of the Victim Empowerment Management Forum who are also providers of VE services, for their comments and suggestions, which have subsequently been incorporated into the final draft of the guidelines for practice. / Social Work / D. Phil. (Social Work)
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An investigation into the perceptions of youths in early adolescence concerning the role a child’s body shape plays in bullyingCoertze, Sara Louise 18 June 2013 (has links)
Obesity has become a global pandemic that not only affects adults, but also children and adolescents. It has been found that obesity among children and adolescents has emotional, social, physical and psychological ramifications, one of which is bullying. Very little has been written on the effects obesity in early adolescence has on bullying behaviour in a South African context. For this reason the researcher deemed it necessary to study the perceptions of youths in early adolescence with regard to obesity and bullying. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 35 early adolescents from the Brooklyn policing precinct in the east of Pretoria. The data were assessed through content and interpretative phenomenological analysis. Thus the researcher tried to capture the essence of each individual interview. Several themes emerged from the data analysis, of which the most noteworthy were what youths in early adolescence perceive as bullying; the influence of bullying on behaviour; a general overview of perpetrators and victims of bullying; and the correlation between an early adolescent’s body shape and victimisation. The findings give insight into how obese young adolescents are perceived and treated by their peers. Furthermore, the findings elucidate what early adolescents perceive as bullying and possible reasons for such behaviour. By identifying the perceptions held by early adolescents, programmes can be implemented to address these stereotypes, thus decreasing the potential victimisation of overweight/obese youths in early adolescence. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted
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