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Rätt ska va' rätt : En analys över svensklärares bedömningspraxis av elevtexterOlsson, Alexander Rolf Emanuel January 2014 (has links)
Följande analys är baserad på en undersökning med 14 informanter och ämnar synliggöra vad svensklärare fokuserar på i sina bedömningar av elevtexter i svenskämnet i Stockholms gymnasieskolor. Resultatet visar att texternas kommunikativa kvaliteter och språkfunktion ges störst utrymme och mindre fokus ligger på språkformella aspekter. Det framkommer också att avancerade texter får mer precis bedömning medan sämre textkompositioner får mer generell. I uppsatsens analysavsnitt belyses dessa aspekter samt bedömningen av dem, hur de preciseras och formativt fungerar för elevens skriftspråksutveckling utifrån Lev Vygotskys teorier. Därefter diskuteras hur bedömningspraktiken påverkar undervisningen och vilka eventuella konsekvenser sådana tekniker kan förväntas ge. / The following analysis is based on a survey of 14 respondents and intends to make visible what Swedish teachers in the subject of Swedish focus on in their assessments of student texts, in Stockholm's upper high schools. The result shows that the communicative qualities of the texts and language functions are emphasized while the textual form, its linguistic correctness aspects, are given less focus. It also emerges that the advanced texts get more precise assessment, while poorer text compositions may be critiqued more generally. The essay’s analytical chapter confronts how these aspects are practiced, specified and utilized according to formative assessments based on Lev Vygotsky's theories. Then follows a discussion on how assessment practices affects teaching and what consequences one may expect from such an assessment culture.
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Augmented reality och dess pedagogiska implikationer : en analys baserad på ett sociokulturellt perspektiv / Augmented Reality and its pedagogical implications : An analysis based on a sociocultural perspectiveRevenhorn, Karin, Jansén, Pontus January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to partly investigate what the application of Augmented Reality tools could look like within the context of formal classroom didactics and partly to discover how these pedagogical tools can be supported from a sociocultural perspective. The study shows that AR (Augmented reality) can provide an increased production of knowledge and motivation, and also develop a significantly more positive attitude towards the learning process and the teaching material. The technology enhances students’ learning within the Proximal Zone of Development (ZDP) and can act as a scaffolding structure in the learning process. Due to the interactive nature that Augmented reality provides, students are provided with the opportunity to participate actively in their own learning and development / Syftet med denna litteraturstudie har dels varit att undersöka hur arbetet med AR-tekniska verktyg kan se ut inom den formella skoldidaktiska kontexten. Dels att analysera hur tekniken som ett pedagogiskt verktyg kan understödjas av ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Studiens resultat visar på att AR-tekniken kan bidra till en ökad kunskapsproduktion och motivation samt att elever får en positivare attityd till både lärandeaktiviteten och undervisningsinnehållet. Tekniken främjar elevers utveckling inom den proximala utvecklingszonen och kan fungera som stödstrukturer för elevers lärande. På grund av den interaktiva lärandemiljö som AR-verktygen erbjuder får eleverna en mer aktiv roll i deras egna kunskapsutveckling. De konkreta upplevelser som ett sådant visuellt verktyg möjliggör ger elever goda förutsättningar att utveckla både abstrakt och konkret kunskap enligt praxismodellen, som Arevik & Hartzell (2014). Trots detta visar resultatet även på att implementeringen av ett sådant verktyg kan innebära vissa utmaningar för både lärare och elever. Dessa orsakas vanligtvis på grund av tidsbrist, att programmen saknar en pedagogiskt grund eller att den positiva motivationseffekten, som AR-tekniken bidragit med, riskerar att avta när tekniken blivit ett etablerat undervisningsverktyg
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Múltiplas possibilidades: a internalização de práticas discursivo-sociais por dois pares de irmãos gêmeos / Multiple voices: the internalization of social discursive practices of two pairs of twins.Renata do Monte Vecina 28 April 2011 (has links)
Na presente pesquisa foram contempladas intersecções entre os discursos de dois pares de gêmeos, seus responsáveis e dois de seus professores sobre os modos desses gêmeos agirem, pensarem e se comportarem no mundo. Procurou-se identificar se a construção das narrativas dos gêmeos sobre os significados que atribuem à vida familiar, à vida escolar, a si próprios e à relação com seu co-gêmeo é permeada pelos discursos e práticas educativas dos pais e professores e se as práticas educativas nas quais os gêmeos se inserem e os discursos que eles escutam a respeito de si próprios podem se configurar como profecias auto-realizadoras. O discurso a respeito dos processos de desenvolvimento humano, especialmente do desenvolvimento de gêmeos, costuma seguir forte tradição determinista. A fim de romper com tradições deterministas forjadas por pressupostos endógenos ou exógenos, utilizou-se referencial teórico bakhtiniano (BAKTHIN, 2003, 2009), da psicologia histórico-cultural de Vygotsky (1984, 1993, 1997, 2000, 2004) e de autores que seguem essa linha teórica - como Oliveira (1990, 1993, 1997, 2002), Pino (2000, 2005), Rossetti-Ferreira et al. (2004, 2008, 2010), Smolka (1993, 2002, 2004), Rego (1994, 1996, 1998, 2004) - além de estabelecer debates com autores da sociologia (LAHIRE, 1997, 2002; ELIAS, 1994). O referencial teórico adotado privilegia as relações situadas social e historicamente, as significações que o indivíduo faz de si próprio e de seu mundo e a noção de sujeito discursivo e da importância das narrativas. Esta investigação visa compreender o lugar do outro nas narrativas e nas versões que os gêmeos construíram sobre si. Conhecer as expectativas de importantes agentes do processo educativo e as maneiras de apropriação desses discursos pelos gêmeos pode ajudar a reorientar modos de agir e de educar essa parcela da população. Apesar de a pesquisa ser feita especificamente com gêmeos, sua contribuição se dá também num campo mais amplo, do desenvolvimento em geral. Isso ocorre porque gêmeos são tratados como casos emblemáticos do estudo do desenvolvimento ao evidenciarem o caráter de construção da subjetividade, possibilitando o estudo de questões que acabam sendo postas para todos os indivíduos. Num âmbito maior, a pesquisa possibilita entender como as pessoas constroem versões de si próprias atravessadas pelos discursos que os outros constroem a respeito delas. A análise aponta para a importância de práticas sócio-discursivas dos outros para a constituição das versões que as pessoas fazem sobre si. A conclusão também incide sobre a necessária reflexão, por parte de pais e de professores, a respeito de seus papéis como mediadores entre seus filhos/alunos e o mundo cultural e simbólico que eles vivem, uma vez que as práticas discursivas e educativas utilizadas por eles são internalizadas por seus filhos/alunos. Constata-se, também, que os gêmeos fazem uma atualização dos lugares e dos significados sociais estabelecidos pelos pais e professores sobre seus modos de ser, de agir e de pensar e que as práticas sócio-discursivas podem, portanto, se configurar, muitas vezes, como fortes circunscritores dos processos de desenvolvimento desses jovens. / In the present study were covered intersections between discourses of two pairs of twins, their parents and two of their teachers about the ways these twins act, think and behave in the world. We sought to identify whether the construction of narratives of the twins on the meanings they attach to family life, school life, themselves and the relationship with their cotwin is permeated by the discourses and educational practices of parents and teachers and practices education in which the twins are in and the discourses they hear about themselves can be configured as self-fulfilling prophecies. Speaking about the processes of human development and especially the twin development typically follows a strong tradition of determinism. In order to break with tradition forged by deterministic assumptions endogenous or exogenous, we used theoretical Bakhtinian (BAKTHIN, 2003, 2009) and cultural-historical psychology of Vygotsky (1984, 1993, 1997, 2000, 2004) and authors who follow this theoretical line, as Oliveira (1990, 1993, 1997, 2002), Pino (2000, 2005), Rossetti-Ferreira et al. (2004, 2008, 2010), Smolka (1993, 2002, 2004), Rego (1994, 1996, 1998, 2004) and to establish discussions with authors in sociology (LAHIRE, 1997, 2002; ELIAS, 1994) theoretical framework capable of focusing on links situated socially and historically, the meanings that the individual makes of himself and his world and the notion of subject and the importance of discursive narratives. This research aims to understand the other\'s place in the narratives and versions built on the twins themselves. Knowing the expectations of important stakeholders in the educational process and ways of appropriation of these discourses by the twins can help to reorient ways and to educate this segment of the population. Although the research was done specifically with twins, its contribution is made also in a broader field of development in general. This is because twins are treated as emblematic cases of the development study which show the character of subjectivity construction, allowing the study of questions that are put to all individuals. On a wider scale, the research allows to understand how people construct versions of themselves traversed by the speeches that others built about them. The analysis points to the importance of socio-discursive practices of others to the formation of the versions that people have about themselves. The conclusion also relates to the necessary reflection of parents and teachers about their roles as mediators between their children / students and the cultural and symbolic world that they live, as the discursive practices and practices used by them are internalized by their children / students. There is relevant that the twins make an update of the \"places\" and social meanings established by parents and teachers about their ways of being, acting and thinking and that the sociodiscursive practices can therefore be set often as strong constraints of development processes of these young people.
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Re-Conceptualizing the Organizing Circumstance of LearningSpear Ellinwood, Karen Courtenay January 2011 (has links)
This study explores the web-navigation practices of adult learners in higher education and re-conceptualizes the concept of the organizing circumstance of self-managed learning, originated by Spear and Mocker (1984). The theoretical framework draws on funds of knowledge theory from a cultural historical perspective and elaborates a Vygotskian concepts of learning and development by introducing the notion of the distal object and the zone of distal development. The study employed a mixed methods design with an embedded multiple-case study involving half of the twelve participants using a new technology for self-managed learning called Zonebee. Zonebee recorded participants' web navigation, known as Zonebee Trails, providing quantitative data for analysis. Surveys were administered, namely the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (Schraw&Dennison, 1994), the Index of Learning Styles Inventory (Soloman&Felder, 1986), a survey of technology use (created for this study) and a set of demographic questions. Eleven of the twelve participants also provided interviews in which they described their self-managed learning practices.Findings contradicted the premise in the literature that the learning environment fortuitously determines the learning experience. Participants primarily relied on the internet and computer to manage their learning and made deliberate choices about which tools to use depending upon the purpose of the constituent process of self-managed learning in which they were engaged (assessing, planning, implementing, monitoring, evaluating or producing). Zonebee Trails evidenced participants' engagement in considerable planning before generating focused queries to locate specific materials. Thus, this study suggests that the organizing circumstance operates, not through happenstance alone, but through the confluence of four factors influencing the direction the learner takes: funds of knowledge for learning; learning demands (proximity of the learning object, proximal or distal), conditions for learning (affordances for and constraints on learning); and motivation or purpose of activity. The re-conceptualized organizing circumstance of learning, then, offers a methodological and theoretical way to redefine context and understand how learners manage their own learning.
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Why Vygotsky? : A look at alternative methods of teaching and learning in the English classroomPinheiro, Michelle 09 December 2008 (has links)
This paper describes an alternative approach to the teaching of concepts related to the
English Curriculum. It combines a shift in the theory of school teaching with
psychological theory development. This research was conducted at a private, Catholic
Secondary School in Johannesburg over a period of almost six months with a class of
twenty Grade Ten students. The research was designed in response to the fact that many
traditional, ‘rote’ teaching methods are not effective in the classroom and that an
alternative needs to be found. This research aimed at testing the theories of the Sociohistorical
school in order to ascertain whether they could provide clues as to methods that
might be more conducive to real learning. Vygotsky’s (1978) theoretical construct of the
Zone of Proximal Development, Hedegaard’s (1996) idea of a ‘double move’ and the
ideas posited by Wells (1996, 1999) and Tharp and Gallimore (1988, 1992) form the
theoretical basis for these ‘alternative’ teaching methods. The results shown in this paper
indicate that a ‘double move’ is possible within the context of the English classroom and
that the ideas of the Socio-historical school indeed provide an alternative method that is
far more successful than those traditionally used in most classrooms.
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Individuação e escolarização de crianças de 0 a 5 anos: um cenário dinâmico no palco da abordagem histórico-cultural / Individuation and schooling of children aged 0 to 5: A dynamic scenario on the stage of cultural-historical approach.Romanelli, Nancy 16 May 2011 (has links)
A presente dissertação persegue dois objetivos interligados: o primeiro é examinar o vínculo existente entre individuação e escolarização, em crianças de 0 a 5 anos, tomando como referência certo conjunto de contribuições conceituais e metodológicas formuladas por Lev Vigotski; e o segundo é extrair algumas consequências teóricas desse vínculo, para o trabalho pedagógico na educação infantil. Para tal, foram adotadas duas linhas investigativas: uma diz respeito ao resgate do papel crucial da perspectiva dialético-marxista na psicologia histórico-cultural; e outra busca identificar possíveis interfaces entre temas vigotskianos (o desenvolvimento das funções psíquicas superiores, o vínculo pensamento-linguagem, o papel da imaginação na formação da consciência) e os processos de individuação e escolarização na educação infantil. Foram consultados como principais fontes de dados diversos escritos de Vigotski e de comentadores de sua obra. Pôde-se chegar às seguintes conclusões: o vínculo individuação-escolarização, na criança de 0 a 5 anos, está diretamente relacionado à internalização da palavra (especialmente, a apreensão dos conceitos espontâneos), aos sentidos partilhados nas vivências escolares e ao papel da imitação no desenvolvimento da imaginação; o processo de individuação é potencializado quando o educador, atento à função da palavra na formação da consciência da criança, estimula o movimento corporal, a espontaneidade e a curiosidade por meio de diversas formas de expressão artística, brincadeiras e outras atividades com clara função social. Finalizando, destaca-se a importância da dimensão metodológica nos estudos de cunho histórico-cultural, aponta-se que a análise crítica do educador a respeito de sua própria atividade reverbera diretamente nos processos de individuação e escolarização das crianças, e se chama a atenção para o problema da transposição, na educação de crianças de 0 a 5 anos, de estudos vigotskianos, a respeito do desenvolvimento do pensamento, realizados com crianças a partir dos 7 anos. / This dissertation aims at two interrelated goals: the first one is to examine the existing connection between individuation and schooling of children aged 0 to 5, taking as reference a set of conceptual and methodological contributions formulated by Lev Vygotsky; and the second one is to draw out some theoretical consequences from this connection to pedagogical work in children education. In order to do this, two investigational lines have been adopted: one concerning the recovering of the crucial role of the perspective of Marxian dialectics in cultural-historical psychology; the other is an attempt to identify possible interfaces among Vygotskian themes (the development of the higher psychical functions, the thought-language connection, the role of imagination in the development of consciousness) and the processes of individuation and schooling in children education. Several texts written by Vygostky and his commentators were consulted as primary sources of information. It was possible to reach the following conclusions. 1) The connection individuation-schooling, in children aged 0 to 5, is directly related to the internalization of words (particularly the apprehension of spontaneous concepts), the meanings shared through school experiences, and the role of imitation in the development of the imagination. 2) The process of individuation is potentiated when the educator, aware of the function of a word in the construction of the child\'s consciousness, encourages body movements, spontaneity and curiosity through diverse forms of artistic expression, play and other activities clearly containing social functions. Finally, it is significant to point out the importance of the methodological dimension in cultural-historical studies; that the critical analysis of the educator concerning his or her own activity has a direct impact on the processes of children individuation and schooling; and, also, that there is a problem of transposition, in the education of children aged 0 to 5, of Vygotskian studies concerning thought development performed with children aged 7 or older.
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Reframing learning to teach as a social and relational practice : an examination of key influences on the trajectory of professional development of secondary school PGCE traineesMcIntosh, Shona January 2016 (has links)
The landscape of initial teacher education (ITE) in Britain is changing (BERA Inquiry, 2014). In England, trainee teachers’ routes to professional qualification are subject to assessment against Teachers’ Standards (Department for Education, 2012), which some argue enshrine the competences trainees require for professional life (Cole, 2008). Competence views of teaching are challenged elsewhere as reductive (Stanley and Stronach, 2012) and counter to the view that teaching (Hobson et al., 2008) and learning to teach (Hodgson, 2014) are complex pedagogical activities (Alexander, 2008). Some argue the competence-view of learning to teach reduces teaching to a “craft-based occupation” (Beauchamp et al., 2015), epitomized in entirely school-based training initiatives such as School Direct (National College for Teaching and Leadership, 2014a) with trainee teachers learning “on the job” (Department for Education, 2010, p23). This study aims to contribute to this debate by examining trainees’ professional development within the historical development of the teaching profession. Whilst undertaking a Post-graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), data on seven trainee teachers’ professional development were gathered throughout three school placements using active interviewing (Holstein and Gubrium, 1998), prior to within- and cross-case analysis (Creswell, 1998). Trainees’ hand-drawn trajectories of professional development show turning points (Vygotsky, 1978) which direct analysis towards key influences on a complex intellectual process of learning about practice (Dreier, 2002), refining indications from earlier analysis using a componential model of professional development (Evans, 2011). Using Vygotsky’s method of developmental study (Vygotsky, 1978), professional development is understood as a historical process whereby practice-related concepts “take shape” (ibid.) and trainees’ learning (about practice) supports their (professional) development. A relational agency interpretation (Edwards, 2007b) emphasises the influence on trainees’ professional development of working jointly with professional colleagues on problem-resolution, contingent on trainees’ learning through tool and sign use during practice (Wertsch et al., 1993). The findings of this small study suggest that trainee teachers’ professional development is only adequately conceptualised as a complex process led by the intellectual activity of learning about practice. The implications of reframing learning to teach as a social and relational practice implies a personalised approach to teacher education which, this study finds, may support the development of responsive practitioners.
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Estudos sobre imaginação e criação: contribuições de Lev Semenovich Vigotski e Cornelius CastoriadisFurtado, Vanessa Clementino 20 September 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-09-20 / This Master's Degree dissertation proposed to analyze the concepts of Imagination and Creation in the theories of Vygotsky and Castoriadis, Both the authors are proximate in their discussion on the specifically human activity based on the use of imagination and creativity; when they relate to the possibility of äcting in freedom". This activity permits us to adapt and/or transform hature, to the point of transcending biological laws and the very phusis. Thus, this investigation extended on the relation between Imagination and Creation relative to human liberty, in an attempt to offer subsidies to psicosocial praxis. However, research proposing to study activities marked by metaphysics, has for its guiding light the interrogation on the preponderance of reason. theoretical research was done on an extensive analysis of the works of both authors, with a selection of texts where these themes were dealt with and correlated witht he principal concepts and epistemological and ontological pressupositions sustaining each theory. A search was also made in the Capes databank with the following keywords: Vigotski [and variations of this spelling], Castoriadis,Imagination and Creation. Vygotsky, based on marxism, attempts to comprehend the psychological and social indissociable modes, attempting to found the formation of a "socialist man", who, in his essence must be freee, despite social determinations. cstoriadis founds a new ontology based on the "imaginary element", where h goes on to criticize the prevalence of reason, prisioned with determinity. In this way, both the authors offer us, despite their epistemological and ontological differences, a refernce for comprehending the acts of human beings in their completude. Reason, emotion, Creation and Imagination and, thus, the possibility of libert / Essa dissertação de mestrado se propôs a analisar os conceitos de Imaginação e Criação nas teorias de Vigotski e Castoriadis. Os dois autores têm uma proximidade quando discorrem sobre a atividade especificamente humana que é baseada nas atividades de imaginação e criação; quando as relacionam com a possibilidade do agir em liberdade . Esta atividade permitiu que pudéssemos nos adaptar e/ou transformar a natureza, a ponto de transcender nossas leis biológicas e da phusis. Assim, debruçamo-nos nesta investigação sobre Imaginação e Criação relacionadas à liberdade humana, visando ofecerer subsídios à práxis psicossocial. Contudo, uma pesquisa que se proponha a estudar atividades marcadas pela metafísica, tem como norteador: o questionamento da preponderância do paradigma da razão. Foi realizada uma pesquisa teórica baseada numa extensiva análise das obras dos dois autores, selecionando os textos em que os temas eram abordados e correlacionando-os com os principais conceitos e os pressupostos epistemológicos e ontológicos que sustentam cada teoria. Foi realizada, também, uma busca no banco de teses da Capes com os descritores: Vigotski (e variações desta grafia), Castoriadis, Imaginação e Criação. Vigotski, apoiado pelo marxismo, busca compreender psicológicos e o social de modo indissociávies buscando referencial para a formação do homem do socialismo , o qual em essência deveria ser livre, a despeito das determinações sociais. Castoriadis funda uma nova ontologia baseada no elemento imaginário , onde passa a criticar a prevalência da razão que é presa à determinidade. Desta forma, os autores nos oferecem, apesar das diferenças epistemológicas e ontológicas, referencial para a compreensão dos atos dos seres humanos em toda sua completude: Razão, Emoção, Criação e Imaginação e, assim, a possibilidade de liberdade
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Ser sujeito na atividade de ensino e aprendizagem / Being a subject on the learning and teaching activity.Rigon, Algacir José 20 April 2011 (has links)
No presente trabalho, de natureza conceitual e didático-experimental, encontra-se uma pesquisa que procura compreender quais são as contingências, situações ou momentos que constituem a base formativa para a emergência do sujeito. O marco inicial para o referido estudo são as teses dos autores da reconhecida Escola de Vigotski, e outros que estejam afinados com as concepções marxistas. Para isso, a partir de uma revisão de literatura, foi realizado um epítome teórico daquilo que se considera uma definição de sujeito, bem como a caracterização do mesmo. O que se procurou evidenciar foi uma crescente sistematização de conceitos que permitam a compreensão da constituição do sujeito no sentido do gênero humano. Os estudos foram organizados por etapas, sendo que a primeira consta da delimitação conceitual do que envolve o homem cultural adulto segundo uma visão dialética de mundo e de sujeito. Nesse percurso, estão explanadas as condições pelas quais o homem nasce na condição de indivíduo e, aos poucos, se torna sujeito. Tal mudança de status, qualitativa, ocorre somente quando o homem passa a ser possuidor das características de pensamento teórico e consciência de classe. Ainda, subjacente a esse processo, se encontram as características típicas do humano que são a capacidade de planejamento e de orientar a ação no mundo de modo intencional. A tese da emergência do sujeito será demonstrada na história, num experimento didático e na emergência do sujeito pesquisador. Num primeiro momento, procura-se demonstrar, de forma contigua, ao longo do trabalho, a forma e as condições que fizeram com que os sujeitos emergissem ao longo da história do desenvolvimento da humanidade, com suas respectivas visões de mundo (conhecimento e consciência do mundo). Para isso, se faz uma caracterização das condições histórias no sentido temporal e, de forma mais minuciosa e resenhada, a caracterização do pensamento dos autores selecionados. O intuito é mostrar o condicionamento da percepção de mundo, da consciência ou visão de mundo dos sujeitos pelas condições materiais de vida dos mesmos, ou seja, o condicionamento do indivíduo pela atividade na qual está inserido tese de Leontiev, o que equivale dizer, Teoria da Atividade. Observou-se, num experimento didático, que os indivíduos inseridos na atividade pedagógica, conduzida de forma planejada e intencional, dentre outras características, emergem como sujeitos após determinado período de vivência coletiva e prática na qual lhe são possibilitadas as condições de apropriação de um modo geral de ação. A apropriação desse modo geral de ação dá aos investigados, estagiários do Clube de Matemática, consciência o bastante para, por sua vez, agirem na atividade pedagógica de forma planejada e intencional, isto é, dominando e guiando a própria conduta. Por fim, analisando a emergência do sujeito pesquisador é possível dizer que o indivíduo se torna sujeito em atividade e, tanto a sua consciência, quanto a sua ação no mundo estão condicionadas pelo processo formativo que acontece sob o direcionamento intencional e planejado dos membros da coletividade a qual participa. Somente depois de se tornar sujeito é que o indivíduo adquire características como conduta voluntária, ação intencional e/ou ação planejada. Tal posição permite não somente compreender os problemas de formação no processo escolar como históricos, mas, inclusive, indicar possibilidades práticas para o enfrentamento do processo formativo. / In this paper of natural concept and experimental-educational, within there´s a research that aims to understand which contingence, situation or moments that build the formative base for the rising of the subject. The initial landmark for this study is the theses of authors of the well-known Vygotski School and others that are tuned with the Marxist concepts. For that, from a literature review, a theory summary was made of what was considered as a definition of the subject, as well as the characterization itself. What was tried to bring to attention was an increasing systemization of concepts that allowed a comprehension of the constitution of the subject in a human sense. The studies were organized by steps. Within the first one is the concept delimitation that revolves around the grown adult man according to the dialectic view of the world and the subject. Through this path the conditions by which the man is born as an individual and slowly becomes a subject is explained. This chance of status only occurs when the man possesses the theory thought and class consciousness. Subjacent to this process, there are the typical human characteristics that are the planning capability and intentionally guiding the action in the world. The rising of the subject theses will be demonstrated in history, in an educational experiment and in the rising of the researcher subject. At first, the intention is to demonstrate throughout this paper the means and conditions that made the subjects rise throughout the history of the development of the humanity, with their own visions of the world (knowledge and conscious of the world). Therefore there is a characterization of the historical conditions in a time way and in a more minimalist and detailed description of the characterization of the thoughts of the selected authors. The goal is to show the conditioning of the perception of the world, the conscious or the vision the subject has of the world through the material condition of their life, which means individual conditioning through the activity in which he is inserted Leontievs theses, which also means, Activity Theory was observed in a educational experiment that the inserted individuals in the pedagogical activity, conducted in a planned and intentional structure, within other characteristic rise as subjects after certain periods of group experience and also practice in which it is given the possibility to make an assumption of a general model of action. The assumption of this general model of action gives the ones investigated, interns of the Mathematics Club enough conscious to act on the pedagogical activity in a planned and intentional way, which means to dominate and guide their own conduct. At last the analyzing the rising of the researcher subject it is possible to say that the individual becomes a subject in the activity and not only his consciousness but also his actions in the world are conditioned by the formative process that happens under the intentional guiding and planning of all the members of the group in which he is inserted. Only after becoming a subject the individual acquires some characteristics such as voluntary conduct, intentional action and/or planned action. This position not only allows the understanding the formation problems in the scholastic process such as historical but also indicates the practical possibilities to face the formative process.
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Percepções de professores de língua portuguesa sobre a formação leitora de seus alunos dos meios populares / Perceptions of Portuguese language teachers on the reader education of students from lower classesRenesto, Ana Paula Carneiro 31 October 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa inseriu-se no campo dos estudos relacionados à leitura e à educação e objetivou compreender, da perspectiva da psicologia histórico-cultural, questões referentes às opiniões que os professores de língua portuguesa do 2º. segmento do ensino fundamental e do ensino médio manifestam sobre a formação leitora dos alunos das camadas populares. A coleta de dados para análise consistiu de 87 textos escritos por professores, em sua maioria da rede pública de ensino da região metropolitana da cidade de São Paulo, e objetivou investigar que aspectos os docentes valorizam ao explicar os raros casos de constituição leitora entre tais alunos. A partir da análise dos dados, percebeu-se que há uma tendência a atribuir o mérito pelo êxito na constituição leitora à família do aluno e a ele próprio por suas características inatas, suas capacidades, e seu papel ativo , e que há uma perspectiva pouco crente no papel da escola e do professor, aos quais apenas um quarto dos sujeitos atribuíram papel relevante. A análise também apontou que a graduação em instituições de maior prestígio está ligeiramente vinculada a um menor recurso a justificativas endógenas e fortemente ligada a uma crença maior na possibilidade de a escola e o professor serem fatores de constituição leitora. Tais achados apontam a importância de sólida formação: que enfatize que o desenvolvimento humano e, portanto, a constituição leitora, não se devem a características inatas, e não são espontâneos ou naturais; que aqueles, ao contrário, requerem não apenas a mediação desafiadora, qualificada e cativante de membros mais experientes do grupo cultural, mas também trabalho por parte do aluno; e que fortaleça a crença dos professores na educação e em si próprios. Do ponto de vista teórico, foram levados em consideração os estudos sobre leitura e letramento de Magda Becker Soares, Marisa Lajolo e Maria Zélia Versiani Machado, as análises sociológicas de Bernard Charlot, Bernard Lahire e Zaia Brandão, as reflexões sobre a formação e o trabalho docente por Bernardete Gatti, José Carlos Libâneo, Maria Isabel de Almeida e Maurice Tardif, e os estudos sobre a perspectiva vygotskiana do desenvolvimento humano conduzidos por Ana Luíza Smolka, Marta Kohl de Oliveira, Pablo del Río e Teresa Rego. / This study has sought to understand, from the perspective of cultural-historical psychology, the opinions of primary and secondary Portuguese teachers on the reader education of underprivileged students. Data collection consisted of 87 texts written by teachers who work in public schools in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, and aimed to investigate what aspects teachers emphasized to explain why a few students succeed in becoming proficient readers while most do not. Data analysis evidenced that teachers tend to attribute the credit for the success in reading education mostly to students themselves and their families rather than to schooling and teachers. The analysis also showed that higher education in more prestigious institutions is linked to a slightly lesser recourse to endogenous reasons and strongly linked to a greater belief in the potential of schooling and teachers to favor reader education. Such findings indicate the importance of solid training that emphasizes: that human development and thus reader education are not spontaneous, natural or due to innate characteristics; that, on the contrary, they require challenging and qualified mediation by more experienced members of one\'s cultural group and students work; and that strengthens the belief of teachers in education and in themselves as promoters of development. This investigation was grounded on the studies on reading and literacy by Magda Becker Soares, Marisa Lajolo and Maria Zélia Versiani Machado, the sociological analyses of Bernard Charlot, Bernard Lahire and Zaia Brandão, the reflections on teacher education and work by Bernardete Gatti, José Carlos Libâneo, Maria Isabel de Almeida and Maurice Tardif, the studies on the Vygotskian perspective of human development conducted by Ana Luiza Smolka, Pablo del Río, Marta Kohl de Oliveira e Teresa Rego.
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