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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'utilisation de la justice organisationnelle dans une démarche de prévention des risques psychosociaux / Using organizational justice in an intervention for the prevention of psychosocial risks

Piasecki, Caroline 13 September 2017 (has links)
Dans un contexte d’intensification du travail, sont apparus au-devant de la scène les risques psychosociaux (RPS). Au fil des années, la prévention des RPS et la qualité de vie au travail sont devenus des enjeux de santé publique, et les entreprises privées et publiques s’y intéressent plus que jamais. La littérature nous avait permis d’identifier, au-delà des facteurs de RPS tels que les caractéristiques des postes, la justice organisationnelle comme un prédicteur de santé au travail (Elovainio et al., 2003 ; Robbins et al., 2012). Notre première étude avait pour objectif de mieux comprendre les mécanismes par lesquels les dimensions de justice exercent un effet sur les variables de bien-être et de retrait. Nos résultats ont révélé à ce sujet que les perceptions de justice jouent un rôle médiateur dans la relation entre les caractéristiques des postes et les variables de bien-être telle que la satisfaction, l’attachement, l’épuisement émotionnel et les intentions de retrait, même si la médiation est partielle la plupart du temps. En effet, certaines caractéristiques des postes comme le soutien du supérieur continuent à maintenir un rôle prédictif et direct important, plaçant le supérieur au cœur du dispositif de prévention. Notre seconde étude a porté sur l’introduction des principes de justice au cœur d’une formation aux RPS pour les cadres d’un hôpital. L’évaluation des effets de cette action sur le sentiment de justice des personnels a montré l’utilité de former les supérieurs à la justice. Ainsi, nous avons pu élargir les possibilités d’actions sur le terrain pour prévenir les RPS en rendant incontournables les principes de la justice dans la conception du travail. / In the context of intensification of work, psychosocial risks (PSR) have attracted great interest. Over the past few years, PSR prevention and the quality of worklife have become public health issues, and have more than ever drawn both private and public companies' attention. Beyond PSR factors such as job characteristics, the literature helped us identify organizational justice as a predictor of occupational health (Elovainio et al., 2003; Robbins et al., 2012). Our first study’s goal was to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms with which justice dimensions affect well-being and withdrawal variables. Our results revealed that justice perceptions act as a mediator in the relationship between job characteristics and well-being variables such as satisfaction, commitment, burnout (or emotional exhaustion), and withdrawal intentions, even if most of the time the mediation is partial. Indeed, some job characteristics, such as supervisory support maintain an important and direct predictive role, putting management at the center of the prevention system. Our second study focused on the introduction of organizational justice principles at the core of a PSR training course for executive staff in a hospital. Evaluating the effects of this action on the personnel's feelings of justice showed the utility of training the Executive staff in justice principles. Thus, we have been able to extend the scope of PSR prevention in the field by showing the pivotal role the principles of justice play in work design.

Long-Term Opiate-Induced Adaptations in Lateral Paracapsular Neurons of the Basolateral Amygdala

Werner, Sara Jane 09 April 2020 (has links)
Increases in basolateral amygdala (BLA) activity drive avoidance-seeking behavior that may be associated with stress induced drug seeking. Activity of BLA pyramidal neurons is regulated by local and paracapsular gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) interneurons. The lateral paracapsular interneurons (LPCs) border the external capsule, receive dense cortical/thalamic input and provide feed-forward inhibition onto BLA principle neurons. The GABAergic LPCs also express high concentrations of g-protein coupled µ-opioid receptors (MORs). Therefore, the effects of opiates on LPC activity and local GABA release were examined. Fluorescently double labeled LPCs were observed in glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) 65-mcherry/GAD67-green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgenic mice. Whole-cell electrophysiology experiments demonstrated that acute exposure to [D-Ala2, N-Me-Phe4, Gly5-ol]-enkephalin (DAMGO; a synthetic selective MOR agonist), reduced LPC firing and spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic current (sIPSC) frequency in LPCs, with no apparent effect on spontaneous excitatory currents (sEPSCs). Current injection induced firing in LPC neurons, but less effectively than in saline controls. Morphine-exposed mice (10mg/kg/day, across 5 days, 1-2 days off) had increased sIPSCs compared to saline-injected controls, as well as enhanced adenylyl cyclase (AC) activity. Together these data show that LPC neurons are a highly sensitive targets for opiate-induced inhibition, and that long-term opiate exposure results in impaired LPC excitability, possibly contributing to anxiety observed during opiate withdrawal.

Informe para la sustentación de expedientes: N° 00881-2008-0-1801-JR-FC-02 / N° 131-2015/CPC-INDECOPI-PIU

Alcalá Quevedo, Angelina Andrea 12 April 2021 (has links)
El expediente privado seleccionado para optar por el título profesional de Abogado, corresponde a una demanda de divorcio por causal de separación de hecho interpuesta ante el Segundo Juzgado de Familia de Lima y que posteriormente fue elevado hasta la Sala Civil Permanente de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la República. La relevancia del expediente privado escogido radica en verificar si se ha cumplido con los elementos de la causal invocada, en especial el referente al tiempo de separación (elemento temporal) o si de lo contrario el plazo se ha interrumpido; ya que es este elemento el que jugará un papel relevante en el sentido de la posición de los jueces en las distintas instancias del proceso. Asimismo, de acreditarse que se ha cumplido con el elemento temporal, es necesario determinar si conforme a la reconvención formulada por la demandada, corresponde declarársele como cónyuge perjudicada y por ende indemnizarla; razón por la cual se tendrán que analizar los criterios establecidos en el Tercer Pleno Casatorio Civil. / Trabajo de suficiencia profesional

Deepwater Channel Systems in the Orca and Choctaw Basins, Northern Gulf of Mexico

Treiber, Katie M. 28 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Ztráty vody v povodí Loučenského potoka a Bouřlivce a možnosti jejich snížení v období hydrologického sucha / Water losses in the Loučenský brook and Bouřlivec basins and the possibilities of their reduction during the hydrological drought

Junková, Anna January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the problem of water losses in the Loučenský brook and Bouřlivec basins. It was written on the basis of a project for the state enterprise Povodí Ohře, which dealt with the management of these streams. Loučenský potok and Bouřlivec are the sources of water for the Všechlapy reservoir, which provides a number of functions in the reservoir surroundings. However, the Všechlapy reservoir has been threatened by hydrological drought in recent years. For this reason, it is necessary to determine the water losses in the basin and focus on possible methods to ensure that the reservoir has sufficient water levels to maintain all of its major functions. In the first part of the thesis, the theoretical background related to the issue is explained. In the practical part of the thesis, water losses in the basin are detected mainly on the basis of longitudinal profiling of flows and recorded water withdrawals. Flow measurements were carried out on a total of 43 profiles in five different hydrological conditions with a focus on the dry season. The results show that there is a need to look for reserves in two areas. Firstly, in the management of the ponds, where it appears that a significant amount of water is being lost throughout the basins, and secondly, in the small-scale users who draw...

Étude du changement de l’architecture du sommeil chez la personne âgée après un sevrage aux benzodiazépines couplé à la thérapie cognitivo-comportementale pour insomnie

Barbaux, Loic 11 1900 (has links)
Contexte : Les benzodiazépines (BZD) et substances apparentées sont consommées de façon chronique par une large proportion de la population de personnes âgées souffrant d’insomnie chronique. Cet usage dans cette population est cependant critiqué, pour le risque d’effets indésirables associés. La thérapie cognitivo-comportementale pour insomnie (TCC-I) constitue le traitement de première ligne pour lutter contre l’insomnie, en raison de son efficacité et de son innocuité. Objectif : L’objectif de ce projet de recherche est d’évaluer les changements de la qualité du sommeil, de la macroarchitecture et de la microarchitecture du sommeil après un sevrage de BZD chez la personne âgée souffrant d’insomnie chronique. Nous étudierons par la suite l’effet de la TCC-I couplé au sevrage sur les mêmes variables d’intérêts. Nous faisons l’hypothèse que le sevrage s’accompagnera d’une amélioration de la qualité subjective du sommeil (diminution de l’Index de Sévérité de l’Insomnie (ISI) et augmentation de l’efficacité de sommeil (SE)) et d’une modification de certaines variables distinctes : fuseau de sommeil et stade N3 (augmentation du pourcentage au stade N3 et diminution de la densité des fuseaux de sommeil). De plus, nous faisons l’hypothèse que ces changements seront plus prononcés avec la TCC-I couplée au sevrage. Méthodes : 41 participants (âge moyen : 69.39±6.88 ans) ont été randomisés en 2 groupes, stratifiés pour l’âge, la durée et la dose de BZD et apparentés consommés : le groupe sevrage+TCC-I (N=23) et le groupe sevrage (N=18). L’ensemble des participants complètent un plan de sevrage avec suivi de 16 semaines, et dans le même temps, uniquement le groupe sevrage+TCC-I reçoit la TCC-I. L’acquisition des données est réalisée avant et après sevrage à partir de questionnaire (ISI), agenda de sommeil (SE) sur une période de 14 jours, et par enregistrements polysomnographiques (stade N3 et densité des fuseaux de sommeil). Résultats : 60.98% des participants (groupe sevrage+TCC-I: 60.87% ; groupe sevrage: 61.11%) ont réussi une cessation complète de leurs médications après sevrage. Il a été constaté une diminution de l’ISI (F(1,40)=4.36, p=0.01) et de la densité des fuseaux de sommeil (F(1,36)=7.18, p=0.01) après sevrage. Enfin, la TCC-I couplée au sevrage a montré une augmentation plus importante de la SE (F(1,35)=6.75, p=0.01) par rapport au groupe sevrage. Conclusion : Le plan de sevrage avec suivi permet d’obtenir un sevrage complet chez une majorité de participants, sans qu’il ne soit observé d’aggravations significatives de leur qualité de sommeil. L’ajout d’une TCC-I lors d’un sevrage de BZD et apparentés a permis une amélioration plus importante de la qualité du sommeil auto-rapportée (Agenda de sommeil : SE). / Background: Benzodiazepines (BZD) and related drugs are consumed chronically by a large part of the elderly population with chronic insomnia. However, this use in this population is criticized for the risk of associated side effects. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is the first-line treatment for insomnia because of its efficacy and safety. Objective: The objective of this project is to assess changes in sleep quality, macroarchitecture and sleep microarchitecture after withdrawal from BZD in the elderly with chronic insomnia. Then, we study the effect of CBT-I coupled with withdrawal on the same variables of interest. We hypothesize that weaning will be accompanied by an improvement in the subjective sleep quality (decrease in Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) and increase in sleep efficiency (SE)) and a modification of certain distinct variables: sleep spindle and stage N3 (increase in the percentage at stage N3 and decrease in the density of sleep spindles). In addition, we hypothesize that these changes will be more pronounced with CBT-I coupled with weaning. Methods: 41 participants (mean age: 69.39 ± 6.88 years) were randomized into 2 groups; stratified for age, duration and dose of BZD and relatives consumed: the weaning+CBT-I group (N = 23) and the weaning group (N = 18). All participants complete a 16-week weaning plan with follow-up, and at the same time, only the therapy group receives CBT-I. Data acquisition is carried out before and after weaning from questionnaire (ISI), sleep diary (SE) over a period of 14 days, and by polysomnographic recordings (stage N3 and density of sleep spindles). Results: 60.98% of participants (weaning+CBT-I group: 60.87%; weaning group: 61.11%) succeeded in completely stopping their medication after withdrawal. A decrease in ISI (F(1.40) = 4.36, p = 0.04) and in sleep spindle density (F(1.36) = 7.18, p = 0.01) was observed after weaning. Finally, CBT-I coupled with weaning showed a greater increase in SE (Sleep Diary; F(1.35) = 6.75, p = 0.01) compared to the control group. Conclusion: The weaning plan with follow-up makes it possible to obtain complete weaning in a majority of participants, without any significant worsening of their quality of sleep being observed. The addition of CBT-I during withdrawal from BZD and related products resulted in a greater improvement in self-reported sleep quality (Sleep Diary: SE).

A Testimony of Christian Drug Rehabilitation Transformed by the Power of God

Yeh, Pi-Ming 01 July 2023 (has links)
Drug addiction is at crisis level in the United States. Nurses caring for persons affected by substance use disorder (SUD) have a resource in Mr. Ming Ho Liu's testimony on Good TV (Taiwan)—translated and summarized in this article—of his addiction experiences and successful treatment at Operation Dawn, a Christian drug rehabilitation center. Recovery from SUD is possible by God's power. In Mr. Liu's case, his recovery was accomplished without medication.

Politics, Stress, and Exchange Perceptions: A Dual Process Model Relating Organizational Politics to Employee Outcomes

Rosen, Christopher Charles 05 October 2006 (has links)
No description available.

The Relationship Between Pragmatic Language and Behavior Subtypes in Typically Developing Children

Christensen, Lisa Jeppson 03 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This study examines the relationship between syntactic and pragmatic language and reticence, solitary-active passive withdrawal, solitary-passive withdrawal, prosocial skills, and likeability. The Children's Communication Checklist (CCC-2), a language checklist, and Teacher Behavior Rating Scale (TBRS), a behavior checklist, were completed by three 2nd-grade teachers and three 4th-grade teachers about each of their students. Factor analysis was used to determine two composite language measures from the CCC-2 scales. The results of two hierarchal regression analyses indicated that social behaviors were significant predictors of pragmatic language, but not structural language. In particular, solitary-passive withdrawal and reticence were significant predictors of pragmatic language deficits.

Kärt barn har många namn : Hur problematisk skolfrånvaro framställs som socialt problem / Different names for the same thing : How school absenteeism is produced as a social problem

Edhenholm, Niclas January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to examine how problematic school absenteeism is produced, depicted and negotiated as a social problem. It aims to do so by studying texts produced by three different parties with a shared responsibility for children and youths experiencing problematic school absenteeism in Sweden: the families, the school system and affiliated authorities, as well as therapy providers commissioned by the social services. The research questions asked are how these different parties describe problematic school absenteeism as a social problem in texts, and what the consequences for the discourse are based on these problem descriptions. The analyzed texts are an article for debate published in the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, written by a parent of a child with problematic school absenteeism, a report written by the Swedish Schools Inspectorate, Skolinspektionen, and a handbook about working with problematic school absenteeism, written by a research team employed by a company specialized in therapies for children and youths with varying social issues.  Theoretically this study mainly departs from Bronfenbrenners (1979) ecological systems theory, the theoretical framework of Foucault (1982), mainly concerning discourse, and the methodological approach of Bacchi (2009) What’s the problem represented to be. The analysis uses Bacchis methodology, by posing specific questions aimed at the three different texts.  The results of this study show that problematic school absenteeism as a social problem is depicted differently throughout the different texts – often using different strategies and perspectives in describing and defining the issue. The study also finds a commonality among the texts regarding their perspective on parental strategies and influence in relation to problematic school absenteeism, where this factor is generally not scrutinized.  One of the major conclusions drawn from this study is that the discourse generally tends to subjectify the child or youth into being somewhat interchangeable with the social problem at hand, especially in the cases where the term hemmasittare (Swedish for home sitter) is used.  The conclusions made from this study are mainly applicable on the instance of these three texts but are thought to also be of use in further investigations concerning critical discourse analysis applied to problematic school absenteeism as a social problem. / Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att undersöka hur problematisk skolfrånvaro framställs och omförhandlas som ett socialt problem. Studien ämnar göra så genom att studera och analysera texter producerade av tre olika aktörer som besitter ett delat ansvar för barn och unga med problematisk skolfrånvaro. Dessa tre aktörer är familjen, skolan med angränsande myndigheter och behandlare/utförare på uppdrag av socialtjänsten. Studiens frågeställningar ämnar närmre undersöka hur dessa olika aktörer beskriver problematisk skolfrånvaro som ett socialt problem samt vilka diskursiva effekter detta genererar. De texter som valts ut för analys är en debattartikel publicerad i Aftonbladet skriven av en förälder till ett barn med problematisk skolfrånvaro, en rapport skriven av Skolinspektionen, samt en handbok som beskriver insatser vid långvarig skolfrånvaro skriven av en grupp forskare på uppdrag av ett företag som även erbjuder behandlingstjänster inom området. Studien grundar sig teoretiskt huvudsakligen på Bronfenbrenners (1979) utvecklingsekologiska systemteori, Foucaults (1982) teoretiska ramverk gällande diskurs samt Bacchis (2009) metodologiska analysverktyg What’s the problem represented to be. Bacchis verktyg används explicit i analysen genom att ställa specifika frågor gentemot det utvalda empiriska materialet. Analysens resultat visar att problematisk skolfrånvaro som ett socialt problem framställs på olika sätt beroende av vem avsändaren är – och att de olika aktörerna ofta använder olika strategier och perspektiv i beskrivningen och definitionen av problemet. Studien finner även en gemensam nämnare mellan samtliga texter gällande det faktum att föräldraförmågan inte lyfts eller problematiseras i förhållande till problematisk skolfrånvaro. En av studiens huvudsakliga slutsatser är att diskursen gällande problematisk skolfrånvaro generellt tenderar att förena barnet eller ungdomen som subjekt med det sociala problemet, särskilt vad gäller användningen av termen hemmasittare. Slutsatser gjorda i denna studie är framför allt applicerbara i kontexten för de tre texter som har analyserats, men kan också hävdas vara användbara i framtida undersökningar gällande kritisk diskursanalys av problematisk skolfrånvaro som socialt problem.

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