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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Objetos tecnopoéticos : transmutações de imagens do repulsivo

Semeler, Alberto Marinho Ribas January 2011 (has links)
A proposta artística Objetos Tecnopoéticos: Transmutações de Imagens do Repulsivo aborda a experimentação poética entre a pintura digital, a videoarte, o computador e interfaces de controle. Nesta tese, as tecnopoéticas usam os princípios como a representação numérica, modularidade, automação, variabilidade e transcodificação. A tecnologia é investigada como ferramenta para a criação dos objetos tecnopoéticos. No que tange ao tratamento das imagens, essas operações ocorrem com técnicas de pós-produção, bem como pela aplicação de scripts. Com esses procedimentos, as imagens são pintadas quadro a quadro convertendo-se em “pintura animada”. A iconografia do inseto foi re-apropriada de minha produção artística anterior. Todas as animações foram construídas a partir de pinturas de insetos digitalizadas, vídeos e fotografias de vísceras humanas, retiradas de exames anatomopatológicos. Tanto as animações quanto os vídeos foram tratados com técnicas do croma-key, bem como pelo uso de erros produzidos propositadamente no sinal de vídeo através de métodos recursivos e programáveis como maquilagens digitais e efeitos que criam a ilusão de materialidade na imagem. O resultado da mixagem entre a iconografia e tratamento aplicado às animações e vídeos busca evocar um efeito repulsivo no espectador. A análise abjeta do processo criativo afirma que o mesmo origina-se na paixão e repulsa primordial pela imagem. Sua manifestação estética na produção artística contemporânea decorre de uma afirmação dos aspectos estético-sensoriais e representacionais da arte em negação à arte vista apenas como abstração filosófica. Nesta pesquisa artística o repulsivo se manifesta tanto na escolha de imagens quanto nas operações poéticas. O “tecnorrepulsivo” é a operação artística que busca evitar as soluções prontas dos softwares comerciais. O objeto tecnopoético surge de alguns cruzamentos: primeiro pela característica modular das linguagens de programação e dos produtos dos novos meios focados na noção objeto; segundo porque reativa o conceito de experimento e laboratório reivindicado pela arte de vanguarda que via no objeto a marca diferencial entre o atelier e a fábrica. E, finalmente, o “modo de existência dos objetos técnicos” que pretende enfatizar as singularidades dos dispositivos tecnológicos, apropriando-se disso no contexto artístico. Numa breve abordagem da estética e da filosofia da tecnologia, busca-se reaproximar arte e técnica. Os novos meios, particularmente suas interfaces gráficas de visualização, são produtos históricos de experimentações visuais. Contudo, a computação visual, ao apropriar-se das técnicas de construção da imagem, não enfatiza a continuidade da experimentação artística para a evolução da tecnologia. O ponto de cruzamento é a neuroestética (experiência estética com base biológica), que, através da investigação sobre o “conhecimento visual”, redescobre a experimentação artística como fator crucial para o desenvolvimento da ciência e da tecnologia – a arte é uma expressão da maquinaria cerebral. / The artistic proposal ‘Technopoetic Objects: Transmutations of Images of the Repulsive’ discusses poetic experimentation using digital painting, video art, computer and control interfaces. In this thesis, Technopoetics use principles such as numerical representation, modularity, automation, variability and transcoding. Technology is explored as a tool for the creation of technopoetic objects. Regarding the processing of images, these operations occur as part of post-production techniques and also through the use of scripts. Through the use of these procedures, images are painted frame by frame resulting in their conversion into ‘animated painting’. The iconography of the insect has been reappropriated from my earlier artistic work. All animations were built from digitized pictures of insects, as well as videos and photographs of human viscera taken from anatomopathological examinations. Chroma-key techniques were used in both animations and videos, as well as intentionally produced errors in the video signal through recursive and programmable methods, such as digital makeup and digital effects which grant the picture an illusion of materiality. The result of mixing iconography and digital effects used to produce animations and videos intends to instigate a repulsive reaction on the viewer. The abject analysis of the creative process affirms that it originates from passion and primordial repulsion for the image. Its aesthetic manifestation in contemporary art originates from an affirmation of the representational and sensory-aesthetic aspects of art as a denial of art seen merely as philosophical abstraction. In this artistic research the idea of repulsive is used both in the choice of images and in the poetic operations. Technorepulsive is an artistic operation which endeavours to avoid readymade solutions offered by commercial softwares. The technopoetic object appears as a result of combinations: firstly, by the modular characteristics inherent to the languages used in their programming and by the product of the new media which focus on the object concept; secondly, because it reintroduces the concept of experiment and laboratory practice reclaimed by avantgarde art and which saw in the object a differential mark between the workshop and the factory. And finally, the ‘mode of existence of technical objects’ which aims at emphasizing the singularities of technological devices, appropriating this idea in an artistic context. In a brief discussion of aesthetics and philosophy of technology, I seek to reconnect art and technique. The new media, especially their graphic interfaces for viewing, are historical products of visual experiments. Nevertheless, by appropriating image construction the techniques, visual computing does not emphasize the continuity of artistic experimentation in relation to the evolution of technology. Neuro-aesthetics (the biological basis of aesthetic experience) seems to be the intersecting point in this case. As such, through research on the ‘visual knowledge’ neuro-aesthetics rediscovers artistic experimentation as a crucial element for the development of science and technology - art is an expression of cerebral machine.

A natureza e o fantástico através da experiência visual / -

Assumpção, Flora Romanelli 06 November 2014 (has links)
Este projeto artístico equivalente à dissertação para o mestrado em poéticas visuais é composto pela documentação do processo criativo, que é em si o mestrado em poéticas visuais, e por uma pequena seleção de fotogravuras originais da série \'Pequeno Compêndio dos Mares\'. A documentação consiste em três partes: primeira, registro de obras e exposições já realizadas e obras em processo; segunda, notas visuais e de texto; e última, uma seleção de trabalhos precedentes ao período do mestrado. A organização desta documentação do processo artístico foi feita priorizando o conjunto das imagens e considerando a linguagem visual como uma linguagem diversa e do mesmo valor da verbal, pois que assim como a palavra, o visual opera através de raciocínios intelectuais e sensíveis - e pode estar na universidade sendo debatido por artistas que trabalham com esta linguagem, medido dentro das particularidades da visualidade. Portanto apresento o registro e as obras materializadas como parte de um processo onde reflexão e fazer são o mesmo ato criativo e cuja complexidade intelectual existe desvinculada da necessidade da articulação pela palavra e independente de uma tese pré-formulada verbalmente, os textos aqui cumprem outra função: relacionam interesses, técnicas e influências temáticas de outras áreas do conhecimento. / This artistic project, equivalent to the Master dissertation in visual arts, is composed by the documentation of the creative process, which is itself the Master degree in Visual Arts, as well as a small selection of photoengraving originals entitled \"Small Compendium of the Seas\". The documentation consists in three parts: first, art works and record of past exhibits and works in progress; second, visual and text notes; and last, selection of works preceding the period of Masters in Visual Arts. The organization of the documentation of the artistic process was made by prioritizing the body of work and considering the visual language as a diverse language but with the same legitimacy of verbal language, as well to the word, the visual knowledge operates through intellectual and sensible reasoning - and may be in the university being debated by artists who work with this language, measured within the particularities of visuality. Therefore I present the record and the materialized art works as part of a process where thinking and doing are the same creative act and in which intellectual complexity exists detached from the necessity of articulating word and independent of a pre-formulated verbal thesis, the texts here have another function: related interests, techniques and thematic influences from other areas of knowledge.

A natureza e o fantástico através da experiência visual / -

Flora Romanelli Assumpção 06 November 2014 (has links)
Este projeto artístico equivalente à dissertação para o mestrado em poéticas visuais é composto pela documentação do processo criativo, que é em si o mestrado em poéticas visuais, e por uma pequena seleção de fotogravuras originais da série \'Pequeno Compêndio dos Mares\'. A documentação consiste em três partes: primeira, registro de obras e exposições já realizadas e obras em processo; segunda, notas visuais e de texto; e última, uma seleção de trabalhos precedentes ao período do mestrado. A organização desta documentação do processo artístico foi feita priorizando o conjunto das imagens e considerando a linguagem visual como uma linguagem diversa e do mesmo valor da verbal, pois que assim como a palavra, o visual opera através de raciocínios intelectuais e sensíveis - e pode estar na universidade sendo debatido por artistas que trabalham com esta linguagem, medido dentro das particularidades da visualidade. Portanto apresento o registro e as obras materializadas como parte de um processo onde reflexão e fazer são o mesmo ato criativo e cuja complexidade intelectual existe desvinculada da necessidade da articulação pela palavra e independente de uma tese pré-formulada verbalmente, os textos aqui cumprem outra função: relacionam interesses, técnicas e influências temáticas de outras áreas do conhecimento. / This artistic project, equivalent to the Master dissertation in visual arts, is composed by the documentation of the creative process, which is itself the Master degree in Visual Arts, as well as a small selection of photoengraving originals entitled \"Small Compendium of the Seas\". The documentation consists in three parts: first, art works and record of past exhibits and works in progress; second, visual and text notes; and last, selection of works preceding the period of Masters in Visual Arts. The organization of the documentation of the artistic process was made by prioritizing the body of work and considering the visual language as a diverse language but with the same legitimacy of verbal language, as well to the word, the visual knowledge operates through intellectual and sensible reasoning - and may be in the university being debated by artists who work with this language, measured within the particularities of visuality. Therefore I present the record and the materialized art works as part of a process where thinking and doing are the same creative act and in which intellectual complexity exists detached from the necessity of articulating word and independent of a pre-formulated verbal thesis, the texts here have another function: related interests, techniques and thematic influences from other areas of knowledge.

Methodology of visual knowledge discovery and its investigation / Vizualios žinių gavybos metodologija ir jos tyrimas

Bernatavičienė, Jolita 23 July 2008 (has links)
The research area of the thesis is the process of knowledge discovery from multidimensional data and the ways of improving the perception of the data investigated. Data perception is rather a complex problem, especially when the data refer to complicated object described by many parameters. In order to obtain exhaustive information on the analysed data, their all-round analysis is indispensable the stages of which are defined by the process of knowledge discovery. The object of dissertation research is the process of visual knowledge discovery. The following subjects are directly associated with this subject: formation of a primary set of multidimensional data; algorithms for clusterization, visualization, and classification; evaluation of the results obtained by data mining methods; mapping of a new multidimensional data; decision making and generalization of the knowledge obtained referring to the analysis results. The key target of the thesis is to develop and explore the methodology of knowledge discovery by visual methods that would allow us to increase the efficiency of data analysis. The research results of the work revealed new opportunities of medical (physiological) data analysis. The dissertation is written in Lithuanian. It consists of 5 chapters, and the list of references. There are 116 pages of the text, 44 figures, 12 tables and 156 bibliographical sources. The main results of this dissertation were published in 9 scientific papers: 1 article in a journal... [to full text] / Disertacijos tyrimų sritis yra žinių gavybos iš daugiamačių duomenų procesas ir tiriamų duomenų suvokimo gerinimo būdai. Duomenų suvokimas yra sudėtingas uždavinys, ypač kai duomenys nurodo sudėtingą objektą, kuris aprašytas daugeliu parametrų. Norint gauti išsamią informaciją apie analizuojamus duomenis būtina kompleksinė jų analizė, kurios etapus apibrėžia žinių gavybos procesas. Disertacijos tyrimų objektas – vizualios žinių gavybos procesas. Su šiuo objektu betarpiškai susiję dalykai: daugiamačių duomenų pirminės aibės suformavimas; klasterizavimo, vizualizavimo ir klasifikavimo algoritmai; duomenų gavybos metodais gautų rezultatų įvertinimas; naujų daugiamačių duomenų atvaizdavimas; sprendimų priėmimas ir gautų žinių apibendrinimas, atsižvelgiant į analizės rezultatus. Pagrindinis disertacijos tikslas yra sukurti ir ištirti žinių gavybos vizualiais metodais metodologiją, kuri leistų padidinti duomenų analizės efektyvumą. Darbe atliktų tyrimų rezultatai atskleidė naujas medicininių (fiziologinių) duomenų analizės galimybes. Disertaciją sudaro penki skyriai ir literatūros sąrašas. Bendra disertacijos apimtis 116 puslapių, 44 paveikslai ir 12 lentelių. Tyrimų rezultatai publikuoti 9 moksliniuose leidiniuose: 1 straipsnis leidinyje, įtrauktame į Mokslinės informacijos instituto pagrindinį (Thomson ISI Web of Science) sąrašą; 2 straipsniai leidiniuose, įtrauktuose į Mokslinės informacijos instituto konferencijos darbų (Thomson ISI Proceedings) duomenų bazę; 2 straipsniai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Vizualios žinių gavybos metodologija ir jos tyrimas / Methodology of visual knowledge discovery and its investigation

Bernatavičienė, Jolita 30 September 2008 (has links)
Disertacijos tyrimų sritis yra žinių gavybos iš daugiamačių duomenų procesas ir tiriamų duomenų suvokimo gerinimo būdai. Duomenų suvokimas yra sudėtingas uždavinys, ypač kai duomenys nurodo sudėtingą objektą, kuris aprašytas daugeliu parametrų. Norint gauti išsamią informaciją apie analizuojamus duomenis būtina kompleksinė jų analizė, kurios etapus apibrėžia žinių gavybos procesas. Disertacijos tyrimų objektas – vizualios žinių gavybos procesas. Su šiuo objektu betarpiškai susiję dalykai: daugiamačių duomenų pirminės aibės suformavimas; klasterizavimo, vizualizavimo ir klasifikavimo algoritmai; duomenų gavybos metodais gautų rezultatų įvertinimas; naujų daugiamačių duomenų atvaizdavimas; sprendimų priėmimas ir gautų žinių apibendrinimas, atsižvelgiant į analizės rezultatus. Pagrindinis disertacijos tikslas yra sukurti ir ištirti žinių gavybos vizualiais metodais metodologiją, kuri leistų padidinti duomenų analizės efektyvumą. Darbe atliktų tyrimų rezultatai atskleidė naujas medicininių (fiziologinių) duomenų analizės galimybes. Disertaciją sudaro penki skyriai ir literatūros sąrašas. Bendra disertacijos apimtis 116 puslapių, 44 paveikslai ir 12 lentelių. Tyrimų rezultatai publikuoti 9 moksliniuose leidiniuose: 1 straipsnis leidinyje, įtrauktame į Mokslinės informacijos instituto pagrindinį (Thomson ISI Web of Science) sąrašą; 2 straipsniai leidiniuose, įtrauktuose į Mokslinės informacijos instituto konferencijos darbų (Thomson ISI Proceedings) duomenų bazę; 2 straipsniai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The research area of the thesis is the process of knowledge discovery from multidimensional data and the ways of improving the perception of the data investigated. Data perception is rather a complex problem, especially when the data refer to complicated object described by many parameters. In order to obtain exhaustive information on the analysed data, their all-round analysis is indispensable the stages of which are defined by the process of knowledge discovery. The object of dissertation research is the process of visual knowledge discovery. The following subjects are directly associated with this subject: formation of a primary set of multidimensional data; algorithms for clusterization, visualization, and classification; evaluation of the results obtained by data mining methods; mapping of a new multidimensional data; decision making and generalization of the knowledge obtained referring to the analysis results. The key target of the thesis is to develop and explore the methodology of knowledge discovery by visual methods that would allow us to increase the efficiency of data analysis. The research results of the work revealed new opportunities of medical (physiological) data analysis. The dissertation is written in Lithuanian. It consists of 5 chapters, and the list of references. There are 116 pages of the text, 44 figures, 12 tables and 156 bibliographical sources. The main results of this dissertation were published in 9 scientific papers: 1 article in a journal... [to full text]

Interaktive Stadtkarten als Instrumente der Erkenntnis

Bedö, Viktor 14 November 2011 (has links)
Dieser Dissertation liegt die Problematik des impliziten verkörperten Wissens im Erkennen und Entdecken mittels visueller Instrumente zu Grunde. Mit Entdeckung ist der Akt des allerersten Erkennens von etwas gemeint, über dessen Existenz oder Beschaffenheit dem Entdecker zuvor keine expliziten Kenntnisse zur Verfügung standen. Eine zentrale These dieser Arbeit besagt, dass dies durch den transmodalen Charakter der empirischen Begriffsbildung gesichert wird. Dieses erkenntnistheoretische Problem wird anhand des Entdeckens von emergenten Mustern urbaner Organisation ausgearbeitet, die aus der Vogelperspektive auf urbanen Echtzeitkarten erscheinen. In der Arbeit werden Trends interaktiver Kartierung aufgezeigt, bei denen unter anderem urbane Sensordaten, Daten aus der Verortung von Personen, Objekten und Information und anwendergenerierte Informationen visualisiert werden. Die Konklusion beinhaltet Ausblicke, an welchen Punkten die anhand der interaktiven Karten gewonnenen Erkenntnisse in Stadtentwicklungsprojekte und in die Entwicklung von ortssensitiven Technologien einfließen können. / This dissertation elaborates on the role of implicit embodied knowledge in recognition and discovery through the use of visual instruments. Discovery refers to the very first act of recognition of something, that''s existence or features were not explicitly known by the discovering person beforehand. According to a central thesis of this work discovery is enabled by the transmodal character of empirical concept formation. This epistemological question is elaborated based on the case of emergent patterns of urban organization that appear on urban real-time maps from the bird''s eye view. Trends of interactive mapping are shown where urban sensor-data, location data of persons, objects, and information, as well as user generated information is visualized. The conclusion contains outlooks how knowledge gained from interactive urban maps can be utilized in urban development projects and in the development of location sensitive technologies.

Relicário [a natureza da natureza] / -

Assumpção, Flora Romanelli 19 February 2019 (has links)
Relicário [a natureza da natureza] é o corpo de trabalhos artísticos aqui reunidos sob esta forma coesa. Esta tesecompêndio inclui realizar o trabalho em si mesmo, tanto quanto pensar formas de registrar e documentar organizadamente o processo criativo, bem como o trabalho finalizado com suas inter-relações e desdobramentos. Esta organização visual busca compartilhar a percepção do artista visual durante o desenvolvimento de seus processos criativos e de pesquisa, tornando evidente e valorizando a complexidade intelectual desta área do conhecimento humano: a linguagem visual. A tese é uma colagem não linear, premissa necessária para refletir a coesão e a multiplicidade simultânea e circular do pensamento visual. / Reliquary [the nature of nature] is the body of artistic works gathered here in this cohesive form, where seeing, doing and thinking are faces of the same creative act. This thesiscompendium includes performing the work itself, as well as thinking of ways to record and document the creative process and the work finalized with their interrelationships and unfolding. This visual organization seeks to share the perception of the visual artist during the development of her creative and research processes, making evident and valuing the intellectual complexity of this area of human knowledge: visual language. The thesis is a non-linear collage, a necessary premise to reflect the cohesion and the simultaneous and circular multiplicity of visual thinking.

Användning av bilder och modaliteter under högläsning i årskurs 1–3 / The Use of Pictures and Modalities During Reading Aloud in Grades 1–3

G. Wikström, Sanna January 2018 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att studera lärares högläsningspraktik i årskurs 1–3 med fokus på användningen av bilder och andra modaliteter. Genom att observera sex lärare under deras högläsningstillfällen studeras hur de ger elever förutsättningar att utveckla olika kunskaper och förmågor. Den teoretiska ramen för studien är det sociokulturella perspektivet på lärande som menar att vi lär oss i en social kontext, av varandra och vår omgivning. Studien utgår även från det multimodala perspektivet på texter som innebär att själva förmedlingen av en text innehåller olika aspekter som påverkar hur budskapet tolkas. Studien visar att samtliga lärare undviker att använda sig av bilder annat än i undantagsfall. Lärarna har huvudsakligen två högläsningspraktiker möjligen beroende på två skilda syften med högläsningen. Några lärare använder inte röstregister och kroppsspråk för inlevelsefull läsning utan talar mer sakligt och bjuder ofta in eleverna till samtal. Syftet med denna högläsningspraktik kan vara att skapa förståelse, utveckla kunskaper och göra eleverna delaktiga i undervisningen. Andra lärare väljer att läsa relativt sammanhängande och använda sig av röst och kroppsspråk mer inlevelsefullt. Syftet med denna högläsningspraktik kan vara att främst ge eleverna en gemensam stund för inlevelsefull och känslomässig upplevelse.

Building a Wiki resource on digital 3D reconstruction related knowledge assets

Münster, Sandra, Niebling, Florian 15 May 2019 (has links)
Purpose – While single theoretical approaches related to visual humanities research and in particular digital 3D reconstruction – as the virtual, interpretative 3D modeling and visualization of historical objects – are widely described in compendia like Wikipedia, and various publications discuss approaches from certain disciplinary perspectives, a comprehensive and multidisciplinary systematization is still missing. Against this background, the research activity described within this article is intended to gain a wide and multidisciplinary overview for research approaches, theories, and methods which are relevant to investigate or explain knowledge-related phenomena in the context of visual humanities research and education. Design/methodology/approach – To meet these interests we intend to set up a Wiki resource as a structured repository. The content will be based on (a) interactive workshops held at conferences to collect and structure knowledge assets on visual knowledge involving experts from different domains. Moreover, (b) a student seminar starting in early 2017 is designated to describe some typical research designs as well as amend related methods and theories in the Wiki resource based on Wikipedia articles. A content structuring principle for the Wiki resource follows the guidelines of Wikimedia as well as plans for the results to be populated again in Wikipedia. Originality/value – While Wiki approaches are frequently used in the context of visual humanities, these resources are primarily created by experts. Furthermore, Wiki-based approaches related to visualization are often focused on a certain disciplinary context as, for example, art history. A unique aspect of the described setting is to build a Wiki on digital 3D reconstruction including expertise from different knowledge domains – i.e. on perception and cognition, didactics, information sciences, as well as computing and visual humanities. Moreover, the combination of student work and assessments by experts also provides novel insights for educational research. Practical implications – The intended product is a comprehensive and multidisciplinary structured repository on digital 3D reconstruction research approaches, methods, theories, publication bodies, and good practice examples. The editing of the project results into the Wikipedia will lead to a wide dissemination and visibility of group activities and outcomes as well as enhance competencies of all contributors on collaborative work.

HistStadt4D – A four dimensional access to history

Kröber, Cindy, Friedrichs, Kristina, Filz, Nicole 16 May 2019 (has links)
Purpose – We propose a multidisciplinary approach based on an extensive data base which provides digitalized photographic material from the end of the 19th century up to recent times. Thus a large amount of photographic evidence will be exploited, structured and enriched by additional sources to serve as a foundation for an application relying on 3D visualizations. The application addresses scholars as well as the general public and will provide different kinds of information and tools for research and knowledge transfer. Design/methodology/approach – The method applied will be diachronic: the virtual model may show one point in urban history depicting a certain state of past Dresden and also its development through the various eras. In addition the method works in a dualistic mode: on the one hand the physical development of the urban area will be explored and presented in detail, on the other hand the analysis of the pictures will give profound insights in the specific perception of the urban space. Originality/value – This methodology aims to make large repositories more accessible and proactive in information-seeking. Using a 3D application as an access for media repositories, research tools and functionalities which can improve the scientific handling of the data will be considered. How should the data and information be processed to meet the researcher’s needs? Which information can be retrieved from the visual media? What needs to be considered to ensure scientific standards and motivation while working with the image repositories? Users of the virtual archives can benefit extensively form effective searching functions and tools which work not only content- and theme-based but also location-based. Practical implications – The outcomes of the research will be presented in a 4D browser and available in an Augmented Reality presentation. The design will comply with the requirements of the field of application, whether aiming at a scientific, educative or touristic purpose. The paper itself considers three different approaches to the topic highlighting the multidisciplinary strategy and opportunities of the project. The first one considers research questions from art history. The second one reflects on concepts from information science, photogrammetry and computer vision for visualizations and the third one introduces an interaction concept for an AR application for the Zwinger in Dresden.

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