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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

El liderazgo ético y su influencia en el compromiso organizacional y la satisfacción laboral en los empleados de una entidad pública del sector energético en Lima Metropolitana / Ethical leadership and its influence on organizational commitment and job satisfaction in employees of a public entity in the energy sector in Metropolitan Lima

Espinoza Guardia, Lourdes María, Llanos Carbajal, Cherryl Alfredo, Mori Manuyama, Taty Karol 18 October 2021 (has links)
En el Perú en los últimos años, han salido a la luz una serie de casos, ligados a comportamientos faltos de ética en diversas entidades estatales, y que son los líderes de las organizaciones quienes influyen en el compromiso organizacional y la satisfacción de sus empleados. Considerando lo anterior, resultó interesante probar la influencia del liderazgo ético en el compromiso organizacional y la satisfacción laboral en una entidad pública del sector energético en Lima Metropolitana, con el cual se buscó sumar evidencia relacionada a la psicología del sector público, donde actualmente no se cuenta con mucha información al respecto. Para ello, se revisó, entre otros, conceptos relacionados a la Teoría cognitiva social y la satisfacción laboral, Liderazgo Ético, el Compromiso Organizacional Tridimensional de Meyer y Allen, así como la consulta de diversos estudios relacionados con las variables de estudio. Además, se efectuó un análisis estadístico descriptivo para caracterizar la muestra, encuestándose a 262 individuos de la entidad pública. Luego, se determinaron los indicadores de consistencia de cada uno de los constructos para establecer el nivel de fiabilidad de la encuesta, y, por último; se desarrollaron regresiones lineales y múltiples para identificar la relación de explicación entre las variables estudiadas. El resultado de la investigación muestra que el Liderazgo Ético tiene una influencia directa con el Compromiso Organizacional; no obstante, la explicación que tuvo con la Satisfacción Laboral fue no significante. Asimismo, el Compromiso Organizacional si es explicada por la Satisfacción Laboral. / During the last years in Perú, a number of cases have come to light, related to unethical behavior in various public entities, and that it is the leaders of the organizations who influence the organizational commitment and satisfaction of their employees. Taking this into account, it turned out interesting to test the influence of ethical leadership on organizational commitment and job satisfaction in a public entity of energy sector in Metropolitan Lima, through which it was sought to add evidence related to the psychology of public sector, where currently there is not relevant information about it. To that end, concepts related to social cognitive theory and job satisfaction, ethical leadership, Mayer and Allen’s tridimensional organizational commitment were reviewed, as well as several studies related to those variables. Besides that, a descriptive statistical analysis was carried out to characterize the sample, surveying 262 individuals from the mentioned public entity. Afterwards, consistency indicators of each of the constructs were determined to establish the level of survey’s reliability; and lastly, linear and multiple regressions were developed to identify the explanatory relationship among the studied variables. The research result shows that ethical leadership has a direct influence on organizational commitment; however, the explanation it had on job satisfaction was not significant. Likewise, organizational commitment is explained by job satisfaction. / Trabajo de investigación

Regstellende aksie, aliënasie en die nie-aangewese groep / Dirk Johannes Hermann

Hermann, Dirk Johannes January 2006 (has links)
Affirmative action is a central concept in South African politics and the workplace. The Employment Equity Act divides society into a designated group (blacks, women and people with disabilities) and a non-designated group (white men and white women). In this study, the influence of affirmative action on alienation of the non-designated group was investigated. Guidelines were also developed for employers in order to lead the non-designated group from a state of alienation to that of commitment. Two research questions were investigated: • Does affirmative action lead to the alienation of the non-designated group? • What will guidelines for companies, with the view to address the alienation problem, look like? Three central themes appear in this study. Firstly the concept alienation was investigated. The theory of Seeman was heavily relied on. He succeeded in summarising the experience of alienation in five variants, namely powerlessness, meaninglessness, normlessness, isolation and self-alienation. Secondly, guidelines were developed in order to lead the non-designated group from a state of alienation to that of commitment. To succeed in doing this, the industrial sociology alienation theory and the industrial psychology motivation theory were linked together. The quadruplet sisters of the motivation theory, namely motivation, work satisfaction, work involvement and organisational commitment were applied as the basis for the guidelines. Thirdly, affirmative action was discussed in depth. The experience of the non-designated group regarding affirmative action was investigated, affirmative action as an international phenomenon was scrutinized, different methods for implementing affirmative action were researched and a study on statutory framework of affirmative action was also undertaken. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Industrial Sociology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Étude des facteurs psychosociaux permettant de prédire le turnover volontaire et l’engagement au travail des travailleurs saisonniers : étude en station de sports d’hiver / Study of psychological factors for predicting turnover and work engagement to seasonal jobs : study in ski resort

Jay, Mathieu 05 December 2018 (has links)
Notre travail de recherche porte sur la saisonnalité en station de ski en hiver. Il s’agit d’un groupe professionnel qui fait l’objet de peu de recherches. Les travailleurs saisonniers en stations sont pourtant nombreux (400 000) (Aboubadra-Pauly, d’Artois, & Le Ru, 2016) et sont exposés à des stresseurs spécifiques (précarité, isolement, climat, hébergements, invisibilité sociale, etc.) qui les conduisent souvent à abandonner leur poste de travail. Les abandons de poste constituent des échecs pouvant générer des situations de précarité, d’insécurité, de perte de lien social et de baisse d’estime de soi. Ces abandons ont également des conséquences économiques importantes pour les entreprises qui emploient ces saisonniers. Il s’agit donc d’étudier, dans une approche prospective, les facteurs personnels (personnalité, âge, situation familiale), contextuels (logement, métier, rémunération, etc.) et psychosociaux (demandes psychologiques, latitude décisionnelle, soutien social, stratégies de coping, adéquation entre les valeurs du salarié et celles de l’organisation, satisfaction au travail) permettant de prédire un bon ajustement aux métiers desaisonniers. Nos indicateurs d’ajustement sont le turnover volontaire et l’engagement au travail (mesuré avec l’Utrecht Work Engagement Scale). Cent soixante et un sujets ont été évalués à 3 reprises (avant, pendant et à la fin de la saison). Les résultats montrent que la personnalité des saisonniers (selon la taxonomie des big five) a peu d’influence sur le turnover et le niveaud’engagement. Nous mettons également en évidence l’effet médiateur de la satisfaction au travail entre l’adéquation personne-organisation (PO fit) et le turnover. En outre, nous montrons les liens directs entre stresseurs professionnels, l’adéquation de la formation, les responsabilités, larémunération, le mode de logement, l’expérience du métier, certaines stratégies de coping, le PO Fit et l’engagement. Les liens entre nos deux critères (engagement et turnover volontaire) sont également étudiés. Les implications théoriques et pratiques de nos travaux sont discutées. / Our research focuses on seasonal workers in ski resorts in winter. Little research has been done in this area.. Yet seasonal workers in stations are numerous (400 000) (Aboubadra-Pauly et al.,2016) and are exposed to specific stressors (job insecurity, isolation, climate, accommodation, social invisibility, etc.) which often lead them to abandon their workstation. Dropping out can be perceived as a failure that can lead to situations of insecurity, loss of social connection and low self-esteem. Workers abandoning their posts also have significant economic consequences for companies. It is thus necessary to study, in a forward-looking approach, the personal factors (personality, age, family situation), context (accomodation, job, pay, etc.) and psychosocialfactors (psychological demands, decisional latitude, social support, Person-Organization fit (PO fit), job satisfaction) predicting a good adjustment to seasonal occupations. Our adjustment indicators are : voluntary turnover (during the season) and engagement at work (measured with the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale). One hundred and sixty-one subjects were evaluated 3 times (before, during, and at the end of the season). The results show that the personality ofseasonal workers (according to Big Five taxonomy) has little influence on turnover and the engagement scale. We also highlight the mediating effect of job satisfaction between the PO Fit and turnover. Furthermore, we find direct links between professional stressors, instruction adequacy, responsibilities, wage, accomodation, work experience, coping strategies, PO Fit and work engagement. The links between our two criteria (commitment and voluntary turnover) arealso studied. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.

Arbetsmiljön i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärares upplevelse av sin arbetsmiljö / Work Environment in preschool : A qualitative study of the pre-school teachers´experience of their work environment

Hultgren, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Background: High demands are being placed on the preschool teacher in the preschool profession today. The conditions why preschool teachers' should be able to offer a good pedagogical activity is the work team's ability to cooperate together and also a pleasant working environment. Objective: This study aims to increase knowledge of preschool teachers' experiences of their work environment, how it affects them and what is perceived to promote a good working climate. Method: The study was conducted with qualitative interviews of six preschool teachers in the same municipality. The only requirement was that all preschool teachers were legitimized. Results: The analysis resulted in three categories: Preschool's everyday life, physical working environment and psychosomatic work environment. The result of these categories is that preschool teachers' experienced increased work tasks, large children's groups and a lack of time, which resulted in the workload being perceived as high This affects the preschool teachers' satisfaction in the work in the form of stress and a feeling of inadequacy. Despite a high workload in the profession, the result shows that all preschool teachers' felt that they had chosen the right occupation in view of the freedom of work and the children's contributing joy. Conclusions: The conclusions of this study shows that there are high demands on preschool teachers' today, but that the joy for the work and the preschool children is what contributes to the preschool teachers still remaining in the profession. / Mycket talar för att det idag ställs höga krav på förskolläraren i förskolläraryrket. Grunden för att förskollärarna ska kunna erbjuda en god pedagogisk verksamhet är beroende av arbetslagets förmåga att samarbeta tillsammans och att en trivsam arbetsmiljö råder på arbetsplatsen. Syftet med studien är att öka kunskapen om förskollärares upplevelser av sin arbetsmiljö, hur det påverkar dem och vad som upplevs främja ett gott arbetsklimat.  Studien genomfördes med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer, där sex förskollärare i samma kommun intervjuades. Kravet i studien var att deltagarna var legitimerade förskollärare. Resultatet av förskollärarnas upplevda arbetsmiljö visar att det råder höga krav på förskollärarna idag. Förskollärarna upplevde ökade arbetsuppgifter, stora barngrupper och brist på tid vilket resulterade i att arbetsbelastningen upplevdes som hög. Detta påverkade förskollärarnas tillfredställelse i arbetet i form av stress och en känsla av otillräcklighet. Vidare visade resultatet att en positiv inställning, ett bra samarbete och möjligheten till egen utveckling gynnar både förskollärarens arbetsglädje och arbetsklimatet i verksamheten. Trots en hög arbetsbelastning i yrket visar resultatet att samtliga förskollärare kände att de valt rätt yrke på grund av arbetets frihet och barnens avsmittande glädje.  Slutsatserna av studien visar att det råder höga krav på förskolläraren i förhållande till de upplevda resurserna. Den positiva inställning i arbetet och förskollärarens inflytande över sin arbetssituation kan betraktas som gynnande för både arbetsglädjen och arbetsklimatet. Slutsatsen av studien visar att glädjen för arbetet och barnen är det som bidrar till att förskollärarna fortfarande finner motivation i yrket.

Konsten att behålla och värna om nyckelkompetensen : En studie genomförd inom Landstinget Halland / The art of retaining and taking care of key employees : A study carried out within Halland County Council

Malmberg, Elin, Sech, Anna January 2010 (has links)
<p><em>När vi kom i kontakt med Landstinget Halland uttryckte de behovet av att kunna attrahera och behålla personal. Då personer med nyckelkompetens har stor påverkan på organisationens framgång har vi valt att genomföra en studie med syfte att undersöka vilka förhållanden personer med nyckelkompetens inom Landstinget Halland upplever som centrala för sin specifika arbetssituation. Med hjälp av olika teorier och modeller analyserar vi och tar reda på hur sådana förhållanden kan påverka arbetsgivarens förmåga att behålla dessa personer. Vi har valt att undersöka på vilket sätt de förhållanden som framkommer är centrala för individens arbetstillfredsställelse och motivation samt för deras vilja att stanna kvar på eller lämna sitt arbete.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>Utifrån uppsatsens syfte och frågeställningar har vi genomfört sex stycken kvalitativa intervjuer med nyckelindivider och personalledning på en av verksamheterna inom Landstinget Halland.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>Vårt resultat visar att förhållanden som har att göra med arbetstillfredsställelse och motivation påverkar och påverkas av upplevt organisatoriskt stöd vilket i sin tur påverkar arbetsgivarens förmåga att behålla individer med nyckelkompetens. Hela analysen utmynnar slutligen i vår egen AFBN-modell (arbetsgivarens förmåga att behålla nyckelkompetens) som visar dessa samband.</em></p> / <p><em>When we first contacted Halland County Council they expressed the need to be able to attract and retain employees. Since individuals with key competence have a big influence on the overall success of the organization we chose to carry out a study with the purpose to examine which conditions individuals with key competence within Halland County Council experience as central to their specific work situation. By using different theories and models we analyze and find out how such conditions can affect the ability of the employer to retain these individuals. We have chosen to examine in what way the conditions that emerge are central to the individuals work satisfaction, motivation and their will to stay or leave their workplace.  </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>Based on the purpose of this study we have carried out six qualitative interviews with key employees and HR management on one of the units within Halland County Council.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>Our results show that conditions that has to do with work satisfaction and motivation affect and are affected by perceived organizational support which in turn affect the ability of the employer to retain individuals with key competence. The analysis finally concludes into our own model of AFBN (the ability of the employer to retain key competence) that shows these relationships.</em></p>

Regstellende aksie, aliënasie en die nie-aangewese groep / Dirk Johannes Hermann

Hermann, Dirk Johannes January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Industrial Sociology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Konsten att behålla och värna om nyckelkompetensen : En studie genomförd inom Landstinget Halland / The art of retaining and taking care of key employees : A study carried out within Halland County Council

Malmberg, Elin, Sech, Anna January 2010 (has links)
När vi kom i kontakt med Landstinget Halland uttryckte de behovet av att kunna attrahera och behålla personal. Då personer med nyckelkompetens har stor påverkan på organisationens framgång har vi valt att genomföra en studie med syfte att undersöka vilka förhållanden personer med nyckelkompetens inom Landstinget Halland upplever som centrala för sin specifika arbetssituation. Med hjälp av olika teorier och modeller analyserar vi och tar reda på hur sådana förhållanden kan påverka arbetsgivarens förmåga att behålla dessa personer. Vi har valt att undersöka på vilket sätt de förhållanden som framkommer är centrala för individens arbetstillfredsställelse och motivation samt för deras vilja att stanna kvar på eller lämna sitt arbete.   Utifrån uppsatsens syfte och frågeställningar har vi genomfört sex stycken kvalitativa intervjuer med nyckelindivider och personalledning på en av verksamheterna inom Landstinget Halland.   Vårt resultat visar att förhållanden som har att göra med arbetstillfredsställelse och motivation påverkar och påverkas av upplevt organisatoriskt stöd vilket i sin tur påverkar arbetsgivarens förmåga att behålla individer med nyckelkompetens. Hela analysen utmynnar slutligen i vår egen AFBN-modell (arbetsgivarens förmåga att behålla nyckelkompetens) som visar dessa samband. / When we first contacted Halland County Council they expressed the need to be able to attract and retain employees. Since individuals with key competence have a big influence on the overall success of the organization we chose to carry out a study with the purpose to examine which conditions individuals with key competence within Halland County Council experience as central to their specific work situation. By using different theories and models we analyze and find out how such conditions can affect the ability of the employer to retain these individuals. We have chosen to examine in what way the conditions that emerge are central to the individuals work satisfaction, motivation and their will to stay or leave their workplace.    Based on the purpose of this study we have carried out six qualitative interviews with key employees and HR management on one of the units within Halland County Council.   Our results show that conditions that has to do with work satisfaction and motivation affect and are affected by perceived organizational support which in turn affect the ability of the employer to retain individuals with key competence. The analysis finally concludes into our own model of AFBN (the ability of the employer to retain key competence) that shows these relationships.

The Insider and Outsider Perspective : Clinical importance of agreement between patients and nurses in cancer care concerning patients’ emotional distress, coping resources and quality of life

Mårtensson, Gunilla January 2009 (has links)
Background: It is a well-known phenomenon that nurses and other oncology staff have a tendency to ascribe patients with cancer more problems and suffering than the patients themselves report. Aim: The overall aim of the present thesis was therefore to gain increased knowledge and understanding of dis/agreement between patients with cancer and nurses regarding their perception of patients’ situation and of the importance of patient-nurse dis/agreement in clinical practice. Methods: A prospective comparative design was used. Data were collected from a sample of 90 consecutively recruited patient-nurse pairs. Each pair consisted of a patient with cancer, newly admitted to a ward, and a nurse responsible for that patient’s care. Data were collected from the pairs with corresponding self-administrated questionnaires on two occasions: directly after the admission interview and on the patient’s third day on the ward. Results: At the group level, a distinct pattern was shown in which nurses ascribed the patients more emotional distress, less coping resources and a lower quality of life than the patients themselves reported. In short, the results revealed the following clinical importance of patient-nurse dis/agreement. With respect to how nurses act in relation to their perceptions of patients’ emotional distress, patient-nurse dis/agreement did not seem to be important; with few exceptions, nurses’ implemented care did not differ when it was directed at more as compared to less distressed patients. Further, nurses’ general tendency to overestimate cancer patients’ problems and suffering had no influence on patients’ satisfaction with received care and nurses’ satisfaction with provided care. However, patients cared for by nurses who underestimated their level of depression were less satisfied with those nurses’ care. In addition, the more frequently the nurse had implemented care characterized by a trusting relationship, the higher patients’ and nurses’ satisfaction with received/provided care. Conclusions: Initial patient-nurse dis/agreement concerning patients’ situation appears to be of little significance to nurses’ caring behaviour and to patients’ and nurses’ subsequent evaluation of received and provided care.

Graden av måluppfyllelse vad gäller kriminalvårdens centrala målsättningar för vårdares arbetstillfredsställelse på kriminalvårdsanstalten Härnösand / The Degree of Goal Fulfilment in the Swedish Correctional System Concerning the Central Objectives for Prison Guards’ Work Satisfaction at the Prison of Härnösand

Hamberg, Jennie January 2011 (has links)
ABSTRACT   Titel: Graden av måluppfyllelse vad gäller kriminalvårdens centrala målsättningar för vårdares arbetstillfredsställelse på kriminalvårdsanstalten Härnösand   Nivå: C-uppsats i ämnet företagsekonomi   Författare: Jennie Hamberg   Handledare: Ernst Hollander   Datum: 2011 - januari   Syfte: Ett syfte med denna uppsats var att försöka ta reda på i vilken grad kriminalvårdarna på anstalten Härnösand kände arbetstillfredsställelse. Ett ytterligare huvudsyfte var att undersöka i vilken grad kriminalvårdens målsättningar angående kriminalvårdares arbetstillfredsställelse samstämde med hur kriminalvårdarna på anstalten Härnösand upplevde sin arbetstillfredsställelse. Metod: Jag har framförallt använt en kvalitativ metod, men även av en kvantitativ. Jag har gjort en semistrukturerad intervju med en kriminalvårdsinspektör, en deltagande observationsstudie och en vårdarenkät som hade både kvalitativa och kvantitativa inslag.   Resultat &amp; slutsats: Jag kom fram till att majoriteten av vårdarna på kriminalvårdsanstalten Härnösand hade en ganska låg arbetstillfredsställelse. Många faktorer bidrog till den minskade arbetstillfredsställelsen. En viktig omständighet var att många vårdare kände att de hade en låg grad av egenkontroll och inflytande över t.ex. sin arbetssituation och hur de ska utföra sina arbetsuppgifter. Ledarna hade också en, till stor del, negativ effekt på vårdarnas arbetstillfredsställelse. Ytterligare en ytterst viktig aspekt för vårdarnas arbetstillfredsställelse var ledarskapsprocessen, dvs. om relationen kriminalvårdsinspektör och vårdare var positivt. I vårdarnas enkätsvar antyddes det att flertalet vårdare tyckte att förhållandet mellan ledare och medarbetare inte var ändamålsenligt. De ansåg t.ex. att det fanns brister i förtroendet mellan vårdarna och kriminalvårdsinspektörerna. Vårdarna trodde även att ledningen var ointresserad av personalen och de ansåg att kriminalvårdsinspektörerna borde vara mer aktiva och stödjande. En aspekt som dock delvis påverkade vårdarnas arbetstillfredsställelse positivt var olika medarbetarfaktorer. Vårdarna var t.ex. överlag nöjda med sina kollegor. En negativ medarbetarfaktor var dock att vårdare överlag inte var tillfredsställda med sina arbetsuppgifter. Slutligen undersökte jag i vilken grad man på kriminalvårdsanstalten Härnösand hade lyckats uppfylla kriminalvårdens centrala målsättningar för en hög arbetstillfredsställelse hos vårdarna. På anstalten Härnösand hade ledningen misslyckats med att nå de flesta av de centrala målsättningarna och bristerna verkade framförallt bero på den dåliga relationen mellan kriminalvårdsinspektörerna och vårdarna, och på vårdarnas bristande egenkontroll.   Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Ett område som inte kunde inkluderas i denna uppsats och som skulle lämpa sig för fortsatt forskning är hur man skulle kunna skapa mer nöjda medarbetare inom kriminalvårdens befintliga organisationsstruktur.   Uppsatsens bidrag: Jag tror att denna uppsats kan bidra till ny kunskap genom att tydliggöra det komplexa nät av faktorer som påverkar människors arbetstillfredsställelse. Detta har jag försökt göra genom att använda mig av ett situationssynsätt.   Nyckelord: Kontingensteori, arbetstillfredsställelse, kriminalvården, byråkratisk organisation, ledarstil, ledare, medarbetare. / ABSTRACT   Title: The Degree of Goal Fulfilment in the Swedish Correctional System Concerning the Central Objectives for Prison Guards’ Work Satisfaction at the Prison of Härnösand   Level: Final Assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration   Author: Jennie Hamberg   Supervisor: Ernst Hollander   Date: 2011 - January   Aim: An aim with this essay was to investigate to what degree the guards at the prison of Härnösand felt work satisfaction.  Another aim was to investigate to what degree the Swedish Correctional System’s central objectives for prison guards’ work satisfaction were fulfilled at the prison of Härnösand.  Method: I have used a qualitative method but also a quantitative method. I have made a semi-structured interview, an observation and prison guard questionnaire with both qualitative and quantitative elements.   Result &amp; Conclusions: In my essay I concluded that a majority of guards in Härnösand had a rather low degree of work satisfaction. Many factors contributed to this. One important factor was that many guards felt that they had little control over their own work situation and how they went about their job assignments. The leaders also had a negative effect on the guards’ job satisfaction. Another central element for high work satisfaction is the leadership process, i.e. that a functional relationship exists between the prison inspectors and the guards. Many guards said they felt that the relationship between leaders and followers was not satisfactory. They felt that there was a lack of trust between the inspectors and themselves. They also stated that they felt that the management was not interested in the staff and they also felt that the inspectors should be less passive and more supportive. One contributing factor to a more possive work satisfaction was the guards’ high satisfaction with the collegues. But a negative co-worker factor was the fact that the guards were not satisfied with their job assignments. I also concluded that the management at the prison of Härnösand had failed to fulfill the central objectives for prison guards’ work satisfaction. The failures could mostly be ascribed to the unsatisfactory relationship between the inspectors and the prison guards, but also to the guards’ low degree of control over their job situation.   Suggestions for future research: An area for future research could be to investigate how to create more content workers within the current organizational structure of the Swedish correctional system.   Contribution of the thesis: This essay may contribute to new knowledge by emphasizing the complex net of contributing factors which affects people’s degree of work satisfaction. I have tried to do this by using a contingency theory.   Key words: Contingency theory, work satisfaction, the Swedish Correctional System, bureaucratic organization, management style, leader, follower.

Vadovo ir pavaldinio grįžtamojo ryšio sąsajos su vadovo-pavaldinio socialinių mainų kokybe / Relations between leader-member feedback and leader-member exchange quality

Dilytė, Justina 20 June 2014 (has links)
Vadovo-pavaldinio socialinių mainų teorija nagrinėja vadovo ir pavaldinio tarpusavio darbinius santykius. Vadovo-pavaldinio socialinių mainų teorija pabrėžia, jog vadovas formuoja su kiekvienu iš savo pavaldinių kokybiškai skirtingus santykius. Teorija reikšminga ir tuo, kad ne tik vadovas, bet ir pavaldinys traktuojamas kaip svarbus ir lygiavertis diadinių darbinių santykių kūrėjas. Tyrime naudojome R. C. Liden ir J. M. Maslyn (1998) sukurtą Vadovo-pavaldinio socialinių mainų daugiadimensinį modelį, kuris teigia, jog vadovo-pavaldinio socialiniai mainai yra daug sudėtingesnis reiškinys nei bendras socialinių mainų kokybės rodiklis ir apima emocinę, lojalumo, bendradarbiavimo, profesinės pagarbos dimensijas. Komunikacija tarp vadovo ir pavaldinio įvardijama kaip viena iš sąlygų vadovo-pavaldinio socialinių mainų kokybei formuotis. Tuo tarpu vadovo-pavaldinio socialinių mainų kokybė susijusi su jų įsipareigojimu organizacijai, pasitenkinimui darbu ir pan. Šiame darbe kėlėme prielaidą, jog vadovo-pavaldinio socialinių mainų kokybė yra tarpinis kintamasis tarp vadovo ir pavaldinio grįžtamojo ryšio ir tarp vadovo ir pavaldinio įsipareigojimo organizacijai bei pasitenkinimo darbu. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, jog vadovo ir pavaldinio grįžtamojo ryšio teikimas ir siekimas yra svarbus rodiklis prognozuojant vadovo-pavaldinio socialinių mainų kokybę. Nors vadovo-pavaldinio socialinių mainų kokybė prognozuoja ne visus vadovo ir pavaldinio įsipareigojimo organizacijai bei pasitenkinimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Leader-Member Exchange theory analyse work relationships between leader and member. Leader-Member Exchange theory underlines that leader forms distinct quality relationships with each member. The theory is meaningful also because leader and member are treated as both equally important for creation of work relationships. We used in our research Leader-Member Exchange multidimensional model, created by R. C. Liden and J. M. Maslyn (1998), which states that leader-member exchanges are more complex than general leader-member exchange quality index and involves affect, loyalty, contribution and professional respect dimensions. Leader-member exchange quality process is conditioned by communication between leader and member. Also, organizational commitment, work satisfaction and so on of leaders and member are conditioned by Leader-member exchange quality. In our research we made assumption that leader-member exchange quality is mediate variable between feedback of leader and member and organizational commitment and work satisfaction of leader and member. Our research indicates that feedback between leader and member is important indicator of leader-member exchange quality prognosis. Leader-member exchange quality prognosticates not all aspects of organizational commitment and work satisfaction of leader and member, still, according to research results, we can state that leader-member exchange quality is mediate variable between feedback of leader and member and organizational... [to full text]

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