Spelling suggestions: "subject:"war"" "subject:"warm""
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Looking for Children: An Alternative Crown Ward ReviewClowes, Chisholm M Susan 10 1900 (has links)
<p>As child welfare practice in Ontario attempts to move toward increased partnerships with families, and recognition of the ways in which social work is implicated in perpetuating marginalities through the application of an anti-oppressive lens, direct social work practice with children lacks a similar critical discourse. Social work practice with children in care in Ontario occurs in the context of a guided practice model, Looking After Children, and within numerous audited standards and compliances. It is a bureaucratic and managerial environment which can constrain the social work agenda with children whose voices are easily silenced. This qualitative research study looks at the plans of care or social work recording for 10 Crown Wards in Ontario, in a search for a ‘real child.’ A critical analysis revealed that children are known in the recordings created about them in limited and prescribed ways. A “looked after” child is revealed: a child known according to the specific developmental dimensions of the Looking After Children model, and within “compliant” social work practice. What is lost is a child who exists in their child welfare record, in all of their complexities, contexts and relationships, while the social work relationship is rendered invisible.</p> / Master of Social Work (MSW)
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The Waterfront Development Community-Based Human-Centric Design in Ward 7 of Washington, D.C.Esubalew, Carina Delelegne 22 June 2022 (has links)
For years, Ward 7 in Washington, DC, has been a neglected area cut off from the rest of the city. For decades, the Anacostia River has served as a dividing line between Wards 7 and 8 from the rest of Washington DC. However, the neighborhood has much more to offer than being characterized as a location of violence, unemployment, insecurity, and isolation. The neighborhood is home to many people of color. This thesis poses the question: How can a community abandoned and neglected for decades be revived into a place of refuge?
The project's target demographic includes families, students, and the community.
However, the neighborhood has several obstacles, including food deserts, a lack of community gathering spaces, nearby amenities, residents having to drive to get necessities, and a lack of accessibility, transportation, walkability, and affordable housing.
The first thing that needs to be acknowledged about Ward 7 is the lack of equal treatment and opportunities compared to the other wards. Children and adults should not be forced to travel long distances to get necessities. They should not feel afraid and unsafe to travel around and feel left out of social gatherings by choosing to live in Ward 7.
The main goal of this thesis is to design and build a community in Ward 7 to accommodate housing and transform the neighborhood into an urban environment by enhancing different types of spaces to work in harmony to create an inclusive community experience for all. This thesis will also adapt sustainable elements to build a sustainable living environment that contributes to their well-being and the health of the individual community and the environment.
This project introduces affordable housing with various amenities, grocery shops, a gym, a community space for study and work, sit-down restaurants, outdoor seating places, a neighborhood café, a pavilion, and two bridges: One is an amenity bridge that links the building to the pavilion. The other is a pedestrian bridge that allows residents and community members to stroll or bike to Kingman Island. / Master of Architecture / For decades, the Anacostia River has served as a dividing line between Wards 7 and 8 from the rest of Washington DC. The neighborhood is home to many people of color and green spaces, and an attractive and vibrant community for everyone. However, I feel that this community, like any other, needs equality. Children and adults who reside in the area need a higher standard of living. Equal opportunities should be provided.
This thesis poses the question: How can a community abandoned and neglected for decades be revived into a place of refuge?
The project aims to create an inclusive community experience by enhancing different types of spaces and adapting sustainable elements to build a sustainable living environment that contributes to their well-being, individual health, and environment. The neighborhood has several obstacles, including food deserts, a lack of nearby amenities, residents having to drive to get necessities, accessibility, transportation, walkability, and affordable housing.
The project proposes affordable housing with various amenities, grocery shops, a gym, a community space for study and work, sit-down restaurants, outdoor seating places, a pavilion, and two bridges. An amenity bridge links the building to the pavilion; the other is a pedestrian bridge that allows residents and community members to stroll or bike to Kingman Island.
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Ledarskapets betydelse för omvårdnadsarbetet : En enkätstudieHamberg, Kay, Karin, Cerderblad January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Uppsatsen diskuterar vikten av ledarskap inom omvårdnadsarbetet och hur olika faktorer, inklusive ålder, kön och utbildning, kan påverka sjuksköterskors avsikter att ta på sig ledarroller. Konceptet salutogent ledarskap lyfts fram, vilket betonar vikten av att skapa en balans mellan arbete och privatliv, främja en hälsosam livsstil bland medarbetare, samt bygga och upprätthålla förtroendefulla relationer. Syftet: var att undersöka erfarenhet av att vara ledare för omvårdnadspersonal. Metod: Enkäten riktades till vårdenhetschefer/ledare inom somatisk vård på två svenska sjukhus. Totalt 198 chefer fick möjlighet att svara på enkäten, 104 responderade. En pilotenkät skickades ut till tio chefer på de två sjukhusen. Deltagarna informerades om studiens frivillighet och gavs möjlighet att ge sitt samtycke. Resultatet: visade på vikten av att lyssna, visa omtanke och empati inom omvårdnadsarbetet, egenskaper som är avgörande för att skapa en positiv och stödjande vårdmiljö. Det är viktigt att involvera vårdpersonal i utformningen av rutiner för att säkerställa dess relevans och praktiska användbarhet. Slutsats: Resultatet visade att chefer som visar empati, omtanke och lyssnar betraktas som en bra ledare. Detta underlättas genom att tillhandahålla verktyg och kunskap innan du tar på dig en chefsposition. / Background: The thesis discusses the importance of leadership in nursing work and how various factors, including age, gender, and education, can influence nurses’ intentions to take on leadership roles. The concept of salutogenic leadership is highlighted, emphasizing the importance of creating a balance between work and personal life, promoting a healthy lifestyle among colleagues, and building and maintaining trusting relationships. Aim; The purpose was to investigate the experience of being a manager/leader for nursing staff. Method: The survey was directed at unit managers/leaders in somatic care at two Swedish hospitals. A total of 198 managers had the opportunity to respond to the survey, and 104 did so. A pilot survey was sent to ten managers at the two hospitals. Participants were informed of the study’s voluntary nature and given the opportunity to consent. Results: The results emphasize the importance of listening, showing care, and empathy in nursing work—qualities crucial for creating a positive and supportive healthcare environment. It is essential to involve healthcare personnel in designing routines to ensure their relevance and practical usability. Conclusion: The results indicate that managers who demonstrate empathy, care, and active listening are considered good leaders. This is facilitated by providing tools and knowledge before assuming a managerial position.
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Evaluation of Dementia Training for Staff in Acute Hospital SettingsSmythe, A., Jenkins, C., Harries, M., Atkins, S., Miller, J., Wright, J., Wheeler, N., Dee, P., Bentham, P., Oyebode, Jan 15 October 2013 (has links)
No / he development, pilot and evaluation of a brief psychosocial training intervention (BPTI) for staff working with people with dementia in an acute hospital setting are described.
The project had two phases. Phase one involved adapting an existing competency framework and developing the BPTI using focus groups. For the pilot and evaluation, in phase two, a mixed methods approach was adopted using self-administered standardised questionnaires and qualitative interviews.
Qualitative analysis suggested that delivering skills-based training can develop communication, problem-solving and self-directed learning skills; benefit staff in terms of increased knowledge, skills and confidence; and be problematic in the clinical area in terms of time, organisation and the physical environment. These factors must be taken into consideration when delivering training. These changes were not reflected in the quantitative results and measures were not always sensitive to changes in this setting.
Definitive conclusions cannot be drawn about the efficacy of the intervention, due to the contradictory outcomes between the quantitative and qualitative data. Further developments and research are required to explore how staff and organisations can be supported to deliver the best possible care.
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From embracing to managing risksKeen, J., Nicklin, E., Wickramasekera, N., Long., A., Randell, Rebecca, Ginn, C., McGinnis, E., Willis, S., Whittle, J. 04 March 2020 (has links)
Yes / To assess developments over time in the
capture, curation and use of quality and safety information
in managing hospital services.
Setting: Four acute National Health Service hospitals in
Participants: 111.5 hours of observation of hospital
board and directorate meetings, and 72 hours of ward
observations. 86 interviews with board level and middle
managers and with ward managers and staff.
Results: There were substantial improvements in the
quantity and quality of data produced for boards and
middle managers between 2013 and 2016, starting from
a low base. All four hospitals deployed data warehouses,
repositories where datasets from otherwise disparate
departmental systems could be managed. Three of them
deployed real-time ward management systems, which
were used extensively by nurses and other staff.
Conclusions: The findings, particularly relating to the
deployment of real-time ward management systems, are
a corrective to the many negative accounts of information
technology implementations. The hospital information
infrastructures were elements in a wider move, away
from a reliance on individual professionals exercising
judgements and towards team-based and data-driven
approaches to the active management of risks. They
were not, though, using their fine-grained data to develop
ultrasafe working practices. / NIHR Health Service and Delivery Research (HS&DR) programme, project 13/07/68.
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Identification passive des milieux de propagation élastiques. Application à la reconstruction géométrique des réseaux de capteurs et au diagnostic des structures / Passive identification of elastic propagation media. Application sensors network geometries retrieval and to structural health monitoring.Carmona, Mikael 20 September 2011 (has links)
L'identification passive d'un système réside dans l'estimation des paramètres qui décrivent ce système uniquement à l'aide de sollicitations ambiantes. Dans le génie civil, cette discipline est appliquée pour le suivi de l'état de santé des structures, on parle de SHM (Structural Health Monitoring) passif. Le SHM passif est généralement réalisé à l'aide d'une instrumentation déployée en surface. La thèse s'est intéressée aux possibilités offertes par une instrumentation qui serait enfouie. Dans une première partie, on établit les résultats associés à l'identification passive des milieux visco-élastiques. L'originalité de ces travaux réside dans la prise en compte d'un modèle de dissipation réaliste, la viscosité, ainsi que du caractère vectoriel des ondes élastiques. Ces résultats théoriques sont validés expérimentalement et démontrent la portabilité du SHM passif en surface au SHM passif en volume. Dans une deuxième partie, on s'intéresse à deux problèmes attachés à l'enfouissement de capteurs: l'estimation passive de leur position (problème SNL, Sensor Network Location problem) et de leur attitude (problème SNA, Sensor Network Attitude problem). Ces problèmes sont résolus grâce à l'identification passive qui fournit, en plus d'information physique sur le milieu, des informations géométriques sur le réseau. En particulier, on peut estimer des distances et des attitudes relatives entre capteurs. A l'aide de ces informations partielles et bruitées, des algorithmes de résolution des problèmes SNL et SNA ont été développés puis validés expérimentalement. Enfin, on synthétise l'apport de la thèse et on identifie les verrous technologiques à lever afin de justifier la faisabilité de l'enfouissement d'un réseau de capteurs dans le but de faire du SHM passif. / Passive identification of a system relies on the estimation of the parameters which describe that system only by using ambient sources. In civil engineering, we can apply this technique to monitor the state of health of structures. This is called passive SHM (Structural Health Monitoring). Passive SHM is generally realised by using an instrumentation distributed on the surface. This thesis focuses on the possibility given by the use of an embedded instrumentation.In the first part, we establish new results associated to passive identification in visco-elastic media. The originality of this work relies on the consideration of a realistic dissipation model, the viscosity, and the vectorial aspect of elastic waves. Those theoretical results, which are experimentally validated, prove the portability of surface passive SHM to volume passive SHM. In the second part, we focus on two problems related to an embedded sensors network: the passive estimation of sensors position (SNL problem - Sensor Network Location problem) and attitude (SNA problem - Sensor Network Attitude problem). Those problems are solved by using passive identification which gives, besides physical information on the medium, geometrical information on the network. In particular, we can estimate the distances and relative attitudes between sensors. With that partial and noisy information we have developed algorithms solving SNL and SNA problems and we have validated them experimentally.At last, we synthesize the contribution of the thesis and we identify the technological locks to release in order to justify the feasibility of passive SHM using an embedded instrumentation.
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El?trons fortemente correlacionados na vizinhan?a de uma transi??o de fase qu?nticaFarias, Carlene Paula Silva de 18 October 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-10-18 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / The aim of this work is to derive theWard Identity for the low energy effective
theory of a fermionic system in the presence of a hyperbolic Fermi surface coupled
with a U(1) gauge field in 2+1 dimensions. These identities are important because
they establish requirements for the theory to be gauge invariant. We will see that the
identity associated Ward Identity (WI) of the model is not preserved at 1-loop order.
This feature signalizes the presence of a quantum anomaly. In other words, a classical
symmetry is broken dynamically by quantum fluctuations. Furthermore, we are
considering that the system is close to a Quantum Phase Transitions and in vicinity of
a Quantum Critical Point the fermionic excitations near the Fermi surface, decay through
a Landau damping mechanism. All this ingredients need to be take explicitly
to account and this leads us to calculate the vertex corrections as well as self energies
effects, which in this way lead to one particle propagators which have a non-trivial
frequency dependence / Nesse trabalho derivamos e checamos a Identidade de Ward (IW) para uma
teoria efetiva de baixas energias de um sistema fermi?nico acoplado a um campo de
gauge U(1), em 2+1 dimens?es, na presen?a de uma superf?cie de Fermi parab?lica.
As identitades deWard s?o muito importantes pois, estabelecem requisitos para que a
teoria efetiva seja invariante de gauge. Veremos que a IW n?o ? preservada em ordem
de 1-loop. Isto caracteriza a presen?a de uma an?malia qu?ntica. Assim, uma simetria
cl?ssica ? destruida dinamicamente por flutua??es qu?nticas. O nosso sistema f?sico
se encontra na vizinhan?a de um Ponto Cr?tico Qu?ntico. Portanto, as excita??es fermi?nicas,
que se situam pr?ximo a superf?cie de Fermi, decaem com o tempo, produzindo
assim um amortecimento de Landau. Todos esses ingredientes de um regime
de forte acoplamento devem ser levados em conta. E em fun??o disso calcularemos
as corre??es de v?rtice e os efeitos das auto-energias, que dessa forma fazem com que
os propagadores de uma part?cula da teoria dependam da frequ?ncia de uma forma
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Plaques de glace permanentes : étude de leurs caractéristiques intrinsèques et de leurs effets sur la dynamique hydrologique et biogéomorphologique des versants du désert polaire arctiqueDavesne, Gautier 09 1900 (has links)
Les plaques de glace forment de petites masses de glace et de neige permanentes qui sont considérées comme un stade intermédiaire dans le continuum neige-glacier. Elles sont omniprésentes dans les régions polaires, ce qui leur confère une fonction centrale dans l’hydrologie et la géomorphologie des versants. Pourtant, très peu d’études s’y sont intéressées jusqu’à présent. Acquérir des connaissances sur ces plaques apparait donc essentiel, non seulement pour comprendre leurs caractéristiques intrinsèques, mais aussi parce que cela ouvre des perspectives importantes pour comprendre la dynamique du géosystème polaire. Afin de répondre à ce besoin, cette thèse cherche à établir l'origine et le fonctionnement des plaques de glace à l’île Ward Hunt (Haut-Arctique canadien) et d’en comprendre les effets sur la dynamique de versant du désert polaire. Cette recherche sur les plaques de glace a été guidée par une approche multidisciplinaire, conduisant à des études glaciologiques, nivologiques, hydrologiques et biogéomorphologiques.
Nos résultats ont montré que les plaques de glace se développent par l’aggradation de glace surimposée qui se forme suite au regel de l'eau de fonte à la base de l’accumulation de neige saisonnière. La texture et les propriétés physiques de cette glace varient en fonction de son âge et de l’intensité des processus de recristallisation. La variabilité spatio-temporelle des plaques de glace est principalement contrôlée par la topographie locale et les conditions micrométéorologiques. En hiver, les apports en neige dans les niches topographiques où se forment les plaques de glace sont assurés par le vent. En été, l’intensité de l’ablation est fortement influencée par le vent et le brouillard, qui modulent les échanges d’énergie à la surface des plaques. L'évolution des plaques de glace se caractérise par une stabilité à long terme due à un mécanisme d'autorégulation du bilan de masse assuré par le contexte topoclimatique. Cependant, en raison de leur petite taille, les plaques de glace peuvent disparaître rapidement lorsque l'ablation estivale dépasse un seuil à partir duquel les conditions topoclimatiques ne peuvent plus assurer leur préservation. À Ward Hunt, la présence des plaques de glace depuis au moins plusieurs siècles fait qu’elles ont fortement contribué au développement des versants. Les apports durables en eau et sédiments qui en découlent en été ont enclenché une suite de processus abiotiques et biotiques azonaux dans les marges pronivales. Il en a résulté la formation de systèmes biogéomorphologiques qui consistent en des lobes de solifluxion et des milieux humides colonisés par de la végétation et un couvert de croute biologique. Les modifications morphologiques et physiques du sol en aval des plaques de glace influencent le régime thermique de surface et les profondeurs de dégel. En outre, le développement des zones humides entraine une modification locale des propriétés physiques de la neige en exacerbant le métamorphisme cinétique qui aboutit à la croissance d’une couche de givre de profondeur à la base du manteau neigeux.
En apportant une compréhension holistique des plaques de glace polaires, cette thèse permet des avancées empiriques et conceptuelles importantes qui contribuent à mieux comprendre la dynamique du géosystème de désert polaire à un moment charnière où ces environnements subissent en transition rapide en réponse au changement climatique. / Ice patches are small perennial masses of ice and snow that are considered as part of the continuum between seasonal snow and glacier. They are ubiquitous in the Polar Regions, which gives them an important function in slope hydrology and geomorphology. Ice patches have, however, received very little scientific attention so far. Gaining new knowledge on these cryospheric elements thus appears essential, not only to understand their intrinsic characteristics, but also because it holds important perspectives for understanding the dynamics of the polar geosystem. To address this need, this thesis aims to investigate the origin and functioning of the ice patches at Ward Hunt Island (Canadian High Arctic) and to understand their effects on polar desert slope dynamics. This research on ice patches was guided by a multidisciplinary approach, involving glaciological, snow, hydrological and biogeomorphological studies.
Our results demonstrated that ice patches develop through the aggradation of superimposed ice that forms by the refreezing of meltwater at the base of the seasonal snowpack. The texture and physical properties of this ice vary according to its age and the intensity of recrystallization processes. The spatio-temporal variability of ice patches is mainly controlled by local topography and micrometeorological conditions. In winter, the snow supply to the topographic niches where ice patches form is provided by the wind. In summer, the intensity of ablation is strongly influenced by wind and fog, which modulate energy exchange at the surface of the patches. The evolution of ice patches is characterized by long-term stability due to a self-regulating mass balance mechanism provided by the topoclimatic context. However, because of their small size, ice patches can disappear very quickly when summer ablation exceeds a threshold at which topoclimatic conditions can no longer ensure their preservation. At Ward Hunt Island, the presence of the ice patches for at least several centuries makes them important drivers of slope development. Sustained meltwater and sediment supplies delivered by ice patches to their pronival margin have triggered a sequence of abiotic and biotic azonal processes. This led to the formation of a biogeomorphic system, consisting of solifluction lobes and humid zones colonized by vegetation and an organic crust cover. Morphological and physical changes in the soil downslope of the ice patches influenced the surface thermal regime and thaw depths. Furthermore, our results show that the humid zone development leads to a local modification of the physical properties of snow by enhancing kinetic metamorphism responsible for the growth of a depth hoar layer at the base of the snowpack.
Through a comprehensive understanding of polar ice patches and their effects, this thesis provides important empirical and conceptual advances that contribute to a better understanding of polar desert geosystem dynamics at a pivotal time when these environments are undergoing a rapid transition in response to climate change.
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u bvulwa maanda ha vhuimo ha vhuhosi na nzulele ya musanda: / tsenguloso ya livhanaho na vhuhosi ha vhavenda ho shumiswa thyiori ye "ethbopragmatics".Raphalalani, Matodzi Rebecca January 2015 (has links)
The main aim of the study was to investigate how the Vhavenḓa royal kingdom’s communicative functions and positions of royalty and settlement pattern were disempowered by the British colonists, the apartheid government, the Homeland system and the new democratic government which came into power in 1994. The arrival of the British colonists disempowered the Vhavenḓa Kingdom by reducing the title of the King to that of a mere chief. This was, among others, a leading cause for the fall and the end of the Vhavenḓa Kingdom. The Apartheid regime (1949-1994) also had a negative impact on the Vhavenda royal kingdom as the regime put a large number of people who were not of the royal families into chieftainship. This resulted in chieftaincy becoming an appointment rather than a birth right.
The Homeland system, a creation of Apartheid, also caused confusion and disagreements among the Vhavenḓa. Some of those who were born of royal descent were removed from chieftainship positions and more educated Vhavenḓa citizens who were just mere commoners were put in those positions. The new democratic government (1994) tried to bring back the chieftaincy titles that were taken by former governments but this was complicated by the appointment of ward representatives, councilors and civic organisations. The democratic government split areas into wards, and, as a result, the system failed to work in unison with the Vhavenḓa Kingdom. Chiefs were reduced to ceremonial monarchs, and decision-making powers were the preserve of the politicians, and not the chiefs.
This study utilized the theory of Ethnopragmatics. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were employed to collect data. Data were collected from the youth, royals, non-royal adults and chiefs by means of questionnaires and interviews.
Data were then transcribed by the researcher and the coding system was used to analyse it. Coding methods used included open, axial and selective coding methods. Data were
then presented, discussed and conclusions drawn. Results revealed that chiefs and their subjects have many concerns. Recommendations were also made to address the concerns raised by participants. / Anthropology and Archaeology
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Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av att vårda personer med psykisk sjukdom på somatisk avdelning : en litteraturöversikt / Nurses' experience of caring for people with mental illnesses on a somatic ward : a literature revewEriksson, Lisa, Eriksson Sendel, Emma January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskans professionella område är omvårdnad, vilket utgår ifrån ett holistiskt perspektiv där sjuksköterskan ska ta hänsyn till den vårdsökande personens fysiska samt psykiska hälsa. Samhällets och medias syn på personer med psykisk sjukdom kan påverka sjuksköterskan och eventuellt bidra till stigmatisering som kan följa med in i vårdrummet. Personer med psykisk sjukdom kan uppleva sig diskriminerade och misstrodda i kontakt med hälso- och sjukvården, vilket medför en osäkerhet och risk för att de inte söker somatisk vård. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda personer med psykiska sjukdomar på somatisk avdelning. Metod: Litteraturöversikt med en induktiv ansats och kvalitativa artiklar. Resultatet baserades på sju kvalitativa artiklar som analyserades genom Fribergs femstegsmodell. Resultat: Litteraturöversiktens resultat visar att sjuksköterskan upplever sig otillräcklig i omvårdnaden av personer med psykiska sjukdomar på en somatisk avdelning. Upplevelsen av otillräcklighet delades in i otillräcklighet inom organisationen med underteman som miljö, tid och stöd samt otillräcklighet inom professionen med underteman som osäkerhet, kunskap och utbildning. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskor upplevde att om de ska ansvara för omvårdnaden för personer med psykiska sjukdomar på en somatisk avdelning så krävs rätt förutsättningar, i form av kunskap och utbildning, samt en trygg och säker vårdmiljö. / Background: The profession of nurse’s is nursing, which comes from a holistic perspective where the nurse takes both physical and psychological health in consideration. The society and medias view of people with mental illness might influence the nurse. This can eventually contribute to a stigma which can follow the nurses into the hospital wards. People with mental illness feel discriminated and mistrusted in contact with healthcare, this can bring an insecurity and a risk that they won’t seek somatic care. Aim: To describe the nurse’s experience of nursing a person with mental illness on a somatic ward. Method: Litterature review with inductive approach and qualitative articles. The results were based on seven qualitative articles who were analyzed by Friberg’s five-step-model. Results: The results of the study showed that the nurses felt insufficient while nursing people with mental illness in somatic care. The experience of insufficiency was divided into insufficiency in organization with subthemes as environment, time and support, and insufficiency in profession with subthemes as uncertainty, knowledge and education. Conclusion: Nurses experienced that if they should nursing people with mental illness they need the right conditions, in terms of knowledge and education and a safe and secure healthcare environment.
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