Spelling suggestions: "subject:"wallace""
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Variedades de Gelfand-Tsetlin / Gelfand-Tsetlin varietiesMonsalve, German Alonso Benitez 21 November 2016 (has links)
Serge Ovsienko provou que a variedade de Gelfand-Tsetlin para gl(n) é equidimensional (i.e., todas suas componentes irredutíveis têm a mesma dimensão) com dimensão n(n-1)/2. Este resultado é conhecido como \"Teorema de Ovsienko\" e tem importantes consequências na Teoria de Representacões de Álgebras. Neste trabalho, provamos uma versão fraca do Teorema de Ovsienko para gl(n) e estendemos tal versão fraca a uma estrutura que tem como caso particular gl(3), esse é o caso do grupo quântico Yangian Yp(gl(3)) de nível p. Além disso, o Teorema de Ovsienko também tem consequências na Geometria Simplética, especificamente na equidimensionalidade das fibras em uma projeção da aplicação de Kostant-Wallach. Neste trabalho apresentamos a generalização deste resultado. / Serge Ovsienko proved that the Gelfand-Tsetlin variety for gl(n) is equidimensional (i.e., all its irreducible components have the same dimension) with dimension n(n-1)/2. This result is known as \"Ovsienko\'s Theorem\" and it has important consequences in Representation Theory of Algebras. In this work, we prove a weak version of Ovsienko\'s Theorem for gl(n) and we extend that weak version to a structure which has as particular case gl(3), this case is the quantum group level p Yangian Yp(gl(3)). Moreover, the theorem of Ovsienko also has consequences in Symplectic Geometry, more concretely in the equidimensionality of the fibers in a projection of the Kostant-Wallach map. In this work we will present the generalization of that result.
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Variedades de Gelfand-Tsetlin / Gelfand-Tsetlin varietiesGerman Alonso Benitez Monsalve 21 November 2016 (has links)
Serge Ovsienko provou que a variedade de Gelfand-Tsetlin para gl(n) é equidimensional (i.e., todas suas componentes irredutíveis têm a mesma dimensão) com dimensão n(n-1)/2. Este resultado é conhecido como \"Teorema de Ovsienko\" e tem importantes consequências na Teoria de Representacões de Álgebras. Neste trabalho, provamos uma versão fraca do Teorema de Ovsienko para gl(n) e estendemos tal versão fraca a uma estrutura que tem como caso particular gl(3), esse é o caso do grupo quântico Yangian Yp(gl(3)) de nível p. Além disso, o Teorema de Ovsienko também tem consequências na Geometria Simplética, especificamente na equidimensionalidade das fibras em uma projeção da aplicação de Kostant-Wallach. Neste trabalho apresentamos a generalização deste resultado. / Serge Ovsienko proved that the Gelfand-Tsetlin variety for gl(n) is equidimensional (i.e., all its irreducible components have the same dimension) with dimension n(n-1)/2. This result is known as \"Ovsienko\'s Theorem\" and it has important consequences in Representation Theory of Algebras. In this work, we prove a weak version of Ovsienko\'s Theorem for gl(n) and we extend that weak version to a structure which has as particular case gl(3), this case is the quantum group level p Yangian Yp(gl(3)). Moreover, the theorem of Ovsienko also has consequences in Symplectic Geometry, more concretely in the equidimensionality of the fibers in a projection of the Kostant-Wallach map. In this work we will present the generalization of that result.
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Imprisoned writing : testimonies of political incarceration /Reeb, Gerda. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Oregon, 2000. / Typescript. Includes vita and abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 215-225). Also available for download via the World Wide Web; free to University of Oregon users.
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An Intrinsic Theory of Smooth Automorphic RepresentationsMoore, Daniel Ross 02 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Radon-type transforms on some symmetric spaces / Transformées de type Radon sur certains espaces symétriquesGrouy, Thibaut 01 April 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions des transformées de type Radon sur certains espaces symétriques. Une transformée de type Radon associe à toute fonction continue à support compact sur une variété $M$ ses intégrales sur une classe $Xi$ de sous-variétés de $M$. Le problème sur lequel nous nous concentrons est l'inversion d'une telle transformée, c'est-à-dire déterminer la fonction à partir de ses intégrales sur les sous-variétés dans $Xi$. Nous présentons d'abord la solution de ce problème inverse due à Sigurdur Helgason et François Rouvière, entre autres, lorsque $M$ est un espace symétrique riemannien isotrope et $Xi$ une certaine orbite de sous-variétés totalement géodésiques de $M$ sous l'action d'un groupe de transformations de Lie de $M$. La transformée de Radon associée est qualifiée de totalement géodésique.Sur les espaces symétriques pseudo-riemanniens semisimples, nous considérons une autre transformée de type Radon, qui associe à toute fonction continue à support compact ses intégrales orbitales, c'est-à-dire ses intégrales sur les orbites du sous-groupe d'isotropie du groupe des transvections. L'inversion des intégrales orbitales, qui est donnée par une formule-limite, a été obtenue par Sigurdur Helgason sur les espaces symétriques lorentziens à courbure sectionnelle constante et par Jeremy Orloff sur tout espace symétrique pseudo-riemannien semisimple de rang un. Nous résolvons le problème d'inversion des intégrales orbitales sur les espaces de Cahen-Wallach, qui sont les modèles d'espaces symétriques lorentziens indécomposables résolubles.Pour finir, nous nous intéressons aux transformées de type Radon sur les espaces symétriques symplectiques à courbure de type Ricci. L'inversion des orbitales intégrales sur ces espaces lorsqu'ils sont semisimples a déjà été obtenue par Jeremy Orloff. En revanche, lorsque ces espaces ne sont pas semisimples, la transformée donnée par les intégrales orbitales n’est pas inversible. Ensuite, nous déterminons les orbites de sous-variétés totalement géodésiques symplectiques ou lagrangiennes sous l'action d'un groupe de transformations de Lie de l'espace de départ. Dans ce contexte, la méthode d'inversion développée par Sigurdur Helgason et François Rouvière, entre autres, ne fonctionne que pour les transformées de Radon totalement géodésiques symplectiques sur les espaces symétriques kählériens à courbure holomorphe constante. Les formules d'inversion de ces transformées sur les espaces hyperboliques complexes sont dues à François Rouvière. Nous calculons les formules d'inversion de ces transformées sur les espaces projectifs complexes. / In this thesis, we study Radon-type transforms on some symmetric spaces. A Radon-type transform associates to any compactly supported continuous function on a manifold $M$ its integrals over a class $Xi$ of submanifolds of $M$. The problem we address is the inversion of such a transform, that is determining the function in terms of its integrals over the submanifolds in $Xi$. We first present the solution to this inverse problem which is due to Sigurdur Helgason and François Rouvière, amongst others, when $M$ is an isotropic Riemannian symmetric space and $Xi$ a particular orbit of totally geodesic submanifolds of $M$ under the action of a Lie transformation group of $M$. The associated Radon transform is qualified as totally geodesic.On semisimple pseudo-Riemannian symmetric spaces, we consider an other Radon-type transform, which associates to any compactly supported continuous function its orbital integrals, that is its integrals over the orbits of the isotropy subgroup of the transvection group. The inversion of orbital integrals, which is given by a limit-formula, has been obtained by Sigurdur Helgason on Lorentzian symmetric spaces with constant sectional curvature and by Jeremy Orloff on any rank-one semisimple pseudo-Riemannian symmetric space. We solve the inverse problem for orbital integrals on Cahen-Wallach spaces, which are model spaces of solvable indecomposable Lorentzian symmetric spaces.In the last part of the thesis, we are interested in Radon-type transforms on symplectic symmetric spaces with Ricci-type curvature. The inversion of orbital integrals on these spaces when they are semisimple has already been obtained by Jeremy Orloff. However, when these spaces are not semisimple, the orbital integral operator is not invertible. Next, we determine the orbits of symplectic or Lagrangian totally geodesic submanifolds under the action of a Lie transformation group of the starting space. In this context, the technique of inversion that has been developed by Sigurdur Helgason and François Rouvière, amongst others, only works for symplectic totally geodesic Radon transforms on Kählerian symmetric spaces with constant holomorphic curvature. The inversion formulas for these transforms on complex hyperbolic spaces are due to François Rouvière. We compute the inversion formulas for these transforms on complex projective spaces. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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El patriarcado en el siglo XV: : Los estudios de género al borde de un ataque de nervios en Crónicas de Indias. / The patriarchy in the 15th Century: Gender studies on the verge of a nervous breakdown in Crónicas de Indias.Alves, Robson Luis January 2019 (has links)
En este estudio profundizaremos en la percepción de la mujer en los autores de documentos históricos de los viajes de Cristóbal Colón en América durante la conquista. Intentaremos descubrir el porqué de la escasa aparición de la mujer en dichos documentos, exploraremos la alteridad y la corporeidad en Crónicas de Indias de finales del siglo XV.
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". . . die grenzen der Witwen wird er feste machen . . ." : Konstruktionen von Weiblichkeit im lyrischen und didaktischen Werk der Herzogin Elisabeth von Braunschweig-Lüneburg (1510-1558)Johansson, Nina January 2007 (has links)
The present dissertation examines constructions of femininity in the lyrical and didactical works of Elisabeth von Braunschweig-Lüneburg (1510-1558). It shows how this widow ruler and promoter of the reformation transforms and re-interprets contemporary ideas about women and gender according to her own personal interests, and how gender roles are thus negotiated in her texts. In accordance with current theoretical ideas about subjectivity, discourse, and gender, it is shown among other things how Elisabeth von Braunschweig-Lüneburg uses established genres to further her own personal agenda, and how she manipulates contemporary notions of gender in order to create authority for herself as a political force, as an upholder of Christian virtues, and, most importantly, as a writer. The analysis is based on an understanding of subjectivity as dialogical – as a negotiation with the surrounding culture – and of gender as socially constructed. Using the theories presented by Judith Butler and Joan Wallach Scott as a basis, the study shows how Elisabeth works within the various discourses available to her in order to describe established gender roles in a fashion that challenges prevailing notions of femininity and a woman’s place in society. The study focuses on a number of aspects of femininity important in Elisabeth’s texts as well as in the cultural context in which they were written. The textual construction of woman as writer, ruler, preacher, wife, mother, and widow is examined. The dissertation presents not previously acknowledged insights into the ambivalence coloring Elisabeth’s descriptions of women and femininity.
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Polyphonies féminines : exister et résister à travers l’hybridité poétique et sa traduction : Amelia Rosselli, Toni Maraini, Dahlia Ravikovitch et Yona WallachCarraro, Marta 08 1900 (has links)
Cotutelle Université de Montréal et Université Sorbonne Nouvelle / Ce travail se propose d’étudier la poésie d’Amelia Rosselli (1930-1996), de Toni Maraini (1941), de Dahlia Ravikovitch (1936-2005) et d’Yona Wallach (1944-1985) sous l’angle de la contestation. L’objectif principal est d’analyser l’hybridité poétique et son potentiel politico-contestataire chez ces femmes qui, à travers leur écriture, se rebellent contre les diktats du système patriarcal.
L’après-guerre en Italie (Rosselli et Maraini) et la fondation de l’État d’Israël (Ravikovitch et Wallach), deux époques marquées par une forte valorisation du virilisme militariste et héroïque, constituent les contextes d’énonciation de ces œuvres. Selon notre hypothèse, c’est aussi en raison de cette valorisation du virilisme que l’expression poétique de ces femmes se conçoit comme une bataille : chacune à sa manière, les auteures aspirent à une révolution sociétale, concernant en particulier le statut des femmes et de leur écriture. Quelles sont les modalités de configuration de cette bataille, et comment celle-ci se reflète-t-elle dans la poésie de nos auteures ? Comment leur écriture s’exprime-t-elle en tant qu’espace de négociation au sein de la langue des pères ?
Cette réflexion prendra la notion d’hybridité comme point de départ, examinant l’idée d’une expression contestataire qui émanerait des interstices mêmes du discours dominant (Bhabha). L’étude sera développée en trois parties principales. D’abord, il s’agira de montrer en quoi l’absorption et l’altération du langage masculin peuvent être utilisées par les femmes comme un outil de révolte aboutissant à un langage renouvelé. Ensuite sera abordée une autre manière, plus subtile, de s’approprier la langue et le pouvoir masculins : l’appropriation et l’ingestion du corpus des hommes, entendu au double sens de matière littéraire (intertextualité) et de corps stricto sensu (cannibalisme). Enfin, nous verrons comment le sujet-femme se déplace à la conquête de l’espace et du temps – ceux-ci étant définis comme des dimensions du privilège masculin – qu’elle hybride aussi. Nous constaterons que la traduction est consubstantielle à cette opération d’hybridation : l’acte traduisant se réalise par une nouvelle cannibalisation du corpus, lequel est alors déplacé vers une autre dimension spatio-temporelle, elle aussi conséquemment hybridée. En étudiant des textes en langue originale (italien, français, hébreu) et dans leurs langues de traduction (anglais, français, italien), nous verrons comment celle-ci agit comme une caisse de résonnance pour poursuivre le geste originaire de bataille et le prolonger dans une autre dynamique à même d’en amplifier le caractère hybride et d’en attiser la flamme contestataire.
À travers ces nouvelles pistes interprétatives qui mettent de l’avant la dimension subversive de la poésie de ces auteures, ce travail démontre comment, substituant aux catégories fixes imposées par la société patriarcale une vision plus fluide du monde, l’écriture hybride des femmes fait de la page un espace révolutionnaire depuis lequel un nouveau paradigme peut surgir. / This thesis analyzes the poetry of Amelia Rosselli (1930–1996), Toni Maraini (1941), Dahlia Ravikovitch (1936–2005), and Yona Wallach (1944–1985) from the angle of protest. The main aim of this research is to study the subversive potential of poetic hybridity, as it shows in the work of these women poets. Through their writing, in fact, they rebel against the dictates of the patriarchal system.
The context of these works are post-war Italy (Rosselli and Maraini) and the founding of the State of Israel (Ravikovitch and Wallach), both periods marked by militarist virilism and heroic values. According to my hypothesis, such virilism is one of the reasons why the poetic expression of these women is conceived as a battle. Each in their own way, the authors aspire to a social revolution, which focuses on the status of women and their writing. Which shapes does this battle take, and how is it reflected in the poetry of these authors? How is their writing expressed as a space for negotiation within the language of the fathers?
Starting from the notion of hybridity, this thesis investigates the idea of a protest expression emanating from the interstices of the dominant discourse (Bhabha). This work is divided into three main parts. Firstly, I show how women appropriate and alter male language as a tool of dissent, thus creating a renovated language. Secondly, I focus on the appropriation and ingestion of the corpus of men: both in the sense of literary material (intertextuality), and as body stricto sensu (cannibalism). Finally, I analyze how the woman-subject conquers and hybridizes space and time, which have been normally defined by male privilege. The act of translation is directly connected with the process of hybridization. Translating, in fact, resolves in a new cannibalization of the corpus, which is then moved to another space-time dimension.
By approaching the texts in the original languages (Italian, French, Hebrew), as well as their translations (English, French, Italian), I show how the translation acts as a sounding box, amplifying the original intention of battle. Thanks to these new interpretive trajectories, focusing on the subversive dimension of these authors’ poetry, this work highlights the transformative power of substituting fixed categories imposed by patriarchal society with a more fluid vision of the world. Thus, the hybrid writing of women has the potential to transform the written page into a revolutionary space from which a new paradigm can emerge.
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In the Hour of Their Great Necessity: The Hodgins/Crile CollaborationDel Valle, Juan Ramon 07 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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The Clash and Mass Media Messages from The Only Band That MattersAhern, Sean Xavier 09 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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