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Företagsamhet föder framgång : Yrkeskarriärer och sociala nätverk bland företagarna i Sundsvall 1850-1900Svanberg, Mikael January 1999 (has links)
The present dissertation deals with the factors influencing the professional careers of mer-chants and craftsmen working in the Swedish town of Sundsvall between 1850 and 1900. The most important hypotheses are: To what degree did social origins influence an entre-preneur's opportunities for running his business? How many of the children of these busi-nessmen assumed and maintained their parents' social status upon attaining adulthood? What significance did the entrepreneur's spouse have for his business activities? To what degree were his economic activities influenced by joining local voluntary associations? By combining data culled from the parish registers of the Swedish Lutheran Church, the poll tax registers and the primary source material for national trade statistics, the author has been able to identify the individuals who worked as entrepreneurs in Sundsvall during the period under investigation, what they paid in business income tax each year, the profes-sional titles they possessed and the places in which they and their relatives resided during their lifetimes. The results show that the majority of the most successful younger entrepreneurs active in the town before the introduction of freedom of trade in Sweden in the year 1864 were mostly immigrants from other parts of the country, who had furthermore come from rela-tively modest backgrounds. However, the social and geographic origins of these entrepre-neur's wives has proven to be of central significance to the success of the business, in in-stances where she had been raised in a business family from Sundsvall. The professional skill of the entrepreneur together with his wife's familiarity with the town, in all likelihood also combined with her inherited cultural capital, contributed to creating a demand from the local populace for the goods or services sold by the company / <p>Distrubution: Institutionen för idé- och samhällsstudier, Umeå universitet,, 901 87 Umeå, 090-786 50 00</p>
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Fordringsägare vid konkurs : Revisionens betydelse i värderingen av ett litet bolags betalningsförmåga / Creditors at time of bankruptcy : The value of audits in credit ratings of small enterprisesHaglund, Elin January 2014 (has links)
Stora företagsbedrägerier och skandaler såsom Kreuger, Enron och Worldcom där fordringsägare led omfattande förluster, följs ofta av en debatt om revisionens syfte och omfattning. Efter påtryckningar från EU om att minska den administrativa bördan, öka konkurrenskraften och stimulera Europas ekonomi, avskaffades revisionsplikten för mindre aktiebolag i Sverige 2010. Fordringsägare i form av bland annat kreditgivare och investerare är parter som kan drabbas vid en konkurs och har därför behov av att ha en fungerande relation med företaget. Tillsammans med kompletterande information från revisorer bidrar kreditbetyg till en bättre bild av kreditrisker som fordringsägare utsätter sig för. Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen för revisionens betydelse i värderingen av ett litet företags betalningsförmåga när det sedan 2010 inte längre är ett lagstadgat krav att ha revisor. Studien ger även möjlighet till att bättre bedöma revisionens påverkan på kreditrisken för fordringsägare i händelse av konkurs. Detta är en triangulerande studie, där insamling av data har skett genom både kvalitativa intervjuer och kvantitativ information från 57 konkursbon av små bolag från 2009 och 61 från 2012. Intervjuerna har gjorts med 10 respondenter inom revision, kreditgivning och konkursförvaltning. Resultaten har analyserats utifrån framförallt agent- och intressentteorin. Studien har kommit fram till att användandet av revisor är en funktion som värderas högt. De har en viktig roll när det gäller att hjälpa företagare att leva upp till de ekonomiska kunskapskrav som omvärlden ställer. Även när det gäller bedömningen av företagets fortsatta drift kan revisorns kunskaper bidra till att minska risken för en obeståndssituation. Studien har dock inte kunnat fastställa att underskottens storlek i konkurserna har påverkats av om bolaget har haft revisor eller inte. Varken respondenterna eller sambandsanalysen styrker någon skillnad i påverkan på prioriterade borgenärer efter avskaffandet av revisionsplikten. För både 2009 och 2012 har många konkurser små underskott medan få har stora, vilket indikerar att kreditgivare i det flesta fall har kunnat göra rimliga kreditbedömningar. / Major fraud and scandals in corporations such as Kreuger, Enron and Worldcom where creditors suffered significant losses, are often followed with debate around the purpose and scope of corporate audits. After pressure from the EU in order to reduce the administrative burden, increase competitive capacity, and stimulate the European economy the mandatory auditing was abolished for small enterprises in Sweden in 2010. Creditors of which some are banks and investors are parties that who can be affected by a bankruptcy and are therefore dependent on a working relationship with the enterprise. Together with additional information from an auditor credit ratings will aid a creditor in the assessment of exposed risk. This study aims to increase the understanding of audit significance in the aspect of credit rating of small companies and their ability to fulfil payments to prioritised creditors in case of bankruptcy as the legislated audit no longer is a requirement. It will also provide a possibility to assess the influence of auditing on the credit risk creditor is subject to in the event of bankruptcy. The study is using a triangulating method where data is collected using both qualitative interviews and quantitative data from 57 bankruptcies of small enterprises from 2009 and 61 bankruptcies from 2012. The interviews were conducted with 10 respondents representing auditing, loans, and Insolvency practise. The results have been analysed from the perspective of Agent- and Stakeholder theories. The study has derived to the conclusion that the use of auditors does carry a significant value. They have an important role to play when it comes to assisting entrepreneurs to live up to the expectation and skills their counterparts have on them. Even the assessment made by auditors on the company’s ability to continue operation, going concern, is knowledge which can contribute to the prevention of a future situation of insolvency. The study has not been able to prove any relationship between the company's level of debt in bankruptcy and if the company has chosen to have an auditor. Neither respondents in the qualitative data collection nor the search for correlation in the quantitative data has been able to support findings of difference on the impact on the prioritised creditors between the companies using auditors and the ones not using auditors from the time after the abolishment of mandatory audits. From both 2009 and 2012 most bankruptcies have low deficits and a small number have high, which indicate creditors have been able to make reasonable credit assessments.
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Investigating personal insolvency : a progression of studies into individual voluntary arrangementsPond, Keith January 2007 (has links)
This doctoral submission represents over ten years of focused research that has resulted in a unique collection of academic and professional articles. The epithet "unique" is adopted to reflect that over those years this area of study has been relatively untouched by other academic researchers. This submission presents a total of eight academic and seven professional journal publications that chronicle the major output of numerous research projects undertaken between 1992 and 2002. The publications adhere to a central aim - to investigate the practical use and complex interactions between stakeholders of the individual insolvency rescue vehicle the Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA). The research projects employed a variety of relevant methodologies to populate an emerging conceptual model of the prime factors affecting the incidence, usage and outcomes of IVA cases. The first five articles report and develop the data collected during the various projects. The articles build on each other, analysing results and comparing these with previous studies to underline reliability in the data. The final three articles draw threads from the research data and develop the conceptual model further. As a research progression this submission contains all of the necessary ingredients of a doctoral thesis. It focuses on a discrete body of knowledge, builds on a conceptual model, gathers valuable data and tests it, draws strong conclusions and, finally, establishes and contributes new theory in this area of study.
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Older people in Scotland : family, work and retirement and the Welfare State from 1845 to 1999Black, Elizabeth Leslie January 2008 (has links)
The social and economic experiences of older people in Scotland over the past two centuries provides a particularised lens through which larger themes of change and adaptation may be analysed. Older age cohorts are examined as specific identity groups within the context of a society in rapid transformation. The years c. 1845-1999 represent a period of time in which almost every sector was affected by industrialisation, urbanisation, migration, economic developments, technological and medical progress, and social reform. In combination with historical interpretations, modern sociological theory concerning the aged as a distinct social grouping provides the basis for further inquiry. Concepts such as status, social capital, interdependency, paternalism and citizenship have been of major importance in structuring this research. By means of demographic analysis, readings of written biographical documentation, and the incorporation of over fifty oral histories conducted in Dundee and Edinburgh, the role of the family in older people’s lives has been explored. Nineteenth and twentieth-century population trends have been incorporated as an area for detailed investigation of long-term familial practices. An understanding of the older person’s role in the family over time suggests a formalised socio-economic stability based upon kinship ties, gender roles, and economic and social reciprocity. Stage theory allows for examination of the economics of ageing, particularly in regard to employed and retired older people. Original research covering older people’s experiences of work in Dundee and Edinburgh provides qualitative and quantitative data on paternalistic policies in the brewing and jute industries, promotion and retirement practices, and economic status among the working elderly. The experience of being retired has been evaluated in terms of economic independence, social capital, class and gender. Analyses of the experience of retirement in the post-war era are bound with the rise of the modern welfare state. Significant government commissions and acts provide scope and sequence in an analysis of the role of the state in old age. Principally, the New Poor Law of 1845 (Scotland), the Pension Acts of 1908 and 1925, the National Insurance Act of 1946, as well as the social welfare acts of 1948 have been studied. Particular focus on the influence of the Social Work Act 1968 (Scotland) complements an overarching argument concerning Scotland’s unique practices in the modern welfare state. Emphasis is on care in the community, using statutory and voluntary services provided at the local level as case studies. Interpretations of older people in terms of their various roles in the welfare state, their communities and places of work, and within their families indicate that throughout the period, older populations have distinctively adapted to the long-term effects of modernisation in Scottish society.
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Vem betalar för att bli granskad? : Vilka faktorer driver små aktiebolag att frivilligt låta sig revideras och vilka revisorer och revisionsbyråer efterfrågas? / Who pays to be revised? : What factors drive small stock companies to be voluntary audited and what auditers and what audit firms are demanded?Hagenius, Filip, Eriksson, Filiph January 2016 (has links)
In 2010 the mandatory audit was abolished for small companies in Sweden. Today, 14% of the companies choose to voluntarily be revised despite the fact that obligation under the law does not exist. The purpose of this study is to explore what drives these companies to have a voluntary audit. As part of the aim, this study explores what audit firms are demanded to the greatest extent of its clients, after the abolishment of the mandatory audit as well as whether the characteristics of the auditor may be significant. The analysis is based on data from 4 000 annual reports from 1 000 Swedish small companies where annual reports from 2010 to 2014 were reviewed. The results indicate that companies with high total assets and high debt (D/E) have a positive relationship with voluntary audit. Furthermore, it was found that authorized accountants are demanded to a greater extent than approved auditors are. No significant differences were found between audit firms in this aspect. This study contributes to the previous literature, as it is the first of its kind to analyze drivers of voluntary auditing from a Swedish context where economic, legal and cultural aspects are different from other countries. In addition, this study analyzes what audit firms that are demanded to the greatest extent of its clients, which has not been included in previous studies regarding voluntary audit. / År 2010 avskaffades revisionsplikten för små aktiebolag i Sverige. 14 % av bolagen väljer idag att frivilligt bli reviderade trots att skyldighet enligt lag ej föreligger. Syftet med denna studie är att utforska vad som driver dessa bolag att ha frivillig revision. Som en del i syftet ingår även att studera vilka revisionsbyråer som efterfrågas i störst utsträckning av sina revisionsklienter efter slopandet av revisionsplikten samt om egenskaperna hos revisorn kan ha betydelse. Analysen baseras på data från 4 000 årsrapporter från 1 000 svenska små aktiebolag. Årsrapporterna från 2010 till 2014 har granskats. Resultaten tyder på att bolag med hög balansomslutning och hög skuldsättning (S/E) har ett positivt samband med frivillig revision. Vidare visade det sig att auktoriserade revisorer efterfrågas i större utsträckning än vad godkända revisorer gör. Inga väsentliga skillnader kunde dock hittas mellan revisionsbyråerna i denna aspekt. Denna studie bidrar till den tidigare litteraturen eftersom den är den första i sitt slag att analysera vilka faktorer som driver frivillig revision utifrån en svensk kontext där ekonomiska, juridiska och kulturella aspekter skiljer sig från andra länder. Dessutom analyserar studien vilka revisionsbyråer som efterfrågas i störst utsträckning av sina revisionsklienter, något som tidigare inte inkluderats i studier om revisionsplikten.
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臺灣兵役制度改革之研析 / A study of military service refrom in Taiwan胡書蓉, Hu, Su-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
This study sought to examine those factors that make voluntary enlistment feasible among most advanced industrial countries nowadays. Also aims to find out actors that lead Taiwan to follow the global trend to change from conscription to voluntary enlistment, the intention behind such a policy, challenges or problems has occurred or might emerge in the future, and how to deal with them. In order to answer the questions, this study used literature analysis and comparative method to collect related materials to analyze global trend and development of military service, make comparison of different types of military service systems and study policies of Taiwanese military service and reform in detail. Analysis of this study shows that on the way of changing from conscription to voluntary enlistment, Taiwan faces several limitations such as low recruitment rates of professional soldiers, poor military discipline, a lack of public interests,
rigid legal regulations, threats to national security, insufficient supporting programs, uneven distribution of military spending and workloads. This study comes up with some policy suggestions such as the government should raise social status of the military and public trust in the military,prolong service length of four-months military training, improve supporting programs and welfare of voluntary enlistment, improve balanced allocation of national defense spending on military personnel and
weapons, adjust patterns of military training to improve specialization in the military, and evenly distribute the number of soldiers supply (according to college calendar) to smoothly realize military service reform in Taiwan.
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Constructing and contesting the legitimacy of private forest governance : The case of forest certification in SwedenJohansson, Johanna January 2013 (has links)
In recent decades, political scientists have devoted substantial attention to the changing role of the state towards more inclusion of non-state actors in policymaking. This deliberative turn, or move towards governance, may signal inability to handle complex problems without cooperation with nonstate actors. On the other hand, governance is frequently credited with generating legitimate decision-making processes and results. In some instances, non-governmental actors have even taken the lead in policymaking. One archetype of such private governance, which has received significant scholarly attention, is forest certification. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is frequently described as the most democratic and therefore legitimate forest certification organization since it grants equal voting rights to three stakeholder groups in the formulation of criteria for responsible forestry: environmental non-governmental organizations (ENGOs), social groups (indigenous peoples and labor organizations) and forest owners. However, in Sweden, a country often described as a role model in forest certification, the FSC has increasingly received critique for failing to generate legitimate processes and results, and recently three of five ENGOs have chosen to exit the FSC organization. Such processes of de-legitimation have received little attention in the forest certification literature. This thesis therefore provides a critical assessment of the legitimacy of forest certification in Sweden. Legitimacy is analyzed through concerned stakeholders’ perceptions of both procedural qualities (input legitimacy) and problem-solving capacity (output legitimacy). This study of legitimacy is combined with an assessment of the ability of certification to enhance environmental protection, defined as changes in both forest management practices and biophysical conditions. The thesis focuses not the least on legitimacy on the local level, which is where the actual implementation takes place. Today local studies of the legitimacy of forest certification are rare. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods are applied and a number of sources are analyzed: forest monitoring data, survey data, interviews with and documents produced by the participating stakeholders. Papers I and IV analyze the perceived legitimacy of forest certification, while Papers II and III analyze forest certification schemes’ ability to enhance environmental protection. The results show that a process of de-legitimation is occurring in Swedish forest certification. In particular, certification has lost legitimacy with ENGOs, which increasingly consider Swedish forest certification to lack both input legitimacy and output legitimacy. Moreover, although the Swedish FSC standard pays attention to reindeer husbandry, the results show that reindeer herders consider themselves to have limited power to influence long-term forest planning and management (low output legitimacy). The forest industry, on the other hand, increasingly grants legitimacy to forest certification due to customer demands, which are created not the least by pressures from international ENGOs and by EU regulation. The results also show that Swedish forest companies have paid more attention to their environmental practices after obtaining certification. However, to what extent these changes result in positive environmental impacts remains uncertain, especially since forests in Sweden grow slowly, which requires analyses over time. There are also measurement problems resulting from the low certification rate among small-scale forest owners and from the fact that certified small-scale owners tend to be more active in their management. These findings highlight that research on private forest governance should not neglect the role of the state, neither as a buyer nor as a regulator. These findings also suggest that further research should pay attention to power asymmetries in private governance and develop methods for better understanding and evaluating the certification schemes’ environmental and social impacts.
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Avskaffad revisionsplikt 2010 : Vilka är faktorerna till att revision fortsätter att efterfrågas bland småbolag?Barhebréus, Nathalie, Cetin, Gulbahar January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: År 2010 avskaffades revisionsplikten för småbolag i Sverige. Detta medförde att mindre bolag frivilligt kunde välja att anlita revision eller inte. I dagsläget väljer 25 % av bolagen att anlita revisor. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka varför småföretag väljer att anlita en revisor trots avskaffandet av revisionsplikten. Studien kommer att undersöka faktorerna som bidrar till att revision efterfrågas. Metod: Primärdata har samlats in genom kvalitativa och kvantitativa forskningsmetoder. Den kvalitativa ansatsen består av intervjuer med småföretagare inom tjänstesektorn och handelsbranschen. För att få mer djupgående information om huvudämnet har intervjuer även skett med en auktoriserad revisor och en jurist som suttit med som representant för Företagarna i den statliga utredningen som föreslog avskaffandet av revisionsplikten. Den kvantitativa metoden utgörsav en enkätundersökning som besvarats av 130 småföretag. Slutsats: Vår slutsats är att efterfrågan på revision beror på flera faktorer och de faktorerna som har konstaterats ha en inverkan på att mindre bolag efterfrågar revision är intressenter, internnytta, rådgivning, företagsstorlek, outsourcing och branschtillhörighet. / Background: The abolishment of mandatory auditin Sweden was in 2010. This caused that smaller companies could voluntarly choose between to beaudited or not. Today,25 % of the smaller companies voluntarly choose to be audited. Purpose:The pupose with this study is to examine why smaller companies choose to hire an accountant although the abolishment of mandatory audit. The study will investigate which factors that causes demand of audit. Method: Primary data has been collected through a qualitative and a quantitative research method. The qualitative method has been collected through interviews with small companies in the service and tradesector. To get more detailed information about the main subject, interviewshasconductedwithacertifiedaccountantandwithalawyerwhoas adelegateon thebehalfofthe business association(Företagarna)in the stateinvestigation thatsuggested abolitionofmandatoryauditonsmallercompanies.The quantitative method consists of a survey answered by 130 small businesses. Conclusion: The conclusion is that the demand on auditing depends on several factors and the factors that have been identified as having an impact on smaller companies requesting the auditis stakeholders, internal benefits, consulting, companysize outsourcing and industryaffiliation.
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Hedge funds : fees, return revisions, and asset disclosureStreatfield, Michael P. January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is a collection of three essays on hedge funds with contributions to the empirical understanding of their fees, and their voluntary disclosure of returns and assets under management, using a large consolidation of widely-employed publicly available hedge fund databases. First, time-series variation in reported fees is analysed using fund launches within hedge fund management companies, and conditioning fees at launch on fund family characteristics. Larger and better performing fund families launch high fee funds. Funds with high management fees at launch do not perform any differently from low fee funds, though funds with high incentive fees marginally outperform. An interval regression technique is proposed to overcome the discrete nature of reported fees. Secondly, the reliability of voluntary disclosures of financial information is analysed with a different measure of time-variation --- tracking changes to statements of historical performance recorded at different points in time. This uncovers evidence that historical returns are routinely revised. These revisions are not merely random or corrections of earlier mistakes; they are partly forecastable by fund characteristics. Moreover, funds that revise their performance histories, significantly and predictably underperform those that have never revised. Finally, the availability, and timing, of the selective disclosure of assets under management by funds is examined. More than a third of funds have asset records falling short of returns published. There is evidence of strategic disclosure by funds --- asset reporting drying up after times of fund stress, such as poor performance or outflows. Furthermore, investors should take heed of the greater propensity for shortfall funds to trigger fraud performance flags. These results suggest that unreliable disclosures: constitute a valuable source of information for current and potential investors; have implications for researchers; and, exhort market regulators to include assets, not just returns, in the debate around mandatory disclosure by financial institutions.
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The compatibility between a theologically relevant libertarian notion of freewill and contemporary neuroscience research : God, freewill and neuroscienceRunyan, Jason D. January 2009 (has links)
The notion that we are voluntary agents who exercise power to choose and, in doing so, determine some of what happens in the world has been an important notion in certain theological accounts concerning our relationship with God (e.g. 'the freewill defence' for God's goodness and omnipotence in light of moral evil and accounts of human moral responsibility in relation to God). However, it has been claimed that the physicalism supported by contemporary neuroscience research calls into question human voluntary agency and, with it, human power to choose. Emergentist (or non-reductive physicalist) accounts of psychological phenomena have been presented as a way of reconciling the physicalism supported by contemporary neuroscience and the theologically important notion of human power to choose. But there are several issues that remain for the plausibility of the required kind of emergentist account; namely - Does recent neuroscience research show that voluntary agency is an illusion? and Is there evidence for neurophysiological causes which, along with neurophysiological conditions, determine all we do? In this dissertation I set out to address these issues and, in doing so, present an account of voluntary agency as power to choose in the state of being aware of alternatives. I argue that this account allows for the notion that human beings determine some of what happens in a way that is consistent with what contemporary neuroscience shows. Thus, contemporary neuroscience does not undermine this notion of human voluntary agency; or, then, the predominant theological view that we are morally responsible in our relationship with God.
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