Spelling suggestions: "subject:"endender perspectives"" "subject:"wendender perspectives""
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Climate Litigation in South Africa and Nigeria: Legal Opportunities and Gender PerspectivesObani, Pedi 07 October 2023 (has links)
Yes / This chapter explores climate change cases from South Africa and Nigeria through a legal opportunity structures (LOS) lens. Understanding the effects of LOS is critical for sustaining climate litigation momentum across countries. Further, the academic literature on climate litigation hardly covers gender issues, even though women’s vulnerability to adverse climate change impacts and limited access to resources for adaptation are widely acknowledged. The receptivity of the existing LOS to women’s unique experiences affects their ability to engage in climate litigation and prospects for accessing climate justice through the courts. The chapter, therefore, undertakes a gender-sensitive analysis of the relevant literature, laws and decisions of courts from South Africa and Nigeria to conceptualize the LOS for climate litigation.
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The Increasing Role Played by the Females in the Chinese Economic Development : An investigation of the challenges facing the upward mobile female in the leadership laddersTan, Jing January 2018 (has links)
With the increasing role played by the females in Chinese economic development, females draw attention from the public promptly. Since Chinese female achieved legally equal rights with male recently, female are still underrepresented at higher organizational levels. The previous researches on female leadership are plentiful and covered various dimensions. In Chinese context, the female leadership is embodied with the empowerment of female entrepreneurs. Hence, this research is concentrate the challenges facing Chinese female in their work, to meet the attention of why there are less top female leaders and why it is more difficult for female to approach higher leadership levels. The main research question of this thesis is: Why Chinese female facing more challenges/difficulties to move up in their leadership ladders compared to male? Following the qualitative research method, this thesis applies the theory of leadership, gender perspectives in leadership, and female leadership as the theoretical framework. Then, six Chinese female were interviewed for the investigation as the primary data collection. From the dedicated perspectives of the interviewees, the answers are concluded about the research question: ◆ Transformational leadership style makes female fit into male-dominant context. ◆ The gender bias and stereotypes of female still exist and played negative effects. ◆ Balancing the needs between their families and their work is a challenge for female to overcome.
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“Integrating Gender Perspectives in Adlerian Counseling and TherapyBitter, James 01 June 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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"Ett mönster som är svårt att förändra" : En kvalitativ studie om professionellas arbete med och syn på män som utövar våld i nära relationer / ” A pattern that is difficult to change” : A qualitative study on professionals´ work with and view on men who use intimate partner violenceHallborg, Stefanie, Ehrling, Isabell January 2016 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka kopplingen mellan hur professionella inom socialt arbete arbetar med män som utövat våld i en nära relation och hur de ser på problemet. Som metod användes en kvalitativ intervjustudie med sju yrkesverksamma inom socialt arbete. De informanter som deltog arbetade antingen inom socialtjänsten eller i verksamheter som erbjuder behandling för våldsutövande män. I studien användes ett genusperspektiv och den ekologiska modellen som teoretiska utgångspunkter. Studiens resultat visar att professionellas arbete speglar deras syn på mäns våld mot kvinnor. De som arbetar med kvinnorna ser konsekvenserna av våldet medan de som arbetar med männen ser de som könsneutrala människor som behöver hjälp. Resultatet visar även på vikten av att våldsutövare tar ansvar för våldet och söker hjälp, detta för att undvika att våldsproblematiken förs vidare eller fortsätter. Vidare framkommer brister både i metod vid behandling av våldsutövande män samt i socialtjänstens förmåga att identifiera en våldsutsatthet respektive våldsutövande. Den behandlingsmetod som används berör inte den koppling som finns mellan manlighet och våldsutövning och de professionella som arbetar behandlande tycks sakna detta perspektiv. / The purpose of this study was to examine the connection between how social work professionals, work with men who use violence in an intimate relationship and how they see the problem. To conduct the study a qualitative method was used that included interviews with seven professionals in social work. The professionals who participated worked either in social services or in organizations offering treatment for violent men. The study used a gender perspective and the ecological model as theoretical points. The results of the study show that the professionals' work reflects their view of men's violence against women. Those who work with women see the consequences of violence while those working with the men see them as gender neutral people who need help. The results also show the importance for offenders to take responsibility for the violence and seek help, this is to avoid that the problems of violence are forwarded or continues. Furthermore, the lack of ability to identify the violence victimization and violence is found both in the methods used in treatment of violent men as well as in the social service’s. The method used for treatment does not affect the link between masculinity and violence, the professionals who work with treatment also seem to lack this perspective.
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Säg är det möjligt för studie- och yrkesvägledare att motverka traditionella könsmönster?Keynemo, Monica January 2011 (has links)
Säg är det möjligt att motverka traditionella könsmönster,trots strukturer som formar oss så att vi omedvetet styrs att väljautbildningar som leder till könstraditionella yrkesval? Att få kunskaper om ochge redskap för ett praktikorienterat jämställdhetsarbete i studie- ochyrkesvägledning är syftet med denna aktionsforskningsstudie. De vägledare som deltar har intresseför och kunskap om genusvetenskapliga perspektiv och kan ses som goda exempel. Vägledarnadeltar genom två intervjutillfällen och en månads fokusering på uppdraget attmotverka traditionella könsmönster. De använder olika metoder och berättar ompositiva, neutrala, obekväma, häftiga och negativa reaktioner från sökande. Resultatetbeskriver hur vägledarna ser på sitt uppdrag och hur de omsätter sina kunskaperi pedagogisk praktik och hur de bemöter och tolkar reaktioner som de får frånsökande. Under arbetets gång ökar den självinsikt som följer av att förstå hursvårt det är att inte göra kön. Metodutvecklinghar betydelse för att omvandla förhållningssätt till aktiv handling, men detavgörande är attityden till uppdraget. Slutsatser som dras är att uppdraget attmotverka traditionella könsmönster kan innebära att upptäcka dessa könsmönsteri vardagen, att vägra kategorisera utifrån kön och att inse att vi med hjälp avförändrade förväntningar tillsammans kan ändra det som ses som normalt. / Say is it possible to counteract traditional gender patterns, even if structures shape us so that we unconsciously are guided to choose courses that lead to gender-traditional career choices? To learn about and provide tools for a practice-oriented work with gender equality in educational and vocational guidance is the purpose of this action research. The counselors involved have an interest in and knowledge of gender perspectives and can be seen as good examples. They participate through two interview sessions and a monthly focus on the mission to counteract traditional gender patterns. They use different methods and reports of positive, neutral, awkward, violent and negative reactions from applicants. The results describe how counselors view their mission and how they apply their knowledge in pedagogical practice. It also shows how they respond to and interpret the reactions they receive from applicants. In the process they increase their self-awareness resulting from the understanding of how hard it is not to construct the gender stereotypes. Method development is important to transform attitudes to positive action, but what matters is the attitude towards the mission. Conclusions drawn are that the mission to counteract traditional gender patterns may mean to detect these gender patterns in everyday life, refuse to categorize on the basis of gender and realize that if we are changing expectations, together we can change what is seen as normal.
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Livstillfredsställelse, stress och självkänsla bland äldre människor - Utifrån genusperspektiv / Life satisfaction, stress and self-esteem among older adults - A gender perspectiveJablanovic, Teea, Ifwarsson, Josefina January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka äldre människors (pensionärers) välmående genom att analysera samband mellan upplevd stress, självkänsla och livstillfredställelse i relation till kön, ålder, utbildningsnivå och civilstånd. Studien grundades på en enkätundersökning där 91 äldre individer deltog. Enkäten konstruerades med hjälp av skalorna Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) som mäter stress, Rosenbergs Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) som mäter självkänsla och Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) som mäter livstillfredsställelse. Resultaten visade att det fanns signifikant samband mellan upplevd stress, självkänsla och livstillfredsställelse samt signifikanta skillnader mellan män och kvinnor gällande stress och livstillfredsställelse. Kvinnliga deltagare upplevde mer stress, hade lägre livstillfredsställelse och självkänsla än män. Resultaten visade att kön, livstillfredsställelse och självkänsla signifikant predicerar stress. / The aim of the study was to examine wellbeing of older people (pensioners)by analyzing the relationship between perceived stress, self-esteem and life-satisfaction in relation to gender, age, educational level and marital status. The study was based on a survey where 91 older individuals participated. The survey included Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) measuring stress, Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) measuring self-esteem and Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), measuring life satisfaction. The results showed that there were significant relationships between perceived stress, self-esteem and life satisfaction, as well as significant differences between men and women regarding stress and life satisfaction. Females experienced more stress, had lower life satisfaction and self-esteem than males. The results also showed that gender, life satisfaction and self-esteem significantly predict stress.
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Genus och kommersialismens historia - ett genusperspektiv på historieundervisningenPettersson, Sofia January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att visa på hur man kan lyfta fram ett genusperspektiv i historieundervisningen och i historieläromedel. Denna studie är baserad på en statlig rapport som utkom år 2010. SOU-rapporten visar på ett alarmerande resultat kring genusuppdelningen i dagens läroböcker i historia. I merparten av böckerna är det fortfarande männens och de övre samhällsskiktens historia som berättas. Detta trots att det idag finns modern forskning att tillgå inom historieforskningen som berättar kvinnornas, barnens och den ordinära människans historia. I denna studie har jag i två olika klasser i grundskolans senare år utfört en enkätundersökning i syfte att se till hur elevernas uppfattning kring genusuppdelningen i läromedlen stämmer överens med det resultat som den statliga rapporten redovisar. Genom en pilotlektion kring kvinnornas 1900-talshistoria och ett temaarbete kopplat till 1900-talets reklam och kommersialismens historia, knutet till den ordinära människans historia, vill jag med denna studie visa på olika undervisningssätt som kan lyfta fram ett genusperspektiv på historien. Resultaten i enkätundersökningen visar framförallt på att flickorna efterlyser en mer genusinriktad och identifieringsbar historieundervisning i skolan idag. / The purpose of this essay is to show how a gender perspective in the teaching of history can be displayed as well as in history educational materials. This study is based on a report runned by the Swedish Government, which was published in 2010. It indicates an alarming result of gender segregation in today´s edcational materials. In the most of the books it is still the men´s history and the history of the upper class society which is being told. This is the given persective, despite the modern research of today which is available in historical research which tells the women, children och and the ordinary human history. In this study I have carried out a survey in two classes to exam´ine if the pupils´ opinion of gender segregation in the books agree with the report from the Government. I held a pilotlesson about the 20th century history of women and a thematic work connected to the 20th century advertising and the history of commersialism connected to the ordinary human history. I will in this study display the various ways of teaching, which can show a gender perspective on history. The results of the survey shows above all that the girls are searching for a more gender adjusted and a more identifiable history education in schools today.
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Homicidal strangulation in an urban South African contextSuffla, Shahnaaz 03 1900 (has links)
Text in English / As an external cause of death, strangulation represents an extreme and particularly pernicious form of violence. Following the evidence gap in the extant literature, the current research examined the incidence, distributions, individual and situational predictors, and structural determinants of homicidal strangulation in the City of Johannesburg for the period 2001-2010. The thesis is structured around four discrete but interrelated studies, which collectively offer an initial contribution to the body of scholarship on homicide generally, and on the characteristics and patterns of strangulation homicide specifically. The research drew on data from the National Injury Mortality Surveillance System and the South African National Census. Study I is a descriptive study that quantifies the extent of homicidal strangulation in the City of Johannesburg and describes its distribution by characteristics of person, time, place and alcohol consumption. The remaining studies are analytical in focus, and are aimed at explaining homicidal strangulation in the City of Johannesburg in terms of its determinants. These studies are differentiated by their focus on individual-level and neighbourhood-level risks. Study II assesses overall homicide strangulation risk in relation to all the other leading causes of homicide. Study III undertakes further disaggregation to investigate homicidal strangulation risk by gender specifically. Study IV considers the socio-structural correlates and geographic distributions of fatal strangulation. The study engages select micro-level and macro-level theories that focus on the intersection between vulnerability and routine activities, gender and neighbourhood derivatives of violence to explain the social ecology of lethal strangulation. The research findings demonstrate that homicidal strangulation in the City of Johannesburg is a unique phenomenon that is distinct from overall homicide. As the fourth leading cause of homicide in the City of Johannesburg, fatal strangulation exhibits a marked female preponderance in victimisation and distinctive socio-demographic, spatio-temporal, sex-specific and neighbourhood-level variation in risk. The study is aligned with the increasing trend towards disaggregating overall homicide into more defined and conceptually meaningful categories of homicide. The study may represent one of the first empirical investigations that also attempts to offer theoretically-derived explanations of homicidal strangulation in South Africa. Fatal strangulation is a multi-faceted phenomenon that requires multi-dimensional and multi-level interventions directed at several points of its social ecology. / Psychology / D. Phil. (Psychology)
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Homicidal strangulation in an urban South African contextSuffla, Shahnaaz 03 1900 (has links)
Text in English / As an external cause of death, strangulation represents an extreme and particularly pernicious form of violence. Following the evidence gap in the extant literature, the current research examined the incidence, distributions, individual and situational predictors, and structural determinants of homicidal strangulation in the City of Johannesburg for the period 2001-2010. The thesis is structured around four discrete but interrelated studies, which collectively offer an initial contribution to the body of scholarship on homicide generally, and on the characteristics and patterns of strangulation homicide specifically. The research drew on data from the National Injury Mortality Surveillance System and the South African National Census. Study I is a descriptive study that quantifies the extent of homicidal strangulation in the City of Johannesburg and describes its distribution by characteristics of person, time, place and alcohol consumption. The remaining studies are analytical in focus, and are aimed at explaining homicidal strangulation in the City of Johannesburg in terms of its determinants. These studies are differentiated by their focus on individual-level and neighbourhood-level risks. Study II assesses overall homicide strangulation risk in relation to all the other leading causes of homicide. Study III undertakes further disaggregation to investigate homicidal strangulation risk by gender specifically. Study IV considers the socio-structural correlates and geographic distributions of fatal strangulation. The study engages select micro-level and macro-level theories that focus on the intersection between vulnerability and routine activities, gender and neighbourhood derivatives of violence to explain the social ecology of lethal strangulation. The research findings demonstrate that homicidal strangulation in the City of Johannesburg is a unique phenomenon that is distinct from overall homicide. As the fourth leading cause of homicide in the City of Johannesburg, fatal strangulation exhibits a marked female preponderance in victimisation and distinctive socio-demographic, spatio-temporal, sex-specific and neighbourhood-level variation in risk. The study is aligned with the increasing trend towards disaggregating overall homicide into more defined and conceptually meaningful categories of homicide. The study may represent one of the first empirical investigations that also attempts to offer theoretically-derived explanations of homicidal strangulation in South Africa. Fatal strangulation is a multi-faceted phenomenon that requires multi-dimensional and multi-level interventions directed at several points of its social ecology. / Psychology / D. Phil. (Psychology)
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Gender roles in households : A case study on gender roles in households in northern Tanzania / Könsroller i hushåll : En fallstudie om könsroller i hushåll i norra TanzaniaLundh, Ottilia January 2022 (has links)
This case study investigates perspectives and changes in gender roles in household activities from a gender (in)equality context in Tarime, northern Tanzania. The participants in this study part-took in a previous project called the Serengeti-Mara Ecosystem Project (SEMA) which aimed to integrate gender perspectives and sustainable livelihoods in rural parts of Tarime. Women in these areas often bear the primary responsibilities of caring for the household. The area is also controlled by male authority, and women are daily exposed to oppression and physical violence. Statistically, girls in the study area often miss the chance to higher education since boys are prioritized. Instead, girls risk the chances of early marriage and are exposed to female genital multination. So far, there has been little research on gender roles in household activities in these areas. Therefore, this case study strived to provide such material for future project operations. The main goal of this study was to investigate gender equality in households, focusing on how women and men describe norms linked to equality and gender roles in households, if norms and roles have changed after the project and if so, which circumstances have led to such a change. Both men and women were interviewed through semi-structured interviews, focus group interviews and informal interviews. The empirical data was later analyzed through the lens of the social role theory. Research findings showed that women are still living subordinate to men and unequal distribution of household duties still exists. However, education on equal rights and women empowerment from the SEMA project has changed people's perspectives on the matter, inspiring both women and men to fight for a sustainable change. The study explores root causes that hinder the implementation of equal rights. This study can contribute to more understanding of cultural traditions and finding new ways to sustain the implantation of equal rights. / Nyckelord: Fallstudie, könsroller, Tarime, norra Tanzania, ojämlikhet mellan könen, genusperspektiv, Serengeti-Mara Ecosystem Project (SEMA), hållbar försörjning, förtryck, fysiskt våld, kvinnlig könsstympning, hushållsaktiviteter, utbildning, jämställdhetDenna fallstudie undersöker perspektiv och förändringar i könsroller i hushållsaktiviteter i Tarime, norra Tanzania. Deltagarna i denna studie deltog i ett tidigare projekt kallat Serengati-Mara Ecosystem Project (SEMA) som syftade till att integrera genusperspektiv och hållbar försörjning på landsbygden i Tarime. Kvinnor i dessa områden bär ofta det primära ansvaret att ta hand om hushållet. Studieområdet kontrolleras också av manlig auktoritet och kvinnor utsätts dagligen för förtryck och fysiskt våld. Statistiskt sett saknar många flickor högre utbildning eftersom pojkarna är de främsta prioriterade. I stället ligger fokus på att flickor ska bli bortgifta och undergå kvinnlig könsstympning. Hittills har det gjorts lite forskning om könsroller i hushållsaktiviteter inom dessa områden. Därför strävade denna fallstudie efter att tillhandahålla sådant material för framtida projektverksamhet. Huvudmålet med denna studie var att undersöka jämställdhet i hushållen, med fokus på hur kvinnor och män beskriver normer kopplade till jämställdhet och könsroller i hushållen, om normer och roller har förändrats efter projektet och vilka omständigheter som i så fall har lett till sådan förändring. Både män och kvinnor intervjuades genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och fokusgruppsintervjuer. Den empiriska datan analyserades senare genom teorin om sociala roller. Forskningsresultat visade att kvinnor fortfarande lever under manligt styrande och att det fortfarande finns en ojämn fördelning av hushållsuppgifter. Utbildning om lika rättigheter och kvinnors egenmakt från SEMA-projektet har dock förändrat människors perspektiv på frågan, och inspirerat både kvinnor och män att kämpa för en hållbar förändring. Studien utforskar grundorsaker som hindrar genomförandet av lika rättigheter. Denna studie kan bidra till mer förståelse för kulturella traditioner och hitta nya sätt att upprätthålla införandet av lika rättigheter.
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