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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assédio moral na vivência de enfermeiros: perspectiva fenomenológica / Bullying in nurses experience: phenomenological perspective

Hagopian, Ellen Maria 28 June 2016 (has links)
Introdução: O assédio moral evidencia uma problemática atual no mundo do trabalho, podendo interferir na qualidade da assistência prestada, uma vez que impacta, diretamente, na saúde do trabalhador assediado e interfere na sua qualidade de vida, dos colegas e fluxo de trabalho. Esse fenômeno social pode propiciar, também, o aumento do absenteísmo e diminuição da produtividade. Objetivo: Compreender os significados atribuídos pelos enfermeiros ao assédio moral vivenciado no ambiente de trabalho. Método: Optou-se por realizar uma pesquisa qualitativa, com abordagem da fenomenologia social de Alfred Schütz. A região de inquérito foi constituída por nove enfermeiros de um hospital privado do Munícipio de São Paulo. As entrevistas foram individuais e os depoimentos foram gravados, transcritos e analisados com base nos pressupostos teóricos da teoria da ação social, de Alfred Schütz. Resultados: Os dados obtidos possibilitaram conhecer e compreender as vivências dos enfermeiros, tanto em relação à prática do assédio moral e seus significados (motivos porque), quanto às expectativas que esse grupo social possui no tocante à necessidade de transformação dessa realidade social (motivos para). Os motivos porque destacam a forma com que os enfermeiros entendem a ocorrência do assédio moral. Esta percepção elucidou o assédio como prática inerente à profissão da enfermagem, ocasionada por profissionais hierarquicamente superiores e expostos à pressão institucional. A insegurança profissional também é vista como um motivo da prática do assédio moral. Os motivos para convergem no desejo de que a verdade não seja escamoteada por parte da instituição, dos colegas e do serviço de pessoal, para que sejam providas orientações e apoio às vítimas do assédio moral. Existe o anseio pela construção de um fluxo de diálogo concreto dos trabalhadores de enfermagem, que se sentem imersos em situações desgastantes no ambiente de trabalho e aspiram que o Conselho de Fiscalização das atividades profissionais, possa ampará-los na luta contra a ocorrência do assédio moral. Considerações finais: Este estudo possibilitou a compreensão dos significados atribuídos ao assédio moral na vivência de enfermeiros, revelando circunstâncias predisponentes desse fenômeno e as expectativas dos sujeitos, para que sejam suscitadas estratégias de enfrentamento dessa problemática no ambiente de trabalho, de forma articulada com a política institucional, possibilitando transformações dessa realidade social, por vezes tão nefasta no campo das relações interpessoais, por acarretar desgastes e sofrimentos ao trabalhador. / Introduction: Bullying highlights a current problem in the works world and may interfere with the quality of provided assistance, as it impacts directly on harassed worker\'s health and interferes with their quality of life, their colleagues and the workflow. This social phenomenon can provide, as well, the absenteeism increase and productivity decrease. Objective: Understand the meanings assigned by the nurses experienced harassment in the workplace. Method: We decided to perform a qualitative research with approach of social phenomenology of Alfred Schütz. The inquiry region was composed of nine nurses from a private hospital in the city of São Paulo. The interviews were individual and the testimonials recorded, transcribed and analysed based on the theoretical assumptions of the theory of social action of Alfred Schütz. Results: Obtained data allow us to know and understand nurses experiences in relation to both the practice of bullying and their meanings (reasons why), how many the expectations that this social group has, regarding the need for transformation of this social reality (reasons for). The \"reason why\" highlight the way the nurses understand the bullying occurrence. This perception elucidated the harassment as an inherent practice in the nursing profession, caused by hierarchically superior professionals exposed to institutional pressure. The professional insecurity could also be a reason to practice of bulling. The \"reasons for\" converge to a hope that the truth be not obfuscated by the institution, colleagues and the personal service, so that guidelines and support to the victims of bullying be given. There is the longing for the construction of a concrete dialogue flow among nursing workers, who feel immersed in stressful situations in the workplace and get help of the Supervisory Board of professional activities, to support them in the fight against the occurrence of bullying. Final considerations: This study allowed us to understand the meanings attributed to bullying in nurses experience. Reveals predisposing circumstances of this phenomenon and the expectations of the workers, to find special strategies in the workplace for this problematic, in order to enable transformations of this social reality, sometimes so damaging in interpersonal relations since it causes damage and suffering to the worker.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av hot och våld inom somatisk akutsjukvård: En beskrivande litteraturstudie.

Mokvist, Elin, Ahlgren, Gustaf January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hot och våld kan yttra sig både verbalt och fysiskt samt leda till fysiska och/eller psykiska skador på individen. Olika typer av hot och våld kan vara sexuella trakasserier eller andra sätt att hota en person på. Sjuksköterskan har ett stort ansvar gällande omvårdnaden, detta i kombination med dålig struktur och underbemanning på akutmottagningar kan sätta sjuksköterskan i en utsatt position. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av hot och våld inom somatisk akutsjukvård. Metod: En deskriptiv litteraturstudie gjordes med 12 vetenskapliga artiklar, vilka söktes fram i databasen Medline via sökmotorn PubMed. Huvudresultat: Resultatet visade att hot och våld var vanligt förekommande. Sjuksköterskor hade erfarenheter av att bli utsatt för både verbalt och fysiskt hot och våld. Resultatet visade även att anhöriga oftast var förövaren i dessa situationer och att triagearbetet kunde vara en bidragande faktor. Utsatthet för hot och våld kunde ge en känsla av rädsla och ångest, inte bara på arbetet utan även i privatlivet. Relevanta åtgärder skulle kunna vara att höja närvaron av säkerhetspersonal, installera överfallslarm och ha ett bra teamarbete. Slutsats: Litteraturstudien visade på att det fanns erfarenheter av verbalt samt fysiskt hot och våld. Studien visade att detta känslomässigt påverkar den utsatta individen. De åtgärder som många tyckte behövdes var att öka tillgången till säkerhetspersonal samt att bära överfallslarm. Den här studien kan öka medvetenheten på området, vilket i sin tur kan leda till förbättrade arbetsrutiner för att öka tryggheten för sjuksköterskor inom akutsjukvård. Med trygga sjuksköterskor kan det bidra till en bättre omvårdnad av patienterna. / Background: Violence could be both verbal and physical and can lead to physical and psychological damages for the victim. Different types of violence can be sexual harassment other ways to threat a person. The nurse has a big responsibility regarding the care of patients. Together with a bad structure and lack of personnel in the emergency care, could it put nurses in an exposed situation. Aim: The aim of this study is to describe nurses’ experiences of threat and violence in the somatic emergency care. Method: A descriptive literature review was conducted with 12 scientific articles that was found by using the database Medline via the search engine PubMed. Findings: This study found that threats and violence are an existing problem. The findings showed that nurses had experience of both verbal and physical threats and violence.The results also showed that relatives were usually the perpetrator and triage could escalate a situation. Exposure of threats and violence could give an emotional impact, both at work and in private life. Relevant actions could be to increase the presence of security personnel and assault alerts as well as to have good teamwork. Conclusion: The literature review found that nurses have experiences of verbal and physical threats and violence, this left an emotional impact on the exposed individual. The measurements nurses’ see as the most important in order to reduce the threats are to raise the presence of security personnel and to wear assault alerts.This study increases the awareness of threats and violence within emergency care. Increased awareness can lead to improved working conditions and procedures which increases the safety of the nurses. Nurses who are secure at the workplace will give better care to the patience in emergency care.

The Critical Role of the Psychiatric Emergency Response Team in the Adoption of a Violence Risk Assessment Tool.

Mackay, Angela 01 January 2017 (has links)
Workplace violence is a persistent problem in health care, and incidence rates have increased over the years. Traditional reporting systems, relying mostly on paper formats, are inadequate for developing effective predictive models for intervention and reducing acts of violence by patients to staff. The purpose of the development and deployment of the psychiatric emergency response team (PERT) was to provide effective intervention within the MIAHTAPS (Altered Mental status, Irritability, Agitation, History of Violence, Threatening, Attacking Objects, Pacing, and Staring) behavior prediction tool to reduce the severity and rates of violence in a hospital setting. Lewin's change theory was used to implement the necessary cultural change for effective deployment of PERT and MIAHTAPS. MIAHTAPS, with PERT as an integral component, was used by the primary nurse on admission and during every care shift to assess patients' potential for violence. Pre- and post- intervention assessments were completed to determine the effectiveness of the intervention. Quantitative and open-ended question responses from 200 nurse participants, who completed the 2 online surveys, were analyzed using descriptive and frequency distributions. Findings from the project showed that nurses could identify patient potential for violence and recognize how to diffuse situations effectively 34% of the time, compared to 14% before PERT. A post-implementation survey showed that 75% of the nurses found the MIAHTAPS and PERT system useful and easy to use. Having an easy-to-use tool that helps to identify potential for violence will help hospital and other workplace staff to develop and implement preventive interventions and as a result promote positive social change.

Preventing Patient on Nurse Violence Through Education

Risoldi, Sandra 01 January 2019 (has links)
Many nurses are physically and verbally abused by the patients under their care, with those providing care to patients dealing with mental illness or addition being at particular risk. Leadership of the project site, an urban mental health treatment center, identified a need to provide additional education to improve their nursing staff's ability to work with combative patients and prevent escalation of violent behaviors. Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory and adaptation to the environment guided the development of this project to answer the question if an education program for nurses working with potentially combative patients will increase their knowledge of strategies to prevent escalation of violent behavior. The education program was developed using results from an extensive literature review and input from a team of local subject experts, who provided evaluation regarding their satisfaction with the planning process through the completion of an anonymous, 10 questions, Likert-type survey. All team members scored each question with a (5) strongly agree or (4) agree. Project deliverables handed over to the facility included the developed education program, an associated handout, a plan for later implementation, and plans for outcome evaluation through evaluation of learning. This project has the potential to achieve positive social change through less violent encounters between nurses and patients, contributing to an increased culture of safety.

Minor Incidents with Major Impacts: The Effects of Bottom-up Incivility on Supervisor Targets

Meador, Abby 01 May 2011 (has links)
Incivility within organizations is a rampant problem with dire consequences,including adverse effects on both job satisfaction and psychological states. This study was conducted to address the gap in the current literature that looks at incivility within organizations. To date, no studies have assessed the impact of bottom-up incivility (i.e., incivility that is directed from subordinates to supervisors) on supervisor targets. Thus, this study investigated the impact of bottom-up forms of incivility of supervisors’ mental and physical states, as well as their levels of job satisfaction. However, due to small sample sizes, the current research was expanded to address the effects of both bottom-up incivility and other forms of incivility (i.e., peer-to-peer and superior-to-subordinate). As a result, the study consisted of two samples: bottom-up targets (N = 19) and targets of all forms of incivility (N = 89). In the bottom-up sample, results showed that instances of bottom-up incivility are a significant predictor of lower levels of job satisfaction. In the sample of targets of all forms of incivility, the results indicated that incivility was a significant predictor of lower levels of mental health. In the sample of targets of all forms of incivility, hierarchical regression analyses also showed that the effects of incivility on physical health were mediated by mental health.

Skubios pagalbos skyriaus slaugytojų patiriamo smurto paplitimas ir valdymas / Prevalence and management of violence experienced by nurses in emergency department

Alčauskienė, Aurelija 11 July 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – Ištirti skubios pagalbos skyriaus slaugytojų patiriamo smurto paplitimą ir valdymą. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1) nustatyti skubios pagalbos skyriaus slaugytojų darbe patiriamo smurto rūšis ir dažnį, jo pasiskirstymą pagal darbą pamainomis; 2) ištirti, pagrindinius smurto šaltinius su kuriais susiduria slaugytojai dirbantys skubios pagalbos skyriuose; 3) įvertinti smurto poveikį skubios pagalbos skyrių slaugytojų emocinei sveikatai; 4) nustatyti smurto valdymo būdus skubios pagalbos skyriuose slaugytojų požiūriu. Tyrimo metodas – 2013 metų sausio 14 – vasario 28 dienomis buvo vykdoma anoniminė anketinė apklausa. Apklausoje dalyvavo Vilniaus, Kauno, Panevėžio bei Šiaulių miestų didžiūjų ligoninių, skubios pagalbos skyriuose dirbantys slaugytojai ( n=213, atsako dažnis – 88 proc.). Respondentų tarpe buvo trys vyrai, likusios moterys. Tyrimui buvo naudojamas klausimynas smurto darbo vietoje tyrimams, įvairių šalių sveikatos priežiūros sektoriuje, atlikti. Gautas sutikimas atlikti tyrimą iš Bioetikos komiteto ( 2013-01-09 Nr. BEC-KS(M)-181 ). Tyrimo rezultatai. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, jog 20,2 proc. visų apklaustų respondentų, teigė patyrę fizinį smurtą. Apklaustieji slaugytojai (46,5 proc.) teigė, buvę fizinio smurto SPS liudininkais. Respondentai patyrė ir psichologinio smurto apraiškas, tokias kaip užgauliojimus (81,2 proc.), grasinimus (67,1 proc.), patyčias (45,1 proc.), seksualinį priekabiavimą (6,6 proc.), rasinį priekabiavimą (1,4 proc.). Tyrimo išvados... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim: to investigate prevalence and management of violence experienced by nurses in emergency department. Tasks: 1) to identify types and frequency of violence experienced by nurses in emergency department, and categorize it according to work shifts; 2) to define main sources of violence experienced by nurses in emergency department; 3) to evaluate impact of violence to emotional health emergency department nurses; 4) to identify methods management of violence according to emergency department nurses. Methods. Anonymous questionnairing was performed during Jan 14 – Feb 28, 2013. Nurses of emergency department from eight biggest hospitals of Vilnius, Kaunas, Panevėžys and Šiauliai, participated the survey (n=213, response rate was 88 %). Answers of three male and rest female respondents were included into study. The questionnaire “Workplace violence in the health sector. Country case studies research instruments” was used. The Committee on Bioethics at Lithuanian University of Health Sciences approved the study. Results: Results of the study indicate that 20.2 percent of respondents affirmed their experience of physical violence. 46.5 percent of nurses questioned witnessed physical violence in ED. Respondents experienced appearances of psychological violence like abuse (81.2 percent), threats (67.1 percent), bullying (45.1 percent), sexual harassment (6.6 percent) and racial harassment (1.4 percent). Conclusions: Nurses of ED do experience physical and psychological... [to full text]

Assédio moral na vivência de enfermeiros: perspectiva fenomenológica / Bullying in nurses experience: phenomenological perspective

Ellen Maria Hagopian 28 June 2016 (has links)
Introdução: O assédio moral evidencia uma problemática atual no mundo do trabalho, podendo interferir na qualidade da assistência prestada, uma vez que impacta, diretamente, na saúde do trabalhador assediado e interfere na sua qualidade de vida, dos colegas e fluxo de trabalho. Esse fenômeno social pode propiciar, também, o aumento do absenteísmo e diminuição da produtividade. Objetivo: Compreender os significados atribuídos pelos enfermeiros ao assédio moral vivenciado no ambiente de trabalho. Método: Optou-se por realizar uma pesquisa qualitativa, com abordagem da fenomenologia social de Alfred Schütz. A região de inquérito foi constituída por nove enfermeiros de um hospital privado do Munícipio de São Paulo. As entrevistas foram individuais e os depoimentos foram gravados, transcritos e analisados com base nos pressupostos teóricos da teoria da ação social, de Alfred Schütz. Resultados: Os dados obtidos possibilitaram conhecer e compreender as vivências dos enfermeiros, tanto em relação à prática do assédio moral e seus significados (motivos porque), quanto às expectativas que esse grupo social possui no tocante à necessidade de transformação dessa realidade social (motivos para). Os motivos porque destacam a forma com que os enfermeiros entendem a ocorrência do assédio moral. Esta percepção elucidou o assédio como prática inerente à profissão da enfermagem, ocasionada por profissionais hierarquicamente superiores e expostos à pressão institucional. A insegurança profissional também é vista como um motivo da prática do assédio moral. Os motivos para convergem no desejo de que a verdade não seja escamoteada por parte da instituição, dos colegas e do serviço de pessoal, para que sejam providas orientações e apoio às vítimas do assédio moral. Existe o anseio pela construção de um fluxo de diálogo concreto dos trabalhadores de enfermagem, que se sentem imersos em situações desgastantes no ambiente de trabalho e aspiram que o Conselho de Fiscalização das atividades profissionais, possa ampará-los na luta contra a ocorrência do assédio moral. Considerações finais: Este estudo possibilitou a compreensão dos significados atribuídos ao assédio moral na vivência de enfermeiros, revelando circunstâncias predisponentes desse fenômeno e as expectativas dos sujeitos, para que sejam suscitadas estratégias de enfrentamento dessa problemática no ambiente de trabalho, de forma articulada com a política institucional, possibilitando transformações dessa realidade social, por vezes tão nefasta no campo das relações interpessoais, por acarretar desgastes e sofrimentos ao trabalhador. / Introduction: Bullying highlights a current problem in the works world and may interfere with the quality of provided assistance, as it impacts directly on harassed worker\'s health and interferes with their quality of life, their colleagues and the workflow. This social phenomenon can provide, as well, the absenteeism increase and productivity decrease. Objective: Understand the meanings assigned by the nurses experienced harassment in the workplace. Method: We decided to perform a qualitative research with approach of social phenomenology of Alfred Schütz. The inquiry region was composed of nine nurses from a private hospital in the city of São Paulo. The interviews were individual and the testimonials recorded, transcribed and analysed based on the theoretical assumptions of the theory of social action of Alfred Schütz. Results: Obtained data allow us to know and understand nurses experiences in relation to both the practice of bullying and their meanings (reasons why), how many the expectations that this social group has, regarding the need for transformation of this social reality (reasons for). The \"reason why\" highlight the way the nurses understand the bullying occurrence. This perception elucidated the harassment as an inherent practice in the nursing profession, caused by hierarchically superior professionals exposed to institutional pressure. The professional insecurity could also be a reason to practice of bulling. The \"reasons for\" converge to a hope that the truth be not obfuscated by the institution, colleagues and the personal service, so that guidelines and support to the victims of bullying be given. There is the longing for the construction of a concrete dialogue flow among nursing workers, who feel immersed in stressful situations in the workplace and get help of the Supervisory Board of professional activities, to support them in the fight against the occurrence of bullying. Final considerations: This study allowed us to understand the meanings attributed to bullying in nurses experience. Reveals predisposing circumstances of this phenomenon and the expectations of the workers, to find special strategies in the workplace for this problematic, in order to enable transformations of this social reality, sometimes so damaging in interpersonal relations since it causes damage and suffering to the worker.

Förekomst av fysiskt och psykiskt våld på akutmottagningar : En kvantitativ studie om förekomsten av våld bland läkare, sjuksköterskor och undersköterskor på akutmottagningar i Mellansverige

Meriläinen, Catarina January 2021 (has links)
Problemformulering: En stor andel av all vårdpersonal har utsatts för psykiskt eller fysiskt våld under sina arbetsliv och akutmottagningar är en av miljöerna där arbetsplatsvåldet är ett utbrett arbetsmiljöproblem. Tidigare studier lyfter att forskning behövs på lokal nivå i syfte att få en ökad förståelse för anledningen till våldet samt för att kunna utveckla ett preventivt arbete anpassat efter de lokala behoven.  Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka förekomst av fysiskt respektive psykiskt våld bland läkare, sjuksköterskor och undersköterskor på allmänna akutmottagningar i Mellansverige, beskriva eventuella samband mellan förekomst av fysiskt respektive psykiskt våld och könstillhörighet respektive år av arbetslivserfarenhet.  Metod: En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie användes som studiedesign. Urvalet var ett obundet slumpmässigt urval och innefattade sammanlagt 136 anställda. Datainsamlingen skedde via en webbaserad enkät och 67 valde att besvara enkäten. Deskriptiv analys och korrelationsanalyser genomfördes för att besvara syftet.  Resultat: Närmare 40 procent av sjuksköterskorna och cirka 67 procent av undersköterskorna hade utsatts för fysiskt våld på sin nuvarande arbetsplats. 32 procent av sjuksköterskorna och 56 procent av undersköterskorna hade utsatts för fysiskt våld det senaste året. En tredjedel av sjuksköterskorna och undersköterskorna hade bevittnat fysiskt våld det senaste året. 66 procent av sjuksköterskorna och 93 procent av undersköterskorna hade någon gång utsatts för psykiskt våld. Under det senaste året hade 58 procent av sjuksköterskorna och 67 procent av undersköterskorna utsatts för psykiskt våld. Majoriteten hade bevittnat psykiskt våld det senaste året. Inga statistiskt signifikanta samband mellan förekomst av våld och könstillhörighet respektive år av arbetslivserfarenhet kunde observeras i denna studie.  Slutsats: Resultatet ger en regional bild över förekomst av fysiskt och psykiskt våld riktat mot sjuksköterskor och undersköterskor samt indikerar en viss tendens att det kan finnas andra riskfaktorer i akutmottagningars arbetsmiljön och vid interaktionen mellan vårdgivare och vårdtagare som är av större betydelse för att förstå anledningen till det ökade våldet i syfte att framställa effektiva våldsförebyggande åtgärder. / Aim: The aim was to investigate the prevalence of violence among physicians, nurses and assistant nurses in general emergency departments in Central Sweden, describe possible correlations between the prevalence of physical and psychological violence and gender and years of work experience.  Method: A cross-sectional study was used as the study design. A randomized sample was used and included a total of 136 employees. A web survey was used.  Results: The prevalence of violence was high among nurses. Almost half of the nurses and 67 percent of the assistant nurses had been subjected to physical violence and 66 percent of the nurses and 93 percent of the assistant nurses had been subjected to psychological violence. No correlations between the prevalence of violence and gender and years of work experience were observed in this study. Conclusion: This gives a status report of violence against nurses and assistant nurses and indicate tendencies that there are other risk factors in the emergency room's work environment and between caregivers and caretakers that are important to understand in order to produce effective violence prevention measures.

Understanding the Lived Experiences of Counselors who Have Been Assaulted by Clients

Ellison, Cynthia S 01 January 2019 (has links)
Assault of community-based mental health professionals is a worldwide phenomenon, and current extant literature examines the prevalence of client assault on counselors, social workers, and psychiatric personnel. While there is significant quantitative scholarship on the incidence of this phenomenon on social workers and psychiatric personnel, there are limited statistical data on client-perpetrated violence against community-based counselors and no qualitative studies found that examined how these professionals experience this occupation risk. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore how counselors who work in community-based settings make sense of these experiences. Through semi structured interviews, 6 community-based counselors living in the Southeastern region of the U.S. shared their lived experience of client assault. Hermeneutic was used as a methodological and theoretical framework to analyze the data. The following themes emerged from the data study: training as a management strategy, ambivalence as a new way of being, and connections for well-being. The results of this study have training, practice, supervision, and social change implications. Through adding counselors'€™ voices to the discourse on client assault, the findings of this study can be used to identify experiences and training that will assist counselors in caring for themselves in the aftermath of an assault. Furthermore, understanding these experiences may inform the development of protocols for keeping this vulnerable population safe.

Sjuksköterskans upplevelser av hot och våld inom densomatiska akutsjukvården : En litteraturstudie / Nurses experience of violence within the somatic emergency healthcare : A literature review

Malmqvist, Matilda, Ekdahl, Alexandra January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hot och våld är ett återkommande problem inom hälso- ochsjukvården. Bedriven forskning kring prevalens av hot och våld mot vårdpersonalvisar att 62 % har under arbetstid blivit utsatt för hot och våld. Hot och våldinnefattar en handling av aggressiv karaktär med avsikten att orsaka psykisk ellerfysisk skada hos en annan människa. Vid förekomsten av hot och våld ses psykiskoch fysisk ohälsa hos omvårdnadspersonal som ett växande problem som lett tillnegativa konsekvenser för arbetsmiljön samt patientsäkerheten. Syfte: Syftet medlitteraturstudien är att belysa sjuksköterskors upplevelser av hot och våld inomsomatisk akutsjukvård. Metod: Litteraturstudien är uppbyggd av en kvalitativstudiedesign. Litteratursökningarna utfördes i databaserna Cinahl och PubMed.Totalt kvalitetsgranskades elva artiklar med hjälp av Statens beredning förmedicinsk och social utvärdering granskningsmall (SBU, 2014) och Popenoe m.fl. (2021) analysmetod användes vid analys av artiklarna. Resultat: I resultatetpresenterades tre huvudkategorier: "Fysiologiska, psykosociala konsekvenser sompåverkade arbetet”, “Hot och våld, en del av jobbet” och “Upplevelser avbristfälliga resurser för att hantera hot och våld”. I relation till huvudkategorin“Fysiologiska, psykosociala konsekvenser som påverkade arbetet” identifieradesfyra subkategorier:“Fysiologiska konsekvenser”, “Psykosociala konsekvenser”,“Nedsatt förmåga att utföra en god omvårdnad” samt “Positiva följder”. Konklusion: Det finns inte tillräckligt med kunskaper eller handlingsplaner för atthantera hot och våld eller dess efterföljande konsekvenser för sjuksköterskorna. / Background: Workplace violence is a recurrent problem in healthcare. Researchhas shown that 62% of healthcare workers have under work hours been exposedto workplace violence. Workplace violence involves an aggressive action with theintent to cause psychological or physiological harm to another human being. Asworkplace violence occurs, an increase in psychological and physiological illnesshas been detected which have led to negative consequences for the workenvironment and patient safety. Aim: The aim of the study is to illustrate nursesexperiences of workplace violence in somatic emergency healthcare. Method: The literature review is based on a qualitative design. The searches of the articleswere performed in the databases Cinahl and PubMed. A total of eleven articleswere quality reviewed with the help of Statens beredning för medicinsk och socialutvärdering review template (SBU, 2014) and Popenoe et al. (2021) analysismethod were used in the analysis of the articles. Result: Three categories wereidentified in the results which were:“Physiological, psychological consequencesthat had an affect on work”, “Workplace violence, a part of the job” and“Experiences of inadequate resources to manage workplace violence”. In relationto the main category “Physiological, psychological consequences that had aneffect on work” were “Physiological consequences”, “Psychologicalconsequences”, “Reduced ability to perform good nursing care” and “Positiveconsequences” identified as subcategories. Conclusion: There is not enoughknowledge or prevention strategies for nurses to handle workplace violence or theconsequences that come with the occurrence of violence.

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