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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reducering av mängden topcoat vid beläggning av textil : En undersökning kring det tvärbindande skiktets inverkan på en belagd produkts funktionalitet

Enlund, Linnea, Forssman, Andrea January 2015 (has links)
En funktionsbeläggning består av ett polymert material som beläggs till en textil yta. Denna typ av beläggning används för funktionsplagg och det belagda materialet har som uppgift att skydda användaren från vatten samtidigt som den har god ånggenomsläpplighet. För att tvärbinda funktionsbeläggningen och öka dess hållfasthet appliceras ett översta skikt av polymer som kallas topcoat. En topcoat innehåller tvärbindande ämnen som till exempel isocyanater eller formaldehyd. Dessa ämnen är mycket miljö- och hälsoskadliga. Denna studie har genomförts i syfte att undersöka möjligheten till en reducering av mängden topcoat och därmed minskning av skadliga kemikalier, i en funktionsbeläggning. En mikroporös polyuretanbeläggning applicerades på en polyesterväv med valsrakling. Därefter belades två vattenbaserade topcoats innehållande olika tvärbindare: en med formaldehyd och en med isocyanater, genom luftrakling. Genom att späda den ena topcoaten med olika mängd vatten, variera lutningen av beläggningskniven och ändra knivens tryck mot väven vid beläggning utvecklades sex olika material. Väven med beläggning och olika variation av topcoat testades sedan med avseende på kvalitet. Tester av materialens vattentäthet, ånggenomsläpplighet och nöthållfasthet utfördes. Mängden applicerad topcoat undersöktes genom areaviktoch tjockleksmätning. De belagda ytorna granskades i mikroskop för att analysera eventuella variationer mellan materialen. De belagda materialen var inte vattentäta (<100 cm vattenpelare). Studien visar dock att materialet belagt med en formaldehydbaserad topcoat som spätts med 68 % vatten visar statistiskt säkerställt högre medelvärde i vattentäthetstestet, jämfört med det material som belagts på samma vis men med den ospädda varianten av samma topcoat. Resultaten från areavikts- samt tjockleksmätningen visade inte med säkerhet om vinkeln på knivens lutning eller dess tryck mot väven hade någon påverkan på mängden topcoat som belades. Alla material med de spädda varianterna av topcoat visade god ånggenomsläpplighet, vilken också förbättrades avsevärt efter tvätt samtidigt som materialens vattentäthet inte försämrades i samma skala. Detta resultat är mycket intressant då bibehållen vattentäthet i kombination med god ånggenomsläpplighet efter tvätt är en viktig egenskap för funktionsbeläggningar. Slutledningsvis visar resultaten på möjligheter i att späda topcoaten innan applicering och därigenom uppnå intressanta materialegenskaper i kombination med minskad kemikalieanvändning. Vidare undersökningar krävs dock för att säkerställa eftersträvad vattentät funktion.

Stavebně technologický projekt objektu Vilaparku v Olomouci / Construction-technological project of the Vilapark building in Olomouc

Hladíková, Simona January 2020 (has links)
The assignment for the diplomatic work was mentioned in the technological project of the Vila Park in Olomouc. The task was to mention the underground floor of the 2nd dilatation and the building of the apartment house B7 with three floors, which is connected via the basement communication. The content of the technical report in the construction technology project, broader relationships, land-use planning, timeable, equipment design, machine assembly design, technological prescription of waterproof concrete construction, control and test plan, plan and item budget.

Problematika nvrhu a testovn­ beton pro vodonepropustn tunelov ostÄn­ / Issues of design and testing of waterproof concrete fot tunnel lining

Merta, Michael January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of waterproof concrete and testing its properties. The theoretical part is conceived through research on existing knowledge relating to waterproof concrete. Emphasis is placed on the possibility of using a waterproof concrete for structures, such is e.g. tunnel lining. The experimental part is focused on the laboratory testing of waterproof concrete. Particulary examined was the effect of various admixtures as a partial replacement of cement. Monitored was the development of compressive strength and flexural strength, development of temperature during hydration in the early stages of maturation of concrete, water resistance of concrete, concrete surface resistance to water and chemical de-icing agents, as well as development of shrinkage during concrete maturation.

Administratívna budova s obchodnými priestormi Žilina / Office building with retail space Žilina

Hubocká, Zuzana January 2022 (has links)
Master project is dedicated to design nearly zero-energy office building with retail spaces in Žilina. The first part deals with architectural – building design. Building is designed for the plot nr. 7011 with flat surface and there is no other building. The building has three above-ground floors and one underground floor. Retail spaces are on the ground floor. The building is constructed on foundation strips and pads. The building is made of combined load-bearing structural system of reinforced concrete columns and external walls. External load-bearing structures of above ground floors are designed from reinforced concrete and Ytong system supplemented by ETICS made of mineral wool. Underground walls are made from watertight concrete. Floor slab structures are made from reinforced concrete. The building is covered with green warm flat roof. The second part deals with building interior installation. The primary source of heat, coldness and hot water is the heat pump. Ventilation in the building is provided by heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) units. The third part of the thesis includes the design and assessment of the photovoltaic power plant in terms of economics and ecology. The project was carried out in the AutoCad system. All structures comply with the valid standards and regulations.

Tillverkningsprocess för en modulär 3D-printad vattenfarkost / Manufacturing process for a modular 3D-printed unmanned surface vehicle

Angbratt, Gustav, Andersson, Kalle January 2024 (has links)
This project is in collaboration with Linnaeus University and Combitech AB, and part of the research arena WARA-PS, focuses on enhancing autonomous vehicles and their societal integration. By incorporating advanced autonomous systems, sensors, and communication tools across land, air, and sea, the aim is to reduce human intervention in hazardous environments. Current watercrafts are technically equipped but suffer from low availability and high manufacturing costs. The project proposes a modular and adaptable design, allowing 3D-printing of watercraft parts to customize for specific needs. The goal is to develop a 3D-printed watercraft applicable in research, rescue missions, and societal uses. The resulting nearly full-scale watercraft features a functioning drivetrain and detailed manufacturing documentation, highlighting waterproofing and customizable technical components. Extensive testing ensured its functionality and performance under various conditions.

Vattentäta och ”andande” textilier / Waterproof and ”breathable” textiles

Henningsson, Maria, Westbom, Johanna January 2012 (has links)
Rapporten innefattar en jämförande studie mellan olika typer av membran och beläggningar.Främst sker en jämförelse mellan materialens förmåga att andas. Vattentäthet testas på nyamaterial och efter olika sorters nötning så som martindale, flexing och tvätt för att få en ökadförståelse för materialen. Verktyget som används i studien för att mätaånggenomsläppligheten är hudmodellen. Resultatet presenteras med ett Ret-värde vilket är enförkortning på Evaporative resistance of a textile. Metoden används för att på ett bra sättsimulera hur huden svettas.Projektet har utförts på Swerea IVF som är ett forskningsinstitut beläget i Mölndal.Hudmodellen är en av de senaste stora investeringarna på Swereas textil och plast avdelning.Resultatet av studien visar att laminat andas bättre än beläggningar, dock har bärarmaterialetstor inverkan på resultaten. Ett tydligt samband mellan grövre material och sämre andning harobserverats. Många av de material som testats i studien uppvisar god förmåga att andas, därbåde flera av de mikroporösa och hydrofila materialen uppvisar Ret-värden under 13, vilketinnebär mycket god andning. En delstudie har varit att testa hur materialens andande förmågaförändras vid lägre relativ fuktighet. Resultatet blev att mikroporösa material inte påverkaslika mycket som de hydrofila materialen som då får en sämre andning.Efter de resultat studien har visat kan slutsatsen dras att tunna laminat är att föredra då högånggenomsläpplighet är ett krav. Behövs däremot ett högt motstånd mot nötning kan etttjockare material med fördel användas, vilket dock kan leda till högre ångmotstånd.This report is a comparative study between different types of membranes and coatings, thebreathability of the fabrics being the main focus of research. The fabrics' waterproofness wastested on new materials and by abrasion including martindale, flexing and washing. The toolthat has been used to measure water-vapour resistance is the skin model. The result ispresented by a Ret-value, which is short for evaporative resistance of a textile. The method isused to simulate the sweating body in a realistic way. Swerea IVF is the research institutelocated in Mölndal where the project has been carried out. The skin model is one of the latestbig investments at Swereas textile and plastic department.The results of the study shows that laminates breath better than coatings. It is important topoint out, however, that the carrier has great influence on the fabric in question. In addition,the results indicate a relation between thick fabrics and less breathability. Many of thematerials that have been tested show good permeability to breath, including bothmicropourous and hydrophilic materials. Most of them demonstrate a Ret-value less than 13,which means very good breathability. Further tests also show how the breathability changeswith lower relative humidity, indicating that microporous materials are less affected thanhydrophilic materials, thus having a higher resistance to water vapour.The conclusion of the study is that thin laminates is to prefer when high breathability isrequired. If the demand is high resistance to abrasion, a thicker material is prefered, whichalso yields a higher resistance to water permability. / Program: Textilingenjörsutbildningen

Synthetic Aperture Sonar Micronavigation Using An Active Acoustic Beacon.

Pilbrow, Edward Neil January 2007 (has links)
Synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) technology has rapidly progressed over the past few years with a number of commercial systems emerging. Such systems are typically based on an autonomous underwater vehicle platform containing multiple along-track receivers and an integrated inertial navigation system (INS) with Doppler velocity log aiding. While producing excellent images, blurring due to INS integration errors and medium fluctuations continues to limit long range, long run, image quality. This is particularly relevant in mine hunting, the main application for SAS, where it is critical to survey the greatest possible area in the shortest possible time, regardless of sea conditions. This thesis presents the simulation, design, construction, and sea trial results for a prototype "active beacon" and remote controller unit, to investigate the potential of such a device for estimating SAS platform motion and medium fluctuations. The beacon is deployed by hand in the area of interest and acts as an active point source with real-time data uploading and control performed by radio link. Operation is tightly integrated with the operation of the Acoustics Research Group KiwiSAS towed SAS, producing one-way and two-way time of flight (TOF) data for every ping by detecting the sonar chirps, time-stamping their arrival using a GPS receiver, and replying back at a different acoustic frequency after a fixed time delay. The high SNR of this reply signal, combined with the knowledge that it is produced by a single point source, provides advantages over passive point-like targets for SAS image processing. Stationary accuracies of < 2 mm RMS have been measured at ranges of up to 36m. This high accuracy allowed the beacon to be used in a separate study to characterise the medium fluctuation statistics in Lyttelton Harbour, New Zealand, using an indoor dive pool as a control. Probability density functions were fitted to the data then incorporated in SAS simulations to observe their effect on image quality. Results from recent sea trials in Lyttelton Harbour show the beacon TOF data, when used in a narrowband motion compensation (MOCOMP) process, provided improvements to the quality of SAS images centred on frequencies of 30 kHz and 100 kHz. This prototype uses simple matched-filtering algorithms for detection and while performing well under stationary conditions, the fluctuations caused by the narrow sonar transmit beam pattern (BP) and changing superposition of seabed multipath often cause dropouts and inaccurate detections during sea trials. An analysis of the BP effects and how the accuracy and robustness of the detection algorithms can be improved is presented. Overcoming these problems reliably is difficult without dedicated large scale testing facilities to allow conditions to be reproduced consistently.

Uso de ferramentas de geotecnologias para a simulação do manejo da água em terras baixas / Use of geotechnology as a tool for the simulation of management of water in lowlands

Bueno, Marcos Valle, Bueno, Marcos Valle 26 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2018-06-18T19:35:11Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_Marcos_Bueno.pdf: 1090005 bytes, checksum: 8a09f779933fec0b08f15123be48ec93 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2018-06-18T19:47:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_Marcos_Bueno.pdf: 1090005 bytes, checksum: 8a09f779933fec0b08f15123be48ec93 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-18T19:47:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_Marcos_Bueno.pdf: 1090005 bytes, checksum: 8a09f779933fec0b08f15123be48ec93 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-26 / Sem bolsa / Este trabalho tratou do uso de geotecnologias no manejo da água em terras baixas do Rio Grande do Sul e foi constituído por dois capitulo. O primeiro teve como titulo “Demarcação de taipas em lavouras de arroz irrigado: Nível laser versus GNSS-RTK”. O objetivo foi comparar o desempenho dos sistemas Nível Laser e GNSS-RTK aplicados na demarcação de taipas. O trabalho foi realizado em uma área experimental de 27 ha pertencente a Granja Bretanhas S/A, localizada no município de Jaguarão/RS. A área experimental foi subdividida, em função da declividade, em três subáreas, denominadas como: i) plana (0,16%); ii) intermediaria (0,36%); e iii) suavemente ondulada (1,3%). Para avaliar os sistemas de demarcação de taipas foram realizadas analises do comportamento vertical e horizontal das taipas, bem como uma análise espacial da lâmina de água aplicada proporcionada pelas taipas em cada um dos sistemas. Concluiu-se que: (i) as taipas demarcadas pelo sistema GNSS-RTK apresentaram maior precisão que as taipas demarcadas pelo sistema NL, principalmente na zona plana; (ii) na zona plana o sistema de demarcação GNSS-RTK permite diminuir o número de taipas, aumentar a equidistância vertical entre taipas, ou ainda diminuir a altura das mesmas e; (iii) o comprimento das taipas para todas as zonas foi menor no sistema GNSS-RTK. O segundo capítulo teve como titulo “Avaliação de modelos de sistematização com declividade variada nas terras baixas”. O objetivo foi avaliar os novos modelos de sistematização com declividade variada em áreas de terras baixas do RS tendo como base o modelo de sistematização com declividade uniforme. Para tal foram escolhidas aleatoriamente sete áreas experimentais, na região “Litoral Sul” do RS, com relevo típico dessa região. Foi elaborado o modelo digital de elevação das áreas e elaborados os projetos de sistematização segundo três modelos: com declividade uniforme (testemunha, DU); com declividade variada - drenagem (DVD) e; com declividade variada - irrigação (DVI). A comparação do desempenho entre os diferentes modelos de sistematização foi avaliada pelos impactos sobre o movimento de solo, corte máximo em 99% da área, comprimento e numero de taipas. Concluiu-se que: (i) os novos modelos de sistematização com declividade variada representam um avanço tecnológico em relação ao modelo com declividade uniforme devido a que diminuem o custo e agridem menos o solo; (ii) o modelo de sistematiza com declividade variada - drenagem apresenta de forma geral menor movimento de solo e corte que o modelo com declividade variada – irrigação; (iii) o modelo de sistematização com declividade variada - irrigação apresenta melhor desempenho que o com declividade variada - drenagem com relação ao comprimento e número de taipas. / This work dealt with the use of geotechnologies in the management of water in the lowlands of Rio Grande do Sul and was constituted by two chapters. The first one was entitled "Demarcation of levees in irrigated rice crops: Laser level versus GNSS-RTK". The objective was to compare the performance of Laser Level and GNSS-RTK systems applied in the demarcation of levees. The work was carried out in an experimental area of 27 ha belonging to Granja Bretanhas S / A, located in the count of Jaguarão/RS. The experimental area was subdivided, as a function of slope, in three subareas, denominated as: i) flat (0.16%); ii) intermediary (0.36%); and iii) gently undulated (1.3%). To evaluate the levee demarcation systems, the vertical and horizontal behavior of the levee were analyzed, as well as a spatial analysis of the applied water depth provided by the levee in each of the systems. It was concluded that: (i) the levees demarcated by the GNSS-RTK system presented higher precision than the tails demarcated by the NL system, mainly in the flat zone; (ii) in the flat zone the GNSS-RTK demarcation system allows to reduce the number of levees, to increase the vertical equidistance between levees, or to decrease their height and; (iii) the length of the levees for all zones was lower in the GNSS-RTK system. The second chapter was entitled "Evaluation of land forming models with varied slope in the lowlands". The objective was to evaluate the new models of systematization with varied slope in lowland areas of RS based on the land level model with uniform slope. For this, seven experimental areas were selected, in the "South Coast" region of RS, with typical relief of this region. The digital elevation model of the areas was created and the systematization projects were elaborated according to three models: with uniform slope (control, DU); with varied slope to drainage (DVD) and; with varied slope to irrigation (DVI). The performance comparison between the different models of systematization was evaluated by the impacts on soil movement, maximum cut in 99% of the area, length and number of levees. It was concluded that: (i) the new models of land forming with varied slope represent a technological advance in relation to the model with uniform slope because they reduce the cost and less cut of the soil; (ii) the model of land forming with varied slope - drainage presents, in general, less movement of soil and cut than the model with varied slope to irrigation; (iii) the land forming model with varied slope - irrigation presents better performance than the one with varied slope to drainage with respect to the length and number of levees.

Waterproof packing for urban outdoor : Development of two waterproof backpacks intended for daily bike commute, urban strolls and travel

Winnberg, Anton January 2019 (has links)
Everyday, lots of people use some sort of bag to carry their daily equipment around, whether it is between home and work or any typ of spare time activity. This report covers a Master Thesis project in Industrial Design Engineering at Luleå University of Technology. The thesis concerns the development of two waterproof backpacks. These backpacks are developed in collaboration with the outdoor brand Lundhags, and intended for everyday bike commute, urban excursion and travel. Behind the initiative lies the desire of expanding the company’s product portfolio with a set of new waterproof daypacks within the category of urban outdoor. Also, to offer the customers the better protection of electronic devices such as laptops, surf tablets and smartphones, which are products that are prominent in our daily lives.  The project has followed a schedule and workflow influenced by versions of the design thinking process, with multiple iterations along the way. The work started off by studying competing products on the market, research and conduct knowledge on relevant topics through a literature review, study users needs and gather inspiration. User studies where carried out as interviews with both users and retailers, where the result was summarised as personas to represent the target audience. The contextual studies laid the foundation for the rest of the project, which further shifted towards more practical activities. Such as ideation sketching, building textile and paper mock-ups, concept development and concept evaluation. The result of this thesis project was the first version technical drawings for two backpack concepts. During the final weeks, these drawings were sent to the manufacturer for production of first version prototypes and production cost proposal. The bags are planned as a 16 liter and a 22 liter, where they offer internal options of organising the packing, as well external access pockets for smaller items to be close at hand. / Varje dag så använder massor av människor någon form av väska för att bära med sig sin vardagliga utrustning. Det kan antingen vara mellan arbetet och hemmet, eller någon fritidsaktivitet. Denna rapport redogör för ett examensarbetet på utbildningen Civilingenjör Teknisk Design vid Luleå tekniska universitet. Examensarbetet i denna rapport omfattar utvecklingen av två vattentäta ryggsäckar. Utvecklingen av dessa ryggsäckar görs i samarbete med friluftsmärket Lundhags och är tänkta för vardagspendling, stadsutflykter och resor. Motivet till projektet är att man önskar expandera företagets produktsortiment med ett par nya vattentäta dagsryggsäckar inom kategorin urban outdoor. Dessutom vill man kunna erbjuda en säkrare förvaring av elektronisk utrustning så som bärbara datorer, surfplattor och smartphones, vilket är produkter som är har stor betydelse i många människors vardagliga liv. Projektet har följt ett schema och ett arbetsflöde som influerats av versioner på design thinking processer, med flertalet iterationer längs vägen. Arbetet började med att studera konkurrerande produkter på marknaden, fördjupa sig och samla kunskap inom relevanta områden genom en litteraturstudie, studera användarbehov samt samla inspiration. Användarstudier utgjordes av intervjuer med både användare och återförsäljare, där resultatet summerades i form  av personas som representation av målgruppen. Kontextundersökningen utgjorde grunden för resten av projektet, som därefter övergick till mer praktiska aktiviteter. Bland annat skissande av idéer, skapande av mock-ups i papper och textil, konceptutveckling och konceptutvärdering. Resultatet av detta examensarbete var första versionens ritningar för två konceptuella modeller. Under de sista veckorna av projektet skickades ritningarna till den planerade tillverkaren för tillverkning av första versionens prototyper, samt tillhörande förslag på produktionskostnad. Ryggsäckarna är tänkta i storlekarna 16 och 22 liter. Båda erbjuder möjligheter för organisering av packning invändigt, samt fack utvändigt för möjlig förvaring av mindre saker.

Polyfunkčný dom / Mixed-use building

Kmec, Peter January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis is the processing of project documentation fot the construction design of the Mixed-use building in the city of Brno, a borough of Židenice. Underground and first floor are made of cast-in-place concrete. The vertical load-bearing structures of the second, third and fourth floor are designed from ceramic bricks of 300 mm thickness. Floor slabs in the whole building are made of cast-in-place concrete. The last floor has warm flat green roof. The building is designed so that the underground floor is largely made up of underground garages, oriented to the west. Basement of the building is used for technical background of the building too. The first and second above-ground floors are intended primarily fot trade and services, where the all kinds of the offices of the first two above-ground floors makes up to 75% of the floor area. The third and fourth floors are used for housing. The building is oriented from east to west.

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