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In the company of nurses : the history of the British Army Nursing Service in the Great War, Edinburgh University Press, October 2014McEwen, Yvonne Therese January 2016 (has links)
This is the first monograph to be published on the work of the Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service (QAIMNS) in the Great War. The historiography of British military nursing during this period is scant, and research based monograph are negligible. What exists, does not focus specifically on the work of the Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service, (QAIMNS) the Reserve, (QAIMNSR) or the Territorial Force Nursing Service (TFNS) but tends to concentrate on the work of the volunteer, untrained, Voluntary Aid Detachment (VAD) nurses. Unfortunately, this has resulted in factually inaccurate representations of British WW1 nursing. The mass mobilisation of nurses by professional and voluntary nursing services led to rivalry between the different groups and my research addresses the relationship that develop between the trained and volunteer nurses. Also, my research examines the climatic and environmental conditions that impacted upon the effective delivery of nursing and casualty care and the mismanagement of services and supplies by the War Office and the Army Medical Services. Additionally, the political controversies and scandals over inadequate planning for the care, treatment and transportation of mass casualties is addressed. Furthermore, diseases and traumatic injuries sustained by nurses on active service are examined and, shell-shock, hitherto considered a combatants' condition is cited in relation to mental health issues of nurses on active service. Moreover, my research examines the deaths and disability rates within the ranks of nursing services. My research features individual awards for acts of bravery and mentioned in Dispatches. On the Home Front the politics of nursing are addressed. Nurses campaigned for professional recognition and many were supportive of universal suffrage and they argued for both professional and personal liberation. The struggle for professional recognition led to divisions within the civilian nursing leadership because they failed to arrive at a consensus on the content of the Nurse Registration Bill. Also, the supply of nurses for the war effort was consistently problematic and this led the Government to establish the Supply of Nurses Committee. Before it had its first sitting it had already become contentious and controversial. The issues are discussed. Using extensive primary sources, the monograph moves away from the myths, and uncritical and overly romanticised views of WW1 military nursing. It is hoped that by examining the personal, professional and political issues that impacted upon nurses the monograph will make a significant contribution to the historiography of WW1 military nursing and to the history of the Great War more generally.
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CSR jako efektivnější nástroj v přístupu (nejen) k životnímu prostředí / CSR as an effective tool in (not only) environmental issuesŠkarda, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis is aimed on theoretical analyse of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and shows how it works in real life. Results of my study case (Patagonia) illustrate, that if the firms deal with the CSR in appropriate way, it can help to improve economic situation of the firm, it can also find some solutions in environmental crisis and improve social life of communities as well. This voluntary, inexpensive and effective instrument is compared with actions of public sphere in environmental protection. I analysed risks and cost efficiency of Kyoto protocol and biofuels and my results are, that these public actions on supranational level are costly, sometimes even purposeless, ineffective and risky from the point of view of economic school Public Choice.
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E a famÃlia acabou...: um estudo sobre a privatizaÃÃo do Banco do Estado do Cearà / And the family was gone...: a study about the privatization of the Bank of the State of CearÃNatÃlia DiÃgenes de Brito 26 May 2017 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / O presente estudo tem por finalidade analisar as trajetÃrias laborais de profissionais bancÃrios que vivenciaram o processo de privatizaÃÃo do Banco do Estado do Cearà (BEC), com o intuito de identificar os reflexos deste em longo prazo e, com isso, verificar as mudanÃas na relaÃÃo sujeito-trabalho, buscando identificar as transformaÃÃes relatadas por esses sujeitos apÃs a modificaÃÃo de seu cotidiano laboral. Para tanto, serà utilizada a metodologia de pesquisa HistÃria de Vida, atravÃs da realizaÃÃo de entrevistas de trajetÃria socioprofissional com sujeitos que serÃo selecionados por suas experiÃncias referentes à privatizaÃÃo do BEC. Os dados colhidos serÃo interpretados com o aporte da teoria Sociologia ClÃnica, buscando analisar, a partir dos relatos das histÃrias de vida laboral dos entrevistados, a manifestaÃÃo de processos ideolÃgicos e organizacionais que remetam Ãs transformaÃÃes do mundo do trabalho e à instauraÃÃo de novas tecnologias gestionÃrias no contexto brasileiro. Espera-se obter um maior aprofundamento nas questÃes que perpassam as mutaÃÃes da dimensÃo laboral, alÃm das consequÃncias para os trabalhadores do processo de privatizaÃÃo. / This study aims to analyze the career path of bank professionals who have experienced the process of privatization of the Bank of the State of Cearà (BEC, in Portuguese), with the main goal of identify its effects on those workers and verify the possible changes in the subject-work relation, seeking to identify the reported transformations after the modification of their work environment. The methodological approach known as History of Life will be used in our research through the realization of interviews focused on the socialprofessional trajectories of individuals that will be selected for their experiences related to the privatization process. Collected data will be interpreted with the theoretical basis of the Clinical Sociology, trying to analyze, from the reports of the labor life of the interviewed, the manifestation of ideological and organizational processes that refer to the transformations of the labor world and the establishment of new management technologies in the Brazilian context. It is expect to obtain a greater understanding of issues that underlie the mutations of the labor dimension, in addition to the consequences for the working class of the privatization process.
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Ação ambiental voluntária nos municípios: um estudo sobre os fatores que influenciam a participação voluntária dos municípios do estado de São Paulo no Programa Município VerdeAzul / Environmental voluntary action in local governments: a study of the factors contributing to the voluntary participation of local governments of the state of São Paulo in the \"Município VerdeAzul\" ProgramDanielle Christine Ramos Lodi 09 February 2017 (has links)
O Programa Município VerdeAzul é um exemplo de Programa Ambiental Voluntário criado pelo Governo do Estado de São Paulo com o objetivo de incentivar e apoiar os municípios na melhoria da gestão ambiental local. Os Programas Ambientais Voluntários são mecanismos de política ambiental amplamente utilizados junto ao setor privado para induzir, as empresas a adotarem ações voluntárias que promovam a qualidade ambiental e o uso sustentável dos recursos. Todavia, esses programas podem ser efetivamente direcionados a organizações públicas, especialmente no contexto da descentralização da gestão do meio ambiente no Brasil, que exige a coordenação de centenas ou milhares de órgãos públicos envolvidos em diferentes realidades municipais. O crescente uso dos Programas Ambientais Voluntários tem suscitado variados estudos, no entanto, permanecem dúvidas, principalmente, a respeito das razões pelas quais as instituições participam de programas do tipo, especialmente instituições públicas. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desta pesquisa é examinar os fatores que contribuem para a participação voluntária das Prefeituras do estado de São Paulo no Programa Município VerdeAzul. Para alcançar o objetivo, foram aplicados questionários e realizadas entrevistas com três grupos de municípios do estado. Os resultados encontrados evidenciam que fatores como a quantidade de funcionários, a existência e atividade do Conselho e Fundo Municipal de Meio Ambiente, a compreensão e concordância com os objetivos do programa, a qualidade da comunicação intersetorial na prefeitura, o envolvimento da alta administração, o comprometimento dos funcionários com o programa, o tempo de experiência dos interlocutores e suplentes na função e o tamanho populacional são fatores que influenciam a participação e o desempenho dos municípios no programa. Ademais, os resultados revelaram que os fatores que mais motivam a participação das prefeituras são de cunho ambiental e financeiro e que os serviços mais valorizados estão relacionados a melhorias econômicas e de imagem. Como conclusão e recomendações merecem destaque a necessidade de melhoria da transparência do processo seletivo para repasse de recursos, a diversificação dos benefícios financeiros, a participação dos governos municipais no design do programa e na definição dos critérios de avaliação, o investimento em monitoramento, fiscalização e motivação da alta administração e a flexibilização dos critérios de acordo com as realidades municipais / The \"Município VerdeAzul\" Program is an example of Voluntary Environmental Program created by the State Government of São Paulo in order to encourage and support municipalities in improving local environmental management. The Voluntary Environmental Programs are environmental policy mechanisms widely used to promote environmental outcomes in the private sector. However, these programs can be effectively used in the public sector, especially in the national context of environmental management decentralization, which requires the coordination of hundreds or thousands of public agencies that are entrenched in unique contexts. The increasing use of Voluntary Environmental Programs have motivated the emergence of several studies, however, questions remain, especially about the decisions of public institutions to participate in program like these. In this sense, the objective of this research is to examine the factors that contribute to the voluntary participation of local governments of the state of São Paulo in the \"Município VerdeAzul\" Program. To address the major goal, we surveyed local governments and conducted semi-structured interviews with three different groups of local government. The results show that factors such as number of employees, the existence and activity of the Environmental Local Council and Municipal Fund for the Environment, understanding and compliance with the program objectives, the quality of intersectoral communication at City Hall, the involvement of top management, the level of employee commitment, how long the local representative have been working with the program and population size are factors that influence the participation and performance of the local governments in the program. Moreover, the results revealed that the factors that motivate the participation of municipalities are environmental and financial oriented and that the most valuable services are related to economic and image improvements. The recommendations to improve the efficacy of the program include: to improve the transparency of the selection process for the transfer of funds, diversification of financial benefits, the participation of municipal governments in program design and in the process of definition of the evaluation criteria, investment in monitoring, inspection and motivation of top management and the promotion of the flexibility of criteria in accordance with local realities
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Effets neuroprotecteurs de l'exercice volontaire et de modulateurs monoaminergiques chez le rat mâle stressé / Neuroprotective effects of voluntary exercise and monoaminergic modulators in stressed male ratsLapmanee, Sarawut 07 June 2017 (has links)
L’excès de glucocorticoïdes lors d’un stress prolongé perturbe la neurotransmission monoaminergique et mène à des troubles de l’humeur et de la mémoire. La Venlafaxine (Vlx) et l’Agomelatine (Ago) sont utilisés pour traiter ces troubles. L’exercice physique volontaire est aussi bénéfique pour la santé mentale. Nous avons analysé 1. les changements de l’humeur induits par le stress en fonction du temps, 2. l’effet de l’exercice volontaire sur l’axe hypothalamo-pituitaire, 3. l’efficacité de l’Ago, de la Vlx et de l’exercice à prévenir les perturbations liées au stress et 4. la localisation des récepteurs MT1 et MT2 chez des souris rapportrices transgéniques. Nous démontrons que le stress induit des dérèglements physiques, émotionnels et comportementaux chez des rats stressés. Le prétraitement par l’Ago, la Vlx et l’exercice préviennent l’anxiété, la dépression et les déficits de mémoire. La cartographie des récepteurs MT1 et MT2 a identifié des sites d’action potentiels de l’Ago. / In long-term stress exposure, excess glucocorticoids disturb the balance of monoamine neurotransmitters leading to mood disorders and memory impairment. Venlafaxine and Agomelatin are currently used to treat these disorders. Voluntary exercise also has beneficial effects on mental health. In this work, we analyzed 1. the time-dependent changes in stress-induced mood disorders, 2. the modulating effect of voluntary exercise on the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis, 3. the effectiveness of Agomelatin, Venlafaxine and exercise to prevent stress-related behaviors and 4. the localization of MT1 and MT2 receptors in transgenic reporter mice. We demonstrate that stress caused physical, emotional and behavioral abnormalities in stressed rats. Pre-treatment with Agomelatin, Venlafaxine and exercise reduced the chronic stress-related behaviors and prevented anxiety, depression and memory deficits. The mapping of MT1 and MT2 receptors identified potential sites of action of Agomelatin.
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Knowledge brokering : an insider action research study in the not-for-profit sectorChauhan, Vipin January 2018 (has links)
This study contributes an original, practice-based analysis of knowledge brokering in inter-organisational communities of practice in the not-for-profit sector. Defining characteristics of the not-for-profit sector include its social values, principles and practices. Existing literature understates or overlooks the significance of values and principles that are manifested in and enlivened through every day social practices and practitioner encounters. The study contributes by presenting knowledge brokering as a knowledge sharing intervention which integrates people, processes, values and principles into practice. Knowledge brokering and other practice interventions in the not-for-profit sector have to align with its social mission, if they are to be compatible and effective. This is especially so in multi-agency partnerships and inter-organisational communities of practice where collaboration and co-existence rather than assimilation are the primary objectives. This study finds that values-compatible knowledge brokering interventions, boundary bridging, co-creation, common artefacts and knowledge sharing, enable inter-organisational communities of practice to evolve without sacrificing individual autonomy. Foundational knowledge brokering literature emphasises the structural position of the knowledge broker, their knowledge superiority and the benefits they accrue by operating on the periphery of a social network. The study contributes by arguing that knowledge brokering processes and roles can be examined through an alternative practice lens with the knowledge broker as an internal co-practitioner located within a network. The study was carried out in a new, time-limited multi-agency partnership project in the not-for-profit sector. The partnership constituted an inter-organisational community of practice comprising advice, information and support agencies that had agreed to work collaboratively to improve local services. The author was employed as the project s Knowledge Management Officer and carried out the study over a two year period using an insider action research approach. As an insider practitioner-researcher, the author contributed to the project s objectives, worked collaboratively with practitioners and gathered rich data. Action and research occurred simultaneously and the iterative processes enabled the cumulative learning to inform, develop and analyse the practice. The combination of using insider action research approach, an examination of knowledge brokering as a practice intervention and a multi-agency, not-for-profit setting, makes this a unique practice-based study untapping knowledge management lessons from the not-for-profit sector.
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The Lived Experiences of Military Spouses Who Choose to Live SeparatelyJust-Bourgeois, Cortenia LaShea 01 January 2019 (has links)
This qualitative study was designed and conducted to hear the voices of military spouses who chose to live separately from the active duty spouse. The study also sought to identify potential risks due to the separation and protective factors that were used to positively cope with separation. Previous studies have examined risk factors for military spouses as a result of military induced separation such as deployment. However, no study has been conducted regarding separation by choice of the military spouse and active duty service member. The theory of resiliency provided an understanding of the presence of protective factors and resiliency. Data were collected from 8 military spouses, recruited through social media, using semistructured interviews, who provided details of their lived experience of voluntary separation. The study findings indicated that participants who were voluntarily separated from their active duty spouse were unhappy with the separation. All but 1 of the participants in the study experienced separation stressors such as being stressed, overwhelmed, lonely, and sad because to the separation. Negative psychological symptoms such as depression and anxiety were experienced by military spouses voluntarily separated 7 months and longer. Social support, such as family, was identified by all participants in the study as a protective factor helping them cope with the separation. The findings of the study provide other military spouses with knowledge on voluntary separation. Additionally, federal and state mental health professionals and policy makers can gain better understanding and knowledge about this population to help foster positive mental health and designed laws to assist military spouses.
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Att mäta graden av frivillighet i en anställning som inhyrd via bemanningsföretag : Skalutveckling med mixad metod / To Measure the Voluntariness in an Employment as an agency worker in a Staffing AgencyWiklund, Hannah January 2019 (has links)
Problemformulering: Studier har visat att frivilliga inhyrda tenderar vara mer nöjda med aspekter som arbetstillfredsställelse och stöd från arbetsgivare, medan ofrivilliga är mer otrygga i sin rörliga arbetssituation och är mer benägna att sluta. Detta är en fråga om arbetstillfredsställelse, som är avgörande för vår hälsa. Ett problem när vi vill undersöka frivillighet i valet av en anställning som inhyrd är att många studier om detta är gamla eller internationella och gjorda i länder med annan reglering för bemanning än vi har i Sverige. Det innebär att många enkäter och frågeställningar är utformade på ett sätt som inte säkert fungerar optimalt i en svensk kontext, vilket kan innebära en avsaknad av skalor som kan mäta frivillighet anpassat till bemanning i Sverige. Syftet är att utveckla, reliabilitetstesta och preliminärt validera en skala passande i en svensk kontext, som kan mäta graden av frivillighet i en anställning som inhyrd via bemanningsföretag. Som metod användes en mixad metod, med fem kvalitativa kognitiva intervjuer som hjälp för att utforma skalan, som sedan skickas ut som webbenkät till 77 bemanningsanställda, vilket genererade i 26 kvantitativa svar. Dessa låg sedan till grund för tester av skalans reliabilitet och validitet. Resultat: Skalan i sin helhet hade otillräcklig reliabilitet och delades upp i två subskalor. En med items relaterade till frivillighet och en till ofrivillighet, vilket gav acceptabel reliabilitet till skalorna. Korrelationerna mellan de båda skalorna och indexet för arbetstillfredsställelse, visade sig dock vara mycket svaga, något som kan vara en konsekvens av ett mycket litet sampel. Slutsats: Trots acceptabel reliabilitet hos skalorna, visar sig validiteten vara övergripande svag. Skalan för frivillighet visar ett svagt positivt samband mellan arbetstillfredsställelse och frivillighet som ligger i linje med i flera tidigare studier. Skalan för ofrivillighet visar däremot närmast obefintligt samband med arbetstillfredsställelse. / Studies has shown differences between voluntary and involuntary agency workers perceived employment security and satisfaction in their flexible work situation. This is a matter of job satisfaction, that is crucial to our health. A problem when wanting to investigate voluntariness of agency workers is that many previous studies are old or international, and as the staffing regulation may differ in different countries, this has led to a lack of surveys that measure voluntariness in adaptation to a Swedish context. The aim of this study was to develop, test reliability and preliminary validate a scale that measure voluntariness of agency workers in staffing companies, suitable in Sweden. A mixed method was used; five qualitative cognitive interviews helped design the scale, that later was sent out as a web survey. The responses underwent reliability and validity tests, which revealed that the scale had poor reliability. The scale was therefore divided into two subscales, one related to voluntariness and the other to involuntariness, which gave acceptable reliability to the scales. However, despite the approved reliability, the validity proved to be overall weak. The voluntary scale however, showed a small positive relationship between job satisfaction and voluntariness, which is in line with previous studies.
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Management Strategies for Reducing Voluntary Employee Turnover in Small Professional Service FirmsMorgan, David B 01 January 2019 (has links)
Replacing an employee can cost a firm as much as 200% of that employee's annual salary, and small business owners may be especially sensitive to voluntary employee turnover due to their limited resources. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the strategies that some owners of small professional services businesses in the midwestern region of the United States used to reduce voluntary employee turnover in their firms. The conceptual framework for this doctoral study was Barney's resource-based theory. Data were collected from 4 participants whose firms were at least 5 years old and had experienced lower turnover than the average as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, using semistructured interviews and a review of company policies and procedures found in employee handbooks, as well as publicly available information on company websites. Data were analyzed by compiling all the data, using coding to organize the data, identifying themes that emerged, and then making observations about those themes as they pertained to the research. Member checking, along with the review of company documents, served as methodological triangulation for reliability and validity of the research. The 3 major themes that surfaced were how voluntary employee turnover impacts small professional services firms, how hiring reduced voluntary employee turnover, and how corporate culture and employee engagement reduced voluntary employee turnover. Data about strategies for reducing voluntary employee turnover may bring about positive social change in local economies by helping to ensure stability in local commerce and national economies by supporting the success of small businesses that account for many businesses in the United States.
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A Grounded Theory of Millennials Job-HoppingRivers, Deborah L 01 January 2018 (has links)
Corporations are finding it challenging to attract and retain the top talented Millennials. Their frequent job-hopping is costing the U.S. economy $30.5 billion annually despite corporations' best efforts to retain them. The central research question concerns the decision-making process that Millennials use to decide whether to job-hop or stay with an organization. The purpose of this qualitative study was to develop a theory that explains the Millennials' process for deciding whether to job-hop or stay with an organization. The conceptual framework for this grounded theory research is generational theory, Herzberg's hygiene and motivational factors, and psychological contract theory. The data collection was by means of a purposive sampling strategy implemented through the semistructured interviews of 13 participants. The grounded theory data analysis method used consisted of an abridged version of Glaser's data analysis method as developed by Charmaz, which entailed a systematic comparative coding process (initial, focused, and theoretical). The study findings included 7 factors that affect Millennial job-hopping: competitive compensation, job enjoyment, opportunities for professional growth, supportive work environment, reasonable free/flex time, finding their niche, and excellent benefits. Based on these factors, the Millennials job-hopping theory explains their decision-making process and why they job-hop. Positive social change may occur when Millennials achieve job satisfaction. Job satisfaction increases loyalty and organizational commitment and reduces stress, thus decreasing turnover and creating economic stability for the Millennials and their organizations.
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