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Resíduo sólido orgânico doméstico da moradia estudantil da UNICAMP : potencial de geração e plano de gerenciamento / Organic solid waste of the student dorm of UNICAMP : the potential for generation and management planDutra, Bruno Ricardo Marques, 1977- 22 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Eglé Novaes Teixeira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T20:55:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dutra_BrunoRicardoMarques_M.pdf: 14252007 bytes, checksum: 1327c4c986a7ffc6b82fbdb55f2ef7e0 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: A fração de matéria orgânica biodegradável pode atingir patamares superiores a 50 % do resíduo sólido gerado em diversas localidades. Sua disposição inadequada está associada a diversos problemas ambientais como: proliferação de vetores, contaminação de recursos hídricos e desprendimento de gases que podem ter odor desagradável e causar efeito estufa. Uma das formas para minimizar este impacto é pelo processo de compostagem, que pode ser realizado em Unidades de Compostagem, onde a fração orgânica do resíduo sólido doméstico produzido por agrupamentos humanos pode ser tratada o mais próximo possível do local onde foi gerado. Realizou-se a caracterização gravimétrica do resíduo sólido doméstico gerado na Moradia Estudantil da UNICAMP com o objetivo de identificar o potencial de geração da fração orgânica compostável. Além disto, com base nos dados obtidos por esta identificação, tanto no trabalho de iniciação científica realizado pelo autor desta pesquisa, como neste trabalho, estudo bibliográfico e no levantamento histórico do sistema de coleta e segregação de resíduo da Moradia elaborou-se uma proposta de plano para otimização do sistema de gerenciamento do resíduo sólido orgânico doméstico para o local. Com isto, verificou-se que a geração per capita de resíduo sólido doméstico pelos estudantes da Moradia foi muito inferior à de diversas localidades estudadas, pois uma percentagem significativa dos estudantes permanece grande parte do dia na Universidade e por isto grande parte do resíduo gerado é ali descartado. Ainda assim, a produção de resíduo sólido orgânico predominou, correspondendo a 41 % do resíduo sólido doméstico gerado. Observou-se também, que a Moradia possui área disponível à instalação de uma Unidade de Compostagem e que, se implementada, ainda que em caráter experimental, no contexto universitário, pode ser de suma importância, pois a Universidade é o local onde se formam pessoas que têm papel fundamental em difundir valores e práticas de sustentabilidade, assim como a formação de futuras gerações que precisam vislumbrar, endossar e implementar propostas sustentáveis / Abstract: The fraction of biodegradable organic matter can reach levels higher than 50% of solid waste generated in some locations. The improper disposal is associated with various environmental problems such as: the proliferation of vectors, contamination of water resources, and loosening gases of unpleasant odor and that cause the greenhouse effect. One way to minimize this impact is the composting process, which can be held in Composting Units. In this Units the organic fraction of domestic solid waste produced by communities, neighborhoods, condominiums can be treated as close as possible to where it was generated. In this sense, it was carried out the gravimetric characterization of the domestic solid waste generated in the Student Dorm. It was made in order to identify the potential for generation of compostable organic fraction. Besides that, a plan for optimize and expand the system of segregation, collection and treatment of organic household solid waste was organized. It has been made based on the work of undergraduate research conducted by the author of this research, the literature research and the survey history of the collection and segregation system of the Student Dorm. With this, it was found that the production of per capta domestic students housing was much lower than the values found for other locations. It happens because a big part of the students stays almost the whole day in the University, and most of the waste is discarded on this site. Nevertheless, the organic solid waste production prevailed, corresponding to 41% of solid domestic waste generated. It was also observed that the Student Dorm has an available area to install a Composting Unit and if it is implemented, even experimentally, in the University context, can be very important, because the University is a place where occurs the formation of people with a fundamental part in spreading sustainability values and practices, as well as the formation of future generations, who needs to discern, endorse and implement sustainable approaches / Mestrado / Saneamento e Ambiente / Mestre em Engenharia Civil
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Solid waste management through partnerships : a study on the role of facilitating agenciesAhmed, Shafiul Azam January 2004 (has links)
This research examined the role of facilitating agencies in promoting public-private partnerships (PPP). Bangladesh's solid waste management sector was taken as a case study. As is the case in many developing countries, municipalities in Bangladesh could not cope with rapid urbanization resulting in a large proportion of solid waste remaining uncollected. The private sector took the opportunity to fill this gap in service. They started providing house-to-house garbage collection and charging citizens for this service. Therefore, two streams of service providers-public and private-became active in the sector. In some cities the two streams remained separate without coordination. In other cities the two sectors formed partnership with support from facilitating agencies. This research investigated the roles played by the facilitating agencies. Three broad aspects were investigated: (1) necessity of facilitating agencies, (2) the role of a facilitating agency in sustainability of partnership, and (3) the role of a facilitating agency in effectiveness of partnership. Four cities were included in the study with varying degree of PPP and facilitation. Primary data were collected from public and private sector staff, elected representatives, and citizens through interview, questionnaire survey and observation. PPP is a promising mechanism for urban service delivery. This study on the role of facilitating agencies may illustrate how to achieve and sustain PPPs in developing countries.
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Design, Fabrication and Analysis of a Paver Machine Push Bar MechanismPalnati, Mahendra 05 November 2015 (has links)
Now-a-days, the major challenge that’s being faced by the concrete industry is the cleaning of concrete handling equipment. Concrete consists of aggregates, which harden with time, and the transportation of concrete mixture within the plant is a significant problem. This will not only increase the overall maintenance cost, but will lead to loss of raw materials, affect the rate of production, and reduce the lifetime of concrete handling equipment.
The present study focuses on the design and implementation of an adaptive cleaning mechanism in the concrete industry and its importance in achieving efficient cleaning, which is tested to verify its performance in the Paver production plant. The goal of this study is to provide practical evidence about the importance of adaptive cleaning mechanisms for industrial applications.
The first chapter gives a detailed introduction about pavers and the production process, the cause of material loss that occurs during transportation of wet concrete mixture inside a paver plant, and its effect on handling equipment and work environment. The second chapter explains design and working of the paver machine push bar mechanism, which can be implemented in a hydraulic press production process of pavers. The third chapter includes analysis and results of the mechanism obtained using Solidworks and Autodesk Inventor followed by observations that are achieved based on practical application of this mechanism in a paver production plant.
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[pt] Esta pesquisa busca analisar o processo de excreção da atividade de uma pequena fábrica em Visconde de Mauá (RJ), sob perspectiva do conceito Metabolismo Social. O conceito propõe uma analogia do processo metabólico biológico de um organismo vivo e os sistemas sociais. Os organismos mantêm um fluxo contínuo de matéria e energia com o meio ambiente para garantir seu funcionamento, crescimento e reprodução. Igualmente, os sistemas sociais convertem energia e matérias em produtos, serviços e, finalmente, em resíduos. A pesquisa foi distribuída em duas etapas, a primeira parte de um estudo bibliográfico sobre o conceito e aplicações do Metabolismo Social. Na segunda etapa foi composta pelo levantamento do percurso histórico da região Visconde de Mauá e uma análise do processo de excreção da pequena fábrica de laticínios, baseado em uma entrevista a nível gerencial e operacional, e visita à base industrial. O estudo identificou os principais resíduos e riscos ambientais relacionados ao processamento de laticínios na pequena fábrica. O soro excedente foi o efluente com maior risco de contaminação, quando descartado de forma inadequada, devido à alta carga de DBO (demanda bioquímica de oxigênio). Com base na pesquisa, foi projetado um plano de controle e mitigação para efluentes líquidos, resíduos sólidos e emissões de gases durante o ciclo de produção, desde a fase de apropriação de insumos até o consumo final dos produtos. Espera-se que a partir da aplicação das medidas propostas, o processo de excreção da fábrica se torne menos intensivo gerando benefícios no âmbito social, econômico e ambiental. / [en] The research on the waste management of a small dairy factory, located in Visconde de Mauá (RJ), started from the concern with the environmental effects observed in the stream close to the small industry. According to a water quality study in 2012, the stream had a great anthropic impact caused by the industrial occupation of dairy products (Carreño, 2012). The Rio Preto is the largest water body whose main villages are on the banks of the streams. In addition, it is currently the main tourist attraction of Visconde de Mauá. The river has several waterfalls, wells, fishing areas, areas for extreme sports, among other characteristics unique to the place. Thus, the conservation and maintenance of water quality are fundamental to sustain society in Visconde de Mauá. The region underwent several changes in terms of economic activity and landscape transformation. Today, the main activities are tourism and the industrial production of a small dairy factory. Saw cheese is still highly valued by both tourists and locals alike, who many consider it a substitute for meat, as it is easy to conserve in rainy seasons. Such practices provide the economic development and employability of local residents, however, failures in socio-environmental management are observed. The performance of public agencies is deficient in terms of planning, infrastructure and water management, sewage, garbage, real estate speculation, health posts and mobility. This work proposes a qualitative analysis of the waste management of a small dairy factory, under the perspective of the concept Social Metabolism.
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Makt och hierarkier inom källsortering : En studie som undersöker källsortering inom äldreomsorgen. / Power and hierarchies within recycling : A study that examines source sorting in elderly care.Sahlén, Decibell January 2018 (has links)
Avfall kan vara både ett problem och en tillgång. Hur samhället hanterar avfall har blivit en allt viktigare fråga i takt med att befolkningen växer och konsumtionen ökar. Därför regleras avfallshanteringsaktiviteter idag av bland annat lagar, föreskrifter, planer och rådgivning för att minska mängden avfall och där det är möjligt, att eliminera de negativa effekter som avfallet kan ha på människors hälsa och miljön. Inom hälso- och sjukvården genereras stora mängder avfall varje dag och i Sverige anses invånare vara allmänt bra på att sortera sitt avfall, men är människor lika bra på att göra det på sina arbetsplatser? I den här kvalitativa intervjustudien ligger fokus på källsortering inom äldreomsorgen. Totalt har tre ”walking/observations intervjuer” genomförts, med två olika vårdboenden och med en hemtjänst. Det insamlade materialet har analyserats, tillsammans med relevanta material från kommunen angående källsortering. Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur personal inom äldreomsorg upplever att det är att följa kommunens miljöpolicy för avfall och hur kommunens miljöpolicy är utformad för att göra det enkelt för personal att följa. Genom att undersöka matchningen mellan arbetsmiljö och kommunens miljöpolicy syftar studien till att finna eventuella sociala relationer, problem och möjligheter för att på så sätt se vad som är nödvändigt för att realisera ytterligare förbättringar av källsortering inom denna sektor. Denna studie har producerat flera intressanta resultat. Det insamlade materialet pekar på en oväntad dynamik där ansvaret för avfallshantering förmedlas nedåt i organisationshierarkin. Det finns också stora skillnader i förutsättningarna för källsortering mellan kommunala- och privata verksamheter, vilket i sin tur påverkar verksamhetens förmåga att följa kommunens miljöpolicy. Studien visar även att det finns en skillnad i hur kommunala- och privata verksamheter upplever kommunikationen med kommunen och hur väl medarbetarna är medvetna om de riktlinjer som de följer för avfall. Denna studie avslutas med flera förslag som syftar till att förbättra och skapa en mer effektiv källsortering inom äldreomsorgen. Först, är det viktigt att se över hur ansvaret för avfallshantering är uppdelad mellan de olika nivåerna i organisationshierarkin. Åtgärdsförslag bör komma till för att minska de problem som orsakas av skillnader i förutsättningar för källsortering mellan kommunala- och privata verksamheter. Slutligen bör kommunen försöka förbättra sitt samarbete med personal inom äldreomsorgen, då det finns behov av deltagande, gemensamt lärande och kunskapsutbyte. / Waste can be both a problem and an asset. How society handles waste has become an increasingly important issue as populations are growing and consumption is increasing. Therefore, waste management activities are governed by laws, regulations, plans, advice, etc. to recycle and reduce the amount of waste and where possible, to eliminate the negative impact that the waste may have on human health and the environment. In the sector of health and medical care, large quantities of waste are generated daily and in Sweden, residents are generally considered to be good at sorting their waste, but are people as good at doing it at their workplaces? In this qualitative interview study, the focus is on source sorting in elderly care. In total, three "walking /observation interviews" have been carried out, with two different nursing homes and one home care service. The collected data has been analyzed, together with relevant material from the municipality regarding source sorting. The purpose of this research has been to investigate how elderly care employees experience following the municipality's environmental policy for waste and how the municipality's environmental policy is designed to make it easy for healthcare employees to follow. By investigating the match between the work environment and the municipality's environmental policy, this research aims to find possible social relationships, obstacles, problems, and opportunities in order to see what is necessary for realizing further improvements in the source sorting within this sector. This study has produced several interesting results. The interviews point to an unexpected dynamic whereby the responsibility for waste management is conveyed downwards in the organizational hierarchy. There are also major differences in the prerequisites for source sorting between municipal and private businesses, which in turn affects the ability of businesses to follow the municipality's environmental policy. The study also shows that there is a difference in how municipal and private businesses experience communication with the municipality and in how well the staff is aware of the guidelines that they follow for waste management. This study concludes with several pieces of suggestions aimed at improving and creating a more effective source sorting within the elderly care. Firstly, it is important to review how the responsibility for waste management is divided between the different levels in the organizational hierarchy. Action proposals should be made to reduce the problems caused by differences in the prerequisites for source sorting between municipal and private businesses. Finally, the municipality should seek to improve their cooperation with the elderly care employees, there is a need for participation, shared learning and exchange of knowledge.
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Compressible Waste Bin System for Public Environment : Design with a User-Centred ApproachNilsson, Joel January 2018 (has links)
We consume more and more which also have led to an increase in the waste we most handle. In public environment, common solution have been to increase the size of the waste bin, but that’s not always an option. To big and it may interfere with the environment it placed in. Another approach is to compress the disposed waste and so increase the waste bins capacity without increasing the volume of the wastebin itself. BigBelly is one product which have embraced this apprach. It is a solar driven compressing waste bin commonly seen in big cities around the world. The problem is that some miner municipalities and private companies still are in need of a solution but don’t have the resources to obtain BigBellys or other similar solutions. One way to approach this market is to develop a waste bin without the electric usually expensive components and develop a less expensive compressible waste bin that’s still an effective choice. To understand the needs, both of those who dispose of waste publicly but also those who manage the waste bins, have interviews, observations, questionaries and focus groups been used to gather valuable data. This data have then been remade in terms of user needs and ranked according to importance by the users themselves and the project manager. Some highly ranked needs are: the waste bin is steady and robust, the waste bin can only be opened by those who handle/empty the waste bins, a manual compression can be performed by those who throw the waste, and a manual compression can be performed without any major effort. By the method Design by analogies and a workshop held at Luleå University of Technology was ideas created. The three concepts with the highest potential were selected via Pugh’s selection matrix and tested according to efficiency and effectivity. The concept with the highest result was developed in Simens NX a CAD-program and then used as a template for the construction of a functional prototype. By testing and analyzing the prototype a product specification could be created. The final result, which is based on the prototype and the specification, consist of two rendered waste bins, developed towards compression in public environment. The compactor is based on a scissor-lift design modified to expand and so compress waste by gravity and contract by the energy of the users. Both models are estimated to enhance the capacity of 170-200% compared with a waste bin none-compressing waste bin of the same size. Model 1 requires a force of 196N from the user during use while model 2 requires force of 123N.
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The management and the generation of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) are rehearsing as one of the villains of this humanity and future generations. Were not enough the imminent wave of rampant consumerism towards new technologies, bumped in the absence and/or inefficiency of public policies that should regrar and regulate the disposal of such equipment after the ending of his life. Currently WEEE are framed second NBR 10.004:2004 - Solid Waste, waste as Class I - Hazardous, not having a specific legislation at national level for this. In this context, this work aims to describe the evaluation of the management of WEEE in Santa Maria - RS making a comparison with the national scenario, global trends and develop a proposal for Public Policy that will list the involved in the process and the role each. To this end, this study was based on research of WEEE at the municipal and national levels, with the technical branch companies in different locations and contexts visits, and analysis of a company in Santa Maria that is licensed for receiving, sorting and disposal end of WEEE and the results of a questionnaire for the same. The city of Santa Maria has not make the management of WEEE in accordance with the guidelines recommended by the Law nº12.305 and Decree 7.404 and furthermore, knowing that generates an average of 10.9 tons per month, only 34 % of WEEE generated in the municipality was allocated correctly. It is evident a considerable degree of ignorance about the subject, especially as to what to do with your junk and who would be responsible for providing a correct destination for the same. Large portion of this unconformity and / or misinformation is the responsibility of the municipality and other public agencies responsible for enforcing federal law. Thus, it is noted the need for developing a public policy proposal for the management of WEEE in Santa Maria. / A gestão e a geração de resíduos de equipamentos eletroeletrônicos (REEE) estão se ensaiando como um dos vilões da presente humanidade e das futuras gerações. Já não bastasse a eminente onda de consumismo desenfreado para com as novas tecnologias, esbarramos na inexistência e/ou ineficiência de políticas publicas que venham a regrar e regulamentar a destinação destes equipamentos após o findar da sua vida útil. Atualmente os REEE estão enquadrados segundo NBR 10.004:2004 Resíduos Sólidos, como resíduos classe I perigosos, não possuindo uma legislação a nível nacional específica para tal. Nesse contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo geral a avaliação da Gestão dos REEE no município de Santa Maria-RS efetuando um comparativo com o cenário nacional, as tendências mundiais e elaborar uma proposta de Política Pública que venha a elencar os envolvidos no processo e o papel de cada um. Para tal, este estudo fundamentou-se na investigação dos REEE nos âmbitos municipal e nacional, com visitas técnicas às empresas do ramo em localidades e contextos diferentes, além da análise de uma empresa de Santa Maria que está licenciada para o recebimento, triagem e destinação final dos REEE e dos resultados de um questionário aplicado pela mesma. O município de Santa Maria ainda não efetua o gerenciamento dos REEE de acordo com as diretrizes preconizadas pela Lei nº 12.305 e Decreto 7.404 e, além disso, sabendo-se que gera uma média de 10,9 toneladas por mês, apenas 34% dos REEE gerados no município foram destinados de forma correta. Evidencia-se um considerável grau de desconhecimento quanto ao assunto, principalmente quanto a o que fazer com o seu lixo eletrônico e de quem seria a responsabilidade de providenciar um correto destino para o mesmo. Grande parcela desta inconformidade e/ou desinformação é de responsabilidade do município e demais órgãos públicos responsáveis pela fiscalização e aplicação da legislação federal. Assim sendo, é notada a necessidade de elaboração de uma proposta de política pública para a gestão dos REEE no município de Santa Maria.
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Návrh způsobů využívání / zneškodňování odpadů ze zvoleného strojírenského provozu / Project metods utilization /disposal waste from selected machine worksŠíma, Kamil January 2010 (has links)
The topic of my master’s thesis is waste management issue in selected engineering company with focus on industrial wastes. With use of information gained from selected engineering operation there is mentioned its brief characteristics, details about individual operations and products, impact of company activities on environment, facts about quantity of produced wastes and summary of current ways of waste management. On the basis of review of gained information there are suggested measures in the master’s thesis which realization would mean not only increase of material and energy utilization of produced waste, increase of degree fulfilment of waste economy and decrease of quantity of wastes placed in dump, but, in the long term, betterment of economical situation of company and its image.
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Hållbar dialog? : Retorik i möten om svensk kärnavfallshanteringHansson-Nylund, Helena January 2016 (has links)
Rhetorical choices and strategies are central to democratic decision-making, especially regarding decisions on matters that are open for argumentation depending on perspective. The thesis considers public meetings on Swedish nuclear waste management as an example of rhetorical argumentation, specifically in relation to the project of finding a place for final deposition of the high-level spent nuclear fuel – with local geological investigation as a critical part of that project. Project managers have met with other organizations such as protest groups, associations of experts and authorities on several occasions, mainly through local and national hearings. The thesis is guided by a research question regarding the most salient challenges to a resilient rhetorical dialogue for nuclear waste management. The concept of rhetorical dialogue is applied in two ways. Firstly to explain the lack of dialogue that is experienced by participants despite arrangements to reach consensus-oriented dialogue in the Habermasian sense. Secondly in a discussion of rhetorical relations that might explain ambiguity in participants’ interpretations of each other. Three meetings are compared: two local meetings at sites of geological investigation (Kynnefjäll 1979 and Kolsjön 1985) and one national meeting held in Stockholm in 2008. Research materials have been collected from the archives of participating organizations and from interviews with participants. Analyses of these materials are combined with a rhetorical analysis of meeting recordings, with a specific focus on question-reply argumentation. One main conclusion is that the principal rhetorical challenges concern the roles of participants in relation to the rhetorical situation, the establishment of rhetorical genre in the format of hearings, and inclusion of relevant perspectives in the early project phase.
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Utvärdering av det mobila Återbruket i VafabMiljö-regionen : Undersökning av systemets utveckling över tid samt förslag på framtida förbättringarFjell, Maja January 2017 (has links)
I dagsläget står VafabMiljö inför en utveckling av sin verksamhet för att i framtiden kunna nå högre upp i avfallstrappan. För att få en bättre och mer miljösäker avfallshantering i regionen har VafabMiljö påbörjat arbetet med att ta fram en ny avfallsplan. Denna avfallsplan ska skapa en gemensam plattform för alla kommuner i förbundet och ska bidra med förståelse för avfallsfrågor bland regionens invånare. VafabMiljö har ett mobilt Återbruk som åker runt och besöker mindre orter i regionen och samlar in hushållens grovavfall och farliga avfall. En del av den nya avfallsplanen är en utvärdering av det mobila Återbruket för att se dess framtida potential. Detta examensarbete syftade till att studera det mobila Återbrukets historik, nuläge samt att studera andra system i landet. Syftet med den historiska tillbakablicken var att få en inblick i systemets uppkomst och utveckling över tid. Nulägesanalysen syftade till att beskriva den nuvarande verksamheten med avseende på utformning, erfarenheter från personal och besökare, insamlade mängder samt finansiering och kostnader för det mobila Återbruket. Information om det mobila Återbruket erhölls från VafabMiljö samt från personal ute på plats. Andra orter och kommuner kontaktades för att få information om deras insamlingssystem och för att få inspiration till förlag och komplement till framtida förbättringar på det mobila Återbruket. Resultatet av examensarbetet påvisade att det mobila Återbruket är ett väl utvecklat system som ligger i nivå med andra lösningar för mobil avfallsinsamling i landet. Det mobila Återbruket visade sig vara uppskattat ute i regionen och det har en stor utvecklingspotential. Examensarbetet rekommenderar att VafabMiljö bör fortsätta sitt arbete med det mobila Återbruket och det lyfter även fram flera förbättringsåtgärder. Bland annat rekommenderades att det mobila Återbruket borde få en mer bestående profil samt en fraktion för återbruksmaterial. Det rekommenderades även att VafabMiljö borde använda sig av nya informationskanaler för att nå regionens invånare och att de borde göra en vidare undersökning ifall dagens uppställningsplatser är de mest optimala. Flera av de föreslagna komplementen syftade till att underlätta avfallshanteringen för regionens invånare och kommer därmed hjälpa VafabMiljö att nå högre upp i avfallstrappan. / At present, VafabMiljö is facing a business development in order to reach higher in the European waste hierarchy. They have therefore begun the work of a new waste plan in order to get a better and a more environmentally safe waste management. This management plan will create a common platform for all municipalities in the federation and will contribute to the understanding of waste issues among regional residents. VafabMiljö has a Mobile-recycling centre that travels around in the region and collects household waste and hazardous waste. A part of the new waste plan is an evaluation of the Mobile-recycling centre in order to evaluate its potential. This thesis included an evaluation of the system’s history, a situation assessment and a study of other waste systems in Sweden. The purpose of the historic review was to get an insight into the system’s origin and development over time. The situation assessment was aiming to describe the current system relating to design, experiences from the staff and visitors, collected volumes, costs and revenues. Information about the Mobile-recycling centre where received from VafabMiljö and other municipalities were contacted to get information about their waste collection systems. The experiences from other systems in the country were used to get inspiration for future improvements of the Mobile-recycling centre. The results of the thesis showed that the Mobile-recycling centre is a well-developed system. The visitors at the recycling centre appreciated the solution and it has a great development potential. This thesis recommends that VafabMiljö continue their work with the Mobile-recycling centre and the thesis highlighted several improvement measures that was inspired from other systems in the country. Among other things, it where recommended that the Mobile-recycling centre should have a more permanent profile and it was recommended that it should have a material fraction for reuse. The thesis also recommended that VafabMiljö should use new information channels and that they should make further examinations of whether today´s locations are the most suited. Several of the proposed complements aims to facilitate waste management for the region's inhabitants and therefor help VafabMiljö to reach higher in the European waste hierarchy.
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