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Supported metal catalysts for friedel-crafts alkylationHlatywayo, Tapiwa January 2013 (has links)
Doctor Educationis / The research focused on the synthesis, characterisation and activity of zeolite supported metal catalysts for the Friedel-Crafts alkylation of benzene with t-butyl chloride. Alkyl benzenes are traditionally produced via systems that employ the use of Lewis acids or strong mineral acids. There have been widespread concerns over these approaches based on their environmental impacts and separation difficulties. Recent approaches have endeavoured the much to use more environmentally eco-friendly systems and zeolites have proved to be versatile support materials. The use of zeolites has also shown to greatly improve product selectivity as well as easing separation constraints. However the adoption of zeolites on large scale Friedel-Crafts alkylation has been hampered by the high cost of zeolite production from commercial sources. On the other hand fly ash
has been found to be a viable starting material for zeolite synthesis. Apart from that
South Africa is faced with fly disposal challenges and there is continual accumulation of fly ash at the coal fired power stations, which provide about 77 % of the power produced in the country. In this light the use of fly ash will help to reduce the disposal constraints as well as providing a cheap starting material for zeolite synthesis. In this study the hierarchical Zeolite X has been successfully synthesised from fly ash via a hydrothermal treatment. The zeolite was then loaded with Fe/Mn via two approaches namely liquid phase ion exchange and incipient wetness impregnation. For comparison purposes seasoned commercial support materials namely HBEA and MCM- 41 were also loaded with the same metals and characterised with various techniques namely; HRSEM, EDS, HRTEM, XRD, SAED, ICP-OES and N2 adsorption analysis, It was found from the characterisation undertaken that the integrity of the respective supports was generally retained upon metal loading. Both the ICP-OES and the EDS proved that the desired metals were successfully introduced onto the zeolitic support materials. The calculated percentage metal loading for the catalysts prepared via incipient wetness impregnation was closely related to the actual values obtained from
the ICP-OES analysis for both the monometallic and the bimetallic catalysts (Fe/Mn). It was observed that the amount of metal that can be introduced on a zeolite via liquid phase ion exchange is largely dependent on the cation exchange capacity of the zeolite Supported metal catalysts for FC alkylation Page v
and of the catalysts prepared using 0.25 M Fe solution it was found that Zeolite X had the highest Fe wt% loading of 11.4 %, with the lowest loading of 2.2 % obtained with the MCM-41 supported catalyst. The XRD patterns for the both HBEA and the MCM-41 supported metal catalysts resembled the patterns of the respective prestine support materials except in the case of catalysts with anFe wt % of more than 10, which exhibited peaks due to the Fe2O3 crystallites. In the case of the hierarchical Zeolite X, the metal loaded support had a significant reduction in the XRD peak intensities. The prepared catalysts were tested for the alkylation of benzene with t-butyl chloride. The benzene was also used as the solvent. The alkylation reaction was carried out in a round bottomed flask under reflux conditions and stirring at a temperature of 45 oC over a period of 5 h. A total of 18 catalysts was tested and the highest percentage conversion of 100 % was obtained with the 10%FeH after a reaction time of 2 h. The general trend
obtained with the majority of the catalysts was characterised with a rapid initial increase and then steady state was achieved. Generally after a reaction time of 3 h almost all the catalysts had reached steady state in terms of the percentage conversion obtained. The outcomes reflect that the inclusion of Mn does not enhance the conversion but rather decreases it. It was also found that the Mn was not active in the alkylation of benzene as shown by the inactivity of the 10%MnM, where 10% by weight Mn was loaded on MCM-41. However the other monometallic catalysts containing Mn supported on Zeolite X and HBEA were found to be active. The activity is attributed to the presence of Brønsted acid sites in these zeolites which are not present in MCM-41. The selectivity studies reflect that the inclusion of Mn does slightly improve the selectivity towards the formation of the monoalkylated product (t-butyl benzene). The highest selectivity of 91.1 % was obtained with the 10%FeMnM after a reaction time of 4 h. MCM-41 supported catalysts had a relatively higher selectivity compared to the other supports. Considering the Fe monometallic catalysts tested it generally can be said
that the yield were in the order HBEA > MCM-41 > Zeolite X. It however should be
noted that the percentage yield is calculated from the conversion and selectivity
percentages, this implies that the factors affecting these parameters will consequently affect the percentage yield obtained. Supported metal catalysts for FC alkylation Page vi The alkylation reaction was found to be characterised by the formation of two intermediate products which could not be identified. These products were formed during the transient start up stages of the reaction and would disappear from the reaction mixture with longer reaction times, and after 3 h in almost all the reactions studied the intermediates were not detected in the reaction mixture. The main products found were the monoalkylated product (desired product) and the para isomer (1,4-t-di-butyl benzene). There were no other dialkylated isomers or trialkylated products detected. The formation of the para isomer was usually after a reaction time of 2 h in most reactions. The research managed to show that the hierarchical Zeolites X can be synthesised from
fly ash and ion exchange and incipient wetness impregnation are appropriate approaches that can be used to introduce Fe/Mn onto the support materials studied. The catalysts prepared were active to varying degrees in the Friedel-Crafts alkylation of benzene with t-butylchloride, with the exception of the 10%MnM which was found to be inactive.
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Groundwater investigation at Storsudret, GotlandAlmqvist, Ludvig January 2018 (has links)
Sweden have faced decreasing groundwater storage with critical low groundwater levels for several years. Gotland is one example with issues of providing freshwater due to the low groundwater levels. These circumstances can be related to impacts caused by early agriculture development, an increased demand of freshwater and climate change. There is a need in this region to increase the groundwater storage to ensure enough freshwater. The aim of the study is to increase freshwater storage. Digital geographical information system (GIS) was chosen as a tool in this study in order to cover large geographical areas. The study was divided into two parts, with focus to determine hydrological and hydrogeological conditions and to identify suitable areas where groundwater storage could be increased. The first part studied: specific capacity, groundwater storage, groundwater balance and topographic wetness index. The second part locked at four methods to increase freshwater storage: Lakes, controlled drainage, wetland and subsurface dam. The result tells us that lakes have the potential to provide freshwater for the municipal distribution network. The controlled drainage method has the ability reduce the outflow of surface water and to increase the groundwater infiltration. Earlier drained wetland areas was identified which could serve as freshwater storage. Suitable areas for subsurface dams were identified. They could work as a large groundwater storage as a decentralized system with the ability to provide groundwater for wells that are spread out. However the identified areas for each methods needs further investigations in more detail to determine the accuracy of the results.
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Unraveling the grain size evolution in the Earth’s upper mantle : experimental observations and theoretical modeling / Observations expérimentales et modélisation de la croissance de grains d’olivine dans le manteau supérieurHashim, Leïla 17 May 2016 (has links)
La taille de grains dans le manteau terrestre a des implications cruciales sur les processus à grande échelle, telles que la propagation des ondes sismiques, la perméabilité et la rhéologie des roches. Cependant, la taille de grains évolue constamment avec le temps, car la croissance de grains statique induit une augmentation de la taille moyenne tandis que la recristallisation dynamique contribue à sa décroissance. La croissance d’olivine au sein d’agrégats mantelliques dans un milieu inter-granulaire sec, en présence de liquide magmatique ou dans des conditions sursaturées en eau a été modélisée dans le cadre de cette thèse. En s’appuyant sur la théorie de croissance cristalline ainsi que sur des expériences à 1-atmosphère et hautes températures précédemment publiées, la loi de croissance d’olivine sèche a été déterminée. Le facteur limitant est, dans ce cas, la diffusion du silicium aux joints de grains à travers une épaisseur effective de 30 nm. La croissance d’agrégats en présence de liquide magmatique et fluide aqueux a été contrainte par de nouvelles expériences haute pression/haute température. Ces données indiquent que les taux de croissance sont significativement plus importants que dans des conditions sèches et sont limités par des réactions aux interfaces cristal/liquide. Nous proposons une loi de croissance générale régulée par une combinaison de joints de grains secs et mouillés, grâce aux paramètres de contiguité et de mouillabilité. Cette loi de croissance unifiée est fondamentale pour extrapoler les tailles de grains expérimentales à des échelles de temps, des profondeurs et des quantités de liquides relatives au manteau supérieur. / Grain size in the Earth’s mantle is a fundamental parameter that has crucial implications on large-scale processes, such as seismic wave propagation, the permeability and the rheology of rocks. However, grain size is constantly evolving with time, where static grain growth implies an increase of the average grain size whereas dynamic recrystallization contributes to its decrease. Static grain growth of olivine-rich mantle aggregates in an intergranular medium being dry, melt-bearing and water-oversaturated has been here modeled. By using the appropriate theoretical background, the dry olivine grain growth law has been established from previously published experimental grain growth data at 1-atmosphere and high-temperature conditions. Grain growth rates for these samples are limited by silicon diffusion at grain boundaries through an effective width of 30 nm. Grain growth for melt- and water-bearing aggregates was, however, constrained by new high-pressure and high-temperature experiments. This data indicates that grain growth rates for liquid-bearing samples are significantly faster than for dry samples and are limited by precipitation reactions at the crystal/liquid interface rather by diffusion through the liquid phase. We propose a general grain growth law, which takes into account dry grain boundaries as well as wetted grain-grain interfaces, through the contiguity and wetness parameters. This unified law is fundamental to extrapolate experimental grain sizes to time scales, depths and liquid contents that are relevant of the upper mantle.
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Escala diagramática para avaliação da mancha preta em folhas de citros e efeito da temperatura e da duração do molhamento na pré-penetração de conídios de Guignardia citricarpa Kiely [Phyllosticta citricarpa (McAlp.) Van der Aa]. / Diagrammatic scale for assessment of citrus black spot in leaves and effect of temperature and wetness duration in the pre-penetration conidia of Guignardia citricarpa Kiely [Phyllosticta citricarpa (McAlp.) Van der Aa].Noronha, Marissônia de Araujo 21 January 2003 (has links)
A mancha preta dos citros causada pelo fungo Guignardia citricarpa Kiely [Phyllosticta citricarpa (McAlp.) Van der Aa], possui duas formas de infecção, conídios e ascósporos. Informações a respeito da importância dos conídios na epidemiologia da doença são escassas ou controversas. Visando uma maior compreensão sobre o patossistema citros-G. citricarpa (P. citricarpa), os objetivos desta dissertação foram: elaborar e validar uma escala diagramática para avaliação da severidade da mancha preta em folhas de citros; verificar o efeito da temperatura e da duração do período de molhamento na formação de apressórios formados a partir de conídios; observar por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura a germinação de conídios e a formação de apressórios sobre folhas destacadas de limão 'Siciliano' submetidas a diferentes temperaturas e períodos de molhamento. A escala diagramática com níveis de severidade de 1; 3; 6; 12; e 24% de área foliar lesionada foi validada por dois grupos de avaliadores, com e sem experiência na quantificação de doenças. Comparada com a avaliação sem escala, o uso da escala proporcionou melhor precisão e acurácia tanto para avaliadores experientes como inexperientes, quando considerada a estimativa média dos mesmos. Na maioria dos casos, os desvios entre estimativas e severidade atual da doença foram mais evidentes para os níveis de severidade entre 5 e 15%. A reprodutibilidade das avaliações resultou em valores de R 2 mais uniformes para a maioria dos avaliadores experientes. Diferenças consideráveis de precisão foram observadas entre avaliadores inexperientes. O efeito da temperatura (10 o C - 40 o C) e da duração do molhamento (4 - 48 h) na formação de apressórios formados a partir de conídios de G. citricarpa (P. citricarpa) foi avaliado sob condições "in vitro" e sobre a superfície de folhas de limão 'Siciliano'. A formação de apressórios ocorreu em todas as temperaturas a partir de 12 horas de molhamento, sendo os extremos de temperatura (10 o C e 40 o C) menos favoráveis à formação de apressórios. A temperatura mínima para formação de apressórios, estimada pela função beta generalizada foi de 3 o C e a máxima de 48,4 o C, ambas para 48 horas de molhamento. A formação de apressórios foi consideravelmente favorecida pela duração do período de molhamento, com o máximo de apressórios formados a 24 horas de molhamento, para a maioria das temperaturas. O período de molhamento constituído de 48 horas foi essencial para que os esporos submetidos a temperaturas de 10 o C e 40 o C, formassem apressórios. A superfície de resposta obtida pela multiplicação das funções beta generalizada e monomolecular apresentou um ajuste satisfatório para os dados observados na estimativa da porcentagem relativa de apressórios formados (R 2 =0,75). As amostras observadas em microscopia eletrônica de varredura possibilitaram a aquisição de imagens de conídios e apressórios sobre a superfície de folhas de limão 'Siciliano' em todas as combinações de temperatura e molhamento avaliadas. / Citrus black spot caused by Guignardia citricarpa Kiely [Phyllosticta citricarpa (McAlp.) van der Aa] presents two infection forms, conidia and ascospores. Information regarding the importance of the conidia in the epidemiology of the disease is scarce and controversial. Seeking a better understanding on the pathosystem citrus-G. citricarpa (P. citricarpa), the objectives of this dissertation were: elaborate and validate a diagrammatic scale for assessments of the citrus black spot; verify the effect of the temperature and of the wetness duration in the appressorium formation; observe through scanning electron microscopy the germination and formation of appressorium on outstanding lemon 'Siciliano' leaves submitted to different temperatures and wetness duration. The diagrammatic scale with severity levels of 1; 3; 6; 12; and 24% of diseased leaf area was validated by two groups of raters, with experience and without experience in the quantification of diseases. The scale provided better precision and accuracy for both experienced and inexperienced raters, considering the estimates average of them. In the majority of cases, the bias between estimated and actual disease severity were more evident for disease severity levels between 5 and 15%. The reproducibility of assessments resulted in R 2 with more uniforms values for the majority of the experienced raters, considerable differences of precision were observed among inexperienced raters. The effect of the temperature (10 o C - 40 o C) and of the wetness duration (4 - 48 h) in the germination of conidia and appressoria formation of G. citricarpa (P. citricarpa), was assessed "in vitro" and on the surface of lemon 'Siciliano' leaves. The appressoria formation occurred in all the temperatures starting from 12 hours of wetness. The extreme temperatures (10 o C and 40 o C) were less favorable to the apressorium formation. The minimum temperature for appressorium formation, estimated by generalized beta function was of 3 o C and the maximum of 48,4 o C, both for 48 hours of wetness. The appressorium formation was favored considerably by the wetness duration period, with the maximum of apressoria formed at 24 hours of wetness, for majority of the temperatures. The wetness duration period constituted of 48 hours was essential so that the spores submitted to temperatures of 10 o C and 40 o C, formed appressorium. The response surface obtained by the multiplication of the generalized beta and monomolecular functions provided a close fit to observed data in the estimate of the relative percentage of formed appressorium (R 2 =0,75). The samples observed in scanning electron microscopy made possible the acquisition of images of conidia and appressoria on the surface of lemon 'Siciliano' leaves in all the temperature combinations and wetness evaluated.
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Assessing the use of multispectra remote sensing in mapping the spatio-temporal variations of soil erosion in Sekhukhune District, South AfricaSepuru, Terrence Koena January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Geography)) --University of Limpopo, 2018 / Soil erosion, which is a critical component of land degradation, is one of the serious global environmental problems often threatening food security, water resources, and biodiversity. A comprehensive assessment and analysis of remote sensing applications in the spatial soil erosion mapping and monitoring over time and space is therefore, important for providing effective management and rehabilitation approaches at local, national and regional scales. The overall aim of the study was to assess the use of multispectral remote sensing sensors in mapping and monitoring the spatio-temporal variations in levels of soil erosion in the former homelands of Sekhukhune district, South Africa. Firstly, the effectiveness of the new and freely available moderate-resolution multispectral remote sensing data (Landsat 8 Operation Land Imager: OLI and Sentinel-2 Multi-Spectral Instrument: MSI) derived spectral bands, vegetation indices, and a combination of spectral bands and vegetation indices in mapping the spatio-temporal variation of soil erosion in the former homelands of Sekhukhune District, South Africa is compared. The study further determines the most optimal individual sensor variables that can accurately map soil erosion. The results showed that the integration of spectral bands and spectral vegetation indices yielded high soil erosion overall classification accuracies for both sensors. Sentinel-2 data produced an OA of 83, 81% whereas Landsat 8 has an OA of 82.86%. The study further established that Sentinel-2 MSI bands located in the NIR (0.785-0.900 μm), red edge (0.698-0.785μm) and SWIR (1.565-2.280 μm) regions were the most optimal for discriminating degraded soils from other land cover types. For Landsat 8 OLI, only the SWIR (1.560-2.300 μm), NIR (0.845-0.885 μm) region were selected as the best regions. Of the eighteen spectral vegetation indices computed, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) and Global Environmental Monitoring Index (GEMI) were selected as the most suitable for detecting and mapping soil erosion.
Secondly, the study assessed soil erosion in the former homelands of Sekhukhune, South Africa by applying a time-series analysis (2002 and 2017), to track changes of areas affected by varying degrees of erosion. Specifically, the study assessed and mapped changes of eroded areas (wet and dry season), using multi-date Landsat products 8 OLI and 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+)). Additionally, the study used extracted eroded areas and overlay analysis was performed together with geology, slope and the Topographic Wetness Index (TWI) of the area under study to assess whether and to what extent the observed erosional trends can be explained.
Time series analysis indicated that the dry season of 2002, experienced 16.61 % (224733 ha) of erosion whereas in 2017 19.71% was observed. A similar trend was also observed in the wet season. This work also indicates that the dominant geology type Lebowa granite: and Rustenburg layered its lithology strata experienced more erosional disturbances than other geological types. Slopes between 2-5% (Nearly level) experienced more erosion and vice-versa. On the hand, the relationship between TWI and eroded areas showed that much erosion occurred between 3 and 6 TWI values in all the seasons for the two different years, however, the dry season of 2002 had a slightly higher relationship and vice-versa. We, therefore, recommend use and integration of freely and readily available new and free generation broadband sensors, such as Landsat data and environmental variables if soil erosion has to be well documented for purposes of effective soil rehabilitation and conservation.
Keywords: Food security Global changes, Land degradation, Land-based ecosystems, Land management practices, Satellite data, Soil conservation, Sustainable Development; Topographic Wetness Index; Time series analysis.
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Obnova vegetace revitalizovaného úseku řeky StropniceHEROVÁ, Zdenka January 2016 (has links)
Three seasons of initial succession were followed in the frame of this thesis after a restoration project in a section of the Stropnice River and its floodplain. The succession tends towards formation of community of alluvial meadows, which is prevailing biotope in the neighborhood of the restored part. Strong factor influencing the course of succession is wetness of the substrate, which is partially given by distance of a site from the water-course and by the difference in the altitude of a site and of the river water table. Synantrophic species were most abundant in the first year (2014), followed by meadow and wetland species (2015, 2016).
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Análise numérica de risco climático de ocorrência de requeima na cultura da batata na região central do Rio Grande do Sul / Numerical analysis of climatic risk of late blight occurrence in potato crop in the central region of Rio Grande do SulRadons, Sidinei Zwick 10 August 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Diseases and environment are closely related, especially with regard to air temperature
and relative humidity. The weather data tend to follow a daily pattern of temporal variation,
which derives mainly from the daily variation of the surface radiation balance. Based on this,
this study aimed to make a qualitative and quantitative description of the database of the
Automatic Meteorological Station of the Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (INMET) in
Santa Maria, RS, determine the hours of greatest frequency of occurrence of daily extreme air
temperatures in Santa Maria, develop models to estimate hourly values of air temperature (T)
and relative humidity (RH), based on values measured in "UTC standard times" and on the
daily minimum air temperature and to determine the risk of fungal diseases occurrence during
the developmental cycle of potato in different planting dates, using the Blitecast forecasting
system. Models were fitted to estimate air T and partial vapor pressure of water at different
times of the day. RH was indirectly obtained from partial vapor pressure of water and
saturation vapor pressure, calculated from estimated T values. The database of Principal
Climatological Station of Santa Maria was transformed to an hourly estimated T and RH
database and the Blitecast's calculated severity values (CSV) were obtained for 14 planting
dates in 43 years. The automatic weather station of Santa Maria, RS, belonging to INMET,
shows 90.1% of the days of flawless data records in 10 years, from 2002 to 2011. The
minimum daily air temperature in Santa Maria occurs more frequently at 09AM UTC,
corresponding to 6AM on local official time, from September to February. From March
through August, this time is delayed, and its occurrence to be more frequent at 10 h UTC. The
precision of the estimates ranged from 0.7 ºC to 1.5 ºC, with average deviation of 0.65 °C for
T and 0.7 % to 1.2 %, with average deviation of up to 4% for RH depending on the time.
Potato crops during the Fall growing season require on average 54% more fungicide
applications compared to the Spring season. In the Spring growing season the most probable
number of sprayings ranged from two to four and from six to seven in the Fall growing
season. Potato crops planted in August and March were demanded a lower economic,
ecological and farmer health cost in crop protection against late blight than earlier crops (July
and February). / Doenças e ambiente estão intimamente relacionados, especialmente no que se refere à
temperatura e umidade relativa do ar. Os elementos meteorológicos tendem a seguir um
padrão de variação temporal diária, que deriva principalmente da variação diária do balanço
de radiação da superfície. Com base nisso, o objetivo desse trabalho foi descrever qualitativa
e quantitativamente do banco de dados da Estação Meteorológica Automática do Instituto
Nacional de Meteorologia de Santa Maria (INMET), determinar os horários de maior
frequência de ocorrência das temperaturas extremas diárias do ar em Santa Maria,
desenvolver modelos para estimativa dos valores horários de temperatura (T) e umidade
relativa do ar (UR) e determinar o risco de ocorrência de requeima no ciclo de
desenvolvimento da batata, em diferentes datas de plantio. Foram ajustados modelos
analíticos para estimativa da T e da pressão parcial de vapor no ar nos diferentes horários do
dia. A UR foi obtida indiretamente, com base nos valores de pressão parcial de vapor no ar
estimados e nos valores de pressão de saturação de vapor no ar, calculados com base na T
estimada. O banco de dados da Estação Climatológica Principal de Santa Maria foi
transformado em um banco de dados horários estimados de T e UR e foram obtidos os valores
de severidade calculada (VSC) pelo sistema Blitecast em 14 datas de plantio da batata em 43
anos agrícolas. A estação meteorológica automática de Santa Maria, RS, pertencente ao
INMET, apresenta 90,1% dos dias sem falhas de registros de dados em 10 anos, de 2002 a
2011. A temperatura mínima diária do ar em Santa Maria ocorreu com maior frequência às
09 h UTC, correspondendo às 06 h no horário oficial local, nos meses de setembro a
fevereiro. De março até agosto, esse horário é atrasado, sendo a sua ocorrência mais frequente
às 10 h UTC. A precisão das estimativas variou de 0,7 oC a 1,5 oC, com desvio médio de até
0,65oC para T do ar e de 0,7 % a 1,2 %, com desvio médio de até 4 %, para UR, dependendo
do horário. Cultivos de batata no período de safrinha necessitam, em média, de um número
54 % maior de aplicações de fungicida em relação ao período de safra. Na safra o número
mais provável de pulverizações oscila entre duas e quatro e na safrinha entre seis e sete.
Plantios de batata realizados em agosto e em março exigiram um menor custo econômico,
ecológico e de saúde do produtor na proteção da cultura contra a requeima do que plantios
mais precoces (julho e fevereiro).
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Escala diagramática para avaliação da mancha preta em folhas de citros e efeito da temperatura e da duração do molhamento na pré-penetração de conídios de Guignardia citricarpa Kiely [Phyllosticta citricarpa (McAlp.) Van der Aa]. / Diagrammatic scale for assessment of citrus black spot in leaves and effect of temperature and wetness duration in the pre-penetration conidia of Guignardia citricarpa Kiely [Phyllosticta citricarpa (McAlp.) Van der Aa].Marissônia de Araujo Noronha 21 January 2003 (has links)
A mancha preta dos citros causada pelo fungo Guignardia citricarpa Kiely [Phyllosticta citricarpa (McAlp.) Van der Aa], possui duas formas de infecção, conídios e ascósporos. Informações a respeito da importância dos conídios na epidemiologia da doença são escassas ou controversas. Visando uma maior compreensão sobre o patossistema citros-G. citricarpa (P. citricarpa), os objetivos desta dissertação foram: elaborar e validar uma escala diagramática para avaliação da severidade da mancha preta em folhas de citros; verificar o efeito da temperatura e da duração do período de molhamento na formação de apressórios formados a partir de conídios; observar por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura a germinação de conídios e a formação de apressórios sobre folhas destacadas de limão 'Siciliano' submetidas a diferentes temperaturas e períodos de molhamento. A escala diagramática com níveis de severidade de 1; 3; 6; 12; e 24% de área foliar lesionada foi validada por dois grupos de avaliadores, com e sem experiência na quantificação de doenças. Comparada com a avaliação sem escala, o uso da escala proporcionou melhor precisão e acurácia tanto para avaliadores experientes como inexperientes, quando considerada a estimativa média dos mesmos. Na maioria dos casos, os desvios entre estimativas e severidade atual da doença foram mais evidentes para os níveis de severidade entre 5 e 15%. A reprodutibilidade das avaliações resultou em valores de R 2 mais uniformes para a maioria dos avaliadores experientes. Diferenças consideráveis de precisão foram observadas entre avaliadores inexperientes. O efeito da temperatura (10 o C 40 o C) e da duração do molhamento (4 48 h) na formação de apressórios formados a partir de conídios de G. citricarpa (P. citricarpa) foi avaliado sob condições "in vitro" e sobre a superfície de folhas de limão 'Siciliano'. A formação de apressórios ocorreu em todas as temperaturas a partir de 12 horas de molhamento, sendo os extremos de temperatura (10 o C e 40 o C) menos favoráveis à formação de apressórios. A temperatura mínima para formação de apressórios, estimada pela função beta generalizada foi de 3 o C e a máxima de 48,4 o C, ambas para 48 horas de molhamento. A formação de apressórios foi consideravelmente favorecida pela duração do período de molhamento, com o máximo de apressórios formados a 24 horas de molhamento, para a maioria das temperaturas. O período de molhamento constituído de 48 horas foi essencial para que os esporos submetidos a temperaturas de 10 o C e 40 o C, formassem apressórios. A superfície de resposta obtida pela multiplicação das funções beta generalizada e monomolecular apresentou um ajuste satisfatório para os dados observados na estimativa da porcentagem relativa de apressórios formados (R 2 =0,75). As amostras observadas em microscopia eletrônica de varredura possibilitaram a aquisição de imagens de conídios e apressórios sobre a superfície de folhas de limão 'Siciliano' em todas as combinações de temperatura e molhamento avaliadas. / Citrus black spot caused by Guignardia citricarpa Kiely [Phyllosticta citricarpa (McAlp.) van der Aa] presents two infection forms, conidia and ascospores. Information regarding the importance of the conidia in the epidemiology of the disease is scarce and controversial. Seeking a better understanding on the pathosystem citrus-G. citricarpa (P. citricarpa), the objectives of this dissertation were: elaborate and validate a diagrammatic scale for assessments of the citrus black spot; verify the effect of the temperature and of the wetness duration in the appressorium formation; observe through scanning electron microscopy the germination and formation of appressorium on outstanding lemon 'Siciliano' leaves submitted to different temperatures and wetness duration. The diagrammatic scale with severity levels of 1; 3; 6; 12; and 24% of diseased leaf area was validated by two groups of raters, with experience and without experience in the quantification of diseases. The scale provided better precision and accuracy for both experienced and inexperienced raters, considering the estimates average of them. In the majority of cases, the bias between estimated and actual disease severity were more evident for disease severity levels between 5 and 15%. The reproducibility of assessments resulted in R 2 with more uniforms values for the majority of the experienced raters, considerable differences of precision were observed among inexperienced raters. The effect of the temperature (10 o C - 40 o C) and of the wetness duration (4 48 h) in the germination of conidia and appressoria formation of G. citricarpa (P. citricarpa), was assessed "in vitro" and on the surface of lemon 'Siciliano' leaves. The appressoria formation occurred in all the temperatures starting from 12 hours of wetness. The extreme temperatures (10 o C and 40 o C) were less favorable to the apressorium formation. The minimum temperature for appressorium formation, estimated by generalized beta function was of 3 o C and the maximum of 48,4 o C, both for 48 hours of wetness. The appressorium formation was favored considerably by the wetness duration period, with the maximum of apressoria formed at 24 hours of wetness, for majority of the temperatures. The wetness duration period constituted of 48 hours was essential so that the spores submitted to temperatures of 10 o C and 40 o C, formed appressorium. The response surface obtained by the multiplication of the generalized beta and monomolecular functions provided a close fit to observed data in the estimate of the relative percentage of formed appressorium (R 2 =0,75). The samples observed in scanning electron microscopy made possible the acquisition of images of conidia and appressoria on the surface of lemon 'Siciliano' leaves in all the temperature combinations and wetness evaluated.
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Developing a Forest Gap Model to Be Applied to a Watershed-scaled Landscape in the Cross Timbers Ecoregion Using a Topographic Wetness IndexGoetz, Heinrich (Heinrich Erwin) 08 1900 (has links)
A method was developed for extending a fine-scaled forest gap model to a watershed-scaled landscape, using the Eastern Cross Timbers ecoregion as a case study for the method. A topographic wetness index calculated from digital elevation data was used as a measure of hydrologic across the modeled landscape, and the gap model modified to have with a topographically-based hydrologic input parameter. The model was parameterized by terrain type units that were defined using combinations of USDA soil series and classes of the topographic wetness index. A number of issues regarding the sources, grid resolutions, and processing methods of the digital elevation data are addressed in this application of the topographic wetness index. Three different grid sizes, 5, 10, and 29 meter, from both LiDAR-derived and contour-derived elevation grids were used, and the grids were processed using both single-directional flow algorithm and bi-directional flow algorithm. The result of these different grids were compared and analyzed in context of their application in defining terrain types for the forest gap model. Refinements were made in the timescale of gap model’s weather model, converting it into a daily weather generator, in order to incorporate the effects of the new topographic/hydrologic input parameter. The precipitation model was converted to use a Markov model to initiate a sequence of wet and dry days for each month, and then daily precipitation amounts were determined using a gamma distribution. The output of the new precipitation model was analyzed and compared with a 100-year history of daily weather records at daily, monthly, and annual timescales. Model assumptions and requirements for biological parameters were thoroughly investigated and questioned. Often these biological parameters are based on little more than assumptions and intuition. An effort to base as many of the model’s biological parameters on measured data was made, including a new technique for estimating optimal volumetric growth rate by measuring tree rings. The gap model was set up to simulate various terrain types within the landscape.
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Koroze oceli a hliníku ve vybraných prostředích / Corrosion of Steel and Aluminium in Chosen EnviromentsStavinoha, Jakub Unknown Date (has links)
This Master’s thesis is related to corrosion degradation processes on metal surfaces exposed in different environments. The theoretical part is concern with basic principles in electrochemical and atmospheric corrosion. Practical part describes experimentation of corrosion process of aluminium (99,5) and low carbon steel (11321) in two different atmospheric environments. The conclusion of thesis includes evaluations of the results from practical part and comparison with the theoretical part.
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