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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Motivace a odměňování pracovníků ve středně velkém podniku / Motivation and remuneration of employees in a medium-sized company-mas

TOMKOVÁ, Jana January 2018 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis is to analyse the state of remuneration of employees, the way of their motivation and suggest a possible change of the system based on the found results. The aim of the first, theoretical part is the synthesis of professional publications, the output of which will be a literary overview. The comprehensive view of the issue is set and there are analysed the most important theoretical findings relating to the medium-sized business, motivation, motivation theory, motivation and remuneration, remuneration management and its objectives, rewards and work performance, the structure and form of wages, evaluation of work, the most common forms of wages, employee benefits, MS as an instrument for motivation and remuneration. The course of the research is presented in the practical part and it is carried out in the XY health insurance company. At first, this organization is briefly described and then a self-directed research is conducted through a questionnaire survey of counter staff, client centre managers and project managers / shoppers, the current state of employee remuneration and motivation is analysed.Subsequently, an analysis of the effect of the IMS reward compared with the adoption of IMS and motivation for improvement of client center managers and counter-staff is performed. Thus the data obtained from the questionnaire survey with the data provided by the company on IMS remuneration are compared. Finally, the acquired data are evaluated, suggested recommendations for improvement of the situation and a summary of the work is drawn up.

Sommerlicher Wärmeschutz im Zeichen des Klimawandels – Anpassungsplanung für Bürogebäude / Protection against summer overheating in the context of climate change – Adaptation planning for office buildings

Fahrion, Marc-Steffen 26 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Seit Beginn der Industrialisierung ist ein starker Anstieg der anthropogenen Treibhausgaskonzentrationen in der Atmosphäre zu verzeichnen, der zu einer Veränderung des Klimas auf der Erde führt. Schon heute sind die Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt und zahlreiche Bereiche des täglichen Lebens zu beobachten. Diese werden sich mit fortschreitendem Klimawandel noch verstärken. Auch das Bauwesen muss sich auf die sich verändernden klimatischen Einwirkungen wie beispielsweise Sommerhitze, Überflutung, Starkregen, Hagel und Wind einstellen. Für keine der genannten klimatischen Einwirkungen ist das Änderungssignal in den Klimaprojektionen so eindeutig wie für die Sommerhitze. Aus diesem Grund wird der Handlungsbedarf beim sommerlichen Wärmeschutz als besonders hoch eingeschätzt. In den westlichen Industriestaaten halten sich Erwachsene während des Sommers circa 80 % der Zeit in Innenräumen auf. Deshalb ist das Innenraumklima von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Behaglichkeit, die geistige Leistungsfähigkeit und die Gesundheit des Menschen. Wie sich der Klimawandel auf die gebaute Umwelt in Deutschland auswirkt, ist weitestgehend unerforscht. Es ist zu klären, ob nur einzelne baukonstruktive Details, die heutigen Bemessungsregeln oder sogar grundsätzliche Entwurfsprinzipien für Gebäude überdacht werden müssen. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist, eine Untersuchungsmethodik zu entwickeln, mit der die Auswirkungen des bereits beobachteten und des zu erwartenden Klimawandels auf den sommerlichen Wärmeschutz bestehender Bürogebäude beurteilt werden können. Erst dadurch lässt sich ein etwaiger Handlungsbedarf objektiv feststellen und begründen. Ein weiteres wesentliches Ziel besteht darin, beispielhafte Anpassungsmaßnahmen in Abhängigkeit der jeweiligen Baukonstruktion zu entwickeln, mit denen auch in Zukunft die sommerliche Behaglichkeit in bestehenden Bürogebäuden sichergestellt werden kann. Von besonderem Interesse ist dabei die Frage, ob baukonstruktive Maßnahmen allein in Zukunft ausreichen können oder ob zusätzlich anlagentechnische Lösungen zur technischen Kühlung unumgänglich werden. Die entwickelten Anpassungsmaßnahmen sollen die Grundlage für Gebäudekonzepte und Fassadenkonstruktionen sein, welche auch bei fortschreitendem Klimawandel die Anforderungen an die Behaglichkeit und den sommerlichen Wärmeschutz erfüllen. Des Weiteren soll eine Methode zur Bewertung der Wirtschaftlichkeit von Klimaanpassungsmaßnahmen aufgezeigt werden. Um untersuchen zu können, inwieweit die Verletzbarkeit infolge zunehmender Sommerhitze und der entsprechende Anpassungsbedarf von der Baukonstruktion abhängen, wurden drei Bürogebäude unterschiedlicher Baualtersstufen ausgewählt und mittels dynamisch-thermischer Gebäudesimulation analysiert. Die dynamisch-thermische Gebäudesimulation ist aktuell die detaillierteste Methode zur Beurteilung des sommerlichen Wärmeschutzes. Nur mit ihr können komplexe Gebäudekonzepte oder automatisierte Systeme ausreichend genau nachgebildet werden. Zur Abbildung des bereits stattgefundenen und des projizierten Klimawandels wurden fünf Klimadatensätze verwendet, mit denen der Klimawandel von der Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts bis zum Ende des 21. Jahrhunderts dargestellt werden kann. Die Schwachpunkte der drei untersuchten Gebäude wurden analysiert und darauf aufbauend detaillierte Anpassungsvorschläge ausgearbeitet und wiederum über Simulationen bewertet. Umfangreiche Detailzeichnungen zu den angepassten Gebäudekonzepten und Fassadenkonstruktionen sollen eine Umsetzung der Ergebnisse in die Praxis erleichtern. Es werden Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt, den durch diese Maßnahmen erzielten Nutzen in Geldeinheiten zu bewerten. Dadurch können Klimaanpassungsmaßnahmen einer Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtung über Investitionsrechenverfahren zugeführt werden. / Since the beginning of industrialization, a large increase of anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere has been detected. This increase is the main cause for the observed climate change. The impacts of climate change on the environment and numerous aspects of human lives have been visible and will become more and more threatening with ongoing climate change. Civil engineering has to deal with changing climate-related hazards such as summer heat, flooding, torrential rain, hail and storm. For none of the mentioned climatic impacts on buildings, the climate change signal is as unambiguous and robust as for summer heat. Thus, actions to protect from summer overheating are highly required. During summer, adults in the Western industrialized states spend about 80 % of their time indoors. Therefore, indoor climate is of essential importance for comfort, mental performance and human health. The impacts of climate change on the built environment in Germany are rarely investigated. It has to be determined whether the building construction details, current design regulations or the design principles have to be revised. This thesis aims to develop a research methodology, which evaluates the impacts of the observed and expected climate change on the protection against summer overheating of existing office buildings. Only thus a possible need for action can be objectively determined and justified. Another major objective is the development of exemplary adaptation measures for various building construction types to ensure the comfort in existing office buildings during summer. Of particular interest is the question if it will be sufficient in the future to use only passive measures or if it will be unavoidable to install technical cooling capacities. The developed adaptation measures should be the basis for building concepts and façade constructions that are able to guarantee high comfort and an improved protection against summer overheating. Furthermore, a method to evaluate the economic efficiency of adaptation measures is demonstrated. To investigate the relationship between building construction and vulnerability, three buildings of different construction year categories have been analyzed using dynamic thermal building simulations. At present, the dynamic thermal building simulation is the most detailed method for evaluating the protection against summer overheating. This is the only method which is able to reproduce complex building concepts and automated systems in sufficient detail. In order to demonstrate the impacts of the observed and projected climate change on buildings between the middle of the 20th century and the end of the 21st century, five climate datasets have been applied. The weak points of the three investigated buildings have been analyzed. Based on this, detailed adaptation measures have been developed and evaluated by thermal building simulations. Comprehensive drawings, which show the adapted building concepts and façade details, will facilitate the application in practice. Different possibilities are demonstrated to express the achieved benefit from the adaptation measures in monetary units. Therefore, adaptation measures can be assessed by investment calculations.

The effects of match or mismatch between employees' career anchors and job settings on their career outcomes

Zulqarnain, Muhammad 13 July 2011 (has links)
Un design de recherche des études quantitatives et transversales a été utilisé pour collecter les données à partir d’un échantillon déterminé de 957 employés et managers travaillant dans les organisations publiques (gouvernement), privées et semi-gouvernementales situées dans la province de Punjab au Pakistan. Les échelles de Likert allant de 1 jusqu'à 7 ont été utilisées pour mesurer les différentes variables de l’étude. Les données ont été collectées par l’administration de questionnaires par le chercheur lui-même ou à travers les contacts dans les organisations sélectionnées avec un taux de réponse de 81%. Les deux analyses séparées AFE et AFC (utilisées pour mesurer les variables du modèle) ont été appliquées sur des échantillons différents. Les résultats démontrent que les variables indépendantes modératrices ou dépendantes disposent de propriétés psychométriques très satisfaisantes. Nous avons testé nos hypothèses de recherche à l’aide de MANOVA et de l’analyse discriminante. Les analyses ont révélé que les variables indépendantes suivantes: la congruence de l’ancre de carrière, la congruence du profil professionnel dominant, la nature du travail (permanent /contractuel), le soutien organisationnel perçue, les opportunités de carrières perçues dans l’organisation, la multiplicité des ancres de carrière dominantes et la complémentarité des ancres de carrière dominantes multiples ont un effet direct sur les variables dépendantes: l’intention de quitter, succès de carrière, l’engagement organisationnel, la performance et la satisfaction au travail. Egalement, les effets directs des contraintes dans la vie privée (CVP) sur l’intention de quitter et l’engagement organisationnel, et ceux des opportunités alternatives de l’emploi sur l’intention de quitter se sont avérés significatifs. Cependant la variable Type de l’ancre de carrière (par exemple, basée sur le talent, sur les besoins et sur les valeurs) n’a pas eu d’effet significatif sur aucunes des variables dépendantes.Les effets de l’interaction entre la congruence des ancres de carrière et la congruence du profil professionnel dominant ont été significatifs démontrant que la congruence du profil professionnel dominant modère les effets de la congruence de l’ancre de carrière sur les variables dépendantes comme le succès de carrière subjectif, l’engagement organisationnel, la performance perçue et la satisfaction au travail mais n’a pas eu d’effet sur l’intention de quitter. De la même façon, les effets de l’interaction entre les opportunités de carrières perçues dans l’organisation et la congruence de l’ancre de carrière se sont avérés aussi significatifs. Les résultats démontrent que le profil professionnel dominant (PPD) modère les effets de la congruence de l’ancre de carrière sur l’intention de quitter et la performance au travail mais pas sur le succès de carrière, l’engagement organisationnel et la satisfaction au travail.A cet effet, les preuves ont été fournies en faveur de l’objectif clé de cette recherche qui visait à démontrer les effets significatifs directs de la congruence de l’ancre de carrière et de la congruence du profil professionnel dominant sur l’intention de quitter, le succès de carrière, l’engagement organisationnel, la performance et la satisfaction au travail. L’analyse confirme aussi le rôle modérateur de la congruence du profil professionnel dominant sur la relation entre la congruence de l’ancre de carrière et toutes les variables dépendantes sauf l’intention de quitter. Cette thèse prend en considération toutes les contributions académiques et les implications managériales des recherches présentées ainsi que leurs limites. Un certain nombre des suggestions pour les futures recherches a été proposé à la fin de cette étude. / A quantitative and cross-sectional survey research design was used to collect data from a purposive sample of 957 employees and managers working in the public (governmental), private and semi-governmental organizations located in the Punjab province of Pakistan. The research instruments used to measure different variables involved in the study were all seven point Likert type rating scales with response categories ranging from 1 to 7. The data were collected by administering survey questionnaires either by the researcher himself or through the contacts in the organizations selected at a response rate of 81%. The separate EFAs and CFAs of the scales (used to measure the variables included in the research model) were performed on different samples. The results demonstrated that our scales of independent, moderating and outcome variables possessed very good psychometric properties.We tested our research hypotheses through MANOVA and discriminant analysis. The analyses revealed that the independent variables of career anchor congruence, dominant occupational profile congruence, nature of job (permanent/contractual), perceived organizational and supervisor support, perceived career opportunities in the organization, multiplicity of dominant career anchors and complementarity of multiple dominant career anchors, all had significant direct effects on the dependent variables of turnover intentions, career success,organizational commitment, work performance and job satisfaction. The direct effects of personal life constraints (PCOs) on turnover intentions and organizational commitment; and that of alternative job opportunities on turnover intentions were also found to be significant. It was, however, found that the variable Type of Career Anchor (i.e. talent-based, need-based or value-based) had no significant effect on any of the outcome variables.The interaction effects of career anchor congruence and dominant occupational profile congruence was significant showing that DOP-congruence moderated the effects of career anchor congruence on the outcome variables of subjective career success, organizational commitment, perceived work performance and job satisfaction but not on the turnover intentions. Similarly the interaction effects of ‘perceived career opportunities in the organization’ and ‘career anchor congruence’ was also significant. It demonstrated that ‘PCOs’ moderated the effects of ‘career anchor congruence’ on turnover intentions and work performance but not on the career success, organizational commitment and job satisfaction.The significance of interaction between personal life constraints (PLCs) and ‘career anchor congruence’ proved that PLCs moderated the effects of career anchor congruence on the turnover intentions, organizational commitment, perceived work performance and job satisfaction but not on the subjective career success of employees. Conversely the insignificant interaction effects of both Alternative Job Opportunities (AJOs) and perceived organizational and supervisor support (POSS) with ‘career anchor congruence’ showed that both AJOs and POSS did not moderate the effects of career anchor congruence on employees’ outcome variables.So, evidence was found in favor of the key objective of the research that both career anchor congruence and dominant occupational profile congruence have significant direct effects on employees’ turnover intentions, career success, organizational commitment, work performance and job satisfaction. The analysis also demonstrated support for the role of dominant occupational profile congruence as a moderating variable in the relationship between career anchor congruence and outcome variables except turnover intentions of the employees. This thesis makes full consideration of the academic contributions and managerial implications of the research presented whilst also considering its limitations.

Étude des mécanismes du débordement de bien-être psychologique entre le travail et la famille

Provost Savard, Yanick 04 1900 (has links)
Le travail et la famille sont souvent vus comme deux domaines en compétition pour le temps, l’énergie et l’attention des travailleurs. Pourtant, des synergies positives existeraient à l’interface entre ces deux domaines de vie. Plus particulièrement, le bien-être psychologique pourrait déborder positivement d’un domaine à l’autre. Des articulations théoriques réfèrent au débordement de bien-être psychologique (p. ex., Edwards et Rothbard, 2000 ; Greenhaus et Powell, 2006), mais très peu d’études se sont attardées à évaluer les mécanismes par lesquels les bien-être psychologiques au travail et dans la famille s’influencent mutuellement. Les études antérieures ne permettent pas de capter adéquatement le processus à l’intérieur duquel les mécanismes de débordement opèrent, et ce, pour deux raisons. D’une part, elles recourent à des concepts-valises qui englobent l’ensemble du débordement et éludent ainsi les mécanismes internes à celui-ci. D’autre part, elles utilisent des devis majoritairement transversaux qui ne permettent pas de capter le déploiement temporel des mécanismes à l’étude. L’objectif de la présente thèse est donc d’évaluer un ensemble de mécanismes pouvant expliquer le débordement de bien-être psychologique entre le travail et la famille. Le premier article évalue le rôle médiateur de la performance au travail dans la relation du bien-être psychologique dans la vie hors travail vers le bien-être psychologique au travail, mécanisme le plus universellement soutenu par les théorisations de l’interface travail-famille. Ainsi, l’article explore plus en profondeur ce mécanisme en l’évaluant selon deux conceptualisations du bien-être psychologique, ainsi que deux types de performance. Deux études ont été réalisées : l’une à deux temps de mesure séparés de 7,5 mois et l’autre mesurant des expériences journalières concomitantes. Les résultats confirment le rôle médiateur de la performance dans les deux cas et mettent en lumière les distinctions entre le débordement de bien-être cognitif et celui de bien-être affectif. Le deuxième article explore trois autres mécanismes de débordement : la satisfaction dans la vie (médiateur), la centralité du domaine d’origine dans l’identité et la force des frontières travail-famille (modérateurs). Des théorisations périphériques au thème du débordement travail-famille enrichissent la compréhension du processus de débordement du travail vers la famille et inversement. Six-mille-soixante-dix-sept jeunes travailleurs ont répondu à trois questionnaires séparés de 11 semaines chacun. Des analyses acheminatoires soutiennent le rôle médiateur de la satisfaction dans la vie. Par ailleurs, nous avons trouvé que plus un individu accorde d’importance à sa famille, plus sa satisfaction dans la famille influencerait positivement sa satisfaction dans la vie. Finalement, la force des frontières entourant la famille limiterait le débordement de bien-être psychologique du travail vers la famille. Cette thèse a pour principale contribution l’articulation de plusieurs propositions théoriques en un modèle cohérent de débordement de bien-être psychologique entre le travail et la famille, ainsi que son évaluation empirique. Nos études étayent la documentation précédente en recourant à des échantillons diversifiés et à des méthodologies rigoureuses. Les résultats de cette thèse présentent des implications pratiques pour les travailleurs, les organisations et la société. / Work and family are often considered as two domains competing for the time, energy and attention of workers. Positive synergies could nonetheless exist at the interface between these two life domains. Notably, psychological well-being could spillover from one domain to the other. Theoretical frameworks about the spillover of psychological well-being exist (e.g., Edwards & Rothbard, 2000; Greenhaus & Powell, 2006), but very few studies have evaluated the mechanisms through which work and family psychological well-being influence each other. Previous studies do not adequately capture the process within which spillover mechanisms operate for two reasons. On the one hand, they use global concepts encompassing the whole spillover process, thereby disregarding internal mechanisms. On the other hand, they mainly use cross-sectional designs which cannot capture the processual nature of the proposed mechanisms. The objective of this thesis is therefore to evaluate mechanisms that could explain work-family psychological well-being spillover. The first article evaluates the mediating role of work performance in the influence of psychological well-being outside of work on psychological well-being at work, the mechanism most supported by work-family interface theories. Hence, the article explores this mechanism in depth by evaluating it according to two psychological well-being conceptualizations, as well as two types of performance. Two studies were conducted: one using a two-wave design with a 7.5-month delay and the other measuring experiences on a given workday. Results support the mediating role of performance in both studies and shed light on the distinction between cognitive well-being spillover and affective well-being spillover. The second article explores three other spillover mechanisms: life satisfaction (mediator), originating domain identity centrality, and work-family boundary strength (moderators). Theoretical articulations peripheral to work-family spillover enhance the understanding of the spillover process from work to family and inversely. Six thousand seventy-seven young workers answered three questionnaires with a delay of 11 weeks between each measurement time. Path analyses support the mediating role of life satisfaction. Furthermore, we discovered that the more an individual considers family as an important life domain, the more its family satisfaction will positively influence its life satisfaction. Finally, home boundary strength appears to limit the psychological well-being spillover from work to family. The main contribution of this thesis is its articulation of different theoretical propositions in one consistent work-family psychological well-being spillover model, as well as its empirical evaluation. Our studies build on previous literature by tapping on diverse samples and rigorous methods. The results of this thesis show practical implications for workers, organizations, and society.

An Investigation of Workplace Characteristics Influencing Knowledge Worker’s Sense of Belonging and Organizational Outcomes

Lu, Jing 30 January 2015 (has links)
Workplace design practitioners and organizational managers are increasingly noticing all the various aspects in which the workplace affects organizations and their employees. The studies on the relationships between the workplace, organizations and their employees are more focused on psychology or facility management than the socio-spatial perspective. Workplace design, configuration and spatial features impact how well and how much a company can benefit from its human capital. Although the concept of the relation of workplace to an organization is not new, it is relatively unexamined. This thesis introduces a new set of spatial variables to workplace studies, following the concept of personal control. The discussed spatial variables effectively describe the features of workplace floor plan and the characteristics of a workstation. Furthermore, this dissertation develops a method that creates the link between workplace spatial setting and a sense of belonging, organizational outcomes – organizational commitment, work motivation, job satisfaction and work performance. Based on the detailed statistical analyses of a field survey that included 336 participants from 16 organizations, a model of spatial features influence sense of belonging and organizational outcomes was identified within this study. The research findings provide evidence for creating a workplace with a sense of belonging and better organizational outcomes through spatial design. This dissertation is comprised of six chapters. Chapter 1, an introduction, provides a general study background, discusses the problems to be solved in the study, and proposes an approach to deal with the target problems. Chapter 2 firstly reviews the current workplace studies related to spatial features. Secondly, it discusses the influence of workstation design on the human muscle system. Thirdly, it discusses the most relevant psychological issues at a workplace as stated by previous researches. Finally, the chapter reveals how a workplace affects the work of an organization. Chapter 3 specifies how workplace influences an employee’s sense of belonging and environmental control, and introduces the conceptual model. It also introduces the independent and dependent variables, generates research hypotheses. Chapter 4 describes the field survey design, procedures and the participants. It also covers the initial data analysis of the field survey: how the survey instrument, the questionnaire, was developed, commenting on all the aspects it includes – spatial experiences, work motivation, commitment, sense of belonging, job satisfaction and work performance. Chapter 5 is data analysis. This chapter discusses the research findings on workplace design features in relation to employees’ sense of belonging, satisfaction with ambient physical environment, and organizational outcomes – commitment, work motivation, job satisfaction and individual work performance. The final chapter summarizes the findings, comments on design implications of the research results, and draws conclusions. The dissertation ends in admitting the limitations of this research and discussing practical implications for future investigation.

Sommerlicher Wärmeschutz im Zeichen des Klimawandels – Anpassungsplanung für Bürogebäude

Fahrion, Marc-Steffen 08 December 2015 (has links)
Seit Beginn der Industrialisierung ist ein starker Anstieg der anthropogenen Treibhausgaskonzentrationen in der Atmosphäre zu verzeichnen, der zu einer Veränderung des Klimas auf der Erde führt. Schon heute sind die Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt und zahlreiche Bereiche des täglichen Lebens zu beobachten. Diese werden sich mit fortschreitendem Klimawandel noch verstärken. Auch das Bauwesen muss sich auf die sich verändernden klimatischen Einwirkungen wie beispielsweise Sommerhitze, Überflutung, Starkregen, Hagel und Wind einstellen. Für keine der genannten klimatischen Einwirkungen ist das Änderungssignal in den Klimaprojektionen so eindeutig wie für die Sommerhitze. Aus diesem Grund wird der Handlungsbedarf beim sommerlichen Wärmeschutz als besonders hoch eingeschätzt. In den westlichen Industriestaaten halten sich Erwachsene während des Sommers circa 80 % der Zeit in Innenräumen auf. Deshalb ist das Innenraumklima von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Behaglichkeit, die geistige Leistungsfähigkeit und die Gesundheit des Menschen. Wie sich der Klimawandel auf die gebaute Umwelt in Deutschland auswirkt, ist weitestgehend unerforscht. Es ist zu klären, ob nur einzelne baukonstruktive Details, die heutigen Bemessungsregeln oder sogar grundsätzliche Entwurfsprinzipien für Gebäude überdacht werden müssen. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist, eine Untersuchungsmethodik zu entwickeln, mit der die Auswirkungen des bereits beobachteten und des zu erwartenden Klimawandels auf den sommerlichen Wärmeschutz bestehender Bürogebäude beurteilt werden können. Erst dadurch lässt sich ein etwaiger Handlungsbedarf objektiv feststellen und begründen. Ein weiteres wesentliches Ziel besteht darin, beispielhafte Anpassungsmaßnahmen in Abhängigkeit der jeweiligen Baukonstruktion zu entwickeln, mit denen auch in Zukunft die sommerliche Behaglichkeit in bestehenden Bürogebäuden sichergestellt werden kann. Von besonderem Interesse ist dabei die Frage, ob baukonstruktive Maßnahmen allein in Zukunft ausreichen können oder ob zusätzlich anlagentechnische Lösungen zur technischen Kühlung unumgänglich werden. Die entwickelten Anpassungsmaßnahmen sollen die Grundlage für Gebäudekonzepte und Fassadenkonstruktionen sein, welche auch bei fortschreitendem Klimawandel die Anforderungen an die Behaglichkeit und den sommerlichen Wärmeschutz erfüllen. Des Weiteren soll eine Methode zur Bewertung der Wirtschaftlichkeit von Klimaanpassungsmaßnahmen aufgezeigt werden. Um untersuchen zu können, inwieweit die Verletzbarkeit infolge zunehmender Sommerhitze und der entsprechende Anpassungsbedarf von der Baukonstruktion abhängen, wurden drei Bürogebäude unterschiedlicher Baualtersstufen ausgewählt und mittels dynamisch-thermischer Gebäudesimulation analysiert. Die dynamisch-thermische Gebäudesimulation ist aktuell die detaillierteste Methode zur Beurteilung des sommerlichen Wärmeschutzes. Nur mit ihr können komplexe Gebäudekonzepte oder automatisierte Systeme ausreichend genau nachgebildet werden. Zur Abbildung des bereits stattgefundenen und des projizierten Klimawandels wurden fünf Klimadatensätze verwendet, mit denen der Klimawandel von der Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts bis zum Ende des 21. Jahrhunderts dargestellt werden kann. Die Schwachpunkte der drei untersuchten Gebäude wurden analysiert und darauf aufbauend detaillierte Anpassungsvorschläge ausgearbeitet und wiederum über Simulationen bewertet. Umfangreiche Detailzeichnungen zu den angepassten Gebäudekonzepten und Fassadenkonstruktionen sollen eine Umsetzung der Ergebnisse in die Praxis erleichtern. Es werden Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt, den durch diese Maßnahmen erzielten Nutzen in Geldeinheiten zu bewerten. Dadurch können Klimaanpassungsmaßnahmen einer Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtung über Investitionsrechenverfahren zugeführt werden. / Since the beginning of industrialization, a large increase of anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere has been detected. This increase is the main cause for the observed climate change. The impacts of climate change on the environment and numerous aspects of human lives have been visible and will become more and more threatening with ongoing climate change. Civil engineering has to deal with changing climate-related hazards such as summer heat, flooding, torrential rain, hail and storm. For none of the mentioned climatic impacts on buildings, the climate change signal is as unambiguous and robust as for summer heat. Thus, actions to protect from summer overheating are highly required. During summer, adults in the Western industrialized states spend about 80 % of their time indoors. Therefore, indoor climate is of essential importance for comfort, mental performance and human health. The impacts of climate change on the built environment in Germany are rarely investigated. It has to be determined whether the building construction details, current design regulations or the design principles have to be revised. This thesis aims to develop a research methodology, which evaluates the impacts of the observed and expected climate change on the protection against summer overheating of existing office buildings. Only thus a possible need for action can be objectively determined and justified. Another major objective is the development of exemplary adaptation measures for various building construction types to ensure the comfort in existing office buildings during summer. Of particular interest is the question if it will be sufficient in the future to use only passive measures or if it will be unavoidable to install technical cooling capacities. The developed adaptation measures should be the basis for building concepts and façade constructions that are able to guarantee high comfort and an improved protection against summer overheating. Furthermore, a method to evaluate the economic efficiency of adaptation measures is demonstrated. To investigate the relationship between building construction and vulnerability, three buildings of different construction year categories have been analyzed using dynamic thermal building simulations. At present, the dynamic thermal building simulation is the most detailed method for evaluating the protection against summer overheating. This is the only method which is able to reproduce complex building concepts and automated systems in sufficient detail. In order to demonstrate the impacts of the observed and projected climate change on buildings between the middle of the 20th century and the end of the 21st century, five climate datasets have been applied. The weak points of the three investigated buildings have been analyzed. Based on this, detailed adaptation measures have been developed and evaluated by thermal building simulations. Comprehensive drawings, which show the adapted building concepts and façade details, will facilitate the application in practice. Different possibilities are demonstrated to express the achieved benefit from the adaptation measures in monetary units. Therefore, adaptation measures can be assessed by investment calculations.

Zaškolování zaměstnanců a zaměstnanecký manuál / Staff Induction Program and Employee Manual

Krulová, Anna January 2014 (has links)
Bc. Anna Krulová Staff Induction Program & Employee Manual ABSTRACT Adaptation and orientation constitute an important component of the employee life cycle. A successful adaptation, gaining self-esteem and managing the scope of activities specified for the given work position requires an efficiently set up induction process that takes into account organizational needs, needs of employee groups and individual needs of new staff members. This process should thus be controlled and systematic. The diploma thesis covers such topics and it is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part deals with essential terms associated with the topic of induction, it presents principles and methods to achieve an efficient employee adaptation and to set up this process so that it is beneficial to the employees as well as to the entire organization. The thesis describes important areas and components of the induction system that must be considered when it is designed. The thesis addresses the topic of employee manual which should provide new employees with answers to basic questions regarding their adaptation to the new environment and work. The theoretical part of the thesis serves as a guideline to create such program. Apart from the points mentioned above, the thesis also describes change management...

Dance as Performance : Attending to Danceworks from the Perspective of David Davies' Performance Theory

Janke, Golondrian January 2022 (has links)
<p>Opponent: Anthony Allen Öhnström</p>

Inter-professional Clinical Practice Guideline for Vocational Evaluation following Traumatic Brain Injury

Stergiou-Kita, Mary Melpomeni 11 January 2012 (has links)
Due to physical, cognitive and emotional impairments, many individuals are unemployed or under-employed following a traumatic brain injury. The research evidence links the rigour of a vocational evaluation to future employment outcomes. Despite this link, no specific guidelines exist for vocational evaluations. Using the research evidence and a diverse panel of clinical and academic experts, the primary objective of this doctoral research was to develop an inter-professional clinical practice guideline for vocational evaluation following traumatic brain injury. The objective of the guideline is to make explicit the processes and factors relevant to vocational evaluation, to assist evaluators (i.e. clients, health and vocational professionals, and employers) in collaboratively determining clients’ work abilities and developing recommendations for work entry, re-entry or vocational planning. The steps outlined in the Canadian Medical Association's Handbook on Clinical Practice Guidelines were utilized to develop the guideline and include the following: 1) identifying the guideline’s objective/questions; 2) performing a systematic literature review; 3) gathering a panel; 4) developing recommendations; 4) guideline writing; 5) pilot testing. The resulting guideline includes 17 key recommendations within the following seven domains: 1) evaluation purpose and rationale; 2) initial intake process; 3) assessment of the personal domain; 4) assessment of the environment; 5) assessment of occupational/job requirements; 6) analysis and synthesis of assessment results; and 7) development of evaluation recommendations. Results from an exploratory study of the guideline’s implementation by occupational therapists in their daily practices revealed that clinicians used the guideline to identify practice gaps, systematize their evaluation processes, enhance inter-professional and inter-stakeholder communication, and re-conceptualize their vocational evaluations across disability groups. Statistically significant improvements were also noted in clients’ participation scores on the Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory–4 following guideline use. This guideline may be applicable to individuals with TBI, clinicians, health and vocational professionals, employers, professional organizations, administrators, policy makers and insurers.

Inter-professional Clinical Practice Guideline for Vocational Evaluation following Traumatic Brain Injury

Stergiou-Kita, Mary Melpomeni 11 January 2012 (has links)
Due to physical, cognitive and emotional impairments, many individuals are unemployed or under-employed following a traumatic brain injury. The research evidence links the rigour of a vocational evaluation to future employment outcomes. Despite this link, no specific guidelines exist for vocational evaluations. Using the research evidence and a diverse panel of clinical and academic experts, the primary objective of this doctoral research was to develop an inter-professional clinical practice guideline for vocational evaluation following traumatic brain injury. The objective of the guideline is to make explicit the processes and factors relevant to vocational evaluation, to assist evaluators (i.e. clients, health and vocational professionals, and employers) in collaboratively determining clients’ work abilities and developing recommendations for work entry, re-entry or vocational planning. The steps outlined in the Canadian Medical Association's Handbook on Clinical Practice Guidelines were utilized to develop the guideline and include the following: 1) identifying the guideline’s objective/questions; 2) performing a systematic literature review; 3) gathering a panel; 4) developing recommendations; 4) guideline writing; 5) pilot testing. The resulting guideline includes 17 key recommendations within the following seven domains: 1) evaluation purpose and rationale; 2) initial intake process; 3) assessment of the personal domain; 4) assessment of the environment; 5) assessment of occupational/job requirements; 6) analysis and synthesis of assessment results; and 7) development of evaluation recommendations. Results from an exploratory study of the guideline’s implementation by occupational therapists in their daily practices revealed that clinicians used the guideline to identify practice gaps, systematize their evaluation processes, enhance inter-professional and inter-stakeholder communication, and re-conceptualize their vocational evaluations across disability groups. Statistically significant improvements were also noted in clients’ participation scores on the Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory–4 following guideline use. This guideline may be applicable to individuals with TBI, clinicians, health and vocational professionals, employers, professional organizations, administrators, policy makers and insurers.

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