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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energetické využití komunálního odpadu / Recovery of Energy from Municipal Wastes

Procházka, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
Master’s thesis deal with the design of waste to energy plant of municipal waste. The design of technology is to build the component parts of plant and basic calculation of individual apparatus. Overall technology concists of pretreatment of municipal waste, which is then stored in the bunker. Pretreatment municipal waste is fed into the counterflow rotary kiln. Flue Gates from the kilns are routed through multicyklony in the heat recovery steam generators (HRSG). The multicyklon separates the pollutants. The HRSG generates steam required properties from the feedwater from the heat kontent of gas. Superheated steam is driven to the condensing turbine with extract steam for distrikt rating and for power generation. The flue gas from the HRSG are passed through purification section, in which are separand pollutants the dry method purification. The left heat content of flue gas is used in heat exchanger with twist tube for preheating feed water for the HRSG. The flue gas are fed to the stack.

Implementation of DC-DC converter with maximum power point tracking control for thermoelectric generator applications

Jahanbakhsh, David January 2012 (has links)
A heavy duty vehicle looses approximately 30-40 % of the energy in the fuel as waste heat through the exhaust system. Recovering this waste heat would make the vehicle meet the legislative and market demands of emissions and fuel consumption easier. This recovery is possible by transforming the waste heat to electric power using a thermoelectric generator. However, the thermoelectric generator electric characteristics makes direct usage of it unprotable, thus an electric power conditioner is necessary. First a study of dierent DC-DC converters is presented, based on that the most suitable converter for thermoelectric application is determined. In order to maximize the harvested power, maximum power point tracking algorithms have been studied and analyzed. After the investigation, the single ended primary inductor converter was simulated and implemented with a perturb and observe algorithm, and the incremental conductance algorithm. The converter was tested with a 20 W thermoelectric generator, and evaluated.The results show that the incremental conductance is more robust and stable compared to the perturb and observe algorithm. Further on, the incremental conductance also has a higher average eciency during real implementation.

Negative Emission from Electric Arc Furnace using a Combination of Carbon capture and Bio-coal

Kapothanillath, Abhijith Namboodiri January 2023 (has links)
Steel is one of the most essential metals in the world, and it plays a vital role in various industries. The growing demand for steel has resulted in increased CO2 emissions, with the steel industry contributing to approximately 7% of global emissions of carbon dioxide. Among the different production methods, the electric arc furnace (EAF) has emerged as a promising option, and its market share is expected to double in the future. While the EAF exhibits high efficiency and a reduced carbon footprint in comparison to alternative production routes, there is still considerable room for improvement. In the EAF, a significant amount of input energy, ranging from 15% to 30%, is wasted through off-gas, along with a substantial amount of CO2. To better understand the current state and ongoing research in off-gas handling, a literature review and a preliminary analysis were conducted which revealed that the waste heat from the off-gas can be effectively recovered using an evaporative cooling system, yielding approximately 105 kg of steam per ton of liquid steel. This emphasizes the importance of waste heat recovery in conjunction with CO2 capture. Calcium looping stands out as a promising carbon capture technology among the available options, primarily because of its lower environmental impacts and energy penalty. Furthermore, with its operation at elevated temperatures and dependence on limestone, calcium looping presents a potential solution to reduce the emissions from steel industry. Therefore, this study focuses on the analysis of a waste heat recovery system integrated with calcium looping technology, aiming to capture CO2 and utilize waste heat from the EAF off-gas. Additionally, the potential of coal substitution with bio-coal in the EAF for achieving negative emissions is also investigated. Through a steady state analysis and by employing semi-empirical mass and energy balance equations, it was determined that capturing 90% of the CO2 emissions from a 145-ton EAF requires 12 MW of heat and 16 kg of fresh limestone per ton of liquid steel. Although the average off-gas temperature is high, it cannot be considered as a reliable heat source. Therefore, the heat demand is met by burning biomass inside the calciner. Despite the increased heat demand, the waste heat recovery system integrated with calcium looping has the potential to generate approximately 11 MW of electricity using a supercritical steam cycle. This significant output can be attributed to the elevated temperature of the off-gas and the exothermic carbonation process. The economic analysis reveals that the levelized cost for capturing and storing CO2 is 1165 SEK per ton of CO2 with a negative Net Present Value (NPV). It was noted that, a higher carbon tax could significantly enhance the economic viability of the system. Moreover, the study found that by introducing bio-coal in the EAF with a fossil coal share below 69%, it has the potential to achieve negative emissions. Furthermore, recent studies have shown an increase in the CO2 content in the off-gas when introducing bio-coal into the EAF which further enhances the efficiency and economic feasibility of carbon capture. / Stål är en av de viktigaske metallerna i världen, och det spelar en avgörande roll i olika branscher. Den ökade efterfrågan på stål har lett till ökade koldikoxidutsläpp, och stålindustrin står för cirka 7% av de globala koldioxidutsläppen. Bland de olika produktionsmetoderna har ljusbågsugnen (EAF) framstått som ett lovande alternativ, och dess marknadsandel förväntas fördubblas i framtiden. Även om EAF uppvisar hög effektivitet och ett minskat koldioxidavtryck jämfört med alternativa produktionsvägar, finns det fortfarande stort utrymme för förbättringar.  I EAF går en betydande mängd tillförd energi, mellan 15 och 30%, till spillo genom avgaserna, tillsammans med en betydande mängd CO2. För att bättre förstå det aktuella läget och pågående forskning inom hantering av avgaserna genomfördes en litteraturstudie och en preliminär analys som visade att spillvärmen från avgaserna effektivt kan återvinnas med hjälp av ett evaporativt kylsystem, vilket ger cirka 105kg ånga per ton flytande stål. Dettta understryker vikten av att återvinna spillvärme i samband med CO2-avskiljning.  Kalciumlooping framstår som en lovande teknik för koldioxidavskiljning bland de tillgängliga alternativen, främst på grund av dess lägre miljöpåverkan och energiåtgång. Eftersom kalciumlooping används vid förhöjda temperaturer och är beroende av kalksten, utgör den dessutom en potentiell lösning för att minska utsläppen från stålindustrin. Därför fokuserar denna studie på analysen av ett system för återvinning av spillvärme integrerat med kalciumlooping-teknik, i syfte att fånga in CO2 och utnyttja spillvärme från EAF-avgaserna. Dessutom undersöks potentialen för att ersätta kol med biokol i EAF för att uppnå negativa utsläpp.  Genom en steady state-analys och med hjälp av semi-empiriska mass- och energibalansekvationer fastställdes att det krävs 12 MW värme och 16 kg färsk kalksten per ton flytande stål för att fånga 90% av CO2-utsläppen från en 145-tons EAF. Även om den genomsnittliga avgastemperaturen är hög kan den inte betraktas som en tillförlitlig värmekälla. Därför tillgodoses värmebehovet genom förbränning av biomassa i kalcinatorn. Trots det ökade värmebehovet har systemet för återvinning av spillvärme integrerat med kalciumlooping potential att generera cirka 11 MW el med hjälp av en superkritisk ångcykel. Denna betydande produktion kan hänföras till den förhöjda temperaturen i avgaserna och den exoterna karbonatiseringsprocessen. Den ekonomiska analysen visar att den nivellerade kostnaden för avskiljning och lagring av CO2 är 1165 SEK per ton CO2 med ett negativt nettonuvärde (NPV). Det konstaterades att en högre koldioxidskatt skulle kunna förbättra systemets ekonomiska lönsamhet avsevärt. Dessutom visade studien att genom att introducera biokol i EAF med en andel fossilt kol under 69%, har det potential att uppnå negativa utsläpp. Nya studier har dessutom visat en ökning av koldioxidhalten i avgaserna när biokol införs i EAF, vilket ytterligare förbättrar effektiviteten och den ekonomiska genomförbarheten för koldioxidavskiljning.

Modelling of organic data centers / Modellering av ekologiska datorhallar

Sandström, Mimmi January 2020 (has links)
I det här examensarbetet undersöks möjligheten att återvinna termisk energi genom att driva en så kallad ekologisk datorhall. Denna uppstår genom en integration mellan en storskalig högpresterande datorhall och ett växthus. Den termiska energin, eller spillvärme som den också kallas, genereras i stora mängder som en biprodukt av kylning av datahallar världen över. Avsikten är att använda spillvärme som genereras för att täcka det årliga energibehovet av ett växthus. Syftet med den ekologiska datahallen är att maximera vinsten baserat på alla tre hållbarhetspelarna; den ekonomiska, den miljömässiga och den sociala. Dessutom är avsikten att minska den stora elektriska energiförbrukningen för datahallen genom att applicera strategier för “fri kyla”.  Examensarbetets mål är att undersöka den tekniska genomförbarheten för en typiskt ekologisk datahall, lokaliserad på tre olika platser i Sverige; Luleå, Stockholm och Lund. Målet är även att ta reda på effekterna av datahallens och växthusets symbios. Forskningsproblemen som ska besvaras är för det första, vad den optimala storleken för en ekologisk datahall är för att maximalt utnyttja den genererade spillvärmen. Där datahallen är lokaliserad på ovan nämnda platser. För det andra, var i Sverige en ekologisk datahall skulle placeras för maximal vinst. Slutligen undersöks vilka kapital- och driftskostnader som relateras till en typisk ekologisk datahall samt vad intäkterna och den sociala avkastningen är på investeringen.  För att finna lösningen på forskningsproblemen så modelleras de tekniska och ekonomiska förutsättningarna för en ekologisk datahall med hjälp av programvaran Microsoft Excel. Verksamheten analyseras även ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv och marknaden för liknande projekt undersöks.   Från examensarbetet framgår det att alla undersökta platser i Sverige är lämpliga för implementering av fri kyla. Den optimala placeringen av en typisk ekologisk datahall skulle dock vara i Luleå. Detta är baserat på fler bidragande faktorer, inklusive lågt pris på el och mark samt hög tillgång till naturresurser. Dessutom är det inte lika många konkurrenter med liknande affärsidéer på den lokala marknaden jämfört med exempelvis Stockholm, därav minskar rivaliteten att vara det största lokala bolaget. Slutligen bör man överväga att i framtiden arbeta med att variera växthusets tekniska- och jordbruksaspekter för att perfekt motsvara datahallens specifikationer på den aktuella platsen. / In the master thesis, the opportunity of recovering thermal energy by operating an organic data center is investigated. This thermal energy, or waste heat as it is called, is generated as a byproduct of the cooling of large-scale high-performance computing centers. The intent is to use this waste heat to cover for the energy demand of a greenhouse. The purpose of the organic data center is to integrate a large data center with a greenhouse to maximise the profit on all the three pillars of sustainability; the financial, the environmental and the social pillar. Moreover, the massive power consumption of the large data centers will be reduced by the implementation of free cooling.  The thesis aims at examining the technical feasibility of a typical organic data center, placed at three locations in Sweden; Luleå, Stockholm and Lund. Further, to find out what the effects of the data center and greenhouse symbiosis. The research problems to be answered are firstly, what the optimal dimension of an organic data center is for the maximum waste heat utilisation, if it is placed at the locations mentioned.  Secondly, where the organic data center ideally would be placed in Sweden for a maximum profit. Lastly, what the capital and operational expenses are for the organic data center as well as the revenue and social return of investment. Solving the research problems is done by modelling the technical and financial conditions of the organic data center using the software Microsoft Excel, as well as analysing the business from a sustainability perspective. The market for similar projects is also investigated. From the thesis work, it is found that all locations are suitable for the implementation of free cooling. However, the optimal localization of a typical organic data center would be in Luleå, based on several contributing factors, including the low price for electricity and land, and high access to natural resources. Moreover, there is not as many competitors with the same business idea on the local market as for instance, in Stockholm. This reduces the rivalry to be the biggest local business. Finally, varying the technical and agricultural aspects of the greenhouse to perfectly match the data center at the current location should be considered in future work.

Récupération d'énergie par cycle de Rankine à bord d'un véhicule : commande et gestion énergétique / Rankine cycle for waste heat recovery on board vehicles : control and energy management

Peralez, Johan 25 February 2015 (has links)
Au moins 30% de l'énergie produite par les moteurs à combustion interne est dissipée sous forme de chaleur dans les gaz d'échappement. L'intérêt des constructeurs pour les systèmes de récupération de chaleur bases sur le cycle thermodynamique de Rankine est justifié par des réductions de consommation espérées entre 5 et 10%. L'ambition de cette thèse est de contribuer à lever les principaux verrous liés à la gestion des procédés Rankine pour des applications ≪ mobiles ≫. Ce manuscrit s'appuie sur trois cas d'étude avec, pour chacun, un procédé pilote destiné à être intégré respectivement sur des véhicules légers à moteur essence, sur des camions poids-lourds et sur des trains à propulsion hybride Diesel électrique. Pour cela, des approches de l'automatique à base de modèle ont été développées. Une nouvelle loi de commande non-linéaire, permettant l'asservissement de la température et de la pression en sortie d'évaporateur, est proposée. Il est montré expérimentalement que le système peut être maintenu dans des conditions permettant la récupération d'énergie sans discontinuer, même sur des cycles routiers très dynamiques. La supervision énergétique du cycle de Rankine à bord d'un véhicule est ensuite abordée. Il s'agit de trouver les consignes pour la commande rapprochée qui permettent de maximiser l'efficacité énergétique d'un véhicule équipé d'un système de récupération d'énergie par cycle de Rankine. Il est montré que le gain énergétique apporté par l'optimisation dynamique temps réel proposée est important, comparé à une stratégie basée sur l'optimisation statique du système habituellement employée dans la littérature / More than 30% of the energy produced by internal combustion engines (ICE) is dissipated as heat through the exhaust gases. The interest of manufacturers in heat recovery systems based on the thermodynamic Rankine cycle is justified by announced reductions in fuel consumption ranging from 5 and 10% depending on the system and the driving cycle. The aim of this thesis is to help remove the main barriers associated with supervising and controlling Rankine processes for ≪ mobile ≫ applications. This dissertation is based on three study cases, each corresponding to a pilot process installed in engine test benches at IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN). These are applications to be integrated respectively on board light-duty vehicles with spark-ignition engine, heavy-duty trucks and trains with Diesel-electric propulsion. An original nonlinear (model-based) control law for the temperature and the pressure tracking at the evaporator outlet is proposed. It is shown experimentally that the system can be maintained under conditions allowing continuous energy recovery, even during highly transient road cycles. Then the supervision of Rankine systems is addressed, resulting in the choice of optimal set-points (in term of energy management) for the low-level controller. An optimal control problem is formulated, allowing online implementation via dynamic real-time optimization.The proposed approach is validated on a realistic simulator, showing significant benefits in the amount of energy recovered when compared with the classical (static) approach found in Rankine cycle literature

Enhancing and Expanding Conventional Simulation Models of Refrigeration Systems for Improved Correlations

Murgham, Haithem Abualasaad January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Low Temperature Waste Energy Harvesting by Shape Memory Alloy Actuator

Hegana, Ashenafi B. 04 October 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Material analysis for a rotating inlet valve : Sliding contact in an oil-free super-critical steam environment / Materialanalys för en roterande inloppsventil : Glidande kontakt i en oljefri superkritisk ångmiljö

Samuelsson, Johan January 2022 (has links)
In this thesis, the aim is to study possible tribo-materials for a rotating inlet valve and to find a suitable material combination for the contact. The valve is part of a modern oil-free and high temperature steam engine. Systematic material selection together with tribological tests and wear analyses are performed. The metals Nitronic 60 and Stellite 6B are tested as self-mated metals, and run against graphite. None of these combinations are found suitable. However, the tests show carbon-based materials to be promising. After further study another carbon-based material, antimony impregnated mechanical carbon is selected as valve seat. For the mating part valve distributor, the material ZrO2-MgO is selected. This tribo-pair has shown friction and wear in the same interval as oil-lubrication. The friction and wear are 50% respectively 10% of the second best tribo-pair found in this thesis. The valve seat material is realizable if supported by a valve block of a Ni-resist cast iron with thermal expansion similar to the valve seat. Lastly a redesign of the valve distributor is suggested to comply with ceramic design guidelines. / Målet med denna rapport är att studera möjliga tribo-material för en roterande inloppsventil och att hitta en lämplig materialkombination för kontakten. Ventilen är en del av en modern oljefri och högtempererad ångmotor. Ett systematiskt materialval tillsammans med tribologiska tester och nötningsanalyser utförs. Metallerna Nitronic 60 och Stellite 6B testas dels mot sig själva, och dels mot grafit. Ingen av dessa kombinationer finns lämplig. Testerna visar dock att kolbaserade material är lovande och eftervidare studier är ett annat kolbaserat material, antimonimpregnerat mekaniskt kol, väljs till ventilsätet. Till motytan till ventilsätet, ventilfördelaren, väljs materialet ZrO2-MgO. Detta tribo-par har visat friktion och nötning i samma intervall som oljesmörjning. Friktionen och nötningen är 50 % respektive 10 % av det näst bästa tribo-paret som hittats i denna avhandling. Ventilsätets material är realiserbart om det stöttas i ett ventilblock av ett ”Ni-resist” gjutjärn med en värmeexpansion som liknar ventilsätets. Slutligen föreslås en omkonstruktion av ventilfördelaren för att uppfylla riktlinjerna för keramisk konstruktion.

Analysis of a novel thermoelectric generator in the built environment

Lozano, Adolfo 05 October 2011 (has links)
This study centered on a novel thermoelectric generator (TEG) integrated into the built environment. Designed by Watts Thermoelectric LLC, the TEG is essentially a novel assembly of thermoelectric modules whose required temperature differential is supplied by hot and cold streams of water flowing through the TEG. Per its recommended operating conditions, the TEG nominally generates 83 Watts of electrical power. In its default configuration in the built environment, solar-thermal energy serves as the TEG’s hot stream source and geothermal energy serves as its cold stream source. Two systems-level, thermodynamic analyses were performed, which were based on the TEG’s upcoming characterization testing, scheduled to occur later in 2011 in Detroit, Michigan. The first analysis considered the TEG coupled with a solar collector system. A numerical model of the coupled system was constructed in order to estimate the system’s annual energetic performance. It was determined numerically that over the course of a sample year, the solar collector system could deliver 39.73 megawatt-hours (MWh) of thermal energy to the TEG. The TEG converted that thermal energy into a net of 266.5 kilowatt-hours of electricity in that year. The second analysis focused on the TEG itself during operation with the purpose of providing a preliminary thermodynamic characterization of the TEG. Using experimental data, this analysis found the TEG’s operating efficiency to be 1.72%. Next, the annual emissions that would be avoided by implementing the zero-emission TEG were considered. The emission factor of Michigan’s electric grid, RFCM, was calculated to be 0.830 tons of carbon dioxide-equivalent (CO2e) per MWh, and with the TEG’s annual energy output, it was concluded that 0.221 tons CO2e would be avoided each year with the TEG. It is important to note that the TEG can be linearly scaled up by including additional modules. Thus, these benefits can be multiplied through the incorporation of more TEG units. Finally, the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) of the TEG integrated into the built environment with the solar-thermal hot source and passive ground-based cold source was considered. The LCOE of the system was estimated to be approximately $8,404/MWh, which is substantially greater than current generation technologies. Note that this calculation was based on one particular configuration with a particular and narrow set of assumptions, and is not intended to be a general conclusion about TEG systems overall. It was concluded that while solar-thermal energy systems can sustain the TEG, they are capital-intensive and therefore not economically suitable for the TEG given the assumptions of this analysis. In the end, because of the large costs associated with the solar-thermal system, waste heat recovery is proposed as a potentially more cost-effective provider of the TEG’s hot stream source. / text

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