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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

n Ondersoek na ernstige geweldsmisdaad : voorstelle vir opleiding ('n gevalstudie)

Siegelaar, Leslie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Not a single day passes in South Africa without various violent crimes making the front pages of the local media. The Cape Flats in the Western Cape is one of areas which is seriously affected by violent crime. During the past three years serious violent crimes committed with a firearm have shown a sharp increase. The investigation of such crimes is, just as its prevention, a priority of the SAPS. Investigation of serious violent crime has also changed since the amalgamation of the eleven police agencies in 1996. Whereas the Murder and Robbery Unit was responsible for investigation crimes such as murder and attempted murder using a firearm before 1996, most of these crimes are nowadays investigated by members attached to local detective units. Specialist knowledge is required for the investigation of the said crimes whereas local detectives have only received training in conducting general investigations. The question arising is what is the influence of this training on the investigation of serious crime and more specifically their solution. Against this background the current state of training received by local detectives is investigated as well as the influence on the investigation of serious violent crimes. The SAPS Ravensmead Detective Service is used as a case studyforthis purpose. Practice is compared to the theory and conclusions are drawn about the influence of training on the success rate during the investigation of serious violent crimes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Nie 'n enkele dag gaan in Suid - Afrika verby sonder verskeie geweldsmisdade as voorbladnuus nie. Die Kaapse Vlakte in die Wes -Kaap is van die gebiede wat erg deur ernstige geweldsmisdaad geraak word. Die afgelope drie jaar het ernstige geweldsmisdaad wat gepleeg word deur die gebruik van 'n vuurwapen skerp gestyg. Die ondersoek van dié misdade is net soos die voorkoming daarvan vir die SAPD 'n prioriteit. Die ondersoek van ernstige geweldsmisdaad het na die amalgamering van elf polisie - agentskappe in 1996 verander. Waar die Moord - en - Roofeenheid voor 1996 vir die ondersoek van misdade soos moord en poging tot moord met 'n vuurwapen gepleeg, verantwoordelik was, word die meeste van die misdade nou deur lede verbonde aan plaaslike speureenhede ondersoek. Gespesialiseerde kennis word benodig vir die ondersoek van die genoemde misdade. Plaaslike speurders het slegs opleiding ontvang om algemene ondersoeke waar te neem. Die vraag wat nou ontstaan is wat is die invloed hiervan op die ondersoek van ernstige geweldsmisdaad en meer spesifiek die oplossing daarvan. Teen hierdie agtergrond word ondersoek ingestel na die huidige stand van opleiding van plaaslike speurders en die uitwerking daarvan op die ondersoek van ernstige geweldsmisdaad. Vir hierdie doeleindes word SAPD Ravensmead Speurdiens as gevalstudie gebruik. Die praktyk word met die teorie vergelyk en gevolgtrekkings word gemaak oor die invloed van opleiding op die suksessyfer in die ondersoek van ernstige geweldsmisdaad.

Safety as a priority at shopping centres in Gauteng: an assessment of existing security measures

Lutchminarain, Natasha 02 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Violent crime and more specifically armed robberies constitute a growing threat to shopping centres in terms of their vulnerability to such criminal acts. These violent crimes are becoming ever more organised and sophisticated. Shopping centres across South Africa have become the latest targets for these syndicates. Due to the increasing number of armed robberies and violent crimes at shopping centres and the nature of violence used in these attacks, it points to a need for improvements to be made to the security measures that are in place at shopping centres. This study explored the risks and vulnerabilities at shopping centres that have led to the phenomenon of armed robberies at shopping centres in Gauteng; evaluated the current physical protection systems that are in place at shopping centres in Gauteng in order to assist with the reduction of shopping centre armed robberies; and recommendations were made for the implementation of effective security risk control measures at shopping centre’s across South Africa and specifically the province of Gauteng. Self-administered questionnaire surveys were used to explore the phenomenon from the perspectives of both retail employees and customers. The data collected from the questionnaires, utilising the non-experimental research design, were quantitatively analysed. Based on the findings from the study recommendations for the improvement of shopping centre security were formulated along with recommendations for future research. / Security Risk Management / M.Tech. (Security Management)

Différences de genre dans la dissociation et la détresse péri-traumatique, et associations avec les troubles de stress aigu et de stress post-traumatique chez des victimes d’actes criminels graves

Boisclair Demarble, Julie 12 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour visée principale de faire avancer les connaissances de la littérature concernant les différences hommes-femmes dans le trouble de stress aigu (TSA) et le trouble de stress post-traumatique (TSPT), chez une population de victimes d’actes criminels graves (VAC). L’étude comprend deux objectifs principaux. Tout d’abord, l’évaluation de la présence et de l’intensité de réactions péri-traumatiques, soit la dissociation et la détresse. Ensuite, nous avons étudié si ces facteurs étaient associés à la survenue d’un TSA, chez les VAC et s’ils prédisaient différemment le TSA en fonction du genre. Dans le cadre d’un deuxième article et comme objectif secondaire de la thèse, l’impact des réactions péri-traumatiques a aussi été vérifié, mais cette fois sur le développement subséquent d’un TSPT. Également pour cet objectif, nous nous sommes concentrés sur le rôle du genre dans la prédiction de la relation. Des entrevues d’évaluation clinique ont été effectuées auprès de 214 victimes (125 femmes). Plus précisément, le TSA a été évalué, dans le cadre de l’article 1 à l’aide de l’Acute Stress Disorder Interview (ASDI), puis le TSPT à l’aide de l’entrevue semi-structurée du SCID pour une mesure diagnostique catégorielle et avec l’échelle modifiée des symptômes traumatiques (ÉMST), dans l’article 2. Cette échelle produit un score en continu de sévérité et de fréquence des symptômes. Les variables péri-traumatiques ont été évaluées à l’aide de questionnaires auto-rapportés, soit le Questionnaire des expériences dissociatives péri-traumatiques et l’Inventaire de détresse péri-traumatique. Les résultats du premier article démontrent que les femmes vivraient globalement plus de détresse péri-traumatique que les hommes, alors qu’il n’y aurait pas de différence de genre pour les expériences dissociatives. Ces réactions péri-traumatiques seraient toutes deux des prédicteurs d’un TSA tant chez les hommes que les femmes. Des différences de genre seraient présentes dans l’association de la détresse et du TSA lorsque des évènements potentiellement traumatiques passés étaient considérés. Pour les hommes, une présence élevée de détresse péri-traumatique et plusieurs antécédents de potentiels évènements traumatiques les rendraient plus vulnérables au développement d’un TSA. Chez les femmes, de potentiels traumas antérieurs augmenteraient le risque de présenter des symptômes du TSA seulement lorsqu’un niveau élevé de détresse péri-traumatique était présent lors du crime. Le deuxième article de la thèse démontre à nouveau que les réactions péri-traumatiques sont des facteurs de risque, mais cette fois pour le développement d’un TSPT. Cependant, aucune différence de genre n’a été observée concernant la capacité prédictive de ces variables. En effet, quelques mois après l’événement, la dissociation et la détresse péri-traumatiques demeurent des variables d’intérêt à considérer pour prévenir la survenue d’un TSPT, mais ce tant pour les victimes hommes que femmes. Cette deuxième étude a également confirmé l’importance du trouble de stress aigu comme facteur de risque au développement d’un TSPT chez une population de victimes d’actes criminels violents. Ces résultats, les limites de l’étude, des pistes de recherche futures, ainsi que les implications cliniques pour le traitement du TSA et du TSPT seront discutés de manière détaillée dans cette thèse doctorale. / This thesis aimed to contribute to the acute stress disorder (ASD) and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) literature in terms of gender differences among crime victims. Precisely, we were interested in the intensity and presence of peritraumatic reactions namely, dissociation and distress, among men and women victims of violent crimes. Two objectives were pursued. First, we evaluated whether peritraumatic dissociation and distress were significant risk factors for ASD development and if these acute stress reactions’ predictive capacity, differed according to gender. A second objective was to investigate if peritraumatic dissociation and distress significantly predicted PTSD development according to gender. Globally, in this research project, we were interested in determining the impact of gender in the prediction of the above-mentioned relationship . Semi-structured interviews; the Acute Stress Disorder Interview (ASDI) in the first article and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID) in the second article were conducted with 214 victims (125 women, Mage=39.6yrs) to assess ASD and PTSD respectively. Data on peritraumatic variables were collected through self-report questionnaires, the Peritraumatic Dissociative Experience Questionnaire and the Peritraumatic Distress Inventory. Peritraumatic dissociation and distress were both significant risk factors for ASD in men and women. Women presented higher peritraumatic distress levels compared to men victims. Gender differences were revealed through past potential traumatic experiences, where they have a cumulative impact on ASD risk development for men, but having few past potential traumas could be a protective factor for women. In the second article, findings reveal that acute stress variables were both significantly related to more PTSD symptoms, although no gender differences were identified. An acute stress disorder diagnosis was also confirmed as an important predictor of PTSD in victims of violent crimes. These results, study limitations, directions for future research as well as clinical implications for ASD and PTSD treatment will be discussed.

Gatuvåldet i nordöstra Göteborg

Thorén, Tova, Tolsheden, Isabel January 2019 (has links)
Våldsbrottsutvecklingen har varit en central fråga i den offentliga debatten desenaste åren och LPO Storgöteborg Nordost har skildrats som ett av Sveriges mestbrottsutsatta områden. Polisen i nordöstra Göteborg har på senare år intensifieratdet proaktiva arbetet med bland annat utökad hot spot-patrullering ochimplementering av kameraövervakning. Samtidigt påträffas brister i polisensanalys- och uppföljningsarbete vilket förorsakar bristande kunskap ombrottsutvecklingen och tillämpade åtgärders brottsförebyggande effekter. Genomatt studera brottsutvecklingen över tid går det att identifiera mönster ochförändringar i brottslighetens omfattning och struktur, vilket kan användas somunderlag för mer problemorienterade analyser. Syftet med föreliggande uppsats ärföljaktligen att redogöra för hur det anmälda gatuvåldet har utvecklat sig ilokalpolisområdet mellan åren 2014-2018. Uppsatsen ämnar även att bidra medkunskap till hur utvecklingen kan förstås i termer av brottsförebyggande åtgärderspotentiella effekter. Det samlade resultatet av analyserna indikerar på naturligafluktuationer av gatuvåldet i nordöstra Göteborg de senaste åren, med undantagför år 2016 då anmälda brott ökade signifikant. Våldet tenderar att vara klustrattill särskilda platser och genom s.k. near repeat analyser kan bland annatkonstateras att risken för upprepade personrån bedöms vara hög. Samtidigtpåträffas en tydlig minskning på några av de särskilt brottsutsatta platser som varitföremål för en rad polisiära insatser de senaste åren, vilket skulle kunna indikerapå att polisens kraftansträngningar har gett resultat. Enligt poliserna själva finnsdet emellertid en antydan om att brottsligheten, istället för att minska, förflyttastill närliggande områden. Sammanfattningsvis konstateras att bidragande faktorertill utvecklingen kan vara många och att fler studier behövs som undersökerbrottsligheten i relation till åtgärdernas preventiva förmåga, för att få en mernyanserad bild av brottsutvecklingen. / The development of violent crime has been a central topic in the public debate ofrecent years and Local Police District of Northeast Gothenburg has beendescribed as one of Sweden’s most exposed areas. Northeast Gothenburg policehave in recent years intensified the proactive work with, among other things,increased hot spot policing and implementation of CCTV cameras. At the sametime, deficiencies are found in the police's analysis and follow-up work, whichcauses a lack of knowledge about crime development and the crime preventioneffects of applied measures. By studying crime development over time it ispossible to identify patterns and changes in the extent and structure of crime,which can be used as a basis for more problem-oriented analyses. The purpose ofthis thesis is to describe how reported street violence has developed in the localpolice area between 2014-2018. This paper also aims to contribute knowledge onhow this development can be understood in terms of the potential effects of crimeprevention measures. The overall result of the analyses indicates naturalfluctuation of street violence in Northeast Gothenburg in recent years, with theexception of 2016 when reported offenses increased significantly. Violence tendsto be clustered in specific places and near-repeat analysis demonstrates a greatrisk of repeated muggings. At the same time, a clear reduction is found in some ofthe particularly crime-exposed locations that have been the subject of a series ofpolice efforts in recent years. This could indicate that police efforts have yieldedresults. However, according to the police themselves, there is a suggestion thatcrime, rather than reducing, is spreading to neighboring areas. In conclusion,contributing factors to the development can be many and more studies are neededto investigate crime in relation to the preventive ability of those measures, in orderto get a more nuanced picture of crime development.

The social construction of crime reality : a comparative content analysis of local newspapers and crime statistics, Gaborone 2016-2017

Mtunzie, Patrick Melusi 01 1900 (has links)
This study examines the construction of crime reality by The Voice and The Midweek Sun newspapers by means of a content analysis and involved the exploration of violent crime news reporting, measured against police statistics. The two publications, The Midweek Sun, and The Voice newspapers, were quantitatively and qualitatively analysed to identify the types of violent crimes reported and to determine any differences they may have compared to the Botswana Police crime records, between themselves, and on how they framed or depicted violent crimes. The results were collected using a coding sheet, new story analysis form and analysed against official police records to determine any inconsistencies that may have existed between the crimes covered by two newspapers and police statistics. The qualitative analysis involved a coding sheet to identify lexical features and rhetorical devices in the headlines. The lexical units included compound words and fuzzy words. The rhetorical elements scrutinised included metaphors, alliteration, rhyme, puns, and idioms. The research analysed the news headlines. The study will assist in shedding light on the accuracy of crime news reporting, levels of sensationalism, overreporting or underreporting of violent crimes. / Communication Science / M.A. (Communication)

The impact of the Firearm Control Act 60/2000 in restricting gun ownership for at risk individuals in the Pretoria North Firearm Registration Centre policing area

Bopape, Lesetja Simon 30 June 2008 (has links)
The research project investigated the impact of the Firearms Control Act (FCA) 60 of 2000 in restricting gun ownership for at-risk individuals in the Pretoria North Firearm Registration Centre (FRC) policing area and identified prevention strategy as well as specific factors that contributed to this problem. Secondary prevention focuses on situational factors that reduces the means and opportunity for at-risk people to commit crime and can be applied in restricting firearms from at-risk individuals. One hundred and thirteen legal firearm owners in the Pretoria North FRC policing area responded to the questionnaire schedule. Data was also collected through interviews with Designated Firearm Officers (DFO) and court officials in that area. Specific factors have been identified that contribute to firearms landing in the hands of at-risk individuals in the Pretoria North FRC policing area. They are among others, poor administration of some sections of the FCA like background checks and section 102 and 103 unfitness declarations. The role of the DFO in continuous public education program on the FCA is also invaluable. The same goes to the general public s involvement in the identification of at-risk individuals. The South African Police Service management needs to address issues within the police service such as additional trained personnel, allocation of sufficient logistical resources like vehicles, computers and scanners to ensure effectiveness in restricting firearms from at-risk individuals. Several secondary role players have been identified that should work closely with the primary role players to address this problem. The recommendations drawn from conclusions as well as the inter-departmental role of all the different role players may assist in restricting firearms from at-risk individuals. / Police Practice / M.Tech. (Policing)

Beyond the victim : the traumatic effects of violent crime: an educational psychological perspective

Stansfeld, Fiona Doris 11 1900 (has links)
Violent cnme is among the most prominent distinguishing characteristics of South African society, it has a severely traumatising effect on the populations concerned. Based on research :findings and existing literature, this study explores traumatic effects of violent crime on the most intimate associate of the victim (the partner). Accordingly, this study deals with the much-neglected topic of secondary trauma, by focusing on the following aspects of or conditions associated with violent crime and the secondary victim: cognitive, emotional and relational effects the experience of trauma, loss, vulnerability, depression and acute stress. It reveals that, depending on the severity of the incident, its consequences for the partner of the victim may range from post-traumatic stress to acute stress or secondary traumatic stress. From the similar results returned for primary and secondary victims, it is apparent that in the future, both victim and supporter should have their needs addressed with equal emphasis. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Specialisation in Guidance and Councelling)

Personal experiences of victims of violent crimes: an African perspective

Mpata, Modjadji Fletta 02 1900 (has links)
This research focused on the personal experiences of both male and female victims of violent crimes. The aim of this research was to explore how indigenous Black South Africans understand and deal with victimisation. An African epistemology was used to help gain a deeper understanding of the experiences of the participants. Participants were recruited using purposive sampling strategy. Five participants were selected for this study. Data was collected using individual face-to-face semi-structured interviews. Based on the transcribed data, themes were extracted and analysed using content analysis. The results indicate that participants attributed varying meanings to their victimisation. / Psychology / M. A. (Clinical Psychology)

Psychopathy as a cause of violent crime in South Africa : a study into the etiology, prevelance and treatment of psychopathy as a cause of violence with particular reference to domestic violence in South Africa

Ellis, Tareen January 2014 (has links)
Murder, rape, corruption and gang wars, sounds like something out of a bad movie but for many it is their way of life and not a movie they can stop. Many people today live with the constant threat of attack and the threat is often not by some stranger but someone they know, their neighbour, their uncle, their father, their domestic worker and on occasion even their own mother. As crime escalates more people are asking the question,"Why this rapid increase in crime and why is there such an increase in the number of violent crimes?" South Africa is well known, unfortunately, for its high crime rate and in particular it's exceptionally high violent crime rate. South Africa is rated in the top 10 for the highest murders per capita (UNDOC 2011). Over the past 20 years the number of violent crimes has progressively increased and the reason for this increase needs to be examined. there appears to be a rapid increase in the number of people presenting personality disorders in society. A number of studies have been conducted on the etiology of anti-social personality disorder and on psychopathology. In the past the majority of these studies had been conducted in developed countries and in the past few years a number of studies have started to be conducted in developing countries. Although very interesting with great insight very few have tried to examined any trends and differences between developed and developing countries. During the course of these studies it has been observed that inmates and people exhibiting Psychopathy traits are more likely to commit violent crimes and in addition reoffend. The thesis proposed examines trends between developed and developing countries to find any links between crime and psychopathology and in addition the etiology, prevalence and prevention of psychopathology. The study will identify a number of models utilised to understand violence in society and personality disorders with particular reference to psychopathy. The study is being done in order to obtain a better understanding of a link between psychopathology and escalating crime in South Africa and what, if anything can be done to decrease this prevelance. This thesis outlines a number of diagnostic tools utilised in order to determine if a person is indeed suffering from psychopathy. Each one of these is discussed and the validity of each considered for both developed and developing countries as a diagnostic tool. The study clearly show that there are a number of unanswered questions around psychopathy within South Africa and that more research within a South African context needs to be conducted if this disorder is to be properly understood. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Homicidal strangulation in an urban South African context

Suffla, Shahnaaz 03 1900 (has links)
Text in English / As an external cause of death, strangulation represents an extreme and particularly pernicious form of violence. Following the evidence gap in the extant literature, the current research examined the incidence, distributions, individual and situational predictors, and structural determinants of homicidal strangulation in the City of Johannesburg for the period 2001-2010. The thesis is structured around four discrete but interrelated studies, which collectively offer an initial contribution to the body of scholarship on homicide generally, and on the characteristics and patterns of strangulation homicide specifically. The research drew on data from the National Injury Mortality Surveillance System and the South African National Census. Study I is a descriptive study that quantifies the extent of homicidal strangulation in the City of Johannesburg and describes its distribution by characteristics of person, time, place and alcohol consumption. The remaining studies are analytical in focus, and are aimed at explaining homicidal strangulation in the City of Johannesburg in terms of its determinants. These studies are differentiated by their focus on individual-level and neighbourhood-level risks. Study II assesses overall homicide strangulation risk in relation to all the other leading causes of homicide. Study III undertakes further disaggregation to investigate homicidal strangulation risk by gender specifically. Study IV considers the socio-structural correlates and geographic distributions of fatal strangulation. The study engages select micro-level and macro-level theories that focus on the intersection between vulnerability and routine activities, gender and neighbourhood derivatives of violence to explain the social ecology of lethal strangulation. The research findings demonstrate that homicidal strangulation in the City of Johannesburg is a unique phenomenon that is distinct from overall homicide. As the fourth leading cause of homicide in the City of Johannesburg, fatal strangulation exhibits a marked female preponderance in victimisation and distinctive socio-demographic, spatio-temporal, sex-specific and neighbourhood-level variation in risk. The study is aligned with the increasing trend towards disaggregating overall homicide into more defined and conceptually meaningful categories of homicide. The study may represent one of the first empirical investigations that also attempts to offer theoretically-derived explanations of homicidal strangulation in South Africa. Fatal strangulation is a multi-faceted phenomenon that requires multi-dimensional and multi-level interventions directed at several points of its social ecology. / Psychology / D. Phil. (Psychology)

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