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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fatores associados à realização do teste anti-HIV na população brasileira / Factors associated with testing for HIV in Brazilian population

Cláudia Renata dos Santos Barros 26 November 2012 (has links)
Conhecer os motivos de busca de serviços para a realização do teste anti-HIV é umfator importante para a prevenção da aids entre a população geral. Apesar ddisponibilização de teste e aconselhamento gratuitos no Brasil, há lacunas quanto cobertura. Assim, este estudo estimou a associação entre fatores contextuais individuais e a realização do teste anti-HIV entre a população brasileira. Para isto, foram analisados dados de um inquérito domiciliar realizado com 4.760 moradorede regiões urbanas. A amostra final foi composta de 2.566 (51,9 por cento ) mulheres e 2.194(48,1 por cento ) homens que tinham iniciado a vida sexual. O modelo teórico foi baseado noquadro da vulnerabilidade e para efeito de análise as variáveis relativas às respostados indivíduos foram consideradas de nível individual (dimensão individual e sociada vulnerabilidade) e aquelas referentes ao município de moradia de nível contextual(dimensão social e programática da vulnerabilidade). As variáveis do nível individuaforam: características sociodemográficas e da saúde sexual e saúde reprodutivainformação sobre o tratamento de aids, conhecer alguém com aids e ter opiniõesobre práticas de segregação em relação às pessoas infectadas pelo HIV (questões que expressaram a atitude de apartação e exclusão do convívio social dos portadorede aids). Para o nível contextual, utilizamos o índice de desenvolvimento humano, prevalência de aids e a presença de Centro de Testagem e Aconselhamento no município de moradia. A variável dependente foi categorizada em não realizou teste, realizou por busca espontânea e realizou por solicitação. Para estimaçãdos fatores associados foram realizados três modelos de Poisson multinível deintercepto aleatório, sendo dois para mulheres (busca espontânea e por solicitação) 1 para homens (busca por solicitação); e um modelo de Poisson sem considerar osconglomerados para os homens (busca espontânea). Nos quatro modelos a categoriade referência da variável dependente foi não realizou o teste. No teste por buscaespontânea, observamos que os fatores associados que foram comuns entre mulheree homens foram do nível individual: idade, uso de preservativo na primeira ou núltima relação sexual, autopercepção de risco e conhecer alguém com aids. Asvariáveis associadas, a este tipo de teste, que foram diferentes entre os sexos foram:entre as mulheres no nível individual (ser solteira ou separada, início a vida sexual até 15 anos, ter tido três ou mais parceiros(as) sexuais na vida e ter informações sobre o tratamento para aids) e contextual (IDH alto e presença de CTA); entre os homens: somente do nível individual (ter ensino médio e superior e ser homo ou bissexual). Já na realização do teste por solicitação, as variáveis similares entre os sexos foram do nível individual (saber ler e escrever, ter filhos de até seis anos de idade, conhecer alguém com aids e ter informação sobre o tratamento de aids) e do contextual (presença de CTA no município de moradia). As variáveis associadas ao teste por solicitação, que foram diferentes entre os homens e as mulheres foram do nível individual: entre as mulheres (idade de 16 a 55 anos, ser casada ou em união consensual, início a vida sexual até 15 anos, uso de preservativo na primeira ou na última relação sexual e ter tido três ou mais parceiros (as) sexuais na vida) e do contextual (IDH alto no município de moradia). Entre os homens as variáveis do nível individual foram: idade entre 26 e 45 anos, ter tido DST na vida, sofrimento de violência sexual e não ter ideias de prática de segregação em relação à aids. Concluímos que o motivo de realização do teste ocorre mais frequentemente quando a epidemia é percebida como próxima. Concluímos também que, independentemente do sexo, a busca espontânea por teste se dá por fatores ligados à vulnerabilidade individual, ao passo que no teste solicitado agrega-se variável do plano programático. Concluímos que há marcadas diferenças de gênero, estando mulheres casadas e homens heterossexuais desprotegidos por não buscarem espontaneamente o teste anti-HIV. A realização do teste por solicitação é coerente com as estratégias da resposta brasileira à epidemia de HIV/Aids que prioriza a prevenção da transmissão vertical, a testagem quando da detecção de outra DST e na ocorrência de violência sexual / Understanding HIV test-seeking motivation is important to AIDS prevention in the general population. Although free counseling and testing are available, coverage gaps are found in Brazil. This study estimated contextual and individual factors associated with HIV testing among Brazilians. Data analysis was based on a household survey carried out with 4,760 residents of urban areas. The final sample corresponded to 2,566 (51.9 per cent ) women who had ever had sex and 2,194 (48.1 per cent ) men who had ever had sex. The vulnerability theoretical framework was developed to analyze variables regarded as being of individual level (individual and social dimensions of vulnerability), and those related to the city of residence were considered contextual level (social and programmatic dimensions of vulnerability). Individual level variables included socio-demographic characteristics, sexual and reproductive health, information on AIDS treatment, knowing someone with AIDS, and AIDS-related segregation ideas. Human development index (HDI), AIDS prevalence, and the presence of counseling and testing facilities in the city of residence were contextual level variables. Outcome was defined as not taking the test, client-initiated testing, and provider-initiated testing. Three multilevel Poisson models with random intercept were developed to estimate associated factors. Two models were estimated for women (client and provider-initiated testing) and one for men (provider-initiated testing), as well as one Poisson model excluding men clusters (client-initiated testing). Not taking the last HIV test was the reference category in all models. At the individual level, for both males and females, factors associated with client-initiated testing were: age between 26-35 years; inconsistent condom use; self-perception of risk; and knowing someone with AIDS. Different variables were associated with client-initiated testing for each sex. Among women the following variables were associated at the individual level: being single or divorced; first sexual debut until age of 15; having had three or more sexual partners; and information on AIDS treatment. The following were associated at the contextual level: high HDI; and presence of counseling and testing facilities. Among men only individual level variables were associated: high school and college education; and being homo or bisexual. As for provider-initiated testing there were some differences between the variables associated for each sex. For both sexes, some individual level variables were associated literacy, having children under 6 years old, knowing someone with AIDS, and information on AIDS treatment and one contextual variable presence of counseling and testing facility in the city of residence. As for gender differences in provider-initiated testing, the following were associated for women: at the individual level age between 16-55 years; being married or living with partner; first sexual experience under the age of 15; inconsistent condom use; and having had three or more sexual partners and at the contextual level high HDI of city of residence. As for men, the associated individual level variables were: age between 26-45 years; history of STD; being victim of sexual assault; and absence of AIDS-related segregation ideas. We conclude that HIV testing is more frequent among individuals who perceive AIDS epidemic as something familiar. We also conclude that client-initiated testing is associated with individual vulnerability and that provider-initiated testing is associated with programmatic vulnerability for both men and women. Test-seeking motivation is affected by gender inequality: married women and heterosexual men are unprotected as they present HIV testing-seeking behavior less frequently. Provider-initiated testing is in accordance with the Brazilian response to HIV/AIDS epidemic, which prioritizes HIV testing in strategies for preventing vertical transmission, and in the context of STD diagnosis and report of sexual violence

Relação entre comportamento na infância e a vulnerabilidade social na cidade de Belo Horizonte - MG / Relationship among behavior in the childhood and the social vulnerability in the city of Belo Horizonte MG

Lucirley Guimarães de Sousa de Araujo 26 April 2010 (has links)
O campo de estudo dos primeiros anos da vida escolar da criança ainda é carente de novas investigações. Resultados de pesquisas têm demonstrado que o desenvolvimento de competências e a exposição a situações de adversidade apresentados nessa etapa do desenvolvimento predizem a qualidade do funcionamento social, do sucesso acadêmico e da saúde mental do indivíduo. Nesse contexto, este trabalho buscou verificar a relação entre o nível de vulnerabilidade social e comportamento na infância. Participaram do estudo pais e professores de 248 crianças com idades entre 6 e 11 anos, alunas do primeiro e segundo ciclo do Ensino Fundamental de escolas públicas municipais de Belo Horizonte. Essas escolas situavam-se, respectivamente, em dois bairros com as classes de vulnerabilidade investigadas (I e IV), a partir do Índice de Vulnerabilidade Social da cidade. Os instrumentos utilizados foram o Inventário dos Comportamentos de Crianças e Adolescentes (CBCL/6-18), respondido pelos pais, e o Inventário dos Comportamentos de Crianças e Adolescentes Relatório para os Professores (TRF/6-18). A análise dos dados incluiu comparações entre médias de escores T (Teste T de Student ou Mann Whitney U) para as duas amostras de vulnerabilidade nas escalas de competências (CBCL), funcionamento adaptativo (TRF) e problemas de comportamento (CBCL e TRF); nessas análises foram observadas diferenças entre os sexos e as faixas etárias (alunos mais jovens 6 a 8 anos; alunos mais velhos 9 a 11 anos); avaliou-se também o nível de concordância entre pais e professores quanto ao perfil comportamental das crianças para os mesmos grupamentos de escalas (Teste T Pareado e Teste de Correlação de Pearson). Os resultados indicaram baixos índices de competência no desempenho de atividades fora do ambiente escolar para as duas amostras de vulnerabilidade, com médias piores para o sexo masculino. Houve baixo nível de concordância entre pais e professoras, sempre com os cuidadores informando maior intensidade e freqüência nos problemas de comportamento. Entretanto, notou-se maior concordância entre os informantes para as amostras da região de menor vulnerabilidade, com as médias do relato parental da área mais vulnerável configurando muito próximo do perfil da amostra normativa americana encaminhada. Já o relato das professoras as crianças mantiveram perfil semelhante ao da amostra normativa americana não encaminhada, independente do nível de vulnerabilidade da vizinhança. Os dados permitiram concluir que, para as amostras investigadas, a falta de acesso social a condições básicas de sobrevivência mantém relação com o aumento da discordância entre pais e professores sobre o comportamento das crianças. Sugere-se que novos trabalhos verifiquem se o baixo índice de atividades encontrado para as amostras das duas regiões é uma característica específica de crianças belorizontinas, alunas de escolas públicas, ou se da cultura brasileira / The study of the first years of the child\'s school life is still a lacking field of new investigations. Research results have been demonstrating that the development of competences and the exhibition to adversity situations presented in that stage of the development they predict about the quality of the social operation, of the academic success and of the individual\'s mental health. In that context, this work search to verify the relationship between the level of social vulnerability and behavior in the childhood. The participants are parents and 248 children\'s teachers with ages among 6 and 11 years, students of the first and second cycle of the Fundamental Teaching of municipal public schools of Belo Horizonte. Those schools represent, respectively, the two classes of investigated vulnerability (I and IV), starting from the Índice de Vulnerabilidade Social of the city. The used instruments are Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL/6-18), applied to parents, and Teacher Report Form (TRF/6-18). The analysis of data includes comparisons among averages of T scores (T of Student Test or Mann Whitney U Test) for the two vulnerability samples in competence scales (CBCL), adaptative functioning (TRF) and behavior problems (CBCL and TRF); in those analyses differences are observed between the sexes and the age groups (younger students - 6 to 8 years; older students - 9 to 11 years); it is also evaluated the agreement level between parents and teachers with relationship to the children\'s profile behavioral for the same groups of scales (T Linked Test and Pearsons Correlation Test). The results indicate low competence indexes out in the acting of activities of the school atmosphere for the two vulnerability samples, with worse averages for the boys. There is low agreement level between parents and teachers, always with the caretakers informing larger intensity and frequency in the problems of behavior. However, it is noticed larger agreement among the informers for the samples of the area of smaller vulnerability, with the averages of parental reports of the most vulnerable area configuring very close of the American normative referred sample profile. Already the teachers\' report children maintain similar profile to the American normative sample not referred, independent of the neighborhood vulnerability. The data allow to end that, for the investigated samples, the lack of social access to basic conditions of survival maintains relationship with the increase of the disagreement between parents and teachers about the children\'s behavior. It is suggested that new works verify the low index of activities found for the two area samples, observing if it is a specific characteristic of Belo Horizonte children, public schools students, or if our Brazilian culture

Revelação secundária e estigmatização: a trajetória de jovens órfãos soronegativos cujos pais morreram de aids / Revelação Secundária e estigmatização: a trajetória de jovens órfãos soronegativos cujos pais morreram de aids

Yone Xavier Felipe da Fonseca 05 May 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender o modo como ocorre a revelação (ou não) da causa morte dos pais do ponto de vista dos jovens órfãos por aids. Descreveu-se a trajetória de vida de jovens órfãos soronegativos e os sentidos da orfandade para esses jovens. O processo de revelação é emblemático do cenário compartilhado pelas pessoas afetadas pela epidemia da aids também no contexto brasileiro, profundamente marcado pelos estigmas associados à aids. A revelação expressa uma mediação intersubjetiva central ao contexto da aids, mais raro na experiência de outros agravos de saúde. Quando o tema da revelação é abordado na literatura internacional, mais frequentemente trata do modo como profissionais de saúde devem revelar a soropositividade, do modo como pessoas vivendo com aids contam o seu diagnóstico para parceiros sexuais, filhos e profissionais de saúde e, em menor frequência, como órfãos revelam a própria sorologia ou a dos pais. O estudo de desenho qualitativo analisou entrevistas realizadas com treze jovens de ambos os sexos que, no momento da entrevista, estavam majoritariamente no final da adolescência. As entrevistas abordaram sua estrutura familiar e doméstica, suas lembranças e a experiência da perda dos pais e de orfandade. Exploramos na entrevista cenas de revelação da causa morte dos pais, especialmente como lidavam, como comunicavam, ou não, sobre a causa morte por aids para outras pessoas, nomeada como revelação secundária. Nenhum dos entrevistados se identificou centralmente como órfão noção que é associada ao abandono. A trajetória de vida dos participantes indica que não estavam vivendo em condições de grande vulnerabilidade socioeconômica, quase todos trabalhavam e/ou estudavam e ninguém referiu ter sofrido discriminação na escola ou no trabalho, apesar de temerem a estigmatização e a discriminação que impede metade deles de revelar sua experiência pessoal com a aids. Observou-se que como em outros países, pais e/ou cuidadores tiveram dificuldades com a revelação do diagnóstico a seus filhos e que metade dos jovens não revelou a causa de morte dos pais por medo do estigma. A não revelação gerou o gerenciamento de um segredo de família e o desafio de dar conta de múltiplas revelações do comportamento dos pais e de outros segredos que o medo da discriminação produz / The purpose of this study was to comprehend the emotional and interpersonal effects of parents death by AIDS from seronegative young orphans point of view. Lifes trajectory of seronegative young orphans has been described, the meaning of orphanhood, their experience with AIDS diagnostic disclosure from their father, mother, or both. The disclosure process is emblematic of the shared scenario of people affected by AIDS, also in the Brazilian context marked by stigmas associated to AIDS. Disclosure expresses an intersubjective central mediation to AIDS experience, rarer in other health problems. In the literature, when the issue of disclosure is approached, it is usually about how health professionals must disclose to patients their seropositive condition, and the way people living with AIDS talk about their diagnostic to sexual partners, their children and to health professionals, rarely how orphans disclose your own, or of your parents, seropositive condition. This qualitative study interviewed a group of thirteen youth, male or female, that in the moment of interview were ending adolescence. The interview covered their familiar and domestic structure, their memories and experience of parents illness, death and orphanhood. In addition, parents death disclosure scenes were explored in the interviews, focusing on how to deal with those, how to disclose, or not, about their parents causa mortis to other people, named as secondary disclosure. Neither of interviewees has identified himself/herself as an orphan - in their perspective associated to neglect. They are not living under strong social-economic vulnerability condition. Almost all interviewees were working or studying, and anybody has reported discrimination at school or at work, although they were afraid about stigmatization and discrimination that prevented, half of them, to disclose their AIDS personal experience. Also, like in other countries, parents or caregivers had difficulties to disclosure the AIDS diagnostic to their sons and half of cohort did not disclose fearing stigma. The decision of non-disclosure produced constant management of a family secret and lead to the challenge in dealing with multiple disclosures about parents behavior and other secrets that the discrimination fear produces

An evaluation of the determinants of resilience to drought in Malawi

Chiroro, Canford January 2013 (has links)
Building resilient communities has emerged as a dominant agenda in the policy arena and in academia in the wake of recent disasters. However, there is a lack of clarity on the specific interventions required to build resilience. Current challenges associated with resilience include ambiguity, unclear measures, and problematized applicability. This thesis evaluates the determinants of resilience to drought in community food systems as a basis for contributing towards a more advanced understanding of resilience. A schematic model linking the key concepts associated with resilience was developed on the basis of literature review. This model was subsequently applied to a sample of 195 farm households, 16 community meetings and about 45 interviews with key informants across eight villages in Nsanje and Mzimba districts in Malawi interviewed between October 2010 and February 2011. Analysis at household level focused on exploring the causes of vulnerability, the role of livelihood assets and institutions in shaping coping and adaptation, and the implication of these to the meaning of resilience. The thesis concluded that vulnerability to food insecurity was produced by an interaction of slow and fast moving factors and processes, some of which were highly persistent. Access to livelihood assets and institutions increased short term coping and adaptive capacity but did not effectively predict resilience given unknowns regarding asset availability and liquidity over the long term. Different socio-economic groups associated different meanings with the concept of resilience, and in some cases, one group achieved ‘resilience’ at the expense of the larger community. In integrating vulnerability into resilience thinking, the analysis suggested that resilience could be analysed as existing in desirable and undesirable forms. Undesirable resiliencies reinforced the vulnerable state. By addressing the factors that sustain vulnerability, response capacity could be enhanced. This being the case, advanced by this thesis is a shift from focusing on resilience as a utopian goal, in favour of practices that enhance response capacity and letting communities learn for themselves and transform their value sets to ones that are more likely to ensure coping with adverse conditions. The study concludes that the concept of resilience in its current form is of more value as an organising framework within the re-engineering of food, agricultural, development and disaster management policy can be undertaken.

Disaster planning and preparedness : The case of Protea-South, Johannesburg

Tebid, Theophilus Nji 04 December 2008 (has links)
Despite increasing philosophical knowledge of disaster planning and preparedness, disasters still remain a challenge in many communities. As a result, communities, environment and economies remain considerably vulnerable and at the risk of disaster destruction hence, sustainable development is undermined. The purpose of this study is to review and assess the state of community readiness in order to prevent and mitigate common hazards in the City of Johannesburg, especially in previously disadvantaged communities such as Protea-South. A survey and interviews was conducted with the local community members. Results show that, this community like many others, is at high risk, due to their living circumstances. e.g. the presence of densely built shacks on a flood plain; poor hygiene and sanitation, pollution, poverty etc. There is therefore a need for a paradigm shift by institutions from emergency response and the provision of hard infrastructure to disaster prevention, preparedness and soft infrastructure provision by means of an approach encompassing collaborative planning.

Discovering Self Together: An Art Teacher Exploring Her Role in Helping Adolescent Students on Their Journey to Self-Awareness

Romney, Rachel Jayne 01 June 2016 (has links)
A case study of a junior high and high school art classroom that examines students' development of identity and self-awareness through reflective practice in a caring community. This project considers what the role of teaching is and how working through vulnerability to create caring relationships can inspire teachers and aid adolescent students, within an art curriculum, to discover their true selves.

A paisagem da cidade de Pereira Barreto/SP vista a partir das transformações ocorridas no Rio Tietê /

Bruno, Ariadine Fernandes Collpy January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Norma Regina Truppel Constantino / Resumo: A presente pesquisa apresenta uma análise da construção da paisagem tendo como base a chegada de imigrantes japoneses no Oeste paulista em meados de 1930, na região onde hoje é a cidade de Pereira Barreto (SP) e a reformulação total da paisagem por conta da inundação gerada pelo represamento das águas do rio Tietê, para o funcionamento da hidrelétrica Três Irmãos e abastecimento hídrico da represa de Ilha Solteira (SP), para geração de energia e funcionamento das turbinas da mesma. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é analisar a transformação da paisagem urbana através do aumento do nível das águas do rio Tietê e sua infraestrutura para a viabilização das turbinas da hidrelétrica de Ilha Solteira, no período de estiagem. Os dois reservatórios levando em conta suas especificidades, seriam interligados por um canal, o canal Deoclécio Bispo dos Santos construído na década de 80 e que ainda é considerado o maior canal da América Latina. Este canal é popularmente conhecido como canal Pereira Barreto. A metodologia de trabalho, compreende mapeamentos, pesquisas documentais, levantamentos bibliográficos e entrevistas no Museu da Cultura Japonesa da cidade de Pereira Barreto. Como procedimento metodológico foram utilizadas as portas da paisagem de Jean-Marc Besse, indicando as possíveis chaves para a leitura e compreensão da paisagem estudada. Esta leitura serviu de embasamento para a análise da reconstrução da paisagem local, as condições de resiliência, vulnerabilidade e adaptação da ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Mestre

Progressive and Conservative Efforts in Climate Change Flood Adaptation: A Study of Four Coastal States

jaeger, Caroline 01 January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to understand the reasons for the varying adaptation policies in place for coastal states that will experience flooding as result of climate change. Responses to excessive precipitation and worsened flooding differ widely between predominantly conservative and predominantly progressive states. The levels of flooding aren’t fully known, but they are predicted to be increasingly catastrophic as climate change worsens. Coastal populations will only grow more vulnerable to flooding without adaptive measures put in place. Increasing green infrastructure is one of the most effective methods. Adaptation measures vary widely by state and more progressive states have greater amounts of adaptive measures in place. Conservative states have a long history that results in their lack of climate policy and environmental governance.

Understanding What the 2% Know: A Mixed Methods Study on Grit, Growth Mindset and Vulnerability Among Thriving Community College Students

Hartley, Mark 01 December 2018 (has links)
Currently, the California Community College system is graduating 2.83% of its first-time freshmen from these two-year institutions in a two-year period of time (CCCCO, 2017). In addition, less than 40% of this same group are graduating in a six-year period of time. This study sought to find commonalities between the students who were in the 2.83%, as well as to learn if these thriving students’ experiences centered on possessing the skill sets of grit (Duckworth, 2007), growth mindset (Dweck, 2006), and vulnerability (Brown, 2006). For this study, thriving students were defined as first-time college students during the fall of 2017, who had a GPA equal to or greater than 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, and who had obtained a minimum of 30 units towards graduation and/or transferring at the time of the study. A sequential explanatory mixed methods approach was used to identify skill sets obtained by thriving community college students who were on track to graduate and transfer in a two-year period of time. First, a 58-question quantitative survey was sent to thriving community college students in a three-college district in southern California. The survey combined questions on the topic of grit, growth mindset, and vulnerability. Three weeks after the online survey closed, 10 students participated in a three-hour focus group based on the same topics. The goal for the focus group was to better understand from the thriving students’ perspective the primary skill sets they possess for academic success. In addition, the participants were asked if these skills could be learned by other students. The results from the survey revealed that grit, growth mindset, and vulnerability were non-significant skill sets in the students’ journey towards graduation and transferring to a four-year school. Conversely, the focus group revealed that all three were major factors in contributing to the academic success of the participants. While the quantitative data was not statistically significant, there were four key elements within the survey which did reveal significance. These key elements aligned with the findings of the qualitative data from the focus group, which revealed eight additional elements thriving students consider significant. The contradictory results were interpreted by the researcher to mean more research on grit, growth mindset, and vulnerability needs to be done at the community college level. However, it is clear that there are key elements embedded within grit, growth mindset, and vulnerability, which could positively impact students towards achieving higher graduation and transfer rates.

From There, To Here, Now Where? My Journey Of Vulnerability Toward Interdisciplinary Teaching

Way, Jennifer Lyn 01 January 2018 (has links)
Few words have the power to make people both cringe in fear and lean forward, fascinated to know more. This thesis focuses on one such word: vulnerability. Through the Scholarly Personal Narrative writing format, I explore what vulnerability means to me and how my understanding has changed. I examine how vulnerability in my life helped refine me into a wiser, more compassionate, teacher. Teaching requires vulnerability, a willingness to risk failure and accept mistakes for what they really are: lessons to create a connection among other humans. This thesis portrays how I have come to understand and accept vulnerability as a major component of my teaching practice. I illustrated my journey of vulnerability, using the pattern, “From There, To Here, Now Where?” First, I share stories of my past, to examine my first experiences of potential vulnerability as an adult. These sections describe how those uncomfortable situations led me to question the more traditional, lecture-style teaching I absorbed through formal education. In the “To Here” chapter, I share stories of how I developed a greater understanding of vulnerability through the graduate courses I chose. These sections demonstrate my evolving need for communication and connection—two vital aspects of vulnerable teaching. Lastly, I convey what I expect to take with me into my future career, emphasizing “Now Where,” by looking forward. I shared my idea for a new, creative organization, highlights from my job search, and how my mindset has changed by accepting vulnerability. In closing, I offer a collection of universalizable statements I learned through this process. This thesis chronicles my journey to accept vulnerability both personally and professionally. I found that teaching and vulnerability are intrinsically linked, and without the strength to be vulnerable, I am not an effective teacher. However, by being open to vulnerability, I may change the world for someone.

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