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An Evaluation Method for Thinking in Technology EcologiesChu Yew Yee, Sharon L. 09 December 2013 (has links)
As technology progresses, we become surrounded with an ever increasing number of devices. Information can now be persistently represented beyond a single screen and a single session. In the educational context, we see a rapid adoption of the panoply of devices, but often without any careful thought. Devices in isolation are unlikely to enable effective learning.
This research explores how devices function in technological display and device ecologies or ecosystems to support human thinking, learning and sensemaking. Based on the theories of Vygotsky's sign mediation triangle, we contribute a method that may allow one to evaluate how technology configurations support (or hinder) students' thinking. Our method proposes the concept of objectification as a way to identify the potential or opportunity for learning in technology ecologies.
The significance of such an evaluation methodology is considerable, given the nascent field of sensemaking and the lack of consensus on evaluation in such contexts: our research advances a principled approach by which device ecologies can be examined for their potential to provide 'learning experiences', and enables one to articulate affordances for the design of technological spatial environments that can help to support higher thought. Our contribution thus is in terms of methodology, theory, evaluation and the design of technology ecologies. / Master of Science
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A psychology of a Catholic education: A case study of a day primary school in JohannesburgJaki, Patrick Odwora 30 May 2008 (has links)
This dissertation is an investigation of 13-14 year-old learners in Grade Five and
Grade Six being taught and learning moral sociocultural values. The specific
variables investigated are children’s perspective of values, their beliefs, goals and
motives implicit or explicit in the learning of sociocultural values.
The investigation uses the theoretical framework of Cultural Psychology in which
Activity Theory is used to analyse and explain the school as an activity system.
The working hypothesis is that activities are embedded into each other if they share
a common object and envision a common outcome. The notion of embedded
activities is developed based on the Engeströmian third generation Activity
Theory model. The assumption is that if the school is the central activity system
in a formal teaching and learning milieu, then other activities systems that
support the teaching-learning processes constitute embedded activities. For
instance, the classroom, a lesson, a morning assembly and any other project that
contributes to the teaching-learning processes of sociocultural values.
The method used for this investigation was ethnography. Data were collected
using participant observation, interviews, still photographs, videography, school
records, documents, and children’s artefacts. The data were analysed by Atlas.ti
version 5.2 computer based qualitative data analysis software using strategies
from Strauss and Corbin’s ‘microanalyses’ and Maykut and Morehouse’s
‘interpretive-descriptive’ strategy. The results showed that children at first learn
sociocultural values from the culturally more able; in this way, values are taught
through co-construction of knowledge. Children learn sociocultural values
through what they do. This constitutes their activities: mental and practices as
derived from their home ethos through to their school ethos. If this is missing,
children will learn other values presuming these to be the best for their welfare,
which may have undesirable outcomes and undesirable implications. Sociocultural
theory provides the way out that initially children need to be taught the
art of living by the culturally more able as the necessary thing to do.
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In search of Vygotsky's blocks : Exploring CEV, BIK, MUR, and LAG in South AfricaTowsey, Paula M. 02 December 2008 (has links)
This research exercise aimed to replicate use of the instrument (“Vygotsky’s Blocks”) of Vygotsky and
Sakharov (1928-1934) in combination with the 22 wooden blocks and the later adaptations and
scoring framework of Hanfmann and Kasanin (1937; 1942). This procedure – the functional method
of double stimulation – examined new concept formation from early childhood to adulthood (N=60
subjects, aged three- to 76-years-old) to establish whether contemporary adults and children produced
the same or similar patterns as those described by Vygotsky (1986). The study found a
developmental trend consistent with Vygotsky’s (1986) writings on the ontogenesis of concept
formation. The path from the syncretic, to the concrete and factual, to the intermediate phase before
true conceptual thought becomes possible was reflected in a positive correlation between the age of
the subjects and their modes of thinking. This verified Vygotsky’s assertion that true conceptual
thinking only becomes possible in adolescence. This study aimed to encourage further research with
this procedure to confirm the trends found by this study and to validate the adapted scoring method
of Hanfmann and Kasanin (1942) for the purposes of cross-sectional use.
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Kooperativt lärande - möjligheter och utmaningar för elevers matematiska språkutveckling / Cooperative learning - challenges and opportunites for pupils' mathematical language developmentHansson, Anna, Hansson, Linnéa January 2022 (has links)
Denna kunskapsöversikt undersöker möjligheter och utmaningar med ett kooperativt lärande och hur det påverkar elevers matematiska språkutveckling. Översikten inriktar sig på elever i grundskolan och elever med neuropsykiatriska funktionsvariationer. Frågeställningarna är följaktligen ”Om och hur kan det kooperativa lärandet bidra till elevers matematiska språkutveckling?”, ”Vilka utmaningar finns det med att arbeta kooperativt kopplat till matematisk språkutveckling?” samt ” Vilka utmaningar finns det med att arbeta kooperativt kopplat till matematisk språkutveckling hos elever med neuropsykiatriska funktionsvariationer?”. För att kunna besvara frågeställningarna har följande sökord använts ”cooperative learning, Lev Vygotsky, mathematical language, mathematics, language development, autism och ADHD”. Sökorden har använts i forskningsdatabaserna ERIC via EBSCO och Education Research Complete (ERC) för att hitta relevant forskning. Kunskapsöversikten grundas på forskningsartiklar samt böcker som undersöker kooperativt lärande utifrån aspekter som neuropsykiatriska funktionsvariationer och gruppdynamik. Resultatet från undersökningen tyder på att kooperativt lärande kan bidra till en matematisk språkutveckling. I resultatet framgick det även att det kooperativa lärandets utmaningar främst ligger hos elever med neuropsykiatriska funktionsvariationer eftersom de kan bli mer utsatta i ett kooperativt arbete.
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Vygotskij i det slutna rummet : En kulturhistorisk analys av lärares reflektioner kring enskild instrumentundervisning på gymnasial nivåBjörk, Felix January 2022 (has links)
Detta självständiga arbete tar sin utgångspunkt i en undran över hur lärare tillvaratar elevers möjliga utveckling inom den enskilda instrumentundervisningen. Syftet är att bidra med mer kunskap om hur lärare reflekterar kring elevers möjliga utveckling utifrån två forskningsfrågor: Hur beskriver lärare mötet mellan lärare och elev för att tillvarata elevens möjlighet att utvecklas inom den enskilda instrumentundervisningen? Vad karaktäriserar lärares utsagor om elevers möjliga utveckling inom den enskilda instrumentundervisningen? För att besvara forskningsfrågorna har material i form av tre intervjuer med musiklärare samlats in. Intervjuerna har analyserats med kulturhistoriska teoretiska begrepp. Resultatet visar att lärare använder sig av olika strategier för att identifiera och hantera elevers aktuella utvecklingsnivå och aktivera elevers närmaste utvecklingszon på ett önskvärt sätt. Lärare använder sig även av verktyg och tecken, som inspelning och genre för att mediera kunskap. Vidare visar resultatet även att elevers egna viljor och förtroende för läraren är viktiga komponenter för lärare att ta hänsyn till för att möta elevers potentiella utveckling. Utöver detta visar resultat att det finns hinder för elevers möjliga utveckling som har varit karaktäriserande för informanternas utsagor. De hinder som beskrivs är om läraren har för många elever vid ett givet tillfälle, psykiska samt sociala problem hos eleven eller om uppgifterna som eleven får är alldeles för svåra.
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Inkludering - inklusive belöning och bestraffning. En fallstudie i en engelsk grundskolaRangern, Therese January 2014 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att söka förstå och visa på praktiska exempel på hur ett inkluderande arbete kan se ut i en engelsk grundskola (Secondary School). Frågeställningarna i undersökningen sökte belysa definitionen av begreppet inkludering, konkreta arbetsmetoder bland pedagoger, specialpedagogisk personal och skolledning för att skapa inkludering samt utmärkande möjligheter och hinder i detta arbete.Studiens förankrades med utgångspunkt i Vygotskys sociokulturella teori där de specialpedagogiska perspektiven utgjordes av det kategoriska, det relationella och i viss mån det organisatoriska. Aktuell teori och perspektiv hjälpte till att strukturera upp insamlad empiri. Insamlingen skedde med hjälp av observationer, samtal och kvalitativa intervjuer under fyra dagar hösten 2013. Studien var en fallstudie i en engelsk skola i London med cirka 1200 elever i åldrarna 10-19 år, ett hundratal lärare och ett tjugotal lärarassistenter. Skolan var uppdelad på tre adresser inom en central del av staden och aktuell studie utfördes på adressen där eleverna var mellan 10-14 år.Resultatet visade att det fanns en gemensam uppfattning på skolan hur inkludering i teorin definierades, men att det praktiska arbetssättet skilde intressenterna åt. Definitionen innebar att alla elever oavsett kapacitet var välkomna och att de för att få det stöd och den hjälp de ansågs vara i behov av, behövde kategoriseras. Genomgående fokuserade skolan och dess personal på elevens individuella prestation, både uppförandemässigt och resultatmässigt. Åtgärder utgjordes av belöningar och bestraffningar, nivågrupperingar och lärarassistenter. Dessa tre åtgärder bildade teman i resultatet tillsammans med ett fjärde, engelska som andraspråk.De specialpedagogiska implikationerna visar att det kategoriska arbetssättet i fallstudien försvårade ett inkluderande förhållningssätt eftersom eleverna grupperades utifrån uppförande och prestation och därmed inte kunde garanteras ett fullt deltagande. Grupperingarna försvårade utvecklingen av nya undervisningsmetoder på grund av ett minskat behov av differentiering där läraren alltså inte behövde anpassa undervisningen i någon större utsträckning. De specialpedagogiska åtgärderna var ett resultat av en rigid organisation där politiska intentioner om ökad måluppfyllnad och skolans oro för utanförskap och marginalisering satte ramarna för verksamheten. Avsaknad av dialog mellan elever och lärare, lärare och lärare, och lärare och skolledning hindrade ytterligare inkluderingen såsom den förstås utifrån tidigare forskning.
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Vygotskij och Leontjev om lekGustafsson, Håkan January 2013 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen handlar om de sovjetiska psykologerna Vygotskij och Leontjevs teoretiska perspektiv på lek, så som Vygotkji presenterar sin teori i förläsningen Lekens roll i barnets psykiska utveckling 1933 (1981) och så som Leontjev presenterar sin teori i artikeln Lekens psykologiska grundvalar i förskoleåldern 1944 (1982). Den här uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ hermeneutisk textanalys av dessa två källor, och ställer sig frågan vad Vygotskijs och Leontjevs teorier betyder? Analysen anlägger dels ett hermeneutiskt historiskt perspektiv och dels ett nutids historiskt pedagogiskt perspektiv. För det nutidspedagogiska perspektivet använder jag mig av det skandinaviska forskningsfältet lekpedagogik, framför allt Birgitta Knutsdotter Olofsson, Fredrik Ole Lillemyr och Gunilla Lindqvist. För det hermeneutiskt historiska perspektivet använder jag mig av en kvalitativ textanalys där jag har systematiserat de två texterna i vardera tre analysteman. Vygotskijs föreläsning har jag sammanfattat och tolkat utifrån följande analysteman: förändrade handlingsmotiv, separationen mellan det visuella fältet och betydelsefältet och sambandet mellan rollek och regellek. Leontjevs artikel har jag sammanfattat och tolkat utifrån analystemana förändrade handlingsmotiv, leken som reproduktion och sambandet mellan rollek och regellek. Samtliga av analystemana är hermeneutiska delar av respektive texters helheter. Temana har jag analyserat dels som bryt- och beröringspunkter mellan Vygotskij och Leontjev och dels utifrån de begrepp som ligger till grund för den kulturhistoriska teorin.I analysen kommer jag fram till att förändrade handlingsmotiv ligger till grund för både Vygotskij och Leontjevs teorier, även om de skiljer sig åt något i sina respektive definitioner. Vidare kommer jag fram till att både Vygotskij och Leontjev baserar sin syn på utvecklingen av barns lek från rollek till regellek på en liknande historiegenetisk analys. Den stora skillnaden, som jag har funnit i min analys, är att Leontjev behandlar leken som ett yttre fenomen, som en verksamhet, medan Vygotskij behandlar leken som ett inre-yttre fenomen. Alltså som en verksamhet men också som en inre process där barnets idéer, emotioner och fantasi driver leken. / This essay discusses the theories on children’s play of two sovjetic psychologists: Lev S. Vygotsky and Aleksei N. Leontiev. It focuses specifically on Vygotsky’s lecture Play and its role in the Mental Development of the Child from 1933, and on Leontiev’s article The Psychological Principles of Preschool Play from 1944. Through a qualitative hermeneutic textual analysis of these two sources, the essay explores the meaning of Vygotsky’s and Leontiev’s theories, both from a hermeneutical, historical perspective, and a contemporary historical, educational perspective. The contemporary pedagogical perspective is based primarily on the Scandinavian research field of “play pedagogy”, and the research of Birgitta Knutsdotter Olofsson, Fredrik Ole Lillemyr and Gunilla Lindqvist. The hermeneutical, historical perspective is present through a qualitative text analysis. In this analysis, the contents of the two texts are systematized and interpreted with the use of three analytical themes. In Vygotsky’s lecture, the following themes are identified: changing motives of action, the separation between the visual field and the meaning field and the relationship between role play and rule play. In Leontiev’s article, these three themes are found: changing motives of action, play as reproduction, and the relationship between role play and rule play. All of the analytical themes are hermeneutic parts of the texts as a whole. The themes are analyzed both as differences and similarities between Vygotsky and Leontiev, and also as concepts that form the basis for the cultural-historical theory. The analysis show that the theme of changing action motives is at the base of both Vygotsky’s and Leontiev’s theories, although their definitions of this theme differ somewhat. The study also found that both Vygotsky and Leontiev based their theories on the development of children's play from role play to rule play on a similar historical genetic analysis. The major difference found between Vygotsky and Leontiev is that Leontjev treats play primarily as an external phenomenon and as an external activity, whereas Vygotsky treats play both as an external activity, like Leontiev, and as an internal process, in which the child's ideas, emotions and imagination drives play forward.
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Collaborative learning among high school students in a chamber music settingHarrington, William James 07 July 2016 (has links)
This study is a qualitative case study of collaborative learning in two chamber music ensembles in a public high school orchestra program. Collaborative learning, as applied to chamber music education, is a setting in which musicians engage in a common musical task and are accountable to the other members of the group. Using social constructivism as a conceptual framework, I sought to explore student collaboration within chamber music ensembles through social interaction and the development of creative rehearsal strategies. Attention was directed to the way in which students identified problems and developed rehearsal strategies to solve them. The following research questions guided this study: (1) How do students in the selected chamber music ensembles engage in collaborative learning? (2) What are the learning structures that enable collaboration within each group? (3) How do the students interact with each other in the selected chamber music ensembles? (4) What are the social structures that enable collaborative learning within each group?
Using Mediated Discourse Analysis (MDA) I analyzed and interpreted the collaborative learning that occurred in the musical development of these high school chamber musicians. Data collection occurred during one semester of instruction (five months) and included individual interviews, focus group interviews, and observations, which included field-notes and digital video of rehearsals. The research methodology used in this study comprised the “interpretive–descriptive” method and focused on turning the participants’ words and actions into the development of potential themes and implications. My approach used a three-step process to analyze data in which concepts were coded relating to the phenomenon of collaborative and mutual learning as well as sociocultural mediation.
In this study, I examined the collaborative learning process among the student participants. My study was further informed by the participants’ perceptions of their own collaborative learning processes. Themes found were learning structures that allowed for collaboration in interpretation and problem solving, and social structures that enabled peer pressure, socialization and a work ethic. Results indicated that when given the opportunity to work in small groups toward pre-determined musical goals, the participants in this study: (1) worked with internal group leaders to identify musical problems and develop creative rehearsal strategies to solve them, (2) used positive and negative peer pressure that created an organic social structure which contributed to team efficacy, and (3) showed a willingness to work harder toward group goals when empowered with the responsibility for their own learning.
The results of this study suggest that a collaborative learning environment that includes small groups of heterogeneously mixed students can advance student learning in multiple ways. The traditional teacher centered learning environment may not be the most effective learning environment because it may limit student development in one or more capacities, including decision making and social development. Recognition of the active, purposeful character of human development and respect for the shared understanding (socially distributed knowledge) that enables peers to teach one another ought to shape the music educator’s role and function; to serve as a musical guide, facilitator, and source of social support. Based on the results of this study, it appears that it may be possible to adapt collaborative learning to diverse instructional situations regardless of the heterogeneous makeup of the learning group.
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Concept-Based Teaching and Spanish Modality in Heritage Language Learners: A Vygotskyan ApproachGarcia Frazier, Elena Guillermina 01 February 2013 (has links)
This study analyzed how six Heritage language learners at the university level gained conscious awareness and control of the concept of modality as revealed in student verbalizations (Vygotsky, 1998) throughout five different written communicative events. This work took place in the only course designed for Heritage language learners at a large public suburban university in the Northeast part of the United States.
Grammatical simplification in bilingual speakers is due to incomplete acquisition of Spanish, attrition or loss of an underused linguistic system (Lynch, 1999; Martínez Mira, 2009a, 2009b; Mikulski, 2010b; Montrul, 2007; Ocampo, 1990; Silva-Corvalán, 1990, 1994a, 1994b, 2003; Studerus, 1995). The result of the process of simplification is reduction or loss of forms and/or meanings.
In this work, I investigated in which ways Gal’perin’s (1989) systemic-theoretical organized instruction promoted awareness, control and internalization of the concept of modality in three sets of data: definition, discourse and verbalization (Negueruela, 2003). In addition, I examined how the concept of modality emerged and proceeded.
By focusing students’ attention in Negueruela’s (2003) Concept of Mood in Spanish orienting chart in a top down fashion, students were able to strengthen their theoretical understanding in practical activity while still accessing empirical knowledge, and eventually generalizing its use in new contexts across nominal, adjectival and adverbial clauses.
At the definition level, Gal’perin’s Systemic-theoretical instruction promoted emergence and progress of their conceptual understanding from perceptual to semantic. At the discourse level, students’ theoretically based semantic understanding had a positive impact as revealed in student’s discourse progress throughout tasks. At the verbalization level, semantic, abstract and systematic verbalizations showed students’ emergence of awareness of the interrelated categories of modality. The conceptual category of anticipation was appropriately verbalized and contextualized 68% of the time. The absence of quality verbalizations referring to a specific conceptual category in some students lead me to conclude that students did not fully understand the meaning of some conceptual categories. On the contrary, their presence in any of the tasks showed emergence of conceptual meaning(s) in appropriate contexts, further appropriate recontextualization may provide full awareness and control.
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Examining the Effects of Media on Learners’ Mental Representations and Cognitive Processes in ScienceCarr, Adrienne L. January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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