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Exploring static electricity as design material for woven and hand-tufted textilesKATSAROU, STELLA January 2014 (has links)
“Electrostatic textile surfaces” is a design example of surfaces which have the ability to interact to human action by movement. The design exploration was directed by the intention of achieving movement through static electricity. During this project textile techniques such as weaving and hand-tufting have been explored in combination with unconventional materials and functions and used as methods to design the surfaces. The findings from the design process regard the categorization of the yarns through the material exploration, the development of a design method through the experimentation of the technique and the surface appearance through the materialization of the method. The two final surfaces are exhibited horizontally and vertically in relation to the ground. The scale of the final structures is related to the body scale. One can electrify the surfaces by walking around or through them letting an open dialog to take place depended on personal interpretations. / Program: Master Programme in Fashion and Textile Design
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Adding Values, Upholstery Concepts for Automotives Using Smart TextilesJul, Lene January 2007 (has links)
New textile materials are constantly being brought into the automotive field, and automobile design is a leader in innovative and spectacular developments where smart textile materials are used. The main elements of the current project are textile material research, automotive research, design and development of two upholstery concepts for automotives using smart textiles. The added values are RFI/EMI (Radio Frequency Interference / Electro Magnetic Interference) shielding qualities, light emitting, light reflective and antistatic qualities. Values in the smart-textile area are obtained through choice of material and textile techniques. Transportation textiles are considered high performance technical fabrics, but they must also meet the aesthetic demands of the market. In the current project the design is inspired by Japanese architectural thinking and strives to relate to outdoor environment to reduce the border between indoor and outdoor environment. The inspiration source is water surfaces. The colour setting is also inspired by water surfaces. Material selection is based on the chosen added values, material qualities, appearance and availability. The result of the work is two different upholstery concepts visualizing qualities of smart materials and requests the automotive field. Sprinkle is an upholstery with light emitting, light reflective and antistatic values. The materials used are monofilament, polyester and electroluminescent wires. Wave is an upholstery design with antistatic, light reflective and RFI/Emi shielding qualities. The materials used are stainless steel yarn, rubco and monofilament. / <p>Program: Konstnärligt masterprogram i mode- och textildesign</p><p>Uppsatsnivå: D</p>
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Contribution à l'étude de la santé-matière de préformes carbone / Contribution to the study of health - carbon material preformsLeca, Adrienne 21 September 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse consiste à caractériser l’endommagement subi par une mèche de carbone au cours des procédés de transformation textile, et plus particulièrement au cours du tissage des préformes pour les matériaux composites. Un protocole de caractérisation mécanique sur mèche sèche, ainsi qu’une méthode non-destructive d’analyse d’images, ont été mis au point pour quantifier cet endommagement. / This aim of this work is to characterize the damage suffered by a carbon tow in textile processing methods, and more particularly during preforms weaving for composites materials. A mechanical characterization protocol on dry tow tensile test and a non-destructive method of image analysis, have been developed to quantify this damage.
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Aplicação da técnica de tecelagem de modelos na transformação de modelos na MDA. / Application of model weaving in model transformation in MDA.Alexandre dos Santos Mignon 03 April 2007 (has links)
Uma das principais atividades dos enfoques de desenvolvimento de software centrados em modelos, como por exemplo a Arquitetura Dirigida por Modelo (Model Driven Architecture - MDA), é o processo de transformação de modelos. Geralmente, um passo preliminar para a transformação dos modelos é o mapeamento dos elementos do meta-modelo fonte nos elementos do meta-modelo alvo. Este trabalho apresenta uma aplicação de uma técnica de mapeamento de modelos denominada tecelagem de modelos. Esta técnica permite ao usuário definir a semântica das ligações estabelecidas entre os elementos do meta-modelo fonte e os elementos do meta-modelo alvo. A semântica é definida através de tipos fortes associados às ligações. O presente trabalho analisa, através de dois experimentos, alguns aspectos da geração de modelos de transformação de modelos no arcabouço MDA, utilizando a técnica de tecelagem de modelos. A análise utiliza duas alternativas de especificação de transformação de modelos a título de comparação: a que usa somente uma linguagem de especificação de modelos de transformação e a que usa a técnica de tecelagem de modelos. Os aspectos analisados são: a reutilização de trechos de código escritos na linguagem de geração de especificações de transformação e a reutilização de decisões de projeto (design) no mapeamento entre dois meta-modelos distintos. / One of the main activities of the model-centric approaches of software development, as for example the Model Driven Architecture (MDA), is the process of model transformation. Usually, a preliminary step for model transformation is the mapping of source metamodel elements into target metamodel elements. This work presents an application of a technique for model mapping called model weaving. This technique allows the user to define the semantics of the links binding source metamodel elements and target metamodel elements. The semantics is defined through types associated to links. The work analyzes, through two experiments, some aspects of the generation of models transformation in the MDA framework, using a technique known as model weaving. The analysis, for comparison purposes, uses two techniques of model transformation specification: one using only a specification language for model transformation specification and another using model weaving. The analyzed aspects are: the reuse of pieces of code written in the language that generates the transformation of specifications and the reuse of design decisions in the mapping between two distinct metamodels.
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Estruturas contigentes e formas resguardadas : o tecer como prática inserida no cotidiano / Contingent structures and withdrawn shapes : weaving as an everyday art practiceBraga, Lia Regina Gomes January 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação, intitulada Estruturas Contingentes e Formas Resguardadas: o tecer como prática artística inserida no cotidiano, propõe a análise do processo de tecitura manual dos objetos que compõem a pesquisa. Ao sistematizar e analisar o processo dos referidos objetos, abordarei as interferências e intercorrências em espaços privados e públicos – experienciados enquanto lugares de atividades cotidianas e do exercício de tecer. Também estarão sob foco as reverberações dessas experiências no atelier e nos modos de exposição. / This dissertation, titled Contingent Structures and Withdrawn Shapes: weaving as an everyday art practice, proposes the analysis of the process of hand weaving the objects that make up the research. By systematizing and analyzing the process of said objects, I will approach interferences and events in private and public spaces - experienced as venues for everyday activities and for the act of weaving. Echoes of these experiences in the studio and in exhibition methods will also be addressed.
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Aplicação da técnica de tecelagem de modelos na transformação de modelos na MDA. / Application of model weaving in model transformation in MDA.Mignon, Alexandre dos Santos 03 April 2007 (has links)
Uma das principais atividades dos enfoques de desenvolvimento de software centrados em modelos, como por exemplo a Arquitetura Dirigida por Modelo (Model Driven Architecture - MDA), é o processo de transformação de modelos. Geralmente, um passo preliminar para a transformação dos modelos é o mapeamento dos elementos do meta-modelo fonte nos elementos do meta-modelo alvo. Este trabalho apresenta uma aplicação de uma técnica de mapeamento de modelos denominada tecelagem de modelos. Esta técnica permite ao usuário definir a semântica das ligações estabelecidas entre os elementos do meta-modelo fonte e os elementos do meta-modelo alvo. A semântica é definida através de tipos fortes associados às ligações. O presente trabalho analisa, através de dois experimentos, alguns aspectos da geração de modelos de transformação de modelos no arcabouço MDA, utilizando a técnica de tecelagem de modelos. A análise utiliza duas alternativas de especificação de transformação de modelos a título de comparação: a que usa somente uma linguagem de especificação de modelos de transformação e a que usa a técnica de tecelagem de modelos. Os aspectos analisados são: a reutilização de trechos de código escritos na linguagem de geração de especificações de transformação e a reutilização de decisões de projeto (design) no mapeamento entre dois meta-modelos distintos. / One of the main activities of the model-centric approaches of software development, as for example the Model Driven Architecture (MDA), is the process of model transformation. Usually, a preliminary step for model transformation is the mapping of source metamodel elements into target metamodel elements. This work presents an application of a technique for model mapping called model weaving. This technique allows the user to define the semantics of the links binding source metamodel elements and target metamodel elements. The semantics is defined through types associated to links. The work analyzes, through two experiments, some aspects of the generation of models transformation in the MDA framework, using a technique known as model weaving. The analysis, for comparison purposes, uses two techniques of model transformation specification: one using only a specification language for model transformation specification and another using model weaving. The analyzed aspects are: the reuse of pieces of code written in the language that generates the transformation of specifications and the reuse of design decisions in the mapping between two distinct metamodels.
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Survey to Help Create New Retail Image for Johnson CityKridler, Jamie Branam 01 October 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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The Sewing Circle Model for Community Collaboration: A Multicultural ApproachKridler, Jamie Branam, Carter, Camille, Nuttall, Sandra 07 February 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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The Sewing Circle: A Model for Community CollaborationKridler, Jamie Branam 23 March 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Vadie Williams, Folk Artist: Drawnwork as a Reflection of Personal Identity in Rural KentuckyHester, ElizaBeth 01 December 1989 (has links)
This study focuses on Vadie Conner Williams, an individual folk artist, and the drawnwork she has created throughout her lifetime. Included is a description of her rural farm background, her needlework skills and her creative process. The study also examines the significance of drawnwork to Williams and determines how she has adapted her work to satisfy her personal needs as well as the needs of her customers. Based on tape recorded interviews and a close examination of her work, the study concludes that drawnwork is an integral part of Williams's everyday life; it is an indicator of her beliefs and a source of identity within her community.
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